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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning the honorable teacher, ladies and gentleman.

Firstly, I would like to say thanks to God, Allah SWT because of His
bleesing I can stand in front of you. Secondly, I would like to say thanks to my
friend because of their support I can stand with confidence.
I will deliver my speech with theme the impact of drugs for the student.
Based on information from BNN of Central Kalimantan, the total of drug
consumers still higher. In 2014 there are 35.484 people consume drugs, in 2015
there are 35.811 people consume it. and based on the report of Polres Kotim, the
cases of drug consumers are going increase. In 2015 there are 62 cases, in 2016
there are 61 cases. And 10% of total cases are teenagers consumer cases.
At the moment, the news about drugs is still popular. Because of what?
Because there is a lot of people still consume it. And our society has been worry
of that case. Then the bad fact is, the consumer of drugs is our young
generation. So poor right?
Young generation is the people who have the high feeling to know
something. So, they will try anything that they want to try. They suppose
already understand how to separate the true thing and the false thing. But
unfortunately, they still choose the false way. They try to consume drugs
although the know the negative side of it. What happen to them? Don't they
know the bad impact of it?
The main bad impact of drugs is that the drugs kill the future. Kill the
hope. Kill the dream. Why? In the first time you consume the drugs, you will
addict with it. When somebody is already addicted with drug, she or he can not
think logically. Because the central system, the mind, has destroyed. The
nervous system in our mind doesn’t work well. There is unable transmision in
brain, so make the impuls of nervous in the brain does not balance. It can cause
the people can not think clearly likes the usual people’s think. And what happen
next? they will be an untrusted people. Then they'll look like a lier. They do the
weird thing, and saying with not consisten. So, where is the future if somebody
like that? The people around them will think seriously before they want to
recruting them. The journey in the past also be the point to person are they a
good person or not. Then, the consumers of drug become a unemployed person.
And another impact is eliminated by society. The society will feel
reluctant to communicate more over having concern with him. In the social life,
there are the norm and the attitude. When somebody do the bad thing or break
the norm, the society will mark him be the bad person. Then the society will
think the bad perception about him. And it caused the eliminated by society.
The drugs is very dangerous to us. The consumers of drug feel like will
die, if they don’t consume it. So, it push they to consume it. And that is the
bother thing. Whatever who you are, the old or the young, you can not feel
peaceful, always feel desperation, and the other else. Is it that you want?
Please, don’t touch the drugs, don’t consume it, don’t think how is the
feel the drugs it is. We are young generation, We are student. We have a job.
Our job is study. So, we are just studying and don’t do the weird thing.
Thingking the positive side that make your life will better. It is simple right? So
let us do it. Study, pray, and fight the the problem in life.
Thank you for your attention, and I am sorry if I have mistake while
deliver the speech. Good morning.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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