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First Layer:


Marie biscuits / biscuit Marie regal

1 package / 7 gr agar agar powder

700 ml water

6 tbsp sugar


1. Arrange Marie biscuits in the bottom of the pudding pan (one on top of another)
2. Combine agar agar powder, water and sugar in a saucepan or medium wok. Whisk to combine
and bring to simmer
3. Using a spoon (I used small soup spoon), pour the pudding mixture gently to the pan. Don’t
pour all the pudding mixture directly to the pudding pan or use a big soup spoon as the biscuits
will float. Be patient when transferring the mixture to the pudding pan
4. Let cool in room temperature while preparing the second mixture
Second Layer

80 gr butter
4 eggs yolk
1 tbsp vanilla essence
1 package or 7 gr agar agar powder
7 tbsp sugar
500 ml milk
200 ml water


1. Melt butter in low heat and transfer the butter to a bowl. Add egg yolks and vanilla essence to
the bowls and quickly whisk until well combined. Set aside
2. In a saucepan or medium wok, combine agar agar powder, sugar, milk and water and whisk
continuously and bring to simmer
3. Add the egg yolk mixture, whisk until smooth and bring to boil
4. When the first layer is set but still wobbly in the inside, gently pour the second layer pudding
mixture using a big soup spoon
Let cool in room temperature (this might take a while to set) before pouring the third layer

Third Layer

1 package / 30 gr chocolate flavor jelly powder (alternatively, you can use 7 gr plain or
chocolate flavor agar agar powder)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
300 ml milk
500 ml water
6 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp chocolate chips (or you can also use 50 gr of dark chocolate to substitute chocolate chips)


1. Add all the ingredients to a saucepan or small wok and whisk continuously until the mixture is
smooth. Keep whisking and bring to simmer
2. To make sure that layers of the puddings are attached nicely, I sometimes poke the layer
below with a fork to make some small holes, then gently pour the pudding mixture with a big soup
3. Let it cool in room temperature then refrigerate overnight or at least 8 hours before
unmoulding the pudding from the pan. Please wait patiently for the pudding to be completely set
and cold before you take out the pudding from the pudding pan.

Vanilla Custard / Vanilla Vla (Eggless)


500 ml plain milk or vanilla flavor milk

5 tbsp sugar, or to taste depending on how sweet you want your vanilla vla to be
1 tbsp vanilla essence (do not use this if you already use vanilla flavor milk)
3 tbsp tapioca or corn flour


1. In a small saucepan, combine 450 ml of milk, sugar, and vanilla essence. Whisk until smooth
and bring to boil (whisk occasionally so the sugar doesn’t burn in the bottom of the pan). Bring to
2. Mix the flour with 50 ml of milk in a small bowl and mix until smooth. Add the mixture to the
boiling milk and quickly stir and bring the milk to boil again. I will advice to start with 3 tbsp of
flour, then if the custard is not thick enough, add another 1 tbsp of flour. Please remember that
the custard or vla will get thicker once it’s cool down in room temperature and after you
refrigerate it
3.Keep the custard or vanilla vla in the fridge overnight. Serve cold with the pudding

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