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In order to address the problems plaguing Indian Agriculture, it is critical to
redirect and augment resources devoted to agricultural research to the
farming and livelihood systems of the poor rural communities. To utilize the
technological breakthroughs that are already available for commercial use,
the agricultural research priorities and strategies will have to be revisited and
new system-wide approaches need to be developed and adopted.

The NAIP envisages to put up a coordinated effort on the following:

 Policy and technology options will be screened or tested by the end-

user for applicability as well as for economic, social and environmental

 In the applied and adaptive research projects, the end-user of

innovations will be involved from the start of programme and projects
and will remain partner till their completion.

 Both indigenous knowledge and frontier technologies will be used to

generate the targeted products.


To facilitate an accelerated and sustainable transformation of the Indian

agriculture so that it can support poverty alleviation and income generation
through collaborative development and application of agricultural innovations
by the public organizations in partnership with farmers’ groups, the private
sector and other stakeholders.

The specific objectives envisaged are:

1. To build the critical capacity of the ICAR as a catalyzing agent for

management of change in the Indian NARS (Component 1)

2. To promote ‘production to consumption systems research’ in priority

areas/ themes to enhance productivity, nutrition, profitability, income
and employment (Component 2)

3. To improve livelihood security of rural people living in the selected

disadvantaged regions through technology-led innovation systems,
encompassing the wider process of social and economic change
covering all stakeholders (Component 3)
Copyright © National Agricultural Innovation Project- All Rights Reserved
4. To build capacity to undertake basic and strategic research in frontier Design & Developed By :- Alok Kumar Gupta (9911665666,9891066687)
areas to meet challenges in technology development in the immediate
and predictable future (Component 4) 5/12/2009

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