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End of Paleolithic Age

Approx. 8000 BC
Old Stone Age- hunting and gathering.
Nomadic People, used simple tools and weapons made of stone, bone, and wood, fairly
egalitarian society.
Animalistic- cave paintings of animals.

Neolithic Age
Approx. 8000 BCE – 5000 BCE
New Stone Age- Agricultural Revolution.
Agriculture production and domestication of animals.
Agriculture developed independently in different areas of the world.
The Agricultural revolution led to new technology, growth in population, interaction
between communities, start of warfare, and woman losing status.
Emerged in the Upper Nile Valley Traded with Egypt: gold, ivory, incense, cattle, animal
skin, and slaves.
Used irrigation fields heavily influenced by Egypt went into decline then came back as
the Kingdom of Kush

3000 BCE - 1700 BCE
Located at Mesopotamia, one of the earliest civilizations (City state, Sumerians)
Frequent warfare in early history, had over 3,00 gods
Ziggurat in the center of the city; invented the wheel, sail, and plow; used bronze, early
maps, and astronomy.

The Old Kingdom(Egypt)

2660 BCE – 2160 BCE
Theocratic government
Large building projects, most of the pyramids were believed to be gods
The Old Kingdom collapsed with split of Upper and Lower Egypt
2600 BCE – 1250 BCE
Developed on the island of Crete, named after their legendary King Minos
Magnificent palaces decorated with frescoes
Bronze weapons and tools, traded olive oil
Collapsed suddenly, most likely due to invaders

Akkadian Empire
Approx.2350 BC – Approx.2150 BC
First empire in the world, Created by Sargon of Akkad
Spoke a Semitic language
Invasions, internal fighting, and famine led to the downfall of the empire

Indus River Civilization

2300 BCE – 1750 BCE
Established two sophisticated cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
Language still undecipherable Sophisticated civilization with a division of labor, jewelers,
potters, architects, etc.
Had a sewage system, sophisticated technology and urban planning
Rural areas provided food for the urban cities
Environmental degradation is believed to the decline and eventual disappearance of the
Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations.

Xla Dynasty
Approx. 2150 BCE – Approx. 1750 BCE
Little is known about the Xia Dynasty since the early Chinese had no writing system First
dynasty in China.
Middle Kingdom(Egypt)
2040 BCE – 1768 BCE
Mentuhotep II reunited Egypt Art, religion, and literature renewed.
Huge irrigation projects expanded Egypt’s borders to access gold and other resources
invaded by the Hyksos.

Approx. 1850 BC – Approx. 1150 BC
Occupied the Anatolian plateau in modern-day Turkey.
1st to smelt iron in large quantities Army mostly mounted soldiers and chariots.
Had a rock relationship with Egypt, signed a peace agreement to achieve peace.

Babylonian Empire
Approx. 1800 BCE– Approx. 1600 BCE
Overtook the Sumerians and built Babylon, the capital on the Euphrates river
Hammurabi was the most famous leader with Hammurabi’s Code (the first ever written
set of laws)
After Hammurabi, his successors could not keep the large empire together and it began
to shrink

Approx. 1750 BCE – 1521 BCE
Conquered and dominated Egypt between the 18th and 16th centuries BCE
Introduced the horse and chariot to Egypt, had tech superior to Egypt
Invented the well sweep, vertical loom, and composite bow Egyptians learned of bronze
working, potter’s wheel, use of arsenic copper, hump-backed cattle, fruit craps, and new
planting and harvesting skills all from the Hyksos
The Hyksos burned temples, towns, and cities and imposed high taxes on Egyptian
people enforced by a strong military dominance
Overthrown by the Egyptians in 1521 BCE
Shang Dynasty
Approx. 1750 BCE – 1150 BCE
The Shang kings wielded tremendous economic and religious power
Most people were peasants, with the economy primarily based on agriculture
Artisans and merchants lived in towns across the empire
Polytheistic, ancestor veneration began
Developed a written script of pictographs

Kingdom of Kush
1700 BCE – Approx. 1 BCE
Ancient Nubian Kingdom, highly influenced by Egypt
Occupied Egypt for period of time
Very important economically, exported ivory, gold, cattle, and slaves
Declined due to deforestation, conquered by Axum 340 BCE (The Kush Kingdom
doesn’t end until about 350 BCE)

Mycenaean Civilization
1650 BCE – 1200 BCE
Cities throughout mainland Greece
Warlike and aggressive used bronze, traded perfumed oils, fine textiles, and pottery was
not united, the king was a feudal ruler
Influence by Minoan culture, established settlements outside
Of mainland Greece

The New kingdom (Egypt)

1570 BCE – 1070 CBE
Used new technology taken from the Hyksos to expand
Ramses the great was Pharaoh, Egypt declined after his death suffered repeated
Invasions from outsiders
Approx.1200 BC – 538 BC
Were the leading sailors and traders of the ancient world, carried their culture and
civilization wherever they traded had many colonies: tyre, Tripoli, cathage
Developed the phonetic alphabet, had highly development art traded Phoenicia (a
reddish-purple cloth), cedar, and ivory carvings
Polytheistic, would sacrifice animals and people in times of crisis
Became vassals of the Persian Empire in 538 BCE.

The Omlec
1200 BCE – 400 BCE
“Rubber People”
Primarily agricultural, grew corn, beans, squash, and avocados traded with other regions
Used jade and obsidian, made jewelry, and obsidian, made jewelry, sculptures, and
religious symbols
Made enormous head carvings, up to feet tall
Developed a calendar, a numbering system with O, used glyphs
Played a ritual ball game(pok-a-tok) and built large earthen pyramids
Agriculture time line

Submitted by: Precious C. Quarteroz

Submitted to: Sir.Remark Ortega

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