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Pressure Mapping using Patran Fields

The pressure mapping using Patran fields is a process required to map pressure from
IFEM model to component FEM
The mapping of pressures from IFEM model to nacelle components can be achieved by
creating the Spatial Patran Fields using the IFEM pressure groups. These fields are then
used to map the pressure on all nacelle components.
The pressures mapped using the patran fields are obtained as text file (.bdf) which in
turn are used to prepare Nastran deck. Further these files are included in the Nastran
decks which are used to perform the structural analysis of various nacelle components.
This document gives a complete description of Patran field’s workflow, inputs required,
steps describing the pressure mapping using the patran fields, generating output from
patran tool which are necessary for pressure mapping.


Variable Description

*.bdf Nastran input file type (extension)

FE Model Finite element model

FEA Finite Element Analysis

IFEM Integrated Finite Element Model

2.0 Pressure Mapping using Patran FieldsWork Flow
The flow chart in Figure 2-1 describes the basic workflow for the pressure mapping from
IFEM to component FEM by using patran fields

Figure 2-1 Flow Chart describing the pressure mapping process

3.0 Pressure Mapping using Patran Fields Steps
The following steps are involved in pressure mapping from IFEM to component FEM by
using patran fieldsfor any component.

Step 1 Import component Finite Element Modelinpatran

Figure 3-1 Importing component FEM in patran

Step 2 Check for all warnings

Figure 3-2 Nastran Input File Import Summary

Make sure that while importing the model all necessary model data is imported correctly.
Step 3 Create component Finite Element Modelpressure group

Figure 3-3 Create component FEM pressure group by selecting entity in patran
Make sure the IFEM and component FEM pressure groups are identical

Step 4 Import Integrated Finite Element Modeland create pressure group

Figure 3-4Creating IFEM Pressure Groups from Load sets in Patran
Create an empty group (IFEM_Pressure) & import IFEM model into that group and
check for all warnings while importing and make sure that all necessary model data and
pressure data imported correctly(Ref Figure 3-1,Figure 3-2).Then Crete the IFEM
pressure groups in patran from loads sets as shown in above Figure 3-4

Step 5 Post Integrated Finite Element Model pressure group

(IFEM_Pressure_Group) & plot contours for the first pload
Figure 3-5 Plot Contours option in Patran

Step 6 Createpatran spatial fields.

Figure 3-6 Spatial Field Creation in Patran
Create spatial fieldsin patran(name as load case id - xxxxxxxx) by using FEM method
fromthe displayed group “ IFEM_pressure_Loads”

Step 7 Check for Element Normals.

Figure 3-7Element normal vectors plot inPatran

Theabove patran option will draw normal vectors for all elements which are in the current
posted group.

Step 8 Identify pressure application surface

Figure 3-8 Element Normals Plot

Compare element normals of IFEM pressure group and component FEM pressure group
to identify pressure application surface (Top/Bottom)

Step 9 Apply pressure oncomponent Finite Element Model pressure group by using
the fields created in step 6
Figure 3-9 Pressure application by using Spatial Fields in Patran
Repeat all the above steps (Step-3 to Step-9) to map pressure from IFEM to component
FEM for all remaining cases or edit patran session file which is explained in the step 12

Step 10 Check for pressures mapped to all elements properly.

Figure 3-10 Pressure Contour Plots

Sometimes few elements in the component_FEM_Loads group might go unmapped as

shown in the above Figure 3-10 then perform step 11 otherwise skip step 11.

Step 11 Global model tolerance setting

Figure 3-11Global Model Tolerance option in Patran
Increase the Global model tolerance value from 0.005(default) to around 5 or even more
by trial & error approach under Preferences/global page as shown in the Figure 3-11until
all the elements (highlighted in grey color in Figure 3-10) are pressurized.

Step 12 Patran session file editing.

Figure 3-12 Patran session file

patran session recorded in the background while carrying out pressure mapping steps
(step5 ,step 6 and step 9) can be used, by modifying it, to create field &Ploads for the
rest of the cases. Carry out the following modifications in the patran session shown in
the Figure 3-12
1. Copy the set of operational commands as many times as the number of load
cases to be mapped
2. Edit the corresponding pload serial number as applicable – one place ( as
marked above)
3. Edit the corresponding load case name - three places ( as marked above) and
retain the rest as such

Step 13 Play patran session file

Figure 3-13 Play patran session file option in patran

Once the session file is ready, play the edited session file in patran

Step 14 Exporting bdf file from Patran (Output)

Figure 3-14 Exporting bdf from Patran

Write *.bdf file with selected group component_FEM_LOADS and these *.bdf (PLOAD4
files) ready for Nastran input.

The PLOAD4 data is written in a text file (*.bdf) in the same location where the patran
*.dbfile is created and PLOAD4 data will be in Nastran format.
Validation of mapped pressure for all pressure cases is mandatory. This can be
performed as follows

Step 1 Plot pressure contours for both IFEM and component Finite Element Model.

Figure 4-1 Pressure Contour Plots option in patran

Step 2 Compare pressure contours of both IFEM and component Finite Element
Figure 4-2 Inlet Pressure Contour Plots

Example: AboveFigure 4-2 shows the contour plots for Inlet and values are matching so
mapped pressure is correct.

Compare plot contours of IFEM and component FEMfor validation. If mapped pressure
contours are different from IFEM pressure contours then once again map the pressure
from IFEM to component FEMelse proceed for exporting bdf.

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