01-Quizz W0 - L1

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(7 points possibles)
Rappel : la valeur NA indiquée à la fin de chaque question correspond au nombre de
réponses attendues.

Question W0.L1.1: What is the main task of network monitoring? (NA=1)

a) Changing the configuration of a network component
b) Planning network evolution
c) Collecting information about the network state ☒
Explanation: Network monitoring is a part of network management (with network
configuration) and consists in collecting real-time information from network nodes.

Question W0.L1.2: Which institution takes an important role in the standardization

of network management? (NA=1)
a) SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
b) W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
c) IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) ☒
Explanation: The IETF is an international organism in charge of Internet protocols
standardization, which includes SNMP and other protocols for network management.
Question W0.L1.3: What does the FCAPS acronym mean (which summarizes the
functional areas of network management)? (NA=1)
a) Fault, Configuration, Availability, Performance, Services
b) Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Services
c) Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security ☒
Explanation: The requirements for Network Management, as defined by OSI, are:
Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management,
Performance Management, Security Management.

Question W0.L1.4: What is challenging in fault management? (NA=2)

a) to identify the root cause of the fault ☒
b) to shutdown the faulty device
c) to quickly react when the fault happens ☒
d) to access error logs
Explanation: Fault management is challenging because the manager has to react
quickly when a fault occurs to reduce the downtime, and he has to precisely identify
the root cause, while a part of the network may not be responding anymore.

Question W0.L1.5: Which one of the following metrics is not a performance
indicator in network management? (NA=1)
a) latency
b) throughput
c) number of managed components ☒
d) error rate
Explanation: Performance metrics can be simple (network latency, throughput,
error rate, retransmission rate) or much more complex and specific to a given service.
However the number of managed components is not a performance metric.

Question W0.L1.6: What is accounting in network management? (NA=1)

a) creating accounts for users
b) counting network usage ☒
c) paying for new network components
Explanation: Accounting management consists in counting precisely the network
usage to plan evolution or to later charge 3rd parties for their network usage.

Question W0.L1.7: Why is network management essential in today's networking?

a) networks are larger ☒
b) networks are more complex (many types of equipments, protocols, etc.) ☒
c) networks are faster
d) networks support more critical services ☒
Explanation: Network Management automation is essential for an administrator
because today's networks are very large, with heterogeneous network components
from different vendors and running different protocols. Moreover, many services
depend on the network that must be carefully managed.

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