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88 spREET CAFE neighborhoods are de Hoop (14) their natura! points of focus are given by opts (50) aad strata, reatac coves (61). Tht the ones whick follow it, ed by sORNristanUr wrigsnoR- ra, and ive the neighborhood and i points of focus, the'r identity ‘The street cafe provides a unique setting, special to a place where people can sit lazily, legitimately, be on view, and watch the world go by ‘The mote humane cities are swaps fall of street exges. Let ry ta undentand she experience whieh makes these phhees so We know shat people enjoy mixing in public, in park, aqaren slong promensdes and in sarece cafes. The precancitions seem ta be: the setting gives you the right to be there, by custom, there are 2 few things to do that ate part of the s risus) reading the newspaper, erolling, nomsing a bee fnteh snd people fer) safe enough to relax, nod st Ping hater, pethsps even meet, A good cafe terrace meets these conditions Buc it has in addivion, special qusitiy of ite aan: a perion may here for hours—in public! Steoling, a pesion ast keep ap a pace; loitering is only for = few minates, You can sit all in a he volume of people passing, it is more a park, bur there 8 not private, peaceful experience. And deting at home on ane’s porch is again different: fis far more prosected; and there is nor th But on the cafe terrace, you can si i mix of people pasting ff], relim, and be very public. as an experience is has 4 possibiliies; “perhaps # Isis this experience that the stzect cafe supports. And ti one of the attractions of cites, for only ia cities doe sation of people required to bring is of. Bet this experience need not be confined to the 4 neat perion . . it ta rishy plece, parts of town, In Eoropesn cisies and towns, there i a atreet in evry neigh hothond—they ace as ordinaty as gas eationt sve in the United 40 rows tek. And the existence f such places provides socal glue for he community. They become lke elubs—people tend to retora te ‘heir fvarite, the faces hecome familias, When there iv sucees= phbor {ul cafe within walking dBsance of your home, she hood, so much she bette Ir helps enarmonsly to fucrease the idencity of + neighborhood, I: ie one of the fw settings where » newcomer to the neighborhood ei stiet Fevning she topes and snesting the p “The ingredients of succesful strer cafe seem 10 1. There is an established local clientele, That ple who have been there many yeas by name, lecstion, and sad, 4 is vexy much anchored in’ the neigh= Liorhood in which i is sisted 2. In addition ta the terrace which fs open to the street the cafe containe several ether 9p fre, sof chairs, sith en This slows « ssaiety of people to start sing it to lightly diffesent social tye xfe server simple food and. drints some alsohotie: Grins, bur i i nacs Sor Tea glace where vee are a8 Tkely to 0 2 the morning, to sate the Jay, a i the evening, for» vightenp these conditions ate presents and the eafe takes hold, offers something unique to the lives of the people who ase i offers a setting for discussions of grear spivit—talks, neocbit Jece tutes, hall-pstli, halfepeivate, learning, exchange of thaaght When we worked far che Usivetsity of Oregon, we compaced the importance of suck discussion in cafes and cafesibe places, with the instruction etsdents receive ia the earaom, We fries viewed 40 students co messure she extent that shops and cafes cone ibe < Uni= versity, We found thet “tslhing th a ams! group of sodente 4 to their intellectual and emotional growth at th in a coffee shop” and ‘discussion over a ghss of beet” scored 3s sninations” and “Ishoratony stad high one higher thon Appatencly the Snformal scivvies of shops and cafes contrtnre te much to the groweh of students, a the more formal edscs ional ative, We believe this phenomenon is general. The quality shat we tried to captore i these interviews, and which i present ina neighborhood cale, i essential to all neighborhoade—nat only suadent neighborhoods. [zs pie of their Hife-biood 88 STREET care Theretnre Encourage local eafes wo spring up in each neighborhood. Make them intimate places, with several rooms, open to @ busy path, where people can sit with coffee or a drink and watch the world go by. Build the front of the cafe so that a set of tables stretch out of the cafe, right into the street. | sever oom | ls = nis, eh ee newspapers bry path Build a wide, substntind opening between the terrace and the doors —eriwNG yo rue sTwPEY (165); make the terrace osble 96% muact vo svar (450) for nearay bus stops and fees, both indoors and on the terrace ute a great vatiety of Allen: binds rand tales —oirrenewr cratns (251) 5 J give she tersace some low definition at the street edge if it is in danger af being intersupted Sy street action—erarn ears (25), strive want ( Shape of the build n with morois eomptex (95) a canvas Roor (244). Fo and the survoundings,

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