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Answer key Grammar Unit 1 cm 11. Many adults use social networking sites these days. Technology is replacing face-to-face communication, Peter is staying at home today. ‘Are you studying for exams at the moment? Do you meet your friends every day? tim not playing tennis today because its raining, Rafa doesnt often use the phone, but he texts a ot. Annie isnt working today Do you listen to music every evening? Who is Sally talking to on the phone? Have you changed your email address? haven't spoken to Joe today. Have you finished using the computer? Paul hasn't phoned us this week. How long have you hada laptop? youve had Has Alicia been; shes never travelled ‘ve broken look; ve been Have you heard; he’s called Do you want; stil raining does the bus go; goes ‘ve missed 5 1B 2A 3A AC SBA Unit 1 cx 11 hasnt contacted are you studying do youmeet ‘snowing hasn't rained Do you know; she’s gone My brother has worked in London for the last ten years. Kate isnt studying at the moment. The shops don't close until 7 o'clock at weekends. I don't think that he's done any work this week since just yet already for yet 1 ‘salready made 2 'ssending 3 spends 4 hasbeen 5 hasnitstarted 6 don'toften come 7 doesnt go out 8 arechanging 9 have 1 hastived 2. have... received 3. areyou studying 4 do 5. don't believe 6 ‘swearing 7 ‘veknown 8 havent travelled Unit 1 CE 1. 1 What book are you reading at the moment? 2 (Correct) 3. Ws already 9 otclockand haven't texted anyone yet! 4 (Correct) How often do you see your grandparents? I can't see Tom anywhere. Do you know where he’s gone? Do you like / enjoy travel have youvvisited / been to ‘m (working) ‘vebeen are you doing ‘mtaking Have you seen / photographed ‘veses ‘vetaken Do you want looks for already just yet for:since Ive had a laptop since March, ‘My parents haven't gone yet. Ive already seen this film. Billy has just let. haven't told Paul about the party on Saturday yet. We've lived in Edinburgh for two years. 5. Students’ own answers. DU RUN RUN REE OOO DEERE © ox+on0 university pass an Answer key Unit2 cm 41 usedto 1 1 past continuous 2 useto 2 buster 3 ueedtobe 3 past simple 4 Did 4 past continuous 5 would walk $ pastpevtct 6 would help 7 we wou an & didnt 3 was running; broke 9 useto paren cae 5 1 Toby sid ose totie temi,buthe dos now $ Mncaneden 2 My parents would listen tothe rao aot. 3 Elena edo ply the gutarin a band SIA 2c 3A ABSA 6B TC 4 would spend every summer at the seaside when! 4 1 had spent was a kid. 2 hadnt eaten 5. Where did she use to live before she moved to, 2 were watehing cat? 4 ated 6 Didyouse twat schoo? 5 wasnlatening 7 Rebecca sed to bevery hoppy here. 5 1 People didn't use to listen to rap music in the 1960s, . 2 would walk to school every morning. Unit2 3. There used to be a music shop here. 1 1. Theywere excited about going to Los Angeles 4 Didyoutse have pan essons? because theyhadn been the SA belre 5 Where did your parents use to live? 2 (Correct) ae 2 Fdrenda reste ofthe, solwaslocing 6 1 Didyouviit torent sexing would spen 4 Sean was running through the park when he fell and 3 was twisted his ankle. 4 wuld ouge sen 5 used to play 6 While we were taking photographs, a policeman 6 didn't use to asked us for our passports. Unit2 c=™ 2 1. Vicente had visited New York before he went to Washington 1-1 wasn't snowing: arrived 2. After my friend had sent me a text message, she 2 were enjoying stung tent me anemal Was it raining; went. 3 My friends had gone home by the time | arrived at fliwas traveling thecate Bought: was hoping 4 missed he bus because hadnitheard my 2 had been; arrived alarm clock. pad anand te got 5 Iwasvery cold because ha left my coatat home ve eanansurea 6 tere ad queued aby the tts we ted didn't know; had sent. the exhibition. 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 31 hadnt been 3-1. Shedidn't use to meet him every day during 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 8 that time. didnt have eee ee 2 lays sed to / would ays ply Footbal ce arrived 3 Sheila didn't use to have long hair when she was had put up younger. (had) expected 4. Max didnt use to spend hours onthe phone before woke up he got a computer. was coming 5) We always used to / would always go out on was raining schoal days. 10 was sleeping 6 Mysister didnt use tobe afraid of fying when she 11 was doing was younger. 12 collapsed She didnt use to have a dog last year 3 spent 4: Students’ own answers uz EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key Unit 3 Cm 1a 21 5 1c 2A 3B ADS Students mustn't take mobile phones into the Sarah might be at the gym. Tom couldn't read until he was eight years old We arent allowed to eatin cass. I might go to university next year. Tim sure they can't be brothers. We don't have to hand in the art project until Monday, might can't mustn't must arenttallowed to should couldn't KR 2A 3A CSB OCGA OTC Unit 3 com aa has to mustn't may not should might not mustn't can'thave shouldn't ‘beable should have couldn't had to couldn't may / might / could shouldn't have to / must mustrit can't 4 51 2 3 We don't have te hand in our maths homework until next week. We should have gone to the college open day last week. You mustn't take your mobile phone into the exam | suppose I may have left my bag on the bus. I could / might have left my keys at home. ‘Anne may / might have gone home already. Students mustn't take food into the library. Unit 3 CEE a. donithave to should / ought to had to /needed to must will be able can't mustn't could have passed should have stopped / ought to have stopped must have been shouldn't have taken / ought notte have taken could have left You shouldnt have played video games all night. You don't have to wear a suit. My brother may / might ask Sally to marty him Students mustn't arrive late for the exam Itcantt have been Ben because he's gone abroad ‘You must have passed the exam because you worked hard She can'thave worked hard He canvt get / do much exercise. She must have hurt her leg / herself. He must have lost them, He / she may / might have been She needs to get good results. They must be tourists 5 Students’ own answers. Unit 4 Cm 11 21 2 2 3c 4A SBD ‘An author isa person who writes books, Stunt artists are actors who replace stars in dangerous scenes. Ishe the director whose film won an Oscar last year? lonly like films which have got a lot of action. Saturday isthe day when | usually go to the cinema. This is the restaurant where | saw Brad Pitt. (no change) (no change) that that thet (no change) ETE © oxFoRb university PRESS 113 Answer key ‘which you told me about’, D ‘that you gave me’,D “who is my favourite author’, N “where we stayed in New York’, D ‘where my mum grew up’, N “who was born in Scotland’, N ‘where they made the Harry Potter films, D which where when whe whose who whose where when whose which Unit 4 c= aa 2 114 who whose where which / that (or no pronoun) whose which / that which / that (or no pronoun) whe Shes the actress who’ ina lot of Pedro Almodévar's films. That's the house where | used to live when Iwas younger. He's the French director whose film won five Oscars. in 2012. That's the boy who Chloé met in New York. What's the name of that place in India where they make films? That's the girl whose mother is an actress. This is the book which belongs to your brother. Henning Mankellis a Swedish writer who writes detective novels who which when where whose whe whose mum is a writer, (when) | met my boyfriend. that / which are very long. which has a very old castle, where alot of celebrities stay 51. Myfriend Annie, who lives in Manchester, is coming to stay for the weekend 2 The Palace cinema, where often go with my friends, is losing next month 3. The concert tickets, which I Bought on the internet, artved yesterday. Unit 4 c=x3 11 (Correct) 2. The festival, which attracts thousands of people, lasts for a week. 3 (Correct) 4 Wellington in New Zealand is where they make the special effects fora lot of flms these days. 5 Let's find a café that / which stays open late. 5 Meryl Streep, who played the main character in The Iron Lady, won an Oscar. 7. She's the woman who plays the main character in the Twilight fms 2 1. Itwasa great day when she received the ‘Best Actress’ Oscar. 2. Jean Dujardin, who stars in The Artist, won an Oscar in2012 3 My cousin Tim, who's studying in London, wants to bea film producer 4 Last weekend, visited a friend whose father is writer. 5. These are the famous flm studios where alot of Indian films are made. 5 What's the name of that talented young actress who appears in Twilight? 7 InDecember, when itis cold and wet, loften goto the cinema 3.1 who 2 where 3 who 4 that /which 5 where 6 whose T who 8 who (orne pronoun) 8 whose 10 when 11 whieh 12 where 4.1. Thisisthe flm which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes film festival last year. 2 The lms that | watch are not the same as those my parents enjoy 3. The early 1920s, when only silent fms existed, was a great time forthe cinema 4 Charlie Chaplin, who was originally from England, made al is films in the USA. ‘thatin sentence 2s not necessary. EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key Unit 5 Camm 1a 2 16 3 2G AA SCD 2 3D ME SFA We are meeting Steve this afternoon. [im sure John will fil the exam. Tigers will become extinct one day. What energy will replace ollin the future? Itisn't going to rain today. won't come with you. Where are you going to stay? ‘re going Will you sign 'sgoing to create ‘re going to run won't change go will have left will have become ‘Ube playing will have finished will be taking will be eating willbe living will have learnt will have finished wil be lying will have visited Unit 5 c= at 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Will. sign will be ‘lend will become is going to put, is going to close ‘turn’ ‘magoing to stay will be will be won't make are you doing are attending ‘'mnot doing ‘come ‘meet It’s going to be hot on Sunday. We're meeting Joe and Sam for lunch tomorrow. This time next week, Illbe flying to Canada, By September, | hope Iwill have found a job. I promise | won't start until you arrive What are you going to do when you leave school? help you carry your suitcase. By January, Sam will have left school. ‘At 4 o'clock, we will be arriving in London. When you arrive, my cousin will be waiting for you. By the time I go to bed, | won't have finished this book. 5. At3 otclack tomorrow, Il be taking an exam. 6 At 430 tomorrow, Ill be sitting on the plane. 7 Im August, my brother will have gone to Canada. 8 By the end of tomorrows Il have mended my bike Unit 5 «Ex 1-1 ‘mgoing to buy 2 ‘mplaying 3 get 4 re you going 5 ‘re going to spend 6 isgoingtobe 7 llmake / book 8 areyou doing 9 'mtaking 10 ‘llcome 1 Doyou think it willrain this afternoon? 2 What time are you leaving tomorrow morning? 3. What are you getting Dan for his birthday? 4. Doyou think there will bea lot of people at the meeting? 5. Willyou phone us as soon as you arrive, please? 3-1 willhaveleft 2 willhave got 3 willhave found 4 willbe doing 5 will be ving 6 will be earning 7. willhave bought 8 willhave married 9 willhave had 4-1 {think they will phone me this evening, 2. Theywil be studying all weekend. 3. Bythe time go home, Iwill have written this essay. 4. Tomis attending the meeting this evening, 5. He's going to revise over the weekend. 5 1 Maybe we won't lose the football match on Saturday. 2 Please will you help me carry these boxes? 3 (Correct) 4. Iwon't forget to phone you tonight. 5 hope that scientists will ind a cure for 6 (Correct) FEEL © oxFoR0 universiry Press 45 Answer key Unit 6 Cam 41 wouldhave come; had let 11 doesnt work 2. hadn't eaten; wouldn'thave been 2 ‘Winjure 3 wouldnt have broken; hadn't gone 3 win; celebrate 4 had been; would have seen 4 wont be able: sprains 5. ‘dknown;'dhave sent 5. willyou do; improves 6 would have won trained 2-1. Would you go ona diet if you were overweight? 5 1 Wewouldnt have gothome late it we hadnt missed 2. You should give up eating chips ifyou want to be thelast bus . healthy. 2 Iwould have gone to the cinema if'd had some 3 You could cycle to school f you bought a bike. money. 4. She wouldn't fel tired ifshe got more seep, 3. Ifhehadnthurt his arm, he would have taken part in 5 Ifyou didn't do any exercise, you wouldnt be it. the competition " 4 wouldnt have bought anew tennis racket it! hadnt 31 ‘dteel lost my old one. 2 take 5. They would have finished the race if they been fit 3 wont 5 Iwouldnt have gone to the concert on Saturday if 4 ‘igo a friend hadnt invited me. 5 ‘doo 6 will Unit 6 C= 7 bad 41-1 wont pass/fail 41a mm 3B MASA 2 do 5 1 taken 3 wont get 2 hadnever met 4 would be 3 ‘dknown 5 did 4 would have got & havent got 5 ‘dost 7 ‘Ijoin /‘Imeet 8 refuse 6 1 ‘dheard Stee 5 heenewor 10 “known 3 Moudathave been 11. wouldnt have answered 4 would have finished 5 ‘told 2 1 Shewouldn' feel tired if she got enough seep. 1 2. Id play tennis if had enough time. Unit 6 com 3 Ifhe trained regularly, he'd perform well 4 Held join the gym it wasn't very expensive 1 11 unless 2 used 3-1. Ifhehadhad some money, he would have bought 3 hae a drink ad 2. Ifshe hadi trained everyday she wouldn't have ae become a champion. ; 3. Ben hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have ; n 2 hadnt remembered Toby's birthday. 1 Youwon't lose weight unless you change your det. ee ee ee tr yeu chan 41 Utamis had wortad cde he woutithov fed 3 Youwonit have anything for lunch unless you go 2. IfStellahad time to cook, she wouldnt eat alot of shopping. fast food. Her ankfe wont: get hettar she daesnt-retit 3. IfTom comes this evening, well play tennis with him. 5 Iwont go jogging today ifthe weather doesn't 4 Iwould have done the charity walkifl hadn't had an improve important exam 3.1. Kelly wouldnt feel lonely if she had some friends, 5 Not many people will go on the protest march ifit rains. Dave wouldn't have problems with his teeth ithe 6 ft hadn't spent ll evening in front of the computer, didnt eata lot of sweets. my eyes wouldn't have been very sore. 3 Sue wouldnt get bad marks if she concentrated 7 fMary gets a summer job, she'll buy a moped in class. 8 Samwould have come to the party if | hadn't 4. IfMary didnt finish work late, she'd go outwith fergotten to invite him. her friends. 116 EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key (Correct) 2. Youwouldn'thave hurt yourself if you'd been more careful 3 Ibe really disappointed if our team loses today. 4 Wewon't save the rainforests unless we protect them better 5 (Correct) 6 If we didn’t have to work, we would all o to the festival on Saturday, Unit 7 cm 11 A MA OP OBA 2-1 Alotof coffeeis grown in South America. ‘The cathedral was builtin the twelfth century. The store had sold out of iPads. She was being interviewed at 11 oclock ‘The latest iPad has been sold since January The new shopping centre will be opened next month, 7. Their products are being advertised everywhere. BAT BS C2 DA OBS FG 4-1 wasinvented 2. isbeing developed 3 willbemade 4 were being interviewed 5 have sold (not passive) 6 had brought (not passive) 5 1. The first McDonald's restaurant was opened in 1948, 2. Our caris being repaired at the moment. 3. Thenewlibrary willbe built next year 4 Millions of smart phones have been sold this month, 5 No complaints had been received unti last month. 6 Thomas was being interviewed for ajob at 2:30. 6 1. Theshoplifter was stopped by a security guard. 2 The World Cup is watched by millions of viewers. 3 Our school has been visited twice by the president. 4. Hundreds of films had been downloaded illegally by ordinary people. 5 Dinners being cooked by my mother. (not natural use) Unit 7 cx 1.1 arebeing produced 2 has been repainted was being watched was repaired had been stolen will be sold 0 Bevoneune eee 6 7 Unit a1 2 ETE © oxFoRb university PRESS had been discovered was introduced was being consumed are drunk is grown are produced was started was criticized has been done is served has been reduced will be but will be designed (no change) My brother drinks six cups of coffee every day. (no change) Dave has downloaded alot of music. (no change) My mother made these delicious cakes. (no change) The whole family is watching the TV. The actors have already been replaced by @ stuntman in two scenes. Cocoa is grown by small farmers all over Africa. Information is being collected by scientists at the moment. Most special effects are created by computers these days. The paintings were stolen from the gallery by a gang of thieves. Microsoft was started by Bill Gates in 1975 Alot of riceis eaten by Japanese people. 74D have been developed is still being used be killed are being hunted have been banned are being created areheld are being encouraged Billions of gigabytes of information is downloaded conto computers every day. ‘Anew advertising campaign will be launched by the company next month. Coffee was being drunk in Britain in the seventeenth century Coffee was originally used as medicine befare it became a drink. Scientists say that climate change s caused by air pollution. 17 3-1. Their latest gadgets are being advertised both online and in magazines. 2 (Correct) 3 Doyou know when the new shopping centre will be built? 4. Credit cards are accepted in all our stores. 5. These trainers were a bargain because the price had been reduced in the sale 6 (Correct) 4 1. Mobile phones werent used regularly until the 1990s. 2. Alot of computer games are made by the Japanese. 3 More iPads have been sold than any other tablet computer since January 4 Wewillbe given instructions by atour guide when we get there. 5. Alanhad not been seen for a year when he suddenly turned up last week. 5 My motorbike was being repaired yesterday. T Microsoft was started by Bll Gates in 1975 8 Thousands of tickets have already been sold for the festival. 8 Ournew TVis being delivered tomorrow. Unit 8 Cam 1 Answer key Direct speech Reported speech present simple past simple 1 present continuous | past continuous 7 present perfect past perfect 3 past simple past perfect can could 3 will would 118 c cA couldnt had had liked told had met would where if when who 2 3B BOSC OBA TB She told him to speak more clearly. You told me to stay here, She suggested that we meet after school. They told us to come before 8 o'clock. Unit 8 c= 11 hadbeen told had sold were having / would have had revised wanted Janet said that her friend always told the truth. Billy told us that he had missed the bus The students told the teacher that they didn’t understand the exercise. 4 My mum said that she wouldn't have time to {go shopping 5 Robert told the waiter that he had never had such a delicious meal ‘My sister said that she couldn't go to the restaurant, his he him her she im they bis John asked me if liked basketball. The teacher asked us if we had done our homework. Sally asked her mum if she could go to the concert: | asked my sister ifshe would come shopping with me. Tim asked me where | had stayed last weekend. ‘My mum asked me why |had bought a new ‘mobile phone. had where why that told suggested Sam suggested that we go for a pizza, My sister told me not to worry about the exam. | suggested that Polly buy a dictionary. The teacher told me not to shout. Unit 8 €E=3 1. 1. Peter:Ijoined the club because itis cheap and I can come after college’ 2. Fona:'lonly came to getinformation about children’ activities. My children love swimming, 0 will probably bring ther to the swimming pool: 3. Elena: Tim disappointed because there isnt a basketball eam and don't ike swimming. won't join /be joining the club EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key CChris asked Alan if he could borrow his mobile phone. 2 Mymum said that there were too many people in town, 3. Mydad told me not to forget to post his letter My friend asked me what | was going to do on Sunday, 5 Karen suggested that Jon and I revise for the exam, at her house. She asked them f they'd seen the latest film yet. 2. She asked me why | didn't go to the cinema more often. She asked me when | was going to Barcelona, She asked her why shed bought the plane ticket online, She asked him where he was spending the weekend, (Correct) He asked me if| wanted a cup of coffee. Tom told us / said thathe was going away forthe weekend We asked the new student where he came from. 5 Myfather told me net to fergettt take my sports equipment. 6 (Correct) 7. John asked his mother if she could pick him up from school 5 Students’ own answers. Unit 9 Cm 11 went 2 hadtaken 3 hasntleft 4 was buying; met 5 will pick 6 arevisiting 7 will ave finished 2 1 Howlong have you been at this school? 2. How long are you staying in Madrid? 3 Have you visited London yet? 4 How are you going to travel to Scotland? 5 Willitrain ater? & Why did Peterlooksonervous? 7 Who were you talking to on the phone? 4 liked 2 had been found 3 had visited 4 was stolen 5 is being painted 1A 2B 3B ACSA BOT BA 9B 0c 3 4 51 Apolice officer told us not to take photos ofthe apart You have to show your passport when you check in at the airport. We couldn't sleep last night because it was really noisy Sarais the girl whose mother sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, You should have visited the Acropolis when you were in Athens. Unit 9 Cx a1 2 10 Se ERE ‘have finished: Il be living had; were trekking ‘mnot going to work;'m planning ‘completed; sent haven't spoken; had shouldn't have was stolen would have been could had to ‘vebeen ‘ve decided “re staying would stay won't last ‘sgoing to ‘travel offered went surfing with Kate, whose brother is a champion, We're going to climb Kilimanjaro, which is the highest mountain in Africa. New Zealand, which is one of the safest places in the world, has got some stunning scenery. ur guide, who was a local man, took us whale- watching. We stayed on an authentic Texan ranch, where we went horse riding, In summer, when lots of people have their holiday, the town is packed. ur car hasn't been repaired yet, You mustn't cycle on the pavement. The parkrangers rescued several hikers last week. The ranger told us that, if we wanted to be safe, we had to stay on the path. We shouldn't have stayed in that hotel because it was too expensive. Why are you going to travel with your friend? How long do you think it wil take you to cycle across the country? If the bus hadnt broken down, | wouldn't have missed my train. Iyou're careful, the bears won't attack you. FEEL © oxFoR0 universiry Press 119 120 Answer key Unit 9 €xz3 1 1. Didyouuse to spend your holidays atthe seaside when you were a child? 2. We didn’tknow which path to take because we had forgotten the map. 3. If youmove to Argentina next year, ll come and stay with you. 4 (Correct) 5. The guide told us / said that we might see lions on the safari if we were lucky. 6 (Correct) 7. If had known how dangerous it was to trekalone, Iwouldn't have gone 2 1. shouldnt have gone 2 may / might have taken 3° dontthaveto 4 arent allowed to 5 musthave been 3 1. Gareth would buy his parents a present ifhe had a 8 ‘enough money. Tim asked me if |had ever been on an adventure holiday. If Sean hadn't broken his leg, he would have been able to go surfing Simon has already had two scuba diving lessons. We needr't have spent so much money on souvenirs. ‘Magnificent rugs have been made for centuries iniran. The guide who took us on a tour of the city showed Us the sights. The house couldnt be seen from the road. [won't stay ina hotel unless ithas a swimming pool. 4 Students! own answers. Vocabulary Unit 1 cm 1 husband granddaughter uncle wife nephew grandfather 2 3H 4B OSCOSF OE eyes mouth hair teeth freckles neck 4 ‘Appearance Personality ‘casual friendly curly shy Tashionable Tunny Tong generous ‘all hard-working patient 5 1c 2A 3D 48 SD SC OTA tobuy todo reading going to change Smoking tobe Unit 1 c= 1 1 boss parent acquaintance relative colleague classmate flatmate ex-boyfriend on well together spiky medium height stim skinny tanned casual scruffy {good looking shy unfriendly sensible sensitive togo listening /to listen to study speaking totravel tobuy hate tosee getting tosee EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key Unit 1 €=x3 11. giefriend 2 colleague 3. parents; bosses 4 neighbour; classmate; best / close friend 1 honest 2 scrutty 3. sensitive 4 medium height 5 lazy 6 clean-shaven 1 ike:stand 2 wait 3 wants 4 enjoy 5 likes 41 freckled 2. wrinkled 3 pale 4 glamorous 5 thick & well-dressed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Hook up to my older sister. | got to know Katie in the summer. I take after my father. Jack’s rudeness has caused problems at times. Ive fallen out with David. Ive lost contact with Ben, Ive got things in common with Olivia, He introduced me to Maria at the party. 10 His worst characteristics bossiness. Unit 2 Cm 1-1 take photos make models play board games ge shopping play the guitar text friends do martial arts 21F 2 3G 4B SH 6A OTE do play goes playing been doing go Cook. isn'ta verb connected to the internet. Read. Itisn'ta verb connected to art. Magazine. Itisn't connected to the cinema, Dancer. It isn't connected to sport. Football. t's a game and the other three are connected to art. It's good to have confidence in your own abilities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 shocked fascinating depressing disgusted astonishing frightened irritating unreliable unkind dissatisfied impolite illegal Unit 2 cx aa 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 works keep playing spending were chatting hang had worried embarrassing amazed boring tired exciting exhausted relaxing surprised fascinating embarrassed worried environmental messy original adventurous tasty enjoyable sensible imaginative illogical immature unhappy (correct) indecisive illegal (correct) Unit 2 ED aa 2 keeps ft spend time hangs out eats out chat online downloads music FEEL © oxFoR0 universiry Press 12 Answer key The exhibition was absolutely fascinating The walk to the top of the hill was exhausting. | was really frightened by the horror film, We felt relaxed at the hotel. tasty messy illegal immature dangerous ‘environmental informal stressful well-being busy exhausting prioritize day off make the most of take it easy catch up oftime gotobed have fun tothe gym good time Unit 3 Cm a1 2 122 technology i PE music English geography history art bag CD player shelf dictionary chair desk boarding school uniform primary school single-sex school state school secondary school school holidays do make have get ‘good a mistake soot a break homework friends school home do takes ask pass fal get bully do leave play suspend; expel Unit 3 C= aa w failed pass. get worked paid taken revising concentrate practising take test remember remind organize missed school ‘earn money got behind get better win the race laptop school; university English, drive the game EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key 41 making made took did do tim daing research nto the way dolphins communicate Let’ take a break and come backin fifteen minutes | always do my homework as soon as | get home. 4 We'e going to take the boat from Barcelona toMinorea 5 ifwe llrecycied our rubbish, t would make 2 difference tothe environment. Unit 3 CE 1.1 remind 2. taking 3 fail 4 pay 5 practise 2 Iwasn'ta very good student and | sometimes used to eave miss a day at school. went left school when | was siteen because | wanted to make get ajob and de ‘earn some money. After afew years of working, taught learntto drive and received got anew car However, I soon realized that my life wasnt going to make get better if didnt get some qualifications, o I went back to school! Next year, hope to be go to university at an age when most of my friends are leaving university and looking for their fist job! 31 mistakes bus research break friends pronunciation phrasal verb collocation synonym idiom translation parts of speech definition example clear irregular formal / informal accurate look record habit revising build check ‘om musical horror comedy action-adventure science fiction westerns fantasy actress director singer dancer composer presenter character setting special effects blockbuster box office cast 2 GH 4B OSC. 7G unforgettable disgusting furious enormous ancient shocking tiny off up wp after out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit 4 c= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 musicals comedy science fiction realistic drama period drama fantasy director stars character set plot FEEL © oxFoR0 universiry Press 123 Answer key hilarious, fascinating terrible rmind-numbing shocking terrifying fantastic on to up out find out thought about tums into starts out goon Unit 4 cx 1 animated film plot; set; musical fan; superhero film version; stars; character; crime film terrible terrifying hilarious fascinating shocking blew. away found out helped... out looking forward to ‘ended up get into; special effects passed on; dialogue put off plot direct unputdownable well-acted edit published Although it’s an American film, all of the action takes place in Japan. twas so funny that couldn't help laughing eut loud. ‘The character comes across as serious and boring, Iiked the film and Im sure the book will be well worth reading Unit 5 comm 1 1 tornado 2 hurricane 3 flood 4 storm 16° 2F 3B 4D OSA 1C 7A 3A 4BOSC GA TBR 1. volunteer; noun 2 campaign; noun 3 volunteer; verb 4 campaign: verb 1 supporter 2 publicity 3 donate 4 sign 5 support 6 organizations ity tion -ment reality collection argument activity location entertainment possibilty reaction ‘eatment situation Unit 5 c= 1 starving waste throws recycle pollute die climate species genetic risk renewable dump traffic raises; sponsor; volunteered; after protested; signed: protect; solution; news government peacefulness importance Congratulations eyeing information EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key importance cycling congratulate information reality Travelling peacefulness inconvenient Unit 5 €Ex3 11 renewable energy climate change rubbish dump(s) health isk(s) air polltion fina volunteered sign protect sponsoring looks government (correct) realty (correct) information politics; campaign for volunteer organization threat: destroy dangeriharm unfair wasteful healthy natural does their bit deal with take action cut down on face up to raise awareness of stand up for make difference Unit 6 Com 1-1 hockey 2 athletics eyeing martial arts water polo gymnastics windsurfing tennis tournament cycling race running track contact sport skiruns champion runner-up spectators, journalists sponsor cuts Broken Bites Sprains Bruises treat discovered 4 prevent: 6 1A 2c 3B OA Unit 6 cx 11 gohiking 2. gojegging play / have played squash do aerobics do weight training take aid exercised worked got do doing walk lost calm down cut down on Carryon give up; take up feel ‘ve got;'ve got hurt ‘sgot ‘ve got had for ETE © oxFoRb university PRESS 125 126 Answer key with of for of (correct) of at /by (correct) for with for about (correct) Unit 6 Zz a1 2 x 5 4 threw up last week after breakfast and my mum said I should go for a check-in up at the doctor’. So did made an appointment and the doctor asked me about What | ate. She said that had an unhealthy food diet and had to eat better. She also said that made caught a lotof colds because | wasnt fit Now| have to do healthy regular exercise at least three times a week, and ve come gone on a dit. feel so much better and fitter that Il soon be playing competing ina ten- did get do playing work lose do do ge temperature disease; Cutting down; give up fell over; hurt ‘carry on: sick Calm down; yourself with about of kilometre race! 51 competing club; kit team; against winter extreme; part for kick: throw gentle: moderate; strenuous allloff catch up Unit? com 11 estate agent's 2 cheniat 3 tateony 4 hardreset Stent 6 poof 7 feters tos > buen {0 eel ager 216 2G 3H ar 5B 6A 7D 31 off 2 3 cash 4 cahmachine 3 mw 4 2 | 2/2] 2 |3& gape | bans bet | paws Ber pers [poor [ham poten eee Teepe [enon ey Posen mk peel pour bake boil wash add 7 grill 6 1B 2A 3B 4B Unit 7 c= 11. savingup 2. sold out advertise queue up looking for window-shopping afford around bargain brands logo waste date good 10 spend 11 save EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key knowledgeable filing tasty bargain cooked disgusting overpriced friendly inexpensive / cheap fresh baked fried sweet sweet enough such a good meal too hot enough food such afiling lunch so slowly toolate Unit 7 CEE 11. afford waste advertise sellout brand (the) latest filing overpriced disgusting knowledgeable sweet fresh The table isnt big enough for four people. These shoes are too expensive. He was such an unfriendly waiter that we didn't leave him a tip. There isnt enough bread. fit tight note dress up fortune suit priceless well-off tight broke 9° splash cost tighten take make do Unit 8 Cm 1-1 desktop computer laptop computer mobile phone tablet computer digital camera 216 2A 3H 4G 5D OF OB laptop printer microphone speakers webcam monitor boasted joked stared shouted chatting with at about asked offered admitted told todo tohear going to study playing Unit 8 11 answers 2 text message face to face for with for for with out ETE © oxFoRb university PRESS war Answer key something the truth English inpublic hello sorry dlearly alie say speak told telling say speak telling spoken said telling using writing towrite tocarry out tosee tohear using totext Unit 8 CZz9 1 ask apologize thank ‘complain fall out Sam didn't even say ‘thank you’ Roger doesn't speak English very well, but his writing is good, ‘Amy was at the meeting, but she said nothing, My dad is great at telling jokes. Ihate having to speak in public. She said sorry, but 'm still annoyed. Texting to buy using to find out chatting togoout Bye Yours sincerely / Yours faithfully Hi Ibeg your pardon furthermore / moreover help fancy Ithink the newspaper enquire bad-mouth require word regret went grateful shut touch Unit 9 Comp 1 w sunglasses guidebook swimsuit tent towel torch insect repellent waterproof clothes on;off back off, off 1G 2A FAC SHE TB waterfall forest valley plain bay -al “ful -ous ~y musical | beautiful | dangerous | cloudy ‘optional | careful__| famous | dirty national | colourful _| mysterious | healthy powerful rainy dangerous dirty optional colourful famous careful beautiful EERIGIEELEG © oxF0RD university press Answer key Unit 9 c= aa 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 34 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 hideous remote touristy packed cosmopolitan stunning peaceful took a bus tour buy souvenirs get away from it all take photos sunbathing on the beach explore the countryside go sightseeing checked out carry on set off pick you up get back run out of left my keys behind trip travel journey surprising invitation quickly impolite Unit 9 CEE a1 packed hideous remote touristy peaceful stunning set 9° taking picking broken carry European true unromantic singer impolite informed surprising 1. Myuncle and aunt emigrated to Australia ten years ago. 2. They live in a very up-market part of town. 3 Ineed to unwind for a few days. 4 twas a nice resort, but now it's run-down. 5 Helen prefers to travel by public transport. 1 industrial 2 rural 3 wild 4 buzzing 5 picturesque 1 light 2 out 3 day 4 hit 5 track 6 out Writing practice Unit 1 1. Iimfrom Johannesburg, South Africa, Iilbe seventeen next week! My birthday is 1 October. Ilive with my parents, my sister and my cat! His name's Coco. Ulike swimming, running, going out with my friends and playing tennis, I don't lke cooking! {im studying for my French exam. t's next Friday 2 1 because also but and wm 3E ACSA 4. tim from Dublin, the capital of Ireland Ireland is famous for its music Ilike reading, going to the cinema and eating out. Itsnot as easy asitlooks! I love to hear from you, so please email me! w 5 1 because and also but Unit 2 11 Last 2 While 3 ago 4 until 5 since 6 for 7 when ETE © oxFoRb university PRESS 129

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