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Step 1 -State The This listening assessment is to be carried out on any day of the week before the exams.

he exams. Teachers should complete

Number Of Sections this assessment with the whole class, making sure that students work independently. Students should be told that
In The Listening this is an assessment of how carefully they listen and understand what is said. The listening assessment may
consist of one or more than one section / part / paragraph.

Step 2 - Ask The Ask each student to write his / her name and section on the cover page. The student
Student To Write His
/ Her Name And should not be allowed to read any part of the text (that is to be read later) or the
Section On The Cover questions at this point in the assessment.

Step 3 - Give The In silence, allow the student to read through the questions for the first
Student An section / part / paragraph for an appropriate time. The student may not
Appropriate Time To
Skim Through The write on the question page during this time (Pens/ Pencils down).
The teacher will play the recording/ read* out the complete
text from start to end, without any interruption. The
Step 4 - Eloquently student should listen carefully. The student is not allowed
Read Out The to take notes or write anything during this time ..(Pens/
Complete Text.
Pencils down).

Give the student the question sheet relevant to the

first section / part / paragraph. Replay the
Step 5 - The Student recording/re-read* the part of the text relevant to /
Attemps The corresponding with this section / part / paragraph.
Questions From The The student will attempt questions as the teacher
First Section During plays the recording / reads* the text again. Give the
This Reading student 30-40 seconds after the recording has ended,
to complete any questions left.

* Teacher to read out text only if audio recording playback is not possible or if it Step 6 - Repeat The Repeat steps 3 – 5 for
is inaudible Above For The subsequent sections in
Subsequent Sections
the listening
In The Assessment

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