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International Keyboard
All content copyright © 2010-2020 Frank Revelo

US-International keyboard

á/é/í/ó/ú/ç ', then a/e/i/o/u/c

à/è/ì/ò/ù `, then a/e/i/o/u
â/ê/î/ô/û ^, then a/e/i/o/u
ä/ë/ï/ö/ü ", then a/e/i/o/u
ñ,õ ~, then n/o
¿ alt-/
¡ alt-1
€ alt-5
´ alt-'
¨ alt-shift-'
« alt-[
» alt-]
¹ alt-shift-1
² alt-2
³ alt-3
¤ alt-4
£ alt-shift-4
¼ alt-6
½ alt-7
¾ alt-8
‘ alt-9
’ alt-0
¥ alt--
÷ alt-shift-+
× alt-+
¬ alt-\
¦ alt-shift-\
¶ alt-;
© alt-c
® alt-r
° alt-shift-;
¢ alt-shift-c
µ alt-m
ß,§ alt-s/S
ð,Ð alt-d/D
æ,Æ alt-z/Z
ø,Ø alt-l/L
å,Å alt-w/W
þ,Þ alt-t/T

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International Keyboard file:///C:/Users/self-admin/#Website/other/intl_keyboard.htm

Russian keyboard (custom version)

Non-letter keys same as for English keyboard, except

\| -> ьЬ and `~ -> ъЪ
Use ALTGR, ALTGR+Shift to get \| and `~


sound differences ** * * **

J+U (Й + У) Ю
J+O (Й + О) Ё
J+E (Й + Е) Э
J+W (Й + Ш) Щ
J+C (Й + Ц) Ч
ALTGR+8 (ruble sign, not in all fonts)

The above custom keyboard layout was created with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator V1.4, which works
fine with Windows 8 and above, 64-bit edition, contrary to misinformation posted on the internet by
Microsoft and others. This custom layout is easier for me to remember and use than the Russian Mnemonic
keyboard that comes installed with Windows 8 and above (I am a touch typist and so remember letters more
by sound than by shape).

Load the Russian Mnemonic Layout as an existing layout in Micrsoft Keyboard Layout Creator V1.4
(downloadable from
Change Project->Properties->Name to "KbdRuV1" the first time, then "KbdRuV2", "KbdRuV3", etc.
The version indicator is because you will probably need several iterations to get the keyboard layout
perfected, and there are some problems with reusing the same name, as discussed below.
Change Project->Properties->Description to "Russian - Mnemonic - Custom V1" the first time, then
"Russian - Mnemonic - Custom V2", etc.
Change the keyboard layout, as discussed in the help file for the program.
Validate, Test, Build DLL and Setup Package. The program should automatically open File Explorer to
the folder where the setup package was saved. Click on the appropriate setup package for your CPU
type. The keyboard will appear in Control Panel-Language at this point, but may not be usable until you
restart the computer.
Save the source file of your keyboard layout in your home directory, so you can modify it later, if
Use Control Panel->Language to add the new keyboard layout as an input method for Russian (or it
may already be added, or it may be necessary to restart computer to get it to show up in the list of
available keyboards for Russian).
Custom Keyboard Layouts can be uninstalled using Control Panel->Programs and Features. For some
reason however, uninstall didn't work properly on my system at one point (back when I was on
Windows 8.1, the problem appears to have been fixed with Windows 10), so I wasn't able to uninstall,
redo the steps above, and then install again using the same Project Properties Name and Description.
Putting a version indicator in the Name and Description is a workaround for this problem. Apparently,
the older version DLLs will remain in the system folder forever, but they are small and so don't cause

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Greek keyboard

q/Q ;/:
w ς
u/U θ/Θ
h/H η/H
j/J ξ/Ξ
c/C ψ/Ψ
v/V ω/Ω
alt-e €

delayed action keys:

; ΄
: ¨
W ΅

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International Keyboard file:///C:/Users/self-admin/#Website/other/intl_keyboard.htm

Turkish keyboard

english 1234567890-=`
unshifted 1234567890*-"
shift !'^+%&/()=?_é
alt >£#$½ {[]}\|<

english qwertyuiop[]\
unshifted qwertyuıopğü,
alt @ € i ¨~`
alt-shift İ

english asdfghjkl;'
unshifted asdfghjklşi
alt æß
alt-shift Æ

english zxcvbnm,./
unshifted zxcvbnmöç.

delayed action keys:


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