Ifrs Us Gaap Ind As and Indian Gaap Similarities and Differences PDF

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14.8. Statement of cash flows

Differences exist between the frameworks for the presentation of the statement of cash flows that could result in differences in the actual amount shown
as cash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows as well as changes to each of the operating, investing, and financing sections of the statement of
cash flows.


As per IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows, a ASC Topic 230 Statement of Cash Similar to IFRS. However, Similar to IFRS except AS 3 does
company can present cash flows from Flows allows a reporting entity to Regulation 34(2) and 53(b) of the not apply to SMCs. However,
operating activities using either the direct prepare and present its statement of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015 Regulation 34(2) and 53(b) of the
method or the indirect method. cash flows using either the direct or requires listed companies to use SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015
Cash and cash equivalents may also indirect method (discussed in detail only the indirect method. requires listed companies to use
include bank overdrafts repayable on in the next section), though the Similar to IFRS except the only the indirect method.
guidance encourages using the direct
demand that form an integral part of an following in case of entities other Bank overdrafts are not included
entity’s cash management. Short-term than financial institutions: in cash and cash equivalents;
bank borrowings are not included in cash Bank overdrafts are not included in changes in the balances of bank
 Interest paid and interest
or cash equivalents and are considered to cash and cash equivalents; changes in overdrafts are classified as
and dividends received to
be financing cash flows. the balances of bank overdrafts are financing cash flows.
be classified as item of
classified as financing cash flows.
Only expenditures that result in a financing activity and There is no specific requirement
recognized asset are eligible for There is no requirement for investing activity, for expenditures to be recognized
classification as investing activities. expenditures to be recognized as an respectively; and as an asset in order to be
asset in order to be classified as classified as investing activities.
Interest and dividends received should be  Dividend paid is to
classified in either operating or investing investing activities. Similar to Ind AS, cash flows
be classified as a part of
activities. Interest and dividends paid The guidance is specific on the cash financing activity only. arising from interest paid and
should be classified in either operating or flow classification of certain items, interest and dividends received in
financing cash flows. IFRS does not requiring dividends paid to be the case of a financial enterprise
specify where interest capitalized under classified in the financing section of should be classified as cash flows
IAS 23 is classified. The total amount of the cash flow statement and arising from operating activities.
interest paid during a period, whether requiring interest paid (and In the case of other enterprises,
expensed or capitalized, is disclosed in expensed), interest received, and cash flows arising from interest
the statement of cash flows. Once an dividends received to be classified as paid should be classified as cash
accounting policy election is made, it cash flows from operations. Interest flows from financing activities
should be followed consistently. capitalized relating to borrowings while interest and dividends
that are directly attributable to received should be classified as
property, plant, and equipment is cash flows from investing
classified as cash flows from activities. Dividends paid should
investing activities. If the indirect be classified as cash flows from
method is used, amounts of interest financing activities.

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Other accounting and reporting topics


paid (net of amounts capitalized)
during the period must be disclosed.

Taxes paid should be classified within Taxes paid are generally classified as Similar to IFRS. Similar to IFRS.
operating cash flows unless specific operating cash flows; specific rules
identification with a financing or exist regarding the classification of
investing activity exists. the tax benefit associated with share-
based compensation arrangements.
Refer to SD 14.54 Recent/proposed
guidance, for details on the changes
in classification on the statement of
cash flows due to the issuance of ASU
If the indirect method is used,
amounts of taxes paid during the
period must be disclosed.

Changes in ownership interest:

Cash flows from changes in ownership Cash paid to acquire a non- Similar to IFRS. AS 3 does not contain any
interest without loss of control treated as controlling interest, or cash received specific guidance. Generally, the
financing activities. from the sale of a non-controlling aggregate cash flows arising from
interest, should be presented as a acquisitions and disposals of
financing activity when the parent subsidiaries or other business
maintains control of the subsidiary. units are presented separately
and classified as investing

Foreign operations:
Under IAS 7, cash flows of foreign Cash flows of operations in foreign Similar to IFRS. No specific guidance on
subsidiary should be translated using the subsidiary should be reported in the consolidated cash flows.
exchange rate on the date of cash flows. reporting currency using the However, in practice the
However, as a practical measure, average exchange rates in effect at the time of accounting/presentation would
rates can be used. the cash flows. If the pattern of cash be similar to IFRS.
flows and exchange rates are
relatively consistent throughout the
period, the reporting entity may use

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Other accounting and reporting topics


an average exchange rate for
translation, as the cash flow results
would not be significantly different
from the result if actual exchange
rates on the day of the cash flows
were used.

Extraordinary items:
Presentation of extraordinary items is not Similar to IFRS. Similar to IFRS. Cash flows arising from
permitted. Hence, the cash flow extraordinary items should be
statement does not reflect any items of classified as arising from
cash flow as extraordinary. operating, investing or financing
activities as appropriate and
separately disclosed.

Acquisition of equipment for use or

for rental to others:
Entities sometimes acquire or produce When the cash flow has aspects of Similar to IFRS. No specific guidance.
equipment for use or for rental to others both operating and investing
for a short period and then sold. In those activities, the entity would need to
circumstances, the acquisition or determine the nature of the activity
production and subsequent sale of those that is likely to be the predominant
assets shall be considered source of cash flows in order to
operating activities. determine how that cash flows
should be classified. For example
assume an entity expects to rent new
equipment for only a short period of
time before selling them, and
therefore the amount of cash flows
that the entity expects to receive from
rental income as compared to the
proceeds expected to receive from the
sale of the equipment is relatively
small. In such circumstances, the
equipment would appear to have the
nature of an inventory item, and
accordingly the cash flows related to
the purchase and sale of the

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equipment should be classified as
operating activities. If, however, the
entity expects to rent the new
equipment for a longer period of time
before selling them, and the amount
of cash flows that is expected to be
received from rental income as
compared to the proceeds received
from the sale of the equipment is
relatively large, then the equipment
have the nature of a long-lived asset.
In this case, the cash flows related to
the purchase and sale of the
equipment should be classified as
investing activities.

14.9. Comparative financial information

IFRS/Ind AS and Indian GAAP specifies the periods for which comparative financial information is required, which differs from both US GAAP and
SEC requirements.


One year of comparatives is required for Comparative financial statements are Ind AS provides guidance similar While the accounting standards
all numerical information in the financial not required; however, SEC to IFRS. Further, as per Schedule do not require disclosure of
statements, with limited exceptions in requirements specify that most III (Division II), the financial corresponding amounts, as per
disclosures. In limited circumstances, registrants provide two years of statements shall also contain the Schedule III (Division I), the
notes and the statement of equity (where comparatives for all statements corresponding amounts financial statements shall
a reconciliation of opening and closing except for the balance sheet, which (comparatives) for the contain the corresponding
positions are required), more than one requires only one comparative year. immediately preceding reporting amounts (comparatives) for the
year of comparative information is period for all items in the immediately preceding reporting
required. financial statements period for all items in the
including notes. financial statements
A third statement of financial position at
including notes.
the beginning of preceding period is
required for first-time adopters of IFRS Unlike IFRS/Ind AS, there is no
and in situations where a retrospective requirement to provide third

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