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Name: Angel Reign Moises Date: February 26, 2018


1. The task of Education is help every individual to see their worth by shaping and molding the
minds, hearts, personalities, self-confidence, perspective and the values possesses of each one of
us. Education help us to build our own kind of future and also proffer us to contribute positive
change in our Homes, Society and Indeed for our World. However, Education is not only about
the knowledge and wisdom we get from books but also the significance of education is we learn
beyond the classroom, encourage every personalities to be independent for the to stand what is
right and to be a good role model, bearing the heart of goodness towards communicating other
people in this diverse atmosphere.

2. Filipino know themselves better in the way that we firmly believe that we have the same
recipe of values, characteristics and perspective in life. I am proud of being a Filipino in such
reason that even though we are imperfect, but we still felt exultant to possess great persona and
unique qualities within ourselves towards dealing others in diverse society. Additionally, Part of
being a Filipino is showing Hospitality to elders by using “Po and Opo” and inviting guest for
food even in dearth situations. Second, is we help each other in times of need, fulfilling each
empty puzzle of whole is what we’re doing for years. Third, despite of experiencing such
struggles, we are still smiling and standing to beat the odds, because we have all the strongest
Faith in God that He has a great plans for us to succeed. All we have to do is to Pray and Work
Hard and He will provide the rest with His Grace.

3. I should develop my potential for being a leader and good role model to our future young
mind learners. Improving my self-confidence, skills and characteristics might be helpful in
fulfilling this task. Reaching out your dreams won’t be easy but if you think rationally that this
things are not only for your individual benefit likewise it is also for societal perspective which
involves the state of life of our parents and peers.

4. The only contribution I can give to our growing culture is to continue to value the Filipino
traits I practice from home and prefers to cultivate our own norms than adopting changes from
other country. Preserving and sharing those beliefs to our next generation might be a simple
thing to do but this small step will give a much a bigger impact in the future.

5. Combining the efforts and significance of Human Resources and Nonhuman Resources would
be a great help to achieve positive changes towards our growing culture and society.
The word "education" is derived from the Latin word ēducātiō ("A breeding, a bringing up, a
rearing") from ēducō ("I educate, I train") which is related to the homonym ēdūcō ("I lead forth, I
take out; I raise up, I erect").
Education is a way of
enlightening the minds of
every young mind learners
through teaching them
values, improve their self-
confidence, skills and
molding their personalities
as well. Education is the
path through reaching out
our dreams in life.
However, Presence of an
educator is also must be in
the field of teaching, in such
reason that they are the one
who facilitate learning to
diverse thinker. Teacher
serves as the role model and
definitely the one who gives
aesthetic definition of

Value consider as something important and worthwhile for you.
Say for an instance, is valuing the time you spent together with your
Friends, family and even your relatives. Second example is letting others
To express how they feel or letting them share their opinion.
In that manner you valued and show respect to their views and
Perspectives in life.

Values are traits which each individual possesses. It is a unique assemblage of moral code,
esthetical practices, etiquette and cultural and personal values that are promoted by the
society. Human traits holds sacred and may differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and
other factors.

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