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J Clin Periodontol 2017; 44 (Suppl. 18): S39–S51 doi: 10.1111/jcpe.


Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour Iain L.C. Chapple1 , Philippe

Bouchard2,12, Maria Grazia Cagetti3,
Guglielmo Campus3,4 , Maria-

or systemic diseases with dental Clotilde Carra2,19, Fabio Cocco4,

Luigi Nibali5, Philippe Hujoel6, Marja
L. Laine7, Peter Lingstro € m8, David J.

caries and periodontal diseases: Manton9 , Eduardo Montero10,

Nigel Pitts11, He  ne Range 2,12,
Nadine Schlueter13, Wim Teughels14,

consensus report of group 2 of Svante Twetman15, Cor Van Lov-

eren16, Fridus Van der Weijden7,
Alexandre R. Vieira17 and Andreas G.

the joint EFP/ORCA workshop Schulte18

Periodontal Research Group, The University
of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; 2Department

on the boundaries between of Periodontology, Service of Odontology,

Rothschild Hospital, AP-HP, Paris 7-Denis
Diderot University, U.F.R. of Odontology,
Paris, France; 3WHO Collaboration Centre for
caries and periodontal diseases Epidemiology and Community Dentistry,
Milan, Italy; 4Department of Surgery,
Microsurgery and Medicine Sciences, School
of Dentistry, Universita degli Studi di Sassari,
Sassari, Italy; 5Centre for Oral Clinical
Chapple ILC, Bouchard P, Cagetti MG, Campus G, Carra M-C, Cocco F, Nibali Research, Institute of Dentistry, Barts and The
L, Hujoel P, Laine ML, Lingstr€ om P, Manton DJ, Montero E, Pitts N, Rang e H, London School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Schlueter N, Teughels W, Twetman S, Van Loveren C, Van der Weijden F, Vieira Queen Mary University London (QMUL),
AR, Schulte AG. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental London, UK; 6Public Health Sciences,
caries and periodontal diseases: consensus report of group 2 of the joint EFP/ University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases. J Clin Department of Periodontology, Academic
Periodontol 2017; 44 (Suppl. 18): S39–S51. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12685. Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 8Department of
Abstract Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of Cariology, Institute of Odontology,
Gothenburg, Sweden; 9Melbourne Dental
humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional
School, University of Melbourne, Parkville,
compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As com-
Vic., Australia; 10Faculty of Dentistry,
plex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors, such as a requirement for Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid,
a pathogenic plaque biofilm, yet they exhibit distinct pathophysiologies. Multiple Spain; 11Dental Innovation and Translation
exposures contribute to their causal pathways, and susceptibility involves risk fac- Centre, Dental Institute, Kings College
tors that are inherited (e.g. genetic variants), and those that are acquired (e.g. London, London, UK; 12EA 2496, Paris 5-
socio-economic factors, biofilm load or composition, smoking, carbohydrate Descartes University, U.F.R. of Odontology,
intake). Identification of these factors is crucial in the prevention of both diseases Paris, France; 13Division for Cariology,
as well as in their management. Department of Operative Dentistry and
Aim: To systematically appraise the scientific literature to identify potential risk Periodontology, Center for Dental Medicine,
University Medical Center, Albert-Ludwig-
factors for caries and periodontal diseases.
University, Freiburg, Germany;
Periodontology, K. U. Leuven, Leuven,

Conflict of interest and source of funding statement

Workshop participants filed detailed disclosures of potential conflicts of interest relevant to the workshop topics and these are
kept on file. Declared potential dual commitments included having received research funding, consultant fees and speaker’s fee
from: Colgate-Palmolive, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Sunstar, Unilever, Philips, Dentaid, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Her-
aeus-Kulzer, Straumann, National Safety Associates LLC, Glaxo SmithKline, GC Corporation, BioGaia AB, CP GABA, Caci-
vis, Reminova, WSRO.
Funding for this workshop was provided by the European Federation of Periodontology in part through an unrestricted educa-
tional grant from Colgate Palmolive.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd S39
S40 Chapple et al.

Methods: One systematic review (genetic risk factors), one narrative review (role Belgium; 15Faculty of Health and Medical
of diet and nutrition) and reference documentation for modifiable acquired risk Sciences, School of Dentistry, Section of
factors common to both disease groups, formed the basis of the report. Cariology and Endodontics, University of
Results & Conclusions: There is moderately strong evidence for a genetic contri- Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Department of Cariology, Academic Centre
bution to periodontal diseases and caries susceptibility, with an attributable risk
for Dentistry Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the
estimated to be up to 50%. The genetics literature for periodontal disease is more Netherlands; 17Oral Biology, University of
substantial than for caries and genes associated with chronic periodontitis are the Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA;
vitamin D receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor IIA (Fc-cRIIA) and Interleukin 18
Department of Special Care Dentistry, Dental
10 (IL10) genes. For caries, genes involved in enamel formation (AMELX, School, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten,
AMBN, ENAM, TUFT, MMP20, and KLK4), salivary characteristics (AQP5), Germany; 19INSERM, U1018, Villejuif, France
immune regulation and dietary preferences had the largest impact. No common
genetic variants were found. Fermentable carbohydrates (sugars and starches) Sponsor Representatives: Michael Schneider
were the most relevant common dietary risk factor for both diseases, but associ- (Colgate)
ated mechanisms differed. In caries, the fermentation process leads to acid pro-
duction and the generation of biofilm components such as Glucans. In Key words: acquired risk factors; amelogenin
periodontitis, glycaemia drives oxidative stress and advanced glycation end-pro- (AMELX) gene; aquaporin (AQP5) gene;
ducts may also trigger a hyper inflammatory state. Micronutrient deficiencies, candidate gene study (CGS); carbohydrate;
such as for vitamin C, vitamin D or vitamin B12, may be related to the onset caries; diabetes; diet; Fc gamma receptor IIA
(FccRIIA) gene; fluoride; genetics; genome
and progression of both diseases. Functional foods or probiotics could be helpful
wide association study (GWAS); gingival
in caries prevention and periodontal disease management, although evidence is bleeding; gingivitis; hyposalivation; Interleukin
limited and biological mechanisms not fully elucidated. Hyposalivation, rheuma- 10 (IL10) gene; macronutrient; malnutrition;
toid arthritis, smoking/tobacco use, undiagnosed or sub-optimally controlled dia- micronutrient; nutrition; oral hygiene
betes and obesity are common acquired risk factors for both caries and frequency; periodontal diseases; periodontitis;
periodontal diseases. polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA); prediction
factor; prognostic factor; protein; risk factor;
saliva; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP);
smoking; starch; sugars; vitamin B12; vitamin
C; vitamin D; vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene

Accepted for publication 20 December 2016

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases S41

Inherited and Acquired Risk Factors years (Kassebaum et al. 2015, Jepsen cause X1 belongs to one sufficient
for Dental Caries and Periodontal et al. 2017). Untreated cavitated car- cause, component cause X2 belongs
Diseases ies in the permanent dentition was to another sufficient cause, and X1
the most prevalent condition evalu- and X2 are jointly an element of a
Periodontal diseases and dental car-
ated for the entire Global Burden of third sufficient cause (Figure adapted
ies are complex diseases with multi-
Diseases 2010 Study, with a global from Rothman 2002). Any factor that
ple and diverse exposures that
prevalence of 2,431,636 (35%) for all is associated with an increased proba-
impact upon risk of disease initiation
ages combined (Marcenes et al. bility of disease onset is referred to as
(risk factors) or progression of exist-
2013). a risk factor. A prognostic factor may
ing disease (prognostic factors).
The outcome of both diseases if be a subset of risk factors which
Exposures include those that are
left untreated may be tooth loss, refers to patient-specific demo-
inherited (e.g. genetic variants),
reduced masticatory function, poorer graphic, disease characteristics or co-
those that are acquired, such as
nutritional status, low self-esteem morbid conditions affecting the likeli-
social, educational and economic
and quality of life, negative general hood of an outcome.
factors, and the local environment
health impacts. There is also evi- Being complex diseases where
(e.g. biofilm load or composition),
dence of an association with higher multiple exposures may contribute to
other diseases (e.g. sub-optimally
all-cause mortality (Garcia et al. their causal pathways, the correction
controlled diabetes) and lifestyle (e.g.
1998, Kim et al. 2013). of one risk factor may not lead to
smoking, consumption of sugars,
Traditional terminology employed disease cure. It is important to state
carbohydrate intake) factors. These
by some in risk factor research can that increased risk does not necessar-
may arise in different combinations
cause confusion. For example, the ily imply causation, as certain fac-
in different individuals, and at an
term “putative” risk factor or “risk tors may increase susceptibility to a
individual patient level may also
indicator” implies that an exposure is disease developing, but may not ful-
have differentially weighted effects.
independently associated with a dis- fil all the requirements required for a
In this consensus report, peri-
ease but that longitudinal (temporal) causal factor. For this, temporal
odontal diseases are regarded as bio-
data may not be available to substan- associations between the risk factor
film-initiated inflammatory
tiate the strength and directionality of and disease onset should be estab-
conditions, principally gingivitis and
the relationship. Risk or prognostic lished, with the risk factor arising
periodontitis. Globally, periodontitis
factors do not have to be component prior to the disease onset; the risk
affects between 45% and 50% of
causes of a disease. To avoid confu- factor also being associated with an
adults in its mildest form and the
sion and for the purposes of this con- increased frequency of the disease
most severe disease impacts upon 9–
sensus, the set of causes that initiate within a population; biological
11% of the world’s adult population
chronic diseases such as caries and mechanistic plausibility regarding
(Eke et al. 2012, Kassebaum et al.
periodontal diseases should be how the risk factor may contribute
2014, Jepsen et al. 2017). In peri-
referred to as “sufficient causes” to disease onset; and evidence that
odontal health there is a symbiosis
(Rothman 2002). Disease is thus not risk factor management leads to
between a health-associated biofilm
caused by a single factor and multiple improvement in the disease or its
and a proportionate host immune-
sufficient causes are typically respon- resolution (Hill 1971).
inflammatory response. Periodontitis
sible for a given disease. A compo- The purpose of this consensus
develops following the emergence of
nent cause, which is an element of all report is to define common risk fac-
a dysbiosis in susceptible individuals
the sufficient causes for a given dis- tors for caries and periodontal dis-
which is associated with dysregula-
ease, is referred to as a necessary eases that impact upon the incidence,
tion of the immune-inflammatory
cause (e.g. “A” in Fig. 1). Interaction progression or indeed reactivation of
response, and which leads to host-
between two component causes X1 treated disease, with a view to devel-
mediated connective tissue damage
and X2 is present when component oping age-orientated guidelines for
and alveolar bone loss (Meyle &
Chapple 2015, Mira et al. 2017, Sanz
& Beighton 2017).
In this report, the term dental
caries encompasses the process of
the disease as well as lesion severity
and extent (initial, moderate and
extensive), active or inactive lesions
and anatomical location (coronal
and root caries) in both primary and
permanent dentitions. Caries
involves interactions between the
tooth structure, the biofilm formed
on the tooth surface, sugars and sali-
vary and genetic factors (Pitts &
Zero 2016). Caries is prevalent at all
ages with peaks of untreated cavi-
tated dentinal caries at 6, 26 and 70 Fig. 1. Sufficient versus necessary cause theory for complex diseases.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S42 Chapple et al.

patients, practitioners and public employed for caries over the last genes emerged with a strong level of
health authorities. For the questions decade (Vieira et al. 2008). evidence for association with chronic
set in this report, common risk factors The current understanding is that periodontitis. These were vitamin D
covered elsewhere in the workshop with the exception of rare single-gene receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor
(e.g. Jepsen et al. 2017) such as those forms of disease (Hart & Atkinson IIA (Fc-cRIIA) and Interleukin 10
relating to oral hygiene, biofilm, 2007, Tucker et al. 2007) susceptibil- (IL10). However, these associations
social, educational and economic fac- ity to periodontal diseases and caries were often observed for different gene
tors, and fluoride were excluded. The is polygenic in nature (Kinane et al. variants and/or in different popula-
longer-term goal is to help to reduce 2005, Laine et al. 2012, Vieira et al. tions. For other gene variants weak
the prevalence of these two common 2014, Nibali et al. 2017). to moderate evidence emerged with
oral diseases by informing the public The magnitude of genetic contri- respect to an association with chronic
and profession on risk factors that bution to both diseases has been periodontitis as well as aggressive
are related to caries and periodontal estimated in monozygotic and dizy- periodontitis (Nibali et al. 2017). It
diseases, thereby reducing the human gotic twin studies (Boraas et al. seems clear that different genetic vari-
and health economic burden of these 1988, Michalowicz et al. 1991). Heri- ants may modulate disease suscepti-
ubiquitous human diseases. tability of caries has been calculated bility in different geographic origins.
This report represents the consen- for a number of caries surrogate Additional research is required to
sus views of Working Group 2 of measures (i.e. mandibular right first clarify the mechanisms underlying
the 1st joint European Workshop on molar loss, presence of untreated these genetic associations and their
Periodontal diseases and Dental Car- lesions, number of affected occlusal functional relevance to the pathogen-
ies. It is substantially, but not surfaces, depth of dentinal lesions, esis of periodontal diseases. There is
entirely, based upon one systematic preference for sugars, presence of emerging evidence for a role of host
review of the available and published specific microbial species) and varies genetic variants on subgingival
evidence relating to genetic risk fac- from 26% to 64% (Nibali et al. 2017). microbial colonization, which needs
tors for periodontal diseases and car- The magnitude of a genetic contribu- to be explored further (Divaris et al.
ies (Nibali et al. 2017), one narrative tion to overall periodontitis susceptibil- 2012, Nibali et al. 2017).
review on the role of diet and nutri- ity (measured clinically or self-
tion in development and progression reported) has been estimated as 33– Is there evidence from candidate gene
of periodontal diseases and caries 50% (Michalowicz et al. 1991, studies (CGS) and genome-wide
(Hujoel & Lingstrom 2017), and ref- Michalowicz et al. 2000, Mucci et al. association studies (GWAS) that
erence documentation provided on 2005). The increase in odds for individ- particular gene variants may be
common modifiable risk factors ual genetic variants based on robust associated with caries and are these
common to both disease groups. association studies on periodontal dis- associations consistent across different
eases and caries is estimated to be up to
50% (Nibali et al. 2017). Some common gene variants appear
The Role of Host Genetics in the Therefore, the available data sup- to confer caries susceptibility in both
Pathogenesis of Periodontal port at least a moderate role for a primary and permanent dentitions.
Diseases and Caries genetic component cause to periodon- Some also appear to be dentition
tal diseases and to caries susceptibil- specific, which likely reflects the
Is there evidence that genetic factors play ity. Genetic risk is subsequently known anatomical/structural differ-
a role in periodontal diseases or caries? If modified by lifestyle (acquired) and ences between both dentitions
so what is the likely magnitude of their environmental factors. (Bayram et al. 2015).
impact upon risk?
Current evidence from indepen-
Evidence for the role of genetic factors Is there evidence from candidate gene dently replicated results in multiple
in periodontal diseases initially studies (CGS) and genome-wide populations suggests that those genes
emerged from familial aggregation association studies (GWAS) that with the largest impact on caries sus-
studies (Saxen 1980, van der Velden particular gene variants may be ceptibility are involved in enamel
et al. 1993) and from studies of twins associated with periodontal diseases and formation, immune regulation, sali-
are these associations consistent across vary function, and dietary prefer-
reared together and apart (Michalow-
different populations?
icz et al. 1991). Similarly, the evidence ences (Nibali et al. 2017). The most
for a genetic basis of caries susceptibil- Sixty papers were evaluated in a sys- important genes involved in enamel
ity arose from family and twin studies tematic review (including large CGS, formation to date have been identi-
(Klein & Palmer 1940, Boraas et al. GWAS and systematic reviews fied as AMELX, AMBN, ENAM,
1988, Conry et al. 1993) and was com- involving different populations) TUFT, MMP20 and KLK4. Genes
plemented by animal studies (Hunt (Nibali et al. 2017). Criteria determining dietary preferences
et al. 1944, Rosen et al. 1961). employed to assess the strength of the include TAS2R38 and TAS1R2. LTF
Research over the last two dec- evidence were based on the quality of has been identified as impacting
ades has focused on gene mapping the evidence and replication of find- upon host immune responses. AQP5
(Hart et al. 1993) and identification ings across different studies. Given is a gene that influences salivary
of specific genetic variants predispos- the inclusion criteria applied, no characteristics (Nibali et al. 2017).
ing to periodontitis (Kornman et al. specific studies were found on genetic In addition, the original genome-
1997). A similar approach has been susceptibility to gingivitis. Three wide linkage study for caries in

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases S43

cohorts from multiple populations diseases and caries should be due to the free-sugars added by
has successfully fine-mapped at least employed in research on the role of manufacturers as mono- and disac-
three loci, which contain ESRRB, gene variants, including gene expres- charides in foods and beverages, or
BTF3, and TRAV4. The results from sion and other mechanisms of con- due to sugars naturally present in
the GWAS are yet to be indepen- trolling gene function (epigenetics). honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit
dently confirmed (Nibali et al. 2017). juice concentrate (WHO 2015).
Since “nutrition” acts both
Diet, Nutrition, Dental Caries, and
Are there common gene variants that
locally and systemically, lack of diet-
Periodontal Diseases
predispose to both periodontal diseases ary micronutrients such as vitamin
and caries? D, calcium, phosphates and vitamin
Is dental caries related to diet? If so what
are the most important dietary risk
K, has a negative impact upon tooth
Pleiotropy (one gene appearing to mineralization and tooth quality and
affect two or more unrelated pheno- size, and may also affect caries risk
typic traits) in periodontal diseases Based on over 100 years of research, later in life through other mecha-
and caries may exist. Both diseases there is unequivocal evidence that nisms (Alvarez 1995, Hujoel 2013,
are bacterially initiated, therefore dietary fermentable carbohydrates Southward 2015).
logic dictates that common immune- (sugars, starch) are a necessary It is important to recognize that
regulating genes may modulate sus- cause, but alone, not a sufficient given the current strong evidence
ceptibility to both diseases. Some cause for caries initiation and pro- base, RCT’s investigating the impact
independent studies have revealed gression. Differences in the cario- of frequency, quantity and duration
limited evidence for associations genic potential of distinct of dietary fermentable carbohydrate
between certain genes and their vari- carbohydrates exist, despite the pres- exposure on caries initiation and
ants with both diseases (e.g. DEFB1, ence of only small variations seen in progression would be unethical to
CD14 and HLA locus) (Nibali et al. biofilm acidogenicity. In this respect, perform.
2017). Furthermore, genetic influ- sucrose deserves special attention
ences on human behaviour may play due to the fact that apart from being
an important role in both periodon- Are periodontal diseases related to diet?
rapidly converted into acid, it can
If so what are the most important dietary
tal diseases and caries. also be synthesized into extracellular
risk factors?
However, cross-checking genes glucans, fructans and intracellular
associated with periodontitis with storage compounds. The cariogenic There is evidence from association
those associated with caries revealed potential of starch varies greatly due studies and controlled clinical deple-
no conclusive evidence for gene vari- to the variation in bioavailability of tion studies that periodontal diseases
ants common to both diseases starches within processed foods. are influenced by diet. Micronutrient
(Nibali et al. 2017). This may also Concentration and bioavailability of deficiencies have been shown to be
reflect limitations in the consistency carbohydrates within foods and inversely related to periodontal
of disease definitions, the insufficient composition as well as adhesiveness health. Several studies in different
power of individual studies, or limi- of the diet, are additional influencing populations have shown an indepen-
tations due to the inclusion criteria factors (Lingstrom et al. 2000, Zero dent inverse association between
employed within the review. Only 2004). dietary vitamin C intake and plasma
one of the reviewed studies investi- Behavioural factors may influence vitamin C concentrations and peri-
gated common genetic factors for whether disease develops or not. odontitis prevalence at a population
both periodontitis and caries in the Frequency of carbohydrate intake level, even after adjusting for con-
same study group, and reported no and physiological factors such as founding factors (van der Velden
common associations (Ozturk et al. oral clearance, biofilm composition et al. 2011). Moreover, it has been
2010). It is important to mention and saliva-buffering capacity have shown that vitamin C depletion can
that despite some overlap between received particular attention over lead to profuse gingival bleeding
these two diseases when it relates to time. There is moderate evidence (Leggott et al. 1986, 1991, Jacob
relative genetic contributions, com- that a diet in which sugars con- et al. 1987). Lower serum magne-
plete overlap cannot be expected, tribute to <10% (50 g/day) of total sium/calcium levels, lower antioxi-
since different pathogenic pathways diet-derived energy (E) is associated dant micronutrient levels, and lower
clearly exist. LTF is an example of with lower caries experience. Whilst docohexanoic acid intake have also
potential antagonistic pleiotropy, the evidence is of low certainty, there been shown to significantly correlate
suggested to be protective for caries are indications that a significant rela- with higher levels of periodontal dis-
but predisposing to localized aggres- tionship may exist between sugar eases (Meisel et al. 2005, Iwasaki
sive periodontitis (Fine 2015). intake and caries even when free- et al. 2010, van der Velden et al.
Due to rapid rates of discovery in sugar intake is <5% E (25 g/day) 2011). Whilst there is conflicting evi-
the field of genetics research, analysis (Moynihan & Kelly 2014). The dence relating to vitamin D intake
of pleiotropy between both diseases working group supports a goal of and serum levels to periodontal
should be regularly repeated to eliminating sugars from modern health (van der Velden et al. 2011),
unveil studies attempting to unveil diets, but recognizes that it will be vitamin D supplementation com-
the mechanisms underlying genetic challenging even to reduce daily bined with calcium has been shown
associations. More specific pheno- levels of intake to 25–50 g/day where to reduce tooth loss and improve
typic definitions for periodontal a diet contains 2000 calories per day, periodontal health (Krall et al. 2001,

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S44 Chapple et al.

Miley et al. 2009). At a macronutri- consumption (EFSA 2010) and also The majority of individuals are at
ent level, emerging evidence indicates varies in relation to sugar intake pat- risk of caries and periodontal dis-
that a carbohydrate rich diet terns. eases and should thus aim to reduce
increases the risk of inflammation Caries risk is particularly high in or eliminate sugar intake. It is par-
and thus gingival bleeding (Hujoel the young during the early post- ticularly important to introduce
2009, Woelber et al. 2016), whereas eruptive years of the primary and good dietary habits from birth and
a switch to a Palaeolithic diet, results permanent dentition (Carlos & Git- to refrain from sugar-containing
in a decrease in gingival bleeding telsohn 1965). Early childhood caries foods. For those at increased risk of
(Baumgartner et al. 2009). may arise due to incorrect feeding disease, additional dietary advice
habits (increased sugar exposure dur- with a focus on intake of sugars
Are there common dietary risk factors for
ing weaning, bottle feeding or pro- should be provided. It is important
caries and periodontal diseases? If so longed nocturnal breast-feeding) that both frequency and amount of
which factors are most relevant? (Avila et al. 2015, Tham et al. 2015). intake are considered to decrease the
Higher intake of sweets and soft risk of root caries. For individuals
Taking into consideration that the drinks during adolescence increases with exposed root surfaces, a reduc-
mechanisms might be different for caries risk. Whilst the evidence is tion in the intake of starch needs to
both diseases, fermentable carbohy- weak, an increased risk may be seen be considered.
drates are the most relevant common for adults in relation to different The available evidence on the
dietary risk factors for caries and working environments (restaurants, effects of dietary interventions in a
periodontal diseases (Moynihan & food laboratories and shift workers). dental setting has shown that there
Petersen 2004). For caries, it is pri- Following retirement, dietary habits is limited or even no efficacy on car-
marily related to the fermentation may also change and move towards ies experience, which is explained
process, which takes place in the den- softer diets with higher sugar intake. mainly by the lack of compliance
tal biofilm during which subsequent Starches are considered a risk factor (Harris et al. 2012).
acids are formed. For periodontal dis- for caries in root surfaces, which is There is evidence that both caries
eases, the most likely biological mech- of particular concern in older people and periodontal diseases can be influ-
anism involves glucose and advanced (Lingstrom et al. 2000). enced by nutritional interventions like
glycation end-products triggering a Caries risk may increase in any vitamin D supplementation and the
hyper inflammatory state in leuco- age group in relation to physiological use of antioxidant micronutrients in
cytes (van der Velden et al. 2011). changes such as decreased absorption patients (van der Velden et al. 2011).
There is also evidence demon- of nutrients, and reduced masticatory Apart from sugar restriction,
strating that micronutrient deficien- function and change is associated other dietary interventions to prevent
cies may influence both diseases at with increased use of medications caries include sugar substitutes, the
different stages in life. There is evi- (Zaura & ten Cate 2015). Today diet- recommendation of functional foods
dence that vitamin D deficiency may ary recommendations are provided and probiotics. For periodontal dis-
result in enamel hypoplasia/hy- frequently to complement traditional eases, functional foods may be of par-
pomineralization, which in turn may medical therapies. As energy require- ticular interest. Recent studies have
result in an increased risk for caries ments decrease with age, and dietary shown improved clinical outcomes
(Hujoel 2013). Vitamin D deficiency intake is thus reduced, the risk of following the adjunctive ingestion of
has been associated with periodonti- micronutrient deficiency may arise fruit and vegetable extracts (Chapple
tis in cross-sectional studies. A sys- (Moynihan 2007). It is important to et al. 2012) and probiotics (Martin-
tematic review of randomized trials ensure that diets, particularly in frail Cabezas et al. 2016). For many of
has suggested that Vitamin B6 sup- and dependent older people, remain these new strategies, the evidence base
plementation decreases caries experi- of optimal quality to support disease remains weak.
ence (Salam et al. 2015). prevention.
For periodontal diseases, the At the present time, the impact of
result of a cohort study indicated that Shared Acquired Risk Factors for
dietary risk factors upon periodontal
vitamin B12 deficiency was associated Dental Caries and Periodontal
diseases across the course of life
with periodontal disease progression Diseases
remains unclear (van der Putten
and destruction (Zong et al. 2016). et al. 2009).
What are the acquired risk factors for
caries across the life course, other than
Do dietary risk factors for periodontal Can caries and periodontal diseases be diet?
diseases and caries vary across the life prevented or treated by dietary
course? interventions?
The evidence relating to acquired
risk factors for caries is derived pre-
Susceptibility to caries varies sub- Due to the dietary-induced origin of dominantly from studies in children
stantially throughout the life course. dental caries, dietary intervention is and relates to hyposalivation, smok-
Dietary patterns across the life considered one of the main strategies ing and medical conditions.
course change particularly in relation for disease prevention. Initial carious
to exposure to the intake of specific lesions may be arrested by dietary Hyposalivation
fermentable carbohydrates. The intervention (Mellanby et al. 1924, Increased risk of caries initiation and
increase in caries incidence is corre- Mellanby & Pattison 1928, Bunting progression is seen in Sj€ogren’s syn-
lated with frequency of sugar 1933). drome and rheumatoid arthritis but
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases S45

the level of the underpinning evi- 2016). There is a moderate certainty factors that are common to both
dence is determined to be very low. of evidence that individuals who are caries and periodontal diseases:
Medication and radiation therapy obese or overweight and those with hyposalivation, rheumatoid arthritis,
may have side effects that are associ- the metabolic syndrome have a higher smoking/tobacco use, undiagnosed
ated with a higher risk of caries initi- risk of both gingivitis and periodonti- or sub-optimally controlled diabetes
ation and progression. However, the tis (Nibali et al. 2013, Range et al. and obesity. Based upon expert
level of certainty for some anti- 2013, Keller et al. 2015, Gaio et al. opinion, tobacco use and hyposaliva-
depressants and the drug methadone 2016). Patients with obstructive sleep tion are important factors to
is very low. Also, the level of evi- apnoea and other sleep disorders have address. These exposures should
dence for radiation therapy is esti- an enhanced risk of periodontal dis- therefore be targeted in public health
mated to be low. eases, however, the level of certainty campaigns in order to reduce their
is low (Keller et al. 2013, Lee et al. impact upon these common oral dis-
2014, Sanders et al. 2015, Carra et al. eases.
Exposure to smoke has been associ- 2016).
ated with caries in several studies,
Rheumatic diseases Are the common acquired risk factors for
with mechanisms relating to alter-
periodontal diseases and caries
ations in saliva (Benedetti et al. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis
2013). Emerging evidence suggests have an increased risk of gingivitis
that children’s caries experience dur- and periodontitis (certainty low) and Hyposalivation, where related to
ing their first 4 years of life is signifi- those with Sj€ ogren’s syndrome medication use, may be modified by
cantly increased in children with appear to experience higher levels of drug substitution in certain situa-
mothers smoke compared to chil- periodontal diseases (certainty very tions, however, where hyposalivation
dren whose mothers do not smoke low) (Antoniazzi et al. 2009, Eriks- is linked to ageing or physiological
(Bernabe et al. 2016). son et al. 2016, Fuggle et al. 2016, impairment, this risk factor may not
Le Gall et al. 2016). be modifiable.
Medical conditions
Direct exposure to tobacco
Hormonal changes in females
There is evidence, albeit at a low through personal habits can and
level of certainty, that individuals There is a moderate level of evi- should be modifiable, however,
with undiagnosed or sub-optimally dence that pregnancy imparts an exposure via environmental smoke
controlled type 1 diabetes have an increased risk for periodontal dis- may be challenging to address.
increased risk of caries initiation and eases in females. Puberty and the
progression (Novotna et al. 2015). menopause are associated with a
Children, adolescents and the elderly higher prevalence of periodontal Recommendations for Future
and those with cognitive impairment diseases in females (certainty low) Research
that results in limiting behaviours (Armitage 2013, Mariotti & In order to advance understanding of
also have an increased risk of caries Mawhinney 2013). the role played by genetics in caries
initiation and progression (certainty and periodontal disease initiation and/
very low). or progression, further research is
Medications that reduce salivary flow required to address the issues below:
are associated with an increased inci-
What are the acquired risk factors across
the life course for periodontal diseases, dence of periodontal diseases (certainty • Develop clear definitions of dis-
low to very low). Drugs that induce ease in order to facilitate the
other than diet?
gingival overgrowth also appear to identification of individuals that
The evidence for acquired risk fac- increase risk of periodontal diseases are at the highest risk for the
tors for periodontal diseases is pre- (certainty moderate) (Heasman & development of the disease;
dominantly based upon studies in Hughes 2014, Villa et al. 2015). • Conduct studies that are suffi-
adults and includes cardio-metabolic ciently powered;
disorders, rheumatic diseases, hor- Tobacco use • Undertake studies that employ
monal changes in females, risks There is an increased risk of peri- longitudinal designs to better
related to use of medications and odontitis in those individuals who use inform questions around causal-
exposures arising from addictive tobacco, irrespective of the type of ity;
behaviours. tobacco consumption and studies • Conduct research in diverse pop-
consistently report a dose–response ulations of different geographical
Cardio-metabolic disorders
for periodontitis risk (certainty high) origins and different age groups;
There is a high level of evidence that (Palmer et al. 2005, Genco & Borg- • Design hypothesis driven (candi-
adults with undiagnosed or sub-opti- nakke 2013, Nociti et al. 2015). date gene) or hypothesis free
mally controlled diabetes have an (GWAS) studies of caries and
increased risk of gingivitis and peri- periodontal diseases within the
odontitis, for which dose–response Are there acquired risk factors that are same population cohorts and
common to caries and periodontal take into account interaction
relationships have been established
diseases, other than diet?
between levels of glycaemia and peri- between different factors;
odontal disease risk (Taylor et al. Based upon current evidence there • Attempts to unravel the mecha-
2013, Lamster et al. 2014, Eke et al. appear to be five acquired risk nisms underlying genetic

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S46 Chapple et al.

associations should be under-

taken in search of the role of
modification (where feasible)
improves caries outcomes;
• Increase awareness of importance
of vitamin D and antioxidant
gene variants, including gene • Conduct further high quality micronutrients through natural
expression and other mechanisms research in the elderly, in order dietary sources, especially in the
of controlling gene function (epi- to ascertain whether risk factors elderly;
genetics); for periodontal diseases change • Refer to a dietician or general
• Genetics studies that report low p- across the life course. Also, to medical practitioner when neces-
values but have employed small elucidate strategies for risk factor sary;
sample sizes should clearly state
their limitations regarding a low
reduction in frail older people
and those living in care homes
• Engage the entire oral healthcare
team in smoking cessation advice
“strength” of association due to who lack independence; and support, and refer where
low study power, or similarly, they • Investigate the effects of sugar necessary to specialist services;
should not conclusively exclude
potential gene associations.
through mechanisms other than
those impacting on the biofilm
• Engage in discussions on weight
loss from the perspective of oral
upon periodontal diseases (in- diseases like periodontitis;
flammatory response); • Encourage adherence to gly-
Acquired risk factors common to caries
• Monitor changes in dental dis- caemic control regimes in dia-
ease prevalence subsequent to the betes patients, from a
and periodontal diseases
introduction of new dietary periodontal health perspective;
• Undertake research designed to guidelines, such as those recom-
mended by the WHO;
• Routinely examine intra-oral sal-
improve understanding of poten- iva production/moisture levels
tially modifiable risk factors for • Evaluate whether caries and/or and consider fluoride supple-
both caries and periodontal dis- periodontal diseases can be man- ments and/or saliva substitutes
eases, specifically in relation to aged through diet changes with for patients with reduced salivary
the following: the help of motivational inter- flow.
○ Hyposalivation and reduced sali- • Determine the efficacy of other
vary flow dietary interventions such as
functional foods, pro/prebiotics, Recommendations for Non-Dental
○ Smoking/Tobacco use
and sugar alcohols in caries and/ Healthcare Professionals
○ Carbohydrate (sucrose and
starches) impacts upon biological or periodontal disease preven- There are a number of groups of
pathways to disease, specifically tion/management. non-dental healthcare professionals
exploring the effects of sugar fre- who urgently need to know about
quency/amount in relation to car- periodontal diseases and caries that
ies and periodontal diseases Recommendations for the Dental they are distinct diseases with differ-
○ Micronutrient deficiencies and Team ent pathobiological mechanisms and
their impact upon disease initia- to understand the on-going balance
tion and progression, specifically • Routinely question patients between risk factors (e.g. smoking),
in relation to vitamin’s C, D and about a family history of peri- protective factors (e.g. fluoride in
K, B6, B12, docohexanoic acid, odontal diseases and caries; caries, high levels of oral hygiene in
ecosapentanoic acid and trace • Modern preventive practice periodontal diseases) and pathologi-
elements and minerals such as should focus on the identification cal factors. These determine whether
magnesium, calcium and phos- of risk in individuals using vali- health is maintained, or whether dis-
phate dated risk assessment tools; ease will be initiated and subse-
○ Longitudinal controlled studies • Routinely include questions on quently progress. These groups
focusing on the influence of diet- dietary behaviour or habits in include physicians (from paediatri-
ary fats and fat types, and proteins order to identify risk in individu- cians to general practitioners, to
on caries and periodontal diseases als/groups; geriatricians), nurses (from public
○ Multi-centre intervention studies • Nutritional assessment should health nurses to community “health
analysing the efficacy of always be performed when there visitors”, to those working in oncol-
micronutrient supplementation is disease activity; ogy and geriatric settings), pharma-
and carbohydrate restriction • Provide advice and support for a cists (from the standpoint of a
upon disease status healthy diet according to national general awareness of the cariogenic-
○ Metabolic syndrome (including dietary guidelines; ity associated with salivary depletion
diabetes and obesity) and the • Encourage sugar ingestion cessa- as well as an awareness of the dan-
impact of its management upon tion for individuals with active gers medicines with added sugar,
periodontal diseases and caries caries and/or gingival bleeding, and the importance of smoking ces-
or as a minimum reduce fre- sation to periodontal diseases), dieti-
• Conduct studies on caries in quency of sugar intake to meal- tians including all those involved
adults to better understand what times; with diet and nutrition, nursery care
the most important acquired risk • Advise on dietary starch reduction workers and midwives working in
factors are and whether their for individuals with root caries; well baby clinics.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases S47

Recommendations for Caries

necessary pre-requisite for periodon-
titis and whilst not all cases of gin-
• Encourage everyone with signs of
periodontal disease to clean
These groups must appreciate the givitis will progress to periodontitis, between their teeth once daily, as
following: (1) dental caries is a bio- managing the former is a vital pri- directed by a dental care profes-
film-mediated, sugar-driven, multi- mary preventive strategy for prevent- sional;
factorial, dynamic disease resulting
over time in the episodic demineral-
ing the latter. Periodontitis causes
tooth loss if left untreated. In its
• Ensure that patients realize that
unhealthy gums can be associated
ization of dental hard tissues, (2) more severe forms, periodontitis is with other general health issues
caries risk in individuals and groups independently associated with higher and that the mouth is a vital part
will vary considerably, (3) the caries mortality rates, likely due to robust of the body and not a separate
process produces lesions of a range evidence that it is associated with organ;
of extent and severity – each stage of
which can be either active or inac-
and increased risk for atherogenic
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes
• Encourage care workers to seek
advice as to how to implement
tive, (4) that modification of lifestyle, control and related complications. individual oral hygiene in care
dietary and behavioural factors may Other key facts include the follow- home residents.
influence both new disease and pro- ing: (1) having periodontitis does not
gression of existing lesions which necessarily mean that someone has Specific recommendations for car-
may, at the early stages, be arrested neglected proper oral self-care. Sus- ies and periodontal diseases are:
or reversed. They should know that ceptibility varies and the most highly
a multifaceted approach minimizing susceptible individuals may acquire • Encourage mothers to instil twice
all the pathological factors while the disease even with relatively good daily tooth brushing in their chil-
focussing on diet and self-care, oral hygiene; (2) risk for periodonti- dren from the moment the first
including the frequent use of a tis has a strong heritability, but life- baby tooth appears.
toothbrush with a fluoride tooth- style and environmental factors and • Encourage everyone to brush
paste is most likely to be effective in behaviours are key to determining their teeth twice daily with a flu-
controlling this largely preventable whether disease develops or pro- oridated toothpaste and for those
disease. gresses; (3) periodontitis is treatable with a full dentition timed for at
They should be aware that from to the extent that teeth can be least 2 minutes each session;
a caries standpoint, aside from the retained for life, but early diagnosis • Encourage nursing mothers and
common risk factors associated with is vital and the disease can start in other child carer’s to employ
both caries and obesity and links to adolescence or in later teenage sugar-free drinks from birth;
hyposalivation and maternal smok- years; (4) bleeding gums are NOT • Increase awareness of the risk of
ing, robust evidence for direct links normal and the appearance of diets high in sugar and sugar-
to systemic disease and specific blood in saliva following tooth- containing medication for caries
genetic factors is absent. brushing is not normal, and for this and periodontal diseases, espe-
Wherever possible, they should a dental care professional should be cially in the very young and in
provide interventions and advice that consulted to further investigate this the elderly;
is meaningful at an individual level and adequate treatment should be • Encourage all to limit frequency
and which link benefits for caries, provided; (5) whilst periodontitis is of sugar intake (ideally to meal-
periodontal diseases and systemic not a communicable disease, the times) and amount of intake;
health. bacteria that initiate the disease can • Encourage the use of sugar free
Specific recommendations for car- be transferred between individuals drinks, mints and chewing gums;
ies are: and, if transferred to a susceptible • Include oral health (caries and
periodontal diseases) into medical
• Recommend drug substitution individual, their immune response
may start to trigger the signs and preventive programmes, in partic-
where reduced salivary flow rate ular in relation to diabetes, obe-
is a complication of a specific symptoms of periodontitis; (6) peri-
odontitis should be regarded as a sity, metabolic syndrome and
medication. cardiovascular disease (periodon-
• Ensure foods and drinks distribu- “sign post” condition, that may
indicate malnutrition or that a tal diseases);
ted at schools follow the latest
health recommendations; patient may have an underlying • Increase knowledge about the
impact of diets high in sugars
• Promote absence of processed chronic non-communicable disease
(e.g. undiagnosed diabetes) and the and low in antioxidant micronu-
foods for pre-school and school trients on oral health in nursing
children. advice of a dental care professional
should be sought. homes;
Specific recommendations for peri-
odontal diseases are:
Recommendations for Periodontal
Diseases • Encourage patients with bleeding Recommendations for Public Health
and Policy Makers
gums or bad breath or any loose-
There are different forms of peri- ness of teeth, or with gaps Periodontal diseases and caries are
odontal disease (gum disease), but appearing between teeth to visit a ubiquitous, underlie virtually all
the most ubiquitous are gingivitis dental care professional for an tooth loss and are largely pre-
and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a examination and diagnosis; ventable. Retaining healthy teeth
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
S48 Chapple et al.

improves nutritional status, reduces burden across the life-course, Agen- good lifestyle practices, employing
the risk of general health conse- cies and Governments should put in the wider oral health workforce; (3)
quences of these oral diseases, helps place a locally appropriate combina- developing educational programmes
reduce health inequalities, has signifi- tion of aligned upstream, mid-stream for antenatal midwifery classes,
cant positive health economic and downstream policies and activi- health visitors, teachers at primary
impacts and improves quality of life ties aimed at caries prevention and and secondary schools, pharmacists,
and general wellbeing. Public policy control. Comprehensive implementa- general nurses, and also for care
should encourage: (1) all nursing tion of the recent WHO guidelines home workers; (4) develop public
mothers to have their baby’s entered on sugar consumption should be awareness campaigns about gum dis-
into regular dental care pathways; delivered and combined with other eases that are independent from the
(2) all care homes to develop mecha- fluoride-related interventions. The oral healthcare industry.
nisms and processes for maintaining focus should be on reducing the risk Specific recommendations for peri-
the oral health status of their resi- for caries initiation and progression odontal diseases are:
dents; (3) immediately develop remu- across populations and risk groups.
neration approaches that encourage For example, in some countries, • Take responsibility for developing
prevention and an individually tai- taxes on sugar and beverages with public health campaigns educating
lored plan of care rather than inter- added sugar are being introduced the public about gum disease;
vention in dental contracts and and show some promise. • Develop education packages to
payment systems; (4) embed risk Effective education is also needed become embedded in key stage
assessment and risk driven care to update the public, patients, health health services that span the life
pathways into clinical care; (5) professionals, healthcare providers course, from antenatal (mid-
develop strategies to address oral and decision-makers regarding the wifery) clinics to health visitors,
health inequalities in areas of high dynamic and initially reversible nat- to primary schools and secondary
socio-economic need; (6) lobby and ure of the caries process. They also schools and care homes;
influence nutritional policies to need to know that both primary and • Lobby to recognize oral health as
reduce sugar containing snacks and secondary preventive interventions a vital and integral aspect of gen-
foods in public areas, educational are available to reduce the risk of eral health and wellbeing;
and recreational environments; (7) new caries and caries progression. • Ensure messaging about reducing
lobby to reduce the costs of healthy Specific recommendations for car- sugar consumption is applied to
snacks, fruits and vegetables high in ies are: gum diseases as well as dental
micronutrients. caries, by flagging that sugar
Wherever possible, policy inter- • Ensure foods and drinks dis- causes inflammation.
ventions should be meaningful at a tributed at schools follow the lat-
population/individual level and est health recommendations; Specific recommendations for car-
should be designed to combine bene- • Promote absence of processed ies and periodontal diseases are:
foods for pre-school and school
fits for caries, periodontal diseases
and systemic health. children. • Include prevention and the devel-
opment of individually tailored
oral care plans in the reimburse-
Recommendations for Caries ment system of countries
It should be understood by public
Recommendations for Periodontal • Ensure remuneration systems
Diseases focus upon risk-based prevention
health agencies and policy makers and no longer solely upon remu-
that: (1) dental caries is a biofilm- Public Health agencies and Policy neration by intervention;
mediated, sugar-driven, multi-factor-
ial, dynamic disease resulting over
Makers should ensure that periodon-
tal screening becomes a mandatory
• Seek to provide a free dental
check-up for key stages in life,
time in the episodic demineralization component of the oral health exami- using “touch points” such as for
of dental hard tissues, (2) the on- nation and consider mandatory example at 2, 5, 12, 26, 40 and
going balance between protective reporting of periodontal screening to 70 years of age;
and pathological factors will deter-
mine whether health is maintained,
appropriate local commissioning
bodies. It is important to recognize
• Carry out counselling on dietary
sources of vitamin D to pregnant
or whether caries lesions will be initi- that the evidence base for periodon- women and parents of infants
ated and then progress, (3) adequate tal disease risk factors has strength- and children;
use of fluoride is a condition sine
qua non for caries prevention, and
ened and smoking cessation and
glycaemic control in non-diabetes as
• Carry out counselling on dietary
sources of antioxidant micronutri-
(4) that modification of lifestyle, well as diabetes patients are strong ents, such as vitamin C and vita-
dietary and behavioural factors may risk prevention strategies for peri- min D.
influence both new disease and pro- odontitis. There is a need to focus
gression of existing lesions which limited resources on (1) preventive
may, at the early stages, be arrested strategies for periodontal diseases
or reversed. and remuneration systems that References
To combat this ubiquitous dis- demonstrate their uptake and imple- Alvarez, J. O. (1995) Nutrition, tooth develop-
ease which continues to represent a mentation; (2) behaviour change for ment, and dental caries. American Journal of
significant health and economic prevention and reinforcement of Clinical Nutrition 61, 410S–416S.

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Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases S49

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© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases S51

Clinical Relevance consensus attempted to shed light arthritis, smoking/tobacco, undiag-

Scientific rationale for the study: upon those questions. nosed/sub-optimally controlled dia-
Periodontal disease and dental car- Principal findings: There was evidence betes and obesity are common
ies are complex diseases with multi- for a genetic contribution to periodon- acquired risk factors for both dis-
ple “sufficient” causes, yet with tal diseases and caries susceptibility, eases.
distinct pathobiologies. Both are but no common genetic variants were Practical implications: Recommenda-
biofilm-associated and there may found. Fermentable carbohydrates tions are made for common strategies
therefore be common risk factors (sugars/Starch), micronutrient deficien- to adopt when managing periodontal
that drive their courses. This cies, hyposalivation, rheumatoid diseases and dental caries.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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