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JCI Skills Development Course Descriptions

2019 JCI Official Courses:

Official courses are created and designed by JCI World Headquarters. These courses should be
taken by members so they may feel empowered to fulfill the JCI Vision, Mission and Values. Learning
through the JCI Official courses will prepare members to be active and engaged members of our
global citizenship. Only JCI Official courses will bear the title JCI + Course Name and must be
organized on the JCI website by current National or Local Presidents and Skills Development
Directors and require approved facilitators to conduct the course.

JCI Achieve: 3 Hours

The JCI Achieve course uses discussions and analogies to help members understand one’s own
values and the values and principles of JCI, the role of all members in establishing the Local
Organization’s identity, the activities needed to fulfill JCI Mission and develop JCI members into
active citizens who will create positive changes in the communities. JCI Achieve should be taken by
all new members who want to fully understand the principles, meaning, purpose and dynamics of a
JCI Local Organization.

JCI Admin: 3 Hours

JCI Admin is the JCI Local Organization Management Course recommended for any member who
wants to become member of the local board and a leader at any level in the Local Organization. The
course covers the structure of the local board, management of the Local Organization affairs and the
responsibility of the Local Organization in providing development opportunities that will empower JCI
members to create positive change in and outside JCI. JCI Admin should be taken by all members
who want to fully understand the dynamics of the management and administration of a JCI Local

JCI Impact: 2 Hours

JCI Impact is a course aimed for JCI members who want to become active citizens and create long-
lasting positive change in their communities. The course discusses the active citizenship concept,
covers the analysis of community needs, solutions addressing these needs and discusses the
projects a Local Organization can conduct with all sectors of society in order to create sustainable
and effective positive change in their community.

2019 JCI Recommended Courses:

JCI Recommended Courses are proposed by JCI or National Organizations and must be approved
by the JCI Executive Committee. These courses should be used to further empower members to
become active citizens through participation in courses designed to enhance skills and knowledge
needed to lead and strengthen their Local Organization. JCI Recommended Courses must be
organized on the JCI website by current National or Local Presidents and Skills Development officers
and require approved facilitators to conduct the course.
*Effective Communication Series:
JCI Effective Communication series is a 4-part facilitation series that aims to provide a well-rounded
understanding of communicating effectively. The series covers concepts including why
communication is important, organization and development, delivery techniques, planning and
Effective Communication: Building a Foundation: 2 Hours
Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills. Developing your
communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your professional life to social gatherings
and everything in between. This course will cover the concepts of effective communication and the
many forms it comes in—including verbal, non-verbal, written and listening—so that active citizens
can create sustainable impact through effective communication and action.

Effective Communication: Crafting Your Message: 3 Hours

The Effective Communication: Crafting Your Message course is designed for JCI members who want
to learn the structural components of building an effective message. During this course, participants
will explore features and elements of crafting a high-impact presentation, participate in activities that
exercise creative ways to create concepts, as well as learn the planning process for presenting a
presentation as effectively as possible.

Effective Communication: Message Delivery: 3 Hours

The JCI Effective Communication: Message Delivery course explores the most effective preparation
and delivery methods used for giving a high-impact presentation. Participants will become familiar
with the different types and structures of presentations, learn the recommended steps to identifying
an audience’s needs and understand the basic message delivery principles for successfully
preparing and delivering an impactful message that ensures effective communications.

Effective Communication: Mastering Management: 3 Hours

The JCI Effective Communication: Mastering Management course focuses on how to ensure your
message is understood and acted upon by being persuasive and managing all aspects — even
challenges — within a presentation.

*While it is not mandatory for participants to experience the Effective Communication Skills course in order,
members are encouraged to take the courses in the presented order for a more effective learning experience.
Additionally, should members wish to train a course in the series, they must pass each course ahead of the
desired course they wish to train.

Effective Meetings: 2 Hours

It is human nature to meet other humans for many reasons and at the local level of JCI, meetings
have a great impact in decision-making and sharing experiences. However, as our world progresses,
we need to rethink the way we conduct meetings at the local level. What this course proposes is that
JCI Local Organizations must be creative when organizing meetings. Because each Local
Organization is different and can change every year, Local Officers must decide what type of meeting
is more effective for the members and the organization. On one hand, humans have a need to meet
person-to-person, while on the other hand, innovations have proven that there are other ways of
achieving the same results.

Effective Leadership: 2 Hours

As an organization that follows a one year to lead philosophy, it is crucial that those in leadership
positions take full advantage of their time and lead in the most effective way possible. This course will
define the kind of effective leadership needed to address the local, national and global problems of
the 21st century society. Participants will be provided a foundation on which they can build their
capacity and character to motivate others to take action for common purpose.

Facilitator: 2 Day Course

JCI Facilitator creates a unique learning experience where participants engage and influence their
own learning through the exploration of progressive facilitation models. This journey begins with an
interactive demonstration of core techniques required to facilitate learning in a variety of contexts.
Participants will then explore best practices for effective facilitation through group exercises and
conclude with the opportunity to practice their own version of facilitation using “The Journey”
presentation. The objective of this course is to enhance the facilitation skills of participants and
provide them with the necessary techniques required to effectively spread the JCI message.

Presenter: 1 Day Course (6 Hours)

This course is designed for members who want to grow their presentation skills in order to create
better project reports and feel empowered to participate during local meetings. This course focuses
on the concepts of creating and delivering an effective presentation while utilizing visual aids and
strong storytelling methods with a mind towards understanding the audience needs.

Project Management: 3 hours

In order to achieve JCI’s mission to create positive change around the world, JCI members run
projects following the JCI Active Citizen Framework creating sustainable impact in their communities.
This course goes over the basic components of project management related to planning, executing
and evaluating projects. Participants will develop their skills to create a project statement, define
clear objectives, identify and target meaningful partnerships, plan action steps and evaluate a
project’s success.

Networking: 3 Hours
Networking is a JCI course on turning your personal contacts into lasting, trusted and productive
connections and relationships. The course covers the principles and dynamics of networking, how to
identify and use the opportunities when contacting people, the follow up actions needed after
meeting the person to keep adding value to the connection and how to use the participation in JCI
activities to build a reputation that will establish a network of connections for the future.
Social Responsibility: 3 Hours
Being a socially responsible citizen is an important part of what it means to be a JCI member. This
course is designed to create awareness in Active Citizens that individuals have responsibility to their
community and the environment. This course is recommended for members who seek to better
understand their role as Active Citizens and educates members by promoting the principles of the
United Nations Global Compact in the practice of business. This course encourages individuals to act
responsibly both in business and society.

Free Courses:
JCI Free Courses are proposed by JCI National or Local Organizations and trainers for Area
Conferences in order to help in the personal development of JCI members. JCI World Headquarters
does not keep records of who produced these courses or originally trained them, the free courses
are meant for members to conduct at their Local Organizations and therefore no certification is
required to facilitate.

Free/Proposed courses must fit the following criteria:

1. Must be aligned with the practices and principles of JCI.
2. Develop the skills and abilities of JCI members.
3. Improve the administration, management and leadership of the organization.
4. Generate actions that lead to grassroots initiatives that create sustainable solutions.
5. Focus on one of the assigned JCI Area Conference session themes

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