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Q)the amount of luminous flux falling on a given area of surface is called as > Mluminance Q)A 128X128 image with 64 gray levels requires __bits of storage--> 98304 Q)A good image is difficult to define because image quality is--> High subjective strongly dependent Q)A slant transform in -> Real and orthogonal Q)In uniform PDF, the expansion of PDF is. Q)The absence of receptors is in the retinal area called > Blind spot Q)Which of these is NOT in four neighbors of pixel (xy)?—> (#1, y#1) Q)Each element of matrix array of image is called as. sooonmne> Image element Q)One that is not field of x-ray band--> radar Q)Image enhancement and restoration are used to process--> degraded images Q)Which one is not source of images?~-> Mecatronic Q)Sensor strip mounted in a ring configuration is used in--> medical Q)An image has 128 gray levels. Then itis reffered a5... Q)The DFT or unitary DFT of a real sequence is. conjugate symmet tN) Q)The forward transformation kernel is said to be separable if-> g(x,y, u, V) = g1(x, u)-£2(Y, ¥ Q)Digitization of spatial co-ordinates (x,y)is called--> image sampling Q)Dé distance is also called as--> city block distance Oo Q)The walsh and hadamard transforms are in nature--> Non-sinusoidall Q)Changing overall sensitivity of image is called--> brightness adaption Q)The most energetic rays of EM energy spectrum-> gamma rays Q)An image is a two dimensional function where x and y are~> spatial coorflingdes Q)Computerized axial tomography uses-> x-rays QWhich of the following descriptor is not measureble’ Q)Image sensor produces--> voltage waveform Q)Digital images are displayed as a discrete set it Q)Smallest element of an image is called--> pixel ()Digitizing amplitude values is called~-> quantization, O}THe inte step any image processing technique SO aca Q)Advantage of {s finding the brightest poi cre ae> maxifilter Q)Which type of enhancement operations are used Pi ralues according to the value of the pixels neighbors?- -> mask operations Q)Which algorithm is used in fingerprint technol Probability Density Function Tbitimage > brightnes: > intensities ‘n based algorithm image data two or more pictures?--> registration Q)The type of Histogram Pro ire modified based on the intensity distribution of the image is called -> Global Q)Which type of Histogram Proce ictal from a Nuclear Whole Body Bone Scan?~-> Sharpening fing the eyes overall sensitivity QJHow do you bring out moreéRhe 3 Q)What is brightness adaptatforie> Ch; Q)Histogram Equalizations@also > Histogram linearization Q)The smallest discay ensity level is called -> Intensity Resolution hf intensity of the FOUR neighbouring pixels is used to obtain intensity a new 1:20 Q}Functions th Ly produce an image f[&Jo--n-> illumination and reflectance QimaGpe sy Shs Vises of vous ells QpProces: fig digital image to make results more suitable is called--> enhancement QThe type of Maeahpalation where for each new location the intensity of the immediate pixel is assigned is nearest neighbodxjbferpolation Q)Simplest image pro}pssing technique is--> intensitytransformation Q)Design of the eleKiehts of quantization matrix is based on--> Human visual system response to spatial frequencies. Q)Whatis the process of moving afilter mask over the image and computing the sum of products at each location called as?-> Correlation Q)What is required to generate an M X N linear spatial filter?--> MN mask coefficients Q)The_ is useful in the design of filters finding least square, minimum solution of linear equation and finding rank of large matrices.-> SVD transform Q)Which of the following is a second-order derivative operator?--> Laplacian QWhat is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?--> 0 Q)The principle objective of Sharpening, to highlight transitions is > Intensity QyThe range of values spanned by the gray scale is called ofan image-> Dynamic rang Q)Find the number of bits required to store a 256 X 256 image with 32 gray levels--> 327680 QStrictly monotonical function guarantee inverse mapping as--> singlevalued a, is the most reliable and accurate biometric identification techniq Q)The smallest discernible change in intensity level is called -> Intensity Resolutis Q)Blur is characterized by the response of the system--> Impulse Q}In_ image we notice that the components of histogram are concentrated on the low fry scale.» Dark QThe general form of log transformations is s=clog(1 +1) Q)Dark characteristics in an image are better solved using Poyfeaw Tr4isformation Q)Butterworth filter has transition--> Smooth Q)Which is the set, whose membership only can be true or false, in bi-values Boalea Q)What is the independent variable of fuzzy output?--> Maturity OY crisp set QUA fuzzy sets ifand only if membership function is identically zero g> E.ypty QyThe negative of an image with grey levels in the range [0, L- 1] is ee Q)Power law transformation is usefl in~> MRI Q)Process that expands range of intensity levels in image is called--> cOnbradkstfetching Q)Other name for masks which are used in image processing. Q)Correction of power law response is called--> gamm: Q)Which process expands the range of intensity levels ig > Contrast sketching called > Bit-plane slicing Q)Which of the following involves reversing the intens Q)Fourier transform of unit impulse at origin is-> Q)2D Fourier transform and its inverse are infin Q}Fourier transform 's domain i Q)Simplest piecewise linear tr: trast stretching Q)Process of highlighting specific range offer aHlgicy Intensitylevel slicing Q)lmn bit plane slicing most of informatio fed by-> highestorder plane Q}Sum ofall components in normalize Q)Method generating a proce Q)For shifting origin function Q)Shrinking of image is viewed as Q)Most common example of tof Ptating one function at angle of-> 180 sampling replication age-> blurring {ich 2s zooming, shrinking, rotating, etc? gstimate unknown is called--> interpolation Quim low passfilter gin cy pt Q) few memory. Principle tools used) image processing for a broad spectrum of applications--> spatialfiltering Q)The threshold usGdor each pixel depends on the location of the pixel in terms of the subimages, this type of thresholding is. -> adaptive Interpolation the brightness of an image.> edge boundary ?--> The boundary is a good representation of an object shape and also requires a Q)Gradient magnitude images are more usefal in--> edge detection Q)Second derivative approximation says that it is nonzero only at--> onset Q)Intersection between zero intensity and extreme of second derivative is called-~> zerocrossing O)First order derivatives are zero at points on. > constantintensity Q)Convolution of two functions means rotating one function at angle of--> 180 Q)Sobel gradient is not that good for detection of--> Diagonallines Q)Thresholding function in contrast stretching creates--> binaryimage QJInverse of image convolution is--> imagedeconvolution Q)News papers are printed using-~> 75dpi Q)Product of two functions in spatial domain fs what, in frequency domain--> convolu )) Q)The output of a smoothing, linear spatial filtering isa of the pixels contained in the neigh hQurke6g of the filter mask-> Average QJA spatial averaging filter in which all coefficients are equal is called ~> Box fille Q)Fourier transform of unit impulse at origin is->1 Q)Aliasing as block like image components is called--> jaggies Q)Full form of SVD is--> Singular value Decomposition Q)The individual periods of the convolution will overlap and referred to as Wrap@ound error Q)Filter that replaces pixel value with medians of intensity levels is~-> median filtdk Q)Image restoration is to improve the of the image~> Quality Q)Power spectra and noise of undegraded image must be known is a statem: Q)Filters used in the restoration process are known aS.un Q)Best example for a Order-statistc filter is iter Q)The non linear spatial filters whose response is based on ordering of th _ > Order-statistic filter Q)impulse noise in Order-statistic filter is also called as_p. Q)The simle Approach to restoration is~> inversefilter QJInformation per source is called~> entropy QlIn-wiener tering its sumed that noise and image arf@> WngvepE QjOrder statistics filters are ters whose responses are b Inking Q)In geometric mean filters when alpha ls equal to 1 then INvorks-4)--> Inversefilter Q)Restoration can notbe done using-> single pro Qjimpualse is simulated by--> brightdot Q)Degraded image is given in Q)Square of standard deviation is calle Q)Fourier spectrum of noises are constai whitenoise Q)Degraded image is produc Q)In geometric mean filters Q)Approach that incorporates bot Q)To improve speed of conve Q)Spatial filtering is used in Qilter that replaces pix OPeriodic noises a interference Q}One that is not typ > sequence mean filter Q)Mean filters reduedn > blurring ef BOIS rchangeably be used with--> impulse ‘ocess and~-> additivenoise O then it works as-> parametricwiener filter function and statistical nofse in restoration is called~-> wienerfiltering, n used is--> Newton-Raphson fnimum values of intensity levels is~-> min filter Qin geometrigal fan THxe yhen alpha is equal to 1 then it works as~-> inversefilter Q}Wh@ para shred by isolating an image ofa suspected object within a picture?~> Blur impulse response QyThe noispaf an ‘image can be estimated by measuring the image ‘over a region of constant backgroui pandy/> Covariance Q)Removal of PmaGablur by applying a deblurrings function is called > Restoration QA square matrix row, Is called Q)The direct meas restoration ;nich each row is a circular shift of the preceding row and the first row is a circular shift ofthe last ~-> Circulant matrix jent and indirect estimation are the two approaches in restoration.~-> Blind image Q)The wiener filtering is a method of restoring images in the presence of -> Blur and noise Q)An intuitive way of assessing image quality using the human visual system is called--> Subjective fidelity Q)The image quality characterization using metrics such as errors and SNR is called~-> Objective fidelity Q)Minimum mean square error filter is also called-> leastsquare error filter }One that is nota type of a noise is-> blacknoise Q)Function having both properties of additivity and homogeneity is clled~> superposition Q)Gaussian shape function has no--> zeros Q)EBCT scanners stands for--> electronbeam computed tomography Q)Bandreject filters are used where noise components are uswally--> known Q)What are the two properties in Linear Operator?--> Additivity and homogeneity Q)A system operator together with an additive white noise operates on an input image to produsea Degraded image O° oo Ne © ‘

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