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Set up React Native with Expo

Moses Lucas
May 4, 2018 · 3 min read

This is a quick guide — tutorial how to create and setup react native with Expo. Having
it up and running in Android or iOS devices.

( This also addresses the problem with the latest expo client app in iOS, in which the QR
Scan has been removed )

Updated March 2019

Creating our React Native Project

1. Install Node.JS

2. Install expo cli

npm install expo-cli --global

3. Create your react native project

expo init my-new-project

You will be asked to choose a template. Press Enter to choose Blank.

Press Enter to choose Blank

Input your App Name

Y if you have yarn installed. n if not.

4. Run your react native project

cd my-new-project
expo start

Update: login your expo account after running expo start when prompted. Sign up if you

You should see something like with a QR code generated in the terminal

. . .

Running your react native on your Android or iOS devices

This step will be divided into two: Android & iOS part.

1. Android

Click here to download the Expo client app to your Android device.

Open Expo then click the “Scan QR Code” and Scan the QR code in our terminal.
As soon as the QR code got scanned, it’ll automatically load and bundle/compile your
project to run it in your device.

2. iOS — iPhone

Click here to download the latest Expo client app to your iOS device.

With iOS 11, there is now a scan feature added to the camera. We can use this to scan
the QR code and open the Expo client app.

Open up your camera app, then scan the QR code in our terminal until a notification
badge pops on top telling us that we can open it in Expo client.
The QR Scan has been removed in Expo for iOS
However, if you’re not in iOS 11, there’s still an alternative way but not with scanning:

— Open your Expo client app and sign up/login.

— Open another new tab in your terminal and navigate to your react-native project
directory and run.

cd my-new-project
expo send -s

use the email that is logged in your expo app.

This will send an email to you with the link, clicking this link will open the app in expo.
Then it’ll have your project up and running on your iPhone.

That’s it! you got your react-native running in Android/iOS devices.

You can hold the clap button to leave lots of claps!
\m/ Thanks!

React Native Expo Android iOS React

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