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Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875

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The use of green waste to overcome the difficulty in small-scale

composting of organic household waste
Maciej Neugebauer*, Piotr Sołowiej
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Technical Science, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An attempt was made in the study to determine whether organic household waste containing food
Received 29 July 2016 remnants (citrus fruit and vegetable peels, fat, dairy products, etc.) can be composted in home gardens.
Received in revised form Kitchen waste was mixed with garden waste (bulking agent) at different proportions. Biodegradable
13 April 2017
waste was composted in two systems: in a pit dug in the ground and in a container. Fresh waste was
Accepted 14 April 2017
supplied to the compost pile each week. The experiment was conducted from May to August 2014. The
Available online 18 April 2017
temperature inside the compost pile, ammonia emissions and moisture content were monitored
throughout the experiment. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal kitchen waste to
garden waste mixing ratio with regard to ammonia emissions and the temperature inside the compost
Accumulated temperature pile. The C/N ratio or the porosity of composted material were not modified. The highest temperature
Ammonia emission was achieved in piles composed of 40% kitchen waste and 50% garden waste. The highest cumulative
Small-scale composting ammonia emissions were noted in pit and bin piles containing 0% bulking agent. The lowest cumulative
Organic household waste ammonia emissions were observed in pit and bin piles containing 100% bulking agent and in bin piles
containing 60% bulking agent, which helped reduce the odor of composting, thus contributing to a
cleaner production process. The first phase of the composting process was completed in all piles after 8
weeks of the experiment. Ammonia emissions and accumulated temperature were calculated to compare
the results obtained in each pile. The chemical composition of compost met the Polish quality standards
for organic fertilizers.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tomatoes fertilized with mineral fertilizers and compost revealed

no differences in yield and demonstrated that compost can be
Composting is a process during which organic waste is effectively used as fertilizer in tomato production (Martínez-Blanco
decomposed by microorganisms under aerobic conditions. In na- et al., 2011). By contrast, industrial composting involves the
ture, organic matter with favorable moisture content is degraded disposal of troublesome waste immediately after production to
when sufficient amounts of oxygen are available. The composting inhibit colonization by pathogens which proliferate until the tem-
process can be described by the following equation (1): perature inside the compost pile reaches around 55  C (Raj and
Antil, 2011). Industrial compost can also be used as fertilizer. The
fertilizing properties of leachate obtained from industrial com-
Organic waste þ microorganisms þ O2 /H2 O þ CO2
posting were found to be superior to those of commercial fertilizers
þ compost þ heat (1) (Romero et al., 2013). In Italy, 34% of produced compost is sold as
humus in garden centers, 62% is used in agriculture as a substitute
The purpose of small-scale composting of household waste is to
for mineral fertilizers, and the remaining 4% is used for soil reme-
produce fertilizer. Numerous research studies have demonstrated
diation (Rigamonti et al., 2010).
that composted organic waste constitutes high-quality fertilizer. An
There are two approaches to managing organic household
experiment conducted on greenhouse-grown and field-grown
waste. A study describing organic waste management practices in
the United States and France revealed that the choice of the optimal
* Corresponding author. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Ocza- disposal method is determined by the local perspective and the
powskiego 2, 10-719, Olsztyn, Poland. needs of the local community, businesses and the environment
E-mail address: (M. Neugebauer).
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
866 M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875

(Mourad, 2016). Modern cities are one of the key contributors to waste management scenarios, and composting had the most
global warming (Uyarra and Gee, 2013). Greenhouse gas (GHG) negative impact on the environment, which can be largely attrib-
emissions can be effectively reduced through the implementation uted to the fact that waste collection and transportation costs were
of sustainable development policies, appropriate management of not taken into account. It should be noted, however, that landfilled
water and energy resources, transport and waste in urban areas. A food wastes are also naturally decomposed, which leads to GHG
robust example of sustainable waste management practices can be emission (Saer et al., 2013). A study evaluating various methods for
found in Manchester where landfilling has been replaced with a biological waste management based on 12 coefficients revealed
comprehensive system of waste recycling, collective composting that composting was the second most effective method of waste
and sustainable energy use (Uyarra and Gee, 2013). processing after incineration with heat recovery (Cristo bal et al.,
One approach to sustainable waste management postulates that 2016).
all waste should be collected and managed industrially and that Recycling and composting are the main waste management
biological waste generated in households and home gardens should methods in Adelaide, Australia (Zaman, 2014). In 2009, around 54%
be composted in centralized systems to produce compost or biogas of municipal waste in the city was recycled and composted. Ac-
in biogas plants (anaerobic digestion). The rationale behind the cording to estimates, the percentage of composted waste will in-
above approach is that composting produces greenhouse gases and crease by 12% in 2015e2020. The Japanese food processing industry
odorous ammonia, and that household residents may be unable to generates 9.5 million tons of organic waste annually, of which 25%
discriminate between wastes that are and are not suitable for is composted or used as intermediate material for the production of
composting. Only 3% of food wastes are recycled in the United animal feed, 25% is dried, 5% is used for energy generation, and 40%
States (Saer et al., 2013). Food wastes constitute the largest category is incinerated or landfilled (Liu et al., 2016). To reduce the genera-
of municipal solid wastes that are landfilled or incinerated. A study tion of household waste, the Japanese city of Nagoya launched the
analyzing various waste management scenarios demonstrated that “3 Dont's” campaign e do not buy too much food, do not cook too
up to 27% of waste can be effectively composted (Tan et al., 2014). much food, and do not throw away too much food. In Nagoya, food
However, the cited research did not indicate whether the analyzed wastes are collected and composted with financial support from
practices took place in dispersed (household) or centralized com- the government (Zheng et al., 2016).
posting systems. In Olsztyn, a city in north-eastern Poland, sorted waste is
According to Slater and Frederickson (2001), the main advan- collected from single-family homes at no charge to encourage
tage of the discussed approach is that the composition of com- recycling. According to the Olsztyn City Hall, the collection of
posted material can be carefully selected and that various additives organic waste has increased more than three-fold since the intro-
can be used in the composting process to minimize its environ- duction of a bag collection scheme, and at present, more than 72%
mental impacts. Luo et al. (2014) observed that ammonia emissions of households hand their biological waste over to the municipal
from mature compost can be minimized by composting biological waste collection company. There are no data to indicate whether
waste in closed containers. However, this solution is feasible only in the disposed waste consists of kitchen discards only, but according
large industrial plants where the composting tank is filled only to City Hall employees, garden wastes account for a large part of the
once during the entire composting process. Pagans et al. (2006) collected material. Bags of organic waste from a Polish household
demonstrated that the amount of released ammonia is deter- are shown in Fig. 1. According to an unpublished survey conducted
mined by the temperature inside the pile and that ammonia by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in 2013e2014,
emissions can be reduced by lowering composting temperature. biological waste, including garden waste, is easiest to manage, but
Yang et al. (2013) found that composting time can be shortened to many residents find it difficult to distinguish between waste that is
around 30e60 days, depending on the composition and volume of and is not suitable for composting.
the composted material, and that ammonia emissions can be According to the second approach to sustainable waste man-
lowered under optimal aeration conditions. In industrial com- agement, the waste stream from households should be minimized
posting plants, excess heat can be removed from the compost pile by encouraging waste sorting, recycling and reducing waste pro-
(Neugebauer et al., 2014). For the composting process to be effec- duction at the source. The achievement of this target would lower
tive, household waste has to be correctly sorted by residents, which the adverse environmental impact of waste transport, and it would
could pose a massive organizational challenge in many countries. reduce GHG emissions. Cherubini et al. (2008) claims that land-
Residents also need to be educated and motivated to sort their filling is the worst waste management strategy on a global scale
waste. According to official data, the city of Shanghai with a pop-
ulation of 20 million produces 20,000 tons of unsorted household
waste every day, of which 51% is landfilled, 23% is incinerated and
only 16% is recycled or composted (Dai et al., 2016). By contrast, San
Francisco has achieved the highest landfill diversion rate in the
United States by reusing, recycling and composting 77% of all waste
generated in the city. This success has been achieved through the
implementation of mandatory recycling and composting laws,
cooperation with like-minded companies in the process of
launching waste processing programs, and by raising the local
residents' awareness about the importance of waste sorting and
recycling (Song et al., 2015). Awareness rising campaigns often pose
a challenge, but research has demonstrated that the “neighbor ef-
fect” plays an important role in this process e residents whose
neighbors sort waste feel more motivated to sort their own waste
and need less convincing to do so (Crociata et al., 2016).
Life cycle assessments (LCA) of food waste indicate that collec-
tive composting is one of the worst solutions in terms of its envi-
ronmental impacts (Saer et al., 2013). The cited study analyzed four Fig. 1. Bags of organic waste from a Polish household.
M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875 867

(Fig. 2). Before the onset of large-scale farming, biological wastes shortening the composting process. Humus, the end product of
from agricultural production were managed in their entirety composting, is an excellent fertilizer (Rishell, 2013). However, an-
directly at the source. The popularity of such solutions has been imal manure should not be composted in the yard because the
revived in the farming sector, but the developed systems are much resulting humus cannot be safely used as fertilizer (Chaifetz et al.,
more advanced, and they involve rain water collection and post- 2015). Humus has a unique chemical composition (Martínez-
composting of biological waste (Han et al., 2016). Blanco et al., 2010), and household-produced humus contributes
Further research is needed to determine whether organic waste to environmental protection by reducing primary energy con-
composting poses an environmental hazard by contributing to sumption and GHG emissions (Andersen et al., 2010; Ermolaev,
greenhouse gas emissions, odor emissions and heavy metal 2015). A study analyzing various scenarios for managing munic-
contamination. According to Andersen et al. (2011), ammonia ipal waste and their environmental impacts (GHG emissions in
emissions from backyard composting do not exceed those from terms of CO2 equivalents) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, revealed that com-
large systems. Andersen et al. (2010) also found that GHG emissions bined recycling and composting can reduce CO2 emissions by up to
from small-scale and large composting systems are generally 78.8% (Deus et al., 2016). In the literature, two opposing views can
similar. Matsumura et al. (2010) reported that the addition of lard to be found regarding GHG emissions during composting. Some re-
composted material reduced emissions of ammonia and other searchers argue that composting reduces total GHG emissions
gases, thus minimizing unpleasant odors associated with com- (Deus et al., 2016), whereas others claim that composting increases
posting. Lard improved the C:N ratio which may be disrupted in the overall GHG load and has a negative impact on the environment
piles containing difficult to compost wastes. (Arafat et al., 2015; Saer et al., 2013).
In a Norwegian study, the main drawbacks of composting According to Rosik-Dulewska (2010), Dickson et al. (2010) and
household waste included problems with obtaining stable mature the recommendations of Polish manufacturers of garden compost
compost and unpleasant odor from the composter (Bergersen et al., bins (, the following kitchen wastes should
2009). The above problems can be resolved through the use of not be composted in the backyard:
bulking agents such as grass and other garden wastes (Bergersen
et al., 2009; Rangarirayi et al., 2013). Kitchen discards can be  waste from tropical fruits, including citrus fruit and bananas,
easily composted with the addition of straw (30e50%) to minimize  spoiled food, in particular meat,
the amount of nitrogen lost with ammonia emissions in the com-  rotten seeds,
posting process. Temperature is an important parameter, and ac-  dairy products, fat, etc.
cording to Sundberg (2005), ammonia emissions were highest
when the temperature inside the pile reached 67  C, but the Biological waste from a Polish household is presented in Fig. 3.
decomposition process was most rapid at a temperature of 55  C. A According to Rishell (2013) and Lleo  et al. (2013), difficult to
study conducted in Guadeloupe (Faverial and Sierra, 2014) in 60 compost wastes can be safely and effectively degraded only by
households composting their organic wastes revealed that the vermicomposting. A combination of both methods may also be
produced compost was free of harmful bacteria (E. coli) and that the applied, where wastes are composted at the beginning of the pro-
chemical composition of compost was superior to that obtained cess and are subsequently degraded by vermicomposting. The
from large industrial plants. The above can be attributed to lower combined process reduces GHG emissions (Lim et al., 2016), and the
temperature inside garden compost piles which are much smaller same outcome can be achieved through interrupted aeration dur-
than industrial compost tanks. Lower temperature slowed down ing composting.
the decomposition of organic matter and stabilized the content of The effectiveness of composting organic household waste is
organic compounds such as lignins. In the cited study, household determined by two critical parameters:
composting was a problem-free process in 68% of cases, and in the
remaining 32% of cases, the encountered issues were easy to solve - aeration,
(Faverial and Sierra, 2014). - C/N ratio of composted material.
The size of the pile is also an important consideration (Malwana
et al., 2013). An appropriate shape of the pile and an appropriate The influence of aeration on the composting process has been
ratio of pile surface area to pile volume improve natural aeration by investigated by Guo et al. (2012), Border (2002) and Ekinci et al.
wind and create favorable conditions for composting, thus
increasing the rate at which organic matter is degraded and

Fig. 2. The waste management hierarchy (Cherubini et al., 2008). Fig. 3. Biological waste from a Polish household.
868 M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875

(2006). o 60% kitchen waste and 40% garden waste (marked as 40% in
The C/N ratio of composted material is a critical parameter diagrams),
because it determines the ability of microorganisms to degrade o 80% kitchen waste and 20% garden waste (marked as 20% in
organic matter. Nitrogen is a building block, and carbon is a source diagrams),
of energy for microorganisms. The most favorable C/N ratio of o 100% kitchen waste and 0% garden waste (marked as 0% in
composted material ranges from 25 to 30 (Kumar et al., 2010; Jiang diagrams).
et al., 2011). Excessive nitrogen content raises the temperature in-  Compost piles were passively aerated (without a forced aeration
side the pile, speeds up the composting process, but also increases system).
ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions, promotes nitrogen loss  In each case, wastes were composted in two systems:
and deteriorates the fertilizing properties of the resulting humus. o a pit dug in the ground (marked as “pit” in Figs. 5e16,
Organic matter deficient in nitrogen will be composted at a slower measuring 0.5  0.5 m, with a depth of 0.5 m e Fig. 4 a). The
rate (Quiros et al., 2014; Bong et al., 2017). walls of the pit were reinforced with plastic panels. In order to
The energy-generating potential of composted material was improve aeration, the composted material was turned once a
explored by the authors in a previous study (Neugebauer et al., week,
2014). Composted organic matter releases heat. Thermophilic mi- o in a container (with wood lattice walls to enable air flow),
croorganisms which degrade composted material are most active measuring 0.5  0.5  0.5 m e Fig. 4b, without a top lid,
in a temperature range of 55e60  C. Higher temperatures inside the positioned on the ground (marked as “bin” in Figs. 5e16).
pile slow down or completely inhibit the proliferation of thermo-
philic bacteria. In the cited study, excess heat was evacuated from The diagrams of both composting systems are presented in
the pile and used to heat water. In the present experiment, heat was Fig. 4.
extracted from compost piles with water-filled pipe coils. Water
flow through the pipe coil was controlled with a pump with  A total of 12 treatments (2 treatments per garden) were
adjustable capacity, which enabled to control the amount of heat analyzed.
recovered from the pile. This solution supported the achievement  The C/N ratio of the pile was not modified to determine whether
of a stable and optimal temperature inside the compost pile. The organic waste with suboptimal chemical composition could be
energy yield from 1 kg of composted material reached up to 5 MJ effectively composted at the smallest possible effort made by
(Neugebauer et al., 2014). the owner.
 At the beginning of the experiment, 2 kg of compost was placed
2. Materials and methods at the bottom of each pit and container to promote the growth of
microorganisms and higher organisms such as earthworms.
The research hypothesis was that difficult to compost organic  Each week, every treatment was supplied with 3 kg of biological
household waste can be effectively composted without vermi- material with different proportions of kitchen and garden
composting in small piles with sufficient oxygen supply without wastes (as described above), including 10% of dairy waste and
generating unpleasant odor (at the place of generation). The 15% of waste from citrus fruits.
objective of the study was to determine the optimal kitchen waste  In each case, the total mass of substrate was 57 kg (at the end of
to garden waste mixing ratio with regard to ammonia emissions August).
and the temperature inside the compost pile.  The experiment was conducted over a period of 4 months be-
The research hypothesis was verified in an experiment with the tween May and August 2014.
following design:  The following parameters were monitored, daily at 6 p.m.:
o temperature (at the bottom of the compost pile e at the level
 Organic matter with the following proportions of kitchen wastes of the first load) twice per week e with the ETI 810-930 digital
(including waste from citrus fruits e orange and lemon peel e thermometer with a probe,
and cheese) and garden wastes (green waste was not shredded), o moisture content ewith the SM150 soil moisture sensor,
composted in six home gardens in a housing estate in Olsztyn, o ammonia emissions e with the Multigas III electrochemical
was analyzed: gas sensor.
o 0% kitchen waste and 100% garden waste (marked as 100% in  Piles were to be watered if their moisture content decreased
diagrams), below 55% - which did not happen during the experiment.
o 20% kitchen waste and 80% garden waste (marked as 80% in  Total precipitation and ambient temperature were measured
diagrams), with the AOK-5056 weather station.
o 40% kitchen waste and 60% garden waste (marked as 60% in  The chemical composition of humus was compared with the
diagrams), relevant standards for organic fertilizers (Journal of Laws,

Fig. 4. A diagram of two composting systems used in the experiment: a) a composting pit, and b) a composting bin.
M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875 869

Fig. 5. Changes in the moisture content of organic wastes composted in pits.

Fig. 6. Changes in the moisture content of organic wastes composted in bins.

Fig. 7. Total rainfall during the experiment.

2008.119.765) and the findings of other authors (Boruszko, composted below ground in a pit, bin e wastes composted above
2011). ground in a composting bin.
Changes in moisture content are shown in Fig. 5 for wastes
At the end of the experiment, compost was left to mature in the composted in pits and in Fig. 6 for wastes composted in bins. Pre-
analyzed treatments for 9 months (until May 2015). cipitation considerably influenced the moisture content of the
analyzed compost piles. Pits and bins were not covered, therefore,
3. Results and discussion rain water had free access to the composted material. During heavy
rainfall, not all water running down pit piles was directed to the
The measured parameters are presented in diagrams. The pre- sides, and some water was retained inside the pit, thus increasing
sented data are marked with the following symbols and abbrevi- the moisture content of wastes composted below ground. For this
ations: % - percentage of garden waste (bulking agent) in reason, the moisture content of identical loads is generally higher in
composted material (0% denotes kitchen waste only), pit e wastes Fig. 5 than in Fig. 6. It should also be noted that July 2014 was a dry
870 M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875

Fig. 8. Changes in the temperature of organic wastes composted in pits.

Fig. 9. Changes in the temperature of organic wastes composted in bins.

Fig. 10. Ammonia emissions from wastes composted in pits.

month without any rainfall, which additionally contributed to the with identical composition. The above can probably be attributed to
observed decrease in moisture content between late June and late better aeration in piles composted above ground in bins, which can
July e Fig. 7. lead to higher heat loss. In both pits and bins, the highest tem-
Changes in temperature are shown in Fig. 8 for wastes com- peratures were noted in compost containing roughly equal
posted in pits and in Fig. 9 for wastes composted in bins. An analysis amounts of kitchen and garden wastes. Those results can probably
of temperature curves indicates that the temperature inside piles be explained by a more favorable C:N ratio and higher porosity of
rose with an increase in the weight of composted material and piles where garden waste was used as a bulking agent. In all piles,
exceeded 40  C after 6 weeks (when the total mass of successive the first composting phase (thermophilic) was completed after 16
loads exceeded 20 kg in each treatment). The temperature inside weeks, as demonstrated by a decrease in temperature at the bottom
pit piles was higher than the temperature in bin piles for all loads of the pile. The thermophilic phase was followed by the compost
M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875 871

Fig. 11. Ammonia emissions from wastes composted in bins.

Fig. 12. Coefficients of correlation between accumulated temperature and ammonia emissions for wastes composted in pits.

Fig. 13. Coefficients of correlation between accumulated temperature and ammonia emissions for wastes composted in bins.

maturation phase which ended in May 2015. emissions are higher when organic wastes are composted without
Ammonia emissions during the composting process are pre- the addition of a bulking agent (garden waste). The addition of 40%
sented in Fig. 10 for wastes composted in pits and in Fig. 11 for of garden waste decreased ammonia emissions to threshold values,
wastes composted in bins. and in piles containing a higher percentage of this bulking agent,
Ammonia emissions are responsible for the characteristic and ammonia emissions did not exceed the detection threshold
unpleasant (pungent) odor which is produced when the composted throughout the entire composting process. Ammonia emissions
pile is not adequately managed. The odor detection threshold for were also influenced by the temperature inside the compost pile.
ammonia in air is 5 ppm (Amoore and Hautala, 1983; Safety Topic The coefficients of correlation (Pearson's r) between ammonia
Ammonia, 2015), and below this limit, ammonia cannot be detec- emissions and accumulated temperature were calculated for every
ted by humans. According to some authors, the odor detection treatment at a significance level of 0.05. The results are presented in
threshold for ammonia can be as low as 2.6 ppm, which is probably Fig. 12 for wastes composted in pits and in Fig. 13 for wastes
associated with individual differences in human olfactory abilities composted in bins.
(Smeets et al., 2007). The 5 ppm threshold is marked with a black The data presented in Figs. 12 and 13 indicate the correlation
line in the diagrams. The obtained results suggest that ammonia between ammonia emissions and temperature inside the pile is
872 M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875

Fig. 14. Distribution of daily DH values for the analyzed treatments.

Fig. 15. Accumulated temperatures for all analyzed treatments.

attenuated with an increase in the content of the bulking agent in from pile temperature to account for the actual change in tem-
composted material. Interestingly, a minor increase in the value of perature inside the pile. The value of DH was calculated with the
the correlation coefficient was noted in wastes composed in bins use of formula (2) for one-day intervals (separately for each day).
with the addition of 80% and 100% of the bulking agent. These
findings could be attributed to intense microbial activity resulting
from better aeration in bins or to higher nitrogen content of garden Zt
wastes, including nitrogen from artificial fertilizers. DH ¼ ðTi  To Þdt (2)
The end of the composting process in garden piles can be 0
determined by measuring the temperature inside the pile. Chaifetz
et al. (2015) suggested that every compost pile should be equipped where:
with a thermometer. However, temperature measurements alone
may not suffice to determine the progress and quality of the DH e degree hour temperature [ C h d1];
composting process. The degree hour temperature (DH) is a t e composting time [h];
parameter linked to temperature that describes the rate of the Ti e temperature inside the compost pile [ C];
composting process more effectively (C aceres et al., 2015). The To e ambient temperature [ C].
value of DH was calculated in view of the modification proposed by
Czekała et al. (2016), whereby ambient temperature is subtracted A different approach was adopted by Czekała et al. (2016) and
ceres et al. (2015) who calculated the temperature inside the pile
M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875 873

Fig. 16. Accumulated ammonia emissions.

as the average of measurements conducted in three layers every final DH values, and they cannot be derived from the data pre-
5 min for each 4-h interval. In this experiment, temperature inside sented in the temperature curves in Figs. 8 and 9.
the pile was measured every few days and in one layer only. The The energy-generating potential of every treatment is presented
calculation method was the same, but it was applied to 24-h in- in Fig. 15. In accordance with the heat recovery concept proposed
tervals, and on days when temperature was not measured, it was by Neugebauer et al. (2014), heat generated during the composting
determined by interpolation. The applied method was less accu- process can be used for various purposes. In this experiment, pit
rate, but the obtained results are useful for determining the rate of compost containing 60% garden waste was characterized by the
composting. The DH parameter, combined with ambient temper- highest energy-generating potential. Similar, but somewhat lower
ature measurements, provides information about the quality of the results were noted for bin compost containing 60% garden waste.
composting process. For instance, in bins with 0% garden waste, DH Cumulative ammonia emissions are shown in Fig. 16. The
approximated zero until 12 June, which implies that the com- highest cumulative emissions were noted in pit and bin composts
posting process began only after 12 June (Fig. 14). This information containing 0% garden waste, whereas the lowest cumulative
cannot be derived by analyzing changes in compost temperature. emissions were determined in pit and bin composts composed of
The distribution of DH values for the analyzed treatments is pre- 100% garden waste and in bin composts containing 60% garden
sented in Fig. 14. waste. These results indicate that for energy generation purposes,
Accumulated temperature is yet another parameter illustrating the optimal kitchen waste to garden waste mixing ratio is 40%e50%.
the rate of the composting process (Tongbin et al., 2002; Ca ceres This mixing variant was characterized by the most dynamic com-
et al., 2015). Accumulated temperature is a summation of DH posting process with the highest accumulated temperature and low
values. It was calculated with the use of formula (2), but in this case, ammonia emissions. As already mentioned, excess heat recovered
the limit of integration was the time of composting. Similarly to DH, from the composting process can be used for other purposes, such
accumulated temperature provides additional information about as greenhouse heating (which will be tested in another experi-
the composting process and the amount of generated energy. The ment). Thus, the optimal composition of compost mixtures, sup-
higher the accumulated temperature, the more heat is released porting high energy recovery, is an important consideration. Due to
during composting. The relevant information cannot be derived low ammonia emissions, the above composting variant has no
based only on an analysis of changes in temperature inside the pile. adverse environmental effects and organic waste can be composted
Changes in the accumulated temperature of all treatments are at any location in the yard. When heat is transferred from a
presented in Fig. 15. compost pile to cold frames through convection (a dedicated test
The results presented in Fig. 14 indicate that the composting stand is currently being designed), CO2 emitted during composting
process had not been completed in any of the analyzed treatments can be assimilated by plants grown in cold frames turned into
at the end of the 4-month experiment, and the mesophilic phase hotbeds.
(compost maturation) lasted until May 2015. At the end of com- After the experiment, compost was left to mature for 9 months
posting, DH normally drops to zero, which was not the case in any (until May 2015) in pits and containers without the addition of new
examined treatment. Based on the analyzed data, the experimental biomass. Mature compost is shown in Fig. 17. The produced humus
treatments can be divided into two groups. The first group includes met Polish standards for organic fertilizers. Its chemical composi-
pit and bin composts with 40% and 60% garden waste content tion was determined at 1.2% N, 0.43% P and 0.95% K with pH 6.4. The
where the final DH was estimated at 400  C h day1. The second chemical composition of the obtained humus was similar to that
group covers the remaining compost piles with final DH of around determined by other authors, with similar content of nitrogen and
100  C h day1. The above data indicate that by the end of the potassium and somewhat lower content of phosphorus. Heavy
experiment, the thermophilic phase of composting had not ended metal concentrations were not analyzed in the obtained humus. It
in the first group, whereas the maturation phase had already begun was assumed that safe levels were not exceeded in the composted
in the second group. These conclusions were formulated based on materials e food is checked for heavy metal contamination, and in
874 M. Neugebauer, P. Sołowiej / Journal of Cleaner Production 156 (2017) 865e875

 for energy generation purposes, the optimal kitchen waste to

garden waste mixing ratio is 40%e50% e this mixing variant was
characterized by the most dynamic composting process with
the highest accumulated temperature and low ammonia
 in all experimental households, which also recycled other types
of waste (paper, glass, plastics), the amount of waste collected
by municipal service providers decreased by 50e60%. This im-
plies that composting could lead to a two-fold decrease in the
frequency of waste collection;
 household wastes can be effectively composted in other Central
European countries, including Germany, southern Sweden and
Lithuania, which have similar climates and eating habits.

Fig. 17. Mature compost. Small-scale composting of biological waste does not require
special treatment and is harmless to the environment, unlike col-
lective composting schemes where waste has to be transported
garden wastes, heavy metal concentrations are generally far below across considerable distances. Backyard composting decreases the
the permissible limit. The results of other studies indicate that the residential waste stream and reduces energy consumption associ-
heavy metal content of composted garden and kitchen wastes is ated with the transport and disposal of household wastes.
below the legal limit (Brinton, 2000). Composted residential waste also constitutes high-quality fer-
Composted matter containing more than 60% of difficult to tilizer for gardening purposes. In this study, compost was mixed
compost wastes is characterized by variations in temperature, with soil and spread over garden beds. Phytotoxicity tests were not
moisture content and odor emissions. Leachate was not produced. performed, but no adverse effects due to compost application were
The moisture content of the pile was maintained at 70e80% observed in plants.
throughout the experiment. In pits, excess rainwater was absorbed At the next stage of the study, compost phytotoxicity will be
by composted material and soil. In containers, rainwater was determined and the impact of compost, used as organic fertilizer,
absorbed by compost, and excess water was retained at the bottom on crop yields will be evaluated. The use of heat generated during
of the bin. On 27 July, the moisture content of compost decreased to composting for heating plants in early spring will be tested on a
around 65% in pits and below 60% in bins due to prolonged drought. microscale e heat will be transferred through convection from a
Despite the above, compost was not watered because the experi- compost pile to the growing area in home gardens.
ment aimed to simulate real-life composting practices in Polish
Tropical wastes take longer to decompose (around 2 months) e
in mid-September 2014, all piles were inspected from the outside
This work was financially supported by the Polish Ministry of
and inside, and some tropical wastes (citrus fruit peel) were still
Science and Higher Education [grant number N N313 700740].
visible in the mixture. Citrus wastes were not found in November
The mature humus was used in May and June of the following Appendix A. Supplementary data
year as organic fertilizer in the experimental households. Its in-
fluence on soil quality and organic carbon content was not Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://


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