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Review Article

Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation

and Management

Chad Poage, DO Peroneal nerve palsy is the most common entrapment neuropathy of
Charles Roth, MD the lower extremity. Numerous etiologies have been identified;
however, compression remains the most common cause. Although
Brandon Scott, MD
injury to the nerve may occur anywhere along its course from the sciatic
origin to the terminal branches in the foot and ankle, the most common
site of compressive pathology is at the level of the fibular head. The
most common presentation is acute complete or partial foot drop.
Associated numbness in the foot or leg may be present, as well.
Neurodiagnostic studies may be helpful for identifying the site of a
lesion and determining the appropriate treatment and prognosis.
Management varies based on the etiology or site of compression.
Many patients benefit from nonsurgical measures, including activity
modification, bracing, physical therapy, and medication. Surgical
decompression should be considered for refractory cases and those
with compressive masses, acute lacerations, or severe conduction
changes. Results of surgical decompression are typically favorable.
Tendon and nerve transfers can be used in the setting of failed
decompression or for patients with a poor prognosis for nerve recovery.
From the Andrews Research and
Education Foundation, Gulf Breeze,
FL (Dr. Poage and Dr. Roth), the

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, ommon peroneal nerve (CPN) clinician must take into account the
Florida State University College of
Medicine, Tallahassee, FL, and the
palsy is associated with the onset structural composition of the nerve and
Department of Physician Assistant of acute and progressive foot drop and the pathophysiology of nerve injury.
Studies, University of South Alabama is the most common compressive neu- Individual myelinated fibers and
Medical Center, Mobile, AL (Dr. Roth), ropathy of the lower extremity.1,2 groups of unmyelinated fibers are en-
and the Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, University of South Alabama
When onset is atraumatic, compressive cased in a layer of endoneurium. These
(Dr. Scott). pathology may be identified anywhere fibers are grouped into fascicles covered
along the course of the nerve, from the by perineurium and combine to form
Dr. Roth or an immediate family
member has received research or peroneal division of the sciatic nerve to peripheral nerves that are covered with
institutional support from Arthrex. the terminal branches in the foot and two layers of epineurium.5 In 1942,
Neither of the following authors nor ankle. The most common site of
any immediate family member has Seddon6 described a classification
compression is located at the bony system for peripheral nerve injuries
received anything of value from or has
stock or stock options held in a prominence of the fibular neck.3,4 As that was based on the degree of
commercial company or institution with all compressive neuropathies, the structural disruption and the sequelae
related directly or indirectly to the key to a successful outcome is early
subject of this article: Dr. Poage and that follow (Figure 1). In the Seddon
identification and treatment.4
Dr. Scott. classification, the least severe injury is
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24:1-10 neurapraxia, which involves myelin
Peripheral Nerve Structure damage with delayed conduction and
JAAOS-D-14-00420 and Pathophysiology intact components (Table 1). Ax-
onotmesis is characterized by axon
Copyright 2015 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. When evaluating patients with dis- discontinuity, with the development of
orders of the peripheral nerves, the wallerian degeneration being the key

January 2016, Vol 24, No 1 1

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management

Figure 1

Illustration of a normal nerve fiber and the three grades of nerve injury described by Seddon.6

Table 1
Classification of Nerve Injuries Described by Seddon6 and Sunderland8
Seddon Sunderland Injury Neurosensory Impairment Recovery Potential

Neurapraxia I Intrafascicular edema with Neuritis and paresthesia Full/good; 1 wk to 2 mo

conduction block and possible
segmental demyelination
Axonotmesis II Axon severed, endoneurial tube Paresthesia, episodic Full/fair; 2–4 mo
intact dysesthesia
Axonotmesis III Endoneurial tube torn Paresthesia, dysesthesia Incomplete/fair; 12 mo
Axonotmesis IV Only epineurium intact Hypoesthesia, dysesthesia, Incomplete/poor;
neuroma formation neuroma in continuity
Neurotmesis V Loss of continuity Anaesthetic, intractable pain, None
neuroma formation

Adapted with permission from Juodzbalys G, Wang HL, Sabalys G: Injury of the inferior alveolar nerve during implant placement: A literature review.
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2011;2(1):e1.

component. Neurotmesis, the most gorizing nerve injury by five degrees factor is addressed. With chronic
severe nerve injury, is complete dis- and incorporating clinical ramifica- compression or compression that lasts
ruption of the nerve, including sep- tions as well as potential nerve .28 days, slowing of nerve conduc-
aration of the axons and the healing (Table 1). tion is seen along with an endoneurial
epineurium. Although full or partial With acute nerve compression, dys- inflammatory response. This response
spontaneous recovery is expected function results from ischemic changes results in the formation of fibroblast-
with neurapraxia and axonotmesis, that may cause a conduction block. moderated scar tissue that may further
minimal recovery is expected with Varying degrees of intraneural edema exacerbate the compression.9 Axonal
neurotmesis.7 In 1951, Sunderland8 are seen in acute cases, but this typically degeneration is seen with compression
modified this classification by cate- resolves over time, after the causative lasting 4 weeks.

2 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chad Poage, DO, et al

as the intermediate and medial dorsal Figure 2

Anatomy cutaneous nerves.
The DPN travels for 3 to 4 cm
The CPN is derived from the nerve
along the anterior cortex of the fib-
roots of L4, L5, S1, and S2 as a part
ula and then courses distally. It then
of the sciatic nerve. In the thigh, the
courses just anterior and medial to
peroneal division of the sciatic nerve
the intermuscular septum between
is located in the lateral and posterior
the anterior and lateral compart-
portion of the nerve. This anatomic
ments as it travels with the anterior
position leaves the peroneal division
tibial artery. This is a potential
more vulnerable than its tibial
source of DPN entrapment when the
counterpart to stretch or direct
nerve is stretched. The DPN supplies
injury during the exposure for hip
motor innervation to the foot and
toe dorsiflexors, including the ti-
The peroneal division of the sciatic
bialis anterior (TA), extensor dig-
nerve travels through the posterior
itorum longus (EDL), extensor
compartment of the thigh and sup-
hallucis longus, peroneus tertius,
plies the short head of the biceps
and extensor digitorum brevis
femoris muscle before separating
(EDB) muscles. The nerve passes
from the tibial nerve in the upper under the extensor retinaculum at
popliteal fossa. Here, it becomes the the ankle and then terminates as a
CPN and crosses posterior to the sensory branch in the dorsal first
lateral head of the gastrocnemius web space.
muscle through the posterior inter-
muscular septum and becomes sub-
cutaneous while it curves around the
Etiology Illustration of the knee joint
head of the fibula deep to the per- demonstrating the course of the
oneus longus muscle (Figure 2). The The etiologies for peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve (CPN) as it
lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf wraps around the fibular neck and
palsy are numerous. Although branches into its three terminal
branches off here, and the nerve compressive etiology remains the branches. PL = peroneus longus
subsequently divides into the super- most common cause, many other muscle, SN = sciatic nerve,
ficial peroneal nerve (SPN), deep factors contribute to injury. Trau- TN = tibial nerve
peroneal nerve (DPN), and an matic causes include knee disloca-
articular branch. The DPN lies tion, severe ankle inversion injuries,
directly on the bony surface of the lacerations, and direct blunt weight loss has been shown to be
fibula and wraps around it, thus trauma. These traumatic injuries related to nerve compression at the
predisposing it to compression in this are typically associated with poorer fibular head and may be associated
area.11 outcomes.12,13 The link between with the loss of subcutaneous fat at this
The SPN travels distally in the diabetes mellitus and lower ex- level.19 Habitual leg crossing and
lateral compartment of the leg, tremity neuropathies (eg, poly- prolonged squatting are also associ-
providing motor innervation to the neuropathy, mononeuropathy) has ated with an increased risk of pero-
peroneus longus and peroneus bre- been well established.14 Iatrogenic neal palsy and acute foot drop.1
vis muscles and sensory innervation injury is common as well, with Compressive masses, including both
to the lateral lower leg and the acute foot drop often seen as a intraneural and extraneural lesions,
dorsum of the foot. The nerve lies on result of surgery about the hip, may manifest with acute or pro-
the cortex of the fibular shaft in the knee, and ankle; positioning during gressive onset of symptoms (Figure 3).
mid leg and then pierces the fascia anesthesia; prolonged bed rest; cast- Finally, similar to other compressive
anterior to the bone 10 to 12 cm ing; bracing; compression wrapping; peripheral neuropathies, entrapment
above the tip of the fibula. On the and the use of pneumatic compression of the CPN within the fibular tunnel
anterior aspect of the distal fibula, devices.15-18 by a fibrous band at the origin of the
the nerve is vulnerable to injury Several risk factors for compres- peroneus longus muscle is a common
during fixation of an ankle fracture. sive peroneal neuropathy have been finding and must not be overlooked
Finally, the SPN terminates distally described. A recent history of significant during nerve decompression.20

January 2016, Vol 24, No 1 3

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management

Figure 3 Figure 4 decreased muscle contraction over

the short head, although this may be
difficult to appreciate by physical
examination alone. Involvement of
both the peroneal and tibial nerve
divisions of the sciatic nerve may
result in decreased knee flexion,
ankle plantar flexion, and toe flexion
in addition to weakness of the
anterior and lateral compartments of
the leg. Muscle stretch reflex will
typically be normal unless severe
damage to the sciatic nerve is pres-
Clinical photograph of the feet in a ent, and abductor strength testing
patient with right foot drop and
abnormal sensation in the superficial may help the clinician to identify a
Intraoperative photograph peroneal nerve injury resulting from
peroneal nerve (dorsum of foot) and
demonstrating a tibiofibular cyst that
caused peroneal nerve compression
the deep peroneal nerve (web space L5 radiculopathy.23
between great toe and second toe). Decreased or abnormal sensation
and foot drop in a 43-year-old man.
The skin markings indicate the area of
(Courtesy of Andrews Research and in the lower lateral leg and the dor-
altered sensation. (Reproduced with
Education Foundation, Gulf Breeze, sum of the foot indicates involvement
permission from Stewart JD: Foot
drop: Where, why, and what to do? of the SPN or the portion of the sciatic
Pract Neurol 2008;8[3]:158-169.) nerve in those areas. Similarly,
altered sensation in the dorsal aspect
Presentation of the symptoms. A patient with of the first web space of the foot
weakened or paralyzed ankle dor- suggests involvement of the DPN
In patients with an injury to the
siflexors may ambulate with a fibers. Weakness of foot eversion
peroneal nerve, clinical presentation
steppage gait in which the ipsilateral (SPN involvement) or foot/toe dorsi-
varies based on the location and
knee is lifted higher than normal flexion (DPN involvement) may be
severity of the injury and the presence
during the swing phase to avoid present in isolation; however, appre-
of anatomic variations. Most com-
dragging the toes on the ground, ciation of both of these findings sug-
monly, patients report the classic
followed by slapping the forefoot on gests a lesion involving the CPN
symptoms of foot drop or catching
the ground after heel strike.21 If fibers. When injury about the fibular
the toes while ambulating. Foot drop
injury to the peroneal nerve is sus- head occurs, the DPN may be
can develop acutely or over a period
pected, a thorough examination severely affected. Tenderness or a
of days to weeks, depending on the
should be performed, focusing on Tinel sign near the fibular head may
etiology, and can be complete or
the elements of each component of be present, but reflexes are typically
partial in severity. Numbness or
the nerve’s innervation. preserved.
dysesthesia may also be present along
Numbness or dysesthesia in the
the lateral leg, dorsal foot, and/or
upper lateral leg indicates a lesion
the first toe web space (Figure 4). Diagnostic Studies
proximal to the fibular head, which
Pain may be present in some cases
may represent involvement of the
(eg, traumatic wounds, compressive Imaging
sciatic nerve or lumbosacral nerve
lesions), but it is not a common
root.22 Tibial nerve involvement When clinical examination indicates a
should be ruled out in this scenario potential injury to the peroneal nerve,
by testing foot inversion with the plain radiography should be consid-
Physical Examination foot passively dorsiflexed because ered as part of the initial workup. The
inversion is normally weak in a close proximity of the CPN to the fib-
The clinical examination is directed plantarflexed foot. If examination ular neck as well as its superficial
by the symptoms reported by the reveals no compromise to the long location makes it susceptible to injury
patient and requires a thorough head of the biceps femoris muscle, secondary to direct trauma and
understanding of the relevant anat- knee flexion strength will likely test impingement from both soft-tissue
omy. Gait assessment may provide normal despite possible weakness of and bony sources. CT may be used to
important clues to the etiology the short head. Palpation may reveal further evaluate bony abnormalities.

4 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chad Poage, DO, et al

MRI and ultrasonography should be Figure 5

considered to evaluate for potential
soft-tissue sources of impingement or
masses1,5 (Figure 5).

Electrodiagnostic Studies
Nerve conduction velocity (NCV)
studies and electromyography (EMG)
are valuable tools for diagnosing sus-
pected peroneal nerve palsy. These
studies help the clinician evaluate the
motor and sensory axons of the pero-
neal nerve and its branches. They also
are useful for localizing the site of injury, A, Longitudinal sonogram of the fibula demonstrating a normal peroneal nerve
(PN) and fibula (F). B, Longitudinal sonogram demonstrating an intraneural
determining the severity of a lesion, and ganglion. (Reproduced with permission from Visser LH: High-resolution
monitoring recovery after a nerve injury sonography of the common peroneal nerve: Detection of intraneural ganglia.
has been identified.22 An electrophysi- Neurology 2006;67[8]:1473-1475.)
ology study should be performed to
obtain a baseline in all patients who
present with new-onset foot drop; the clinical examination. For example, indicated. At our institution, when
study may be repeated every 3 months conduction studies of the postero- EMG/NCV studies show severe
to monitor for improvement or dete- lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf changes, including severe conduction
rioration. In the setting of traumatic may be performed in the setting of delay across the CPN (.50%) on
injury or postoperative palsy, immedi- numbness in that area. Studies NCV and evidence on EMG of sub-
ate neurodiagnostic tests are not war- involving the tibial and sural nerve stantial disruption of the CPN inner-
ranted and should not be performed distributions may be performed to vation to the musculature, surgical
for 2 to 6 weeks. help rule out other causes of clinical nerve decompression is indicated and
Motor nerve conduction studies findings, including plexopathy or may increase the likelihood of a
should be performed to evaluate the injury to the sciatic nerve.24 favorable outcome.
EDB and TA muscles, with stimula- Needle EMG provides further
tion applied above and below the fib- detail to help the clinician identify the
ular head. These results should be location and severity of peroneal Management
compared with those of the contralat- nerve lesions. Muscles innervated by
eral extremity. Because the EDB may both the DPN and SPN should be Nonsurgical
be innervated by an accessory pero- tested, including the TA muscle, When left untreated, CPN palsy is
neal nerve from the SPN in approxi- which is most commonly affected in associated with foot drop, equi-
mately one third of the population, patients with peroneal palsy.22 novarus deformity, and limb disability
stimulation of the peroneal muscula- Studies may also be performed on ranging from 30% to 35%.25 Initial
ture may be performed, as well.24 the short head of the biceps and a management of peroneal nerve palsy
Sensory nerve conduction studies tibial-innervated muscle distal to the involves a nonsurgical approach
should be used to evaluate both knee to identify more proximal because partial or full function often
sensory branches of the SPN at the lesions and/or injury to the sciatic returns over time. In addition to
level of the ankle and the DPN. nerve. If the findings are abnormal, knowledge of the causative positions
However, SPN conduction study investigation should be extended to or activities (eg, squatting, strenuous
findings may be normal in the set- include more proximal sciatic- exercise) that contribute to peroneal
ting of a neuropathy of the CPN innervated muscles, gluteal muscles, nerve palsy, activity modification,
secondary to the increased vulnera- and lumbosacral paraspinal muscles. such as cessation of leg crossing, is
bility of the deep nerve fibers to The results of NCV and EMG crucial. Padding of the prominent
stretch and compression.22 These studies can help to dictate the course fibular head may be helpful, particu-
studies can also be specifically of treatment. When these findings larly after a direct traumatic injury,
directed to further delineate find- suggest a more advanced disease and may be worn at night to prevent
ings from previous studies and the state, surgical intervention may be compression while sleeping. Night

January 2016, Vol 24, No 1 5

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management

Figure 6 Surgical Although the efficacy of nerve

transfer remains unproven, this
Acute Injuries
technique is an emerging option for
Acute nerve injuries, including con-
irreparable nerve injuries, such as
tusions, stretch injuries, lacerations,
those with segmental nerve loss or a
and crush injuries, should be as-
long regeneration distance. The prin-
sessed to determine the degree of
ciples of nerve transfer are similar to
functional loss. Injuries with neu- those of tendon transfer; an attempt is
rapraxia should be monitored ini- made to select the most synergistic
tially because excellent results have nerve, and in the case of irreparable
been obtained with nonsurgical CPN nerve injury, this is most com-
management.26 A more aggressive monly a branch of the tibial nerve.29
approach should be used for nerve
injuries of any severity (including
neurapraxia) that present with Compressive Masses
Axial proton density-weighted
magnetic resonance image of the leg complete motor or sensory loss. When a mass is found to be the cause
below the knee. The tibia lies Surgical exploration and decom- of compression, a thorough workup
superiorly and to the left, and the pression should be considered when
fibula lies inferiorly and to the right. A and evaluation should be performed
large mass (arrow) is visible lateral to
a rapidly deteriorating lesion is before invasive treatment is initi-
the neck of the fibula, compressing present or there are no of signs of ated. As with any tumor, the clini-
the common peroneal nerve and improvement within 3 months. For cian must assess the mass to
resulting in a peroneal neuropathy. open injuries with a suspected nerve
The neuroma arose from a branch of determine whether it is malignant.
the nerve and was excised. laceration, the nerve should be Excision of a compressive mass is
(Reproduced with permission from explored within 72 hours, if possi- similar to excision of a mass else-
Loredo R, Hodler J, Pedowitz R, ble, and if minimal gapping is found where in the body, and lesions
et al: MRI of the common peroneal at the site of injury, primary repair
nerve: Normal anatomy and causing significant or progressive
evaluation of masses associated should be attempted with an epi- motor loss should be removed, as
with nerve entrapment. J Comput neurial or fascicular technique. A well. Extraneural lesions, such as
Assist Tomogr 1998;22:925-931.) clinical study of surgical nerve fibular osteochondromas, vascular
repair showed that there was no malformations, or extraneural cysts,
single superior epineurial or fas- should be resected in the standard
splints may also be used to prevent cicular technique.27 In the setting of fashion. Compression of the pero-
contractures in cases of complete foot wound contamination, débride- neal nerve by such benign extra-
drop. ment of the wound and nerve edges, neural masses is rare but should
Rehabilitation, including physical suturing of the local soft tissues, nonetheless be included in the dif-
therapy and the use of orthotic and a repair performed within 2 to ferential diagnosis.30
devices, may be effective for manag- 7 days is acceptable. Intraneural lesions should be ap-
ing the symptoms of foot drop If primary repair is not possible proached with caution because sur-
and eversion weakness related to secondary to significant gapping or gical dissection of these lesions
peroneal palsy. For significant dorsi- nerve damage, nerve grafting is is more meticulous and difficult
flexion weakness, a custom ankle- indicated. This can be done as a (Figure 6). Referral to an orthopae-
foot orthosis may be helpful for foot primary procedure but is more dic oncologist or a specialist skilled
clearance during ambulation. Physi- commonly done as a delayed pro- in microsurgery should be consid-
cal therapy should initially focus on cedure. Autologous grafting is the ered. An experienced surgeon should
stretching the contralateral muscle standard of care, with sural nerve perform resection of schwannomas
groups, including the foot plantar graft most commonly used. Alter- and neurofibromas using an appro-
flexors and inverters. In the setting of natively, nerve conduits, including priate technique at the fascicular
substantial muscle weakness, elec- veins, bioabsorbable tubes, and level and intraoperative nerve mon-
trical stimulation may be used to ini- pseudosheaths, may be used. These itoring.31 Nerve monitoring can
tiate muscle contractions. Progressive conduits have been shown to assist the clinician in localizing the
strengthening of the dorsiflexors and regenerate nerves across short gaps lesion and confirming nerve function
evertors should begin once autono- (,3 cm), with reported results after dissection. Intraneural ganglion
mous muscle contraction is present. comparable to those of autograft.28 cysts originate from the superior

6 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chad Poage, DO, et al

tibiofibular joint and should be dis- Figure 7

sected free, with the stalk traced and
disconnected from the joint to pre-
vent recurrence.32 Good outcomes
can be obtained with surgical man-
agement of intraneural lesions by
an experienced surgeon. Suspected
malignancy should be confirmed
with a frozen section unless a biopsy
has been performed.

Surgical decompression should be
considered for management of com-
pressive lesions at the fibular head or
fibular tunnel and nerve palsies that
present after knee arthroplasty or
high tibial osteotomy if no improve-
ment is seen after a trial of non-
surgical management. Although the
time frame for nonsurgical manage-
ment is controversial, most authors
agree that a minimum trial of 3
months should be attempted because
improvement in nerve function may
be seen for up to 6 months.33 How- Intraoperative photographs demonstrating the authors’ preferred technique for
ever, if the patient fails to show surgical management of peroneal nerve palsy. A, The fibular head and incision
clinical signs of improvement or if are marked on the skin. B, The common fibular nerve is identified proximally and
tagged with a vessel loop. C, Incision of the fibular tunnel at the site of
motor loss is rapidly progressive, compression. D, The nerve is released, as distally as possible, down to the
decompression is warranted. Simi- bifurcation into superficial and deep peroneal nerve branches. (Reproduced with
larly, when EMG and/or NCV permission from Maalla R, Youssef M, Ben Lassoued N, Sebai MA, Essadam H:
studies show evidence of severe Peroneal nerve entrapment at the fibular head: Outcomes of neurolysis. Orthop
Traumatol Surg Res 2013;99[6]:719-722.)
conduction loss or disruption of
motor innervation, surgical inter-
vention should be more strongly
secure the pelvis. The fibular head is The nerve is cautiously dissected and
considered over nonsurgical treat-
marked, and the CPN can be pal- inspected in this region and then
ment. Favorable outcomes have
pated beneath the subcutaneous tis- tagged with a vessel loop. The fascia
been reported with the use of
sues just distal to this landmark overlying the peroneus longus muscle
neurolysis, with return of function
(Figure 7). An oblique or curvilinear is then incised in line with the inci-
reported in up to 97% of cases in
incision is made beginning posterior sion. After the nerve is exposed deep
one study.34
to the fibular head near the anterior to the peroneus longus, three inter-
popliteal fossa and courses anteri- muscular septal planes are encoun-
Authors’ Preferred Technique orly and distally for approximately 6 tered and released. The posterior
Our preferred technique for CPN cm. Dissection is carried through the crural intermuscular septum is the
release at the proximal fibula pro- subcutaneous tissues, with care first intermuscular plane encoun-
vides comprehensive decompression taken to avoid the lateral cutaneous tered, and it is the most important to
and adequate exposure for concomi- nerve in the calf in the proximal release because it is the most common
tant procedures, such as excision of a aspect of the incision. site of nerve compression. When the
mass. The patient is placed in the The CPN is palpated just distal to nerve is free distal to the bifurcation
lateral recumbent position with the the fibular head, and the fascia over- into the SPN and DPN, neurolysis is
affected leg up, using a bean bag to lying the nerve is incised and opened. adequate.

January 2016, Vol 24, No 1 7

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management

Figure 8

Intraoperative photographs of the ankle demonstrating the transfer of the posterior tibialis tendon (PTT) to the lateral
cuneiform to restore ankle dorsiflexion. A, An incision is made just distal to the medial malleolus, extending
approximately 5 cm to expose the PTT, and the tendon is harvested subperiosteally from distal to proximal at the
naviculocuneiform joint to ensure adequate tendon length. B, A second incision is made approximately 15 cm proximal
to the tip of the medial malleolus. C, The PTT is delivered through the proximal incision and tagged with suture to
facilitate transfer. D, The skin is marked for a 5-cm incision along the anterior border of the fibula. E, The PTT is
transferred from the medial proximal incision to the lateral incision. (Reproduced with permission from Ho B, Khan Z,
Switaj PJ, et al: Treatment of peroneal nerve injuries with simultaneous tendon transfer and nerve exploration. J Orthop
Res Surg 2014;9:67-77.)

Tendon Transfer PTT through the interosseous mem- the fascia overlying the deep poste-
Tendon transfer also may be used to brane typically involve harvesting the rior compartment. The soleus and
restore function to the foot and ankle tendon at its insertion, delivering it flexor digitorum longus muscles are
in refractory cases. This procedure through a proximal incision, passing retracted posteriorly, exposing the
typically involves transfer of the it through the interosseous mem- PTT adjacent to the tibia and inter-
posterior tibial tendon (PTT) to the brane, and anchoring it into the osseous membrane. The PTT is
lateral cuneiform or cuboid, which dorsal midfoot35 (Figure 8). pulled through the proximal inci-
removes the primary deforming force An incision is made just distal to sion and tagged with suture. A 5-cm
to restore ankle dorsiflexion.35 Goh the medial malleolus, extending incision is made along the anterior
et al36 compared two methods of PTT approximately 5 cm to expose the border of the fibula. The distal end
transfer: (1) subcutaneous transfer PTT. The tendon is then harvested of the incision is identified by plac-
around the medial aspect of the subperiosteally from distal to ing the PTT over the anterolateral
tibia and (2) transfer of the tendon proximal at the naviculocuneiform aspect of the leg. After careful dis-
through the interosseous membrane joint to ensure adequate tendon section and retraction of the EDL
to the dorsal foot. Biomechanically, length. A second incision is made medially, approximately 4 cm of the
the transinterosseous membrane approximately 15 cm proximal to interosseous membrane is dissected
technique provided superior ankle the tip of the medial malleolus. off the fibula and excised to allow
dorsiflexion with minimum pro- Dissection is carefully performed passage of the PTT. The PTT is
nation. Although many variations and the saphenous vein and nerve transferred from the medial proxi-
exist, techniques for transferring the are retracted anteriorly to expose mal incision to the lateral incision.

8 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chad Poage, DO, et al

Care must be taken to pass directly Figure 9

posterior to the tibia to prevent
damage to the neurovascular bun-
dle. The tendon is then passed sub-
cutaneously to a dorsal incision
made over the lateral cuneiform.
The PTT is then anchored into the
lateral cuneiform using interference
screw fixation.
One potential downfall of this
method is inadequate tendon length,
which may require maximal dorsi-
flexion of the ankle or changing the
location of the tendon insertion to
achieve a stable transfer. Tendon-to-
tendon suturing is an alternative to
this technique. Direct tendon-to-
tendon suturing, however, often
decreases dorsiflexion strength
because of dispersion of the force
supplied by the PTT, and it may lead
to an unbalanced foot.37 Vigasio Illustrations demonstrating the anterior tibialis tendon transfer technique
described by Vigasio et al.37 A, The anterior tibialis tendon (dashed lines) is
et al38 described a technique in
identified. B, The tendon is extracted distally from beneath the retinaculum, as
which the PTT is transferred to the indicated by the arrow, and a drill hole is created from the medial to the lateral
anterior tibial tendon (rerouted cuneiform. C, The tendon is passed to its new origin and is pulled proximally
through a new insertion on the lat- under the retinaculum, as indicated by the arrow, and reattached to the posterior
tibialis tendon transferred through the interosseous membrane.
eral cuneiform) and the flexor dig-
itorum longus is transferred to the
EDL and extensor hallucis longus of significant equinus contracture or the prognosis for nerve recovery is
tendons (Figure 9). The technique and atrophy of the ankle dorsiflexors poor, nerve or tendon transfers may
was performed in 16 patients with and to improve regeneration of nerve restore some function.
complete CPN palsy, and at fibers when tendon transfer is com-
a minimum follow-up of 24 months, bined with nerve repair and/or graft-
the authors noted good to excellent ing procedures.39,40 References
results in .80% of their patients.
The authors concluded that this Evidence-based Medicine: Levels of
method is a reliable means for ob- evidence are described in the table of
taining balanced dorsiflexion of the contents. In this article, reference 10
foot and toes, eliminating the need CPN palsy is the most common com- is a level II study. References 4, 7, 12,
for orthoses during ambulation. pressive neuropathy of the lower 14, 16, 29, 34, 35, and 40 are level
The timing of the procedure is extremity. The most common pre- III studies. References 13, 17, 19, 31-
somewhat controversial. Tradition- sentation is acute foot drop, although 33, and 36-38 are level IV studies.
ally, this procedure has been per- symptoms may be progressive and may References 6, 15, 18, and 30 are level
formed in a delayed fashion to await include sensory loss or pain. Most V expert opinion.
possible return of nerve function. instances of CPN palsy improve or References printed in bold type are
This often resulted in the patient resolve over time with nonsurgical those published within the past 5 years.
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January 2016, Vol 24, No 1 9

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Peroneal Nerve Palsy: Evaluation and Management

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10 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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