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Up NextThis Video Will Make You AngryCGP Grey

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You Are Two

CGP Grey

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Published on May 31, 2016

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CreepypastaCollector2 weeks ago


CreepypastaCollector1 week ago

Yeah we got off on the wrong foot, but i fell DBZ would have been better with out it.

User Name2 weeks ago

You know, if "free will" isn't a thing (this video makes a pretty good case for it), and what we
perceive as "choice" turns out to be nothing but a set of checkboxes that our brain
subconsciously and quickly goes through so we can act accordingly to our fears, desires and etc,
then it would essentially mean that:- We're basically a more complex and organic version of a
computer.- We have no soul (or at least the spiritual concept of soul) and god didn't create us,
which also means that all forms of divinity and religion connected to creationists concept are a
lie.- if our brain is like a organic computer, we eventually will be able to replicate, create, revive
and enhance ourselves, furthermore we would be able to transfer consciousness to a machine,
create perfect artificial intelligence (smarter than humans), and even achieve immortality.i realise
how my comment can be offensive for some, scary for others, and even dumb for many, but hey,
let's not forget, there is only about 50 years between the creation of the first functional airplane
and the moon landing, it only takes that first spark to kickstart the big fire.

Firefox bla2 weeks ago

pfttt duh

GelidGanef2 weeks ago

I like Nietzsche's take on free will. It's not that what you did was totally "free" whatever that
means, or even that it was your personal "will", however you would prove that. But when outside
occurrences align with our innermost desires, we decide to call that occurrence part of our free
will. I think this actually mimics how real people use free will and responsibility. People are
often inclined to take credit or blame for the things they wanted when those things come, even if
they couldn't possibly have caused or controlled the particular happenings that brought those
things.But I'm sad you take the deeply-unimaginative Evangelical/Fundamentalist reading of
Creation as gospel though. Because, segue, I read the Jewish/Christian creation story is actually
precisely about free-will, in a lot of pretty subtle ways. I'm an atheist, but I feel whoever read
those beautiful first five verses of Genesis, and decided to make them into a scientifico-historical
textbook, must've really hated that book a great deal. Or been entirely ignorant of it's truths.

User Name2 weeks ago

i don't see why i would take anything other the very own deeply-unimaginative
Evangelical/fundamentalist reading of creation considering that this is reading that the vast
majority of people understand and can relate (the most scattered one), and the very own that
would be highly affected by the posterior stataments on my last's also very
ineffective to inlace an argument with unfamiliarity.

GelidGanef2 weeks ago

+User Name I apologize, let me un-unfamiliarize the specifics. Many forms of narrative
literature begin with a "call" to which the rest of the story is framed as a "response." The "call"
comes from outside the protagonist, and imbues them with a sense of free will by opening their
mind to new points of view of their reality and filling them with new hopes and desires. Harry
Potter got an owl letter, that made him realize he always already wanted to be a wizard. He didn't
choose to be a wizard, he didn't choose to get the letter, but when he placed his faith in the call of
the letter, he felt like he had chosen, and felt freer inspite of all the predeterminism that created
that path in his life. Something outside us calls: then we identify with that call and take it as part
of our own voice and story and will.In Genesis, the call comes from God, and the whole world is
framed as the response to his call. God just calls for light to exist, and suddenly there's evening
and morning? There's not even a sun yet! I don't know how anyone ever read this as scientific.
But it's a very narrative myth, very personal. The world is governed by laws, which are not free.
The existence of the world versus it's non-existence, is governed by inexplicable philosophical
magic, which is also not free. But the call of consciousness awakens us to our pre-existing
existence, makes us identify with it, gives us a sense of free-will in the midst of the determinism.
God didn't create evening and morning, he called out that light should exist, and all of creation
deterministically "chose" to make it so, or merely awakened and assigned will to what was so
already.How exactly you read this story depends on how you read "God" (or "the gods", it's
plural in Hebrew), and the "earth" and "light" and so on. But it's definitely about free will. And
it's a powerful beginning to a (clearly not scientific) story. But when atheists ignore the truths of
religion to stick it to some particular group of assholes who don't even understand the truths of
their own religion, we just stoke the fires of their ignorance, increase the perception in less-
thoughtful people's minds that these fundies really do speak authoritatively for this two thousand
year old book of myths.
KuK1372 weeks ago
There is more. What is every time everyone thought they heard jesus, budda, allah, or whatever,
there was a glitch in connection of the two halves and they just heard the 'other' mind? A being
that knows you perfectly well, offers good, objective advice you can easily agree with... What if
Occam's razor was applied and it wasn't anything supernatural, but what is inside of us all along?
What if so called religious visions are just a 'cross-feed' and us experiencing the input for the
other half in slightly unusual way?

KuK1372 weeks ago

"scientifico-historical textbook" It would be a terrible textbook, because according to bible,
whales were created with fishes, long before any land animals existed. Man, god could ave
enlightened populations by putting whales with land animals, putting a sign of really advanced
intellect behind the works, instead, so called infallible god's word is as wrong as if it was coming
from middle eastern illiterate goat herder. Funny that, there are so many places where you could
put sign you know more about world than people before XX century knew, yet "god" claims
earth has corners and he personally produces winds and feeds wild animals, daring the infidels to
explain that if they don't believe in him, heh...

SkyTech RTS2 weeks ago

That's kind of what I always thought (though my idea was that it was just the subconcious in
general)but yeah, I agree fact i'm lie 80% positive your theory is correct.

Drbazooka2 weeks ago

I have a hypothesis on this. This might not make sense to you but bear with me. I think that
"consciousness" is a movie of "your" life i.e a chemical reaction in the brain but that the real
"you" is a non sentient viewer experiencing the life of a single individual with thoughts, feelings,
desires etc. And that the viewer i.e you exists separately at a metaphysical level. Have you ever
questioned why you are you? Specifically you, why you are not a dog or a middle age Knight or
a bird or even a tree? Why aren't you Christopher Lee or Martin Luther King? If my hypothesis
is true then maybe there is only one viewer, thinking they are in control of whatever conscious
being they are viewing, experiencing every life in existence. Or you know none of could be true
but if it is it answers a lot of questions

Austin Cook2 weeks ago

especially considering that our brain apperantly makes up reasoning for unexplainable actions.
imagine how easily you could understand someones motivations for doing the things that they do
if you were experiencing every single thing they did down the their lowest thoughts for an entire

The Harbo2 weeks ago

A quote I read sums this up pretty well: "People are not afraid of being confronted with the
concept of artificial intelligence looking at them from behind a screen, but being confronted with
the concept of biological intelligence looking at them from behind the mirror."

Roger Gouveia2 weeks ago

@User Name I agree with the premise that free will is not real and with all the implications you
cited. For delving into the subject of technological evolution, futurism and even transhumanism I
recommend the book "The singularity is near" and the channel "shots of awe". For the subject of
conscience, free will, life, death, purpose, I would highly recommend the philosopher Alan
Watts. He has dozens of hours of talks on youtube and I always learn some new interesting ideas
from them. If you are interested maybe you could start here: The Myth of Ourselves.

oleoh oh2 weeks ago

There are different conclusions to this.

computo20002 weeks ago

"we eventually will be able to replicate, create, revive and enhance ourselves"But tell me, if
somebody dies, and then someone else "revives him", does this make the first person resurrected,
or is the first person actually dead, and we are only left with a copy of what he used to be, with
his consciousness just replaced into his body?

AXharoth2 weeks ago

whats on ur picture?

SkyTech RTS2 weeks ago

+AXharoth Hi, Gongsun Zan.

AXharoth2 weeks ago

+SkyTech RTShi xD

Linus H Forsberg2 weeks ago

A whole new meaning to the Word "computer virus".

Linus H Forsberg2 weeks ago

But that is what thinking is, going through a set of checkboxes (our knowlege and reason) so we
can make the best decision based on our fears, desires and etc (what we want).
Evgeny “trefmanic” Rozhkov1 week ago
I couldn't agree more.

Geoff Bigelow1 week ago (edited)

Problem is that would mean your assertion here also has been just another checkbox that your
subconscious came up with. If we have no free will and our choices are predetermined without
our knowledge then how can we trust any of the conclusions that we come up with about life?
How can we trust if what we are thinking is accurate if we are not really in control and all the
information provided to us is created by something subconscious, by mechanisms we are not in
control of? That would mean every conclusion or truth we have ever come to about reality could
be false because we have no way of truly seeing the information of reality before it is filtered and
deciphered by the unconscious mechanisms of the mind. If humans have no free will then we
cannot trust our perceptions because they are all preconceived without our knowing and we are
ignorant of how much the information we take in has been manipulated before we become
conscious of it. Which means that even the perception of not having free will could be false
making the belief in not having any free will contradictory to itself since the lack of free will
would mean the inability to conclusively know anything true about the world since our
perception of it is being generated for us unconsciously without our will or involvement.

computo20001 week ago

+AXharoth My picture? Nina, from the underrated anime code geass

G-Rex Saurus1 week ago

ahah, debunking free will and still not having a nihilistic perspective, that´s inconsistent.

gir4892 weeks ago

So what I don't get is how the right brain can perceive an image without the image processing
side of the left brain, because the right brain still has an eye attached to it with an optic nerve.

jack “chris” ripper2 weeks ago

in the optic chiasm half eye(the inner half) is transfered to the opposite nerve

Gabriel Gardner1 week ago

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Gabriel Gardner1 week ago


Michael Gray1 day ago


Nie tutaj1 week ago

What if it's just like having two processors that normally communicate with each other being
separated? They both still process information, but they process different things and can't share
their workloads, making it difficult to function at times.

miri Haly1 week ago

What if that just the left brain explaining things away?!

Nie tutaj1 week ago

+miri Haly But which one is responsible for 360 noscopes?

PinkiesPies6 minutes ago


Oliver Holm1 day ago

I am my consciousness, whether that be left, right, or a mix of both.

Francisco G21 hours ago

But is your consienceness one whole thing? Or is it merely describing the actions of both brains?

Oliver Holm20 hours ago

+Francisco G Like I said, regardless of whether it is one part or both, my consciousness is me.
ChaoticDusk Tsccam2 weeks ago
I'm now giving a name to the right half of my brain. She is called Phantom.

Kbking161 week ago

+MistarZtv - Evolve, DbD & Titanfall if typed it with his left hand, then his right brain named

BANANA SLUG11 hours ago

if this is true we are never actually alone....

Hand of Fate13155 hours ago

It is the best Pony, good job Right Brain.

Bahmanis The Duck2 weeks ago

So who is the voice in your head

TheGamer Javi1 week ago

+madscienceman436 ohoho.

Jordan Shank1 week ago

Your penis is the nicest guy around. Girls should give nice guys like him a chance, but they're all
obsessed with aggressive, cruel, dickhead penises strapped to other people. Girls are irrational
bitches who can't see your penis for how loving and caring it is. Your penis will always be there
for her if she needs it. It just needs to get friends with her and show her.Your penis is considering
growing a beard on its neck to hide its fat.

Alistair Blaire4 hours ago

How much of "right brain vs left brain" is actually still accepted scientifically? I remember
reading that the entire idea is a myth. Certainly, it's a myth that people can be "left brained" or
"right brained" since people do use their entire brains. On the other hand, the speech center really
is on the left side. Ugh why can't science have all the answers??

Xeno15 hours ago

There's no 'you', we are just complex machines.

Linh H12 hours ago

So basically when you are thinking, it's just your one half-brain is talking to the other ?

ryan50ryan6 hours ago

Is that split brain video a legit video or was it created for the sole purpose of demonstration?If it
is legit where can I find it?

Mr. Anderson3 hours ago

This is not entirely correct. Yes, studies have been done by severing cat brains, and having them
run through a maze, with one eye blindfolded, showing that the opposite side of the brain does
not store information received by the other side. However, if you read the book Brain Rules by
Neuroscientist John Medina, you'll learn that the brain can overcome actions on one side when
previously computed by the other. For example, your left is not necessarily your logical side, in
fact, both sides are indeed used for logic processing. Also, your right is not your creative side, in
fact, both sides are used for language and arts. You really should post your sources. Because at
this moment, you are not proving to be a credible source of information.

gingergamergirl982 weeks ago

I'm so conflicted. I don't know if this is awesome or scary. Poor, mute right brain...I just used left
brain to do that. Or am I actually left brain? Aside from the physical, how is "you" defined? I'd
say thoughts are mostly unique to each person, so that's a good start, I'd say. And if that's the
case, left brain has thoughts, so is that not me? Thoughts are my own, so if left brain is where
they come from, doesn't that mean I AM left brain? Maybe we're all left brains controlling our
flesh suits, with right brains along for the ride.

gingergamergirl986 days ago

+Klitos _ Right brain can send information to left brain, but left brain can't speak for itself.
So...ugh, idk this is so weird haha

OG Bomb-Boy7 hours ago

I want a split brain :)

BlueDragonProductions1 week ago

perhaps the silent part of the brain is what makes your body work. how you digest food and other
internal functions. makes sense to me

Arjun Dev5 days ago

Nope, thats the brain stem's job

Monig9 hours ago

whats up the the constant BASS!!!!

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