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I dedicate this work to my parents who have supported and encouraged me throughout all my

academic course , to my sisters who have always been by my side , to my friends with whom I

spent memorable moments , and to all my professors to whom I owe the knowledge that I

bury in my mind today .


First and foremost , I would like to express my full gratitude to my supervisor , Professor X

for her precious help and enriching advice throughout the progress of this work . I would also

like to thank the board of examiners for accepting to read this work and for any remarks they

would make to refine it .


Throughout history , women and especially black women were oppressed in the society , to be

black and female was to suffer from the disadvantages of racial discrimination and gender

oppression . This research work aims to give an overview about gender discrimination of

black women in Toni Morrison’s novels “ Beloved ” and “ The Bluest Eye ” . Through the

use of the feminist literary criticism , this dissertation focused on the issue of gender

inequality and racism , faced by black women and the methods they used to be free . Besides ,

this piece of research examined the representation of black women in a white society and the

shame they encountered in their daily lives simply because they were black in a world

dominated by whites and men . In her novels Toni Morrison highlighted several topics such as

sexism , feminism and racism from which the female protagonists suffered enormously .

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