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Isabel Solis

Exam 1 - PSMI


Points: 77 out of 80
Duration: 00:43:39
Date started: Mon 22 Oct '18 2:17pm
Date finished: Mon 22 Oct '18 3:01pm
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All Questions 77 Correct 3 Incorrect

Question 1 of 80

When can a Scrum Master cancel a Sprint?

You chose: C)

A) Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are not

clear enough
B) The Sprint Goal has become obsolete
C) S/he can't cancel Sprints
D) Not enough resources are available

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02001
Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel a Sprint. It
happens when the Product Owner realizes that the Sprint doesn't
make sense any more, or in other words, the Sprint Goal has
become obsolete. E.g. if the customer doesn't need most of the
Sprint Backlog items any more.

Note: it's OK if we forecast that the team cannot deliver some of the
Sprint Backlog items (or even many of them) and it's not a reason
for canceling a Sprint.

Question 2 of 80

The Development Team has realized that they have

selected too many items for the Sprint Backlog, while
they are in the middle of the Sprint Planning. Which two
of the following are proper actions in this case?

You chose: B) C)

A) Work overtime and finish everything

B) Remove some of the lower priority items

C) Inform the Product Owner and start development

D) Add more developers to the team

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03018
We can freely change the number, because it's still "during" the
Sprint Planning.
If we want to, we can just start the Sprint with the high number of
items, because nothing happens if we do not deliver everything.
We work on a constant pace (no overtime work). We do not like to
change the composition of the team often, because we know that
adding more developers does not always increase productivity, and
even if it does, it will not happen in the short term.

Question 3 of 80
Which three of the following are true about Scrum?

You chose: A) B) D)

A) Scrum is based on empirical process control theory

B) Scrum is a development framework

C) Scrum should be tailored to suit the project


D) Scrum is adaptive
E) Scrum is predictive

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03026
Scrum is a framework, not a methodology or body of knowledge.
Scrum is empirical, rather than theoretical.
Scrum is more about project delivery rather than project
Scrum is adaptive, rather than predictive (it's more than just using
Sprints and related artifacts). Scrum should be used entirely (we do
not tailor it).

Question 4 of 80

Why should the Scrum Master be at the Daily Scrum?

You chose: D)

A) To facilitate the meeting

B) To take note of the impediments reported by the
C) To assign tasks to developers
D) S/he doesn't have to be there; just needs to ensure
that the Development Team holds the meeting every

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02011
The Daily Scrum is only for the Development Team. Anyone "can
attend", but they don't "have to attend" and they won't "participate";
they will just listen and watch.
It is not necessary for the Scrum Master to facilitate the meetings. It
would be the case only if requested or needed.

Question 5 of 80

The Development Team has spent three weeks in a four-

week Sprint, when they realize they will not be able to
deliver 5 out of 15 items. What should they do?

You chose: C)

A) Just continue

B) Work overtime and try to complete all items

C) Ask the Product Owner to collaborate with them and

adjust the work

D) Outsource part of the work to other teams or parts of

the organization

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02063
The best option is to adjust the work/tasks (as long as it adheres to
the Definition of Done), using input from the Product Owner.
Remember that it's OK if you can't deliver everything until the end
of the Sprint; only the completed items will be delivered, and the
rest go back to the Product Backlog.

Question 6 of 80

Which two of the following are true about the Scrum

Master role?

You chose: A) B)

A) Teaches the Development Team to keep the meetings

to their timebox

B) Works with other Scrum Masters in the organization to

adopt Scrum

C) Should be dedicated to one project at a time

D) Manages the Development Team for maximizing the

E) Is the contact point between the team and the

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 7 of 80

The Product Owner doesn't spend enough time on the

project. Which of the following options is the best
response from the Scrum Master?

You chose: B)

A) Send the Product Owner to a proper training

B) Train the Product Owner why it's important for her/him

to spend enough time on the project

C) Inform the Product Owner's functional manager

D) Bring up the issue in the Sprint Retrospective

E) Nominate a proxy Product Owner

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02034
The Scrum Master is responsible to train and coach team members
on a proactive way, and convince them to do the right thing.

All other options are either reactive, or not selforganized.

Question 8 of 80

Which 2 of the following are true about the Product


You chose: A) B)

A) Can be influenced by a committee

B) Is accountable for prioritizing the Product Backlog


C) The role can be played by a committee

D) Should be dedicated to one project
Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01023
The Product Owner creates and orders the Product Backlog items
and makes sure that everyone understands them. Estimating the
items and breaking them down into tasks are done by the
Development Team.
There can be a committee for the product ownership, but only their
representative will be called the Product Owner. So, there's only
one Product Owner, even when there are multiple teams. This
person can be fulltime or parttime. One person can have more than
one role in Scrum (e.g. both the Product Owner and the Scrum
Master). While it's not forbidden, it's not recommended either.

Question 9 of 80

What should be done between two Sprints?

You chose: B)

A) Add new items to the Product Backlog, estimate, and

order them

B) Nothing; there's no time between the two

C) Work to ensure that the customer understands the

developed items
D) Receive feedback from the customer

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03009
There's no time between one Sprint and the next.
Ordering the Product Backlog items and estimating the amount of
work of new items needed for the next Sprint Planning is done
during the previous one, in a continuous process called Product
Backlog refinement (or Product Backlog grooming).

Question 10 of 80

The Product Owner has problems managing the Product

Backlog. Which of the following is a proper action by the
Scrum Master?
You chose: B)

A) Order the Product Backlog for the Product Owner

B) Suggest common Product Backlog management

techniques to the Product Owner

C) Ask the Development Team to order the Product

Backlog for the Product Owner

D) Take some time off between the two Sprints and have
everyone help the Product Owner until the Product
Backlog is ready

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03036
The Scrum Master is supposed to know the tools and techniques,
and to help everyone in that regard. However, it's only about
helping, training, coaching, and consulting, rather than taking over.

Question 11 of 80

When should the Product Owner ship an Increment?

You chose: C)

A) Every Sprint

B) When the Increment is releasable

C) As needed
D) When the Development Team is ready for shipment

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03048
All Increments should be potentially releasable (shippable), but we
don't have to release all of them. It depends on the project
environment and the customer, and the Product Owner is supposed
to make decision.

Question 12 of 80
How often should Development Team membership

You chose: D)

A) Like in any other project

B) Never
C) Every Sprint, to keep the composition dynamic

D) As needed, with caution

Points: 1 out of 1


Question Code: 03073

We don't expect it to change often, but if required, it shouldn't be
during the Sprint, and we should keep in mind that it creates a short
time reduction in the productivity, because everyone has to help
new team members get to know the project.
Another important point is that increasing the number of developers
does not always increase productivity.

Question 13 of 80

Which two of the following are the best ways a Scrum

Master can teach teams to help them self organize?

You chose: A) C)

A) Create a releasable Increment at the end of each


B) Maintain and increase velocity

C) Timebox events to manage risk

D) Use pairprogramming

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01060
Both timeboxing and having the goal of creating Increments help
developers focus on real problems, take accountability, and make
right decisions for the delivery. Both of them are mandatory in

Maintaining and increasing velocity is important, but doesn't help

with selforganization.

Pairprogramming is a helpful Agile practice, but it is not mandatory,

and it doesn't serve self organization.

Question 14 of 80

Nine (9) Scrum Teams are working on a single product.

Which of the following is the best way of planning

You chose: B)

A) The Product Owner meets with representatives from

each team to compose the Sprint Goal and select
items from the Product Backlog. Then each
representative works with his/her team to create their
Sprint Backlog.

B) Everyone meets in the same time to check the

Product Backlog and to receive information from the
Product Owner. Then they coordinate dependencies,
shift team members as needed, and create their Sprint

C) The Product Owner and all team members meet and

create one Sprint Backlog for the project All teams will
share that Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01030
Some points you need to remember about scaled Scrum:

There's only one Product Backlog and one Product Owner for a
project/product. Each team needs to have a separate Sprint
Backlog however.

The Development Team is responsible for selecting the items from

the Product Backlog, so it cannot be done without them. They
share ownership, and therefore having one person representing a
team is not a good option.

It's OK to shift team members (change the composition of teams)

between two Sprints.

Even though Product Backlog items should be independent of each

other, the dependencies

between teams is a common problem in scaled Scrum so they

should be careful about it.

Note: has recently published the Nexus Guide, which is

a framework for scaled Scrum. However, there are no direct
questions about it in the PSM I exam yet.

Question 15 of 80

The Sprint Goal and the Sprint Backlog are the results of
Sprint Planning.

You chose: B)

A) False

B) True

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03005
The Sprint Backlog is created in the Sprint Planning, and updated
during the Sprint; both done by the Development Team.
The Sprint Goal is composed by the whole Scrum Team in the
Sprint Planning meeting.

Question 16 of 80

A company has four products. Which two of the following

are acceptable ways of forming Scrum teams?

You chose: D) E)

A) It's better to have multiple Development Teams in this


B) There should be one Product Owner for each product

C) There should be a single Product Owner for all


D) There can be one Product Owner for each product

E) There can be a single Product Owner for all products

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02081
When there's one product, there should be only one Product
Owner, even if the product is large and there are many
Development Teams.
When there are multiple products, there are multiple projects and 1)
you can have separate Product Owners for each of them, and 2)
since Product Owner is a parttime job, one person can be the
Product Owner for all those projects.

Question 17 of 80

Why is Daily Scrum held at the same time and same


You chose: A)

A) To reduce complexity and overheat

B) Because the Product Owner requires it

C) Because the place can be named

D) To make it easier to book the rooms

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02031
It's not wise to spend time everyday scheduling the next Daily
Scrum, when the meeting itself is only 15 minutes.

We usually expect to have a common place for the team and have
them collocated. The meeting will be held in the same common
place, in front of the Scrum board; we don't book a meeting room
for it.

Question 18 of 80

The purpose of ALL Sprints is to produce a done

Increment of working product.

You chose: B)

A) False
B) True

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03016
The purpose of all Sprints is to create an Increment, which is
"done", a piece of working software usable for the users,
"potentially releasable", and "potentially shippable". However, we
do not necessarily "release" or "ship" all Increments.

Remember that doesn't accept any special type of

Sprint, such as Sprint 0, Hardening Sprint, Release Sprint,
Integration Sprint, etc. All Sprints are the same.

Question 19 of 80

Which does a self-organizing Development Team


You chose: C)

A) The priority of Product Backlog items

B) How to measure project performance

C) How many items to pick for the Sprint backlog
D) How to compose the Product Backlog items

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 20 of 80

How are Product Backlog items chosen in scaled


You chose: B)

A) The highest performing Development Team starts

pulling items, and then it's the next highest performer's
B) The Development Teams pull in items in agreement
with the Product Owner
C) The Product Owner provides each team with a set of
D) The items are provided to the team randomly

E) The teams provide the Product Owner with their

capacity, and the Product Owner selects and provides
an appropriate number of items to each team based
on their capacity

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02080
The Development Teams are selforganized and it's their
responsibility to select items from the Product Backlog. When there
are multiple teams, all of them should do it together. They should
also seek the acceptance of the Product Owner, since s/he should
be able to have a history of items.
Note: has recently published the Nexus Guide, which is
a framework for scaled Scrum. Based on that, representatives from
teams are mainly dealing with selecting items, while the rest of the
team members are also available, specially for the second part of
the Nexus Sprint Planning, when they create their own Sprint
Backlogs. So, all developers are practically involved, directly or

Question 21 of 80

When can the composition of the Development Team


You chose: A)

A) Whenever needed

B) Not during the Sprints

C) After each reléase

D) The composition of the team should not change

Points: 0 out of 1

Question 22 of 80

The whole Sprint Backlog is defined during the Sprint

Planning and usually does not change during the Sprint.

You chose: B)
A) True

B) False

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 23 of 80

Who's required to attend the Daily Scrum?

You chose: D)

A) The Development Team members and the Product

B) The Development Team members and the Scrum
C) The whole Scrum Team

D) The Development Team members

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01021
Anyone "can attend" any meeting, but note that the questions is
asking who's required to do so. Daily Scrum is only for the
Development Team, so no one else is "required to attend", and if
they do, they are not supposed to "participate"; they just listen and

Question 24 of 80

Scrum is a technique.

You chose: A)

A) False

B) True

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02048
Scrum is an Agile (adaptive) framework, within which various
processes and techniques should be used in right orchestration.

Question 25 of 80

Which of the following can be delivered as the output of

a Sprint?

You chose: A)

A) A few new features that the customer can easily try

and experiment

B) A UML diagram
C) An Increment of software with minor known bugs in it

D) The requirement specification document

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 26 of 80

The Development Team has realized that they have over

committed themselves for the Sprint. What should they

You chose: B)

A) Nothing

B) Call the Product Owner to review the items with them

and revise the Sprint Backlog if necessary

C) Move some items back to the Product Backlog

D) Ask the Scrum Master to solve the problem

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 27 of 80

When is a Product Backlog item considered complete?

You chose: C)
A) When the whole Development Team agrees that it is

B) When the Scrum Master approves it

C) When there's nothing more we can do before it can be
used by the end users
D) When the customer approves its completeness

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03028
When the item is complete based on the Definition of Done, which
means that the end users can use it, and it creates an Increment of
working software that is potentially releasable.
Note: if all the tasks for an item are complete, it doesn't necessarily
mean that the item is complete, because we might have forgotten
to add some of the tasks.

Question 28 of 80

What are two common benefits of self-organization?

You chose: A) C)

A) Increased self-accountability

B) Increased predictability
C) Increased commitment
D) Increased rule compliance

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 29 of 80

Items at the bottom of the Product Backlog are usually

larger than those on the top.

You chose: B)

A) False

B) True
Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01075
This is how it works:

a. Items are added to the Product Backlog. They have different

b. They are ordered based on their business value.
c. If a large item is located on the top of the Product Backlog, it is
broken down into smaller

ones. We don't do it with those on the bottom.

That's why, on average, we expect to have larger items on the
bottom of the Product Backlog.

Question 30 of 80

Scrum is a development methodology that provides a

practical Agile environment.

You chose: A)

A) False

B) True

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03056
Scrum is a framework rather than a methodology, and it's not

Question 31 of 80

Who determines the number of Product Backlog items

selected for a Sprint?

You chose: C)

A) The Scrum Master

B) The Product Owner

C) The Development Team

D) The Scrum Team

E) The Scrum Team

F) The Product Owner and the Development Team

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03068
It's completely up to the Development Team to decide on the
number of items they are pulling for a Sprint.

Question 32 of 80

Who should create the Sprint Goal?

You chose: A)

A) The Scrum Team

B) The Development Team

C) The Product Owner
D) The Product Owner and the Development Team
E) The Scrum Master

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 33 of 80

Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders?

You chose: C)

A) The Development Team

B) The Scrum Master

C) The Product Owner

D) The team manager

E) The whole Scrum Team

F) The project manager

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02028
The Product Owner is responsible for communications with all

Question 34 of 80

What are the benefits of having tests in the Definition of

Done? (Choose 3 answers)

You chose: A) B) C)

A) Increments will be closer to being potentially shippable

B) There will be increased transparency of the


C) Increments will be more complete

D) Reporting to the project manager will be easier

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 35 of 80

When is a Sprint over?

You chose: D)

A) When the timebox is over or everything is done

B) When all items are done

C) When the Product Owner approves it

D) When the predefined timebox duration is over

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 36 of 80

Which best describes the crossfunctionality?

You chose: A)

A) The Development Team should have all the expertise

required for the product, in a way that they do not
need any help from the outside
B) Members of the Development Team should have all
the expertise needed for the production of the Product
Backlog items

C) The Development Team members should collaborate

not only with the customer, but also with all functional
units in the performing organization as well as the

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 37 of 80

There should be a hardening Sprint every few Sprints, to

resolve dependencies and fix open bugs.

You chose: A)

A) False

B) True

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01070
There's only one type of Sprint, and its goal is to create a potentially
releasable Increment of features that bring value to the customer.
There's no Sprint zero, hardening Sprint, integration Sprint, release
Sprint, etc.

Question 38 of 80

Which two of the following are feedback loops in Scrum?

You chose: A) C)

A) Daily Scrum
B) Sprint

C) Sprint Review
D) Product Backlog refinement

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03067
All four events inside the Sprint are feedback loops and
opportunities for inspection and adaptation: Sprint Planning, Daily
Scrums, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Question 39 of 80

When is a Sprint over?

You chose: D)

A) When the Product Owner considers it done, with any

appropriate reason

B) When all Sprint Backlog tasks are done

C) When all Sprint Backlog items are done

D) When the timebox expires

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01053
Sprints are timeboxed and they are not extendable. Some
timeboxes have a maximum duration and will be finished earlier if
everything is done, but Sprint timeboxes have a fixed duration,
which does not shrink either. If everything is finished before the end
of the Sprint, the Development Team will pick the next item from the
Product Backlog and starts working on that.

Question 40 of 80

Which of the following best describes transparency?

You chose: C)

A) The whole process should be visible to everyone

B) The process should be visible, and understood by key

C) Significant aspects of the process must be visible to
those responsible for the outcome

D) The whole process should be visible to stakeholders

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02051
Transparency is about visibility and doesn't contain understanding;
even though we'd better try our best to create the right
understanding too, but that's another story.

The "whole process" might be too much for some stakeholders;

"significant aspects" is enough, as we treat most things in Agile

Question 41 of 80

When the Sprints are two weeks and there are six
developers in the team, what would be the timebox for
the Sprint Planning meeting?

You chose: B)

A) Monthly
B) 4 hours

C) 6 hours
D) 3 hours
E) 8 hours

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03077
The Sprint Planning is timeboxed for 8 hours when the Sprint is one
month long, and shorter proportionally.

Question 42 of 80

Which of the following best describes Scrum?

You chose: A)
A) An adaptive project development framework
B) A predictive project development framework

C) A project development body of knowledge

D) A complete project development methodology

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 43 of 80

Which of the following best describes the Product


You chose: B)

A) It contains all the tasks required for the project

B) It grows and change as more is learned about the


C) It provides information required for the design phase

of the project

D) It's a baseline for the change management process

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01032
The Product Backlog is a type of planning. However, we don't
create predictive, detailed upfront plans in Agile environments: the
Product Backlog is dynamic and never complete. It provides only
enough information for a selforganized team to find its own way. It's
always changing to enable adaptation.

There are no "tasks" in the Product Backlog; they belong to the

Sprint Backlogs.

Question 44 of 80

When the Scrum Team becomes mature enough, it

doesn't need a Scrum Master anymore.

You chose: B)

A) True
B) False

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01059
Every Scrum Team needs a Scrum Master and a Product Owner,
even if they are mature. Both roles can be parttime.
Remember that the Scrum Master is also responsible for removing
impediments. And it doesn't matter how mature you are in the
process; it's always great to have someone to help you with issues.

Question 45 of 80

The Development Team cannot forecast how much work

they can do in the upcoming Sprint, because of the
uncertainties in the Product Backlog which the Product
Owner is not able to overcome. What two actions should
the Scrum Master recommend?

You chose: A) B)

A) Ask the developers to come up with their best guess

and do not worry about the capacity
B) Invite everyone to discuss this problem in the next
Sprint Retrospective and try to find a solution
C) Extend the duration of Sprint Planning and ask them
to discuss the items more and get into agreement

D) Cancel the Sprint and start the next one when the
items are clear
Cancel the Sprint Planning meeting, give them some
time to prepare, and then hold another
Sprint Planning

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03079
The number of Product Backlog items picked in the Sprint Planning
is the plan for the Sprint, but nothing happens if the team cannot
deliver all of them; it's just a guess. If stakeholders start to blame
the team for not delivering everything, the team will pick fewer
items in the next Sprint and in turn end up with less productivity.

It is however a problem that the items are not clear and it will
certainly create more issues through the Sprint. Therefore, it's a
very important topic for the next Sprint Retrospective, when
everyone should try to fix it.
The Sprint Planning is timeboxed; never extended. It's also not
possible to cancel the meeting and hold it another time (it's almost
like extending the duration).

It's nonsense to cancel the Sprint when it's not practically started.
On the other hand, only the Product Owner can cancel the Sprint
(when the goal becomes obsolete).

Question 46 of 80

When is the time for Sprint Retrospectives?

You chose: A)

A) At the end of each Sprint

B) At the end of the first few Sprints

C) In the beginning of each Sprint

D) In the beginning of the first few Sprints

E) Whenever needed, based on lessons learned

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03054
All events are necessary and are held every Sprint; including the
Sprint Retrospective, which is the last event inside each Sprint.

Question 47 of 80

The Scrum Master has a lot of unresolved issues. Which

three of the following actions can be taken to facilitate

You chose: A) B) C)

A) Inform management of the impediments and their


B) Consult the Development Team

C) Prioritize the issues and work on them in order

D) Escalate the issues to the right person

E) Ask the senior management for help

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01017
It's always a good idea to ask the rest of the team for help
(consultation), but we prefer not to get help from outside the team,
because it will weaken our selforganization.

Question 48 of 80

Which of the following is common when the Scrum Team

becomes mature enough during the project?

You chose: A)

A) They will improve the Definition of Done

B) They won't need a Scrum Master any more

C) They won't need Sprint Retrospectives any more

D) They can release every Increment

E) The won't need Sprint Reviews any more

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01014
The Definition of Done includes quality methods and that's why we
keep improving it when we mature.
All Scrum roles, events, and artifacts are necessary and should not
be ignored for any reason.

Question 49 of 80

Items in the Product Backlog are usually larger than

items in the Sprint Backlogs.

You chose: A)

A) True

B) False
Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01044
This is how it works:
Items of different sizes are added to the Product Backlog.

Items are sorted based on their business value.

Then we check the items on the top of the Product Backlog, and if
they are large, we'll break

them down into smaller items. We leave the large items on the
bottom of the Product Backlog

as they are for now.

The business values will be estimated again, and the Product

Backlog sorted based on them.

Based on this explanation, the items on the top of the Product

Backlog would be, statistically speaking, smaller than the average.
Since the items in the Sprint Backlog come from the top of the
Product Backlog, we can say that "the items in the Sprint Backlog
are usually smaller than the average item in the Product Backlog".

Remember that we sort the Product Backlog items based only on

their business value. The difference in size happens naturally, and
is not a basis for sorting.

Question 50 of 80

What's the Scrum Master's responsibility during the

Sprint Retrospective?

You chose: D)

A) Ask team members to answer standard questions

B) Manage the meeting

C) Collaborate with the managers to attend the meeting

and get results

D) Participate, and also facilitate as needed or requested

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02005
The whole Scrum Team, including the Scrum Master, should
participate in the Sprint Retrospective to find an improvement to be
applied in the next Sprint.

Besides that, the Scrum Master is supposed to facilitate the

meetings as requested or needed. Note that facilitation is different
from managing; the Scrum Master is a process manager, not a
people manager.

Question 51 of 80

Choose 3 responsibilities of a self-organizing

Development Team.

You chose: A) B) D)

A) Track Sprint performance

B) Select Product Backlog items for the Sprint

C) Create Product Backlog items

D) Decompose Product Backlog items into tasks

E) Make sure the Product Backlog items are clear to the


Points: 1 out of 1

Question 52 of 80

What's the purpose of Scrum of Scrums?

You chose: C)

A) To let Scrum teams share experience and lessons


B) To align teams working on multiple Scrum projects

C) To align multiple teams that are working on the same
D) A meeting to report to stakeholders

E) To let Scrum Masters share experience and lessons


Points: 1 out of 1
Question 53 of 80

An organization has decided to adopt Scrum. What

happens if they tailor the Scrum terminology to match
their current environment?
(Choose multiple answers)

You chose: B) C) D)

A) They will get better results adopting Scrum this way

B) The change might not be obvious to everyone, and

therefore very little change may actually happen

C) Management may feel less enthusiastic about the


D) The change might not be obvious to everyone, and

some benefits may be lost

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02030
Scrum is a framework rather than a methodology. It's very
lightweight and contains only the essential required aspects.
Therefore, it shouldn't be tailored like methodologies (e.g.
PRINCE2). The above answers to this question show the's approach to the implementation of Scrum.

Question 54 of 80

When forming multiple Scrum teams, which two of the

following are the most important considerations?

You chose: C) D)

A) Having a mixture of senior and junior developers in

each team

B) Having enough skills for the technical layer designated

to each team

C) Having an effective mixture of skill in each team to

avoid dependencies

D) Having proper size in each team

Points: 1 out of 1
Question Code: 02070
All teams should be crossfunctional, with 3 to 9 developers.

Question 55 of 80

The Scrum Master should cancel the Sprint Planning, if

the Sprint Goal is not composed beforehand.

You chose: B)

A) True

B) False

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01015
The Sprint Goal is composed by the whole Scrum Team during the
Sprint Planning. Besides that, we don't cancel the Sprint Planning
anyway! The Sprint can be canceled only in extreme situations, by
the decision of the Product Owner.

Question 56 of 80

Which statement is right about the Sprint Backlog?

You chose: A)

A) It has just enough details

B) It has all the details

C) It doesn't have the details

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02061
As usual, we're just interested in "just enough". We don't want to
waste time overplanning, and we don't want to cut all parts of
planning and lose control.
Question 57 of 80

When multiple teams are working on the same project,

there should be one Definition of Done for all of them.

You chose: A)

A) False

B) True

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 58 of 80

What should the Scrum Master do during the Sprint


You chose: A)

A) Participate as a Scrum Team member

B) Prioritize the outputs of the meeting

C) Capture the Development Team's answers

D) Summarize and report the results to the senior


Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02012
The whole Scrum Team, including the Scrum Master, should
participate in the Sprint Retrospective to find an improvement to be
applied in the next Sprint.
Besides that, the Scrum Master is supposed to facilitate the
meetings as requested or needed. Note that facilitation is different
from managing; the Scrum Master is a process manager, not a
people manager.

Question 59 of 80

Which statement about the Definition of Done is

You chose: A)

A) It's defined by the Scrum Master

B) It becomes more accurate over time

C) It varies depending on the project

D) It is the basis for the Development Team to forecast

how many items they can deliver during the Sprint

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02045
The organization may have a Definition of Done composed for all
projects, in which case the team will use it as a minimum.
Otherwise, the Development Team will be responsible for
composing the definition of "Done".

When multiple teams are working on the same product, there can
be more than one Definition of Done, as long as they all have the
minimums required by the development organization, and can
create an integrated Increment.

The Definition of Done shows how much work should be done for
each item, and therefore, it impacts how many items the team can
deliver during the Sprint.

Question 60 of 80

Which of the following are mandatory in Scrum? (Choose

multiple answers)

You chose: B) E)

A) Using testdriven development

B) Measuring the performance of the Sprints

C) Using burndown-charts
D) Using pairprogramming

E) Using Sprint Backlogs

F) Using a dedicated Development Team

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02049
Sprint Backlog and Sprint performance measurement are Scrum
artifacts and all artifacts are mandatory. It's recommended to have
dedicated developers, but it's not mandatory. The rest are all
practices or techniques, and therefore out of the scope of Scrum
(while using Agile practices in Scrum is both common and

Question 61 of 80

Which best describes the crossfunctionality?

You chose: A)

A) The Development Team should have all the expertise

required for the product, in a way that they do not
need any help from the outside

B) Members of the Development Team should have all

the expertise needed for the production of the Product
Backlog items

C) The Development Team members should collaborate

not only with the customer, but also with all functional
units in the performing organization as well as the

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 62 of 80

Which of the following is the best way the Scrum Master

can help improve the communications between the
Development Team and the Product Owner.

You chose: C)

A) Stay available for help

B) Act as go-between

C) Help them understand the importance of

communications and the common tools and

D) Act as a facilitator

Points: 1 out of 1
Question 63 of 80

When does the Development Team prepare the tools

and infrastructure for the development?

You chose: C)

A) Before the first Sprint

B) In the Sprint zero

C) Throughout the Project

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01031
We do not prepare the infrastructure and tools upfront, because it
requires an understanding of the whole product, which is against
the adaptation concept. The required infrastructure and tools
depend on the product we're going to create, which in turn is
defined throughout the project. So, the infrastructure and tools will
be prepared gradually throughout the project.

There's no Sprint zero in Scrum. All Sprints are the same, used to
create an Increment of working software.

Question 64 of 80

A comprehensive branching and merging model in

shared version control reduces the
coordination problems when multiple teams are working
on the same code.

You chose: A)

A) True

B) False

Points: 0 out of 1

Question 65 of 80

The Scrum Master shouldn't allow the Development

Team start developing without having the tasks identifies
and assigned.

You chose: B)

A) True

B) False

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02066
There are two problems in this statement:

The Scrum Master doesn't manage people and cannot prevent

team members from doing something and cannot order them to do
certain things. S/he should always "convince" them to do the right
thing by training and coaching.

The Development Team identifies the tasks and assigns them

gradually, throughout the Sprint. We don't do it upfront, in the
beginning of the Sprint.

Question 66 of 80

The Scrum Master has a lot of unresolved issues. Which

three of the following actions can be taken to facilitate it?

You chose: A) B) C)

A) Prioritize the issues and work on them in order

B) Consult the Development Team

C) Inform management of the impediments and their


D) Escalate the issues to the right person

E) Ask the senior management for help

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01017
It's always a good idea to ask the rest of the team for help
(consultation), but we prefer not to get help from outside the team,
because it will weaken our selforganization.
Question 67 of 80

Which 3 statements are right about the Definition of


You chose: A) B) C)

A) It defines what it takes for a Product Backlog item to

be ready for release

B) B. It helps the Development Team have a reliable

forecast of the number of items they can select in the
Sprint Planning

C) It creates transparency for the Increments that will be

inspected at the Sprint Review

D) It helps measure the percent completeness of items

E) It helps developers understand if they have performed

their tasks

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 68 of 80

Which role is the equivalent of project manager in


You chose: B)

A) The Product Owner

B) None

C) The Scrum Master

D) The Development Team

E) The team leader(s)

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02010
The project management activities are distributed among all three
Scrum roles: the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the
Development Team.
Question 69 of 80

All Increments should be potentially releasable.

You chose: A)

A) True

B) False

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01052
All Increments must be complete based on the Definition of Done,
and be potentially releasable/shippable. However, we don't have to
actually release all of them. It's up to the Product Owner to decide
on the releases based on the project environment.

Question 70 of 80

Which two of the following are more important for

increasing transparency?

You chose: B) E)

A) Using burndown-charts

B) Having a common language

C) Having frequent meetings

D) Communicating constantly

E) Having a shared Definition of Done

F) Reporting frequently

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02052
Having a common language is the most important point, because
the communications would not be effective otherwise. The other is
having a proper Definition of Done, because that's how we
understand what we mean by each piece of work. The rest might
be helpful, but come next.
Question 71 of 80

¿Qué sentencia describe mejor la responsabilidad de un

Propietario de Producto (Product Owner's)?

Marcar esta pregunta

You chose: C)

A) Optimizar el valor del trabajo que realiza el equipo de

desarrollo (Development Team).

B) Mantener a los participantes a raya.

C) Gestionar el proyecto y garantizar que el trabajo

cumpla los compromisos con las partes interesadas.

D) Dirección del Equipo de Desarrollo (Development


Points: 0 out of 1

Question 72 of 80

Which two of the following are NOT Development Team


You chose: A) B)

A) Reporting the Sprint progress to the customer

B) Prioritizing the new Product Backlog items

C) Resolving their conflicts

D) Monitoring productivity

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03051
It's the Development Team's responsibility to measure their
productivity and performance during the Sprint, find their way, plan,
and optimize the work required for items and the Sprint Goal, and
resolve their own conflicts. Remember that they are selforganized.

Question 73 of 80
What are two common benefits of selforganization?

You chose: A) B)

A) Increased creativity

B) Increased buyin
C) Increased predictability

D) Increased respect

E) Increased crossfunctionality

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 74 of 80

What's the vertical axis in a typical burndown chart?

You chose: D)

A) The technical debt

B) The progress

C) The capacity of the team

D) The amount of remaining work

Points: 1 out of 1

Question 75 of 80

When must a new Increment of working software be


You chose: B)

A) When the Product Owner asks for it

B) At the end of each Sprint

C) Whenever the user acceptance testing is done

D) Before each planned reléase

E) Every 3 Sprints
Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01076
An Increment of "Done" working software, which is potentially
releasable, must be produced at the end of each Sprint.
Remember that all Sprints are the same, and there are no Sprint
Zeros, Hardening Sprints, Integration Sprints, Release Sprints, etc.

Question 76 of 80

Who decides on the technical approach?

You chose: A)

A) The Development Team

B) The Product Owner

C) Architects
D) The whole Scrum Team

E) The Scrum Master

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03078
It is completely up to the selforganized Development Team to
decide on the way they work and on the technical aspects of the

Question 77 of 80

Who's in the Scrum Team? (Choose multiple answers)

You chose: A) B) C)

A) Development Team
B) Product Owner

C) Scrum Master

D) Project manager
E) Team leader(s)
Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 03080
Yes, some exam questions are as easy as this one. But be careful,
a question might seem easy just because you didn't read it

Question 78 of 80

Which of the following can be considered an Increment?

You chose: B)

A) A user interface design that will be used for all


B) New complete features added to the output of the

previous Sprints

C) The requirements specification document

D) The solution architecture for the whole product

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02004
Increments are "done" Product Backlog items. They are added to
the output of the previous Sprints. All items should be nontechnical
and independent.

The user interface design evolves throughout the project, as does

the database architecture and other similar things. They are part of
multiple nontechnical items, rather than separate ones.

Question 79 of 80

A person working on multiple Scrum teams is often less

productive than one who works in only one team.

You chose: A)

A) True

B) False
Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 02072
A person who works in only one team is more focused and
therefore more productive.

Question 80 of 80

Which of the following is a right action from the Scrum

Master in response to a Product Owner who has
problems managing the Product Backlog?

You chose: B)

A) Ask the Development Team to help the Product Owner

understand the dependencies among

B) Help the Product Owner order the items

C) Extend the Sprint, so that the Product Owner has
more time ordering items
D) Ask the customer to order the items instead of the
Product Owner

Points: 1 out of 1

Question Code: 01036
The Scrum Master is supposed to know the tools and techniques,
and to help everyone in that regard. However, it's only about
helping, training, coaching, and consulting, rather than taking over.
Remember that we're not supposed to have dependencies (at least
not many dependencies) among items; so, dependencies are not a
basis for ordering the backlog. The only basis is the business

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