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I am deeply honored to be your commencement speaker today.imust confess that I do not consider my self
prominent enough to merit this invitation.Neverthless like I always do when I called upon I will give it my
best.Humbly I stand before you today humbly I relish the though that perhaps one of the reason that why
you chosen me as your congressman is that you want change in our society

The subject of today's speech topic is “Laban an And Plastik” As we all know how much the whole world is
suffering from pollution and it's after-effects. And the worst form of pollution that every Barangay is
struggling with is plastic pollution. Therefore, there is an urgent need to adopt preventive measures and
keeping. This problem at bay.

If we trace our roots we realize that mankind originated in the lap of nature. Human beings exploited the
resources provided to them by nature, and it continued for thousands of years.

But what we see in the present times are that man's greed knows no bounds, and we are hell-bent on
destroying that very nature which nurtured us. we are not only exploiting the resources through unfair
means but are also polluting our mother earth and choking it with filth and waste. Pollution, therefore, has
become a global concern, and its repercussions can be seen all around us plastic was one of the biggest
inventions of humankind. However, unfortunately, it has become the greatest adversary of Mother Nature.
The plastic pollution has become a grave issue faced by the world, and it is causing great harm to our
nature, and the living species present in it.

The reason plastic is so much used is that it comes with a lot of benefits, such as it is flexible, versatile,
lightweight moisture-resistant and cheaper in comparison to its counterparts. This is what makes us
become completely indifferent towards the damaging impact of plastic on our environment. Our voracious
appetite for it has caused tremendous increase not only in its consumption but in the level of pollution as
well. Even a small piece of plastic has the durability to last on earth for numerous years.

But the best part is that our governments and people in the form of community. Municipality groups, as
well as businesses, are taking stringent measures against the use of disposable plastics. Ban has already
been reinforced on such items as grocery bags, plastic bottles, plastic drinking straws, stirrers, takeaway
foam containers, plastic-lined coffee cups, including non-bio degradable wet wipes.

Waste generated from plastic is undoubtedly a big concern for all of us, and we need to act together to be
able to handle this problem because this waste pollutes our water bodies, soil, air, and food. It's high time
that we all work really hard to preserve our environment and make it healthy so that every living species
can survive to its optimum.

This is all from my end Thank you so much!

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