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Revision Question Bank - Solved

Based on Magnetic Flux & EMI

Q1. A bar magnet is moved towards a wire loop suspended as shown in Fig 6.34. What is the direction
of emf induced ?

Figure :- 6.34

Sol. 1 When seen from the side of magnet, induced current in the loop will be anticlockwise.
Q2. A wire kept along the north-south direction is allowed to fall freely. Will an emf be induced in the
wire ?
Sol. 2 No, because neither horizontal nor vertical component of earth’s magnetic field will be intercepted by the
falling wire.
Q3. What is the magnitude of induced current in the circular loop ABCD of radius r, when a steady
current of I ampere is passed through wire KL?

Figure :- 6.35
Sol. 3 As current through wire KL is steady, magnetic flux linked with the loop ABCD is constant. As there is
no change in magnetic flux, induced current = 0.
Q4. A cylindrical bar magnet is kept along the axis of a circular coil and near it as shown in figure 3a.

Will there be any induced e.m.f. at the terminals of the coil, when the magnet is rotated (a) about
its own axis and (b) about an axis perpendicular to the length of the magnet?

Sol. 4 In figure 3a: When the magnet is rotated about its own axis, there is no change in the magnetic flux liked
with the coil. Hence, no induced e.m.f. is produced in the coil.
In figure 3b: When the magnet is rotated is about an axis perpendicular to its length, the orientation of
the magnetic field due to the magnet will change continuously. Due to this, the magnetic flux linked with
the coil will also change continuously and it will result in the production of induced e.m.f. in the coil.
Q5. Fig. 6.36 shows a horizontal solenoid connected to a battery and a switch. A copper ring is placed

on a frictionless track, the axis of the ring being along the axis of the solenoid. What happens to the
ring, as the switch is closed ?

Figure :- 6.36
Sol. 5 The ring moves away from the coil, because the current induced in the ring opposes the growth of current
in the solenoid.

Q6. Figure 6.37 shows two identical rectangular loops (1) and (2), placed on a table along with a straight
long current carrying conductor between them.
(i) What will be the directions of the induced currents in the loops when they are pulled away

from the conductor with same velocity v?
(ii) Will the emfs induced in the two loops be equal ?
Justify your answer.

Sol. 6 (i)
rd Figure :- 6.37
By Lenz’s law, the direction of induced current will be such that it tends to maintain the original
flux. So induced current flows anticlockwise in loop (1) and clockwise in loop (2).
(ii) No, the emfs induced in the two coils will not be equal because the rates of change of flux linked
with the two loops are different.
Q7. An artificial satellite with a metal surface is orbiting the earth around the poles. Will there be any
induced current due to earth’s magnetic field?
Sol. 7 Yes, induced current will be there. This is because, at poles, earth’s magnetic field is totally vertical. The
orbiting satellite will intercept this field and emf will be induced.
Q8. In the given fig, 6.38 A and B are identical magnets. Magnet A is moved away from the coil with a

given speed. Magnet B is moved towards the coil with the same speed. What is the induced emf in
the coil ?


Figure :- 6.38
Sol. 8 No emf is induced in the coil because there is no net change in the flux linked with the coil.
Q9. Three identical coils A, B and C are placed with their planes parallel to one another, Fig 6.39. Coils
A and C carry currents as shown. Coils B and C are fixed. The coil A is moved towards B with

uniform speed. Is there any induced current in B

Figure :- 6.39
Sol. 9 As coils B and C are fixed, there is no induced current in B due to C. However, when A is moved towards
B, an e.m.f. is induced in B, which would oppose relative motion of A towards B. As current in A is
clockwise, induced current in B must be anticlockwise.

Q10. The planes of two circular conductors are perpendicular to each other, as shown in Fig 6.40. If
current in any one is changed, will there be induced current in the other?

Figure :- 6.40
Sol. 10 No. This is because magnetic flux due to changing current in any one conductor is parallel to the plane of
other conductor. Therefore, magnetic flux linked with the other conductor is zero. Hence there will be no

induced current.
Q11. A current carrying wire (straight) passes inside a triangular coil as shown in figure. 6.41 The current
in the wire is perpendicular to paper inwards. Find the direction of induced current in the loop if
current in the wire is increasing with time.

Figure :- 6.41
Sol. 11 The magnetic field lines are tangential to the triangular plane,

Figure :- 6.42
i.e. θ = 90. Hence, φ = 0.
∴ Induced emf = 0

∴ Induced current = 0
Q12. A bar magnet M is dropped so that it falls vertically through the coil C (fig A). The graph obtained
for voltage produced across the coil vs time is shown in Fig.B

(a) Explain the shape of the graph.

(b) Why is the negative peak longer than the positive peak?
Sol. 12 As the magnet approaches the coil C, magnetic flux linked with coil increases and an emf is induced in it
which opposes the increase in flux. When magnet is fully inside the coil, magnetic flux linked with coil
becomes constant and, hence, induced emf falls to zero.
As the magnet falls below the coil, magnetic flux of the coil decreases. As a result, an induced emf is

set up which opposes the decrease in flux i.e., which tends to increase the magnetic flux. Thus, induced
emf now is in a direction opposite to that earlier. As velocity of magnet has increased during its fall, the
negative peak of emf is longer than the positive peak.
When the magnet has fallen through large distance, magnetic flux of coil becomes constant and induced
emf vanishes.
Q13. In the Fig 6.43. given below, a bar magnet moving towards the right or left induces an emf in the
coils (i) and (ii). Find, giving reason, the directions of the induced currents through the resistors AB
and CD when the magnet is moving (a) towards the right and (b) towards the left.


Figure :- 6.43
Sol. 13 (a) When the magnet NS is moving towards the right, in accordance with Lenz’s law induced current
in resistor AB flows from A to B and in resistor CD current flows from D to C.

(b) When the magnet NS is moving towards the left, induced current in resistor AB flows, in accordance
with Lenz’s law, from B to A and in resistor CD current flows from C to D.
Q14. Fig. 6.44 shows a bar magnet M falling under gravity through an air cored coil C. Plot a graph
showing variation of induced emf (E) with time (t). What does the area enclosed by the E – t curve

Figure :- 6.44
Sol. 14 The graph showing variation of induced emf (E) with time (t) is in adjusting Fig. 6.45

Figure :- 6.45
The area enclosed by the E – t curve depicts the total change in magnetic flux linked with the coil during
that time
Q15. The magnetic flux linked with a closed circular loop of radius 20 cm and resistance 2Ω at any
instant of time is φ = 4t + 3.
Where φ is in milliweber and time ‘t’ in sec.

Find (i) flux linked with a loop at t = 3 s (ii) induced emf at t = 2 s and (iii) plot a graph between (a)
φ and t (b) ɛ and t.
Sol. 15 Given : φ = 4t + 3
(i) Flux through the loop at t = 3 s, φ = 4 × 3 + 3 = 15 mWb
dφ d

(ii) Induced emf at t = 2 s, ε = = (4t + 3) = 4mV

dt dt

Q16. The magnetic flux through a coil perpendicular to the plane is varying according to the relation :
φ = (5t3 + 4t2 + 2t – 5)Wb
Calculate the induced current through the coil at t = 2s, if the resistance of the coil is 5Ω. 
Sol. 16 The magnitude of induced emf set up at any instant t will be
dφ d
| ξ |= =
dt dt
( 5t 3 + 4t 2 + 2t − 5) = 15t 2 + 8t + 2

At t = 2 s,
| ξ | = 15(2)2 + 8(2) + 2 = 60 + 16 + 2 = 78V
Resistance of the coil, R = 5 Ω
Induced current,
ξ 78
=I = = 15.6 A.
R 5
Q17. A rectangular loop of area 20 cm × 30 cm is held in a magnetic field of 0.3 T with its plane inclined
at (i) 30° to the field (ii) parallel to the field. Find magnetic flux linked with the coil in each case.
Sol. 17 Here, A= 20 × 30 cm2

= 600 × 10–4 m2 = 6 × 10–2 m2
B = 0.3 T
θ1 = (90° – 30°) = 60°; θ 2 = 90° – 0° = 90°

φ1 = BA cos θ1 = 0.3 × 6 × 10–2 cos 60°
= 0.9 × 10–2 Wb
φ2 = BA cos θ 2 = 0.3 × 6 × 10–2 cos 90° = zero
Q18. A conducting circular loop is placed in a uniform transverse magnetic field of 0.02 T. somehow, the

radius of the loop begins to shrink at a constant rate of 1.0 mm/s. Find the emf induced in the loop
at the instant when radius is 2 cm.
Sol. 18 Here, B = 0.02 T,
= 1.0 mm/s = 10–3 m/s, e = ? r = 2 cm = 2 × 10–2 m
As φ = BA = B( π r2)
dφ dr
∴ =e = B ( 2π r )
dt dt
= 0.02 × 2 × 3.14 × 2 × 10–2 × 10–3
= 2.5 × 10–6 V
Q19. A 10Ω coil has 1,000 turns and at a certain time, 5.5 × 10–4 Wb of flux passes through it. If the flux
falls to 0.5 × 10–4 Wb in 0.1 second; find the e.m.f. generated in volt and charge flowing through the
coil in coulomb.

Sol. 19 Initial magnetic flux linked with the coil,

1 5.5 × 10−4 Wb
Final magnetic flux linked with the coil,
2 0.5 × 10−4 Wb
The change in magnetic flux,

φ2 − φ1 =0.5 × 10−4 − 5.5 × 10−4 =−5 × 10−4 Wb

Number of turns in the coil, N = 1,000
Total effective change in magnetic flux,
d=φ N (φ2 − φ= (
1 ) 1000 × −5 × 10 )−4

= – 0.5 Wb
Time in which the change in magnetic flux takes place,
dt= 0.1 s
Therefore, induced e.m.f. in magnetic flux takes place,
dφ (−0.5)
e= = − =5V
dt 0.1
The current through the 10 ohm resistance
e 5
= = = 0.5 A
resis tan ce 10
The charge flowing through the coil in 0.1s
V = I × t = 0.5 × 0.1 = 0.05 C

Q20. A coil of cross-sectional area A lies in a uniform magnetic field B with its plane perpendicular to the
field. In this position the normal to the coil makes an angle of 0° with the field. The coil rotates at
a uniform rate to complete one rotation in time T. Find the average induced emf in the coil during
the interval when the coil rotates ?
(i) from 0° to 90° position
(ii) from 90° to 180° position
(iii) from 180° to 270° position
(iv) from 270° to 360° position
Sol. 20 (i) For rotation from 0° to 90°
φ1 = BA cos 0° = BA, φ2 = BA cos 90° = 0, t = T/4

∴ Average induced emf,
φ2 − φ1 0 − BA 4 BA
ξ= =
− = .
t T /4 T

(ii) For rotation from 90° to 180°
φ1 = BA cos 90° = 0, φ2 = BA cos 180° = –BA, t = T/4
∴= − BA − 0 4 BA
ξ = .
T /4 T

(iii) For rotation from 180° to 270°
φ1 = BA cos 180° = –BA, φ2 = BA cos 270° = 0, t = T/4
0 + BA 4 BA
∴ = ξ = .
T /4 T
(iv) For rotation from 270° to 360°
φ1 = BA cos 270° = 0, φ2 = BA cos 360° = BA, t = T/4
∴ = BA − 0 4 BA
ξ = .
T /4 T
As the sense of the induced emf in the second half rotation is opposite to that in the first half
rotation, the induced current will change its direction after first half rotation.

Based on Motional EMI


Q1. A metal rod of length 1 m is rotated about one of its ends in a plane at right angles to a uniform
magnetic field of 0.2 × 10–3 Wb m–2. If it makes 30 r.p.s., calculate the induced e.m.f. between its
Sol. 1 Here, =B 2.5 × 10−3 Wbm −2

L = 1 m and v = 30 r.p.s.
When the metal rod rotates inside the magnetic field, it intercepts the magnetic field over a circular area
of radius equal to its length. the induced e.m.f. produced between the two ends of the metal rod is given
= (-2.5 × 10–3 × π × (1)2 × 30) = – 0.236 V

Q2. Twelve wires of equal length are connected

 to from a skeleton cube which moves with a velocity ‘v’
perpendicular to the magnetic field B . What will be the induced emf in each arm of the cube ?

D v C



Sol. 2  v . Induced emf in each of these arms is zero.
Arms EA, FB, GC, HD are parallel to velocity
Arms AB, EF, DC, HG are parallel to field B . Induced emf in each of these arms is zero.

Arms AB, BC, EH and FG are perpendicular to both v and B . If t is the length of each arm, then induced
emf in each of these arms = Blv.
Q3. A railway track running north south has two parallel rails 1.0 m apart. Calculate the e.m.f. induced
between the rails when a train passes at a speed of 90 km h–1. Horizontal component of earth’s
magnetic field at the place is 0.3 × 10–4 T and angle of dip is 60°.
90 × 1000
Sol. 3 Here,
= l 1.0
= =
m, e ? v 90 =km h−1 = 25ms −1

60 × 60
H = 0.3 × 10–4 T, δ = 60°
Magnetic field intercepted is

V = H tan δ = 0.3 × 10–4 3T
E = Vlv = 0.3 × 10–4 3 × 1.0 × 25
= 1.3 × 10–3 V
Q4. A circular copper disc 10 cm in radius rotates at 20π rad / s about an axis through its centre and
perpendicular to the disc. A uniform magnetic field of 0.2 T acts perpendicular to the disc. (i)

Calculate the potential difference developed between the axis of the disc and the rim. (ii) What is
the induced current, if the resistance of the disc is 2 ohm ?
Sol. 4 Here R = 10 cm = 0.10 m, ω = 20 π rad s–1, B = 0.2 T
(i) P.D. developed between the axis and the rim
1 1
BR 2 ω = × 0.2 × (0.10) 2 20π = 0.0628 V
2 2
(ii) Induced current,
ξ 0.0628
= = 0.0314 A.
R 2
Q5. A 0.5 m long metal rod PQ completes the circuit as shown in Fig 6.47. The area of the circuit is
perpendicular to the magnetic field of flux density 0.15 T. If the resistance of the total circuit is 3 Ω
, calculate the force needed to move the rod in the direction as indicated with a constant speed of 2

× × × × ×Q ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × × v
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×

× × × × ×P×
Figure :- 6.47
Blv ξ
Sol. 5 Here ξ= Blv and =
I =
Blv B 2l 2 v

F = IlB sin
= 90° = .lB
But  = 0.5 m, B = 0.15 T, R = 3Ω , v = 2 ms–1
(0.15) 2 × (0.5) 2 × 2

= F = 0.00375 N
Q6. A cycle wheel has 12 metallic spokes, each 0.2 m long. It makes 60 revolutions in 1 minute in a plane
normal to earth’s magnetic field of 0.4 × 10–4 T. Calculate the induced e.m.f. between the axle and
rim of the wheel.
Sol. 6 Here, n = 12  = 0.2 = m. v 60= rpm 1 rps
B = 0.4 × 10 T, e = ?

V r=
= ω r ( 2π v=
) 2π vl

= 2 × 3.14 × 1 × 0.2 = 1.256 ms–1
As the spoke rotates about the axle, therefore linear velocity of each spoke at the axle V1 = 0. And linear
velocity of each spoke at the rim, v2 = 1.256 m/s.
v +v
Average velocity of spoke = 1 2
0 + 1.256
= = 0.628 m / s
As all spokes are in parallel, therefore, e.m.f. induced between two ends of every spoke = e = Bvl
= 0.4 × 10–4 × 0.628 × 0.2 = 5 × 10–6 V

Q7. A metallic square loop ABCD of size 15 cm and resistance 1.0Ω is moved at a uniform velocity of
v m/s in a uniform magnetic field of 2 T, the field lines being normal to the plane of paper. The loop
is connected to an electrical network of resistors, each of resistance 2Ω. Calculate the speed of the

loop, for which 2 mA current flows in the loop.

Sol. 7 rd Figure :- 6.48

The network of resistors shown in Fig: 6.48 is equivalent of 3 resistors of 2 + 2 = 4Ω , 2Ω and 2 + 2 =
4Ω respectively joined in parallel. Hence, their combined resistance R1 is given by
1 1 1 1 1
= + + = ⇒ R1 =1 Ω
R1 4 4 2 1
As resistance of loop R2 = 1Ω, hence total resistance R = R1 + R2 = 1 + 1 = 2Ω. As length of side AB of
loop l = 15 cm = 0.15 m and B = 2 T and direction of motion v is perpendicular to B as well as  , hence
ε Blv
induced emf ε = Blv and induced current = I =

IR 2mA × 2Ω 2 × 10−3 × 2
=v = = m /=s 0.0133 m / s −1 or 1.33 cm / s −1 .
Bl 2T × 0.15m 2 × 0.15

Based on self Induction and Mutual Induction


Q1. A solenoid with an iron core and a bulb are connected to a d.c. source. How does the brightness of
the bulb change when the iron core is removed from the solenoid ?
Sol. 1 The brightness of the bulb remains unchanged because the reactance of inductor is zero in a d.c. circuit.
Q2. If the self-inductance of an air core inductor increases from 0.01 mH to 10 mH on introducing an

iron core into it, what is the relative permeability of the core used ?
Sol. 2 With air core,
µ0 N 2 A
L0 =
With iron core, L =
Relative permeability,
µ L 10
µ=r = = = 1000.
µ0 L0 0.01
Q3. A lamp in a circuit consisting of a coil of large number of turns and a battery does not light upto

full brilliance instantly on switching on the circuit. Why?
Sol. 3 When the circuit is switched on, current increases through the lamp and also through the coil. An induced
e.m.f. develops in the coil which opposes the growth of current. As the current takes time to grow the
maximum value, the lamp does not light instantly upto full brilliance.
Q4. An ideal inductor when connected in a.c. circuit does not produce heating effect though it reduces
the current in the circuit. Explain why?
Sol. 4 An ideal inductor is a coil having some inductance (L) but no ohmic resistance R. Amount of heat
produced in time t = l2 R t. As R = 0, therefore, heat produced = 0. However, the inductor offers inductive
reactance XL = ω L = 2π v L to the a.c. Therefore, the current is reduced.

Q5. A coil is wound on an iron core and looped back on itself so that the core has two sets of closely
wound wires in series carrying current in opposite senses. How is its self inductance affected?
Sol. 5 As two sets of closely wound wires carry currents in opposite senses, therefore, their induced effects

cancel. The self inductance reduces. In a special case, we may have
Lequiv = L1 + L2 – 2 M = L + L – 2 L = 0
Q6. Explain why resistance coils are usually double wound.
Sol. 6 The resistance coils are double wound to avoid induction effects. Magnetic field due to current in one half
of the coil is cancelled by magnetic field due to current in the other half of the coil (which is in opposite

Q7. A bulb connected in series with a solenoid is lit by a.c. source, Fig. 6.49 If the soft iron core is
introduced in the solenoid, will the bulb glow brighter?

Figure :- 6.49
Sol. 7 We know that the inductive reactance offered by the solenoid is XL = ω L = 2π v L. On introducing soft
iron core in the solenoid, its inductance L increases. Therefore, XL increases. As lv = Ev/XL, therefore, Iv
As glowing power of bulb = I v2 R, therefore, the bulb glows dimmer, and not brighter.

Q8. Answer the following questions :

Figure 6.50 shows an inductor L and a resistance R connected in parallel to a battery through a
switch. The resistance of R is the same as that of the coil that makes L. Two identical bulbs are put
in each arm of the circuit.
(i) Which of the bulb lights up earlier when S is closed ?
(ii) Will the bulb be equally bright after some time ?

Figure :- 6.50
Sol. 8 (i) The bulb B2 in arm R lights up earlier because induced e.m.f. across L opposes growth of current
in B1.
(ii) Yes, both the bulbs will be equally bright after some time. This is because once the current has
reached its maximum value, self inductance plays no role. Resistance of L and R is same; and both

the bulbs are identical and are connected to same source of potential difference.
Q9. In Fig. 6.51 , a coil B is connected to a low voltage bulb L and placed parallel to another coil A, as
shown. Explain the following observations :
(i) bulb lights
(ii) bulb gets dimmer if the coil B is moved upwards.

Figure :- 6.51

Sol. 9 (i) Bulb lights because of emf induced in coil B due to mutual induction between A and B.
(ii) On moving coil B upwards, coeff. Of Mutual inductance (M) decreases. Induced emf (e) decreases.
Blub gets dimmer.
Q10. A coil A is connected to a voltmeter V and the other coil B to an alternating current source, Fig. 6.52
If a large copper sheet is placed between the two coils, how does the induced emf in coil A change

due to current in coil B ?

Figure :- 6.52
Sol. 10 In the absence of copper sheet, emf will be induced in coil A due to mutual induction between the two

coils A and B. Voltmeter in coil A will show deflection as per the magnitude of emf induced.
When a copper sheet is placed between the two coils, eddy currents are set up in the sheet to change in
magnetic flux linked with C. Magnetic flux linked with coil A, due to coil B and due to opposing eddy
currents in C will decrease. Therefore, rate of change of magnetic flux in A will decrease. Hence emf
induced in A will decrease.
Q11. How does the self inductance of an air core coil change, when (i) the number of turns in the coil is
decreased, (ii) an iron rod is introduced in the coil?
A copper coil L wound on a soft iron core and a lamp B are connected to a battery E through a
tapping key K. When the key is closed, the lamp glows dimly. But when the key is suddenly opened,
the lamp flashes for an instant to much greater brightness. Explain.

Sol. 11

Self-inductance of an air-core solenoid,
µ N2A
L= 0
Figure :- 6.53
(i) When the number of turns N in the coil is decreased, the self-inductance decreases.
(ii) When iron core of relative permeability µr is introduced, self-inductance becomes
L ' = µr L
Self-inductance increases µr times.
The resistance of copper is much smaller than that of the lamp. When the key is closed, most of the
battery current flows through the copper coil and the remaining small current flows through the lamp. So
the lamp glows dim.

When the key is opened, very large induced emf is set up in the coil which tends to maintain the current
through the lamp. Hence the lamp flashes for a moment to a much greater brightness.
Q12. Magnetic field of 2 × 10–2 Wb m–2 is acting at right angle to a coil of 1000 cm2 having 50 turns. The
coil is removed from the field in second. Find the magnitude of induced e.m.f.

Sol. 12 Here, B1 = 2 × 10−2 Wb m −2 ,θ =00 , A = 100 cm2 = 1000 × 10–4 m2 = 10–1 m2
N = 50,B2 = 0, dt = s, e = ?
dφ N ( B2 − B1 ) A −[50(0 − 2 × 10−2 )10−1 ]
e= = = = 1.0 V

dt dt 1 / 10

Q13. A solenoid of length 50 cm with 20 turns per cm and area of cross section 40 cm2 completely
surrounds another co-axial solenoid of the same length, area of cross section 25 cm2 with 25 turns
per cm. Calculate the mutual inductance of the system.
Sol. 13 Here,  = 50 cm = m
Total no. of turns in one solenoid, N1 = 20 × 50 = 1000
Area of cross section of outer solenoid,
A1 = 40 cm2 = 40 × 10–4 m2
Total no. of turns in inner solenoid,
N2 = 25 × 50 = 1250

Area of cross section of inner solenoid,
A2 = 25 cm2 = 25 × 10–4 m2
µ0 N1 N 2 * 4π × 10−7 × 1000 × 1250 × 25 × 10−4
M= A 2 =
l 1/ 2
= 7.85 × 10–3 henry
Q14. A solenoidal coil has 50 turns per centimeter along its length and a cross-sectional area of 4 ×
10–4 m2. 200 turns of another wire wound round the first solenoid coaxially. The two coils are
electrically insulated from each other. Calculate the mutual inductance between the two coils.
Given µ= 0 4π × 10−7 NA −2 . 

Sol. 14 Here n1 = 50 turns per cm = 5000 turns per metre, n2 = 200 turns, A = 4 × 10–4 m2
= M µ= 0 n1n2 Al µ0 n1 ( n2l ) A
= 4π × 10−7 × 5000 × 200 × 4 × 10−4

= 5.027 × 10−4 H

Q15. Fig. 6.54 shows two long coaxial solenoids, each of length  . The outer solenoid has an area of cross-
section A1 and number of turns per unit length n1. The corresponding values for the inner solenoid
are A2 and n2.

Figure :- 6.54
Write the expression for self-inductance L1, L2 the two coils and their mutual inductance M. Hence,
show that M < L1 L2 .
Sol. 15 The self-inductances of the two solenoids are given by
L1 = µ0 n12 A1l
and L2 = µ0 n22 A2l

As the magnetic flux linked between the two solenoids is confined to the cross-sectional area A2 only, the
mutual inductance of the two solenoids is given by
M = µ0 n1n2 A2l
Now, =L1 L2 µ0 n12 A1 l × µ0 n22 A2 l
or L1 L2 = µ0 n1n2 A1 A2l

It follows that
MA1 = L1 L2
or M < L1 L2 (provided A1 > 1)
Q16. Three inductances are connected as shown Fig. 6.55. Find the equivalent inductance.

Figure :- 6.55
Sol. 16 The equivalent inductance L′ of L2 and L3 is given by
1 1 1 1 1
= + = + =4
L′ L2 L3 0.5 0.5
or L=′ = 0.25 H

Now L1 and L¢ form a series combination, their equivalent inductance is given by
L = L1 + L¢ = 0.75 + 0.25 = 1 H.
Q17. How is the mutual inductance of a pair of coils affected, when
(i) separation between the coils is increase,
(ii) the number of turns of each coil is increase,
(iii) a thin iron sheet is placed between the two coils, other factors remaining the same ?
Explain your answer in each case.
Sol. 17 (i) If the separation between the two coils is increased then their mutual inductance decreases. It is
because now whole amount of magnetic flux per turn developed in coil 1 on passing current in it will
not be associated with the second coil. In other words, on increasing the distance between the coils their

coupling coefficient and hence mutual inductance decreases.
(ii) On increasing the number of turns N1 and N2 in in two coils their mutual inductance increases. In

fact M ∝ N1N2. It is because on increasing N1 the magnetic field developed will be stronger and on
increasing N2, the magnetic flux linked with coil number 2 increases.
(iii) On introducing a thin iron sheet (having relative permeability µr ) between the two coils, their
mutual inductance increases by a factor µr . As iron is a ferromagnetic material for which value of
µr is very high, hence, mutual inductance increases by a large factor.

Based on Eddy Currents
Q1. What are eddy currents? How are these produced? In what sense are eddy currents considered
undesirable in a transformer and how are these reduced in such a device?
Sol. 1 The eddy currents are considered undesirable in transformer as they cause heating of iron core of
transformer. On one hand, it means loss of electrical energy i.e., decrease in efficiency of the transformer,
on the other hand, due to excessive heating the insulation of transformer windings may be damaged.
Eddy currents in a transformer are reduced by taking the iron core to be a laminated iron core. In such
arrangement instead of a solid iron core, we take a large number of thin iron laminas and these are joined
together with layers of insulating materials (say lacquer) in between so as to minimize eddy currents.
Q2. Why is the coil of a dead beat galvanometer wound on a metal frame?
Sol. 2 On switching off the current in a galvanometer, the coil of the galvanometer does not come to rest

immediately. It oscillates about its equilibrium position. But the coil of a dead beat galvanometer comes
to rest immediately. It is due to the reason that the eddy currents are setup in the metallic frame, over
which the coil is wound and the eddy currents oppose the oscillatory motion of the coil.


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