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1/23/2020 Workplan

The objective of the work package is to provide Rail Owners/Managers with best practice tools and methodologies for risk assessment of critical infrastructure
elements, such as bridges, slopes, tunnels and tracks. The methodologies developed within the task will provide
Owners/Managers with the facility to optimise budgets/resources from the perspectives of
minimisation of cost for maximised service life performance. The developed methodologies will also facilitate statistical updating of predicted performance on the
basis of information received from both actual and virtual SHM installations (from WP1) and therefore feed to the decision support tool (WP3) and LCA (WP4).

Task 2.1: Development of Probabilistic Basis for Multi Criteria Performance Optimisation of Railway Infrastructure
Task 2.2: Statistical Performance Updating from Measurements
Task 2.3: Assessment of Structures
Task 2.4: Assessment of Earthworks
Task 2.5: Assessment of Tracks


Concept: How do we determine the level of safety and assign scarce resources?
Idea: CLASSIFY – Risk management, as an interdisciplinary infrastructure management tool.

- To develop an Information Management System (IMS) to store and manipulate construction records, performance monitoring, etc. for each asset.
- To develop a risk assessment methodology that takes into consideration the probability of hazard occurrence and infrastructure resilience based on a
combination of qualitative and quantitative data obtained through different inspection/monitoring strategies, e.g. regular visual inspections, regular non-
destructive testing.
- To develop a risk ranking methodology that takes into consideration the role of the object in the network, the states/conditions of the other objects in the
network, and the ability to either manage these risks while ensuring that minimum threshold levels (e.g. for safety) are not breached.
- To develop Decision Support Tool (DST) which will help infrastructure managers in decision making process in the context of dealing with a number of
defined challenges, ageing infrastructure and the effect of climate change, including bridge scour, slope stability, track and tunnel performance.

Task 3.1 Information Management System
Task 3.2 Risk Assessment
Task 3.3 Risk Ranking
Task 3.4 Decision Support Tool

Concept: How do we choose the optimal rehabilitation technique?
Idea: TREAT - Construction Techniques assessed through Probabilistic Whole Life Cycle Model

The objective of the work package is to provide Rail Owners/Managers with new capabilities for optimising their maintenance strategies at a network level. This
will be achieved through two areas of focused activity:
- Development of modelling tools to optimise and prioritise maintenance based on a range of possible maintenance regimes, with the ability to constrain the
model by cost, risk and
- operational impacts.
- Development of novel and innovative maintenance and construction techniques for rail
- infrastructure including tracks, earthworks and structures. Transferring experience from
- other sectors and regions, e.g. highways, to the rail domain.

The solutions developed under this work package will draw on the outputs from WP 1 and 2, and will demonstrate the use of the tools to improve the decision
making process for the management of rail infrastructure networks. The work package will build as appropriate on the outputs of earlier EU projects funded
under FP7.
The outputs from this work package will be guidelines and models that are ready for implementation, on a trial basis, within the rail industry.

Task 4.1 Construction Techniques for Tracks and Earthworks
Task 4.2 Construction Techniques for Structures – Bridge Abutments
Task 4.3 Traffic Flow Model 2/4

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