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Macro level:

➢ Zoning
• Various zones of Anna Nagar is noted (Sectors).
• Area for residences and industries.
➢ Pattern and Form (Entire city pattern)
➢ Settlement pattern in planning
• Nucleated/Linear/Dispersed
• How the settlement pattern evolved
➢ Land use (%)

Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis

Micro level:

➢ Land use – mixed

• Residential
• Commercial
• Administrative Buildings
• Institutional Buildings
• Police Station
• Bus Stops
• Petrol Bunk
• Milk Booth
• Open spaces
• Agricultural Land/ Vacant Land
• Public Buildings (Religious places/ Market)
• Street Vendors
• Parking
• Corporate Buildings
• Landmarks
• Public Toilets
• Statues

Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis


Macro level:

➢ Road Network
• Access from other cities
➢ Street Pattern (Street connectivity for the entire Anna Nagar)
➢ Peak hour network
• Signals
• Difference In normal and peak hours traffic analysis
➢ Railways connecting the city core
➢ Sign Board
➢ One way and Two way analysis
➢ Types of transport

Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis

Micro level:

➢ Road network within the city

➢ Street design in particular
• Streetscapes
➢ Quality of road
➢ Any proposal in transportation

Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis


➢ Pattern
• Circulation pattern in terms of human activities
➢ Pedestrian access and circulation
➢ Street connectivity and Road Intersection
➢ Subway/Bridge
➢ Gathering space in terms of circulation
Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis


➢ Zoning
➢ Skyline – Building height
➢ Normal entrance setback
➢ Planning – Linear/Cluster
➢ Heritage buildings
Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis

Macro level:

➢ Water Supply
• Water supply from other part of cities
➢ Drainage and sewage
• Drainage collection pit for Anna Nagar
➢ Fire and Safety
• Circulation
➢ Electricity
• Transformer location in overall Anna Nagar
➢ Telecommunication
➢ Solid waste management
➢ Disaster management
➢ Conservation of energy

Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis

Micro level:

➢ Water supply within Anna Nagar

➢ Drainage point within Anna Nagar
➢ Rain water Harvesting
➢ Electricity – Connection from transformer to other places
Issues/Comparison with standards/Analysis

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