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Geography II
Three Estates (Social Groups)
1st Estate The Nobility Lords, knights, and their families. Their duty was Privileged: did not have
to protect the population and the land. They had a to pay taxes or do
military role manual labor

2nd The Clergy Those who belonged to the church (monks and Privileged: did not have
Estate priests). Their duty was to pray for the spiritual to pay taxes or do
salvation of the people. manual labor

3rd Estate The Common Consisted of mainly peasants but also included Non-privileged: had to
People merchants and craftsmen. Their duty was to pay taxes and do manual
(Workers) produce the food and goods needed by society. labor
Network of KING: the lord of the land.
Highest position in the feudal

Feudal Ties

Video Link: vassals of the king. Also
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd4lopI ruled over some lower
PObA ranking knights

KNIGHTS: served
the lords in
exchange for food

PEASANTS: owned no

land of their own, worked


on land owned by nobles

and knights. The lowest
rank in the feudal system
completely under
the authority of their
feudal lord. Needed
their permission for
everything. Lived and
died on the same land.
Were treated poorly.

owned small plots of
land and
villages. Could make
their own personal

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