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Information Technology in a Global Society 12 SL (ITGS 12)

Course description:

ITGS is the study and evaluation of the impact of information technology on individuals and society.
It explores the advantages and disadvantages of the use of digitalized information at the local and
global levels. Although ITGS shares methods of critical investigation and analysis with other social
sciences, it also considers ethical questions found in the study of philosophy. Students come in
contact with IT on a daily basis because it is so pervasive in the world we live. This widespread use
of IT inevitably raises questions on social and ethical considerations. ITGS offers an opportunity
for a systematic study of these issues.

Course Aims:
1. Promote an understanding and appreciation of the social significance of information technology
and networking for individuals, communities and institutions/organizations;

2. Analyze and evaluate in a critical manner the ethical considerations arising from the widespread
use of information technology and networking;

3. Appreciate the key elements of continuity and change in the development of information
technology and networking leading from the past, through the present and into the future, and
to assess their impact;

4. Develop an ability to explore and evaluate new advances in information technology;

5. Demonstrate how information systems and networks are used to process and exchange
information for control, analysis and communications;

6. Develop an understanding of the significance of the convergence of computer and

communications technologies;

7. Promote the importance of good design and problem solving;

8. Develop an understanding of the need to integrate various disciplines, methods and perspectives
to evaluate and solve problems;

9. Develop familiarity with a range of information tools that will enhance and communicate ideas
and facilitate life-long learning;

10. Develop an understanding of new technologies as methods of enhancing and expanding our
knowledge of the world, and of meeting the needs of society.

Course Objectives
1. understand and critically examine the global impact of IT developments
2. demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the social and ethical implications of IT systems
and developments at the local, national and global level
3. analyze and evaluate the social and ethical implications of IT developments
4. express ideas clearly and coherently with supporting arguments and examples.
5. design and apply IT solutions to a problem set in a social context through a project
RNS Assessment:

Tests 25%
IB Project 10%
Assignments 30%
Classwork 10 %
IB Exam 10 %
RNS Exam 15 %

IB External Assessment - 2 papers (70%)

Paper 1 (1 hour) 25%

This paper consists of four compulsory short-answer questions that assess in integrated way
sections 1 and 2 of the syllabus, social and ethical issues and IT systems in a social context.

Paper 2 (2 hours) 45%

This paper consists of six structured questions based on the areas of impact that assess in an
integrated way the three sections of the syllabus: social and ethical issues, IT systems in a social
context and areas of impact.

IB Internal Assessment - The Project (30%)

The purpose of the project is to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate an ability to
integrate IT tools to solve a real problem. You should apply the skills learned throughout this
course to an IT task, planned and implemented using various tools available to you at RNS.

The Project consists of three parts:

 Product: The end product is developed through the integration of IT tools. It must involve
the integration of at least 3 IT skills. The product can be submitted on paper, as a URL
address (website), on a CD-ROM, or a video tape.

 Report: A document 2000-2500 words in length describing the process involved in the
development, testing and implementation of the Project.

 Log Book: The log book is a chronological record of the entire process used by the
candidate throughout the development of the product.


1. The textbook for this course is Computer Confluence: Exploring Tomorrow's Technology, by
George Beekman
2. RNS Intranet ITGS course website:
3. Selected books for reading assignments
4. Selected articles from other sources including texts, magazines and the Internet.
5. Technology – SmartBoards, LCD projectors, video cameras, digital cameras, webspace
6. Software – CorelPaint, CorelDraw, FrontPage Express, MovieMaker

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