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Act 1 Scene 1

*Busy Market sound effect*

*in the busy marketplace, Sampson and Gregory of the Capulets wonder to kill time
before breakfast*

Sampson: I can tell you, gregory, I’ll beat these folks..

Gregory: Sure, whatever you say.

Sampson: Not from the Montagues, I'll take on any of those folk

*2 Montague servants enter the scene, talking to each other*

Gregory: Well, here’s your chance to prove me, go on.

*Sampson put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and Gregory signals Sampson to start
the fight*

Sampson: Nay, allow those folks start it.

*Gregory nods in agreement, as the 2 Montague Servants come closer*

*The Montague servants stop, one of which is named Abraham.*

Abraham: Are you trying to bite your thumb at us?

Sampson: I'm trying to bite my own thumb, as you can see.

*Sampson leans to Gregory, whispering. Gregory shakes his head in disagreement, and
Sampson stands straight up once more*

Abraham: Well, peace to you then

*The Montagues proceed to slowly walk away, but Sampson was too tempted, and so
he approached together with Gregory, with a hard look on the Montagues.*

*Abraham looked both in the eyes, and considers the moment.*

Abraham: Wanna fight? (while leaning to Balthasar and giggling)

*Balthasar makes a gesture, signaling a no*

Abraham: well then, we won’t fight.

*Abraham and Balthasar once more proceed to slowly walk away, when Sampson
comes closer and gives a harder look.*
Sampson: I'm ready. Come and fight me!

*Abraham signals Balthasar to back off, Balthasar does so and Abraham and Sampson
exchange fierce looks*

Sampson: Our master is good, I'll let you all know.

Abraham: Not better though.

*All 4 men stare at each other fiercly, itching for someone to make a move*

Balthasar: Tell that gent that our master’s better.

*In excitement of a Montague, Abraham touched Sampson’s chest with his forefinger,
putting a superior look*

Abraham: There's something I have to remind you. Our master's a better sir

Sampson: You’re a liar! (Sampson draws his sword)

*The four, rapiers in hand, start to clash with one another, with swords clanking on each

*Sword fight Sound*

*Benvolio, Montague’s cousin, enters the scene*

Benvolio: Stop this! put your swords hence! (Benvolio draws his rapier to try top stop
the fighting, but it doesn’t work)

*Tyblat enters a scene, with a blood-boiled look, ready to engage in the fighting after
seeing a Montague*

Tybalt: Benvolio! Fancy seeing you around here.

Benvolio: Forget it Tybalt. I'm trying to keep peace here.

Tybalt: What? You speak of peace with a sword in your hand? Don’t make me chuckle.
I despise that word, as much as much as I despise all Montagues!

*Sword fight Sound*

*All four continued clashing, and an officer came in, sword waving in the air,*

*Capulet, together with his wife enter the scene*

Lord Capulet: What's this racket? Give me my own long sord!

Lady Capulet: Do not be absurd, what are you going to do with the sword?

*Capulet witnesses as Lord Montague taunts him, sword waving in the air, forcing
Capulet to be tempted to his sword*

Lord Montague: You villain Capulet! Come down and square like a true man!

Lady Montague: Stop it! I will not allow you to square at this age!

*everyone spread*

*Capulet and Montague’s sword fight*

*Sword fight Sound*

*Prince Escalus enters the scene, giving a stern look at both of them*

Prince Escalus: This is the third time that the Capulet and the Montague, has disturbed
the peace of this city! Whoever continues to square on the streets shall pay with their

*dispersion of the crowd*

Prince Escalus: Now be gone, All of you!

(Prince Escalus looked at both Capulet and Montague, sternly with anger)

*all out*

*Lady Montague and Lord Capulet in sitting down, Benvolio suddenly walks in*

*House scene*

Lord Montague: What has happened? Were you there at which hour it did start?

Lady Montague: Where is that boy? My son, where is Romeo?

Benvolio: I do think that he’s avoiding me. But I did see that gent on the outskirts of
the city

Lord Montague: I have heard that boy arrives here at dawn, a lot of crying before that
gent goes to his room and shuts all windows.

*Lord and Lady Montague, out. Benvolio stay as Romeo suddenly enters*

Benvolio: Good morning, how are you doing?

*Romeo pretended to ignore Benvolio, and Benvolio leaned even closer*

Benvolio: Good morning!.

*Romeo looks up and gives a sigh of disbelief*

Romeo: Truly time goes fast when you’re depressed.

Benvolio: Oh dear, oh dear, Is this about Rosaline?

Romeo: I wanna not speak of it. Where shall we go?

*Benvolio and Romeo walk down the aisle, as Romeo stops at an empty gaze*

Benvolio: What happened?

Romeo: It is love that makes me pathetic (Romeo stars to tear up)

Benvolio: Hold up wait, I'll walk with you.

(Benvolio gives a friendly arm in the back to Romeo as they walk)

Benvolio: So, who is this mistress you are in love with?

Romeo: A mistress. A pure and gorgeous one.

Benvolio: Shall you trust me? I'll tell you how to forget her.

Romeo: How?

Benvolio: Simple, receive out and about, behold at other girls, I’ll sort it out for you.

*Romeo and Benvolio exit the scene, still in a friendly formation*

*End of Act 1 Scene 1*

Act 1, Scene 3
*Lady Capulet and The Nurse enter the scene*
Lady Capulet: My nurse! Where is my daughter? Where is Juliet?
Nurse: Oh, my lady, here she is.
*Juliet enters the scene*
Lady Capulet: Go on, I want to speak my daughter alone.
*Lady Capulet shows an expression of confusion, then signals the nurse to come back*
Lady Capulet: Ah, nevermind nurse, you may come in. Your advice may be needed
after all.
*Nurse giggles and happily comes back*
Nurse: Oh, my lady. Back when Juliet was still an innocent infant, she used to juggle
me with her playful hands, as she was getting her nutritious dose of breast milk.
Lady Capulet: Nurse, quiet, please. This is getting into nonsense.
*Juliet starts be embarrassed, and lashed out at the nurse*
Juliet: My nurse, please zip it! I don’t want to hear anymore of your stories.
Nurse: Oh, I just can’t forget how much of an innocent baby you wereback then. Now
look at you, all grown up and matured. I’m so happy.
Lady Capulet: Anyways, dear. May I ask you, what do you think of marriage? Women
of you age or younger are already mothers. I even became a mother when I was your
age, giving birth to you.
Juliet: I……. believe marriage is a sacred promise to behold. I haven’t thought ‘bout it
Lady Capulet: Oh, you should be excited for marriage, Juliet! A young man, by the
name of Paris of a friendly family has taken interest in you. He is a man of many
Nurse: Oh, now that’s a real man of dreams, my dear. Hehe
Juliet: I’ll see, mother I’ll look upon this Paris at the party later. I’ll see if I can bring
myself to love him. Until then, please be patient mother.
*Servant enters the scene*
Servant: My Lady! The party is commencing very soon. Best you both make your way
to the hall.
Lady Capulet: Well, on our way, dear Juliet.
Nurse: Go on, go and meet your love.
Juliet: Yes, mother.
*Lady Capulet and Juliet exit the scene*
*End of scene 3*

Act 1, Scene 4
*Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio enter to the Capulet’s feast with masks on*
Benvolio: No speeches. We’ll just go in, too bad if they don’t like us.
Romeo: Alright then, *sigh*, give me the torch, I’m not going to the dance.
Mercutio: Oh no, you don’t. You’re dancing, and that’s the whole point.
Romeo: *sits down* But I’m not in the mood.
Romeo: Besides, how can we go into the Capulet’s feast? We’re Montagues not
Mercutio: My dear Romeo, what is the Love you seek? A lustful eyesight? Or a little bit
carnivorous side of you? Hehe. (Begins to laugh)
Romeo: Nonsense! I just simply dreamed that going to this feast is a bad idea.
*Mercutio monologue*
Mercutio: O, then, I see Queen Mab has been with you.
She is the fairies' midwife,
And in this state she gallops night by night
Which left the angry Mab with blisters plagues--
Romeo: Mercutio, Stop. Don’t bore us with your monologues again
Benvolio: I truly think that we must head to the feast this session. Come on, let us go!
*Mercutio, Benvolio, and the others jog happily to the feast*
*Party scene*
*pair of masked men enter the scene and greet the men into the party.*
Mercutio: Adios gentlemen
*Dancers enter the scene*

*Music: What Does A Youth*

*Romeo catches both of his eyes towards Juliet*
Romeo: O, my beating heart.Did my heart love till now? For I swear I never saw true
beauty till this night.

*Pause Music*
*Tybalt enters the scene, staring deeply into Romeo*
Tybalt: That voice… That… uniform. Blue, A Montague!
*Lord Capulet enters the scene, Tybalt running towards him*
Tybalt: My Lord, a Montague is upon us. Come on, we must seize him.
Lord Capulet: Enough of this, Tybalt! I’ve had enough hearing that Montague
nonsense. We are here to enjoy the feast, and I don’t want to deal with any more of
troubles! This is a feast for us Capulets. So be quiet, and enjoy this moment like we
should be.
*Romeo starts joining the dance, everyone starts dancing in circles, and in ball*
*Dance ends, everyone claps in amusement, and Romeo sets sight towards a young
*End of scene 4*

Act 1, Scene 5
*Lady Capulet goes around the stage, greeting every guest with a smile*
*Romeo and Juliet take center stage, and Romeo takes sight of Juliet*
Tybalt: The disgusting sense of a Montague voice. He needs to be dealt with.
*Lady Capulet enters the stage*
Lady Capulet: Tybalt! Didn’t I tell you to stop this nonsense? That man, his name is
Romeo. He may be a Montague, but he’s a well-versed man in Verona. Having such
youth harmed during the feast is unacceptable.
Tybalt: But My Lady, he’s a Montague! An enemy of ours!
Lady Capulet: Enough. Go on, abandon this chaos and I don’t want to receive news of
a harmed individual tonight.
*Tybalt nods in agreement, and both proceed off*
*Romeo and Juliet take stage, in the ballroom*
*Romeo approaches a naïve Juliet, takes her hand*

*Continue Music*
Romeo: Shall we dance?
Romeo: Young mistress, you’re like a saint, from the heavens, I wish to wash all my
sins out of your pureness
Juliet: P - Pardon?
Nurse: My lady, Lady Capulet wants to have a word with you.
*Juliet nods, looks at Romeo once more, and exits the stage*
Romeo: Um, excuse me, but may I ask as to whom the young lady’s mother is?
Nurse: Oh, her mother is Lady Capulet. Why do you ask, young sir?
*Romeo, in devastation of knowing the truth that Juliet is a Capulet*
Romeo: Is she a Capulet? O dear account! my life is my foe's debt.
*The Nurse leaves in confusion, Benvolio enters the scene*
Benvolio: Oh, Romeo! It’s time we head out.
*Romeo and Benvolio leave the stage. Juliet and Nurse enter the stage*
Lady Capulet: You’re not going anywhere. Supper is about to be served.
Juliet: Oh, Nurse, may I ask a favor? Is it possible that you can identify some young
man, who participated in the ball earlier?
Nurse: Why do you ask? There are quite a lot of men, but I received news of a young
man, dressed in blue with pale brown hair, whose reported as Romeo Montague.
Juliet: My only love sprung from my only hate!
Nurse: What’s wrong dear? Ah, no matter, let’s make our way.
*Juliet follows Nurse anxiously, after discovering that Romeo is an enemy of his family*
*All exit stage*
*End of Scene 5*
Act 2, Scene 1:
*Romeo enters the scene alone, roams around*
Romeo: Juliet… Juliet… should I go or should I not? Should I go back there and – *long
pause* … ROSALINE? Rosaline who?
Benvolio: Romeo! Hey Romeo! My Cousin Romeo! Our Oh Ro-me-o! Ro-ho-ho-me-o!
*Benvolio along with Mercution rushes into Romeo*
*Romeo hides*
*The two stopped right beneath him.*
Benvolio: Nope, that man was here a moment ago, I bet hes behind here. Call him for
hearing you would anger that gent.
Mercutio: I’ll conjure too. Romeo!
Benvolio: Shhh. Hearing you will anger that gent.
Mercutio: He’d be what? Furious?
Benvolio: come one that gent must’ve hid himself among these trees
*both yawns*
Benvolio: Well… You’ll never find someone who doesn’t want to be found

Act 2, Scene 2
*night time and the moon was huge Romeo walks around until he unconsciously
reaches the Capulets property (near Juliet’s balcony)*
*wonders around and sees Juliet’s balcony*
Romeo: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
*a deep sigh from Juliet from a far*
*Romeo runs closer towards Juliet’s balcony but stopped as she hears Juliet’s voice*
Juliet: O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? be but sworn my love, and I’ll no
longer be a Capulet.
*Romeo himself from going closer and just listened, not daring to breathe.*
Juliet: ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
Romeo: Call me but love, and I never will be that Romeo.
Juliet: Who are you? Come here and show yourself.
Romeo: perhaps I’m afraid to tell you my name, I hate my name because you hate.
Juliet: If see you, they will murder you. Go! I don’t want them to see you here. Who told
you where to find me?
Romeo: Love always finds its ways. Alright then. Anyways, if you don’t even love me
then I’d be caught and murdered rather than to live without your love.
Juliet: Oh Romeo, if you do love me, please tell me honestly.
The Nurse: Juliet? Juliet!
Juliet: Coming! If you really mean it, and you want to marry me, send me a message
tomorrow But if you don’t mean it, I beg of you…’
The Nurse: Juliet!
Juliet: If you don’t please leave me alone to deal with my grief.
Romeo: What time shall I send someone? At nine.
Juliet: Wait. It’s almost morning. I want you to go but I don’t want to let go of you. I’d
like to keep saying “goodnight” until it becomes tomorrow.
*Juliet runs out*
*Romeo runs out to the scene on the other side*

Act 2, Scene 3
*Friar Lawrence goes in to the scene and roams around with his basket*
*He held a young plant up and stared at it in wonder*.
Friar Lawrence: Even this little flower had both poisonous and healing qualities.
Romeo: Morning, Father
Friar Lawrence: Who’s this then, visiting me so early in the morning? Have you been
with Rosaline?’
Romeo: Rosaline? Who? No. I’ve forgotten that name and everything about her.
Romeo: okay so I’ve fallen in love with Capulet’s daughter, and she with me. And to cut
a long story short, you must marry us, and you must agree to marry us today.
Friar Lawrence: Holy St. Francis’ *gasps* What a turnabout. Have you forgotten
Rosaline? Jesu Maria. You cried buckets for Rosaline. It was Rosaline this and
Rosaline that yesterday and now it’s all changed.’
Romeo: Now please… Don’t reprimand me. The one I love now loves me in return.
Friar Lawrence: It’s not that easy! Marrying the two young people from the feuding
families would be a disaster and he couldn’t possible agree to it. Or could he?
Romeo: I can’t wait already
Friar Lawrence: Just slow down, you’ll stumble if you try to go too fast.

Act 2, Scene 4
Mercutio: Where the devil could Romeo be?
Benvolio: he didn’t come home last night?
*Romeo enters the scene and joins Benvolio and Mercutio*
Mercutio: Signor Romeo, bon jour. How’s that for a nice French greeting? You cheated
us well and truly last night.’
Romeo: What do you mean?
*Juliet‘s nurse enters the scene all dressed up in full skirts*
The Nurse: Peter. Give me my fan, Peter.
Mercutio: Give her, her fan, good Peter *He puts on a high voice, imitating the Nurse*
She needs it to hide her face. The fan is the prettier.
The Nurse: Gentlemen, can any of you tell me where I can find young Romeo?’
*They all looked at Romeo.*
The Nurse: If you are Romeo I’d like to have a word with you.
*walks close to the Nurse and signals his friends to go*
Romeo: What’s the message? *turns back to his friends* Leave
*the Nurse, Peter, and Romeo walks toward the chapel.*
The Nurse: Now. As I said, I want a word with you. My young lady told me to find you.
Romeo: Nurse… Give your young lady my compliments. Tell her to find some way of
going to confession this afternoon and there at Friar Lawrence’s chapel she’ll be given
absolution and married, all at the same time.
The Nurse: Bless you, bless you, Sir, I have to go now
Romeo: Give her my love, Nurse.
The Nurse: Of course. With pleasure.
*exits scene*

Act 2, Scene 5
Juliet: Oh my nurse when will you come back? Its already been 3 hours seen you’ve
been gone.
*nurse enters the scene*
Juliet: Oh honey Nurse! What did he say? Did you find him? *long pause* Oh Lord! why
are you looking so sad?
The Nurse: Whew, I ‘m exhausted, *sits down* Oh, my legs ache.
Juliet: *SCREAMS* Oh my Lord I’m so impatient please! You can have my legs if you
would just give me your news! Please, Nurse, I beg of you, tell me. Please, dear, dear
Nurse, tell me!’
The Nurse: Goodness! What a hurry you’re in! Can’t you wait a minute. Can’t you see
I’m out of breath?’
Juliet: Now. Is it good or is it bad?’
The Nurse: I honestly think Romeo is the one.
Juliet: He’s not the absolute flower of good manners, of course, but I’ll bet he’s as
gentle as a lamb. But what did he say about us getting married? What about that?
*Nurse tries to stand up.*
The Nurse: Oh, my back. Shame on you, sending me all over the place like that.
Juliet: Okay now to be frank I’m very sorry you’re not well. Sweet, sweet, sweet Nurse.
But what did my love say?’
The Nurse: Good God, my dear young woman, Bad tempered with me? Is this the
thanks I get for my aching bones? Do your own dirty work from now on.’
Juliet: Come on, what did Romeo say?’
The Nurse: Have you got permission to go to confession today?
Juliet: I have.
The Nurse: Then get yourself to Friar Lawrence’s cell as fast as you can. There’s a
husband waiting there to make you a wife. Hurry. I have one more thing to do. I have to
get a rope ladder so that your lover can climb up to your love nest as soon as it’s dark.
Off with you. I’m going to have my dinner. Go on Hurry.
*Juliet runs all of a sudden*
*end scene*

Act 2, Scene 6
Friar Lawrence: May Heaven bless this holy ceremony so that we won’t regret it later!
Romeo: Yes, yes, But whatever sorrow may come it couldn’t cancel the joy I get from
seeing her for even a moment.
Friar Lawrence: Such extreme emotions often end in disaster tsk tsk
*Juliet appears*
*both of them run to each other and hugged*
Romeo: Oh my dear Juliet. If you are as happy as I am and can express it better
Juliet: As usual, you say ridiculous things. You speak extravagantly. And don’t talk
about imagined love. Our love is real.
Friar Lawrence: Stop that first! Do it later when you’re already married! But now follow
me first.
*Friar Lawrence walks out*
*end of scene*
Act 3 Scene 1
*Enter Mercutio, Benvolio and Men*
Benvolio: I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire. The day is hot, the Capels are abroad,
Mercutio: You are like one of these fellows that always skips the fun
Benvolio: Am I like such a fellow?
*Enter Tybalt, Petruchio, and others*
Benvolio: By my head, here comes the Capulets.
Mercutio: By my heel, I care not.
Tybalt: Gentlemen, a word with one of you.
Mercutio: Consort! What do you think of us? Servants? *draws sword at Tybalt*
Benvolio:Please don’t fight! All eyes are upon us!
Tybalt: What would you have with me? *points sword*
Mercutio: Good King of Cats, nothing but one of your nine lives

*Sword fight Sound*

*Tybalt thrusts Mercutio in under Romeo’s arms. Away Tybalt with his followers*.

Romeo: what happened??

Mercutio: I am hurt, has he gone and has nothing?
Benvolio: What! hurt?
Mercutio: Hey, hey, a scratch, a scratch
Romeo: You? Hurt? Man, the hurt cannot be much.
Mercutio: No, ’tis not so deep as a well. Why the dev’l came between us? I was hurt
under your arm.
Mercutio: ACURSE ON BOTH YOUR FAMLIES! *falls down, crowd noises*
*All exit*
*Tybalt enters with his men.* *Romeo rushes towards Tybalt*
Romeo: Tybalt has slain Mercutio! He will PAY!
Romeo: Tybalt! You have killed Mercutio! My only bestfriend! You will PAY!

*Sword fight Sound*

Benvolio: Run Romeo! It’s death if they catch you! Get going!
*All gone. Exit*
*Prince enters the scene*
Prince: Where are those sounds? Who started this quarrel? *families *
Prince: Who has stated all of this? And who killed Mercution?
Benvolio: O noble prince, I can discover all, the unlucky manage of this fatal brawl.
There lies the man, slain by young Romeo, that slew Mercutio
*Lady Capulet falls to knees, and approaches Tybalt’s body, mourning*
Lady Capulet: Oh, Prince, the blood of my nephew has been split. I want revenge. I
want the Montague’s blood.
Benvolio: Romeo hadn’t want to start the fight, he was only trying to avoid it.
Prince Escalus : So, who should pay the price for Tybalt’s death?!
Lady Capulet: He’s a Montague! He’s surely lying, he’s biased! Romeo killed Tybalt,
and I want Romeo dead!
Prince Escalus: And for that offense, we must exile that Romeo! This hour is his last!

Act 3 Scene 2
*Juliet’s bedroom, Juliet is waiting at the window*
*Nurse weeps in grief*
Juliet: What the news nurse? What happened to Romeo?
Nurse: Tybalt is gone and Romeo is banished. Romeo killed him, he is banished
Juliet: Oh God! Did Romeo really do that? Is it true?
Nurse: Yes! Yes!
Juliet: Is there no end to out misfortune? Romeo is banished and Tybalt is dead.
Nurse: There is no such thing as trust in men, they are cheats, liars, deceivers, and
*Juliet continues to weep about Romeo’s death*
Nurse: I’ll find Romeo to comfort you. Your Romeo will be here tonight.
Juliet: O please find him, and bid him to come to take his farewell.
Nurse: Go to your bedroom. I’ll find Romeo to comfort you. I know exactly where he is.
Listen: your Romeo will be here tonight. I’ll go to him.
Juliet: My beloved, please ask him to come and take his final farewell.

Act 3 Scene 3
*Friar Larence’s cell, Enter Friar Lawrence*
Romeo: Father, what are the news? What are the consequences I shall face?
Friar Lawrence: The prince gave you a gentler judgement, you will not die, but you will
be banished
Romeo: But banishment is almost the same as death, just murder me instead. I would
feel like hell if I leaved Verona, Heaven is here where Juliet lives, it’d be hell without her.
Friar Lawrence: Someone came, Good Romeo, hide yourself
Nurse: Let me in, I come from Lady Juliet
*enters nurse*
Nurse: O Friar please tell me where my lady’s lord is, where’s Romeo?
Friar Lawrence: There on the ground, his own tears making him drunk
Romeo: Nurse! Where’s my lady Juliet? How is she? Does she think of me as a
Nurse: She weeps and weeps but does not say anything. Juliet is waiting for you in her
bedroom for you to say your last farewell; I will tell my lady that you are coming.

Act Three Scene 4

*Capulet’s House, enter Lady Capulet, Capulet, and Paris*
Lord Capulet: Sir Paris! I offer you my child’s love. Tell Juliet that by next Thursday
she’ll be married to this wonderful earl.
Paris: My Lord I wish Thursday were tomorrow
Lord Capulet: Well, be off to you then. On Thursday let it be.

Act 3 Scene 5

*Song: Can I Have This Dance*

Nurse: Madam! Your mother is coming to your bedroom.
*They embraced and Romeo descends*
Juliet: We shall meet again
Lady Capulet: *outside* Juliet, are you up? Are you still weeping because of Tybalts’s
death? We’ll have our vengeance. But I still have to tell you the good news
Juliet: What is it?
Lady Capulet: By next Thursday, Count Paris, will make you a happy bride
Juliet: I shall not get married to anyone yet!!!
*Juliet cries angrily*
Lady Capulet: Here’s your father now, tell him yourself and see how he takes it
*Nurse and Capulet enters. They see Juliet in tears*
Lord Capulet: Why are you crying my daughter?
Lady Capulet: Juliet doesn’t want to get married.
Lord Capulet: Isn’t she proud and grateful? That she is about to get married to such a
*Lady Capulet would try to calm Capulet*
Juliet: father, I beg you on my knees have patience with me
Lord Capulet: It’s either you go to church and get married on Thursday or you shall
never look at me in the eye again
*Capulet storms out*
Lady Capulet: Don’t even try to talk to me. I’m done with you
*Lady Capulet leaves*
Juliet: Nurse help me, how can this be stopped?
Nurse: Romeo shall not come back here because he is banished
Juliet: Just tell my mother that I am guilty for what I have done. I shall go to confess to
Friar Lawrence to make a confession
FRIAR LAURENCE: On Thursday, sir? Isnt it too early?
PARIS: My father Capulet will have it so. Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death.
Now, sir, her father counts it dangerous that she doth give her sorrow so much sway,
and in his wisdom hastes our marriage.
FRIAR LAURENCE: [Complain] I didnt expect it to be so soon. Look, sir, here comes
the lady towards my cell.
PARIS: My lady and my wife!
JULIET: When I may be a wife.
PARIS: That may be on Thursday next.
FRIAR LAURENCE: That's a certain text.
PARIS: Did you come to make confession to this father?
JULIET: To answer that, I should confess to you.
PARIS: Do not deny to him that you love me.
JULIET: I will confess to you that I love him.
PARIS: I am sure, that you love me.
JULIET: Are you at leisure, holy father? Or shall I come to you at evening mass?
FRIAR LAURENCE: My lord, we must entreat the time alone.
PARIS: Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye: Till then, adieu; and keep this holy kiss.
Exit Paris
JULIET: O shut the door! Come weep with me; past hope, past cure, past help!
FRIAR LAURENCE: Ah, Juliet, I already know thy grief. On Thursday next be married
to this county.
JULIET: Tell me not, friar. Unless thou tell me how I may prevent it: If thy wisdom
cannot give no help, with this knife I'll help it presently. God join'd my heart and
Romeo's, thou our hands.
FRIAR LAURENCE: Hold, daughter: I do spy a kind of hope, Rather than to marry
County Paris, you will die, A thing like death to chide away this shame, That even the
God of Death would be fooled.
JULIET: Give them to me father! I will do it without fear or doubt, To live as a faithful
wife to my sweet love.
FRIAR LAURENCE: Then go home, be merry, give consent and marry Paris.
Tomorrow night you must lie alone. Take this vial, When presently through all thy veins
shall run cold and drowsy with no pulse. This shall continue for two and forty hours, And
then awake as from a pleasant sleep. Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift, and
shall he come and he and I Will watch thy waking. Be strong and prosperous. I'll send a
friar with speed to Mantua, with my letters to thy lord.
JULIET: Love give me strength! Farewell, dear father!

JULIET: Ay, those attires are best: but, gentle nurse, I pray thee, leave me to my self
Exit Nurse
JULIET: God knows when we shall meet again. Romeo, I come! this do I drink to thee.
*She falls upon her bed, within the curtains, Next day*
LADY CAPULET: What noise is here? What is the matter?
Nurse: Look, look! O heavy day!
LADY CAPULET: O me, O me! My child, my only life, Revive, look up, or I will die with
thee! Help, help! Call help.
Nurse: She's dead, deceased, she's dead; alack the day!
ROMEO: Balthasar, have you brought any letters? How’s my lady Juliet?
BALTHASAR: I’m sorry but Juliet is laid in the monument of Capel this morning.
ROMEO: What? Get me an ink and a paper! Hire post-horses! I’m coming tonight.
BALTHASAR: Have patience, you look pale and wild.
ROMEO: Do as I say!

FRIAR JOHN: Holy Franciscan, friar, brother ho!
FRIAR LAURENCE: Have you accomplished to send Romeo the letter?
FRIAR JOHN: I couldn’t send it.

BALTHASAR: A full half an hour.
FRIAR LAURENCE: Stay then, I’ll go gone!
ROMEO: *to Juliet: I will still stay with thee, and never will depart again! Here’s to thee!
JULIET: Where’s my lord?
FRIAR LAURENCE: We must go now
FRIAR LAWRENCE: We must go nowwwww
JULIET: ROMEO! He didn’t leave any single drop!
JULIET: Oh no! Noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger!
*grabs Romeo’s dagger
*stabs herself
There rust, and let me die.
*falls on Romeo’s body.
Next Day:

*Sound: Ceremonial Sound (ang daw sa patay na bala kung maglubong)*

(The montagues and capulets bury the two)
Prince Escalus: Look what your greed and envy has done! Look what it took! It took

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