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Brief history


- 1st to report on his observations of accurate descriptions and drawings on bacteria and protozoa
- Worked on lens grinding and microscope making

LOUIS PASTEUR (France 1822-1895)ď

- “father of microbiology”
- Disproved the theory of spontaneous generation
- Proved germ theory of disease
- Worked on fermentation
- Pasteurization: heating at 62 to 70°C without changing the flavor of fruit or milk

ROBERT KOCH ( Germany 1843-1910)

- Koch’s postulates
o The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from he
disease, but should not be found in healthy animals
o 1. The microorganism must be isolated from diseased organism and grown in pure
o 2. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy
o 3. The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental
host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent


- Discovered penicillin
o Grew molds which contain substance that proved very effective in the control of many

NELIA SALAZAR (Manila 1968)

- Biologist epidemiologist
- Discovered C.philippinensis


- Adopted a system of nomenclature (taxonomy) in which an organism is given 2 names:

o Genus -1st name
o Species -2nd name
o Ex. Staphylococcus aureus


Gram positive bacteria will appear violet

- Retain crystal violet iodine complex

Gram negative bacteria appear eed

- Stained with the counterstain safranin

Developed by Hans Christian Gram (1853-1938)

Insert pic

Crystal violet – primary stain

Iodine – mordant

Acetone/Alcohol- decolorizer

Safranin – counter stain


Most cocci are gram POSITIVE except

- Neisseria
- Moraxella/branhamella
- Veillonella


- Carbolfuchsin – primary stain

- Methylene blue – counter stain
- Three common methods:
o Ziehl neelsen – cold method
o Kinyoun
o Auramin rhodamine flourochrome
- Common acid fasr organism
o Mycobacterium
o Nocardia
o Crysptosporidium
o Isospora
o Legionella micdadei
India ink – cryptococcus neoformans – most common cause of meningitis in HIV patients

Classification of streptococci


A S. pyogenes Beta
B S. Agalactiae Beta
C,G S. Dygalatiae subsp. Equismiis Beta
D Enterococcus Usually non hemolytic
E. faecalis, E. faccium
Non enterococcus
S. bovis

Beta hemolysis – complete hemolysis

Alpha hemolysis – partial

Gram positive

- Staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
o S. Pneumoniae - alpha hemolysis
o S. Pyogenes – beta hemolysis
- Strep. Pneumoniae
o Lancet shaped
o Capsule IgA protease resist phagocytosis
o Meningitis (adult)
o Pneumonia (rusty sputum) -lobar pneumonia
o Sinusitis
o Alpha hemolytic
o Optochin (+)
o Bile solubility (+)
o Quellung rxn (capsular swelling)
o Draughtsman coin
o Carom coin
o Mcc of lobar pneumonia
o Mcc otitis media

- Strep. Agalactiae
o Group B (bagina,baby)
o Normal flora of vagina
o Neonatal infxn
o Neonatal pneumonia
o Neonatal sepsis
o Neonatal meningitis
- Strep. Pyogenes
o GABHS- group A beta hemolytic strep
o Etiologic agent of rheumatic fever
o M protein
o Pyrogenic exotoxin
o Rheumatic fever – sequelae to strep pharyngitis
o Acute glomerulonephritis -pharyngitis & cutaneous lesions
o Erysipelas – fiery red rash
o Impetigo
o Scarlet fever
o Kawasaki dse

Streptococcus mutans

- Dental caries
- Produces dextransducrase that form an insoluble polymer known as glucan

Staph. Aureus

- Golden yellow colonies – due to presence of staphyloxanthin

- Cxr: pneumatocoeles – post viral infxn
- Pneumatocoele – due to PANTON VALENTIN LEUKOCIDIN
- Ssss -exfoliatin toxin responsible
- Ritter’s disease – most severe form of ssss
- Endocarditis – IV drug users, commonly involves tricuspid valve
- Osteomyelitis
o Sexually active – N. Gonorhea
o General population – staph. Aureus
o Drug users – p.aeruginosa
o Sickle cell anemia – salmonella sp.
o Hospital acquired
o Vancomycin – DOC
C. diptheriae

- Volatin granules/metachromatic granules/babes ernst

- Loeffler’s coagulated medium
- Pseudomembranous pharyngitis – grayish white membrane
- Sore throat with pseudomembrane, bullneck, myocarditis, recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, and
muscle paralysis
- Inactivates EF- by ADP ribosylation along with C. Diphtheriae and P. Aeruginosa
- Tellurite agar/loffeler’s medium

C. Tetani

- Drumstick
- Tennis racket
- Round terminal pores
- Tetanospasmin – very potent neurotoxin and probably is solely responsible for the disease, has
predilection to masseter muscle
- Tetanolysin – no recognized activity
- Blocks the release of inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine and gamma amino butyric acid
- Generalized tetanus -most common form, trismus is the 1st manifestation, POOR suck – neonatal
- Dx: clinical only
- Opisthotonos
- Risus sardonicus


 Anthrax
 Locks of matted hair called medusa head appearance
 Clinical features
o Cutaneous anthrax
 95% of anthrax
 Black escar/malignant pustule
o Pulmonary anthrax
 Woolsorter’s disease
 Fatal hemorrhagic mediastinitis
 The occupation at risk are thru inhalation for bacillus anthracis spores that work
with sheep
 Incutbation: 1-7 days
 Initial phase – non specific (mild fever, malaise)
 Second phase – severe respiratory distress
 Hemorrhagic pneumonia
 Death in 24 to 36 hours
 Case fatality: 75 to 90% (untreated)
o Gastrointestinal

 Tx:
o Penicillin G
o Erythromycin
o Vaccine


 Koch’s bacillus
 Special stain AFB:
o Ziehl nielsen stain
o Long chain mycolic acids -responsible for microorganism to be acid fast
 Slow growing OBLIGATE aerobe *apex of lung
 Slipping form
 Snapping form
 (+) niacin
 (-l catalase at 68°
 Lowenstein jensen media – ideal culture medium
 Classical growth pattern: serpentine growth – due to presence of cord factor
 Virulence factor: cord factor -trehalosedimycolate
 Can take up to 6weeks to identify positive cultures
 Cheese like material – caseous necrosis – due to phosphatides
 Extrapulmonary TB
o Kidneys
o Spleen
o Spinal column
o Bone
o Colon
 Pott’s disease
o Spines/bone
o Thoracic vertebrae: children
o Lower thoracic/upperlumbar vertebrae: adults


 Gram (-) bacilli

 Raw eggs
 Polluted water
 Reservoir: gallbladder
 Widal test -
 Typhidot
 Typhoid fever – prolonged spiking fever, dysentery, ileitis, sickle cell anemia (osteomyelitis)
 Fever (75%) and abdominal pain (30-40%)
 Early physical findings
o Rash or rose spots (30%)
o Hepatosplenomegaly ( 3- 6%)
o Epistaxis
o Relative bradycardia at peak of high fever (<50%)
 st
1 week: blood
 2nd wk: urine
 3rd wk: stools
 Pwde rin daw bone marrow


- Swarming growth/motility
- It has peritrichous flagella
- Urease (+) (pink) -ureaplasma urealyticum,h.pylori and proteus
- Phenylalanine deaminase +FeCl3 = green (+) test tube
- Proteus antigans
o OX19
o Ox-K
o OX-2
o These will cross react with rickettsial antibodies
o May cause false positive results
- Staghorn calculi – comprised of magnesium ammonium phosphate, struvite
- Pathogenic factor: urease prod’n


- Ingested RBCs
- Ring and dot appearance of nuclei
- Peripheral chromatin and central karyosome
- Anchovy paste – hepatic amoebic abscess
DOC: metronidazole
Oldskul: iodoquinol
- Typical FLASK like appearance – primary ulcer has crateriform appearance, with a wide base and
narrow opening with slightly elevated, irregular overhanging edges


 Falling leaf motility

 Owl’s eye with smiling face
 Mastigophora (flagellates)
 Causes villous atrophy – malabsorption and lactose intolerance; steatorrhea
 Diagnosis: routine fecalysis, duodenal aspirate, enterotest capsule
 It causes diarrhea, steatorrhea and flatulence
 DOC: QUINACRINE but it is not available
o Metronidazole nalang

- Trichomonad vaginitis
- Urethritis
- Prostatovesciculitis
- Only trophozoite stage is found
- Colorless, pyriform flagellate
- Inhabits the vagina of female and urethra, epididymis and prostate of male
- Shorter undulating membrane
- Flagellate
- Jerky tumbling motility
- Isolate from Fresh mount
- Sexually transmitted
- Yellowish green purulent discharge
- Strawberry cervix
- DOC: metronidazole 250mg TID for 5-7days

CLONORCHIS SINENSIS (chinese liver fluke)

- Disease::Clonorchiasis
- Ingested raw or undercooked fish
- Cholangiocaecinoma
- Lab dx: typical small, brownish operculated egg
- Tx: prazuquantel
- Old fashioned electric bulb


- Chaga’s (heart)disease
- Reduviid bug (kissing bug)
- Cardiomegaly
- Megacolon
- Megaesophagus
- American sleeping sickness
- Romana’s sign – also known as CHAGOMA, is a medical term for the unilateral painless
periorbital swelling associated with the acute stage of chagas’ disease

T.cruzi Chaga’s disease Reduviid bug Trypomastigote

T. gambiense African sleeping Tse tse fly Trypomastigote
T.rhodisiense African sleeping Tse tse fly Trypomastigote

- Transmitted by the bite of sandflys of the genus phlebotomus

- Causes the disease kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis (shows severe hepatomegaly and
- Leishmania braziliensis – causative agent of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
- Vector: sandfly
- Infective stage: PROMASTIGOTE
- Tx: stibogluconate sodium

Sensya na guys medyo simplehan lang natin to hehehe hirap eh may alagang bebe girl 😘

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