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INDD 84-20.2 83 MM 2595512 0077958 154 mm ANSI-B1.20.1 ADOPTION NOTICE ANSI-B1.20.1, "Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)," was adopted on October 3, 1994 for use by the Department of Defense (DoD). Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activity: Commanding Officer, Naval Construction Battalion Center, Code 156, 1000 23rd Avenue, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4301. DoD activities may obtain copies of this standard from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Custodians: Adopting Activity Army - ME Navy - YD-1 Navy - YD-1 DLA - CS AREA THDS DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Cop b the Aneto Sac OF Mecorcel Engraes sc 19 151526 2003, “Ysne 62-20-1 63 MM 2595522 001184) 3 mm @ AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 - 1983 SPONSORED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 inl by Sacily OF Mecha Engineers a Coy by the Ane sc 19 15:15:58 2003, ASHE 82-20-1 83 MM 2595512 OOLLA42 5 mm Dats of tesuanco: August 1, 1989, ‘This codo oF standard was developed under procedures sooredited os menting the eritria for bolenced to esure thet individuals from competent and concerned inteests have hed an opportunity to pertisipste. The proposed cade or standard wat made available for puble review and comment which provides an opportunity for acltionel public input from industry, academia, regulatory agen les, and the publeatlarge. "ASME doer not “approve,” “rate,” ar endors” any item, eonetruetion, proptieary device, or activity. [ASME doss not tako any postion with respect to the validity of eny patent rights atorted In connection with any joms mantioned in thie document, and does not undertake to ire anyone Uutiizing a standard against lability for infringement of any applicable Letters Petont, nor assure any uch ibily. Users of # code or standard are expressly advised that datermination of the validity of ‘any such patent rights, and the rsk of infringoment of such rights, is enirely their own responsibility. Participation by foderal agency represantatves) or person(s affliated with industy isnot to be Intorproted es government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an olatronierotrava aystem or athens, ‘without the prior written permission of the publisher, Copyright © 1988 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AL Rlghts Reserved Printed in US.A, con Socely Of Mecho Engineers [sre B)-20-3 83 MM 25955k2 0012843 7 mm FOREWORD (This Foreword isnot part of American National Standard, Pipe Threads, General PPurpoue (lnoh) ANSI/ASME 81.20.1-1083,) Jn 197 American National Standards Committee 162, which had formerly been responsible for pipe thread standards, was absorbed by ANSI Standards Committee BI and reorganized as subcommittee 20. A com- plete rewslte of the B2.2-1968 standard on Dryseal Pipe Threads has been completed, with the product thread data in separate documents from the gaging standards for Dryseal Pipe Threads. The system of num- ‘ring, to include metric conversion, is as follows: ANSI B1.20,3-1976 Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) ANSI B1.20.4-1976 Dryseel Pipe Threads (Metric Translation) ANSI B1.20.5-1978 Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) In preparation, B1.20,6M Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Metric Trandation) ‘A complete rewrite of the B2.1-1968 standard on Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal) was then undertaken. “The system of numbering, to include metric convorsions, i as follows: ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) {In preparation, B1.20.2M Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Metric Translation) @ Thos snd, ANSASMS 1.204 ant 81.2024 prot te ders and gp in same document, ‘Thread inspection specifies the wse of L tapor thread plug and ring gages similar to 'B2.1-1968. In addition, emphasis is given to the requirement that all basic thread design dimensions are to be mot within the specified tolerances. ‘The data in this Standard supersede those given in ANSI B2.1-1968 ‘The ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 was approved by ASME Standards Committee Bl on December 1, 1982 for publication as an official ANST standard. “The proposed standard was submitted by standards committoo BI to the Secretariat énd the American ‘National Standards Institute, It was approved and formally designated as an American National Standard on February 4, 1983. fit 3 Socey OF Mechoricl Engineers ASNE BL-20-1 83 MM 2595512 0011844 9 mm ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B1 Standardization and Unification of Scrow Throads (The following isthe rostor of the Committe at the time of epproval ofthis Standerd) OFFICERS D4, Emanut i, Chairman H.W. Ellison, Vice Chairman ©. Lynch, Scrotary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL [AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. G. G. Gomer, MeDonet Douglas, St, Lous, Mssourh H. Borrman, Altomate, Sperry Gyroscope Division, Grest Neck, Now York AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, F. Dalla, dr, Sewhill Tubular Division, Sharon, Pennsylvania AMERICAN MEASURING TOOL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 'D, Dass, Pennoysr-Dodge Company, Glendale, California . Wi datho, Alternate, American Measuring Too! Manufacturers Assecition, Birmingham, Michigan AMERICAN PIPE FITTINGS ASSOCIATION W. G, Forrll,Stockham Valves and Fittings, Biminghim, Alabama DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTER E., Schwartz, Defensa Industrial Supply Contr, Philadelphia, Pennsyivanta F. 8, Ciecerone, A/tarate, Defensa Industll Supply Center Philadelphia, Penasyivania ENGINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 6. A. Russ, Cummins Engine Company, Columbus, Indiena FARM AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INSTITUTE “J.-F. Nagy, Ford Motor Company, Deerbor, Michigan INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS INSTITUTE RB. Belford, Industral Fasteners Institut, Clavetanc, Ohio RM, Hares, Bethichem Stoel Company, Lebanon, Pennsylvania KE. MeCullough, SPS Technologies, Inc, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania AFC. MeMturay, Russell, Burdall and Ward Ine, Mentor, Ohio aa. 1A, Trilling, Holo-Krome Company, Wert Hartford, Connectiut E. D. Spengler, Alternate, Bethiahem Steel Company, Labenon, Pennsylvania MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE AND FITTING INDUSTRY WE. ©. Farrel, Brockhom Valves and Fixing, Birmingham, Atsbara METAL CUTTING TOOL INSTITUTE (TAP & DIE DIVISION) IN. F. Nau, Usion/Buttrtiold, Athol, Messachusat A. D. Shepherd, Jr, Alternate, Union/Butterield, Derby Line, Vermont con Society Of echoicl Engineers Sot dl 19 15145 7003, Coy by the Ane sc 19 151545 2003 ASME Bb-20-1 63 MM 2595512 0031845 0 mm NATIONAL AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AND FIRE CONTROL ASSOCIATION, INC. 'W, Teste, Grinnell Fire Protacion Systems Company, Ine, Providence, Rhode sland RP. Floming, Atornst, National Automatic Sprinkler and Flee Contro! Assocition, In.,Pattarton, New York NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 44 L. Guiftin, Wheatland Tube Company, Wheatland, Pennsyivania 4 B Lowy, General Eletric Company, Schenectady, Now York FF. Welngruber, Westinghouse Electric Cop, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania WR, Wilford, ternate, National Eletreal Manufacturers Aaoeltion, Washington, D.C. NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Rd. Sabstos, The Cleveland Twist Drill Company, Cleveland, Ohio . Stoner, Jr, Teledyne Landis Machine, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania NATIONAL SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION "8, Mayer, Fizchor Special Manufacturing Company, Cold Spring, Kentucky H. A, Elehstaedt, Alternate, National Screw Machine ProdveteAezosietion, Breckevile, Ohio SOCIETY OF AUTONOTIVE ENGINEERS H.W. Ellion, General Motors Technical Centr, Warren, Michigan SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS 1, Davidson, Morso/Hemeo Corp., Hollend, Michigan ‘TUBULAR RIVET AND MACHINE INSTITUTE RM, Byme, Industry Service Bureeu, Ine, White Pine, Now York UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE . P. Stewart, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 4 Crowley, US, Army Mtoriat Dovolonmont ond Reodinees Commend, Alexondra, Virginia F. dk las, Woterlit Arsenal, Wateriet, New York F. Li, Jones. Alternate, U.8. Army Misilo Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE E, Schwartz, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsyivenia UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (©. T Gustafson, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS . T. Appleton, defferzon, Maseachusotts . N. Badgley, Clerk Equipment Company, Battle Crook, Michigan Bashnipin, PMC Industries, Wickliffe, Ohio . Bour, Sante Moria, California RR. Breed, Mechanical Fasteners and Astembly, Lakewood, Ohio Browning, Southern Gage Company, Erin, Tonnes Butovie, Air Industries Carp, Garden Grove, California ‘Chamerda, The Johnson Gepe Company, Bloomfield, Connecticut Cramer, Des Moines, Washington = Dickson, Reed Rolled Thrsad Die Company, Holden, Massachusotts Donahue, Xerox Corp. Webster, New York Drescher, Lonesser,Pennsylvanio Emanuel. Gronfiid Teo and Die. Greenfield. Mastochusatts Erickson, Colt Industeas, taling Die Operation, West Hartford, Connecticut Kanter, The HonsonWaitney Company, Hartford, Connoctcut |. Lamport, The Van Kauren Company, Watertown, Massachusetts Machall, e, Xerox Corp, Rochostor, Nw Yorke Masterson, Watervliet, Now York Mazzara, Geometric Tool, New Haven, Connecticut Musnehinger, Wester, Rhode flan a w. R x R 4 x a e, D. ce s R a a B 4 pmmperprepase con Society Of echoicl Engineers ASME 61-20.) 63 M™ 2595512 OOLL84G 2 i ). Pastore, Regal Boloit Corp, South Beloit, inois Strang, Boyds, Maryland Ri. Strang, Cotopllar Tractor Company, Peoria inois F. Thibodeau, Swanson Too! Manacturing, Ine, West Hertford, Connecticut ‘Turton, The Bendix Corp, Greenfield, Massachusetts spree? ® PERSONNEL OF SUBCOMMITTEE B1.20 — PIPE THREADS 1. N. Badlay. Ghaiman. Clark Equlnment Comoany. Battle Cesk, Michinan W. A. Keaton, Vice-Chairman, General Motors Technicel Center, Warren, Michigan 4S. Hinde, Seertary, Parkor-Hannifin Corp., Worcester, Massachusetts Banks, Naval Sea Systom Command, Washington, D.C. Beau, daresbury Corp., Worcoster, Masschusetts 4. Browning, Southern Gage Company, Erin, Tennessee >. Caieux, TRW Greenfield Tap & Die Division, Greenfield, Masiachusotis A. Casner, Hyd! Technology Center, Houston, Texas ©. clinedins, Botlear, Floris RR. Cochran, JL Steel Corp, Aliquipps, Penney - Dallas, J, Sail Tubular Division, Cyclops Corporation, Sharon, Pennsylvanis Davidson, Morsa/Hemco Corp. Helland, Michigan Dodge, Pennoyar-Dode Company, Glendale, Californie (Farrel, J, Stockharn Vals & Fittings, Birmingham, Alabama 'S, Faldheim, The Weatherhead Company, Cleveland, Ohio C. Flandore, Picoms Incutree, Ine, Martine Fery, Ohio A“ B, Franz, U. 8. Steel Corp, Pitsbuigh, Pnnsyvania >. Goldbarg, Aled Tubs & Conduit Corp, Harvey, lnois Hay, The Pipe Mechinery Company, Wickliffe, Ohio Kanter, The Hanson. Whitney Company, Hartford, Connecticut K. Otten, Whseling Machine Products Company, Wheeling, West Vinginia ‘5. Piotrowskl, Mack Trucks, In. Allentown, Pennsylvania Fuss, Cummins Engine Company, Inc, Columbus, Indlane 1. Shepherd de, Litton Union/Butterfiel, Derby Line, Vermont \- G. Strang, Boyds, Maryland ‘Turton, Tho Bondix Corp, Ine, Groonfield, Masiachucttts Fp poaoPerErrsoonsssoRED icon Society Of echoicl Engineers Sot dl 1915147 7003 Foreword Standards Committoo Rostor 1. Introduction LL Scope . 12 Thread 13. Sealing 14 Inspection 15° Appendix . Designations 15 Related Standard 2 Ametican National Standard Pipe Thread Form 24 Thread Form we 2.2 Angle of Thread . 23° Tyncation and Thread Height 3 Speci 3.1 Taper Pipe Threads 3.2 Tolerances 4. Specifications for Internal Straight Threads in Pipe Couplings, NPSC . CONTENTS tion for General Purpose Taper Pipe Threads, NPT . 4.1 Straight Pipe Threads in Pipe Couplings 5 Specifications for Railing Joint Taper Pipe Threads, NPTR Sal Railing Joints. 6 Specifications for Straight Pipe Threads for Mochanical Joints; NPSM, NPSL, NPSH . 6.1 Straight Pipe Threads : itting Mechanical Joints for Fixtures, NESM . 6.3 Loose-Fitting Mechanical Joints With Locknuts, NPSL. 64 Loose-Fitting Mechanical Joints for Hose Coupling, NPS 62. Free: 7 Gages and Gage Tolerances for American National Standard Pipe Threads 7A Design of Gages - 7.2. Classes of Gages 73. Gage Te TA Relation of Lead and Angle Deviations to Pitch Diameter Tole folerances nces of Gages uit AsMe 61-20-12 83 m™@ 2595512 OO1L847 4 mm B 1B B B 16 16 16 16 18 18 ASME B1-20-) 83 MMH 2595512 OOL1848 & mm 8 Gaging of Taper Pipe Threads . 8.1 Gaging External Taper Threads 82 Gaging Internal Taper Threads 8.3 Gaging Practice... 84 Gaging Chamfered, Countersunk, ot Recessed Threads . 9 Gaging of Straight Pipe Throad: 9.1 Types of Gages. 9.2 Gage Dimensions . Figures 1 Basie Form of American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread . 2 American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads for Pressure-Tight Joints, NPT 3. American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread Nola’ 4 NPT Standard Taper Pipo Thread Plug and Ring Gages 5S Suggested Form of Gage Thread . Gaging Internal Taper Threads Gaging of Chamfered Threads Tables 1 Limits on Crest and Root Truncation of American National Standard External and Internal Taper Pipe Threads, NPT. Locknut Connections, NPSL 8 Basle Dimensions of Threaded Plug and Ring Gages for National American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads, NPT 9 Tolerances for American National Standard Wor Ring Gages, NPT 10 Diameter Equivalent of Deviation in Half included Angle of Thread for Tools and Gages ing External Taper Threads With Ring Goge - 11 Diameter Equvalent of Deviation in Lea for Tools and Gages. ‘Appendix, vi Basie Dimensions of American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread, NPT ‘Tolerances on Taper, Lead, and Angle of Pipe Threads, NPT. Dimensions, Internal Straight Threads in Pipe Coupling, NPSC. Dimensions of External and Internal Taper Pip Threads for Railing Joints, NPTR Dimensions of External and Internal Straight Pipe Threads for Fixtures, NPSM Dimensions, External and Internal Straight Pipe Thread for ng Taper Fipe Thread Pe and. 1 18 18 -22 22 2 .19 20 an 23 Cop by the 19 151557 2003 sc 3 Socey OF Mechoricl Engineers —_——— ASHE 8: ye20-) 83 MM 2595512 OOLLE4S 6 mm ANSWASME 81,20.1-1988 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) 1 INTRODUCTION 1.4 Scope ‘This American National Standard covers dimon- sions and gaging of pipe threads for general purpose applications. 41.2. Thread Designations 1.2.1 The types of pipe threads included in this Standard are designated by specifying in sequence the nominal pipe size," number of threads per inch and tho thread series symbol as follows 3/8 - 18 NPT. 1/8 -27 NPSC 1/2-14NPTR 1/8 -27 NPSM 1/8 -27 NPSL 1-15 NPSH For left hand threads add LH to the designation, otherwise right hand threads will be understood. For example: 3/8 - 18 NPT - LH 1.2.2 Bach of those letters in the symbols has definite significance as follows: N = National (American) Standard P = Pipe ‘7 = Taper = Coupling S = Straight M = Mechanical L = Locknut H = Hose Coupling R = Railing Fittings hore it is nacossry to use decimal notation forthe size designation (es when inserting such in a computer ox eloc- ‘uonle sczounting machine) the decinal equivalent of nom {nal pipe size may be substituted for fractional pipe sles. Cop b the Americ Sac OF Mecorcel Engrees sc 19 151554 2003 1.23 Coated or Plated Threads. The threaded product specifications covered in this Standard do ‘not include an allowanee for coatings or plating, 1.3 Sealing 1.3.1. Where pressuce-tight joints are required, itis intended that taper pipe threads conforming to this Standard be made up wrench-tight with a sealant. To prevent galling on certain piping materials such as stainless steels, the sealant usually containsa lubricant. 1.8.2 Pipe threads designed for pressuro-tight joints that may be used without sealing compounds (Dryseal Threads) are covered in ANSI B1.20.3 (Inch) and ANSI B1.20.4 (Metric Translation). 1.4 Inspection A gaging method and tolorancos aro proscribed in this Standard to effect a functional inspection of the hhandtight L1 ongagoment threads. However, con- formano to this Standard requires that all’ basic design dimonsions be met (within applicable toler ances) including extension of the thread clements to provide for wronch-tight makeup. Therefore, addi- tional methods of gaging may be employed to evaluate conformance to the basic design dimensio When additional methods of gaging are employed, thoy shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the purchaser. 1.5 Appendix Useful and supplementary information which is ‘not a patt of this Standard is presented in the Appen- ix, Specifically, the Appendix gives Suggested Twist Dill Diameters for Drilled Hole Sizes for Pipe Threads, 1.6 Related Standard Definitions of terms and symbols for thread di- mensions are given in ANSI B1.7, Nomenclature, Definitions and Letter Symbols for Screw Threads. ASNE B1-20-1 83 MM 2595512 0013850 4 mm AN AMERIC: PIPE THRED SRAL, PURPOSE (INCH) ANSWASHE 81.20.1-1983 2 > 8 os os Sump jo ade a 30 pete urpo‘poe Aero 9 ust soaid yop 2 Sra enn some funny pu mojo pu na 8g nd spurs ote Sexiury ajo stem 64 (4) 3 Lon 8 3 were Josooo | aca0 [oro “000 [eca09] «eave |vo00] evo | sieean | oon 7 z orev | 100-9 cova ss0r0| otzv0 | eza0%0| eeeo. | tezso | css00 su a toc |ssoc0 ovo ssov0| abave | seae0| oee0% | tzosoe | sso i 2 ge00'0 | Ls00'0 }6»00'0| dss00 | st00°0 aL z izove | treo ya |se000| evo | e100 & ar oe T 1 ceo RIF | cae | A BREE | | nae fa ama a anupen | we amen | aera 7 “ en sober rrr 2 421) 381d 40 \BpIAA wuoJEAINDS (YW) vonesuna, Peena sou a 3 dN ‘SOWAMHL Jala Hav TWHUALNI ONY TWNUALXS / 3 GUVANYAS TYNOLLVN NVOIUSHIV 40 NOLLVONNWL LOOU GNY 18389 NOSLINIT 1 aTa¥L 8 SA % S \« ° )2 MS a ~S \ A | 5 WN ~ a wee a ASME BL-20-% 83 ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) Cop b the Americ Sacly Of Mecorcel Engrees at ASME BL-20-) 83 MM 2595512 OOLL8S2 6 Mm ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) GENERAL NoTe: tntermat The [ANSW/ASME 81,20.1-1983 ae Ce ivartoranee When threaded joint are made up wranch ight with ubreant or eaer i ie ntended thatthe flank shall bein contact, FIG.2. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TAPER PIPE THREADS FOR PRESSURE-TIGHT JOINTS, NPT 2 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREAD FORM 2.1 Thread Form ‘The form of thread profile specified in this Stan- dard shall be known as the American National Stan- dard Pipe Thread Form, The relations as specified herein, for form of thread and general notation are shown in Fig. 1 2.2 Angle of Thread ‘The angle between the sides of the thread is 60 ‘deg when measured in an axial plane. The line bisect- ing this angle is perpendicular to the axis. 2.3 Truncation and Thread Height ‘The height of the sharp V thread, 1, is H = 0.26025p 96605) where P= pitch of thread n= threads per inch The basic maximum depth of the truncated thread, h (see Fig. 1), is based on factors enter- 44 =0.800p = 0.800/n ‘The crest and root of pipe threads are truncated a ‘minimum of 0.033p. The maximum depth of trunca- tion for the crest and root of these pipe threads will, bbe found in Table 1. The crests and roots of the ex- tomal and internal threads may be truncated cither parallel to the pitch line or parallel to the exis. The sketch in Table 2, giving a sectional view of this Standard thread form, represents the truncated thread form by a straight line, However, when closely examined, the crests and roots of commercially ‘manufactured pipe threads appear slightly rounded. When crests and roots of threading tools or chasors lie within the limits shown in Table 1, the pipe threads of products produced by such means are acceptable ‘on the basis of in-process control, 3 SPECIFICATION FOR GENERAL PURPOSE ‘TAPER PIPE THREADS, NPT 3.1 Teper Pipe Threads ‘Threads made in accordance with these specifica- tions consist of an external taper and an internal taper thread, to form the normal type of joint having general application on pipe and fittings. See Fig. 2, ‘NPT taper pipe threads are intended to be made {ing into the manufacture of cutting tools and the ‘up wrenchetight and with a sealant whenever a pres- making of tight joints sure-tight joint is required. O —_—— Cop b the sc 1 Socey Of Mechoricl Engineers 19 151407 2003 “TYSME B1-20-1 83 MM 2595512 0012853 T ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) Normal iench *2 Plane of normal ‘wrench wakeup Reference plane zero Plone of handtight £0 ra ime Ley —Pf 1 ANISI/ASME 81,20.1-1983 Thai ona ‘heed length Plane of affective Plane of vanish point & % 4@ 0 FIG.3 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ‘TAPER PIPE THREAD NOTATION Sealing is affected by outofroundness which is possible between the wrench-tight mated parts in final assembly. This will vary depending on the method for producing the thread in conjunction with the elasticity andjor ductility of the mating parts and the resultant conformance at final assembly. 3.1.1. Throad Designation and Notation, American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads are designated in accordance with 1.2.1 as follows 3/8 - 18 NPT ‘Standard notation applicable to American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads is shown in Fig. 3. 3.1.2 Designation of Plated Threads. The product specifications of this Standard donot include an allowance for plating If plating is desired, it may be necessary to modify the threads since the same final oping requirements must be satisfied for plated and unplated pars. This may be emphasized by adding the words AFTER PLATING to the designation. For manufacturing purposes, notes for plated taper pipe threads may specify the gage limits (turns or threads engagement) before plating followed by the words BEFORE PLATING. These should be followed by the standard. gage limits (tins or threads engage- ‘ment) after plating and the words AFTER PLATING. Cop b the Americ Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees Sot dl 19 151405 7003 3.1.3 Form of Thread. The form of the thread for ‘American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads is that specified in 2.1. 3.1.4 Taper of Thread, The taper of the tluread is 1 in 16 oF 0.75 in,/ft measured on the diameter and along the axis. 3.1.6 Diameter of Thread. The basic pitch diame- tors of the taper thread are determined by the follow- ing formulas? based on the outside diameter of the pipe and the pitch of the thread: By = D- (OSD +11) tn =D-(0.05D+1.1)p By +0.06251, utside diameter of pipe itch diameter of thread at end of pipe or small end of external thread E, = plich diameter of thread at the gaging notch ot large ond of internal thread normal engagement by hand between exter- nal and internal threads threads per inch by Ror the Yy-27 and Yy-18 sizes, Fy approx. =D ~ (0.0SD 4082p. ASME BL-20.1 83 MM 2595512 0011854 1 mm ANY AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSWASME B1 20. 1989 v- {Vonish treed due to enemter LAN LLL Y/ RAKE a ee AAA) 2 > C ' TABLE 2. BASIC DIMENSIONS OF AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TAPER PIPE THREAD, NPT! Handtight Engegomont Effective Thread, External Nominal | 0.0. of Pitch of | ceneth? tea snetk* Pine | Pion | Thrandafin. | Thraod | of Extnrnat | beret (es) Diam? |__tenait a) Diam. se | 0) o (| Thweed (Eo) [nen | Theods | (Ei) [inch | Thwends | (ea 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 3 ° oe | fis | oars] 27 0.03708] oars | 0160 | 432 | o2sirs | 02611 | 705 | o2e7s0 hy oaos | 27 0.03704] 0.36351 | isis | 436 | 0.37360 | 02639 | 7.12 | 0.38000 % osao | 18 aassss | oarrse | ove | 440 | oapies | canis | ras | arose oss | 8 oossse| ost201 | o240 | 432 | oszza | o4ors | 734 | o7s0 % osao | 4 0.07143] 0.75843 | 0320 | 448 | areas | 05397 | 247 | a.79179 roso | 4 oor) a96r6s | 0339 | 4.75 | o9ess7 | os4s7 | 7.64 | 1.00179 1 ras | ons 0.08696 | 1.21363 | 0400 | 460 | 1.23863 | 0.6828 | 7.85 | 1.25630 ie 1860 | 115 oossss| 1155713 | 0420 | a3 | 1ses3s | o7os | 8.13 | 1.60130 Ve 13900 | 115 o.oscss} 179609 | 0420 | 4a3 |. 182234 | 07235 | 832 | 1.84130 2 ass | 3 o.os6s6 | 2.26902 | 0436 | sor | 229627 | o7ses | 870 | 2.31630 we 23875 8 0.12500] 271953 | ossz | sas | 276216 | 1.1375 | 9.10 | 2.79062 3 3.500 8 o.12s00| 3.34062 | 0.266 | 6:13 | 3.38850 | 1.2000 | 9.60 | 3.4502 ah 4.000 3 0.12500] 3.83750 | 0821 | 637 | Sasser | 1.2500 | 10.00 | 391362 4 4500 | 8 2500] 43348 | 0844 | 675 | 438712 | 13000 | 1040 | 4.41562 s 5.563 8 ox2s00] 5.39073 | 0937 | 750 | s4ag29 | 14063 | 11.25 | 5.47862 6 625 8 0.12500) G.aasoo | 0.938 | 7.66 | ososs7 | 112s | 1210 | 6.54062 5 8.625 8 o.r2s00] 8.43359 | 1.063 | 830 | 850003 | i715 | i370 | a.s40c2 10 10750 8 o.12500] 1054531 | 1210 | 968 | 1062094 | 19250 | 15.40 | 10.66562 2 12.350 8 o.12500] 1253281 | 1360 | toss | 1261781 | 2.1250} 17.00 | 1266562 140.0. | 14.000 8 0.12500] 13.77500 | 1.562 | 1250 | 1387262 | 22500 | 18.00 | 1391562 160.0. | 16.000 8 0.12500] 15.7650 | 1812 | 14so | 157575 | 24500 | 19.50 | 15.91562 10D. | 18.000 8 0.12500] 17.7500 | 2000 | 16.00 | 1787500 | 2.6500 | 21.20 | 1791562 200. | 20.000 5 0.12500] 19.73750 | 2.125 | 17.00 | 1987031 | 28500 | 2280 | 19.91562 240.0. | 24,000 8 0.12500] 23:71250 | 2375 | 19.00 | 2886024 | 32500 | 26.00 | 23.91562 NoTEs: (1) The nasie dimensions of the Amarin National Stenderd Taper Pipe Thread are glven In Inches to four ar five decimal places. While this Immpies a oreator dearee of precision than fs ordinarily attaled,thess dimensions ave the basi of gage dimensions snd ar so expresied for the purpose of eliminating rors in computatio (2) Also length of thin rng gag on length from gaging teh to small nd of plug gage (3) also pitch diametar st gaging notch (nandtigt plane). (4) Aigo langth of plug gone Cop b the Aneto Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees So dl 19 15:1407 7003 "ASHE 81-201 63 MM 2595532 0013855 3 mm [AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSI/ASME 1.20.1-1983, TABLE 2 BASIC DIMENSIONS OF AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TAPER PIPE THREAD, NPT" (CONT'D) [Lenath ‘onc Makeup Length for Orora| ominal Complets Bese! we tae Jeane wakeup Lmao | Van rare | corn | Nomina Came | ie | Incr | Mor Bian. Nominal] extends ta | eer or | ole [etme ie eae | tana a) | Din Shera | Lena | oom | thee | “Theos | Endet Se faa ar yates] ean [im [twee] “tea | ter | tay | Ti | ooestin| emo) 1 12 3 4 1% 16 w 18 19 20 a 2 23 Ey fs aso | 273 [oa] 3 0.26424 |0.1285 | 3.47 | 0.3896 | 0.1870 } 0.28287 | 0.02963 | 0.00231 0.2416 te leronu | 336 | ttn] 3 | oSsese loazes | 347 | as | oxteoe | oarsor [aoaaes | oor | 03339 @ % 01740 | 3.13 | 01667) 3 0.46697 |0.1928 | 3.47 | 0.5946 | 0.2907 | 0.49556 | 0.04444 | 0.00347 0.4329 y 0.2137 | 2.99 | 0.2143) 2 0.74504 |0,2478 | 3.47 | 0.7815 | 0.3909 | 0.78286 | 0.05714 | 0.00446 0.7013 ‘ 16 0.2868 | 3,30 | 02609) 3 1.54083 }0.3017 | 3.47 | 1,0085 | 0.5329 | 1.59043 | 0.06987 | 0.00543 1.4876 VA [82568 | 333 | Saco] 3 | towne loony | Sar | tas | 0316] 1asoss ovess7 | ose | 17308 Va ostss | 343 | Gzem| 3. | aasarelaani7 | ar | tosea| ostze| 2soses foosasr | oooses | 21095 ae |o.4sss | 364 | 0.2500] 2 | 2.70391 |0.4337| 3.47 | 1.5712| 0.8875 | 2.77500 | 0.100000] 9.00781 2.6195 3% | 0.4290 | 343 | 0.2500) 2 3.82188 |0.4337 | 3.47 | 1.6837 | 1.0000 | 3.90000 | 0.100000) 0.00781 3.7375 Be /es2%e | 242 | 228m] 3 | ASaers/aassr | 341 | 19937| t2sao | 440000 [o.t00000] sooner | —2aee 2 [esse2 | 228 | 83800) 3 | Skane for | Sr | ten | 12005 | e32seo fonooo0| oaore! | eee 18 [S585 | $32 | Odeo) 2 | redase fodsar | Sar | 23se7 [ers ozsovo [osoonon| aaoret | rosa 12 [Obese | £13 | 25800) 3 [tasin fodder | Sar | 23387 | 1870 |r2eson0 [otoooo0| sores | tacos two oatso | sso | 02500] 2 |rarsoaefouss7 | 47 | 2.6837 | 20000 [13.9000 [100000] cores | 13.750 Wool meee | see oes] 2 |aszaean fos | dar | Zessz | 22000 {130000 [ovtoooo| oorst | ta.cas Wool beame | $55 | Qaseo| 3 |inzseae esas | 341 | Sos | 24000 [ir.s000 | tooo] aoerer | t7.s00 wponassoa | 20 |casee) 2 |i 7atan ocaar | Sar | 3assr | Zaore |toa0000[ostoomo| ocoorer | rays (6) The length Lg from the end of the pipa determines the plone beyond which te thread form is incomplete at to erst The next two threads ‘are complete et the root. At this plana the cone formed by the crests ofthe three interssets the eyIlnder forming the external surface of the (6) Given as information for uss in glecting tap dls (See Appendix (7) wittary Specification MIL—P7105 gives the wrench makeup a¢ three theeads for slzs 3 and smaller. The £ dimensions a Oo 2% = 2.69600 and ize 3 = 3.31719; sles 2 and smal above, col 18, 8 follows (2) Reference dimansion. Cop b the Americ Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees Sot dl 19 15:14:10 7003 ASME BL-20.1 63 MM 2595512 OOLL8SL S mm AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSI/ASME 81.20.1-1985, TABLE 3 TOLERANCES ON TAPER, LEAD, AND ANGLE OF PIPE THREADS, NPT Tolerances Taper on Plich Line {Load in Length | 60 deg. Angle Nomina (aya ins) oteffeciwe | of Threads, Pipe | Thweadsin, | —— “Taadt | ogre Sie o Maximum |e ‘ 1 2 3 4 5 ‘hs, 2 + 0.003 2h ba, te 18 te 0.003 2 he 4 ots a.00st 1, ee 2 | ons +h anos! 1% Wa andar | 8 +h 0.003! va - L GENERAL NOTE: Fer tolorances on depth of threo sb0 Table 1, and for tolerancas on functional siz, s08 8.21 Nore: (1) The tolerance on lead sll be £0.003 Info, cin any size Ureaded to an effective thread lenath rentor than Tin. TABLE 4 DIMENSIONS, INTERNAL STRAIGHT THREADS IN PIPE COUPLING, NPSC. (Presure-tight Joints With Lubricant or Sealant) Nomina! Pipe ‘Thresfn, | Minor Diameter, | ——Pieh Chen Size ‘Minimum | Rint 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ye 0.405) 27 0.340 0.3701 & 0.540 8 oa 0.4864 ors 8 os77 ozs A oso 4 071s om te 11050 4 0.925 0.9822 aais ns 1361 1.2308 y 1.660 13 1506 15752 i 1900 us 1s 13142 2 2375 ws 2219 22881 2375 8 2.650 2.7504 5, 3.300 8 3277 33768 ah ‘000 8 3377 3771 8 4 4500 8 4275 3754 Nore: (1) Attention is called to the fact thatthe actual pitch clamater of the straight tapped hole will be slightly smaller than the value given when gagad with a taper plug goge as specified in 9.1.2 Cop b te Ameren Say OF Mecorcel Engrees Sot dl 19151417 7003 “ASME 81-20-% 83 MM 25955h2 0011857 7 am [AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) 3.1.6 Length of Thread. The basic length of the effective external taper thread L, is determined by the following formula based on the outside diameter ofthe pip andthe pitch ofthe thre 1 = (80D + 6.8) 1/n = (0.80D +6.8)p where D = outside diameter of pipe n= threads per inch ‘This formula determines directly the length of effective thread which includes two usable threads slightly incomplete atthe crest. 3.1.7 Engagement Betweon’ External and Internal ‘Taper Threads, The normal length of engagement between external and internal taper threads when screwed together handtight is shown in col. 6, Table 2. This length is controlled by the construction and use of the gages. It is recognized that in special applications, such as flanges for high pressure work, longer thread engagement is used, in which case the pitch diameter (dimension i , Table 2) is maintained and the pitch diameter Eo at the end of the pipe is proportionately smaller. 3.18 Basic Dimensions, The basic dimensions of taper pipe threads, derived from the above specifica- tions, are given in Table 2. All dimensions are given in inches unless otherwise specified. 32 Tolerances 3.2.1 Manufacturing Tolerance on Product. The maximum allowable deviation in the commercial product is one turn large or small from gages made to the basic dimensions. See 8.2 and 8.3. 3.22 Tolerances on Thread Elements. The permis- sible deviations in thread elements are given in Table 3. This table is a guide for establishing limits of the thread clements of taps, dies, and thread chasers, Conformance to these limits may be required on ‘Product threads, in which ease specifications shall Fequire control and checking of thread elements. ‘On pipe fittings and valves (not steel or high grade alloys used in critical services) for steam pressures 300 Ib and below, it is intended that plug and ring age practices as established in this Standard be used Cop b the Americ Sacly Of Mecorcel Engrees sc 19 151415 2003, ANSITASIE 81,20.1-1983 in conjunction with tooling control of thread ele- ments, c., taps and dies, to provide satisfactory control of functional size. Therefore, no tolerances fon thread elements have been established for this class, For service conditions, where more exact checks are required, procedures have been developed by industry to supplement the standard plug and ring age method of gaging. 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR INTERNAL STRAIGHT ‘THREADS IN PIPE COUPLINGS, NPSC 4.1: Straight Pipe Threads in Pipe Couplings Threads in pipe couplings mado in accordance with these specifications are straight (parallel) threads of the same thread form as the American National ‘Standard Taper Pipe Thread specified in 2.1. They are used to form pressuretight joints when assembled with an Amecican National Standard external taper pipe thread and made up wrench-tight with lubricant orsealant. 4.1.1 Thread Designation, The American National Standard Coupling Straight Pipe Threads are desig- nated in accordance with 1.2.1 as follows: 1/8 -27 NPsc 4.1.2 Dimensions and Limits of Size. The dimen- sions and pitch diameter limits of size are specified in Table 4. The pitch diameter limits of size correspond to one and one-half turns large or small of the stan- dard taper pipe thread. The major and minor di meters vary with the pitch diameter, as the Ameri- ‘can National Standard Pipe Thread form is main- tained within the truncation tolerances shown in Table 1. 5 SPECIFICATIONS FOR RAILING JOINT ‘TAPER PIPE THREADS, NPTR 5.1. Railing Joints Railing joints that require a rigid mechanical thread int may be made with extemal and internal taper threads, ‘The external thread is basically the same as the American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread, ‘except that it is shortened to permit the use of the ASME BL-20-1 83 Mm 2595512 00118 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI/ASME 81.20.1-1989 PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ‘2a1ig 01 peypeds av sue peasy “Antnpul sBunity puE anen aL J0 ASo0g voKezipupueNS cizmsejruW an Aq padoIeREP BsOKN WHIM sue SOleUaLD teal (L) » |[sreo| evo ove 9770 e | 1900 suez| z= y [seo | seo | 9m so € 19z0 at vy |osvo| svo 0" Ye vivo} % a | a oa | ot e 9 s ° e zie Sena [oso oom fm beet aT en oe ~ aa con] ett, | | | aes burma wpfuey | Sunes | suns eesit ~ 39 | spew | 40 |-won, so mia | os von | oeadly |p ettg |B |e £, e soure> usoN. ewer jo | joméuo7 vasueg| = oy oa, "| (ovr eae HLA ‘SLNIO? ONITIVE HO4 SOVAYHL 3did H3dVL TYNYSLNI ONY TWNYSLX3 4O SNOISNAWIG $378VL SMELL aK 1s pamaeous tur peeat {endo Cop b the Americ Say OF Mecorcel Engrees Isat? 2003 st lI Coy by the Ane ASME 84-20.) 83 MM 2595512 0011859 0 mm ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSWASME B1.20.1-1983 = 08000269 iy = 0881260 a Fn = 0.125000 pense fen = ‘= 05100250 16610 om T. axis External Thread Intornal Thread TABLE 6 DIMENSIONS OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL STRAIGHT PIPE THREADS FOR FIXTURES, NSM. (Free Fitting Mechanical Joints) oo. Exel Tred ln 2A Imre Tendo 28 wom] Sat” | ames | Aton: Nem) of | tate | Aten | pier oir ir Diner [Pichon siz | (0) Maximare | Minimum | Maximum | Minimem| Minimum | Meximarm | Stinimum® | Meximom thaps pe] se fe |? of. | w | | 2 | eas} ar | ooon | 37 | oso | ass | oases case | oans6 | oares & | oss] 18 0.0013 | 0.526 0.517 0.4903, 0.4859 0.481 0.4916 0.4974 as] He | Sona | Gar | Gass | tease | Sent deta | Gane | oases dso) te | egos | eszs | oa | one | osm O13 | Gree | nest vaso] te | ooote | tose | tome | a38r3 | o9se0 dare | agen | o9sse 1, [sais] as | ooor7 f nasa | asi | tase | 12m ran | same | 12462 Ys | 1.660] 11.5 0.0018 | 1.638 1.626 1.5816 1.8756 1,555 1.5834 41,5912 vhs | i500] 13 | ooo | srr | tses | tans | tates tise | tans | taser 2" | a3r| ins | coon | 2351 | 2359 | ddan | aes race | 2am | 23008 ah | 2.875 8 0.0022 | 2.841 2.826 2.7600 2.1926 2727 2.7622 2.1720 3 | 5500| © | oon | Saer | Sass | Sosen | S30ne sass | dams | 33000 3% | 4000] 8 0.0023 | 3,968 | 3.953 3.8865 3.8788 3.848 3.8888 3.8988 a” | dame] ff eons | 285 | LS | SES | last aoe | Sin | Se 5 ssc] 3 | coo | Soe | ssi | Sate | $2300 Sao | Saus | Same @ [ese] s | coon | sss | sro | Ste | Sloss éaca_| @5060 | estes GENERAL NOTES: (a) NPSM threscs are of United serw thread form to Classes 2A/28 tolerances, having the minimum pitch dismter of the internal thread basle onl equal to Ex of NPT thresds (6) The minor diameters of oxteral treads and major diameters of Internal thread a and commercial ground sight pipe taps. ‘The major diameter of the excerral thread has baen calculated on tho basi ofa truncation of 0.10626, and the minor diter of the internal threed has betn calculated onthe basis ofa truncation of 0.21651p, 10 provide no intorferonce at crt and root when product ls aged with gages mede in accordance with 9.2 Note: (1) Column 11 fs the same a the pitch diameter at tho largo end of intornal thread, E, Basie (See Teble 2, col 8.) tose as produced by commercial traight pip dies u ———— —_ CS) icon Society Of echoicl Engineers St dl 19 15:14:90 7003 ASME B)-20-1 83 MM 2595512 OOLLS60 7 mm ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSH/ASME B1.20.1-1983, Standard fitting ‘with taper throad ay Taper pipe thro Locknut Tonk floor Straight locknot ‘thread Locknue: ‘TABLE 7 DIMENSIONS, EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL STRAIGHT PIPE THREAD FOR LOCKNUT CONNECTIONS, NPSL. (Loose Fitting Mechanical Joints) External Threads Internal Threads ‘Nominal ‘Maximum? ‘Minimum! eh Di in Threads) | ation Pitch Diamator ‘winor Pitch Diamator Size 0) inch | Diameter | Maximum [ Minimum | Diameter | Minimum | Maximum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ® is 0.405 7 403 | oso | ossos | 0362 | o.se63 | 0.3989 ‘ 0.540 8 cosa | 05038 | 04985 | 0.470 | 0.5073 | o.s125 0.675 18 0.678 | 0.409 | 06357 | 0.607 | oat | 0.5096 £ 0.840 “ 844 | 07963 | 07895 | 0.753 | 0.8008 | o.so7s 1.050 4 1054 | 1.0067 | 1.0000 | 0.964 | 10112 | 1.0179 1 1315 us asta | 12604 | 1.2523 | 1.208 | 12658 | 1.2739 Ye 1.660 us 1663 | 10st | 15970 | 1553 | 1.6106 | 1.6187 vA 1.900 1s 1902 | 1s4e1 | 18360 | 1.792 | 1.8495 | 1.8570 2 2.375 ns 237 | 23180 | 23099 | 226 | 23384 | 23315 2h 2.875 8 2a? | 27934 | 27ai7 | aris | 28012 | 28129 3, 3.500 8 303 | 3.4198 | 34081 | 3.344 | 3276 | 3.4393 ah 4.000 8 4003 | 39201 | 39084 | 3.845 | 3.9279 | 3.9396 4 4500 8 4so2 | 44ie4 | 4aoe7 | 4.343 | 44262 | 4.4379 5 5.563 8 ss6¢ | sa4sos | sasas | s4os | sassa | 5.5007 6 6.625 8 6620 | 65372 | 65255 | 6462 | 6.5450 | 6.5507 8 8,625 ® ass | assis | asios | 456 | 85391 | 2.5508 10 10.750 8 10.138 | 10.6822 | 10.6405 | 10577 | 10.6600 | 106717 2 12.750 8 vars2 | 126491 | 12.6374 | 12578 | 12.6569 | 12.0680 NOTE: (1) NPSL threads ore standard pipe threo form where the pitch domoters of the exturnal threads are Fixed a 2.6 and 4 turns larger than basic Ex, and where the pitch diomaters ofthe internal roads aro fined at 8 and 6.5 turns larger than basic E1, thus providing sn ellowence equivalent to one turn of the standard taper pipe thread. As the American Notional Standard Straight Pipe Threed form of thread is produced by single too, the maior ond the minor diameters of the internal thread! and the minor diameter of the external thread are presumed t0 vary with the pitch diameter. The major dlameter of tho externa thread is unsally determined by the diemoter af the pipe. These theoretical diameters result from adding the dopth of the truncated thread (0.666025 X p) to the maximum pitch iemeters In eo. 8, and it should be understood that commercial pip will not always have these maximum major ameter “The lacknut three fs establihed on the basis of rateining the great ‘the bottom ofthe tread and the inside of the pio. In ordor that a locknut may fit loosely on the extornallythreadad par, an allowance equal to the ness in pth iamoter por turn le provided, witha tolerance of 1.8 turns for both external and internal threads, —— 12 2 ——~ 1 posible emount of metal thickness between con Society Of echoicl Engineers 19 151423 2003, ASME BL-20-1 63 MM 2595522 0011861 9 mm AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) larger ond of the pipe thread. See Table 5. The di- mensions of these external and internal threads are shown in Table 5, A rocoss in the fitting provides a covering for the last scratch or sharp edges of in- complete threads on the pipe. 5.1.1 Thread Designation, American National Standard Railing Joint Taper Pipe Threads are desig- neted in accordance with 1.2.1 as follows: 1/2- 14NPTR 5.1.2 Form of Thread, The form of the thread is the same as the form of the American National ‘Standard Taper Pipe Thread shown in Fig, 1. 6.1.8 Tolerances on Throad Elemonts. The gaging of these threads is specified in Table 5. The maximum allowable deviation in the external thread is no tums large and one turn small. The maximum allowable deviation in the internal thread is one turn large, no turns small 6 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRAIGHT PIPE ‘THREADS FOR MECHANICAL JOINTS; NPSM, NPSL, NPSH 6.1 Straight Pipe Threads In addition to prossure-tight pipe joints, for which taper external threads and either taper or straight internal threads are used, there are mechanical joints, where straight pipe threads are used to advantage on both external and internal threads. Three of these straight pipe thread joints are covered by this Stan- datd, all of which are based on the pitch diameter of ‘the American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread at the gaging notch (dimension £ of Table 2) but have various truncations at erest and root as described. below. These three types of joints are us follows: (@) fiee-itting mechanical joints for fixtures, ‘Tablo 6, both external and internal, NPSM. (®) loose-fitting mechanical joints with tock- nuts, Table 7, both external and internal, NPSL. (© loose-fitting mechanical joints for hose coupl- ings (ANSI B2.4), NPSH, 6.1.1 Thread Designations, ‘The above types of straight pipe threads for mechanical joints are desig- rated in accordance with 1.2.1 as follows: a Cop b the Anericn Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees sc 19 151425 2003, ANSW/ASME 81,20.1-1983 1/8 -27 NPSM 1/8 -27 NPSL 1-115 NPSH 6.1.2 Pitch and Flank Angle. The pitch and flank ‘angle are the same as the corresponding dimensions of the taper pipe thread described in Section 3, 6.1.3. Diameter of Thread. Tho basic pitch diame- ter for both the external and internal straight pipe ‘threads is equal to the pitch diameter of the Ameti- can National Standard Taper Pipe Thread at the gaging notch (dimension £, of Table 2), which is the Same as at the large end of the intemal taper pipe thread. 6.2 Free-Fitting Mechanical Joints for ixtures, NPSM Pipe is often used for special applications where there are no internal pressures. Where straight thread joints are required for mechanical assemblies, straight, pipe threads are often found more suited or con- venient. ‘The dimensions of these threads, as given in Table 6, are for pipe thread connections where reasonably close fit of the mating parts is desired. G3 Loose-Fitting Mech Locknuts, NPSL. ‘The American National Standard External Lock- nut thread is designed to produce a pipe thread having the largest diameter that it is possible to cut on standard pipe. Ordinarily Straight Internal Threads are used with these Straight External Threads, provid- ing a loose fit. The dimensions of these threads are siven in Table 7. It will be noted that the maximum major diameter of thé external thread is slightly greater than the nominal outside diameter of the pipe. The normal manufacturer's variation in pipe «diameter provides for this inerease. One application of a taper pipe thread in com- bination with a locknut thread which has been in use for some time is that shown in Table 7. It consists of the nipple threaded joint used to connect standpipes with the floor or wail of a water supply tank. Gaging information for these threads is glven in Section 7. ASME BU-20-1 83 MM 2595522 OOLL8b2 0 mm [AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSI/ASME 81,20.1-1983 “The iuetration shows standard doign {or sizes 2 inch and male. Larger shee eof slightly diffrent designs FIG.4 NPTSTANDARD TAPER PIPE THREAD —FIG.6 GAGING EXTERNAL TAPER THREADS PLUG AND RING GAGES WITH RING GAGE WW J 5° 1160 ‘or undercut Worm optional), Basie Size ax. Size Min. Size FIG.8 SUGGESTED FORMOF GAGE THREAD —_—FIG.7. GAGING INTERNAL TAPER THREADS 4 oe — _ Cop b the Aneto Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees Sot dl 19 151478 7003 ASME 81-20-1 83 MM 2595532 0012863 2 mm ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSHIASME B1,20.1-1983, + E> roveance fet caging foce Pitch tine Face of iting Chanter Point of last three serateh on chamfer cone Pitch tne: @ Plane of gaging notch: Nore: Plane of gsieg notch should Intarvect ert of thread on gage Enlarge view showing chamfered intarnal tread of bate size with chamfer exceeding the ‘maior diameter GENERAL NOTE: cone, as ilustrated. Allowance must be made for depth countarbore on eounterbored fittings. FIG.8 GAGING OF CHAMFERED THREADS (See.8.4) Cop b the Ameren Sac OF Mecorcel Engrees St ll 19 3 ASME B1-20-1 83 mM 2595512 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) 64 Loose-Fitting Mechanical Joints for Hose Couplings, NPSH Hose coupling joints aro ordinarily mado with straight internal and external loose-fitting threads. ‘There are several standards of hose threads having various diameters and pitches, one of which is basod ‘on the American National Standard Pipo Throad. By the use of this thread series, itis possible to join small hhose couplings in sizes % to 4, inclusive, to ends of ‘standard pipe having American National. Standard External Pipe Threads, using a gasket to seal the joint. For dimensions and tolerances, see ANSI B2.4. 7 GAGES AND GAGE TOLERANCES FOR AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS 7.1 Design of Gages Gages for American National Standard Pipe ‘Threads provide a functional check and are of the standard type as described below. Gages should con- form to the designs recommended in ANSI Standard 'B47.1, Gage Blanks, 7A. Standard Type Gages. A set of standard or basic type gages consists ofa taperthreaded plug gage and a taperthreaded cing gage. Seo Figs. 4 and 5. ‘The plug gages are made to dimensions given in Table 8 with a gaging notch located a distance from the small end, The Ly sing gage has a length equal to dimonsion 14. The roots of the threads on these ages shall clear 0.0381p width. A sherp V or under- cut clearance is acceptable. The crests are to be truncated an amount equal to 0.140p for 27 threads por inch (tpi), 0.109p for 18 tpi, and 0.100p for 14 tpi, 11-12 tpi and 8 tpi threads (6e Fig 5). In looat- ing’ the basic gaging notch, the plane of the notch should intersect the rest of tho gage thread, ‘The ting gage shall be fitted to the plug so that, when assembled handtight, the gaging notch of the plug gage willbe flush with the large end face of the ‘ing gage within tolerances as giver in Table 9. Partil ond threads shall bo removed on both endo of the ring gage and on the small end ofthe plug gage to fulhform profile in order to avoid possible seating error from bent or malformed feathered edge. 7.2 Marking of Gages. Each gage shall be marked 0 as to indicate clearly the nominal size of pipe, — 16 OOLLaEY 4 mm ANSI/ASME 81.20.1-1983, teads per inch, and the proper thread series designa- tion as given in the respective section of this Standard. 72 Classes of Gages Gages of the following types may be used to com: pletely cover gage requirements: (@) master gages used to check working gages. (©) working gages used to check threads during ‘manufacture and for conformance inspection. 7.24 Master Gages. The set of master gages com- sists of an Ly taper threaded plug gige and an Lx taper Unreeded ring gage (aoe Figs. 4 and 5). The plug sage is made to dimensions specified in Table 8. Iti conitructed of hardened steel with a gaging notch located a distance £1 (Table 2) from the small end. The ring gage has a length equal to dimension Zi specified in Table 8. This ring is fitted to its mating plug - seating flush at the notch within + 0.002 in. for sizes 1/16 through 2, within + 0,003 in, for sizes 2-1/2 through 12, and within + 0.005 in fr sizes 14 and larger. The toots of the threads on these ving sages shall clear « 0.0381p flat or may be undercut beyond a sharp ¥. The crests of the plug and ring gage are truncated 0.100p. The set of master gages i used for checking working. gages (Gee 7.3.2). A supplementary chock by optical means should be ‘made of flank angle and form. CAUTION: It should be understood that only @ specifically matched set of masters (Ly plug and J, ring) ean be expected to mate with each other within the tolerance specified. There are many characteristics, ‘or deviations in gage elements that may combine to cause a significant standoff difference between ‘mastor gages which are not specifically matched, 7.2.2 Working Gages. Each set of working gages consists of an L taper threaded plug gage and an J. taper threaded ring gage and is used for checking the product. These gages aro made of hardened steel Or equivalent material to dimensions given in Table 8. (Gee 7.3.2 for tolerance.) In locating the basic notch of the plug gage the plane of the notch should inter. sect the crest of the thread, It is to be noted that these gages are truncated at ‘the crest so that they bear only on the flanks of the ‘thread. Thus, although they do not check the crest or root truncations specified in Table 1, they are a satisfactory functional check for the general run of product. When it is deemed necessary to determine Cop b the Ameren Sac OF Mecorcel Engrees sc 19 151453 2003 O poo boo. g 1. u poyped ronsouna sin vodn pee $ ——_aesateosuyounjosimzuep sou ax pu fe Sn 8 o ie of MeL “LP IGNY Ht NS OLR cE HE}OD TEU UES FBLON TWEBNEO 8 “Geez | cavovo | soxucec] seocsec | cosiwer| reoseec | oscicec [ssseser | sivreee cosero | = Sere | tvore | sovacet| sersve: | zosiset| teousst | oscecet | sess | se ooscro | 8 % Gove | tavooo | seuecut| seooees | zosuecr| ooszect | oooset | eevee ct oosera | % Get | tsvovo | oscecst | scours: | zosie'st| seseest | oscacsst | osee'st oosero | 8 S$ Gest | teuo0e | ceescet | scteoee | cosieel | zszceet | oosuet |waecet | sesseet onsera | & over | tscooro | osteszi| ssorrzs | zasaerzt| teciozi | tezeszt | wsveet | cotoezt | copts'ct 8 oct | tacoce | savesus| soesvot | zasavor| reozgo1 | iesvsor | seavco1 | sivocot | eseza-01 3 coor | tezove | suoire | veoses | zoorce |coooss | seers |seccoe | scese | soot : 2 sse0 | tacove | zzecrs | vacaes | zaoree | esos | sooo foeceos | zzess9 | seszs : ° teeo | weso00 | rovaes | eruoe's | zovcr's | cors | cxose's |mnoss | sscess | acezr's * 5 yoeo | tacove | caeoer |clisee | zasire |ziceey | server [aeser | acouvy | zouiry 2 + tere | isco | sssore |sersve | rosie |tavere | osceve |mscce | cozce | suoeee & 4E sero | tscore | sesoes | usisce aseaee | evores |amsere | sutcre | seccre 2 € zero | tstove | teeuse | ezseo7 sizace | sseuce |ewccez | wvsewe | sccowe : Ke seve | ersove | seserz | uuicz wasere | zooore |meuce | siesez | soxeee su z cere | Errore | wesc | eiser weer asoes | scoeet | oorset su 1 ozo | crso0'o | Lwszss | cz66r geees'L esol | 6zLygL | FOSLSL sub 1 = cove | trove | zuoett | exsse sseee't zoiet | ssseri | es1cri eu L ceco | srrov0 | czsxs0 | uiozso | exio0% | esas | aus |oesrot | vrseo | sesiot % tzeo | strove | seoeco |ssoice | eziero |evauco | evasvo [sero | oosexo | oos0s0 # treo | ercovn | toieso | toscso | essere | iozevo | tociv0 foseuso | tocss0 | tosis au 4 J ateco | trsov0 | esssvo | scisvo | oszoso | esisro | exzzr0 |asseso | ssieso | seciso a ge fista | tecave | seiseo [osisco | cocscn |oseueo | tsesro |iziovo | ieseeo | zeseeo a gS ‘cove | secon | wesco | crerco | suave |suisco | stucco |ieoco | eszoce | zero & of a 38 ™ |e apo a | 6 2 [| 2 1s 7 = |e] a be cm | es | 7 | oma | oma | ome | om | im | a vg wep | won | ms | a) | ot | 7 | eu | ow | ot a 8s ‘ma | sugen | ous | peg | wow | pea rem | 9 oF ‘pus w ay | eB, | Buen | nets wo we 8 | ster ” ww a 28 ‘sa6ep Bury pu ‘so6e5 2 38 sea 20M toys yo soso vend faye neta fH ¢ Ze {LAN ‘SOV3UHL 34ld U3AVL GUVNVIS TYNOLLYN NYOTUSWY TWNOLLYN, Ze ¥Od S3DVD ONIY GNY ONTd GIQVSHHL 4O SNOISNAWIG ISva_g3TEVL on Sockly Ot Nechorcal Engineers 19 1514.55 2003, Copy by the Aner sc ASME B1-20-2 83 MH 2595522 OOLELL 8 mm AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ‘whether or not such truncations are within the limits specified, or particularly to se that maximum trunca tion is not exceeded, itis necessary to make further ingpection. For this inspection, optics or optical projection is suggested. 7.3 Gage Tolerances In the manufacture of gages, variations from basic dimensions are unavoidable. Furthermore, gages will wear in use. In order to fix the maximum allowable variations of gages, tolerances have been established. Seo Table 9 and 7.3.2. 7.3.1 Master Gage Tolerances, The set of master gages should be made to the basic dimensions as accurately as posible, but In no case shall the cum- Uulative deviation exceed onchalf of the toial cum- lative tolerance specified in cols. 13 and 14 of Table 9. Each master gage should be accompanied by a record of the measurements of all elements of the thread and the standoff of master plug to master ring (large end of ring gage to basic notch of plug 2ng2). 7.3.2 Working Gage Tolerances. All gages applied to the product thread, whether in manufacture or inspection, are designated as working gages, All work- ing gages should be made to the basic dimensions specified in Table 8 and within tolerances specified in Table 9. Tho maximum wear on a working gage shall not be more than the equivalent of one-quarter tuo fom its orignal dimensions. 7. Relation of Lead and Angle Deviations to Pitch Diameter Tolerancss of Gages When it is necessary to compute from measure ‘ments the decimal part of a turn that a gage varies from the basic dimensions, Tables 10 and 11 should be used. Table 10 gives the correction in diameter for angle deviations and Table 11 gives the correction in diameter for lead deviations. These corrections are always added to the pitch diameter in the case of external threads and subtracted in the case of internal, threads regardless of whether the lead or angle devia tions are either plus or minus. ‘The diameter equivalent for lead and angle devia. tons plus the pitch diameter deviation multiplied by 16 gives the longitudinal deviation from basic at the aging notch. This longitudinal deviation divided by the pitch equals the decimal part of a turn that the ‘gage varios fromm basio at the gaging notch, Cop b the Americ Sac OF Mecorcel Engrees sc 19 151458 2003 18 ANSI/ASME B1.20.1-198 8 GAGING OF TAPER PIPE THREADS 8.1. Gaging Externe Taper Threads In gaging extoral taper threads, the Ly ing gage, Fig. 6, is sorowed handtight on the pipe or external thread, The thread is within the permisible tolerance when the gaging face of the working ring gage is not ‘more than one turn large or small, from being flush with the end of the thread, as indicated in Fig. 6, 8.2 Gaging Internal Taper Threads In gaging internal taper threads, the L plug gage, Fig. 4, is screwed handtight into the fitting or coup- ling. The thread is within the permissible tolerance when the gaging notch of the working plug gage is ‘not more than 1 turn, large or small, from being flush with the end of the thread, as indicated in Fig. 7, 8.3 Gaging Practice 8.3.1 Precautions. In gaging pipe threads it is common practice to tap or rap the part to assure proper seating ofthe gage in or on the product thread. However, itis first necessary to clean both the gage and the product threads so that they are free of chips, ‘burs, abrasives, or other foreign materials. 2.3.2 Supplemental Gaging. Gaging of both in- ternal and external threads by use of the Ly plug and ring gages, illustrated by Figs. 6 and 7, serves to assure conformance to the L elements of the design dimensions, However, conformance to this Standard requires that all baslc design dimensions be met within applicable tolerances including extension of the thread elements to provide for wrench-tight make- ‘up. Therefore, in controlling manufacturing practices or as otherwise required, additional methods of measuring or gaging may be employed to supplement 11 gaging 8.4 Gaging Chamfered, Countersunk, oF Recessed Threads ‘The reference point for gaging internal product threads depends upon the chamfer diameter. When. the internal chamfer diameter exceeds the major diameter of the internal thread, the reference point is the last thread scratch on the chamfer cone. See Fig. 8B. Otherwise, when the internal chamfer diameter does not exceed the major diameter of the internal thread, the reference point is the end of the © c ote vin 240 Ord Aue ue Sule AUD ‘jHopuRRs SEIN! aass0d wre (9) ) “ip Bia) 606 0 UaSue; £7 ut sae UI UORRLIER aeENONY (5) “pup wooo ae spesuy 130} Bu}Wo om Yl o4p Bue paURECaU 9 US ote Gu! PU Erjd UO ade PUE pee LL (P) -ueyes a9 piney U6 sows saipaos esis Jo opie om ay 20) aU ey Ul UORRIEp aBesane a SUOREnap ef 10} 4aI0WrIP WI YORDeLLeD BLA ZO: BUINCE UI (6) { 12 a suousunp sypo fe pue cz ate suotetna sedan vay Jno20 Ao 3 i petra erence immranreen gt —ssempur gsr cav0 +P 0090-8 ao 9, mem} 1200 +P COD my BS 3 mere Fanart pecctey aonee eb wee fowease Fy ute 3 00 +p nu a0) 00 PU ono ms PR ao ou Be purus Wo mj RO < “mameorst mena nove ‘pron yen) $0008 Bannan 0y 2oroT es orem yd ae seuiisobie eae (7 Siow Twa sure czive [ocooo | viovo ove] or [2 | s0000 weave] wore Mn ina |ereos | ticos | ovore | ax | £ | stove Serte| ose sie aeore | eeeee | fisoo| otore | or | & | swooo oeest 1 mae teaee |scees | sicoo| otoze | ov | & | stove soos | L 9i00 eon | 02000 | tio | o1or0 | ot | ¢ | s0000 ooo |“ 6 500 | ore | esior0 oowe | ov a | | some meee 5 Gre | its | sieve Sieve a | | Sore seat 3 Size | ewe | sieve Siege a | | Save ae 3 sso | utzoo‘ | estooro tooo a |< | sooo 5799 a So | tae | ssiove iw a | t | Bore as ° 6s0°0 Ltzo0'o | ssLoo'e ‘yloo'o or L s000" o0s'* + 2 sre | itzae | Stcos see a | t | Bove coor | Me a 6500 Ltzo0'o | stove | 9100°0 | stoo's | +1000 on Lt sooo ose © 3 Se |itkare | sscoe | Siero | stove | stove a |e | Sure sine |e a wo ocio09 | tzto0%0 ztoo'o st ot | 000% sist z mu = ‘LO OLLO0'0 | tzLO0'°O | wooo si oO ‘y000°0 o06'L yt 3 te |etitpe | iztore tae f] ot | dove ost | a 22 Bee |otiove | tztove oe a | ot | fore get m gy sco0 ‘zpLoo'a | L6000°0 ‘0000 st ot | 000° osorL S38 soo | zri000 | csooro €000°0 s1 | ot | s0000 oreo a Sf 9600 vyetoo'o | z6000'0 20000 oz st | e0000 siv0 4 : be 9E00 ‘veLoo'o | z6o00"e z000°0 oz st 0000 ors, 3 35 re | tave | cavove stove % | st | Soon sro | 3 2 tye __|iave | cove Seve & | st | tooo lace | ot w ae BZ sur cows | in eo O ‘ou om G $3 buena apodio| “H a | sso stuns ™ oS < BE avout am er ae me gE "Se | ae, | ee wae wes Invern 8 Sure 180825 | eaigeynung 0, | uo cou So souesoos gE ‘Sur pu Brig “tere, _otiere AdN ’S39V5 ONIY ONY ON7d GVIUHL Sdld UAEVL ONIHUOM GUVGNVIS TWNOLLYN NVOINSWY HOd SIONVESTOL 6 TEV WU Y on Sockly Ot Nechorca Engineers 19 15144 2003 Copy by the Aer sc AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASHE BL-20-1 63 MMH 2595512 0011668 1 mm PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ANSVASME 81,20.1-1983 TABLE 10 DIAMETER EQUIVALENT OF DEVIATION! IN HALF INCLUDED ANGLE OF ‘THREAD FOR TOOLS AND GAGES Deviation? 8 ns 14 6 27 a} ptioutes | Theadstin, | Theadsin. | Threads/in. | Threads/in. | Threads/in, 7 2 3 4 3 3 7 ‘00006 | o.00001 | o.o0003 | o.00002 | 0.00002 2 0.00011 | 0.00008 | 0.00005 | a.0000s | 0.00003 3 00017 | 0.00012 | 0.00010 | a.00007 | 0.00005 4 e.00022 | o.oo1s | 0.00013 | a.o0010 | 0.00007 5 0.00028 | 0.00019 | 0.00016 | 0.00012 | 0.00008 6 0.00034 | 000023 | o.oo | 001s | 0.00010 7 0.00039 | 00027 | 0.00022 | o.00017 | 0.00012 8 0.00085 | 0.00031 0.00026 | 00020 | o.ov012 9 o.00050 | 0.00035 | 00029 | 0.00022 | 0.00015 10 e.oo0ss | 0.00039 | 0.00032 | 0.00025 | 0.00017 n 00062 | o.oo04s | o.00035° | 0.00027 | o.oo0i8 2 0.00057 | 0.00047 | 0.00038 | 0.00030 | 0.00020 3 0.00073 | 000051 00082 | 0.00032 | 0.00022 4 00078 | o.oo0ss | a.o004s | 0.00035 | 0.00023 is o.oo | 0.00058 | 0.00048 | 0.00037 | 0.00025 16 0.00089 | 0.00062 | 0.00051 c.o2010 | 0.00027 7 ‘0.00098 0006 | o.0o0s¢ | o.v42 | 0.00028 18 ‘00101 o.00070 | o.0ss | ooooss | 0.00030 9 o.00i06 | 0.00074 | 0.00061 0.00087 | 0.00031 20 o.oat12 | 0.00078 | a.00s¢ | 0.00050 | 0.00033, 2 eos? | o.o00a2 | 0.00067 | 0.00082 | 0.00035, 2 0.00123 | 000086 | 0.00070 | 0.00055 | 0.00035, a o.00129 | coos | 0.00074 | 0.00087 | o.00038, 4 o.00134 0.00093 | 0.00077 | 0.00060 | 0.00040 25 o.0014 | 0.00097 | 0.00080 | 0.00062 | 0.00041 26 coos | o.o101 0.00083 | o.00055 | o,o0043 7 0.00151 o.o010s | o.oo08 | o.o0067 | o.00045 8 c.otst | coo109 | 0.00089 | 0.00070 | 0.00046 2» o.0o162 | aooi1s | 0.00093 | 0.00072 | 0.00048, 30 ooor6s | oo0117 | 0.00096 | o.0007s | o.o00s0 45 o.oo2s2 | aoo17s | aoo1 | oor | o.00075 50 0.00336 | 0.00233 | 0.00192 | o.00149 | 0.00099 GENERAL NOTE: Values avenin inches at 68°F. NoTes: (1) fa tolving for the diameter equlvalnt of ange deviations the average deviation In half Included fnge Tor me wo ses at me mesa regeraess ot mtr sighs OUIa be taken, (2) Diameter equivalent =0.63812p tan fa, whore 6a deviation in half includad angle of thread ‘xprssed In nutes. {) Table ls based upon an NPT gage with 0.1p rooterectTruncations with equal half angle ceviatons. For othor gages with equal truncstions, multiply by 19 151444 2003 icon Society Of echoicl Engineers 0.866 p - 2 (truncation) ‘a.c867» O AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH) ASME BL-20.1 63 MM 2595512 0012469 3 mm ANSI/ASME 1.20.1-1089 ‘TABLE 11 DIAMETER EQUIVALENT OF DEVIATION IN LEAD FOR TOOLS AND GAGESt mation | goac00 | ooorr | aoo022 | coves | acecee | ecees | ovens | o.coee7 | o.cceee | oo0ce 1 7 a co a 7 [8 oe ‘.00000 | o-0eoe | easeea | o.o000 | o9000s | eaaae | a0 | coer | e000 | ance | o.000re Siocoro | oanctr | Samo | coor: | o.oors | Banas | oe | coozs | v.05 | cinoost | o:ooss Sioeord | o.aess | sanese | o0vese | coos | asani2 | ooo | coos | o:eoner | coco | o.oose Groeoso | tome | eanost | ocovss | oovosr | oannss | coer | csoose | o.ones | spoose | o:ooee saaeoio | eooces | a.oa7t | nxonors | eanors | oaoore | o.oo | covose | ocoasr | o.noes | o:ooss B.oe0so | o.ncer | sacoss | o.oo | o:ovoz2 | eaacas | o.coss | coos | o.oo | coro | oor: 00060 | 00101 | aaoies | o0or07 | oooroe } oooirr | 000113 | coors | ooorie | coors | ooorze Stoeord | ooorar | sacias | ooorzs | ooorze | eanize | coorse | cooise | oooras | coos | ovorst dioeoso | o.otae | sanico | oor | oooree | oaoias | sora | coors | o.nisi | sonisa | ooorse dioeos0 | ocorse | anise | coors | corer | oanres | sootes | cootse | o.ores | soot | coor saaoreo | s.oorrs | aaorzs | oni7z | aaotre | ooorso | ooorme | canes | acores | ooorer | oot o.00110 | 00131 | oaoise | o0orse | o0ors6 | oo0is7 | os» | ao201 | o.0o20s | occ2e4 | o.0o20s saacr20 | soozen | a.oar0 | aonart | eanzrs | oaosts | ooosr7 | conars | o.ozzo | o.vzze | 0.0223 dioois0 | oozes | anna | ooze | ooze | oaozs2 | aoa | cooase | oozsr | cova | coos dora | Ganaea | ooze | oonaie | oncass | savas | o.oasi | oooass | wamss | oooase | aanase Ainorso | o.ooaeo | manaea | o.ooaes | oozes | Oanaer | oozes | cooaro | o.otrz | cavar | ooozrs voor | ooo | 00229 | ooze: | oooase | earass | ores | ooo2se | oomss | 00a | oon25s daorr® | anes | ooze | onan | oaeann | Sonor | o.oses | ovosos | tansor | oooses | ommsto doores | Gansta | Soars | 00ers | oaostr | savas | o.oszo | ovoszz | oansne | ooo, | ommser d.o30 | sans | Soosst | ones | oonsse | consse | ocosae | ovosse | oansat | oss | omnses doe | sanste | Sooss | oconsse | onnss2 | Gonsss | ooosss | ovossy | ames | ose | omnser GENERAL NOTE: Values gen in inches at 65°F. NOTE: (1) Diameter equnialont = 1.7328, where 5p = deviation in lad between any two threads, Cop b the Aneto Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees 19 151448 2003 a ASME B1-20-1 63 MM 2595512 0011870 7 mm AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD PIPE THREADS, GENERAL PURPOSE (INCH fitting, An allowance must be made for the depth of, counterbore on counterbored fittings, The reference point for gaging or measuring the length of external product threads is the end of the Pipe, 8.4.1 Turns-Engagement Method of Gaging. ‘The turnsengagement method of gaging taper threads with plug and ring pipe thread gages, determines that an adequate number of threads is available at hand ‘engagement, thus avoiding possible complications resulting from gage chamfer and product chamfer. See Table 2, col. 7, for the basic number of turns in the absence of chamfers (e.g., 4.32 turns for 27 tpi), the applicable tolerance being plus or minus one turn (or limits 3.32 to 5.32 turns for 27 tpi). 9 GAGING OF STRAIGHT PIPE THREADS 9.1. Typos of Gag Gages to properly control the production of these straight threads should be either straight GO and HI (Internal) and GO and LO (External) gages or the regular American National Standard Taper Pipe ‘Thread gages as indicated below. 9.41.1 Uso of Straight and Taper Gages. Straight GO and HI/LO gages should be used for all types of threaded joints where both the external and internal threads ae straight. Tapor plug gages should be used for the internal hveads of all types of mechanical joints where the external thread is tspesed and the internal threed Is straight. Taper plug gages used for this purpose should be checked periodically by direct measurement, 9.1.2 Gaging Pressure-tight Joints. Taper thread gages shall be used to gage straight internal pipe threads forming part of pressure-tight joints where the external thread is tapered. Cop b the Americ Say Of Mecorcel Engrees sc 19 151448 2003, 2 ANSW/ASME 81.20.1-1983, ‘The plane of the gaging notch on the American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread plug gage shall come flush with the end of the American National Standard Coupling Straight Pipe ‘Thread (NPSC) (Table 4) or flush with the fist thread seratch on the chamfer cone if chamfered with an internal cl for diameter in excoss of the major diameter of the internal thread (see Fig. 8B). A tolerance of one and ‘one-half turns large or small to gage shall be allowed. CAUTION: When using a tapered thread plug gage, nonuniformity of gage wear is « particular problem; therefore, taper plug gages used for this application should be checked by direct measurement of thread form and size in addition to checking against 2 mas- ter. 9.2 Gage Dimensions ‘The straight GO and HI plug gages and the straight GO and LO ring gages used for checking mechanical joint threads, Tables 6 and 7, shall be mado to the pitch diameter limits specified in the product tables in accordance with standard practice for straight thread gages as outlined in ANSI B12, Gages and Gaging for Unified Serow Threads. ‘Tho minimum major diameter of the GO thread plug gage shall be equal to the minimum pitch diame- fer of the internal thread plus an amount equal to 0.7SH (0.649519p). The maximum major diameter of the HI thread plug gage shall be equal to the ‘maximum pitch diameter of the internal thread plus ‘an amount equal to 0.50H (0.433013). ‘The maximum minor diameter of the GO thread ‘age shall be equal to the maximum pitch diame- ter of the external thread minus an amount equal to 0.50H (0.433013p), The minimum minor diameter of the LO thread ring gage shall be equal to the min mum pitch diameter of the external thread minus an amount equal to 0.25H (0.216506). See ANSI B1.2 for further details and tolerances for these straight thread gages. ASHE B1-20-1 83 mm 2595512 001187) ) ml APPENDIX (This Appendix isnot part of American National Standard, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) ‘ANSI/ASME 81.20. 98x, but i included for information purposes only.) ‘Suggested Twist Drill Diameters for Drilled Hole Sizes for Pipe Threads ‘The drill diameters given in Tuble 1 are the diame- ters of the standard and stock drills which are the closest to the minimum minor diameters shown in ‘Table 2, col. 24. ‘They represent the diameters of the holes which ‘would be cut with a twist drill correctly ground when ailing 2 material without tearing or flow of metal, ‘This is approximately the condition that exists when, a correctly sharpened twist drill is cutting a hole in a homogeneous block of cast iron, When flat drils are used, the width of the cutting edge may have to be adjusted to produce a hole of the required diameter, When nonferrous metals and other similar mate- rials are to be drilled and tapped, it may be found nacescary to uso a drill of alightly larger or smaller diameter (0 produce a hole of a size that will make It possible for the tap to cut an acceptable pipe thread. with the required thread height. It should be understood that this table of twist rill diameters is intended to help only the occasional user of drills in the application of this Standard, When internal pipe threads are produced in larger quantities in a particular type of material and with specially designed machinery it may be found to be more advantageous to use a drill size not given in the table, even one having a nonstandard diameter. TABLE A1_ SUGGESTED TWIST DRILL DIAMETERS (INCHES) FOR DRILLED HOLE SIZES FOR C PIPE THREADS. Taper Thread Straight Pipe With woof | Without ues of | Thresd Reamer Reamer | (NPSCI? 3 a 5 fy 2st fc ona! | % 0.250! Yea osas'|o asst | Ha oes Fle ean] Be aust |e, oaset He ose | Be eee | Bt eh Me 0.csst | Ye 0.703! | 2% ors "ha 03a" | 42 0.906! | Yeu 0922 tye vast | ate raat | fe 1aset Moe toes | Maa | stn 144 1.703 | 1421719 | Ye 1.750 Mes 2172 | Ye 2188 | 2h 2.219 Tes 2578 | es 2.609 | Pha 2.656 GENERAL NOTE: Tho uso of twist dle of tha diomaters listed wil ‘ot assure completly formed threads over the entre L length NoTes: (1) American Notional Standard twist dell lz in scoordance with ‘ANSI B94.11, applicable to commercial threads ony. (2) Twist dil diomoters for NPSR, NPSL. and NPSH threads may be larger to cuit the Ineresod internal minor diometers established for theso threads. Refer to Tables 6 and 7 in thie Standard snd Cc ‘Table 3 in ANSI 62.4, Hose Coupling Szrow Threads, 23 Cop b the Anericn Sac Of Mecorcel Engrees Sot dl 19 151451 7003

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