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The Soviet Book That Shook

the Communist World

Blaustein Libram Reprinted from

A Quarterly Jewish Review
20 cents
June, 1964
The Zionist Lies
(Caricature of the Jewish
capitalist-imperialist a n d (The document reads: "An agreement
the religious Jew. Juda- Alt sorts of swindlers and cheats find to supply arms to the Bundeswehr."
ism is thus presented as refuge in the synagogue "Bonn-Gurion" is an accepted Ukrai-
subversive — a charge nian way of referring snideiy to. the
(A Stuermer-type Jew wearing phylac- alleged military alliance between Isra-
never made against other tery—a religious article used by Jews el's former Premier Ben Gurion and
religions in the USSR.) at morning prayer — grabbing syna- West Germany. The ghost of Auschwitz
gogue funds.) is trying to stay Ben Gurion's hand.)

During the years of the Hitlerite occupation, the Ben Gurion At Work
Zionist leaders served the Fascists
(One of the most blatantly anti-Semitic cartoons ever mnts^TtToifs™ n:""'" B ""•' """' """'" '""" t h " Cm<"™<t
to have appeared in the USSR.)

Opium for Some—Pocket Money The Jewish Child-Buyers—

for Others The swindlers in religious articles brawl Enemies of Youth
among themselves over the division of the
(Another Stuermer-type carica- spoils in the synagogue (Caricature heading a chap-
ture of the religious Jew wearing ter claiming that religious
a religious cap and a prayer (Speculation in matzoh, pigs, thievery, de- Jews ensnare youth into
shawl.) ception and debauchery are portrayed as religion by offering bribes.)
the real characteristics of many synagogue
The Soviet Book That Shook
the Communist World
in February 1964,

HE REVELATION, Judaism Without Embellishment, by
that the Ukrainian Academy of T. K. Kichko.
Sciences in Kiev had published What makes this 192-page volume
an anti-Semitic tract in late 1963 stunned startlingly unique is its extensive series
and outraged Western public opinion. of anti-Semitic caricatures that look as
But this reaction was as nothing com- if they might have been plagiarized
pared to the tremor of shock that from Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer.
smashed into the world Communist The text itself, however, does not differ
movement. There was literally not one materially from the kind of thing Soviet
major Communist party or leader or pamphlets, newspapers and books have
organ in the Western world that did been saying for years. It is the carica-
not protest, either timidly or vehe- tures, and their conjunction with this
mently. kind of text, that makes this volume so
This remarkable furore inside the alarming and so devastatingly repulsive.
Communist movement was in itself an The book ostensibly focuses on the
extraordinary development. But far nature, spirit and objectives of Judaism
more remarkable and significant was and religious Jews. Were it "merely"
the virtually unprecedented phenome- atheist propaganda of the sort directed
non to which it led: World opinion- against all religions in the USSR, there
above all, opinion within the Commu- would be nothing unusual about it.
nist movement and its extensive and But it is far more than that. For it
powerful periphery, especially in Eu- teaches that Judaism encourages its ad-
rope—forced the Soviet authorities into herents to steal from non-Jews, to give
a series of backtracking explanations, false testimony and to lie to non-Jews,
clarifications and, finally, partial con- to exploit the labor of non-Jews.
demnation and repudiation of the book. In much the same way as did the
Now that the furore has somewhat medieval Christian anti-Semites, from
abated, a retrospective glance makes it whom Kichko may indeed have bor-
appear as though there had been some- rowed, the book seeks to demonstrate
thing almost inevitable and classically that Judaism teaches contempt for
preordained in the way things evolved. work and for workers and peasants (the
The texts that follow trace the course mainstay of Soviet ideology and society),
and document the virtually ineluctable that Judaism glorifies extortion and
progress of events. usury, and that it knowingly leads its
But first a word about the book, believers into hypocrisy, bribery and
financial speculation. In short, Judaism
The drawings from Judaism Without Em- "is impregnated with narrow practi-
bellishment were first reproduced in this coun- cality, with greed, the love of money,
try in The New Leader. The translation from and the spirit of egoism."
Pravda is reprinted through the courtesy of
The Current Digest of the Soviet Press, pub- Most ominous and sinister of all is
lished weekly at Columbia University. the close connection drawn between
Judaism and Zionism, which ever since "scholarly" material on Judaism.
shortly after the Revolution has been a Though he is a "genuine" Ukrainian,
proscribed ideology and movement in Kichko has evidently become the lead-
the USSR. Indeed, the book speaks at ing academic specialist in the Ukraine
length about a virtual worldwide con- on Jews and Judaism. As far back as
spiracy of Judaism, Zionism, Israel, 1957, he published a pamphlet entitled
Jewish bankers and Western capitalists. The Jewish Religion, Its Origins and
It is not too difficult to imagine how Essence, which already contained the
such a vicious amalgam of hoary anti- seeds of his later work. Subsequently,
Semitic stereotypes, reinforced by the he went into the subject more thor-
Stuermer-style caricatures, would stimu- oughly for several years and finally, in
late and foster the widespread, endemic 1962, he received the Soviet equivalent
tradition of anti-Semitism in the of a master's degree for a "dissertation"
Ukraine. Nor is it difficult to imagine on contemporary Judaism. These two,
the shame and the pain with which together with a lengthy article he pub-
Ukrainian Jews must have reacted, per- lished in late 1962 ("What Does Jewish
force in silence, to this volume. Ethics Teach?"), have now culminated
The book is given all the more weight in this expanded, updated version of
within the Ukrainian context by several traditional Ukrainian anti-Semitism
additional factors. First of all, this was under the guise of Soviet science.
not the ordinary, run-of-the-mill piece Finally, it is hardly likely that such
of atheist propaganda. It was pub- a volume would have been issued with-
lished by the Academy of Sciences, the out the approval, not only of the Acad-
first time such a tract was issued by this emy administration but of the Com-
Academy. Thus it had the status and munist Party leadership in Kiev, which
prestige of a "scientific" document, a doubtless gave it special standing for
piece of "scholarship." This impression both anti-Semites and Jews in the
is bolstered by the list of distinguished Ukraine . . .
Academy scholars who give it their im-
primatur: "There is no doubt that the WORD of identification is in order
profound and substantial work by T. K.
Kichko, which contains a tremendous
about the various sources used

amount of factual material conscien- Kol HaAm is the Hebrew daily news-
tiously and scientifically analyzed, will paper of the Communist Party of Israel.
be a valuable manual for propagandists Neiye Presse is the Yiddish daily
of atheism in their daily work, and will paper published by the Jewish Com-
assist wide circles of readers to appraise munists of France.
questions regarding the Jewish reli- L'Humanite is the central organ of
gion." the French Communist Party.
Secondly, it is in the Ukrainian lan- Vochenblatt is the Yiddish-language
guage, and that made it more directly weekly of the Jewish Communists of
accessible to its intended audience. Canada.
That audience consists of party cadres, The Morning Freiheit is the Yiddish
educators and atheist propagandists— language Communist daily in New
which is why the book was published in York.
an edition of 12,000—a comparatively The Worker, formerly the Daily
large number for a "scientific" work. Worker, the official organ of the Com-
Thirdly, the author is no novice at munist Party of the United States, ap-
the business of producing this type of pears twice weekly.
The Jewish Progressive Centre of as the Neiye Presse proved by its sub-
Melbourne (whose protest was pub- sequent trumpeting of the fact. So we
lished by the Australian Jewish Herald, witness the tragi-comic byplay in which
a strictly non-Communist Anglo-Jewish the Neiye Presse publishes an editorial
weekly) is the leading Jewish fellow- protest, the faint-hearted L'Humanite
traveling organization in Australia and picks it up, and the Neiye Presse re-
carries weight in the country's left wing. prints L'Humanite's reprint of its orig-
The YIKUF-the Yiddisher Kultur inal editorial. But everyone got the
Farband (Jewish Culture Association)— point nevertheless—and in Moscow, too.
has for two and a half decades been the L'Humanite", in fact, did the same with
leading pro-Soviet Jewish cultural and a large number of protests issued by a
literary organization, linking like- sizeable number of French fellow travel-
minded groups in Europe, Latin Amer- ing organizations such as the Move-
ica, Israel and the United States. ment Against Racism and Anti-Semit-
L'Unita is the central organ of the ism and For Peace.
Italian Communist Party. Guiseppe Boffa, the foreign news ed-
La Voix du Peuple is the weekly itor of L'Unita, was clearly more cour-
news-and-comment magazine of the pro- ageous and outspoken than his French
Chinese Communists of Belgium. This counterpart. His forthright, even bril-
in itself lends the article a certain pi- liant, analysis warrants particular at-
quant attraction. Over and beyond the tention—not least his open call for an
exoticism, one of the main points, official Soviet campaign against anti-
stripped of its jargon about "revision- Semitism.
ism," provides one of the clues to Soviet
policy on Jews—the operation of what What did the Communists want? At
the Communists call Great Power chau- the very least, they condemned the
vinism, another way of saying enforced book. But the more concerned and
Russification. thorough-going of them—especially the
Freiheit and Yiddishe Kultur—went far
HERE is A FASCINATING point-counter- beyond this. They demanded explana-
T point in the evolution of the com-
ments in the Western Communist press.
tions and clarifications from the Ukrain-
ian Academy and from the Soviet au-
thorities. They demanded that the
The first hesitant reaction appeared in
Kol HaAm on March 6, and was sub- writer, and the Academy leaders who
sequently picked up by the Freiheit on authorized the publication, should be
March 11 and by the Neiye Presse on publicly punished. And they seized the
March 13. By then, the latter had al- occasion to reopen other old sore ques-
ready produced its own version of the tions—the ban on matzah, the closure
Kol HaAm gambit—a letter to the ed- of synagogues, the attrition of secular
itor from an old comrade, and a brief, Jewish culture.
tentative reply from the editors. Perhaps the most striking aspect of
More fascinating and far more sig- it all is that when answers finally began
nificant is the interplay between Neiye to come in from various Soviet sources,
Presse and L'Humanite. At no point these most forthright of Communists,
did the latter ever publish its own pro- including in this instance also the
test; what it consistently did was to Vochenblatt and the Neiye Presse, re-
pick up what the former said and re- mained explicitly dissatisfied with the
print it. But this was weighty enough, replies.
came in stages.
First came the Novosti press agency
statement, written by one of its stable
gious ideology should contain apprais-
als (and not always correct ones, at that)
of the activity of Israel as a state and
of Jewish hack writers and issued from its role in international relations."
Moscow on March 25; the following This was perhaps the first time in
day it was distributed by the Soviet many years that a Soviet source, how-
Embassy in Washington (and probably ever obscure, dissociated Judaism and
also elsewhere—it was surely the same Jewish religous practice from the omi-
statement the Neiye Presse rejected). nous subversiveness consistently attach-
There is clearly no need to analyze that ed to Zionism and Israel. Unhappily,
text—the Communists outside the USSR this crucial theme was totally ignored
did it well enough. by both Izvestia, the government's cen-
Next appeared the review in Radian- tral organ, and the Party's Ideological
ska Ukraina (the twice-weekly organ of Commission, whose statement on the
the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, and book was published in Pravda (and
not of the Ukrainian Communist Party, subsequently reprinted in all the major
as some sources have suggested). This provincial Party organs, as well as re-
review, distributed abroad by the TASS ported and commented on by all the
News Agency, was widely reported in Western Communist organs). (It was
the general press, as well as appearing sad to note that the Folks-Shtimme, the
textually in London in the Soviet Em- Yiddish Communist daily in Warsaw—
bassy's Soviet Weekly of April 7. Its which in 1956 and 1957 showed exalted
import is clear: Kichko made a few courage in crying out against Soviet
factual mistakes and a few minor his- suppression of Jewish culture—in this
torical and ideological errors, but it is instance finally broke its craven silence
a good and useful book nonetheless. only to reprint the Ideological Commis-
The anti-Semitic caricatures are han-
sion statement from Pravda.)
dled thus:
What must be clearly noted is that
"The art work in the book gives the condemnation and repudiation in
grounds for serious objections. Many the two great Soviet newspapers are
drawings in the book, as well as its only partial and tepid. But they never-
cover, are pretentiously executed, slov- theless constitute an unprecedented ac-
enly, on a low artistic level and can knowledgement of the power of ex-
only offend believers." ternal criticism in the USSR's present
Nevertheless, Radianska Kultura internal and international political
makes a number of significant admis- constellation. It provides some ground
sions—which, however, are not reiter- for the hope that further criticism and
ated by the far more authoritative protest—by both responsible Western
Pravda and Izvestia statements of ten opinion and concerned and courageous
days later. Most important perhaps is Communists—might contribute to a sig-
the statement that "the author errone- nificant revision of the long-standing
ously maintains that Zionism has its Soviet policy of atomizing and obliter-
roots in Judaism" and that "it seems ating Jewish identity in the USSR.
to us an incongruity that a book de-
voted to problems of criticism of reli- MOSHE DECTER
Kol HaAm, Tel Aviv, Israel revealed, sent us the following letter:
March 6, 1964 "I am writing to you following a
Translated from Hebrew sharp exchange I have just had with
two fellow-Jews. To hear them tell it,
Letters-to-the-Editor Department Jews are being slaughtered in the
Dear Editor: streets of the Soviet Union. I am con-
In the March 2 issue of the newspaper vinced that they actually believe this.
Maariv I read a report about a bro- Propaganda can surely blind people.
chure, Judaism Without Embellish- "I know what the USSR is, what it
ment, which appeared in the Ukraine has done for Jews, how Jews live there,
as part of the anti-religious propaganda and I don't believe a word of it. But
conducted in the Soviet Union. Along- the Kiev booklet is a scandalous affair.
side this report were tasteless caricatures Anti-Semites and bloody fools also exist
which, according to the newspaper, there. But how come that one such
were reproduced from that brochure. could draw and publish such wild
I would like to ask the editors to caricatures? You must do something to
ascertain whether those caricatures were see to it that the Soviet government
in fact published in the Ukrainian bro- takes drastic action about such matters."
chure, and if so, what is the attitude o£ We are very glad to publish this
Kol HaAm toward this form of propa- letter from our friend, and frankly
ganda, which is far from being scientific answer as follows:
enlightenment against religion. A progressive person, Jew or not,
P. M. (The editors have the writer's must sharply condemn any caricature,
full name.) regardless of its source, that is capable
Editorial reply: of inciting to hatred or of arousing
The above-mentioned brochure has anti-Semitic sentiments. We saw the
not yet arrived in our editorial offices. caricatures of the above-mentioned
We have seen the caricatures, repro- booklet reprinted in the press, and
duced from the Ukrainian-language naturally they distressed us. It is pos-
brochure, in several Israeli papers. It sible to propagate free-thinking ideas
is our opinion and judgment that such through methods of enlightenment, to
caricatures belong to the kind of bad speak out about religious prejudices,
anti-religious propaganda which Pravda but not to permit oneself in the process
condemns from time to time as some- to indulge in excesses. We believe that
thing that misses the mark and makes the Soviet government must be more
a bad name for atheist propaganda alert to such phenomena and must re-
and enlightenment. act sharply if such a booklet was actu-
ally published in Kiev. And we are, by
the way, persuaded, that it will do just
that. The entire history of the Soviet
Neiye Presse, Paris, France Union, its ideology, its own interest,
March 12, 1964 are a guarantee of that.
Translated from Yiddish
As Jews, as friends of the Soviet
We Condemn the Booklet Union, and as free-thinkers, we con-
Judaism Without Embellishment demn this kind of booklet: it is bad
and dangerous.
One of our old subscribers, I. K.,
who has asked that his name not be
Neiye Presse, Paris Judaism Without Embellishment has
March 16, 1964 evoked a great deal of discussion in the
Translated from Yiddish French press. By far the most serious
of the comments was that of the pro-
Neiye Presse Demands Clarification gressive Yiddish-language daily, La
About the Brochure Presse Nouvelle (Neiye Presse).
Judaism Without Embellishment Below we reprint the essential part
of the editorial by Comrade Vilner
Neiye Presse has sent the following [editor of Neiye Presse—M.D.] which
letter to its correspondent in the Soviet appeared on the weekly French-lan-
press agency Novosti: guage page of that newspaper on Satur-
Dear Friend: day, March 21.
The news about the brochure Juda- "A sizeable anti-Soviet campaign has
ism Without Embellishment, presum- been waged in the past two weeks by
ably published in Kiev, with a hateful the press and certain Jewish organiza-
caricature on its cover which recalls tions in connection with a brochure,
caricatures of an anti-Semitic nature, Judaism Without Embellishment. . . .
has, on the one hand, evoked an under- Unless it is a forgery, it is an anti-
standable uproar among all progressive religious propaganda brochure presum-
people, democrats and especially among ably published in Kiev by the Ukrain-
the Jewish folk-masses—and, on the ian Academy of Sciences as part of a
other hand, has strengthened anti- series of publications on the origins,
Soviet alarums. history and practices of various reli-
We therefore request you, as quickly gions.
as possible, to contact the proper au-
"But the appearance, if not the con-
thorities and inform us of the entire
tent, of this brochure is capable of bol-
truth about this brochure—whether it
stering anti-Semitic hatred where it can
really appeared in Kiev and, if so, what
find receptive soil. The fact is that it is
the Soviet authorities think of it, and
illustrated with a great many vicious
what measures are being taken to guar-
caricatures of doubtful taste which can
antee that propaganda for free-thinking
feed and support sentiments of con-
should not degenerate to the level of
tempt toward the Jews. . . .
strengthening anti-Semitic sentiments
and anti-Soviet propaganda at the same "Therefore, while we fight against
time. that anti-Soviet campaign, while we
Respectfully, exalt the historic role of the Soviet
The Editorial Board, Neiye Presse Union in eradicating anti-Semitism and
in rescuing millions of Jews from anni-
hilation—we openly declare: This bro-
chure provokes our wrath; we believe
that its caricatures are harmful. This
L'Humanite, Paris
kind of illustration is an instrument
March 24, 1964
of incitement, and cannot serve to per-
Translated from French
suade, to reason, to defend a just cause.
Concerning the Ukrainian Brochure "Though far from being influenced
Judaism Without Embellishment by the hostile exploitation of this work
by sworn enemies of the Soviet Union,
The dissemination of a recent we believe—as progressive Jews, as
Ukrainian-language brochure entitled friends of the Soviet Union and as free-
thinkers—that this publication must Soviet Union enjoys along with all
be dearly condemned." other Soviet peoples, Novosti attacks
[The following day, March 25, Neiye the reactionary elements in the world
Presse hailed this expression of L'Hu- who seek to exploit this brochure "in
manite's solidarity:] the interests of anti-Soviet propaganda."
Yesterday's L'Humanite, under the We must state that, despite the state-
heading "Concerning the Ukrainian ment that "Kichko did not execute his
Brochure, Judaism Without Embellish- task in the best way," which constitutes
ment," expressed the position of the a measure of rejection of the brochure,
French Communist Party about the Novosti's answer far from satisfies us.
Kichko brochure that appeared in Kiev. For, aside from the fact that a brochure
In this manner L'Humanite expressed like Kichko's can only anger a religious
its agreement with Neiye Presse's de- Jew rather than enlighten him, it is
nunciation of the brochure. . . . capable of evoking—especially through
the caricatures—anti-Semitic sentiments
and at the same time play into the
hands of the anti-Soviet elements in the
Neiye Presse, Paris world in their efforts to place the na-
March 25, 1964 tional policies of the USSR in a false
Translated from Yiddish light, and divert honest common people
from the fight against fascism and war,
Soviet Agency Novosti Answers from the fight against the real racists
Inquiry of Neiye Presse and anti-Semites.
Therefore we believe that the bro-
As we noted in the Neiye Presse of chure Judaism Without Embellishment
March 16, the Editorial Board of our must at once be withdrawn from circu-
paper approached the Soviet Press lation as detrimental not least to the
Agency Novosti in Moscow for clarifica- Soviet Union itself; that there must be
tion about the brochure by Kichko, an investigation of how it was possible
which appeared in Kiev under the title for such a book and such caricatures to
Judaism Without Embellishment. appear; and that the appropriate meas-
Last Monday we received a cabled ures must be taken to guarantee that
reply from Novosti. Novosti begins by such brochures should never again see
pointing out that "Kichko, in writing the light of day in the USSR.
his brochure, used the Constitutionally
guaranteed right of conducting atheis-
tic propaganda, just as the Constitution
equally guarantees the right of religious L'Humanite, Paris
practice." Novosti concedes, however, March 26, 1964
Translated from French
(Our emphasis—Neiye Presse). A New Declaration by Neiye Presse
Novosti also notes that many anti- Regarding the Brochure
religious publications likewise appear Judaism. Without Embellishment
in the USSR against the Russian Ortho-
dox religion, Roman Catholicism and The progressive Yiddish daily Neiye
Islam. Presse has published the reply sent it
Stressing the rights—including reli- by the Soviet news agency Novosti re-
gious—which the Jewish people in the garding publication of the Ukrainian-
language brochure, Judaism Without atheism; this is not scientific enlighten-
Embellishment. ment in the spirit of the accepted
According to Neiye Presse, the agency policy toward all religions on the part
asserts that this brochure engages in of the Soviet government and the Soviet
anti-religious propaganda guaranteed Communist Party.
by the Soviet Constitution, which also We expect clarification, especially
guarantees the right of religious prac- from the authorities of the Ukrainian
tice. The agency admits, however, that Academy of Sciences, as to how such a
the author of the brochure "did not disgusting thing could have happened,
execute his task in the right way." and what will be done about it. We
know that in the past a number of
Though it fully accepts this reserva-
authoritative Soviet publications, such
tion, Neiye Presse believes that "a
as Komsomolskaya Pravda and other
brochure like Kichko's is capable of papers, have condemned certain dis-
arousing anti-Semitic sentiments and at torted and damaging methods of the
the same time playing into the hands of anti-religious struggle. "It is not per-
the anti-Soviet elements in the world." missible to offend the feelings of be-
lievers," the organ of the Young Com-
munists once wrote. Characterization
of religious organizations, churches or
Vochenblatt, Toronto, Canada synagogues as "nests of darkness," and
March 19, 1964 of religious ceremonies as "senseless
Translated from Yiddish folly," has more than once been con-
demned by Komsomolskaya Pravda and
We Are Shocked other Soviet newspapers.
We have not yet seen the Ukrainian- Enemies wish to create the impression
language brochure, Judaism Without that anti-Semitism is especially strong
Embellishment. It has been reported in the Ukraine and is inspired by the
that the brochure was written by a pro- authorities. This is contradicted by
fessor of philosophy, T. Kichko, and many facts, including the news from
was published by the Ukrainian Aca- our Moscow correspondent S. Rabino-
demy of Sciences. Thus, the content of witch of the Soviet Ukrainian prepara-
the book is not known to us, and we tions to observe the 75th anniversary of
do not propose to judge it. But we are the Jewish poet Asher Shvartsman who
deeply shocked by the newspaper re- was killed in the Civil War. Many great
productions we have seen of the carica- literary personalities of the Ukraine,
tures that "embellish" this "work"! including the famous poet Pavlo Ti-
These caricatures are ugly, revolting china, are members of the Shvartsman
and dangerous! jubilee committee. How does this jibe
We are deeply shocked that such with anti-Semitism?! The caricatures in
caricatures should appear in a Soviet the Kichko brochure are a distortion of
publication because we know, and are the spirit of Soviet literary artists, in-
profoundly convinced, that this contra- cluding Asher Shvartsman.
dicts the entire basic approach of the Caricatures such as those reproduced
Soviet government and the Communist from the Kichko book are, in our view,
Party of the Soviet Union toward anti- anti-Soviet, for they are false, ugly and
Semitism or any form of racism. We anti-human. They are the very oppo-
maintain that such caricatures are not site of scientific anti-religious propa-
consonant with a scientific basis for ganda.

We are deeply shocked, and await a however, has to be abolished in all

clarification. lands, he emphasized.
This is a good declaration, naturally.
But what about the book? The official
text of the U.N., which we have, con-
Morning Freiheit (An Editorial) tains only short "summaries" of the
New York, March 22, 1964 speeches at the Human Rights Com-
Translated from Yiddish mission. In the summary of Mr. Ned-
bailo's speech, the book is not men-
About the Book, tioned directly. It is evident, however,
Judaism. Without Embellishment that he spoke of the Judenratlers, the
The Anti-Semitic Cartoons Must Be Kastners who had collaborated with the
Condemned, the Culprits Punished Nazis. Our U.N. correspondent, who
heard the speech, relates that Mr. Ned-
In its week-end edition dated March bailo referred to one cartoon in that
1, 1964, the Morning Freiheit an- book, declaring that it related to those
nounced that it had cabled its Moscow collaborators, the Kastners.
correspondent, Solomon Rabinovich, to
The Ukrainian representative did not
investigate reports regarding a book or
deny the existence of such a book. He
pamphlet published in Kiev, entitled did not repudiate the photostats of the
Judaism Without Embellishment. In a caricatures as fabrications. He sought
second cable we asked for a copy of the to interpret them. Unfortunately, his
book. . . . interpretations cannot be accepted.
Thus, we tried to check the reports One can accept his declaration about
about the aforementioned book, and the attitude of the Ukrainian Soviet
awaited a reply from our correspondent. government on anti-Semitism and of
Such a reply has not come yet. We "de jure and de facto equality" which
regret this. Our correspondent or the Jews enjoy. Those who want to know
Novosti Press Agency owes us an ex- the facts are familiar with the role
planation. We have the right to expect Jews play in the Ukraine, as in the
that an inquiry of ours would be taken Soviet Union generally, in socialist con-
into consideration. struction, in literature, in the arts and
A reply, however, did come a few the sciences.
days ago, in a speech by the Ukrainian But as to the caricatures in that book,
delegate to the U.N., Piotr Nedbailo. it must be stated openly that they are
In his speech at the Commission for reminiscent of the well-known carica-
Human Rights, he declared: "The tures of Jews in anti-Semitic publica-
people and government of the Ukrain- tions. These are caricatures of an ant-
ian Soviet Socialist Republic condemn Semitic "style."
anti-Semitism as an obnoxious expres- This has to be stated openly and
sion of hate for the Jewish people." clearly. This is the way it must be said
Pointing out that anti-Semitism was an if one wants genuinely friendly rela-
instrument of the Czarist regime to sup- tions between the U.S.A. and the
press the masses, Mr. Nedbailo declared U.S.S.R.—the Soviet Ukraine included,
that in the Ukraine everybody lives in naturally.
conditions of "de jure and de facto Sincere friendship demands candid
equality," and that "all forms of na- relations. There must be no covering
tional hatred, including anti-Semitism, up, supposedly in the name of friend-
have been eliminated." Anti-Semitism, ship. Such a friendship is not a healthy

one. By clarifying matters, the friend- Such cartoons and propaganda are bad
ship that is so necessary in the struggle in any case. And one must especially
for peace, against Nazism and all forms not forget the horrors the Jews experi-
of racism, against anti-Semitism, can enced in the Second World War. Apart
only be strengthened. from their losses on the battlefields,
How was it possible to include in a they lost a third of their people in the
book combatting religion, in this case ghettoes and gas chambers as Jews, as a
Jewish religion, cartoons of this kind? consequence of anti-Semitic propaganda
Those who oppose anti-religious which prepared the ground for Nazi
propaganda in general make a serious barbarism.
mistake. Non-believers have at least as The Morning Freiheit has repeatedly
much right to their views as the devout rejected and continues to reject the
people have to theirs. But it all depends insinuations and slanderous accusations
on the way the propaganda is con- of "anti-Semitism" directed at the Soviet
ducted. Union. It was gratifying to read the
The Moscow Pravda indicated re- other day that Dr. Nahum Goldmann,
cently that anti-religious propaganda as well as the entire conference of Jew-
must be carried out scientifically and ish leaders in Brussels, also rejected the
must not offend the sensibilities o£ slanderous accusation. We reiterate, it
devout people. But in this book we is sufficient to recognize the role played
have caricatures that insult the feelings by Jews in socialist construction, in
of non-religious people as well as the literature, arts and sciences, as well as
devout. These are abhorrent cartoons in the Soviet government and the army.
that must be sharply condemned! They It is important to keep in mind the
play into the hands of anti-Semites statements which Premier Khrushchev
generally, including those in the U.S., has made on various occasions against
and into the hands of the remnants of anti-Semitism, in which he stressed the
the anti-Semites of the Czarist era and struggle carried on by Lenin against
those of the period of the Nazi occupa- anti-Semitism. About these important
tion—remnants against which an edu- declarations the cold warriors maintain
cational campaign is to be conducted, silence. They are silent as well in regard
coupled with a drive to exterminate to the trials of the Nazi hangmen that
them, to mete out punishment for anti- the Soviet Union is prosecuting and the
Semitic expressions or actions. fact that only there do the murderers
get their deserved punishment.
And it is important, in our opinion,
to investigate whether some of these Soviet leaders have frequently stated
remnants had a hand in the design of that the struggle against the remnants
these caricatures and in the publication of the past, criminals and speculators,
of the book Judaism Without Embel- must go on. Among the remnants of
lishment. Here was committed both an anti-Soviet elements there are criminals
anti-Semitic and anti-Soviet act! It is of the anti-Semitic type. Regrettably,
quite possible that under the cloak of a they make themselves felt from time to
drive against the Jewish religion there time.
hide anti-Soviet elements. Such was the case with the publica-
It is no excuse, as claimed in some tion in 1962 of the anti-religious book,
local circles, that propaganda against A Gallery of Saints, by the French 18th
other religions is also conducted badly Century Encyclopedist, Paul Henry
and is accompanied by bad caricatures. Holbach. The Morning Freiheit criti-

cized that book. There were other such restoration of Soviet Jewish culture is
regrettable occurrences. of prime importance. The great begin-
According to reports, some steps were ning that came with the very important
taken against the perpetrators. How- journal Sovietish Heimland and with
ever, it is not known clearly what these Jewish concerts and theatre perform-
steps were; apparently they were not ances must be continued with greater
sufficiently demonstrative so that the momentum. Simultaneously, however,
whole country and the entire world the fight against the cold war supporters
could know about them. Had they been must be strengthened and the struggle
taken demonstratively they might have for peace heightened. The blunders
served as a warning to others. must be rectified in the interests of
The question now is: What measures peace.
will be taken against these cartoonists, Every honest person will admit—as
the author and publisher of the book do Lord Russell and Dr. Linus Pauling,
Judaism Without Embellishment? and many others who point out these
People in the U.S.A., especially Jew- blunders—that the Soviet Union car-
ish people, are deeply disturbed about ries on a persistent fight for peace; that
the cartoons. The matzoh case, too, world peace depends on American-
causes dissatisfaction. It will surely be Soviet friendship.
a serious mistake to dismiss all these Considering all aspects of the ques-
with the argument that it is mere cold tion before us, and without hush-hush-
war propaganda. The blunders in the ing any, one must, above all, see to it
anti-religion drive as well as (or even that the struggle for peace shall in no
more so) the serious errors in the restor- way and in no quarter be hindered and
ation of the Jewish cultural institutions, that American-Soviet friendship shall
destroyed during the Stalin cult (more be strengthened and not weakened.
correctly, the non-restoration of these The elimination of the aberrations
institutions) are matters that seriously from long-standing Soviet policy against
disturb many honest people, friends of anti-Semitism will help strengthen
the Soviet Union. There can, however, American-Soviet friendship that is the
be no doubt that these mistakes and guarantee of world' peace and human
these aberrations are a godsend for the survival.
cold war proponents, for all those who
have continuously been preoccupied
with anti-Soviet propaganda; for all
those who are friends of Adenauer- The Worker, New York
March 24, 1964
Globke; for all those who tolerate the
Heusingers and other Jew-murderers
Gus Hall Condemns Book's Cartoons
residing in our country; for those who
As Anti-Semitic
worry very little about the Rockwells
and look for anti-Semitism only in the Because of a number of inquiries, a
lands of socialism. reporter for The Worker asked Gus
The blunders must be rectified, not Hall if he had any comments on the
only with the view of disarming the stories about a pamphlet published in
war propagandists. Justice demands it Kiev called Judaism Without Embel-
and a proper approach to the national lishment. Mr. Hall stated the following:
question requires that the blunders and "I have not read or seen the pam-
aberrations be corrected. For us, the phlet. 1 have seen only reproductions

of portions of it in papers and maga- which are in full flower in the United
zines. Nor do I have any way of know- States."
ing whether the copies circulating in
this country are forgeries or not.
"There is no doubt in my mind,
however, about the anti-Semitic char- Daily Worker, London, England
acter of what I have seen. Such stereo- March 25, 1964
typed, slanderous caricatures of the
Jewish people must be unequivocally Mr. John Gollan, General Secretary
condemned, whatever their source. And of the Communist Party, commented
certainly they can have no place what- yesterday on references in British news-
ever in Communist or progressive litera- papers to a booklet on Judaism said to
ture. No matter what the intention of have been published by the Ukrainian
the artist who drew them, such stereo- Academy of Sciences.
types have a very specific, unquestion- According to these reports, said Mr.
ably anti-Semitic meaning, and their Gollan, this booklet contains material
use has exactly the same effect as when and illustrations capable of being in-
it is engaged in by those imbued with terpreted as anti-Semitic.
and motivated by the crassest anti- "The illustration reproduced," he
Semitism. said, "has shocked all those in Britain
"Such a pamphlet, moreover, is a who have consistently campaigned
gross distortion of the actual position against anti-Semitism.
of the Soviet Union. It is in serious "The booklet is said to have been
violation of the policy and the long published to explain the Marxist atti-
struggle conducted by the Soviet Union tude to Judaism and Zionism.
against the ideology of anti-Semitism. "While such an aim is perfectly legit-
It is contrary to the 45 years of the legal imate, it must of course be done in a
outlawing of all practices and expres- principled way. It is contrary to the
sions of anti-Semitism. views of Communists and the well
"Finally, whatever may prove to be known policy of the Soviet Union and
the origin of the pamphlet, I would the CPSU to give any encouragement,
warn against anyone falling into the direct or indirect, to anti-Semitism and
trap of those who are trying to utilize to those interested in stirring up racial
all mistakes and errors, as well as forged feeling.
documents, for purposes of reactionary "British Communists would certainly
anti-Sovietism and anti-Socialism. These disassociate themselves from the illus-
professional anti-Sovieteers, many of tration said to have appeared in this
whom themselves are anti-Semitic, are Ukrainian publication.
working overtime to stir up anti-Soviet "I have written to the Soviet Com-
feelings. munists on this matter."
"Nor can we permit a discussion of
such errors to become a smoke-screen
for the real perpetrators of racist, anti-
Semitic, anti-Negro, anti-Puerto Rican Australian Jewish Herald, Melbourne
practices and policies. There are many April 17, 1964
who would like to make headlines of
such errors, whether real or alleged, Letter to the Ambassador
in order to cover up the policies of dis- The following is the text of the letter
crimination, segregation and racism sent to the Soviet Ambassador by the

Jewish Progressive Centre. As Jews and Socialists we express our

Dear Sir: The Jewish Progressive sharpest condemnation of the book
Centre, having acquainted itself with Judaism Without Embellishment.
the book Judaism Without Embellish- Publication of such a book by such
ment, published by the Ukrainian Aca- a body as the Ukrainian Academy of
demy of Sciences, came to the conclu- Sciences, as well as the appearance of
sion that much of the content of the anti-Jewish articles in the Soviet press
book is incorrect and anti-Jewish. on some other occasions shows the So-
For instance, the following state- viet Government doesn't take adequate
ments: "The Talmud is permeated with and prompt measures to prevent anti-
hatred towards work and scorn of the Jewish publications and articles from
worker." "Money is the jealous God of appearing from time to time in the SU.
Israel, before whom there is no other As a Jewish Organization we remem-
God." "The ethics of Judaism do not ber with gratitude that the Soviet Un-
condemn such disgraceful actions as ion has rendered great assistance to the
hypocrisy and bribery." "Speculation in Jews in the Second World War and to
matzos, thievery, deception, debauchery the State of Israel at the time of its
—these are the real characteristics of establishment. As an organization work-
many synagogue leaders." ing for peace we also have been always
Just as shocking and despicable are fostering friendly relations between
the cartoons which show the religious East and West.
Jews with hooked noses as being en- The fact, however, that the book
gaged in greedily grasping money, in Judaism Without Embellishment was
plunder and division of spoils in syna- in circulation for four months without
gogues and in debasement of women, bringing any action or criticism from
and the cartoon which shows Ben the Soviet Government and that the
Gurion, the ex-Prime Minister of Israel, Soviet authorities have failed even to
crossing out the don't's in the Ten date to make an unqualified condemna-
Commandments, and by doing so tion of the book is of grave concern to
preaching: kill, steal and lie. us and to every person in whose interest
In our opinion such a publication it is to combat anti-Semitism.
must encourage anti-Semitism and ra-
cial hatred, specially so in the Ukraine, The Jewish Progressive Centre has
where the poison of anti-Semitism, bred resolved therefore to convey through
for centuries by Czardom, Ukrainian Your Excellency to the Soviet authori-
chauvinism and lately by the Nazis ties our sharpest condemnation of the
during the Hitlerite occupation, is not book and a request that the Soviet Gov-
yet fully uprooted. ernment take all the necessary steps to
It seems to us that the content of this ensure that further publications and
book contradicts the resolution adopted articles in the press of anti-Jewish
by the Central Committee of the Com- character are not permitted, and that
munist Party of the SU on November strong action in accordance with the
10,1954, which says that "it is inadmiss- Soviet penal code is taken against those
able to offend the feelings of the be- responsible for the publication of the
lievers" and that it violates the Soviet book.
law, which declares that "any advocacy M. Frydman, Secretary of Jewish
of racial or national exclusiveness or Progressive Centre
hatred or contempt is punishable by
YIKUF Presidium, New York tion of the monstrous brochure Judaism
March 25, 1964 Without Embellishment in the context
of the anti-religious campaign in the
Statement of the Presidium of YIKUF Soviet Union. Our first reaction was
one of utter disbelief; we regarded the
The appearance of the book Judaism
news as a slanderous concoction, part
Without Embellishment has justly
of the kind of forgery that is regularly
evoked distress and protest among the
fabricated in counter-revolutionary
Jewish masses, including friends of the
anti-Soviet offices.
Soviet Union who greatly value the
Soviet initiatives for disarmament and Alas! Confronted with proof and in
peace. The caricatures in the book are the absence of an official denial, we had
of the same character as the tragically to accept the evidence. . . . How com-
well-known caricatures which anti- pletely incredible, but true! This pub-
Semites disseminate about Jews. They lication, issued by the Academy of Sci-
are profoundly offensive to Jews and ences in Kiev, from the pen of a "spe-
can serve as an instrument in the hands cialist" in anti-religious propaganda,
of anti-Semites. This is in complete T. K. Kichko, is vile for three reasons:
contradiction to the struggle against 1. In its illustrations, representing
anti-Semitism and to the provisions of persons of odious appearance, crooked
the Soviet Constitution, which guaran- noses, and fingers greedy and itching
tee full rights for every citizen and for money, it is among the worst anti-
every people. They can only bring Semitic pamphlets, reminiscent of the
harm to the Soviet efforts for friend- Steurmer or Gringoire.
ship among peoples. 2. In its content—in which, under
the guise of an anti-religious campaign,
The book Judaism Without Embel-
it adopts the classic thesis of anti-Semit-
lishment must be withdrawn from cir-
ism as it was absurdly and perniciously
culation as quickly as possible and the
exploited at all times by the promoters
author and cartoonist must be tried.
of hatred of the Jews, from Drumond
This is necessary in and of itself, and
to Streicher—the brochure sows distrust
as a warning to others. We expect a
and divisiveness among the peoples of
clarification from the Kiev Academy of
the Soviet Union. This one can realize
Sciences as to how such a book was
as soon as one examines some of its
possible—a book that does harm inside
passages: "All of Judaic ideology is im-
the country itself, and also harms the
pregnated with narrow practicality,
objective of friendship with peoples
with greed, the love of money, and the
outside the Soviet Union and the fight
spirit of egoism. . . . The entire Judaic
for peace.
cult is the translation of trade and
commerce into religious language. In
La Voix du Peuple, Brussels, Belgium all its practices, money is of prime im-
March 27, 1964 portance, as is contempt for productive
Translated from French work."
3. By its deceitful and slanderous
A Publication Incompatible With assertions about the ideological and
philosophical content of the Mosaic
religion, Kichko's pamphlet not merely
By Joseph Josse defeats its own objective—to persuade
With immense distress, shame and believers of the mystifying role of reli-
indignation we learned of the publica- gion. Above all, it discredits the Ukrain-

ian Academy of Sciences and creates have been quite appropriate for a capi-
distrust for the entire Soviet socialist talistic country, is not valid for a so-
system. Our enemies will surely not fail cialist country—where the printing
to link this monstrous brochure to the presses are State-owned and where pub-
socialist system itself, and will dissemi- lications of this importance, of this
nate the false notion that socialism is political character, released by the Aca-
incapable of solving the Jewish prob- demy of Sciences, could not appear
lem as a whole and anti-Semitism in without the previous approval of the
particular. authorities of both State and Party.
But it is obvious to any reasonable It is clear to us that this phenomenon
person that this vicious publication of the anti-Jewish publication is just
has nothing to do with socialism, that one particularly serious symptom among
it is of an anti-socialist and counter- so many others of a more general evil,
revolutionary nature. Well then? In located at the highest level of authority
that case, one may rightly wonder what in the Communist Party of the Soviet
is going on in the USSR. How is it Union. This evil is a revisionist devia-
possible that forty-five years after the tion and affects the general line of the
Revolution something like this could Party. In fact, Kichko's vile pamphlet
be produced in a country that claims is the monstrous offspring generated by
to have completed socialist construction this revisionism—great-power chauvin-
and is on the road to Communism? And ism toward the problems of ethnic mi-
where, at what level, can responsibility norities, and idealistic pragmatism
for this affair be placed? about the anti-religious campaign.
Should we—genuine Marxist-Lenin- We are convinced that the evil will
ists for whom the October Revolution not last long and that the Soviet
and socialism are inviolable, we who peoples, together with the Communists
love the Soviet Union—should we be of the USSR, will be able in time to
silent in the face of this degenerate stop the divisive process of revisionism.
phenomenon? We have no right to Thus they will succeed in salvaging the
explain away the problem, to belittle situation and returning the CPSU to
its seriousness, or to look for all sorts the straight path of Marxist-Leninism,
of mitigating circumstances. There are at the same time eradicating the weeds
none. of chauvinism and anti-Semitism that
Don't tell us that this is an unfortun- infest their social fatherland.
ate exaggeration in "bad taste" in the Meanwhile, we must alert the world
anti-religious campaign—one of those of workers and Communists everywhere
we have encountered for some time, to the danger that lies in wait in the
and a little too often, in the Soviet Soviet Union. Even now, the Kol HaAm
press, even according to Pravda itself. (organ of the Israeli CP) and the Neiye
Judaism Without Embellishment is not Presse (progressive Yiddish daily in
an "anti-religious brochure," nor is it Paris) have condemned the brochure in
any "exaggeration in bad taste." It is question—the former quite timidly, and
an anti-Jewish pamphlet and has to be the latter with rather more audacity.
condemned as such. In addition, the Neiye Presse has writ-
Also don't tell us this is the work of ten to its Moscow correspondent at the
a single, isolated anti-Semite who es- Soviet news agency Novosti, reporting
caped the attention of the authorities, the "understandable furore that has
who in turn can't be held entirely re- gripped progressive and democratic
sponsible. This thesis, which might circles," and demanding a clarification.

This kind of declaration and actiort, opportunities in all walks of life, espe-
however, is absolutely insufficient. It iscially in intellectual fields. For example,
necessary that all organizations of work- the percentage of Jews among scientific
ers, radicals, Marxists and Communists workers is extraordinarily high.
of the world reject this infamous bro- It is clear that anti-Semitism is in
chure, declare it anti-socialist, and ask total contradiction to the Soviet regime,
their Soviet brothers to undertake the and when we encounter an anti-Semitic
necessary action to end the present state book—or, more precisely, the kind of
of affairs: anti-Semitic libel that was recently pub-
1. To withdraw the vicious pam- lished in the Ukraine, and was attacked
phlet from circulation and to destroy it. by Radianska Kultura—we ask ourselves,
2. To conduct a search for the real how was it possible for such a libel to
culprits—not merely for the performers appear in the Soviet Union? It could
like Kichko, but especialy those who be said that it was a sheer accident; but
ordered and set the operation in mo- we feel that it should not be ignored or
tion, and to punish them in an exem- underestimated, even though we do not
plary fashion. wish to help the anti-Soviet forces by
This is the least that can be achieved taking up this question.
in order to stop the evil process of anti- Anti-Semitism in old Russia, and es-
Semitism. Success in correcting the over- pecially in the Ukraine, has a terrible
all situation will come through the history. In the last decade of the nine-
victory of Marxism-Leninism over teenth century and the beginning of
revisionism. the twentieth, anti-Semitism was the
official policy of the Czarist regime. The
Czar incited bloody pogroms and ex-
ploited anti-Semitism and race hatred
L'Unita, Rome, Italy to keep the disgruntled masses of the
March 29, 1964 country divided. At the time of the
Translated from Italian Civil War, the White Guardists made
violent assaults on the Jews. Decades
The Libelous Publication in Kiev of anti-Semitism left their imprint,
Is There Anti-Semitism in the USSR? which could not be erased overnight.
One of the greatest achievements of
According to the latest Soviet census, the socialist October Revolution was its
that of 1959, there are in the Soviet victorious struggle against this tragic
Union around 2,300,000 Jews—or some- phase of history; and I am persuaded
what more than one per cent of the' that no other country ever accomplished
total population. as much as did the USSR to eliminate
Soviet Jews enjoy the same special anti-Semitism permanently from the
national rights as the more than 100 country's life.
nationalities in the USSR. Not long Lenin's policy proclaimed the abso-
ago an article in L'Unita summed up lute equality of all nationalities. Na-
the great contributions of the Jewish tional and racial discrimination were
people to the Russian Revolution and declared to be contrary to the prole-
to the mighty economic reconstruction tarian basis of the Soviet regime, which,
that followed the Revolution. The Jew- for its part, recognized only one divid-
ish population, freed of Czarist oppres- ing line—that between the united forces
sion and of the endless Czarist brutali- of the workers of all lands against the
ties to the Jews, received the broadest exploiters of the world. All forms and
expressions of racial prejudice were Ukraine—in effect, virtually all the areas
forbidden by law, and to this date the that had a large Jewish population.
Soviet penal code calls for stiff penalties Hitler's gangs carried out, as they did
against such violations of Soviet everywhere else, massive deportations
morality. and slaughters not only against Jews
All of the Communist Party's ideo- but against the entire population. But
logical and propaganda activities were in the three years of their occupation
mobilized against the residues of racism they did everything they could to dis-
and anti-Semitism, and for this very seminate their anti-Semitic poison and
reason reactionaries and anti-Semites to revive old prejudices. And this be-
everywhere accused the Bolsheviks of came one of the tragic problems created
having "sold themselves" to the Jews. by the war.
I recently discovered a speech of The situation was made much worse
Mikhail Kalinin in 1926; at one time by Stalin's postwar nationalities policy,
Kalinin was the head of the Soviet gov- not just with regard to the Jews. In
ernment and certainly one of its most opposition to Leninist doctrine, Stalin
popular leaders. Like a true Marxist, began to think and to act as if it were
Kalinin earnestly and passionately con- possible to hold entire nationalities
demned every outbreak of anti-Semit- responsible for the fact that some of
ism, including the anti-Semitism of cer- their number had collaborated with the
tain intellectuals who resented the Nazis during the occupation.
unusual prestige of the Jewish intelli- As is now known, the forced deporta-
gentsia, or the fact that certain NEP- tion of entire populations then began.
men were Jews. A long time afterward, Khrushchev re-
Kalinin declared that the October vealed that the entire Ukrainian popu-
Revolution granted equal rights to all lation might have been deported as
peoples of the Soviet Union and equal "untrustworthy"; fortunately, there
access to all government positions in were too many Ukrainians, and this
all areas. He further stated that "the prevented the eradication of the
Soviet regime guarantees this equality Ukrainian people.
not only officially but in reality, so that It was in this atmosphere and in this
for the first time in centuries the Jews context that Stalin began his anti-
may be free to occupy not merely pro- Semitic campaign, and it should be
fessional positions but leading positions noted that this was the real import of
on all levels of the Soviet regime and Stalin's fight against "cosmopolitanism"
the army. . . ." —a pretty word that fooled no one. The
In this Kalinin was no exception, for fact is that the press consistently pub-
all of Soviet policy was developed in the lished the original Jewish names of
same spirit. people in the news. Stalin was con-
In this way the Soviet Union achieved vinced that all Jews had ties with the
its first great victories. Before the sec- West, and this he considered a crime.
ond World War began, anti-Semitism During that period he assaulted the
had almost entirely been eliminated not finest cultural activities of the Jews,
only from official government policy among others, the famous Mikhoels
but from the minds of men, and there theatre was dosed down, never to be
are enough facts to prove this. reopened to this day. This campaign,
And then—World War II. A large accompanied by police persecution,
part of Soviet territory was occupied by reached its climax in the notorious
the Nazis, including almost the entire "Doctors' Plot."

Stalin's errors on the nationalities or to do so only half-heartedly, can

problem were strongly condemned at only damage the Soviet Union, and can
the Twentieth Party Congress and only raise questions about the USSR
thereafter, and much has been done to in the conscience of the international
make up for those errors, to liquidate proletariat and the democratic masses
the "personality cult" and its evil con- of the entire world. The best means to
sequences. But we can still not say that combat such vicious ideas are Lenin's
all these evil consequences have been teachings.
Some of the most serious of these
consequences are in the very delicate
area of relations among the various An Exchange Between the European
nationalities that constitute the Soviet Writers Community and the Soviet
Union. Writers Union
We must remember that in his last On March 25, 1964, Giancarlo Vigo-
years Stalin helped develop the spirit relli, secretary general of the European
of nationalism, and thus anti-Semitism, Writers Community, which is consti-
in the population at large and also- tuted by literary delegations from twen-
more seriously—among groups of intel- ty-five countries including the USSR,
lectuals, party functionaries and leaders. addressed the following cable to the
The consequences of this false policy Soviet Writers Union:
are still being felt today.
This is the only way to explain the "Many Italian and foreign writers
vicious anti-Semitic remarks that can deeply shocked and grieved by the
be heard here and there, the only way anti-Semitic libel published by the
to explain the book mentioned above, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Protest
or even the response of a couple of strongly. I also express my personal
mediocre writers some time ago to Yev- sorrow arid shock. The European Writ-
tushenko's "Babi Yar." ers Community expects an explanation.
No one has the right to say that the Above all, we ask you to intervene in
Soviet government does not respect the order to repair the moral, cultural and
full equality of peoples, including the political damage wrought by this
equality of the Jews. Lenin's concept publication."
of the state, on which Soviet policy is On April 5, 1964, the Ukrainian
based, stands in complete contradiction poet, Nikolai Bayan, replied in the
to every form of nationalism and ra- name of all Soviet writers:
cism, and Soviet laws are the expression
of that policy. Socialism develops only "The book Judaism Without Embel-
those institutions that are built on the lishment, published in Kiev, is con-
concept that everyone works for the demned by Soviet public opinion, and
common good. I personally also consider it danger-
Such harmful phenomena as the ously negative. Many passages in the
booklet that was published in Kiev a book distort historical and scientific
while ago must therefore be understood truth and treat the origins and develop-
as individual and isolated events, hav- ment of this religion in an erroneous
ing nothing in common with the social- manner. The book is illustrated by
ist conscience of the majority of Soviet drawings of an offensive character.
citizens. But they must be combatted Newspapers in Moscow and Kiev have
energetically. To fail to combat them, strongly criticized this book; such ar-

tides have appeared in Pravda and those who have violated the country's
Izvestia and in the Kiev paper Radian- Constitution, which prohibits propa-
ska Kultura. It could not be otherwise, ganda that "smells" of anti-Semitism.
since there is no Jewish problem in the The broad Jewish folk-masses, irre-
Soviet Union. I find it unpleasant, how- spective of their position, will welcome
ever, that this publication should have Pravda's statement. The great signifi-
served as a pretext for forces hostile to cance of this declaration was even rec-
my country to revive calumnies against ognized at the recently convened
my homeland, to exploit a publication [American Jewish] Conference in
that is really alien to the spirit of our Washington. We must emphasize that
society, and so disturb the atmosphere what the highest leadership of the So-
of international cooperation and un- viet Communist Party has now said—
derstanding among peoples." the judgment which it has in effect
handed down—will have a powerful im-
pact not only on anti-religious propa-
ganda but on propaganda and popular
Morning Freiheit (An Editorial)
education in general. This is a warning
New York, April 7, 1964
against every tendency that might play
Translated from Yiddish
into the hands of anti-Semites. We
The Sharp Condemnation in Pravda might well add at this point: If only
we could hear such statements from the
We publish in our news columns highest authorities in this country,
today the full text of the statement where we are inundated with bloody
that appeared last week in Pravda. anti-Semitic propaganda and with calls
The statement was issued by the Ideo- to gas the Jews of America. . . .
logical Commission of the Central Com- While welcoming the declaration of
mittee of the Soviet Communist Party, the Soviet Communist Party, we should
which apparently assembled especially emphasize the great significance of the
to deal with the by now notorious book- statements issued by friends of the
let, Judaism Without Embillishment, Soviet Union against the Kiev booklet,
published by the Ukrainian Academy especially the declarations of the Com-
of Sciences in Kiev. The statement munist Parties of the United States,
decisively condemns the booklet as a France, England, Italy and other coun-
most harmful publication. The booklet's tries. We must particularly stress the
erroneous expressions, the statement statement of the spokesman for the
declares, as well as its caricatures, "may Communists of America, Gus Hall, who
offend the feelings of believers and was the first Communist leader to
might be interpreted in a spirit of sharply condemn the booklet and every
anti-Semitism." form of anti-Semitic propaganda, or
The fact that this statement issues propaganda of an anti-Semitic "style,"
from the highest leadership of the Com- or that which plays into the hands of
munist Party underscores both its sharp the anti-Semites.
character and the effect it will have on So far—so good. The Kiev booklet
those guilty of writing and publishing has been condemned by the highest
the booklet. In effect, they are put in court, so to speak, of the Soviet Commu-
the position of those who have violated nist Party, and a warning has been is-
Leninist positions on anti-religious sued about the whole line of propa-
propaganda, as the declaration makes ganda and enlightenment. At the same
clear at another point; and also of time, it is clear that the declaration has

not yet solved other questions that lished in 1963 by the Ukrainian Aca-
arose in connection with the booklet. demy of Sciences. Particularly signifi-
The declaration quotes the authori- cant is the report that the Ideological
tative statement by Premier Khrushchev Commission of the Soviet Communist
that "from the days of the October Party condemned the book in a state-
Revolution, the Jews in our country ment that was published in Pravda,
have had equality with all other peoples central organ of the Soviet Communist
of the USSR in all respects." There is Party. We also welcome the sharp cri-
no question that the October Revolu- tique of this revolting "work" in Izves-
tion secured this full-fledged equality. tia, official organ of the Soviet govern-
But a number of fundamental Leninist ment.
positions of the October Revolution, And as we already reported last week,
concerning many peoples and especially the Ukrainian Party paper, Radianska
the Jews, were crudely and criminally Kultura, strongly condemned Kichko's
violated by the Stalin-cult. This applies booklet.
to Jewish culture, whose equality, We do not agree with the statements
granted by the October Revolution, has in the critical articles published in the
still not been entirely reconstructed. Soviet press that the illustrations (the
This applies to other problems, which anti-Semitic caricatures) "may offend
came about as the result of an incor- the feelings of believers " We believe
rectly conceived and incorrectly exe- that they are an offense to mankind, to
cuted attitude toward religious matters. everyone with human dignity. But it is
This includes, for example, the matzah very important that the Ideological
question. Certainly there is no "Jewish Commission's statement should declare
problem" as it used to exist in old that the book "contradicts the Party's
Russia, or as it exists now in certain Leninist policy in questions of religion
capitalist countries. But a number of and nationality."
problems exist and must be solved.
The Communist Party declaration on
the Kiev booklet coincides with the
strengthened struggle which the Party Novosti Press Agency Dispatch
is now conducting against the Stalin- Moscow
cult and its crimes. Friends of the March 25, 1964
USSR, the Jewish masses in general—
and not just the Jews—expect that, as On the Pamphlet
part of this struggle, all sorts of ques- Judaism Without Embellishment
tions that have now emerged and been And Its Commentators
made acute will be solved. By Shimon Katz
• * •
Vochenblatt (An Editorial) Publication in Kiev of a booklet by
Toronto, Canada, April 9, 1964 Trofim Kichko, Judaism Without Em-
Translated from Yiddish bellishment, has given rise in Western
countries, particularly in the USA, to a
The Condemnations in Pravda spate of fresh fabrications about "anti-
and Isvestia Semitism" in the Soviet Union. At-
We welcome the sharply critical ar- tempts are being made not only to
ticles in the Soviet press about the now- ascribe to the Soviet State persecution
notorious book Judaism Without Em- of Jews, but even to declare it a policy
bellishment by Trofim Kichko, pub- pursued by the USSR.

The fact, however, is that by writing the Soviet Union have been placed in
his pamphlet Kichko merely exercised equal conditions: People wishing to
his right to conduct atheistic propa- profess any religion may do so freely,
ganda, a right guaranteed by the Soviet while those wishing to criticize it have
Constitution. This right does not con- every right to come out against any of
tradict, in the USSR, the freedom to the religious creeds. But not against
perform religious rites, also guaranteed believers. This is the root of the mat-
by the Constitution and the whole ter. Attempts to use the Kichko pam-
system of law and order established in phlet in presenting things in a different
the Soviet country. Kichko, no doubt, light are only evidence of a desire to
was guided by good intentions in his distort the real state of affairs for the
desire to introduce to his readers scien- sake of whipping up anti-Soviet propa-
tific views on religion, in this case the ganda.
Judaic religion. He did not do it in the
best way. But can the policy of the
Soviet Union in the national question
Pravda, Moscow
be appraised on the basis of only one
April 4, 1964
work by an atheist?
Translated from Russian
This cannot be done at all on the
basis of an atheistic book, no matter C.P.S.U. Central Committee's
how good it may be. Why, then, fol- Ideological Commission
lowing this strange kind of "logic," not
declare every book criticizing Greek The C.P.S.U. Central Committee's
Orthodox religion an anti-Russian ac- Ideological Commission has examined
tion, and a book analyzing the dogmas the question of scientific-atheistic liter-
of the Roman Catholic Church, for ex- ature.
ample, anti-Lithuanian action, and so . . . the participants in the session
on? Clearly, criticisms of religion and criticized the serious mistakes made in
State policy in the national question T. Kichko's Judaism Without Embel-
are different things. lishment, published late in 1963 by the
Ukraine Republic Academy of Sciences
Also, the Kichko pamphlet cannot Publishing House. The book's author,
be taken as a basis for evaluating the as well as the author of its foreword,
policy of the Soviet Union because its in striving to expose the reactionary
author is neither a spokesman of the essence of Judaism, incorrectly explain
Soviet Government nor an exponent of certain questions linked with the rise
its views. The fact that Western critics and development of this religion. A
evade this, for them, all too obvious number of the book's erroneous state-
yet unpleasant consideration suggests ments and its illustrations may offend
the idea that their aim is to cast slurs the feelings of believers and might be
on the USSR rather than ascertain the interpreted in a spirit of anti-Semitism.
real condition of the Jews in the Soviet But, as is known, such a question
Union. does not and cannot arise in our coun-
Soviet power has granted equal rights try. "From the days of the October
to all nationalities of the USSR, both Revolution," N. S. Khrushchev has
small and large, including, of course, said, "the Jews in our country have
the Jewish people. This act has long had equality with all other peoples of
removed the "Jewish question" from the U.S.S.R. in all respects. We do not
the agenda. Similarly, all religions in have a Jewish question, and those who

dream it up are singing a foreign In itself the intention of this

tune." brochure cannot evoke any doubts.
The mistaken tenets contained in the Judaism, like any other religion, can
book contradict the Party's Leninist and should be subjected to scientific
policy in questions of religion and na- criticism. And this is what is done in
tionality and only give our ideological our scientific and popular literature,
opponents, who are trying to create a which exposes the reactionary essence
so-called "Jewish question" at any cost, of all religions, whether Christian,
food for anti-Soviet insinuations. It is Jewish or any other. In particular in
precisely for this reason that the mis- the Ukraine, as well as in other Union
taken parts of T. Kichko's book cannot Republics, a number of books on anti-
but evoke opposition on the part of the religious themes have recently been
Soviet public. printed.
The Ideological Commission recom- T. Kichko analyzes the reactionary
mended that officials of the press and essence of Judaism as one of the forms
publishing houses be more careful in of religious ideology, and uses some
their approach to the publication of new materials for this. However, along
literature on scientific atheism. with the correct propositions in his bro-
chure there are historical and factual
errors, inaccuracies and confused pas-
sages which can be interpreted in a
spirit contradictory to the policy of
Izvestia, Moscow
our government in the field of religion
April 5, 1964 and the church. Many drawings which
Translated from Russian appear in the brochure can only evoke
a feeling of outrage among believers.
Several of the faults contained in the
Concerning an Incomprehensible
brochure have already been criticized.
The newspaper Radianska Kultura ex-
In the past few days there has been pressed critical comments about the
an unusual crop of anti-Soviet articles erroneous propositions of this brochure.
in the press of Western countries. In But the initiators of the anti-Soviet
the name of what issue are pens being propaganda campaign are exploiting
broken and ink is flowing this time? the appearance of the brochure in
The Soviet reader may well express order to try, as they say, to "cast a
his bewilderment. For it is well known shadow on a clear sky," and to smear
that religious liberty in the USSR is the policy of the Soviet state in the
guaranteed by the Constitution. So nationality question.
what is it all about? It turns out that Pitiful calculations! The Leninist
the bourgeois press is excited by a little nationality policy of the Communist
book which was recently brought out Party and the Soviet government is en-
by a Ukrainian publishing house. The tirely clear. In the Soviet Union real
brochure written by T. Kichko is en- equality of rights for all peoples, large
titled, Judaism Without Embellish- and small, is guaranteed, and all the
ment. Let us say right away that the conditions for the flowering of their
book contains errors. capabilities and talents are established.

MIDSTREAM—A Quarterly Jewish Review, is published quarterly by THE THEODOR HERZL

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PL 2-0600. Subscriptions: $4.00 a year; $6.00 for two years. Canada and foreign 50^ a year addi-
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