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UCSP  With the coming of the Spaniards and the introduction of Catholicism, Under this category are people

Catholicism, Under this category are people who identify themselves as transsexual. These
PREPARED BY: ZYMONETTE BUENAFLOR; XI-TITAN the babaylan lost their role in the religious life of the community. This individuals believe that the discord between their internal gender and the
role was taken over by Catholic priests. Women were relegated to doing gender role that they have to perform can be addressed through medical
household chores and taking care of children. More often than not, sexual reassignment.
Module 1 young women were not sent to school but instead trained to be good
Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one wives and mothers for their future families. Some women were also 2. NATIONALITY AND ETHNICITY
other's uniqueness forced to marry for economic and political gain.
Ethnicity and Race
How are they different?  During the American period, women had more freedom in society. They
- Every society consists of people from different families, ethnic
 Environment and history are two of the primary factors that shape the were allowed to study and work in any field they wanted. They also
groups, and races. This makes society very diverse and unique.
behavior of human groups. adopted American values. Men and women became equal in the sense
that it became acceptable for both genders to have jobs and be Nationality
 This behavior, which serves as an adaptive tool for the varied stimuli educated. - The identity that is tied to being part of nation or country– a “group
projected by the environment, is influenced by beliefs, practices, and of people who share the same history, traditions, and language”
material possessions  Although men and women were able to maintain their status in society
and who inhabits a particular territory delineated by a political
during the Japanese period, women were usually kept inside their
border and controlled by a government.
 Through constant practice, these sets of behavior form human traditions, houses to protect them from abusive Japanese soldiers. Men also
which are passed on from one generation to the other became busy defending the country, with most of them serving as Naturalization
soldiers. Nationality can be acquired by being born in a country or by the process of
 As each human group experiences differing environmental conditions,
legal applications called naturalization.
cultural variations are established.  In some societies, gender becomes a basis of one’s identity, as social
norms allow for their acceptance or neglect by the majority of the Ethnicity
 Cultural variations refer to the rich diversity in social practices that
population.  refers to a group of people, also called the ethnic group, who have
different cultures exhibit around the world
a common or shared culture, language, history, religion, and
 Aside from the varying cultural backgrounds, human populations also There are several types of gender based on a person’s orientation. Depending
experience social differences, which include categories on gender, on the community, these gender identities can be further subdivided into more
specific category.
socioeconomic class, political identity, and religion.  Race refers to a group of people that shares the same physical
Heterosexual attributes, such as skin color, height, and facial features.
Cultural Variations And Social Differences - A person with this gender is inclined to be sexually attracted to a  Human beings are classified into three major races Caucasoid,
person of the opposite sex. Mongoloid, and Negroid.
Homosexual  These classifications are based on the color of the skin, the shape of the
Gender face and eyes, texture of the hair, and other prominent physical
- A person is sexually attracted to a person of the same sex.
- refers to social, cultural, and psychological characteristics or traits features.
- A male who is romantically and sexually attracted to another male
related to males and females based on certain social contexts.
is called gay in popular culture. A female who is romantically and Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Philippines
- gender makes a person masculine or feminine.
sexually attracted to another female is considered lesbian. There are more than 180 ethnic or ethnolinguistic groups in the Philippines,
Gender roles which are based on the language each group uses.
- refer to attitudes and behaviors that the society expects a person to
- These are some individuals who are attracted to both sexes. There
exhibit based on his or her sex. There are eight major ethnolinguistic groups in the country:
are some individuals who are totally incapable of being attracted to
For example, in traditional Philippine society, women are expected to be plain any sex, thus making them asexual. Ilokano
housewives and take care of their children, while men are expected to be Bikolano
professionals and provide the needs of their family. Polysexual Kapampangan Ilonggo
- Individuals who are attracted to multiple types of gender identify Pangasinense Cebuano
Gender Roles in Pre-colonial Philippine Society with the polysexual orientation, which is different from pansexual Tagalog Waray
In pre-colonial Philippines, males and females enjoyed the same rights and who accommodate all types of gender.
privileges. Different social functions were assigned to different members of Transgender 3. SOCIOECONOMIC CLASS
society. There were functions that were specifically given to males, females, - There are people whose gender identities do not match their Philippine society can be categorized into various socioeconomic classes.
or both. biological identity as male or female. Their sexual orientation is not During prehistoric times, our ancestors developed a society where people
Gender Roles in Philippine Society During the Colonial Period related to their genitalia, which allow them to identify with any were assigned with different social functions. However, as society changed,
other type of gender such as heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual, differences in societal functions became wider and more diverse.
 Women were restrained from other activities outside their homes, bisexual, and asexual.
while men were given more social functions. These roles also changed
as the Philippines was occupied by new colonizers.
At present, a person’s position in society is based mainly on his or her family’s 5. EXCEPTIONALITY/NON-EXCEPTIONALITY
economic status. Social stratification or the division of society based on
Exceptionality and the Exceptional People
occupation, income, wealth, or power is simpler at present than in the past.
People have different characteristics, needs, desires, lifestyles, and
High-income Class
challenges. However, there are people who, from one reason or another, are
 people earning an average of PhP 200,000 per month
described or categorized by the society as exceptional.
 the “rich” class that accounts for merely one percent of the country’s
total population What do the words "gifted," "disabled," "challenged," or "different" mean to
you? How does society influence your knowledge and attitudes toward
Middle-income Class
people with such labels and differences?
 people earning an average of PhP 36,000 per month
 consists of professionals and small-scale entrepreneurs Exceptionality
- a quality or a characteristic of a person that makes him or her
Low-income Class
different from an established norm in a society
 people earning less than PhP 10,000 per month
- various physical and mental interference or problems that affect a
 consists of laborers and minimum wage earners
person and which makes it difficult for him or her to function
Social Mobility properly in society
Unlike in other societies where persons born into a specific class have no
Exceptional People
choice but to die as part of the same class, people in the Philippines usually
- differ from societal and community standards of normalcy
have the opportunity to transfer from a lower socioeconomic class to a higher
- have learning or behavioral problems and physical and sensory
- the movement of people or families within or between different levels - are intellectually gifted
in society, and - The characteristics that make a person exceptional may have been
- the opportunity to transfer from a lower socioeconomic class to a higher acquired from birth, through a medical condition, or through an
one possibly through education or marriage. accident.


A. Gender And Gender Roles
 The belief in the supernatural has been one of the universal B. Nationality And Ethnicity
preoccupations of humans as early as 60,000 years ago. C. Socioeconomic Class
 The earliest forms of religion revolved around making sense of natural D. Religion
occurrences such as extreme weather conditions, natural and man- E. Exceptionality/Non-exceptionality
made calamities, sickness, and even death.
 Early human art exuded ancient forms of superstitions that included
beliefs in the afterlife and that of superhuman capabilities.
 The Sorcerer of Les Gabillou is an example of Paleolithic artwork
 This artwork depicts the supernatural ability of a religious practitioner
to become half-man and half-animal.
 Today, religion has evolved to promote far complex forms of
understanding human nature, the afterlife, and natural events.
 Some are monotheistic, believing in the existence of one god
 Believing in the existence of multiple gods is called polytheistic
 Among the major religions in the world are Christianity, Islam,
Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism.
 Each of these religions has its own set of beliefs and practices that
must be followed by its believers.

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