Classroom of The Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 11 PDF

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The Monologue of Arisu Sakayanagi

I can still remember the view I saw across the glass screen on that day as if it
was only yesterday.
The exterior of the facility, located deep within the mountains, I saw when
my father took me with him was dyed pure white. No, it wasn’t only the
The corridors, the small rooms we went through was all painted in one single
white colour as far as I remember.
I brought both my hands on the transparent glass doing my very best to see
what lied beyond. On the other side, this screen seems to be some sort of
magic mirror so they couldn’t see us.
«What is it, Arisu? It’s rare to see you this interested?»
«This is an experiment to artificially create a genius. There’s no way I
wouldn’t find it interesting.»
«...That’s not a very childlike way of speaking, as usual.»
My father said while showing a perplexed smile as he picked me up in his
According to my father, anyone who went through the curriculum of this
facility would, without exceptions, be educated to become someone
exceptional. There’s no way I wouldn’t find any misgivings regarding that

«It’s just, this experiment seems to have a lot of troublesome elements to it.»
«Which means?»
«It seems to be attacked from all sides regarding the humanity of it.»
«Ha, haha...»
«That being said, even I don’t think I could artificially a genius or anything.»

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The moment people are born into this world, the moment they receive life,
their potential is set in stone. The fruits of chance. Then, it will sometimes
manifest in various fields. That’s the contrivance of the human world.
They can’t do more than what is carved into their DNA. They awaken by the
blood passed on from ancestors or by a sudden mutation. In other words, if
you want to create a genius, you have to do it from the DNA stage.
The ones born as an ordinary person will never escape the realms of an
ordinary person. No matter how blessed their environment is, if the student
isn’t excellent from the start of, they won’t become a genius. That has been
my belief since I was young.
That was the conclusion from seeing my fellow classmates being given top
quality education since infancy. That’s why this experiment ran counters to
my own way of thinking. That being said... It isn’t that straightforward that
DNA alone could solve it either.
«Even if there is anyone graduating this facility as the cream of the crop, will
that truly be a fruit from this experiment?»
«What makes you think so?»
«The children at the top just have the superior DNA, is what I think.»
«I see. The curriculum these children are partaking is quite intense indeed.
There is a chance the remaining victors were all excellent from the very
beginning of as you said. You really are just as wise as her. Your personality

«That makes me happy. Being compared to my mother is the highest words

of praise to me.»
I obediently and honestly took to heart what my father told me and yet again
watched the children subjects. The children with talent, the children without,
everyone was equally partaking in this education. And then at the system,
where the people dropping off, disappeared turn by turn.
«In the end, even if there are children staying until the end, they are just
blessed by their parents’ talents.»
Even if I find it interesting, it was an experiment without meaning. I couldn’t
help but feel that way.
«Who knows, it may be so, it may not be so. I also don’t know. But I can’t
throw away the possibility that these children are destined to carry our

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I didn’t understand what my father’s acquaintance was trying to accomplish,
me being the child I was. My sight returned back to what was reflected
beyond the glass.
«—That child, seems to have solved those tasks calmly and without any
difficulties for a while now.»
As for clearing the tasks given to them itself, all the children reflected in our
eyes had cleared the them. However, everyone had done it desperately and
with all their concentration. That should have been obvious. Whether
studying or sports, the level of the competition here was far beyond normal
children’s. Among them was a single existence exhibiting an abnormality.
A certain boy was overwhelmingly defeating his opponent in succession at
chess, which was what they were doing now. Among the children I could see
beyond the glass, he was the only existence snatching away my gaze and
heart. Seeing this my father looked somewhat happy, somewhat sad as he
«Yes, he is Sensei’s son. His name should be... Ayanokouji... Kiyotaka if I
remember right.»
Sensei is my father’s acquaintance, and the person who is running this
facility. He was a person never yielding to anyone and I remember my father
always showed a modest attitude towards him.

«He’s Sensei’s child so his DNA must be excellent, right?»

«Who knows. At least, Sensei has never graduated from a top university or
possessed outstanding athleticism. His wife is also an ordinary woman. Their
parents never showed signs of any talents either. But, Sensei has stronger
ambitions than anyone and a never-yielding and indomitable fighting spirit,
that’s it. That’s why he has become so great. To the extent that he also, at one
time, could move the country.
«In that case— won’t that child be the perfect specimen for this
My father nodded with conflicting feelings at my question.
«Well... he would probably regard that child as perfect for it I think. But... as
I see it, I can’t help but feel sorry for him.»
«Why is that?».
«From the very moment he was born, he has lived within these facilities. For

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him, the first thing he saw wasn’t his mother nor his father, but the white
ceiling of these buildings. If he was to drop off earlier, he could probably live
with his father. Or no, the fact that he continues to stay here, results in him
getting his father’s favour perhaps. If that’s so, that is very...»
Simply put, he hasn’t received any love from his parents. How lonely and
desolate such a life must be. Even though there were a lot to gain and learn
from touching another human, leaving his talents aside. I strongly hugged my
beloved father, which made him hug me back.
«The final goal for this facility is for every educated child to become
geniuses. But it’s still in the test phase. It will continue to struggle for another
50 or 100 years. It’s not to make the children gathered gathered here to
exhibit talent when they become adults themselves, but for the future
children’s sake. Both those surviving and those dropping off are nothing
more than a batch of samples.»
A life of confinement within these buildings and their data extracted was the
life waiting for them, father said.
The face of my father as he said those words looked like he was in pain.
«Do you not like this place, father?»

«Hmm? ... Who can say? ... I honestly can’t cheer it on perhaps. If, the
children here really become superior to everyone else, if this facility becomes
the natural thing, then this must just be the misfortunate beginning, is what I
«Rest assured. I will personally smash it for you to see. I will prove that
talent is not decided by education, but from the moment people are born.»
I cannot lose to the children raised at this facility no matter what and no
matter how many. I, who has inherited the superior DNA, has to stop it.
«Yes, I’m expecting lots of you, Arisu.»
«By the way father. I think I want to start playing chess—»
I opened my eyes and sat up still half-asleep.
«What a nostalgic dream...»
It was perhaps due to the approaching confrontation. To think I was
remembering that day. But from the moment I met you until now, I’ve never
forgotten it. I was convinced that a day would come when I would meet you
again face-to-face.

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The Teachers' Battle

One day in February, before the start of the official voting exam.
During this time, KOUDO IKUSEI high school teachers continued to be busy
with their work.

They prepared for increases, expenses and graduations.

In addition, there are also the perpetrators for the final special exams that all
classes will be taking.
Moments of various factors are complex interrelated.
Every teacher has no free time, every day they are busy with work ...
However, the hearts of the teachers who are responsible for class one this
year are more complex than others.
"The above is the final special exam content for first grade students, as well
as notifications about the introduction of the new system."
A man completes an explanation of this year's special exams to all teachers.
The explanation is the same for year 2 and 3, but only year 1 is different.
"If there are teachers who have any questions, please ask."
In a tense atmosphere, he looked around the teachers who listened to his
There was silence for a few seconds.
"May I ask a few questions, Director Tsukishiro."
The atmosphere of the staff room was still filled with silence.
Mashima who is responsible for year 1 Class A, raises his hand and breaks
the silence.
Both Chabashira and Hoshinomiya who were in charge of the year 1 classes
also seemed to agree, they set their sights on Mashima.

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The man, who was the temporary Director, Tsukishiro, had long noticed that
the teachers in charge of first years had many questions. It's better to say that
he thinks if they don't have questions, it will be too bad.
This is related to his evaluation as a person.
Are they just members of the community, or are they just adults, or just a
teacher who works only to get paid?
"Is there something wrong Class A teacher, Mashima-sensei?"

Tsukishiro, who predicted the question, smiled softly.

"Compared to special exams for year 2 and year 3 students, the benchmarks
for first grade students are much higher than the average compared to
previous years. For example, voting in class ... This exam carries a high risk
of dropping out."
As a teacher in charge of Year 1 students, and considering the future of the
students, Mashima is not afraid of the temporary director Tsukishiro to
represent them and protest.
"I'm sorry for being rude, but the interim Director Tsukishiro was not here
long before I came to this school. Although I think this is an assessment you
made with reference to previous experiences, but because there were no
dropouts in year 1, you took steps - coercive steps, to make it happen. I think
it's a mistake. "
Getting a question from Mashima ...... Tsukishiro smiled as he was criticized
and showed his white teeth.
"Does it contain a lot of risk of dropping out of school? Are students worried
about dropping out of school? Is the current situation the same as special
exams so far? In the rules of this school if someone fails the exam, they will
be expelled from school. Isn't this a difficult rule for high school students
here? "
"I mean it has nothing to do. It's true, students who don't get a certain grade
will be excluded. I don't want to say that rules like this are very difficult for
students. Besides that there have been many withdrawals of students in
previous years. That is a fact."
Every year, this school has conducted several special examinations in a
standard range.
In the exam, year 1 students have tried to overcome a full year without
dropping out. Although it is not clear whether this is due to the difference in

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their strengths from other years, there must be a reason.
In addition, Mashima believes that it is important to use this aspect and
continue it for the following years.
But Tsukishiro's idea was different.
"Because there are many who dropped out of school in the past, isn't this the
"No. Obviously, this is different from our policy so far. I disagree with your
design of an exam that enforces a forced withdrawal."
While the other teachers were silent, only Mashima kept trying.

"Then, in the last special exam held at the end of the school year, you decided
to introduce a new system. This is something that has never been done so far,
and the reason is not explained at all."
However, Mashima's resistance was futile.
It is impossible to change this decision.
"Apparently, Mashima sensei is still a little doubtful. Do you consider the
practice carried out so far to be incorrect. Is everything wrong?"
In the staff room, Tsukishiro and Mashima repeatedly attacked one another.
However, Mashima's inferior position was clear. People like Tsukishiro are
not opponents who they can make irresponsible statements to.
"The absorption capacity of young children is greater than that of adults.
With this in mind, I have ruled out students in year 2 and 3 and restricted new
examinations to year 1 students. After all, they are year 1 students who have
not been so influenced by this school. If this new effort is successful, the test
for first year students in the next generations will be easier."
"There managed to be no drop outs for year 1 students this year. Don't you
want to end it in this situation?"
"There is no point in maintaining this kind of thing. We must think of the
future, and we must be oriented to the future."
Tsukishiro's counterattack continues.
"This school has received a lot of expectations from the government. This is a
new school for some experimental tests. Its history is still very shallow. For
this reason, I think it is more important to try a variety of things."
"Of course it's important to think about the future. However, you also have to
think that you are using the current year 1 students as guinea pigs. As the
teacher in charge of their class, this is something I cannot agree with."

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Mashima continued to challenge Tsukishiro, attempting to improve the
guidelines of this special exam.
However, it was the class vote exam was already set in stone.
That's why Chabashira-sensei stopped him from continuing any further.

"... Mashima-Sensei, that's enough."

Mashima held back his words.
However, once again, Tsukishiro urged him to speak.
"No problem. If there is something you want to say, I hope you will speak
your mind, I will listen. In fact, I understand what is making the teachers
"So does that mean it's possible to reconsider?"
Mashima asked Tsukishiro.
Although he spoke as if he were giving him a chance, that's not what he
In contrast to Director Sakayanagi, the interim Director Tsukishiro did not
have any intention to listen to any other opinions.
"Reconsider? I think that will be difficult. Although I am a substitute, I am
still the Director. As the Director, my responsibility is to set guidelines and
guide the school, nothing more than that. After all, I was merely hired by a
legal entity owned by the government. "
With this statement, Mashima's resistance was meaningless.
The opinions of people in schools are secondary, and the only thing that
matters is the future of this high school education institution.
"In the end, it shouldn’t matter if there are withdrawals for students because
of strict rules, right?"
"Inappropriate people must be excluded. This is the structure of society - No,
this is a natural law. And, besides that, is there an agreement for the
introduction of 'protection points'? This is all I can approve of."
The tense atmosphere began to slowly subside.
The slow morning meeting is nearing its end.
"Furthermore Sakayanagi, the current Director, was detained for suspicion of
committing an offense. If this is the case, then I cannot inherit educational
policies from such a person. Of course, I hope he can eliminate any suspicion

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as soon as possible and return to his original position."

With a loud clap, Tsukishiro looked around to all the teachers present.
"The time is almost up. That’s the end of that problem. Oh, yes. I'm exploring
the possibility of holding a cultural festival in the next school year? I think I
also want to ask for advice from the teachers, so please don't hesitate."
"Cultural festival? In principle, shouldn’t the school adopt a reserved attitude
towards openness to the outside world?"
For the first time, year 2 and 3 teachers asked a question.
"Such outdated parts are also a problem. To become a school that is better
known by the state, I think it is necessary to change the rules no matter
whenever needed. Of course, it is necessary to select strictly those who are
invited, so it will be nothing to worry about, this is not open to ordinary
people, after all. I will only choose among people in the political community
who know of this school. If we do this, they will not divulge additional
information to the outside world."
The caretaker director Tsukishiro ended his speech and the teacher battle
There was nothing that could be done.

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Part 1
After Tsukishiro left the staff room before the start of class.
"Mashima-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei, could you make some time?"
Chabashira called out to the two. Every time, they compete and grow
together in this school, both as rivals and friends.
Both of them did not specifically ask Chabashira's reasons, but with the
required documents, they went with her and came to the corridor that was
connected to their classrooms. They understand each other because they have
been friends for a long time.
The first to speak was Hoshinomiya.
"I am very depressed ... I will be forced to tell the students about an exam that
guarantees a drop out."
Taking a deep breath, she looked at the attendance book.
"... Who will have to disappear."
Even though it was inevitable, Hoshinomiya didn’t want to face it.
"It is not guaranteed someone will have to drop out. Even though the number
is very limited, there are still several methods."
"But to cancel a drop out, 20 million personal points are required?"
Of course, Hoshinomiya also knew that fact.
Currently, no class has that many personal points.
"It may not be a bad idea to pay 300 class points to prevent this. After all, it
can't be helped if someone is forced out of school. Usually it's a small
To cancel student withdrawals from school, 20 million personal points must
be paid or 300 class points. This time the last method was removed.
But both the teachers and students cannot accept forced withdrawals.
"Oh, I can't help but have to complain about the way Tsukishiro acts on
behalf of the director."
"Right - it makes sense for Sae-chan to think so. He suddenly replaced the
director and did something selfish like that."
Hoshinomiya, approached Chabashira and embraced her, but was driven by
"Even if you complain, nothing will change. If you say something excessive,
you might get fired."

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"Is it your turn to tell me? Isn't Mashima-kun who was just trapped? He made
us very worried. I didn't say anything excessive on that occasion."
"As Chie said. He would not care about the dismissal of a teacher. After all,
there were numerous numbers of replacements, that was all very clear.
Saying that was what she intended."
"Maybe the goal is to fire a teacher like Mashima-kun, and replace it with a
teacher who is comfortable for himself."
Both of them thought that Tsukishiro's speech in the staff room was a
warning to a rebellious teacher.
Mashima did not deny this idea.
"Sae-chan too, it must be hard after going up to the long awaited Class C, so
don't force yourself, okay?"
"You're pretty calm about our class promotion."
"I hate to say it. But, is it possible for Sae-chan to be promoted to Class A?"
Looking at her peering eyes, Chabashira averted her eyes.
Although Hoshinomiya often spoke of issues that were generally trivial, most
of her actions were considerate to others.
Chabashira who had been close to her for a long time had a good
understanding of this.
"... No. I'm not stupid enough to do this."
"That's right. If you just say you want to target Class A ... I'll change my
Hoshinomiya raised her hand and made a shocking expression.
It may seem like a dialogue that has no special meaning between women, but
Mashima doesn't see their calm in it.
They are like carnivores facing each other on the savanna.
"The two of you, are still competing for that. How many years have passed
"Mashima-kun, this has nothing to do with time."
"Well, nothing to do with it."
Mashima who acted as the mediator, stunned by both and can only walk
without power.
Although Mashima dared to face Tsukishiro, sometimes he would meet an
opponent he could not face.
"... Is that the case? Anyway, even though this isn't something I can interrupt,
you can't bring personal feelings."

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"It's not like that, right? Chie?"
"Of course not, Sae-chan."
Although they are attempting to figure out each other's thoughts, on the
surface they pretend as if nothing is happening.
"In short, what I want to say is that we must refrain from acting recklessly."
Chabashira hurriedly ended the conversation and walked into Class C.
The two watched her leave.
"You really don't carry personal emotions, right?"
Mashima asked while looking at the back of Chabashira who seemed to be in
a bad mood.
"Don't compare me to her. Oh, I really don't have any attachments. Besides, I
don't have nostalgia here. But since then, she hasn't changed, always acting
like a student. That's why her precious love continues to be in her heart."
"... You have a terrible expression."
"Oh? No, I hate showing a face like that."
Hoshinomiya pulled out a folding mirror and smiled to the mirror.
"Okay, I'm also very cute today. You think so too, right?"
"I do not know."
"That's too much. Well, it's worth it."
After Hoshinomiya put back the mirror, Mashima gave him a suggestion.
"You have to be careful. Don't be fooled. Class D this year, no, more
precisely Class C now ... is very different from previous years."

Although there are still gaps in class points, even the teachers are unable to
predict the direction of special exams in the future.
"I suppose so, but it doesn't matter, I have Ichinose-san. Then—"
"Then ...?"
"If she really rises, I will destroy her directly."
"As a teacher, interfering in student competition is not a good thing to do, is
"I won't do that. However, I won't take Sae-chan lightly."
She also did not want to be said to be irresponsible because the teacher
fought each other - Hoshinomiya said so.
"Looks like you're serious."
"Besides, I don't want to lose to Sae-chan!"
This is the relationship between the two from since high school.

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As good friends and rivals.

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Last Exam of the First Year

March 8.
Now in Class C, Chabashira-sensei as the homeroom teacher will announce
the final special exam for class one.
There are 39 sets of tables and chairs for Class C.
Not long ago, there was 40, but now one less.
This was because Haruki Yamauchi had dropped out.
Not only from Class C, Manabe from Class D and Yahiko from Class A as

This change, has had a big impact on all the students in year 1.
The idea of 'must have rescue steps' that have been in their hearts has
completely vanished.
While they had not yet recovered from the shock and sadness caused by the
incident, the days continued to pass by.
Chabashira-sensei appeared after the bell that signaled the beginning of
There is not any extra chat in the class.
"—Then, the final special exam for the first class will be announced."
Chabashira-sensei began her explanation of the last special exam.
Even though they already knew that they could no longer hear Yamauchi's
His friends Ike and Sudou tried to accept this reality.
"For today's final special exam, you will be asked to show us the
comprehensive results that you have learned so far, including academics,
physical abilities, teamwork, and maybe luck. In short, you need to play with
your various potentials."

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In general, Ike would usually immediately ask Chabashira-sensei blurt out a
However, he silently listened.
He had a feeling that 'the next person to drop out of school might be him.'
"This special exam, is based on the comprehensive ability of each class to
compete in the 'event selection' special exam. It will be carried out according
to the rules to determine the type of confrontation between classes, similar to
the Paper Shuffle."
Special event selection exam, the final special exam theme for the year 1s.
What is it about?
"First of all, to make it easier for you to understand when I explain it, I will
use 10 white cards and 38 yellow cards that match the number of class
students who will follow."
With that said, Chabashira-sensei arranged a blank card and stuck it on the
Each card is approximately the same size as a playing card.

Although there is nothing written on the 10 white cards, on the other hand,
the yellow card seems to have the name of the student on each card.
There are a total of 48 cards installed on the board.
Compared to the number of students in the class, the yellow card should be
one less. Are there any reasons?
"First, let me explain the use of these 10 white cards. You must discuss with
each other first, then set 10 'events' according to your preferences, and write
the events on the cards."
After hearing this, Ike showed a confused face.
However, seeing him trying to hold back from interrupting, Chabashira-
sensei showed an amused expression.
"If you have any questions, don't hesitate."
"N-no, but ... Wouldn't Sae-chan-sensei be angry if I interrupted in the middle
of an explanation?"
Ike's worries were obvious.
"Without your extreme jokes, how can I be calm?"
So far, Chabashira-sensei only accepts questions at the end of the
explanation, but in some cases she still let someone ask in the middle.
Most of his classmates focused their attention on Ike.

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Even though he felt a little confused, he still said a few things where he felt
"Well, that ... Event? What does it mean?"
"Written exams, chess, playing cards, baseball, and choosing anything you
think will win according to your expertise. Then it's up to you to consider and
make rules of each event."
"Hmm, can we decide freely?"
Although they were free to decide, he and several other students did not seem
to understand.
"Although you can decide freely, there are some rules in determining events.
At the extreme point, if competition and games are not known by many
people, they will not be approved as events, so unless everyone knows, it can
only be proposed. As a result, the rules of the event must be fair and easy to
understand. For this purpose, after the event is proposed, the school will
assess whether the event is appropriate and decide whether it is allowed. "
Of course, if someone chooses a special sport or game such as a personal
hobby with certain rules, which are not known by most people. Then it would
be unfair for the competitors.
However ... Even though it's like that, the rules are for us to decide.
"In addition, to avoid a draw, it is necessary to adjust the event. For example,
in the Go rule, the same amount of land occupied by both parties is a draw.
But to avoid this situation. In the placement of land half of the additional
points, determined by white. Another example, in a Chess game, although it
is difficult to get a draw, but if there is a situation where Remis occurs, it will
result in a draw. Though this is very rare, the winner must be decided in this
situation, and then we can decide the winner according to the number of
chess pieces held. Please specify in advance detailed rules like this. In
selecting this event, if you do not decide the rules of winning and losing, then
the event cannot be used. "
(T / N: Remis is a situation where the king is not discrete, and cannot move at
all and the other pieces cannot move besides the king. If there are still other
pieces that can move, the mussels do not apply, because the player has
another step besides the king. )
But, accompanying the event with win and lose rules, is too little.
Although there are countless types of events to some extent, events that can
be chosen within the scope of all the students appear to be limited.

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"So, let me set an example and practice what I just said. Ike, what are you
good at? Anything is fine, don't hesitate."
"Hmm ... what can I do ..."
He didn't immediately answer the program he was good at, but he thought
about it first.
"In that case, I think I am quite good at Rock–paper–scissors."
Hearing it like a joke, his classmates laughed.
However, Chabashira-sensei took the answer seriously and wrote ‘Rock–
paper–scissors’ on the white card.
"In that case, let's assume that Rock–paper–scissors is the chosen event."
The class did not think that it would be taken seriously and Ike and his
friends immediately became confused.
"How do you want the rules?"
"Then ... Win in three sets of games to win?"
Chabashira-sensei followed Ike’s instruction and added the rules to the white
"Most people already know about this event, and the rules are simple and
clear. As a result, the school would not mind using this event."
"That really can be adopted."
Although this event originated from spontaneous response, there were no
problems with the school.
"Next, do this 9 more times, and 10 events have been selected."
Chabashira-sensei took the chalk and wrote it on the blackboard.
"The exam schedule is also very important. This special exam is roughly
divided into three stages:"
Special Exams
March 8, the day of the announcement of the special exam. On the same day,
determine the class’ opponent.
March 15, determine 10 events. Announce 10 events and their respective
March 22, the 'election day' special exam day.
"B-but sensei. If there are more than 20 events, wouldn’t it be very time
"Each class must re-select 5 out of 10 events on the day of the 'event
selection' special exam and submit it after the 'wish'. In short, the battle
program will be reduced to 10, not 20."

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Hearing this, Horikita asked.
"That is, out of 10 shows, 5 of them are a hoax ... Does that mean that false
information is being transmitted to the opponent?"
"It can also a role like that. 10 events that have been determined will
automatically select 7 events randomly by the school mechanism that has
been prepared. The process is like this."
Chabashira-sensei explained what was on her mind.
Compared to the previous special exams, the time for this particular exam
takes seems to much longer.
The reason why in the end they chose 7 events, was because they had to
guarantee a winner and loser.
Because the number of events is odd so there will be no draw, the winner will
be determined by four wins of seven events.
"Even if a class wins before the completion of all 7 events, the game will
continue until the final event. However, this is related to changes in class
points. That is, even if the result is determined, they still have to compete
with each other. The deadline for the submission of the 10 events is on the
14th of Sunday. However, it is mandatory for the school to check whether the
program can be adopted. It is safer to make the schools review the events one
by one as soon as possible."
"What if, until the 14th, we are unable to choose 10 events?"
"In this case, the school will set a pre-prepared event for you. But don't
expect it to be suitable for your class. This will only be a disadvantage for
It seems that it would be better to assign 10 events directly.
"There is another point. The same class cannot register two identical events.
If you have registered a football event with a winning rule with a difference
of 2 goals, and you choose a football event by determining the winning result
using the penalty kick as another event. The school will consider it invalid. I
hope you keep this in mind. "
"Can I cancel a program that was decided?"
"This is not permitted."
"Then ... I want to ask about students who will be participating in the day of
the exam. No matter who, or how many times someone participates, is that
"Regarding the rules about this program, if explained verbally, it might be

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difficult to understand in some places. For this reason, the school has
prepared a sheet of paper containing detailed
notes about the rules. Furthermore, whether you will copy or do something
with it, you are free to do as you wish. Horikita, the answer you are looking
for is also well written in it. "
Although schools can also prepare paper for the appropriate number of
people, perhaps this is a form of consideration.
If there is only one piece of paper, classmates will have to gather and read the
contents together.
This makes it easy to guide everyone to talk and discuss it as class partners.
"The 10 events decided by each class will also be announced on the 15th. I
have written them on the board. After all, if you did not know what event
your opponent has chosen and what rules there are, it would be very difficult.
This means we can study and practice for one week and take action.
There seems to be a battle to predict what the other party will choose on the
day of the exam.
"Then, after the exam ends on the 22nd, there will be a day off on the 23rd.
After that, the graduation ceremony on the 24th and closing ceremony on the
25th, then you will be able to enter spring break without worrying."
Enthusiasm can be very different depending on whether we end up winning
or losing.
In short, I generally understood the explanation of the special exams chosen
for this event.
However, from Chabashira-sensei's expression, it was vaguely seen that she
still had something important to explain.
"In addition to event decision making, there are other things that are also very
important. That is, to lead the class, one person must be a 'Commander' in
this special exam. Students who become Commanders cannot directly
participate in the event. I hope you all remember this. "
"Commander ..."
So, is that why there are 38 yellow cards?
"This is an important position that needs to be addressed in a responsive way.
You must understand that the Commander is allowed to interfere in all events
and help, such as changing players, working on problems that the participant
cannot solve, and not just sports, even if it is Go and Chess, the Commander

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is given room to interfere. "
Is not that just to test the basic skills of students. But the Commander's
"The way for Commanders to intervene is also decided in the rules. I think, if
you use Rock–paper–scissors as an example ... You can set it as 'when the
Commander can participate, and can only do it once' or 'the Commander can
replace players' You can set the method of participation. "
The same interventions in general will be allowed for the events.
In the case of baseball or soccer, if we make a commitment to a change of
players, the Commander will play the role of a coach.
Even though there are 7 events, the 'intervention' factor will be a very
important part.
"The Commander will receive personal points individually when he wins, but
will also be responsible for defeat. Then, when the class is defeated, they will
assume responsibility and be expelled from school."
Is this a mechanism to force the losers out of school?
"In this special exam, the Commander is very important. If you don't have a
Commander, the test will not begin. If you cannot come to a decision about
the Commander, come and talk to me, I will appoint it for you."
The form of this test is to ask for an individual.
As a result, the 'protection points' I obtained in the voting exam the previous
day would be a large factor.
It is very clear that there are many eyes and emotional feelings directed at me
Because I am the only person who holds 'protection point' which can cancel
an expulsion.
If I hold this 'protection point', I can avoid being kicked out of school even if
I am defeated as a Commander.
But ---
Is it really the best choice to ask me to take the role of the Commander so that
no one leaves school?
Or is it better to ask talented students like Horikita to become Commanders
and increase the chances of winning even if it's only 1%? For students, they
must choose which is better.
If there are students besides myself who voluntarily serve as Commanders,
I'm afraid that most students won't object.

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On the other hand, everyone will hang on to me if no one wants to be a
"How do we decide which class to face?"
"Students who are Commanders in each class will gather in the multipurpose
room after school today. That is to determine someone by a lottery and let
them choose their desired opponent. You have to discuss which class will be
chosen before the draw."
The class that wins in the lottery has the right to determine which class to
fight, and then the remaining two classes will automatically face each other.
"It's best to choose Class D, because we have a high chance of winning."
"Of course, if you choose a class D opponent who has poor overall abilities,
the winning percentage will increase. However, it is not always the best to
fight the lower classes."
If this is the case, then the chances of the other three classes choosing Class
D is also very high - Chabashira-sensei said so. After the fall of Ryuuen, it
was very easy to deal with Class D.
"The most important thing in this exam is not working together, but to take
advantage of the strengths of each class."
Whether we fight with class A or class B, we don't need to worry.
In other words, as long as we choose a good event for our class, we have a
higher chance to win.
However, the higher the difficulty, on the contrary the more advantages the
class has.
When we heard Chabashira-sensei's comments, no one smiled.
At present, Horikita is constantly imagining in her mind - now Class C has
the opportunity to challenge Class A and B with a chance to defeat them.
"However, this statement won't make you better. That means, if you lose this
test and class D wins ... You will fall back down."
Chabashira-sensei took the chalk and wrote the current class points on the

Class points on March 1

Class A · 1001 points.
Class B · 640 points
Class C · 377 points
Class D · 318 points

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Class C and Class D’s points only slightly differ. In other words, even though
we have been promoted to Class C within a year, we will return to Class D if
we lose this last special exam.
That means, in the eyes of the students, they must obtain victory.
"Next, let's talk about changes related to class points ... Each event will raise
or decrease class points by 30 points. If it is 7 consecutive wins, the class will
get 210 points. If you win 5 times and 2 times losing, you will get 90 points
from the opposing class. And the school will give 100 class points as the
prize. "
That means, we can gain up to 310 class points.
According to the results of this event, we can get points from enemy classes.
This rule is also quite desirable. The number of points in the upper class that
cannot be reduced so far can now be reduced as much as possible. Depending
on the settings and results of the event, it is possible to move up to Class B
and possibly down to Class D.
"If the opposing class points are insufficient, the school will fill in the
insufficient points. That is, the class points will become negative but will be 0
on the surface. However, the class must pay back the points in debt to the
In a form that cannot be seen, it means that the class points will be 0 or
However, this time all classes have more than 210 points, so it seems we
don't need to worry about this problem.

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Part 1
After Chabashira-sensei left, there was still a little free time in class.
The students see the paper in front which contains the rules of the event.
"Excuse me."
Horikita broke into the crowd and photographed the note with her cellphone.
In order to return to her seat and see it early, she takes this initiative.
She sat on her chair and looked through everything.
"I'll show you, even though you might not be interested."
"Thank you for your consideration."
Thens he sent two photos in the chat application.
“Special event selection exam and rules for deciding an event.”
・ About small events, complicated events, and rules restrictions.
Overly detailed rules are not permitted.
In matters such as written examinations and other events, the school will
issue questions to ensure fairness.
According to the content of the event, it is forbidden to set game rules that
are too far from the basic rules.
・ About the facilities that can be used.
On the special examination day, the Commander will see the process of the
event in the multipurpose room. In addition, the gym, the field, facilities at
the school, such as the music room and science room will basically be
available, there are also some exceptions.
・ About event boundaries and deadlines.
Only one event per class can be selected for events rated as equal. Events that
are too long or have no time limit may not be allowed.
・ Regarding the number of people needed to participate.
The number of people needed for the event must be different for 10 events,
except for substitute players.
The minimum number of participants for one event is 1 and the maximum
number is 20 (excluding substitute players).
There must be at least two events with more than 10 people in each class
including reserves.
・ About the conditions of participation
Each student can only participate in one event and cannot participate in more

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than one event. However, if all members in the class have participated, they
can participate more than once.
・ Regarding the Commander's role.
The Commander has the right to interfere in the seven events. The way of
intervention is determined by the class that determines the event. This
intervention can only be done with school approval.
The rules are roughly divided into these five categories.
The number of participants in each event, between 1 and 20 people. Events
that require 20 participants are quite limited, but that can be entered in several
ways. If almost 40 people have already played in the event, then they can
play a second time, and even students can play three times depending on the
situation. Although we try to reduce the number of participants and use some
elites to compete, we must change the number of participants depending on
the type of event. That will be increasingly difficult.
"Really, the school is making us prepare for the special exams with hard
"Yes, but this is probably the biggest event of the year."
This is a difficult mechanism to win unless many students participate and
work together.
This is somewhat similar to a sports festival, but this time it's not just good
physical strength that will benefit. Depending on the point of view, there are
battles that use academic abilities, flexible ways of doing things, or doing
things in dexterity. This advantage also has the potential to shine.
We not only have to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses, but also to
find out the strengths and weaknesses of other classes is the key to the test.
Taking into account the selection of these events, the special exam time
arranged by the school is also very clear. It is important to listen to the
opinions of all parties to maximize the power of the events in this special
In addition, in our class, there are still people who we are unsure whether or
not they will participate in the events. If one person cannot participate twice,
we must make adjustments in this regard.
After understanding the entire description, Horikita still showed an
unsatisfactory expression.
"You don't seem to be satisfied with this special exam."
"Yes, there are a number of things, many of which make me dissatisfied,

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especially what class program to choose on that day is the key to winning or
losing. It can result in a pretty big loss if we end up with competing in events
prepared by the opposing class. "
Because of the absolute trust in the event that they have prepared, they will
attend the shows.
In addition, compared to attending other classes chosen by the program, of
course, they want to compete in their own events to ensure results.
"The school will collect 10 events and notify each class, and then lock 7
events on exam day. Isn't this more fair?"
Indeed, from the point of view of justice, Horikita's opinion is correct.
"The lower classes have a lower chance of winning, but if luck is with them,
the lower classes can also defeat the upper classes."
But, in general, the higher the class’ skill level, the better in many ways.
"That's for sure ... there is a view like that. After all I don't really like this
special exam."
She muttered-
It is time for students to understand the event through discussion.
But Hirata continued to bow his head and wait for time to pass.
"He was still the centerpiece of the class a few days ago."
"Are you trying to say that this is my fault?"
"It's hard to say."
Even though this was Hirata's own problem, no one could understand his
problem, including himself.
"Oh, I want to confirm something before discussing it."
At this moment Sudou spoke. While Hirata continued to stay motionless,
even though the discussion was about to begin in class.
After Sudou looked at me, he began to look around the classroom.
"Many people could not accept the results of last weekend. Right, Kanji?"
"... Well, that's unacceptable, I don't understand at all. Everyone is confused,
why the first place in the praise poll was Ayanokouji. How did you end up
getting 42 praise votes?"
Many of the students' lines of sight are directed at me. It was not an exception
from the Ayanokouji group.
"This means you get a lot of praise from other classes, right?"
At the end of last week, I didn't get the chance to explain.
I had predicted that they would bring this up sooner or later.

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The problem is that I can't tell everything here.
My position in this class is at the lowest level, in my current position, there
was nothing I could say.
"I'll explain it to you."
Horikita takes the initiative.
"Wait, we want Ayanokouji to explain it himself ... Me and my friends ... But
he is no longer here."
"I don't think Ayanokouji-kun can explain it himself."
Horikita stood up and started talking, as if she was trying to protect me.
" ... So what ?"
"Maybe Ayanokouji-kun himself doesn't know what happened."
"You said ... Ayanokouji himself doesn't know?"
"Yes, simply put. This was all planned out by Sakayanagi-san. Regarding
why she did this, I tried to deduce myself. Let me explain myself about the
reason. "
To explain step by step, Horikita answered the question in a way that is easy
to understand.
"First, after she saw Yamauchi-kun as a target, she told him that she would
give her class’ voice of praise to convince him. In fact, there was no doubt
after Yamauchi-kun said it himself at the last moment. So there must of been
a promise like that. But instead, she decided to give a voice of praise to
another student. "
"M-maybe like that. But, why she gave it to Ayanokouji?"
"Then what do you think? Sudou-kun."
"That ... for example, Ayanokouji is actually a very great person, so
Sakayanagi thinks that he deserves praise ..."
"Do you see any great things about him? I have the impression that he is a
student who could run fast. Nothing more."
"That ... Well, I suppose so too."
"He didn't get good grades in the written exam, and besides his fast running,
he has no ability that I can see in other sports. Even if you observe other
things that aren't accompanied by his foot speed, there is no good picture to
talk about . "
These words are fully consistent with the understanding of the people around
me. There is no denying evidence.
"In other words, your assumptions are incorrect."

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Horikita did not hesitate to emphasize.
"Do you want to say that he was only chosen by chance? This would be a
little strange."
"Try to think about it. If Ayanokouji-kun was a great person, would you
deliberately give him a 'protection point'? No fool would give it to a difficult
opponent. If there were exceptions, it would have gone to 'Ichinose' who had
already many predicted from the start that she would end up with a lot of
praise. "
In fact, a total of 98 praise votes have been received by Ichinose. This is the
result of the idea 'it's better to send it to someone than to gather it to
"I'm sure there are no fools who give 'protection points' to tough opponents."
Said Horikita.
"Right, it's impossible to do that."
With an explanation from Horikita, so Kei, Sakura, and many other boys also
"Even though I don't know why Yamauchi-kun was Sakayanagi-san's target.
If I assume that she wants him out of the school, then I would be able to
understand the series of problems that have occurred. As planned, let's look
back at what Yamauchi-kun did before in class. us. He formed a targeted
Ayanokouji-kun, and then Sakayanagi-san gave many voices of praise to
Ayanokouji-kun, so she could get Yamauchi-kun expelled from the school. "
"In other words ... Haruki was expelled, all because of Sakayanagi's plan."
"Yes, and the choice of Ayanokouji-kun, was merely a coincidence. She
wanted to choose someone who was inconspicuous and would not harm Class
A. Maybe through these two considerations, she ended up choosing
This explanation was very useful for me.
They couldn't find a way to get away from me in Horikita's explanation.
"That's what I thought. She was aiming to take out Yamauchi-kun resulting in
why she protected Ayanokouji-kun."
Sudou and Ike had no choice but to convince themselves.
Even so, Sudou still couldn't take it.
"Is it because I support him like this, which makes you very upset?"
Horikita looked at Sudou and asked.
Sudou did not answer directly, but averted his eyes.

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"I support him because I realize that the reason why Yamauchi-kun left
school is not because of him, but because of myself. "
Horikita was the one who exposed Yamauchi's strategy in class and forced
him into a desperate situation.
"If you want to blame someone, then you should blame me."
"That ..."
Sudou cannot blame Horikita.
In fact, he also knows that unneeded students will be expelled - there is no
way to prevent this.
However, no matter how well it is explained, it is difficult for everyone to
Because now, I did end up getting a 'protection point'.
Because only I am in the safe range in the upcoming exam.
"This special exam... Can I recommend myself as the Commander?"
I saw an opportunity and said this.
Although Sakayanagi has not contact me, this time, it is guaranteed that she
will be a Commander.
So, I have to act as the Commander to match my agreement with her to
compete with her in this exam.
"It's true, in the class vote, I gave distrust to my friends, so by becoming the
Commander of this special test, I want to dispel any suspicion."
"Ayanokouji ......"
Sudou looked at me in surprise.
"This proposal is very good, as no one will be expelled, and there is no need
to be suspicious of Ayanokouji."
This will lead to nobody dropping out of school. Because of that Ike
supported to let me be the Commander.
"Wait a minute, I'm very happy with Ayanokouji-kun taking the initiative to
become a Commander, but I mind letting you serve as the Commander."
The person who unexpectedly raised an objection to this problem, was
"If we ask Ayanokouji-kun to be the Commander, no one will leave the
school even if we lose, because we have 'protection points'. But doesn't this
mean that we surrender to defeat from the beginning? It feels like we will just
be preparing for defeat. After all, Ayanokouji-kun is a very ordinary person,
as Horikita-san said. "

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In other words, she doesn't think we can win with the instructions I will be
giving as Commander.
"If we are confronting Class A or Class B, we will have to face Sakayanagi-
san or Ichinose-san? The position of the Commander seems very important.
If we let Ayanokouji-kun do it, we have no chance of winning. If we lose, we
will return to Class D. You know? "
Some students expressed their agreement with Shinohara's opinion.
"I think it would be better to recruit candidate Commanders for now."
However, this position risks dropping out of school. I'm afraid no one will
raise their hand easily.
If it's a normal situation, we might be able to count on Hirata, but this time, it
seems to be impossible.
Up until now, Hirata had not participated in the discussion, but only kept his
head down.
If you have to say that under these circumstances, the only student who isn't
afraid of dropping out of school to become a candidate for Commander is ...
Everyone looks at Horikita.
However, in the current circumstances, maybe-
"Sorry, but I also want to avoid the risk of dropping out of school ... If,
Ayanokouji-kun is a candidate, I want to say something about that ... As
Shinohara-san said, when it comes to battles against Class A and B, there is
no guarantee that we can win at this stage. "
"But, Horikita-san, you doubted Ayanokouji-kun's abilities before, but now
why do you want him to be the Commander?"
Hearing these words, Kei suddenly interrupted.
"I thought, maybe because I had tried to help him prove that he had nothing
to do with Yamauchi-kun's withdrawal from school. As a thank you, he might
volunteer as a Commander. "
In some ways, Horikita smoothly blocked my escape.
Not surprisingly, there was an intention from Horikita to force me into the
Commander's position.

In her eyes, my abilities were far higher than any other student.
Instead of handing over the Commander to students who can't do it, it's better
to encourage me to be more stable. She made this judgment. Even if I lose, I
have protection points and it won't be a problem.

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"Are there no other candidates for the Commander?"
If there are objections, then people who want to be Commander can say it.
But there are no other students who want to risk dropping out of school.
"Even though Ayanokouji-kun is the Commander, we can also have a
thorough discussion with everyone beforehand. On that day, he will act
according to the instructions and planned patterns. There will be no big
difference with that."
Students who do not want to think too much, gave their approval.
"However, it's almost time for class to end. The school won't give us time to
discuss it. I suggest that we find time to gather and discuss it."
Because Hirata doesn't care, it's likely that Horikita will have to carry heavy
responsibilities in the class.

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During lunch break that day, almost all students in Class C gathered in class.
Students who did not bring a bento, went to buy their lunch, but will soon
gather again.
As a student who buys my lunch, I left the classroom temporarily.
I went to a place where there were no signs of people around and made a call
to two people.
One of them already sent an email over the phone beforehand, so I
immediately found them.
And the next one -
After doing this work, I bought my lunch and returned to the class.

But there are two people who are absent from class.
One of them is a man who always has never interfered, Koenji Rokusuke.
And the other one is Yosuke Hirata.
In the classroom, 37 people are left gathered.
"Hirata-kun doesn't seem to want to participate."
"It seems so."
I could hear voices of concern, but time continued to pass by.
Discussion to determine the events must be done more than once.
"What do you think! Koenji has never taken it seriously. Right?"
I can understand the feelings of Sudou who wanted to be angry and upset.
Or, there should be some students who may have some hope, and think that
Koenji is at least more serious on the surface.
However, the reality is not going well.
No, or should I say that humans cannot change easily?
Even if it's Koenji, he still mixes with the present.
But I don't think he will always be to act like this.
One day, there will be an exam like voting again.

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At that time, Koenji himself has to pay for his actions.
"Don't mind him, just start. Damn." Said Sudou.
"If you are angry, you will only suffer."
"We're back on topic, I've asked sensei to copy the manuals about the rules of
the program. I'll give it to everyone. Read these instructions carefully after
eating, and then have a special discussion after school."
Horikita had no choice but to take the initiative now because no one was
"Even though I'm eating, if there's something you don't understand, you can
ask me questions."
There seems to be no doubt on Horikita who has read the manual repeatedly.

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Part 1
After school that day. The class ended without questions.
After, Chabashira-sensei announced to the students who was the Commander
to immediately come to the corridor, then walked out of the classroom.
The person who first got up and left was Hirata.
"Uhm ... about the upcoming exam, we want to discuss it—"
A girl named Nishimura tried to talk to Hirata.
However, his voice didn't reach Hirata who left the classroom without a
"Hirata-kun ..."
Hirata showed a strong attitude when rejecting her directly in front of
Nishimura and other students.
To say that the only exception is Koenji. There was a pair of refreshing
expressions on his face or rather that he did not see the commotion. He just
continued to stare at his cellphone.
"I ... am going to the toilet for a while. I'll be right back!"
The person who stood up and said that was Wang Mei Yu - most people call
her Mii-chan.
Even though he said she was going to the toilet, she was actually worried
about Hirata and followed him.
"Because it's useless, it seems like only I can do it."
Horikita prepares to lead.
"Sorry, I'll ask you later. I still have business as a Commander."
"Well, you will be choosing our opponent for the class in the multipurpose
room. If you have the right to choose, you must choose Class D."
"I understand, but don't expect too much from that."
I got up and left the class.
Because I have a responsibility as a Commander, I went to the corridor.
"Is that you? Ayanokouji? As the Commander?"
Chabashira-sensei who felt helpless sighed, and her line of sight seemed to
turn in the direction where the two people went.
"I am the Commander."
"...... Is that so?"
After joining Chabashira-sensei, we went to a special building together.

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"To decide the class, I have to go to a special building."
"Because you still need to explain the rules for exam day and how to use
Because the special building was very quiet, the sound of our footsteps were
very loud.
"It was already a big problem getting protection points, but being pushed into
the position of Commander. You really suffered."
"I was not encouraged, I volunteered."
Chabashira-sensei stopped.
"... You?"
"Is that weird?"
"Don't you hate being conspicuous?"
Chabashira-sensei doubted it herself.
"Only if there is a difference between being a protector or not."
"So, like that. That is, you have no way of refusing, at that moment."
Students who have protective points are most likely to be Commanders.
If I refuse to become a Commander, then only I am in the safe zone.
The only difference is being pushed down a cliff or jumping off a cliff.
"However, in any case, being a Commander will have a big responsibility. If
you give up that responsibility, class C will be defeated."
Because there was no one else around, Chabashira-sensei spoke more freely.
"Are you threatening me?"
I saw Chabashira-sensei who smiled softly.
"What do you think? But, I'm really looking forward to it. Finally, I will be
able to see the full extent of your abilities."
Chabashira-sensei who is targeting class A seemed to have high hopes for
"I cannot guarantee victory."
"Is that true? Unfortunately, I can't imagine a situation where you will lose. ”
After that, I did not continue the conversation with Chabashira-sensei.

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Part 2
Function room in a special building. It seems to be the core of this special
"Looks like three people besides you have arrived."
The door to the room opened. What caught my attention was the teacher who
was in charge of each class and several students. Class A is Sakayanagi,
Class B is Ichinose, Class D is Kaneda.
As expected, they were all students with protection points.
In the room, there was 2 computers and a large screen placed directly
opposite of one another.
"We will decide which class to face when the Commander of each class has
gathered. Everyone will draw a lot from here. Students who get the red circle
on paper will get a choice."
Lottery box.
Mashima-sensei brought it to us and urged Class A to take the first draw, but
Sakayanagi refused.
"There are blessings in the leftovers, so I have no problem being the last.
Please continue with Ichinose-san."
"Oh. I won't hesitate ---"
Class B Ichinose picks first. Then Class C and class D in sequence. The
marked paper is not folded, and the results can be known immediately after
being pulled. Class D, the last Kaneda, gets a paper with a red mark.
In other words, class D has the right to choose an opponent.
"Mashima-sensei, it looks like the last paper doesn't need to be confirmed."
Mashima-sensei raised the last remaining paper. Of course, there is no red
circle there.
"Oh, it looks like there's no luck with leftovers."
"Is that so? I'm always unlucky in the draw."
"Of course, for Class A, no matter who the opponent is, you don't need to
worry, right?"
"There is no such thing, I want to avoid your class if conditions permit,
I myself do not know whether what Sakayanagi said was a lie or her sincere

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"Can you tell which Class you would like to choose?"
At Mashima-sensei's request, Kaneda nodded slowly.
Class D should have had a discussion in the morning and after school.
Discuss which class you want to fight.
"Then I'll say it. We, Class D - I hope to play against Class B."
What Kaneda said, was an unexpected declaration of war.
"What about Class B?"
After receiving their second confirmation, Mashima-sensei decided for
another class.
Because Class D has chosen Class B opponents, it is automatically a match
between Class A and Class C is decided.
"I thought you would choose class C, but why choose class B?"
Sakayanagi asked Kaneda for a reason.
"If we want to turn things around now, at least we have to take points from
the upper class. But, even though I like that, I still want to avoid fighting with
class A."
"Is that so? For me who wants to avoid the strong Class B, it is also very
helpful. I wish good luck for Class D."
Sakayanagi nodded and thanked Kaneda. However, there are a number of
tricks behind the formation of this situation. Of course, it was pure
coincidence that Kaneda had the right to vote, but no matter who got the
draw, it would be the same result.
Previously, I contacted Ichinose and Ishizaki after school.
Then I made a request to compete against Class A.
I only hoped to choose Class A as an opponent, but Ichinose agreed to give
up Class A because of my request. As for Ishizaki, it seems that the real
policy is to choose Class B, so there will be no contradictions here.
All this for the sake of fighting against Sakayanagi from Class A.
The only thing that might be a nuisance is if I end up having the right to
Because Horikita said that she wanted to choose Class D, if I get a lottery
then I have to find some reason for choosing Class A.
The odds of drawing are 1 in 4, so I don't need to worry. In other words, the
interaction here is only in the same direction to determine the outcome.
Sakayanagi also had to understand that I had done some work in preparation.

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Thus, the opponents of each class are decided.
"Now I will explain the system for a special examination day. In this
multipurpose room, you will use two similar computers. In this competition,
all Commanders will be assigned to select participants from each event using
that computer in real time."
The computer screen on the left is projected on a large monitor.
When Chabashira-sensei operated the computer, Mashima-sensei continued
to explain.
"For example, this is a list of Alass A students. Move the mouse, drag a photo
of the selected student's face and place it on the frame of the event. If you
make a mistake or want to change it in the middle, use your mouse to put the
face photo back outside the frame. You can repeat it. It's also possible to tap
the screen with your fingertips. "
"I feel like this is a TV game show."
"Really ~"
The atmosphere of dialogue between Ichinose and Hoshinomiya-sensei
seemed pleasant.
"There is a time limit for selecting students in each event. The amount of time
that counts down now is the time of your choice. The more people you need,
the longer the election time you have. You can immediately understand that
you have 30 seconds to choose each person . "
In other words, an event that requires 10 people has 300 seconds.
"If you do not finish within the specified time limit, the computer will
randomly select students based on the number of students who have not
played. Be sure to pay attention to this. Conversely, if the electoral time is
passed, students' photos will be removed from the event frame."
In other words, we must not exceed the allotted time.
"After the exam starts, the big screen will display the exam in real time."
The screen displays a chess match that appears on TV. This is a reference
"After the exams begin, the Commanders' intervention conditions will be
displayed on a computer screen as text messages."
The big screen has been changed to a computer.
The screen shows 'Pause, Commander can repeat this step.'
This is an explanation of 'Commander intervention'.
"When you can confirm content, you can intervene by clicking on this

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condition. Remember that!"
Then the big screen switches back to the game.
"The instructions given by the Commander are not carried out in the form of
calls, but the computer will automatically read the text in the form of chat. If
you enter text and press Enter, it will be sent directly to the participant's
After that, the computer will automatically read the messages and deliver the
instructions. The reason for not receiving this form of call might be to
prevent inappropriate behavior. The example just mentioned is the
intervention 'Commander who can take this step again.' If the information is
combined skillfully, it can also convey instructions 2 to 3 steps.
"If the Commander takes action against the intervention, it will be considered
a violation of the regulations in place."
Moreover, it's better to have published information that will be carefully
reviewed by third parties.
"At each event, only one person is allowed to use the headset. Even if it is a
team battle, there is only one person who can receive instructions from the
Commander. Who is the person who uses the headset is also appointed by the
There is more to be done than I imagined.
Even though general content has been predetermined, the Commander must
always consider unexpected situations.
"The Commander can intervene at any time in accordance to the event’s
We can freely use our own computer to view, replace, or enlarge or reduce
For example, observing students participating in an event or preparing for the
next event. So, the Commander must do many things.
"The above is the role of the Commander and how to operate it. Do you have
any questions?"
Mashima-Sensei sent a glance to everyone, but there seemed to be no doubt
from us.
"So, this is the end of today. If you want to reconfirm the method of
operation, you are allowed to go to the multipurpose room with your teacher.
Time is limited to the week before the test. Thus the explanation of the
Commander is finished."

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Part 3
After returning to the dormitory, I told Horikita which class we would be
against, in chat form, and then I began to consider the role of Commander. In
other words, this is my first time facing a school exam.
To be honest, if this was an individual battle, it would be impossible for me
to lose.
However, my task for this special exam is to direct all the students in the
Fighting can only be done within the class’ skills.
Even an extraordinary strategist, like Sun Tzu, who directs an army of
children to fight against adults, the chance of winning would be one in ten
Although only the 'intervention' that the Commander can use is the key, in the
end, there must be a main premise to serve the battle.
In other words, I need to understand the potential and possibilities of all of
Class C.
Who likes who, who hates who, who is good at doing something and who is
not good at anything.
If I don't understand these things, there is no chance of winning.
And regarding my ability to gather information and leadership, I am quite
low in class when counted from the lower caste. I don't know anything, like
Shinohara and Onodera's favorite food.
So what should be done first?
I don't need to think about it. Of course, I want to ask people who know my
class well.
Even though it sounds simple, it can't be avoided.
Those who fulfill these requirements include 'Kei', 'Hirata' and 'Kushida'.
Not just asking one person, I also want to ask all of them about the situation.
However, seeing the current situation, only Kei would be willing to help me.
Hirata is now in an impossible situation. As for Kushida, it would be due to
the impact to her reputation caused by the voting in the class. Even though

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she didn't show his expression at all, she should be quite angry with Horikita.
I don't know how much she doubts me, but I'm sure that his vigilance is far
greater than before.
It was around 6:00 p.m. when it was dusk.
A visitor rings the doorbell.
I didn't think about anything and welcomed the visitors to the room.
"...... Hello."
The visitor ... Karuizawa Kei, was still wearing a school uniform.
"Are you still in school?"
"However, I'm different from you, I have many friends. Besides, I'm the
protagonist of today. "
Kei uses rather strange words and directs her gaze at me.
"Kei is the protagonist? Why?"
When I showed a confused expression, Kei looked a little angry.
"... How can you feel fine? Compared to this, it's very rare for me to come out
at a time like this. You also said you don't need to worry about anyone else.
Don't you have problems if others see?"
Kei seems to be quietly looking around my room.

"No problem. After all sorts of unexpected changes, as a result, their needs
are greatly reduced."
"Because Hashimoto-kun from Class A and senior students have also seen us,
"Almost like this."
"My relationship with Kiyotaka, it will be open to the public, little by little
...... Is that okay?"
"No problem. "
Was it because of my quick reply, she felt calmer, and heaved a sigh of
"If it's like that, it can't be helped."
Indeed there are some actions that are easier to do when my contact with Kei
is unknown.
However, the situation gradually began to change.
Also, from now on, compared to behaviors such as spying, it's easier to take
action on the bright side.
"But ...... we are boys and girls of the same class, aren't we? If they find out

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that it is just 'the two of us', strange rumors will arise."
I thought she was someone who did not care about that kind of thing?
"This time I assume responsibility as Commander. Isn't it natural to call Kei
who is the central figure in the class?"
To make sure, I added these words.
"Hmm ... Well, that's true."
At this stage, it seemed like Kei was still worried.
"Why did you take the role of Commander? Even though you have protection
points, you're not the type to feel guilty about it, right?"
Is that a good thing to know about me?
"Regardless of how you want to mention it, after all, I have to show the
impression that I'm worried about my classmates. Besides, Yamauchi just left
school, and I'm still under suspicion in class. So doing this is the best
"Is that all?"
"If I got the protection point, I wouldn’t be the Commander, no matter what
anyone says."
Because Kei had built such a position, even if she protected her 'protection
points', no one would blame her. That is good.
"Putting that aside, tell me the details of the people in the class."
"First of all - where should I start? I don't know all about it? Especially the
situation of boys."
"That doesn't matter. I'll ask Kushida and Hirata after that."
However, that would only be another perspective.
Whether it will really be needed or not, the situation is still unknown at this
"Of course, if you can hear it from them, you will be able to understand
everything in class ..."
When Kei said that, she thought of the circumstances that made it difficult.
"Apart from Kushida-san, how is Yousuke-kun doing? Looks like he's really
"Are you worried too?"
"Of course. No matter who everyone is in class C, Yousuke-kun's current
situation is difficult to accept."
A Class C where Hirata does not exist. There will definitely be lots of

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damage with no benefits. There is no sense of stability in the class because
there isn’t anybody to act as a mitigator.
"In short, start with you."
"By the way, it's hard to talk in general, so let's put it in the form of
If that’s what she wants, then I will ask her about each girl one by one.
I began to plant a picture of all the Class C girls in my mind in the order of
the student absence list.

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Part 4
"—It's almost like this."
In less than 10 minutes, I received all the information I needed from Kei.
"Hey. Do you even remember everything I said? Even if you ask me to repeat
it again, I won't say it."
"No problem. "
"What, did all that information ‘come to mind'?"
"Almost like that."
Ah - is that true? So fabulous. From Kei's attitude, she seemed to praise me
like that.
"Is it true that the opponent is Class A? After all, that is a bad thing, right?"
"I won’t be fighting, instead it will be you and your classmates. Even though
the Commander can interfere, it can't always change the situation. Isn't it
more appropriate to say that you have a problem?"
"Oh. I-me? I said ~ ..."
Kei seemed to want to say something, but she ended up speechless.
"... Could you please keep me from participating in the events?"
"That's not something I can decide on my own. Depending on the opponent's
strategy, there is a possibility of playing twice."
"No, no. I can't. I'm not good at studying or exercising."
Kei shook her head strongly and stated that she didn't want to compete.
"Even though the opponent is Sakayanagi-san, Kiyotaka will definitely win."
Kei gave her thumbs up. Just because you don't want to participate, and don't
want to be responsible.
However, in reality, Kei could not fully understand my level.
"That would be easy if no one expected you? "
"I guess that's true."
If there is no hope, it's easy to say something like that.
"So was that all you wanted to say? Did you really have to meet me in
If that's all, it would have been better to call, and that makes Kei grin.
"There are things that are easier to understand when we meet in person,
Since that was not the answer she wanted, Kei's expression still looked stiff.

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"Oh ... in short, it's over, right? Then, may I ... leave now?"
Maybe Kei felt that, although this continued, the situation would not change.
When the minimum required topic was complete, Kei said this sentence:
"If there's something important, I'll contact you again."
"... Yes."
Judging from Kei's expression, she seemed to be expecting something, but
immediately gave up.
Until the very end she remained stubborn, and ended up not saying anything.
Of course, if she said something, it would be easier for me to act ...
"Wait a minute. There are still a few things I want to talk about."
In order prevent Kei from seeing it in my room, I put the 'item' in the drawer.
To get the item, I stood up.
"What? If there's something you want to talk about, say it earlier."
"Today, it's your birthday."
"Hey - did you already know that ..."
I took the 'item' that had been prepared beforehand from the drawer. I asked
the store at the school to order it and wrap it in birthday gift packaging.
"I just wanted to tease you."
"Don't say weird things, if you have a present, give it as soon as possible.
But, I have already received many good gifts from my friends. So the
difficulty in satisfying me has increased. "
Kei said this, and looked away as she held out her hands to me.
Seeing this appearance, I immediately stopped when I was about to give a
"Do you really want it?"
"No, I don't want it."
"If you don't want it, then I don't need to force it on you."
"Ha ha !! Since you have decided to give someone a gift, you should at least
give it to the person! "
She said something unclear.
"However, this gift is also combined with White day."
"Of course ... This is getting 'troublesome, so just give the present?"
Kei who sighed as if helpless, took the gift from me.
Kei was a little surprised because the box was so small and so light.
"Is there even something inside?"
"I don't have the courage to give someone an empty box as a present."

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If something like that was done, it would make Kei angry.
"So, I'll confirm the contents, no problem with you?"
Kei tried to confirm the contents of the box as if she was a police officer who
was interrogating me. She carefully opened the gift wrapping paper and
opened the lid.
What appeared there was a piece of metal that shined in gold.
"What ... What is this !?"
Even though she was shocked, no matter who saw it, they could obviously
tell what it was.
"It is a necklace."
"Yes, even I can see it! This is too heavy a gift, you know!"
"E-after all, that necklace isn't something you normally give to a friend, you
Even though she said that ...
I could not understand what she was trying to say and tilted my head.
But Kei didn't give an answer, as if she still had something to say.
"And ... and you know? It seems like it wouldn’t suit me either! It's heart
shaped, you know! "
She was referring to the heart-shaped object that hung at the core of the
Looks like this birthday present was not a ‘good’ present.
"It's heart-shaped, you know!"
Once again, she stressed that she did not like it very much.
"Fuu, fuu." (breathing heavily)
Even if it's me, I would definitely feel a little hurt if they were to protest
against a gift like this.
Regardless of what the object is, giving a gift is in the hope that it would be
appreciated by others.
"Is this not too expensive?"
"It's not cheap. It's almost around 20,000 Yen."
"20,000 - why did you choose an expensive necklace ......"
"Even if you ask ......"
While Kei who saw me blushed.
It seems, it is better to answer honestly here.
"To be honest, I have never given a birthday gift to a girl. Therefore, I

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decided to gather information and search the Internet. Then I found gifts for
women recommended by the 'Online shop' site from a large-scale order
website. They also said that it's “very popular with high school girls."
I still remember the promotion that stated 'whether it's a lover or not, this is
the best choice for White day'.
At the same time, I also considered that it was necessary to pay the
appropriate amount for both the birthday and White day at the same time.
"Oh wow ..."
I always felt that Kei was surprised by my thoughts.
Maybe I made a mistake.
"Even though you are very smart, but this is a bit awkward. Or it's too naive.
Even though it's very popular among high school girls, women prefer to
choose themselves. Choose what you think fits or suits my interests.
Fortunately, it's not a ring that requires a specific finger size ... Frankly, in a
rating of 100, the evaluation of this prize is only 10 points. "
Even though I prepared an expensive gift, the result was disappointing.
In the end, she explained to me how high school girls were, and there were
many factors to think about.
I thought it was a gift of good intentions, but if I were asked, 'Did I really
consider the mood of others?', I would doubt it myself.
"Then how many points would I get if I gave a box of snacks?"
"15 points."
I didn't expect a box of snacks to score higher than a necklace that was worth
20,000 Yen.
"Since it's already opened, I might not be able to return it. If you don't want
it, just leave it here before leaving. If you don't mind waiting a few more
days, I can get you a box of snacks, I'll prepare the gift again."
I made this suggestion while feeling my lack of knowledge.
I expected it to be worth more than 10 points or 15 points.
Even though I thought so ...
Kei saw the necklace and then looked at me.
Then she placed the necklace that I thought would be returned on her neck.
Kei said, 'Let me borrow a mirror,' then used my mirror to look at it.
"Hmm ... As I thought, the heart shape is rather childish. But I think I look
cute, no matter what I wear."

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Even though I couldn't stop myself from thinking 'are you really a first year
high school student?', Kei looked very serious.
This short pause of time confirmed whether or not the necklace matched with
her own perspective, and then she nodded after being satisfied with it.
I think she just wants to try it, and will return it later. But after carefully
removing the necklace, she put the box in her bag.
"Looks like this is the first gift you have given girl? I'll help you out with
"... In that case it will be better."
Besides, even if she gave it back to me, there wasn’t anybody else I could
give it to.

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What the Class is Lacking

The next day, after deciding which class to face.
Like yesterday, we will have a discussion after school. Because of this, there
are no special restrictions on today's lunch break.
The Ayanokouji group routinely gathered after lunch.
We immediately joined in the corner of the classroom.
"How was the discussion yesterday?"
I asked my friends about yesterday.
Because the Commander needs to decide which class to fight, it takes about
one hour for the teacher to explain. When I returned to class at that time, the
students had returned to the dormitory.
"Have you not been told by Horikita-san? ... That's not surprising. "
Airi said something unclear. But soon she said again.
"Is there a guide for the event? It's difficult for everyone to understand the
rules ..."
"There wasn’t even any discussion at all. It was a waste of time."
As if remembering that day, Keisei sighed.
It seems that lunch time alone is not enough to understand the rules. In the
meantime, let everyone understand the rules first and end the discussion. It
seems like that's what Class C is trying to do.
"And the problem isn't only within the class."
"What do you mean Yukimu?"
"In schools, there are very few places that can accommodate students for
"Even if we go to karaoke or Keyaki Mall. Of course, it is not possible to
accommodate up to 40 people. But what happened to that?"
"After yesterday's discussion, I was the first person to leave the classroom ...
At that time I saw several students from Class A in the corridor outside our
What's wrong with that? Haruka and Airi looked at each other.
Even though Akito didn't understand at first, he immediately understood it

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after a while.
"... Are they spies?"
"That's right. In this exam, the information we decided on in class was very
important, right? Even though they only listened to what happened in Class
C, they were able to retrieve some information."
What programs are likely to be chosen, or who is good at what.
Of course, getting such information will be more beneficial for their class.
In other words, the battle had already begun.
"From this point of view, Class C is lagging behind."
"This is bad. Has Sakayanagi-san already acted? "
While spreading her arms, Haruka wondered.
"In that case. Do we also have to gather information from Class A? An eye
for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."
Haruka suggested that.
However, Keisei would not easily approve it.
"If it's that simple, then you don't need to work hard."
"Maybe it's not just me. Horikita also should know that there's no point in
doing that. Now, I think that class A is still outside the classroom. Besides, is
there even a place that can accommodate 40 people for discussion?"
Especially with the lack of unity in Class C, whatever must be done, it must
be based on unity.
It was not the same as Class A, and students who were at the top, like
Sakayanagi, for example, can immediately decide everything easily.
Who will be the Commander, who will consider the event, and who will
gather information. Conversely, when the special exam starts, who decides to
do those things.
Even though they also discuss in the classroom as Class C does, they will
keep two or three people on guard to prevent spying.
"But, let's try it first. Isn't that great? Maybe some of them are negligent.
Then they will deliberately talk about it in class, right?"
"If that's the case, I'm afraid, I would doubt the credibility of the information
If the information you hear is wrong, it would only be a waste of time. That's
the thought of Keisei. Information is something that should be hidden, and
information that is not hidden will be doubted.

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"But, information itself is absolutely necessary. What's important is how to
use it ..."
"Can we even win?"
Feeling filled with anxiety from people - Airi felt uneasy.
"It seems that it would be better if we lead one or two steps ahead."
Class C, which has not yet been decided, has no dominance at all.
"But, I didn't expect to be fighting with Class A."
"Sorry. I feel guilty for not winning the lottery."
But, even if I win the lottery, I will still end up choosing Class A, and I
would apologize on the surface later.
"Ah, no, I didn't mean it like that! Sorry Sorry! I didn’t mean to blame you at
all! "
To my surprise, Haruka seemed to think that my apology was quite heavy,
and she panicked.
"Haruka, Letting people take a quarter of the lottery possibilities, however
you do it, it is very difficult."
Hearing the words from Akito, Haruka cringed.
"Th-that's why I didn't mean it like that ..."
Haruka tried to change the situation, after a little thought.
"If they give a little convenience, it will be fine. After all, their opponent is
Class C. Are you thinking about the same thing?"
"Making it easy for us ... Is Sakayanagi someone who would do that?"
"... I can't see it at all. She not only destroyed Yamauchi-kun, she even
completely destroyed the unity of Class C."
Haruka raised her head and looked at the ceiling listlessly.
"But you have a problem, Kiyotaka. You are forced to be the Commander in
this situation."
Keisei tapped me on the shoulder because he was worried.
"Well, I have some protection points, however. There is no choice but for me
to be the Commander. Even if I lose, there is no need to worry about being
expelled from school."
All I can do now is say this to my friends.
For whatever reason, I arbitrarily guided the situation and let the class fight
against Class A.
"The opponent is Class A. Even if we lose, it's not Kiyotaka's responsibility."
"After all, Sakayanagi is also the Commander."

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Among 100 people, 99 people will think that Sakayanagi will win. Judging
from this situation, even if I lose, my position in class won't change. On the
other hand, if I win, they will only evaluate it as 'Horikita's successful
leadership and strategy.'
"Yes ... it might be difficult to win."
Keisei raised his arm, seeming to give up and heaved a sigh of relief.
But Akito made an unexpected comment.
"Even though the opponent is Class A, it's not entirely impossible to win."
"Is it like that ... No, I don't want to lose ..."
"Although this is not a secret, but isn't there a way to defeat Class A?"
Akito began to explain.
"When this test was first announced. I also felt that there was no chance of
winning against the upper classes. However, because of Ike's spontaneous
comments, I saw a small chance of winning."
"What did Ike-kun say? Is that about Rock-paper-scissors?"
When Haruka added that. Akito nodded in agreement.
"At first I thought this exam was very stupid. However, if we choose an event
that relies on luck, then no matter who the opponent is, there is a possibility
of winning around 50%. If we enter the game of the king or rich man, we can
also arrange 5 types of events on that day "As for the lucky event, I think it
doesn't matter."
After hearing Akito's explanation, Haruka suddenly became more cheerful.
"If you fight with such a strategy, you can compete in at an equal level with
class A or B!"
"Yes! I think that's a good idea!"
"No ...... I don't think it's that simple."
Unlike the three happy people, Keisei calmly criticized this strategy.
"I don't know if I have calculated it correctly. But the chances of winning
with this strategy are only 5%, up to 10%."
"Is it very low? But, even though we can't say that the winning percentage is
50%, there should be a 2 times the chance of winning. About 30% of it? Is it
difficult to win 5 events or 4 events?"
"It takes a lot of luck to get that development, as Haruka said."
If among the 5 out of 7 events to be selected are those proposed by Class C,
and need to get 4 or more wins in the event determined by luck. If the chance
of winning each event is counted by 50%, then the chance gained is ...

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I counted the opportunity in my mind.
Among the 7 events, the chance that all of the 5 events proposed by class C,
will be selected is 8.33%
In 5 match events, if the odds of winning are more than 4 events where it is a
50% chance of winning is 18.75%.
The conclusion drawn by the two is 1.56% chance, not even 5% ... It's hard to
guarantee that we can win only with luck.
However, this only takes into account the simple side, which is relying on
luck to win more than 4 events.
Even though it is likely to change due to various factors, there is no doubt
that this is not a good strategy.
In this case, it's better to take more risks and choose the event that we are
good at.
It's better to have fewer shows that depend on 50% luck.
"Can't it? No, even though I know maybe it won't work."
Akito knew that he was too naive and scratched his face. Suddenly I realized
that Airi was worried about me. He looked more anxious after our eyes met.
"Kiyotaka-kun ... Is it alright? Being Commander-"
Since the difficulty of defeating Class A is ahead of us, it's no wonder he
thinks this way.
"Yeah. Even though there are points of protection, don't force yourself too
Haruka added half of Airi's words.
"Haruka is right. At least we never thought you were connected to
Sakayanagi. Right?"
Everyone nodded and confirmed this statement. Being trusted by them is not
a bad thing.
"Well, although it seems that some students in the class have doubts, but
everyone understood through the explanation from Horikita-san. Although, at
first, I also felt that having a protection point was very good, but having this
would be very troublesome."
"Although I envy people who can get protection points, after seeing
Kiyotaka-kun, I think, if I were in the same position, I would also use it
The fact that only one person is in the safe zone in the class. It's hard to stay
still. However, Keisei denied with his hand and denied Airi's weak voice.

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"I won't give up protection points even if the people around me say
"Even though this will cause resentment, anger and hatred among your
"The premise is wrong. I don't want anyone else to make arbitrary statements
about what you get with your strength. It's better to say that to protect
themselves, you must take good care of them."
As if he had been a victim, resentment gathered in his hands.
Akito, who had been silent until now, looked at me and spoke.
"Actually, it's hard to fight against class A, and I'm grateful that Kiyotaka
accepted it, if it was another student, would he be the second person to leave
school? Or if it was Keisei, could you volunteer as a Commander?
"That's ... Hey, that's right."
However, they did not understand what Keisei wanted to convey. Although
more talented students can become Commanders, he wants to get a solid
victory. He wants to show that attitude.
"This exam also came with an annoying punishment, because it could cause
dropping out of school. If there were no punishment, who do you think is
most suitable for the Commander? After all it's only Horikita-san, right?"
Airi lowered her head, revealing the candidates in mind.
"You're right, I will choose Horikita-san. Or choose Hirata-kun or Kushida-
san? Fortunately, Yukimu can do it too."
He quoted several students' names, all of which tended to leave stable results
if they served as Commanders.
"Hirata, ah ... how's the situation?"
Akito who thought that discussing topics related to class A would make the
atmosphere very gloomy. He tried to change the subject.
"Keisei, how do you see the result of the battle between Class D and Class
He mentioned the other battle of this special exam.
"In all of the possibilities, I think it will be Class B's victory. There is a large
gap between the two classes. The overall strength of class B is also high."
"Yes, of course. The Commander is not Ryuuen-kun but Kaneda-kun. "
There is nothing to fear with Class D that is missing Ryuuen. That feeling
might be right.
However, Ishizaki and the others hoped that Class D could fight Class B from

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the start. This assessment cannot be underestimated. If I were in the position
of Class D leader, I would also call class B as an opponent. Class A is led by
Sakayangi, and there are also strong opponents such as Katsuragi and
Hashimoto, plus students who have high academic ability throughout the
year. Because I'm in Class C, they shouldn't want to fight against me. Of
course, there are some aspects that they can expect that I will remain in
shadow, but basically the advantages of Class D are not academic abilities
but physical abilities. If they want to maximize this ability, they must choose
Class B. However, it hasn't reached the level of being able to win or be in an
advantageous position at the very least.
In fact, whether Class D can win depends on the chosen program and the luck
of the exam.
It is only a small possibility that appears.
"Ah, look over there."
Haruka muttered that sentence, in his view - Hirata walked to the cafeteria.
He walks heavily, and his steps are very much like a zombie or ghost.
His eyes have no confidence, and his appearance is very different from his
usual one.
"This is really ... serious."
Haruka muttered, and there was nothing more to say. The man thinks more of
the class than anyone else, and always acts for class. At the beginning after
registration, no one in the class had dropped out. Hirata, who created the
situation, was undoubtedly a good achievement.
"This special test, Hirata cannot be expected. It is very difficult to fight with
Class A. This attitude of his has caused the class to bear heavy losses since
the start of the exam."
Keisei's comment sounded rather cold.
"There is no way for us to save him."
Other students often approached Hirata.
But at the moment, there seemed to be nobody, not even an outsider, who
could bring a change in him.
In short, the damage from the previous exam inflicted on him continued to
spread, the wound getting bigger.
In the Ayanokouji group, no one is very close to Hirata.
So, of course, the encouragement of our group might not be conveyed to

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For this reason, nobody reacted to Keisei's slightly cold statement.

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Finally, the real discussion is about to begin after school. But one person
immediately left his chair, that was Hirata.
Several girls called out to Hirata at the same time. One of them is Mii-chan.
However, Hirata did not stop. As if to say that he did not care about what
happened to the class.
Just not to add to the chaos in class, he just came to school, attended class
and returned to the dormitory.
He kept repeating this routine.
"Wait, Hirata-kun!"
"Please stop."
With a strong tone, Horikita stopped Mii-chan and the others who were
planning to catch up to him.
"We will start discussing soon. Do you want to increase the number of absent
"B-but ..."
"We can't do anything in this situation. Return to your seats."
Horikita pressed them to stop chasing and return to their seats.
It's time to change the mood. The most important thing is to determine class
policy first.
"Speaking of which, why are you still here Koenji? "
Sudou was surprised, because an unexpected man was put in the discussion.
"Fufufufu, I am also a member of this class? Of course I will participate."
He said something like that, as if it were normal.
"But I hope the discussion will end quickly. I'm very busy."
"This is difficult, this special exam is not something that can be decided in an
instant, even if the event has been decided, we must defend it to win the
Horikita, standing in front, refused Koenji's request.
Koenji no longer denied that, he just smiled.
It seems that it can be described as 'I'll listen to you for now.'
"In this case, I'm afraid, I'll only participate this time."

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However, Koenji will not be shaken. Regardless of class goals, he seems to
have no intention to help. Sudou wanted to provoke him, but after a glance
from Horikita, he immediately sat down again. If there is a dispute here, there
is no way to continue the discussion.
"I will only do some work around you, so I want you to come to participate in
another time."
Koenji smiled at Horikita, and adjusted his arms and legs.
This is the signal for her to continue the discussion.
"Horikita. I have a simple question about participation in this event."
"What is it, Ike-kun?"
Ike stood up raising his hand.
"It seems that there are only 7 events chosen in total. So we shouldn't be
"Who do you mean by 'we'?"
"Oh ... in short, it means students who are less talented. Those of us who are
not too good at sports and academics. It should not be our turn to play. Of the
7 events, not all types of events will require many people to participate "If we
choose to use several elites on the type of event that can be won, so wouldn't
there be a lot of people who don't need to do anything?"
Nearly 40 students are registered in each class.
Even if we choose one or two team events, a total of 7 events might only play
2 to 30 people.
In short, he wanted to say that according to the composition of the selected
members, almost half of them would not be able to participate in the event.
"This kind of thing is not certain. What if we run an event that requires 20
people to participate in it?"
Kei made the statement to answer Ike's opinion.
"You idiot -Karuizawa. Football only has 11 members in one team. Isn't that
the event with the most members? I can't think of anything else."
"Then ...... What about baseball?"
"Baseball is for 10 people, less than football."
"Baseball only consists of 9 people."
Immediately a sharp voice came from Horikita.
"... Umm, well, that's why we don't need us at all."
"There's more, American football needs 11 members and as far as I
remember Rugby needs 15 members."

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Sudou mentioned an event that needed more than 10 members.
"But will that make people understand Rugby? I don't even know the rules."
Rugby is not a light sport, but it is a sport that is completely unknown to
people who have never seen it. This kind of thing is not taught in physical
education. Even students in Class A are no exception.
I can't even imagine the Rugby training scene from now on.
Not only is it difficult to implement as an event, but there is also no benefit
for the class.
"So, I don't think it's our turn to play."
"What do you want to say?"
"That ... I want to say that there is no need for this kind of discussion, and
what to do with the event."
"I understand that you want to relax a little. It's true, if someone does
something they don't want to do, someone will definitely have a mental
burden. And that will also reduce valuable rest time."
"I didn't say that. ......"
"But I judge that everyone needs to work with each other."
"Tell me the reason. If I can accept it, I will fully support you."
Sudou said this.
"It depends on the rules of each to determine how many people are needed.
For example, the opponent has chosen volleyball. Usually volleyball is a 6 vs
6 sport, but there is also a certain right to change the rules. If your opponent
has made a '30 minutes rule within the time limit of the game. What happens
if the rules for changing all players are set every 10 minutes in the game? ' "
"If ... 6 people are changed every 10 minutes ..."
Need 18 people needed. Nearly half of the students must participate in this
In addition, because 6 people are required at the same time, it can be said that
it is a rule that can be proposed without problems at any level. The school
side is also easy to give permission for such an event.
"If there is more than one event like that? Frankly, maybe we should force
everyone to participate in two or three events. This level of psychological
preparation is needed."
Of course, that depends on the event and the rules issued by a class.
In other words, in order to never let your opponent feel relaxed, fake events
can also be integrated into it.

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"I think there should be people who don't have real feelings, but this is a
special test that is more complicated than you think."
If we go on to make one event at a time, there will be some people who think
this behavior is stupid.
Even if there are events like Rock-paper-scissors, Playing Cards, and such.
As Ike had said, it was not surprising.
Because we have to win 4 events, we don't have time to worry.
Regardless of the content, choose a program that can be won with certainty
and choose the people who need it.
"I don't plan on staying too long today."
In other words, even if we linger, we won't be able to find good ideas.
"So let's leave the topic to everyone here. Until tomorrow, after school, I
hope you guys think of 'an event you are good at' and 'an event that will keep
you from losing.' It doesn't matter whether the event is an individual game or
a team game. "
Among the 5 events, at least 'one vs one' event must be specified. I'm
worried, no matter which class we are in, we will challenge this event with
the belief that we will never lose. But on the other hand, the damage suffered
when we lose is unpredictable. I hope that a student will have the skills and
talents that others cannot beat.
"But, that won't necessarily be accepted by the school, right? I don't know the
requirements for acceptance well."
Events and rules that are too light will be rejected by the school.
Most students do not understand this standard.
"Now don't worry about this. After this is over, I will consider whether the
event will be recognized by the school? No matter what the event, you may
come up with any thoughts."
"In other words games, karaoke and the like, that doesn't matter?"
"Yes, that doesn't matter."
Once again, Horikita stressed that they did not need to worry about that.
That is a good thing to do.
It's important to first gather as much information about what students are
good at.
"What do we do if we are not good at anything?"
Haruka, added her doubts to Horikita.
"It doesn't matter if someone who doesn't have the confidence to answer. It's

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very risky to use events that you don't believe in."
Although she hopes that there will be more events proposed, there is no time
for rigorous selection. There is nothing wrong with that, so there should be no
problem watching her.
"Is it okay if we end the discussion this quickly?"
"If the discussion time is very short, can you easily participate next time?
Kouenji-kun. "
"I told you just this once."
"... But, I had a problem solving the 'question' that I did today, otherwise it's
difficult to say that you have participated in the discussion."
"Is that the event people think about, what they are good at?"
He put a hand on his chin and kept smiling.
"Yes. If you say that you have participated in the discussion, you must take
the results."
Horikita's goal is to get him to join a second time if he doesn't get the results.
Koenji stood tall and told Horikita a sentence.
"I can do anything. After all, I'm a perfect human being."
"That means, no matter what kind of opponent you meet or what kind of
event you attend, can you win?"
Although it contains half of a provocation, it is not something we can place
hope in.
For this question, what would be Koenji's answer?
"I can win at the event I attend. Should I agree with you on this matter?"
"Yes. If you can do that, it doesn't matter if you face this special test. There is
no need for you to participate in future discussions and I won't ask you for
any advice."
"Hey. That's not a good thing, Horikita."
Sudou panicked at this unexpected statement, but Horikita continued.
"But remember! If you don't participate or lose the event ... then I will doubt
all your comments, and your classmates' distrust of you will also increase."
That's not a bad idea, Horikita. By doing this, she can make full use of Koenji
on the exam day. Although Koenji's academic and physical abilities are
number one, the only worrying factor is his personality. Better to ignore than
meet him today and not take him seriously. What is Koenji's answer? Koenji
who was just about to leave the classroom had stopped.
"That's just one thing. Don't think you can connect me with your words. Even

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though I'm a genius who can't be defeated by anyone, I have the right to
decide whether or not I will use my ability for your benefit."
In other words, the response from Koenji is almost the same. Even if his
comments would be suspected in the future, and distrust of him surged, this
was no problem for him. He will only do what he wants.
Leaving this sentence, Koenji took a step and left the classroom.
"... The usual method doesn't apply to him at all."
"He underestimates people. Besides saying he is a genius who will not lose to
anyone. If I were his opponent, I would defeat him in basketball."
I can understand Sudou's feeling of being very upset.
No matter how talented a person is, he cannot do well at all.
Even if Koenji fights Sudou in basketball, I doubt that he can win.
"If he plays that day, he might be able to leave a certain level of results. Even
though I don't know how much he's listening, I can only wait and see.
"That's what he said ..."
Of course, it's hard to imagine Koenji's participation. Just because he has
always refused to participate, we cannot rule out the possibility that 'he might
take it seriously this time'. Sudou is also very understanding about this.
"But, do you think he will play it seriously?"
"I have no idea."
If he chooses to be serious, he can produce victory. But if he doesn't, he will
not produce results.

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Part 2

The next day. I was told by Horikita that she had arrived early at school.
"In this exam, I won't be able to count Hirata-kun as a contributor."
Yesterday, even Koenji made some comments in the discussion after school,
but Hirata refused to participate.
It was natural for Horikita to come to this decision after seeing this situation.
"An understandable decision. If you attempt to rely on him, it would create
too many worrying factors."
Even if you force him to participate, it seems like it would only be
"Although his absence is acceptable for this exam, depending on situations in
the future, it may create larger problems."
His concern is not a big problem.
Everyone really hoped that Hirata would recover, but it is still unclear what is
needed to be done for him.
"If you think that leaving Hirata out doesn't matter. Is there a way to get him
to drop out of school?"
After I gave her this proposal, she was somewhat surprised but calmly
accepted it.
"That's right ... well, he might be thinking about it too. Luckily this time, he
hasn't decided to drop out yet. If he did, he would have volunteered to
become the Commander"
In this special exam, Hirata had the opportunity to volunteer to become the
Commander and deliberately lose, resulting in his expulsion. This would
have been easy for him.
However, even though he had no attachments to this school, he did not want
to make other people feel upset.
For this reason, he made no steps to become the Commander.
The reason he is still in the school now is, if he drops out, the class may get a
negative evaluation. He doesn't want to make trouble to others when he
However, this viewpoint may be only limited to 'now'.
"But no one can guarantee that he will always continue to be a good person. I

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don't know when he will accept this himself ..."
If Hirata accepts it himself as Horikita said, I don't know how Hirata will
handle it. If it were like that, what will happen?
If he dropped out of school, it would lead to the downfall of half the class, I
can't guarantee that he will never do this.
"Because of that, I don't want to play with bombs now. Then, in order not to
trigger the bomb, I will have to be the one to unite the class."
The thing that Hirata regrets the most is his inability to unite Class C.
To avoid a difficult situation, Horikita had actively participated in the exam
since the beginning to try to keep the class together.
"You really worked hard."
"You are the Commander, your future will be very difficult now."
"All of that will be left to you. Including the job of the Commander. You can
certainly make the right decisions."
She stared straight at me.
"Can you win this?"
"I do not know."
"Well ... I am willing to win. Will you accept that?"
I didn't need to say that.
"So I have to actively participate in class discussions, to determine the rules
of intervention for every member in each event as a Commander? You can
try to imagine this scenario."
After I said this, Horikita's expression gradually became stiff.
"... Incredible, I can't imagine it."
"Is that so ?"
However, I was at the bottom of the class. Even though I became the
Commander, that won't change.
If I suddenly started making instructions like that, the situation will be
I will use the strategy compiled by Horikita as a benchmark.
In the middle of the conversation, I felt that the atmosphere in the class
suddenly changed.
Hirata had arrived at school. Many students try not to approach him, but they
still care about him.
"Good morning, Hirata-kun"

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Mii-chan attempted to greet Hirata who was almost late. This is a brave act in
the class' tense atmosphere. But he continued to ignore her.
Hirata who didn't care about anyone, sat calmly in his chair.
Even so, Mii-chan didn't give up.
"Who could have imagined that he would end up like this?"
"Nobody. "
Mii-chan's struggle also seems futile, and Hirata continues to act the same.
"However, only she doesn't give up on greeting Hirata-kun. I don't believe
they even know each other very well ..."
Horikita also noticed that Mii-chan really cares about Hirata.
Then, she began to wonder why she continued to constantly do this kind of
"Isn't that because Mii-chan is a good person?"
"Because this is the problem, it's strange that she doesn't do the same thing to
other students."
"That is true."
After Yamauchi dropped out, Mii-chan continued to worry about Hirata. No
If so, there is only one reason to continue talking to Hirata.
"Maybe love is what drives her."
"That's the only possibility ... what a boring feeling."
Horikita was shocked, she crossed her arms, was unable to understand and
shook her head.
"The class resources provided to him may also be limited ..."
She had thought that everyone would leave Hirata alone for a period of time.
"Shouldn't this be difficult?"
"There is no such thing. There is no one except her who actively talks to him.
Hirata decided to ignore even the most loyal Mii-chan.
Besides that, not many students have the ability to do this.
"No matter what the motivation is, I really hope she can forget it soon."
Horikita thought about how she should give up.
"If she is just greeting him, I can't complain about that. But it's definitely
getting worse."
"It's impossible to think about it."
And every time Hirata was involved in something, the classroom's

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atmosphere would get gloomy.
Mii-chan, who was always ignored by Hirata, once again approached him
"Hmm, Hirata-kun, for lunch today—"
Mii-chan intended to invite him to lunch, but ...
"Can you stop it?"
In the quiet classroom, Hirata suddenly said these harsh words. He showed a
strong rejection towards Mii-chan.
"You're so annoying."
Although his tone was normal, his voice contained a cold feeling.
"Th-that, I ... just thought, having lunch together ..."
Mii-chan tried hard to keep her smile, but her emotions crushed her.
"I don't want to eat with you."
There is nothing more of a direct rejection than this.
The other girls didn't want to see Hirata like this, and they looked away.
"Hey, Yosuke-kun. Aren't you taking I too far? "
At this moment, Kei acted. No, maybe in this case she really needed to act.
I can easily imagine a scene where Kei's followers asked her to do this. If
Hirata was stopped here, Kei could protect his character as well as calm the
class temporarily.
But ---
"Can you not call me by my first name like that? And I have nothing to do
with you."
"Yes, that's right ... In that case, Hirata-kun, you are overreacting to Mii-
After Kei corrected his name, she still bravely faced him.
As the leader of the girls in the class, she must fulfill that obligation well.
"Compared to your usual attitude towards others, it not any different."
Hirata did not stop the counterattack.
"What ... I-This is for the class ---!"
"Can you shut up? If not ... you understand, right?"
Hirata forcefully shut Kei's mouth, who planned to continue speaking.
If Kei does something excessive, Hirata will reveal everything - this was a
threatening statement.
Hirata knows Kei's weakness. At least for her, she would definitely

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understand what he is trying to imply.
"What? Huh? I'm sick of this. I don't care about you anymore."
That is the end of the problem, and nothing can be done anymore.
She can only leave helplessly and choose to retreat.
"How long will you stay here?"
Hirata who easily pushed away Kei, turned to Mii-chan still standing and
almost crying. She was completely rejected by Hirata and could only bow her
head and return to her seat.
Hirata might also believe that Mii-chan will never come to talk to him again.
"The morale of the class has dropped significantly ..."
"Koenji doesn't seem to care at all."
Even though the classroom was very gloomy, only one person did not care.
Even though Hirata and Mii-chan, and Kei were fighting, Koenji didn't pay
any attention at all.
"Why are there so many problem children in this class?"
I thought Horikita was one of them too - however I didn't dare say this.

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Part 3
No matter how bad the atmosphere is, time will continue to pass.
After class ended, it was natural to leave school.
The second class discussion. More precisely, the third one, if I include the
discussion that I missed.
It has been three days since the special exams began. It's almost time to make
a move.
Hirata immediately walked out of the classroom by himself.
Mii-chan looked at him in confusion and she stood up.
However, her feet could not move forward.
The strong rejection by Hirata in the morning, came to her mind.
Her legs that had just stood up, now retreated back in her chair.
"Leave it be---"
Even though Horikita's words sound cruel but she means well. The best
choice right now is not to get involved with Hirata. Horikita and others
understand this well.
The boys usually complained about Hirata, but I can't hear it now. They isn't
anyone who hates on people who are down, or maybe because it is Hirata, so
they can't say any bad things?
"Mii-chan, after today's discussion, let's go home together?"
Kushida was worried about Mii-chan's situation, and she talked to her.
"She is always very reliable at times like these."
Kushida could not leave her friend who was in trouble.
If she can't save Hirata, she should at least save Mii-chan. This is Kushida's
Even if is behind the motive of improving her reputation, it's not a problem as
long as it's a positive thing.
Mii-chan nodded slightly and agreed.
"Then I'll leave first."
Sure enough, Koenji did not seem to have the intention to participate. He also
left the classroom after Hirata.
It was like a pride for him, only because this need to participate had been
eliminated by Horikita.

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In the end, the discussion will be conducted by 37 people.
After seeing Koenji, Horikita went forward.
Chabashira-sensei narrowed her eyes and left the classroom.
"So. Has everyone thought about an event that you are good at?"
"Wait a minute. There is something to note before we begin."
Before the discussion, the first person to raise his hand was Keisei.
"What's wrong, Yukimura-kun?"
"I'm afraid someone will be eavesdropping on our conversation."
Even if they aren't close to our classroom, they can still hear our voices if
they are in the corridor outside the room.
"Yes. In this school it is not even possible to have a proper discussion."
"Don't you have a countermeasure? For example, send some people to keep
watch. If you don't take precautions, just discussing where anybody could
hear would be rather problematic."
"Yes you're right. "
Horikita understood, and nodded in response.
"But I don't think being cautious is an effective preventative measure."
"... Why?"
"Are you proposing to warn everyone not to eavesdrop, and not to approach
our classroom? Corridors are shared and can be used by the students of any
class. No, as a matter of fact, this classroom is also a shared room. We have
no right to refuse students from entering our class. "
Horikita is saying that if we prevent others from going through the corridor, it
can cause dissatisfaction.
"So it's no use even if we guard the room."
"Then, will we just freely let all our conversations leak? Who is good at what
and who isn't good at what? That would be risky."
"For that, we will solve it using this."
Horikita pulled out a cellphone.
"We will have a group chat for the whole class and we will discuss the
special examinations in here. We will discuss important matters here while
we exchange opinions verbally, so that if other classes hear it will not be a
After hearing this idea, Keisei understood and nodded.
"I see ... then that is not a problem."
"So, can I invite everyone to the chat?"

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To this question from Kushida, there was no objection from Horikita.
It's not a surprise to say that she is the only student who has the contacts of all
the students in the class.
In the middle of Horikita and Keisei's conversation, Mii-chan suddenly stood
"Sorry. Today, I ... That, a little ..."
"Mii-chan ... are you going to catch up with Hirata-kun?"
When Kushida asked, Mii-chan nodded lightly.
She moved her heavy legs and tried to catch up to Hirata.
"Wait, there's no point in doing that now."
"Horikita-san ... what do you mean?"
Hearing Horikita speak in an unexpectedly strong tone. Mii-chan asks.
"It's useless now. You will be dragged down with him."
"II don't want to abandon Hirata-kun."
"This isn't about abandoning, but now it is best for you to leave him alone."
"Then? Can you help Hirata-kun?"
"... That depends on him."
"No. That kind of thing is not the right thing to do!"
After saying that, Mii-chan left. And she left the classroom without listening
to her advice.
"Really - He should leave him alone for now."
Of course, no one chased after Mii-chan. So Horikita tried to take the
"I'll be gone for a while. You guys wait here. I'll be right back."
Horikita said that. It seemed like she wanted to bring Mii-chan back, so she
walked out of the classroom.
It seems like she can't entrust this to others.
"Everything's getting messed up ... Because of Hirata, we can't stay a proper
As a result, complaints came from Keisei.
So, we ended up making a little progress on the third day. I got up from my
"Hey, Ayanokouji, are you going after him as well? Suzune told everyone to
Sudou reminded me. Indeed, if someone left Hirata like this, the situation

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would only get worse.
"I know. "
"What do you mean you know, Oi!"
I went outside and called out to Horikita who had just left the classroom.
"... I'm sure I told you not to go."
"If you intend to bring Mii-chan back, then you shouldn't go. I'll do it. You
have a responsibility to lead the class."
"You are also responsible for leading the class as the 'Commander'. This is
not a problem for anyone else. If you do not analyze the strength of our class,
you will be unable to play the role of Commander."
"It's okay to leave it to you. After all, I can't do anything."
"That's not what I meant......"
"Can you solve the problem with Hirata?"
"That ..."
"Those who know what is best, will not pursue it."
Horikita, is one of the factors causing Hirata to be depressed, she shouldn't
get too close to Hirata.
"So, in your opinion ... can you solve it?"
"That depends on the efforts of the people around him."
"If that was the problem, shouldn't it have been solved long ago?"
Not just Mii-chan. Many students talked to Hirata because they are worried
about him.
And because Horikita was convinced that it would not change anything, he
began to doubt Mii-chan's actions.
"In short, I'll see you later. If we keep talking here, I won't be able to catch up
to Mii-chan."
"Come back as soon as possible."
She gave me a message that came out like a mother. When I stepped out, I
suddenly encountered Hashimoto.
The conversation I had with Horikita just now, there is a possibility that he
Hashimoto didn't look surprised, but greeted me with a smile as if he felt
something interesting.
"Yo, Ayanokouji."
However, I did not have the time to talk to him.

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"Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry now."
"If you want to chase your classmates, he went that way."
I nodded in response, then left to chase after Mii-chan.
The patterns adopted by Hirata over the past two days was the same.
In order not to avoid contact with anyone after school, he would definitely go
straight to his dorm room.

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Part 4

Shortly after leaving school, I saw the figure of Mii-chan.

Then in front of her was Hirata's back.
Even though she had the courage to take this opportunity, she didn't seem to
be able to talk to Hirata.
The rejection this morning still clung to her mind.
"Have you greeted him yet?"
"... Ayanokouji-kun."
Mii-chan is watching me.
I walked next to Mii-chan and looked at the back of Hirata.
"I'm a little ... hesitant ..."
However, she had refused to speak about this morning.
"Then why do you keep chasing him. Most people have already given up."
"It's because.. "
It seems like she does not know why as well.
Mii-chan started to think about why she was chasing Hirata.
I believe it is because she likes Hirata.
After thinking for a while, Mii-chan found an answer, and said.
"Right now, everyone thinks that it would be better to leave Hirata-kun alone.
But ... I don't think that's the right thing to do. Because he's in trouble, we
have to help him ..."
So that was the reason she chased after him.
"Even if you will be hated by him, are you fine with that?"
It might not matter if it was just once, but if she continued to do this
repeatedly, Hirata's response would only get stronger.
It is very likely that she will be blamed for it.
"... I hate that too."
Remembering Hirata's refusal, Mii-chan shook her head from side to side.
"Even though I hate it ... but if Hirata-kun who hates me knows that he is not
alone, he can be saved. If it's like that ... I don't care even if he hates me!"
She is stubborn. To prevent frustration, she maintains confidence.
I think the strong determination in her eyes is undoubtedly real.
"Hey Ayanokouji-kun, did I do something wrong?"

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"No. You are right."
Leaving Hirata alone at this time won't improve the situation.
If left alone, the man will be covered by deep darkness and will be unable to
free himself.
"Then go say hello."
Mii-chan tried to walk.
And ran to shorten the distance between her and Hirata.
Due to this, Horikita may end up getting angry, but right now, it is for the
To 'push Hirata', softness like that is the easiest way to deal with it.
Then in the near future, his heart will break and he will choose to leave the
school by force.
As soon as I returned to the classroom, Hashimoto, who was on his
cellphone, saw me.
"Did you come to steal information from Class C?"
"No, it's unfortunate. If the important parts are said via cellphone, I have no
Hashimoto shrugged and looked at his cellphone.
Because he heard it, he knows that we were using cellphones to discuss.
"I've been waiting for you to return. What are the results of the chase?"
"As you can see, I have returned empty handed."
I told him that I was unable to bring Mii-chan back.
"You can't unite the class, you're really in trouble."
"Horikita, who leads this class, is the one who is having the most difficulty."
"Even though you have protection points, do you really need to be the
Hashimoto seemed to be trying to ensnare me with his words. He plans to
extract as much information from me as possible.
"Our opponent is Class A, we have no chance of winning. If dropping out is
an inevitable event, there is no choice but to let me take the hit."
"I guess that's true."
Hashimoto seemed to be unsure, but he gave up and left.

"I originally came to spy on the enemy, but our class leader said that it was

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useless and told me
not to go. However, I wanted to get as much information that I could get, but
it seems I was quite
stupid, right?"
Hashimoto lightly patted my shoulder and walked away. After watching his
back, I returned to
the class where we began to discuss the program. I used my eyes to convey a
message to
Horikita that I couldn't bring Mii-chan back, and then sit back in my chair.
Horikita did not ask
any questions.
The discussion on the cellphone went well, and more than half of the students
It seems like it painted the same picture as the information given by Kei.
Sudou is good at
playing basketball, Onodera is good at swimming, and Akito is good at
archery. In other words,
each of them is good at sports. After that, students who have confidence in
academics, such as
Horikita and Keisei, can get grades in subjects with high scores. However,
unlike individual
specialization in sports, if you don't have strong academic abilities, it's very
difficult to choose an
"Ayanokouji-kun, I want to know if there are people from other classes in the
"Previously Hashimoto was still in the hallway, but he returned after noticing
that we were
discussing on our cellphones."
"Yes, of course."
Sudou, now knowing that no one was eavesdropping, then acted.
"Basketball, you have to add it!"
Sudou immediately negotiated with Horikita.
"I don't doubt your strength. You won't lose against other classes. Right?"
"Basketball has many ways to play. If it's a 1 vs 1 fight, I will definitely win."
Standard Basketball is played 5 vs 5 on the field.

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However, there are also some additional rules. Like 1 vs. 1 that Sudou said is
also one of them.
If the rules can be justified, it can be adopted as an event permitted by the
"Yes. Your strength as a basketball player is unquestionable. If it's 1 vs 1, I
think you will
definitely give us victory."

"Of course."
"But this special exam isn't that simple."
"Why ?"
"Because we are only allowed to choose one event, for 1 vs 1."
There are provisions regarding rules for determining events that the number
of participants in an
event may not be the same.
"If we can organize many 1 vs. 1 events, we only need to choose someone
who is an expert at
it. We also have Onodera who is good at swimming. To win, let him play in
the 1 vs 1 match.
Swimming can also solve problems."
This will give us a solid victory.
Of course, there are also risks when racing against boys, but as long as
Onodera is in good
condition, that's enough to win.
"In English competitions, Wang Mei Yu also often gets near-perfect grades.
That is why, there
are many students who have a high chance of winning in the 1 vs. 1. There
are several students
in this class."
Sudou's face, thinking that he could bring victory to the class, became
"I don't know much about Basketball. I just want to ask for an explanation. If
this is a standard
Basketball, this means a battle of 5 vs. 5. The team may end up like this ...
Except for you, if the
other four members are girls who are good at sports. Can this team win

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regardless of the
enemy? "
"To be honest, even though I'm on a weak team, I'm sure that I myself can
win. But if there is
someone who has experience playing Basketball on the opposing side ... I am
"You're an honest person. I respect you for not making meaningful
explanations here."
Because of this - Horikita said this as an introduction.
"You also think about it well. It would be a shame to throw away the
Basketball event. But it will
have to be a match of 5 vs 5. It's up to you to choose the team members who
can win the event
with the least amount of combat power. If it is acceptable, I promise to
present this event to the
school. "

"... I understand."
Sudou nodded after listening carefully to Horikita's words.
Then, to consider his own event, he returned to his seat.
This is a difficult decision. Sudou has good motor nerves. Although there is
no doubt that he can
maximize his role in Basketball, he can also participate in many other events.
In exams like this, he can play the role of the trump card on many occasions.
If he uses up his participation in a 1 vs 1 event, it would be a waste. This
decision is very
Besides that, we should calmly think through whether or not we should use
Basketball as an
event. Even if there is the high chance of winning in a 5 vs 5 match, the
opposing party is not
stupid. If Basketball is included within the 10 events, they will figure out that
Sudou will play.
They can also choose 5 reliable people, and take action to defeat Sudou. On
the other hand,
they might also completely sacrifice the match.

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Then, Horikita and the others continued to repeat the same conversation.
I pretended to be reading the chat on my cellphone.
Anyway, I'm the Commander. I won't be asked about what I am good at.
I was just participating in the discussion, and the details were all left to
After almost an hour of discussion, Horikita had gathered everyone's
opinions. Further
discussion can be through direct questions to Horikita.

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Part 5
On Thursday morning at school.
Although spring is nearing, The day's air temperature seems lower than in
previous years.
"Good morning, good morning. How cold!"
Behind me, a soft voice rang out.
I didn't think they were talking to me, and the voice panicked as I continued
"Hey, wait a minute ~ Ayanokouji-kun?
It seems the owner of the voice once again called for me.
I look back at the homeroom teacher class B, Hoshinomiya-sensei.
"Wait a minute ~."
My arm was caught by her cold hand.
How could a female teacher hold a male student's arm?
"Sorry. I didn't think you were talking to me. What's the matter?"
"So you don't want to talk if there wasn't anything?"
She grabbed my arm and then looked at me.
This is the kind of behavior people find cute.
Maybe because I often watched every movement of Kushida's made, I
gradually began to
recognize this behavior.
"That is not what I meant..."
I pulled my arm a little stronger and released it from Hoshinomiya-sensei.
Seeing movements like that from me, she grinned for some reason.
"Hey. Do you do this to your girlfriend?"
"No, I do not have one."
"Oh - Really? Despite being in a very blessed environment."
What does she mean by 'very blessed'?
"Hey ~ you don't understand."
Hoshinomiya-sensei whispered into my ear, it was unnecessary for her to do

"Students in this school are in an environment that is easy for love to form."

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I asked back, and Hoshinomiya-sensei was a little surprised.
"Do you really not know?"
"Yes, I don't know at all."
After I convinced her, Hoshinomiya-sensei lightly hit my shoulder two to
three times.
"I always felt that I needed a big circle to appear to be in a different vector
and find
Ayanokouji-kun's cuteness."
I don't know exactly what this person wants to say.
"I'll say it first ... I'm sorry for the current situation. I've thought about this
before. I always feel
that it's a problem to let men and women live in the same dormitory."
"Is that so?"
Because the rooms are separate, I feel it's fine. I wanted to escape from this
distance from her
where I can even feel her breath. However, Hoshinomiya-sensei once again
walked closer.
"This is a story I heard from a friend. There is a company that has a tradition.
People who work
must stay in the company dormitory for training for two months. One room
contains two people,
of course, separate men and women."
"... Ok."
Every time I attempt to increase my distance from her, she moves closer
again, I can only give
up and continue to listen.
"But if two people use the same room, it's easy for problems to surface.
There's a boy who
hates Natto. He doesn't just hate its smell, he doesn't even like to see it. So
the first thing he
says to his roommate is "Don't eat natto in front of me," but his roommate
really likes natto, his
roommate thinks that there is no problem if he doesn't force him to eat, so on
the first day of
living with him, he eats it in front of the roommate who hates Natto. As a
result, the roommate

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who hated Natto rushed out of the room. "
What is this person trying to say? I believe it has nothing to do with living in
a dormitory.

"You think I'm talking about a topic that has nothing to do with it, right? But
it's very important."
Hoshinomiya-sensei continued.
"This incident was discovered by the company. Eventually the room sharing
system was
abolished that year, and new employees the following year received private
rooms, as well as
the school's dormitory, and as a result, there were major changes compared to
the previous
year. Why do you think that is?"
"Is it due to a problem between men and women?"
"Yes. With the implementation of the room sharing system, only 1 or 2
couples we formed.
However, when it becomes a private room, there are a total of 7 or 8 couples.
When you have
friends in your room, even if you have someone you like, but if you invite
them to your room,
isn't there still someone blocking it? However, it's easy to spread strange
rumors, so everyone
will be on the lookout for each other and the relationship won't develop
towards love. But - "
If it's a private room, we don't need to worry about that, because we can meet
in secret.
"Therefore, the possibility of developing love will increase."
As a result, when I said I didn't have a girlfriend, it surprised her.
"Then I want to ask, are there many students in relationships this year?"
"There's actually not too many this year ~."
Hey, I don't think you should be saying so many things to me here.
Even if I said this to Hoshinomiya-sensei, it would be useless, so I choose not
to say anything.
"Is sensei's theory wrong?"
"It is impossible."

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She denied it confidently.
"Students don't understand how good the environment around them is."
I don't know whether the steps are positive or not.
"Maybe you will regret it one day, isn't it better to be in love now?

This person instills such a thing in students, who are supposed to be focusing
on studying.
Although I know that there are all types of teachers, in a sense, these are also
the most difficult
types of teachers to understand.
"Sorry, may I ask?"
"Hey? Am I going to accept a boy younger than me? No, no, a first year high
school student too
"I didn't say that."
"I know. You should laugh out loud now."
I should have laughed just now. Her steps were interrupted because of the
incident just now.
"Is there anything you want to ask, let me hear it."
After I opened the topic, I asked again.
"Even if you suggest falling in love, it will be very difficult if you fall in love
with students in other
"Because classes compete with each other. This can cause problems."
After I said what I was supposed to think, I saw that her eyes got bright and
started to shine.
"Isn't that better ~!"
"... Eh?"
"You should try your best for your class? But if your girlfriend is in a
competitor class, there will
be difficulties and attachments and that will cause drama at the same time."
She was very touched by her own words, and it seemed like she repeated that
in his head.
"If normal interpersonal relationships become complicated and entangled,

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isn't competition more
"This ... um, maybe.
If that happens, competition will indeed become fierce. Not surprisingly,
there are people who
will betray their class for the sake of a lover.
And in fact, it is impossible to master all these things and manage them well.
"What are you talking about?"
"If a rumor were to form, what will you do."
Rumors? Hoshinomiya-sensei said strange things. It seems that I am
completely unaware that
there is someone.
Hoshinomiya-sensei stopped talking and walked away from me.
"We're just chatting, Sae-chan. Why are you showing such a terrible
"He is my student."
"You seem very worried about Ayanokouji-kun. But, he will soon be
revealed in this special
exam if he is truly competent. After all, he will fight with the rumored
Sakayanagi-san, the best
student in this high school."
"Then you don't have to be involved here."
"Ah, that's right, Sae-chan."
Hoshinomiya-sensei teased Chabashira-sensei and laughed. It seems strange
enough she
came to contact me. After Hoshinomiya-sensei left, Chabashira-sensei
glanced at me from the
It seems like she is worried about what we were talking about.
"Do you want to know what we were talking about?"
However, I took the initiative to speak to her.
Chabashira-sensei said nothing, seemingly waiting for my next comment.
"The topic, was about roommates."
"Roommates? ... Don't talk about boring things."

Chabashira-sensei seems to know things related to roommates.

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In short, I think that the company she mentioned refers to this school.
And that the dorm rooms were originally double rooms instead of single
If I wanted to confirm this, I could ask. But that doesn't matter to me at all.

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Trap and Homemade Cooking and a Request

On this day, something very strange happened.

During recess, I was going to get lunch with the Ayanokouji group.
"Hey, Ichinose. We have to do something about this!"
When we had just walked a few steps, we heard a loud voice. The owner of
that voice is Shibata
from Class B. The people who were with him, were Ichinose and Kanzaki
from from Class B as
"This is very unusual, Shibata-kun is angry."
"Yes, this is surprising."
No wonder Haruka and Akito were surprised.
"Is that so?"
For Airi who didn't interact with other classes, it seemed like she didn't really
understand it.
Like Hirata, Shibata also joined the soccer club, although their personalities
different, he was
also quite popular.
As far as I know, he is not someone who would yell out like that.
"But, isn't it just a coincidence?
Ichinose replied to the emotional Shibata.
However, Shibata seemed to have evidence to refute her point of view.
"That's impossible. This is the third time today! They must be after us."
Kanzaki watched us from the side, and he gently warned Shibata.
He looked at us and pretended to be calm, but it was too late.
An uncomfortable atmosphere and silence followed.
"Ah, do you want to go get lunch now?"
Suddenly, Ichinose asked.

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It is not intended for anyone in particular, but for all members in our group.
My friends who rarely interacted with Class B's leaders felt confused as to
how to answer.
Haruka who stood beside me, elbowed me, and told me to answer as the
group representative.
"... Oh, right. We planned to go to the cafe. Is there something?"
"What a coincidence. We were going there as well."
After hearing my answer, she looked happy. However, there is a strange
feeling right now. She
usually always looked into the eyes of others when talking, but this time she
did not look into
"If you don't mind, can we go to lunch together?"
Because of this unexpected invitation, we were all surprised.
"Ichinose, what are you trying to do?"
Maybe Kanzaki didn't expect Ichinose to say this, so he asked frantically.
"So what? ... We aren't competing with Class C, isn't that fine?"
"But still ..."
It seems like Kanzaki doesn't welcome our colleagues.
It's just that, even though he wanted to reject it, he couldn't.
On the other hand, we were trapped in confusion, where we didn't know how
to answer properly.
At this time ...
"Lunch will be over soon .... So let's go?"
After Ichinose said this with a smile, there was nobody who could refuse.

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Part 1

We occupied two tables in a corner of the cafe and decided to have lunch.
A group of different members consisting of Class B and Class C.
"Sorry for the sudden invitation. I am willing to treat you all, so don't hesitate
to accept it."
Ichinose apologized.
"Is this okay ... Ichinose?"
Kanzaki made a slightly exaggerated response to her statement in front of us.
Earlier, Ichinose made an agreement to help Ryuuen in the voting exam, so
that no one dropped
out of Class B.

Currently, a large number of their class' personal points had been used for the
exam, so they
were lacking.
"However, we don't intend to eat anything special, so I can pay for it. "
After Ichinose said that, the members of our group accepted it.
"I forced you to come along, so you don't need to worry about our situation
"No problem. That way we can enjoy lunch without having to worry."
She hoped we could enjoy lunch at the table in return, thereby eliminating the
idea of privileging
"So, why ... invite us?"
Keisei, who could not ignore this, asked Ichinose.
"I see that you were shocked by Shibata-kun's situation. So I think instead of
strange rumors
from spreading, I plan to tell you the truth directly. It would be better to avoid
Maybe what Ichinose did was the right decision. If she had not come to
contact us. I think we
would have ended up talking about Shibata. For example, why is Shibata so
angry? And maybe,

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we will also discuss the incident with others, so that it will spread indirectly.
"Is it fine to tell us?"
"Do you think we should be wary of you?"
"No, but there is a possibility that someone had connections with Class C."
"Even if that's the case."
"Yes, however this is only a simple complaint."
When Shibata said that, Kanzaki looked into his eyes sharply.
"I-Is there something wrong? Kanzaki."
"Not ..."
It seemed that Shibata did not understand what Kanzaki wanted to convey.

Kanzaki thought what Shibata said wasn't quite right, but fortunately the
others didn't notice it.
"No need to worry, because they already know enough. Isn't it better to say
everything that
happened on our side?"
"... That is true. "
Shibata's careless response was the final blow that forced Kanzaki to
"In short, Class D has made some small movements for us recently, and it is
"Small movements?"
Shibata was not satisfied.
"Me, Nakanishi and Beppu have experienced similar problems. Is it really
just small
movements? We can't say it like that? Isn't that a stakeout? Beppu seems to
be quite scared of
Albert who had pushed him against the wall."
Kanzaki, believing that since Shibata had already said this much, it would be
fine to reveal
everything, so he also participated.
"I also asked for the details from two other people before, there should be no
In other words, after the special exams have begun, some students have been
targeted by
Class D.

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"Did it develop into a fight?"
They are only being watched by Class D, and are currently still investigating.
It seems like it
won't end up in a fight, for now.
Of course, if the other party really uses violence, it will spiral out of control.
"Class D uses such methods to pressure us. They won't stop doing so until the
day of the
special exam, they are trying to reduce our morale."
"It really annoys me. After all Class D has a history of doing things like that.
Class C has also
dealt with Class D before, so you all understand?"
What Shibata meant was when there was a dispute between Sudou and
Ishizaki and Komiya.

Keisei who had been listening carefully, began to speak.

"Although it may be strange too advise other classes, I don't think this is a
serious problem. It is
true that Class D has a bad reputation, and it's normal to feel pressure from
their actions.
However, at this time, we have also received surveillance from the Class A. "
"Is that true? "
Keisei nodded and told them that Class A students had recently been
eavesdropping on our
"Class D may be feeling hopeless at the moment, so they are trying to gather
as much
information as they can get. "
Shibata listened to Class C's opinion, and from his expression, it seems as if
he had accepted it.
However, the damage that Class B receives tends to be greater than ours.
"If everything goes well, this particular exam is clearly an advantage for our
class. It's better to
say that they will continue to harass us without breaking school rules in an
attempt to reduce our

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Kanzaki analyzed it like that. However, the question was why they only
targeted certain
Do they think it's too risky to spy on Ichinose and Kanzaki ...?
Or is there actually another purpose?
"I don't think Kaneda-kun would give such instructions. Is it Ishizaki-kun's
"Maybe like that."
"It's normal to worry about them, but we must do what we can. We must
continue to maintain
our unity and choose events in a coordinated manner, so that on the exam day
we don't need to
try too hard to fight. Am I right?"
The people from Class B agreed with this statement.
"That means you don't plan to take any action against Class D? You won't
even perform an
"Well, probably not. We will take care of the 10 events from Class D that will
be announced next
week and make the best response for it."
In other words, until the end, he only intended to face the challenges with the
class' strength.
Face reality without being fooled by it. This is a practical and solid strategy.
"I always thought that Class B was a great class."
Keisei said in admiration and continued.
"In order to win against the upper classes, generally they will do things that
are immoral.
Whether it's threatening or reconnaissance, if it is effective, it will be done.
However, you do not
take such actions against opponents. You feel confident in your beliefs and
abilities. Our class
couldn't possibly mimic this. "
Although Class C does not take any action on Class A on the surface, in
many places we are
trying to gather information from one another in several ways.
"Well, it's hard to say. I don't think we're just smart enough for something

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like that?"
That's what Ichinose said, with a little smile.
"In short, I already understand what you really want to say to us. If that
continues, Shibata's
reaction is enough for Class D to know that their actions have succeeded."
Keisei understood why Ichinose invited us to eat together.
And if letting Class D know that their harassment of Class B had been
effective, then it will
encourage their arrogance.
If that were to continue, Class B will have to respond. She wanted to tell
Class D, by taking a
firm stand, proving that their harassment had no effect.
"So, I want to ask you not to spread it as much as possible."
"Spreading it out isn't good for us. After all, we don't want to turn Class B
into an enemy."
Agreeing on this, Akito, Haruka and Airi did not hesitate to nod.
"I truly thank all of you."
When she thanked us, I was the only one who looked into her eyes.
At that moment, Ichinose flicked her hair slightly.
Then, the scent of orange in the wind lightly tickled my nose.
I immediately looked away and looked at everyone again. However, Ichinose
seems to be a bit
strange today.
But, this is not something I can say out loud.

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Part 2

After finishing lunch and greeting them, Haruka exclaimed.

"Ichinose-san is always so cute. Especially her last smile. What do you guys
think ?
"I don't ......"
"Ah, Yukimu is blushing from remembering."
"Am not. "
"Honestly, I admit it. Besides, even though I'm a girl, I feel that she's very
cute. Boys don't even
have to say it."
Airi thought like that, and continued to remember.
"Miyatchi and Kiyopon, what do you think?"

We didn't want to end up with the same fate as Keisei, because Haruka is
trying to tease and
deceive us.
"If I'm not mistaken ... was Ichinose using perfume?"
"Oh, that. I also noticed, she was using orange perfume, right?"
"Yes. This was probably the most surprising thing for me. I wonder if she had
a change in
"Seeing that now, what do the three of you think?"
Asking for this opinion of the boys, we might not understand.
"Is it about wearing perfume? Even though she wears it, maybe it's just
today's interest."
When Haruka heard this answer from Keisei, she sighed.
"Men really ... can't see small changes at all. Don't they?"
"...... Putting that aside. Looks like it's not just us, but battles in other classes
also look very
In order to change the subject, Akito said this.
"Even Class D, too, to win against the upper classes, they are not fighting

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honestly. If it
continues like this, maybe their actions towards Class B, could get more
To avoid Haruka's banter, Keisei continued Akito's conversation. His
predictions might not be
Even though there have only been 3 victims so far, it's not surprising if the
victims will increase
"After all they are fighting without Ryuuen now. If they don't use dirty trick,
then they have no
chance of winning."
"Even so. I feel that the methods being used are all similar to Ryuuen-kun's
strategies. What are
they trying to do?"
Indeed, the strategy of putting pressure on the opponent was what Ryuuen
used to use.

"But it's in vain. This trick isn't enough to destroy the unity of Class B. After
chatting with them
today, I think it's better to fight Class A than to fight with Class B like that."
"Hmm, why does Yukimu think that?"
"They have a strong unity and will not blindly act in their own hands. They
are always being
sincere. These two points, is not something you find in any class. As a result,
they can perform
solidly at any event with good results. I don't think we can win against an
opponent like that. "
Class B can constantly achieve above average results, something that Keisei
seems to be afraid
"But, even though they can reach average levels at various events. That
doesn't mean they
won't lose, right?"
Even though they can score 80 points or 90 points from all 7 events, if their
opponent gets 100

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points, they will lose.
"With 7 unpredictable events on that day, are they guaranteed to win? For
Class C and Class D,
we might be able to win at some of the events that we specifically proposed,
but on the other
hand, for unknown events, we might be defeated, and maybe we will be the
class that falls
down. "
"Well ... um ... that's possible."
Airi understood the reason Keisei said, and nodded repeatedly to express her
"Hey, hey, wait."
When we had just turned around in the corner of the corridor, Haruka
suddenly pulled back
Keisei who was walking in front.
Haruka immediately covered Keisei's mouth and pointed forward.
It was Ike and Shinohara. They happened to be not far from us.
"Hey, Shinohara."
"What? "
"That's ... Just ... Yes ..."

"I can't hear you. What do you want to say?"

We can hear their conversation, even though their voices are very quiet.
"... Sunday ... In general, do you have time?"
"Sunday? I have no plans ... Hey! What's this about?"
"How do I say it, I want to invite you to go out. Are you available?"
It was an exchange between the two of them, although it was quiet, but it was
still audible.
Haruka and Airi looked at one another excitedly, while on the other hand
Keisei and Akito
expressed different reactions.
"I remember, Sunday is White day, right? Has Shinohara-san given chocolate
to Ike-kun
"It seems like it."

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At first, Shinohara was surprised at the invitation from Ike. But she slowly
began to understand
the situation.
"Oh, that, because you gave me chocolate before ... I intend to return the
"It was actually just a coincidence. You really ... Wait, do you when have
"There's still a little ... Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine."
"... I didn't say no."
"Th-that means ..."
"You, don't misunderstand! It's because we're about to take a special exam
soon, this Sunday is
the last chance to relax. And because you said you wanted to invite me, it
wasn't a bad thing."
Somehow, I recalled what Hoshinomiya-sensei said in the morning.
In places that I don't know about, maybe various seeds are starting to appear.
"Let's go."
"Oh, wait a minute. I am seeing something amazing."

"Don't disturb someone's romance."

Akito pulled Haruka and went in the opposite direction.
"Can't you let me see it for a moment! My heart is beating fast."
"I don't feel it."
"That's because you're a man who isn't interested in love ... Right Airi?"
"... um. Looks like I'm also a little excited. But, if they see us, they will
definitely be
"That's true, but people who come by will also see it. That is his own fault."
If we are found by them, it is very possible that the seeds that grow will not
produce fruit due to
our sudden appearance.

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Part 3
Now still in the process of gathering information - To identify what events
each person in the
class is good at.
After school, meetings diminish over time, and instead, special chat groups in
Class C have
become more active. Although Koenji and Hirata have not yet joined, others
have shifted the
discussion of special exams to a path where they can talk about it at any time.
As a result, a method that is not too stressful may be more suitable for Class
C, and opinion
exchanges become more active. However, this can only be analyzed by
looking at the
observer's perspective.

I left all the preparations to Horikita and now I just need to wait for it to
Strategizing, as the Commander's responsibility, I can think about later.
However, some worrying elements still remain. That is the whereabouts of
Koenji and Hirata.
Especially Hirata, maybe this was a problem that Horikita could not solve.
Two people who have not joined the discussion group, are unable to take the
special exam
Even though Koenji's absence was expected, Hirata's was a great loss.
Even though it's hard to accept it. Right now, Hirata is like a completely
different person. This is
a big concern for Class C. It is a very important part of the class, and at the
same time, it is also
something which no one dares to touch upon. We can only hope that it will
naturally improve.
Initially, he was a versatile person. But it is unfortunate that he cannot be
used as a card that
can participate in any event.

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Then appeared other factors of concern.
"...... Hirata-kun!"
Hirata who was just returning, Mii-chan called out to him, trying to catch up.
I do not remember how many times this has already happened.
One by one, people had given up on trying to talk to Hirata, and among them,
only Mii-chan kept
Such attachment would end up making Hirata hate her, and her heart might
be filled with the
fear of this.
Even so, why did he keep trying to talk to Hirata?
"I feel Hirata-kun really ..."
The people who discussed these things were girls who still remained in class,
Kei said that to
her small group.
"Well, Karuizawa-san. Is it really for the best to leave him?

"I don't think there's any point in saying anything. Maybe he already hates
me. "
The day before yesterday, when Kei tried to confront Hirata, the scene of his
warning was still
fresh in her memory.
"That's right. First, Hirata-kun was dumped by Karuizawa-san, and then soon
Yamauchi-kun was expelled ..."
I ignored the girls' chat and left the classroom.
But, my goal today is not Hirata. But I have to overcome other dangerous
My goal is to follow the students who left the classroom behind Mii-chan.
"Hey, do you have time?"
When I spoke to the girl, she turned around after a while.
"What's wrong Ayanokouji-kun?"
I called out to Kushida who so far hasn't contributed in this special exam.
Ever since, she has neither helped nor bothered the class.
As a member of Class C, she just kept quiet until now.
Kushida who was supposed to be the vice class leader, usually supported the

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However, this time there was no intention at all. I'm afraid there are two
reasons why she didn't
do it.
One of them is because of events that occurred in the previous exam, shaking
her reputation.
Even though she was used by Yamauchi, the fact that she supported my
withdrawal was
Although most students feel that Kushida deserves sympathy in this matter.
However, that was
not enough for Kushida.
For her, the incident hurt her status as a 'good person.'
Another reason is because Horikita began to take the as the leader of Class C.

If I were to think from Kushida's perspective, I believe that this is the real
Kushida hated Horikita from the beginning because she knew of her past.
In addition, when voting in class, she was greatly blamed by Horikita.
Whatever the reason, actions that try to make students drop out of school
should be punished in
Kushida's pride was forced to take a hit.
"This time, you don't seem to support Horikita."
Even though I know her very well, I deliberately asked this question.
Because I want to know, in this special exam, does she have a plan?
From that smiling fake face, I couldn't see the true heart of Kushida.
If I don't see what's under the mask, I don't know anything.
"Can we talk about it while walking?"
Kushida, who didn't want our conversation to be overheard, urged me to
come along.
"Do you have any plans for today?"
"Yes, I plan to meet some of the girls in Class B. You think having fun
during what's happening
now is a bad thing, don't you?"

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"No, relaxing is necessary. I think this is what everyone believes."
It's stupid to spend 24 hours just thinking about exams.
When it's time to work, we have to work. When you want to relax, you have
to relax.
"Do you understand, the reason why I am not doing anything now? I think it's
okay to kick you
out and help Yamauchi-kun's plan. Then, how do you think I should show my
face and stand up
to lead the class, after everything is revealed?"

Kushida deliberately did not mention the real reason was because of Horikita.
"Looks like you can't accept that reason, right? I can see it on your face ..."
"That's the way it is."
"I'll explain now. The reason I don't want to help isn't because Horikita-san's
the leader now,
"Is that true ?"
"Really, that's true."
I deliberately said it two or three times and then I accepted it. But this was
just a lie.
"Ah, you must doubt that."
Of course I should be suspicious. Even if I weren't, Kushida would still think
Therefore, I was sure in advance that she would doubt me.
"How do I look to you Ayanokouji-kun, I wonder? What do you think?"
"I guess ..."
What I saw with my eyes was the appearance of my classmate who was
smiling sweetly.
But ... I tried to imagine the Kushida hiding behind that mask.
'That bitch! I WILL kill her! I will humiliate her in front of the whole class! I
will never forgive that
bitch! I will kill her! Kill! Kill kill kill! I will beat her to death !! '
With blue veins popping out while raging and roaring at Horikita.
Her mouth continued to make unbearable harsh words.

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I imagined the other side of Kushida like this, but there was no way I could
tell her that.
"Are you thinking about something rude now?"

"No, not at all. "

I really thought too much, and that made me talk too much.
After pushing that unnecessary imagination from my mind, I stated my main
"Because you said there was no way to contribute this time, I can understand
your decision."
"And instead, you want the class information I'm holding ... right?"
Kushida understood what this special test meant.
"That is true. "
"Isn't there someone else who can be relied on right now?"
Kushida still had a constant smile, but did not respond positively to my
Even though the contract was over, Kushida's vigilance was rekindled.
She must be thinking, who am I really? Am I an enemy or a friend? And I
welcome the second.
"They aren't as good as Kushida."
"I'm glad you said this. But I also have a variety of situations."
"Various situations?"
"My situation is difficult, Ayanokouji-kun."
Kushida is trying to say that her position was not as stable as before. This
was a big loss.
The reputation of Kushida Kikyo's character that she had built for a year
suddenly had a gap.
Even though the support from classmates was still very high, small cracks
had appeared. It's
very difficult to build trust, but extremely easy to lose it.
"Then let me ask you a question. What can I do to get you to help me?"
"You have no choice but to give up this time. I intend to do what I want this
time, and I want to
remain in class calmly. Do you mind?"

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In other words, she has no intention of helping, or disturbing the class.
However, this also shows that if she was chosen as an Event Representative,
she will still
produce the minimum result.
"Not just me, are you okay with Horikita?"
"Yes, it's fine to interpret my words like that. Because all this time I've
realized that this school is
more fun than I thought."
Kushida will keep wearing her fake mask and continue playing.
Saying something good for this situation was also Kushida's expertise.
It was painful not to be able to get help from Kushida here, but it was better
to surrender
honestly now.
"I understand. Sorry, I said something to upset you."
"No. I'm very glad you came to ask for my help."
I decided to part with Kushida when I reached the front door.
Kushida continued to Keyaki Mall without stopping.

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Part 4
Unknowingly, the day arrived on a Sunday, White day on March 14.
To be honest, I'm thankful it happened to be on Sunday.

Some gifts have been prepared on the table.

If it were at school, I would have been worried when I would get the
opportunity to give it and it
will end up taking a long time.
Although you can give it in the morning, before class starts, or after school.
There's a lot to think about; who should I go first and how it should be done.
More importantly, doing things like that in the public's eyes is completely out
of line with my
I also know that this is the best way so that no one else sees me around, but
that is almost
However, if it is Sunday, I just put it in each mailbox.
In order not to meet anyone, I left the room when it was still morning and
walked to the mailbox
of the dormitory.
"Uhh ..."
I put the gift in the mailbox of each student who had given me chocolates on
Valentine's Day.
After putting all the chocolate in, I saw Ichinose on my way back to my
Ichinose's reaction was like she had seen something she shouldn't have seen.
"Oh, good morning, Ayanokouji-kun."
"Eh ... Umm, good morning."
Even though it's not yet 7, an unexpected encounter had happened.
But today, she is still avoiding my eyes.
"After waking up, I went for a short walk and I just returned."
She said with a look as if she was staring at me but in fact she looked
She wanted to check her mailbox before returning.

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"Ah ~ sorry, excuse me."

To let her check her mailbox, I left the way open. After she greeted me, she
checked her
mailbox. The return gift that I placed naturally appeared.
"Since you've seen it now. I gave it to you."
After Ichinose took the gift out of the mailbox, she held it for a moment
without moving.
"Actually, about that, you didn't need to ..."
Ichinose who responded, stopped as if she forgot what she wanted to say.
"I don't think that would be good."
"... T-thank you, I'm sorry, I'm nervous because I'm not used to this."
I was also the same. This time there was no one else around so I didn't know
what to do.
The atmosphere quickly became awkward, so I had to change the subject.
"... Speaking of which. What happened to Shibata on Thursday, what
happened after that?"
"Ah, um, are you worried?"
"Yes, I'm a little worried."
Was it because I had changed the subject, so the words flowed smoothly after
a while and I felt
like it was back to normal.
"After that, I went to ask everyone, at that time there were only 3 victims
reported by
Shibata-kun. But ..."
"On Friday, the number of victims appeared to have increased suddenly. It
increased to 3 boys
and 3 girls. Yesterday I received a report, all of them had been watched as
In other words, a total of 9 people were bullied by Class D. However, in the
three days after the
special examination was published, the attack was only concentrated on 3
people. Will there be
6 more people on Friday?
"Do you know who is stalking them?

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After a while, she nodded and said the names of the students.
"I know they are Ishizaki-kun, Komiya-kun, Yamada-kun, Kondou-kun,
Ibuki-san, and
A total of 6 people?
They are students who usually do the dirty work to a certain extent.
It's easy to identify those who don't try to hide their identity from the start.
"I wonder, do I have to chase these 6 people?"
Most D classes are just ordinary students. It is natural to think like this.
"Next Monday, I intend to ask them for more details."
"If the damage increases as you imagined. What will you do?"
Soon after, Ichinose and Kanzaki will also be affected.
"Well ~ I can't do anything. After all, there is no threat of violence ...... The
classmates also
agree to continue to endure, until the injury actually occurs and will be
If something unexpected happens, an emergency plan must be prepared.
"I see."
Class D is showing strange movements.
Are they really aiming for all students in class B?
If there are only 6 people lurking, it's impossible to put much pressure on all
of Class B.
Even if they do this kind of thing repeatedly, it would only be to the extent to
which someone
feels harassed.
Didn't Ishizaki who proposed this think about that?
Or, as long as they can give a few mental blows, are they satisfied?
"Is there something wrong?"

She seemed to notice that I was worried, and looked at me with a slightly
agitated expression.
"No ... You can continue doing what you have so far. Even if you complain to
the school about
Class D, they won't be penalized. That's what I think."

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"Yes, that is true."
But the purpose of Class D is the same as what I think now. But I need to
confirm it first.
However, there was no sign of Ichinose trying to make a move. So I will not
mention it.
Because she had already decided to focus on defense, I decided to change the
topic to
continue the conversation.
"Have you decided on 10 events?"
"Yes. We already knew about what we were good at and weren’t from the
beginning. Then we
have mixed in a number of programs that Class D didn't master, and we
finished them
yesterday. What about Ayanokouji-kun?"
"I didn't participate in anything this time. For 10 events, everything was left
to Horikita who
"But what about the rules of the Commander's intervention?"
"It's also Horikita who decides."
Ichinose showed a confused look, when I said that I wasn't the right
"Is it because your classmates really trust, Horikita-san? Or, no matter the
rules of the event,
you will be able to handle it?"
"100% is the first. I am different from the others. There are only a few
classmates who have
good relations with me. I really don't know any of them. And I am the
Commander only to
prevent someone from dropping out of school."
"But why do you want to play against Class A?"
"That was also Horikita's idea. She might have seen the opportunity of
victory at that time."
After accepting this reason, she did not try to discuss it any further.
The topic of discussion was complete and we waited for the elevator to

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"Ah ~ ... I think I messed up ..."
As if she just thought of something. She stood aside while continuing to twist
her hair with her
index finger.
"Is there something wrong?"
"No, nothing. There's nothing to worry about."
The elevator arrived on the 4th floor where my room was located.
"That. "
When I got out of the elevator and looked back, our eyes happened to meet
"Eh, Uwahhh !! T-See you later!"
After that she suddenly panicked and pressed the button. The elevator door
closed and
Ichinose's figure was no longer visible. Although it was a strange encounter,
white day ended
quite smoothly, so it wasn't so bad.
"It seems that today I didn’t smell any orange perfume."
After all, it was still Sunday morning, and she would not have sprayed
perfume before leaving.

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Part 5

Monday morning. Today is the day that the 10 events chosen by our
opponents will be
In the end, what kind of events and rules will Class A create? And how will
the Commander's
intervention be carried out?
Coincidentally, I met Horikita’s brother and Tachibana on the way to school.
There was no sign of them waiting for me. Apparently, it was just a

Tachibana said nothing, and quietly backed away.

That's because she didn’t want to disturb our conversation.
She was the one who had constantly supported Horikita's older brother so that
he could respond
quickly and attentively.
"Did the special exam go well?"
As expected of Horikita's older brother. Even without explanation, he
understood the situation
"I want to ask you, will you graduate in Class A?"
"This depends on next week's results."
Does he feel worried or not? I couldn’t tell from his face.
"Your sister worked very hard. After meeting with you last time, she
produced results better than
"I understand. "
It was like touching magical water, and now her whole soul is full of energy.
When Hirata could not stand up, she took the stand to keep the class together.
Now we continue to polish our strategy to win in the 10 events.
"In general, have the 3rd year students already began their vacation?"
"Yes. I was surprised to learn this after I entered school. After all, most high
schools have

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started vacationing at this time. Also, for work problems, we are also
progressing smoothly.
Even though you may not know now, you will eventually understand. "
It seems that in addition to special exams, they are also performing other
difficult tasks.
"However, I still don't know whether or not you will graduate as Class A. Are
you prepared for
"You will know, sooner or later."
Leaving it at that, Horikita's brother didn't talk much.

That's because there are things that cannot be said to other students.
In other words, if I want to know whether the status of Class A is truly
beneficial, I have to wait
until I move up to year 3.
"If you still have questions, don't hesitate. I will answer you within the
allowed range."
"This range seems pretty small."
After hearing my complaint, Horikita's brother smiled faintly.
"Maybe like that. I think this is the most for the former student council
It seems like it is not easy to tell information about the overall picture of the
"Well, after all, this is a rare opportunity. In fact, I also have a question,
which I always wanted to
ask you."
I decided to ask the question that I had been holding through this casual
"This is about Horikita ... your sister. I think she is actually a competent
person. Her academic
abilities and physical abilities are very good. Although she is not at the top,
she had the ability to
place second or third since the beginning. She may not be as gifted as the
student council
president, but I don't think it would be bad for you to try to see it for yourself.

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That is the weirdest thing for me.
"And she's two years younger than you, in other words you haven't seen her
growth for two
years. Because of the school system, you need to confirm how much Horikita
is growing or even
if she hasn't grown at all, you have to see it. At a glance, you can't go straight
to drawing a
conclusion. "
At that time Horikita's older brother was in the 2nd grade of high school, and
his sister was still
in middle school, so it was impossible for them to meet.
Even though Horikita's brother saw it when he was newly enrolled in this
school, it should not be
an outcome that would make him dissatisfied.
That day, I saw his attitude towards his sister outside the dormitory building,
which looked

"So about that incident, huh? After all, you saw the situation that day, don't
be surprised if you
would ask."
Horikita's brother remembers what happened at my first meeting with him.
"I'm not disappointed with Suzune. This is not a superficial achievement.
This is her inner
"Her inner development?"
"In fact, Suzune has changed a lot. Before, she used to be a child who smiled
Is she the one who always smiles? ... No, I can't imagine it.
"That means, after being influenced by you, she plays a cold image?"
"Because she imitates me no matter what. This bad habit started to form
when she rose to the
upper classes in elementary school. But now I think I made a mistake for
ignoring her. Back then
I wanted her to get rid of this habit, so I tried to treat her with indifference,
but in the end it was

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only counterproductive. "
As a result, Horikita continued to follow the shadow of her brother and
became a character like
"It seems like you do have flaws, your failure to communicate with your
"Nobody is perfect. Am I right?"
At this point, I deliberately did not deny that.
"In general, you met again at school. Did you reach a conclusion, after
talking to her?"
At that time, their talk was not too short, but they hadn’t interacted for a long
"Needless to say. I already knew after I called her. After the past two years,
nothing has
Is it something that only he can understand as her brother. Horikita's older
brother continued.
"She always responds positively to what I say. It seems like she just wants to
study harder and
wants to exercise more. Don't do this, don't do that. But she began to imitate
my favorite foods,of all things, even the colors that I like, my style of
clothing. No matter what aspect, she showed
excessive dependence on me. "
If she had progressed to that point, it would feel a little scary.
However, seeing Horikita's attitude since entering school, there were indeed a
number of things
to be acknowledged.
"After meeting your sister in this school, do you feel that her dependence on
you is still the
It would be very difficult to have material to find out about within two years.
"Yes. Anyone who knew Suzune since her childhood can see it. She ..."
Horikita's brother stopped himself.
"... No, even if you judge it first. I intend to use it as a benchmark to confirm
whether Suzune

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has really changed."
"In other words, you think that your sister hasn't changed completely."
Horikita's brother nodded. His sister has shown dramatic progress compared
to before, but in
his opinion, it seems that it is still not enough.
"Suzune, has tried to break free from the shackles of the past, but it's still in
the middle of its
I really don't think Horikita can reach this standard before he graduates.
After all there are just a few more days before the graduation ceremony.
"But if -"
Horikita's brother paused and looked at me.
I don't know why I looked sucked in by this strong appearance and stopped
"If Suzune no longer pursues my shadow, she will no longer rely on me, and
she can face
herself ..."
At that moment, the spring breeze blew.
"She will surpass me and become a presence that even you cannot ignore."
It seems like this wasn’t just a high evaluation given by an older brother.
He also often admired the strong potential of his sister in certain areas.
Why? Is it because of what Horikita's brother said?
Suddenly, a thought appeared in my mind. Yes, that's what I should do in this
No, that's what I want to do. I suddenly felt like I found it.
"But however, it depends on whether she really wants to change."
"She definitely has changed."
I say this.
"No, the meaning is a little different."
I corrected my statement.
"I'll try to change her. There's nothing so far as it is intentional or not, but I
will be serious about
"...... Well. I didn't expect you to say something like that."
Meeting Horikita's brother, I felt it would leave a big impact on me.
Whether my hunch will come true or not, I'll find out later.

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"Hey. Before you graduate, can I ask you another question? This is entirely a
After this, I don’t know if there will be a chance to talk again like this.
"Are you dating Tachibana behind you?"
I also know that this is a very boring question, but I am still trying to ask.
Even though they have retired from the student council, the two still always
act together.

"No, nothing like that."

Horikita's older brother denied it. It wasn’t a lie to hide facts.
It's just that, after looking at Tachibana's face, she had a rather complicated
At least I can confirm that Tachibana really likes Horikita's brother.
"In the past 3 years. Whether it was a good or bad thing, all I have thought
about is this school."
"I understand."
"But thinking speaking of such a topic. Are you a normal high school
Is that so? I might have been influenced by Hoshinomiya-sensei.
"I thought I was a picture of an ordinary high school student."
"Yes, then. As an ordinary high school student, have you gotten one? "
Even though this was the first topic I raised, I didn't expect that he would ask
me back in return.
"No. But if there is a match, I would be interested."
"If it's you, I can leave Suzune to you, but this kind of thing might seem
"Of course, impossible."
It's impossible.
"No, you can't say that. Horikita-kun will always support you fully."
Tachibana, who was watching calmly, suddenly entered in panic.
Horikita's brother heard his comment and asked. Then Tachibana
immediately began to explain.
"It's just that. It is a rule that tends to develop in the opposite of the expected

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result. It feels like
... two people who initially thought they were never compatible came
together, and it eventually
worked out. This is a typical example. So, ..."

I didn’t understand Tachibana's explanation.

"No, nothing,"
Realising we didn’t understand it at all, Tachibana stopped explaining.

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Part 6

In the classroom, after the end of morning classes.

At the same time, the 10 events submitted by the opposing class were also
Based on information in the classroom, and based on the number of
participants in various
events, Horikita announced the program proposed by Class A.
'Chess', the number of people needed is 1, and 1 hour for game time (negative
time limit).
Rules, based on standard chess rules. However, the deadline will not be
extended after 41
steps is reached.
The Commander can give instructions at any time and the intervention
deadline is 30 minutes.
'Mental Arithmetic', Number of participants required 2 people, time limit is
30 minutes
Rules, answering calculations with mental arithmetic, truth and speed will be
assessed, and the
first class to solve them correctly, will win.
The Commander has the opportunity to change 1 answer to any question.
(T / N: mental arithmetic, how to calculate quickly without the use of any
'Go'. The number of participants required is 3 people, time is limited to 1
hour (past the time limit
to get a penalty)
Rules, the game is done 1 vs 1, divided into three groups and done at the
same time. Based on
standard Go rules.
The Commander can guide the game at any time.
'Modern Text Exams', Number of participants required 4 people, time limit is
50 minutes.

Rules, solve questions in the range of class 1 learning. Both classes compete

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in point total.
The Commander can only answer one question from the participant.
'Written Sociology Test', the number of participants needed is 5 people. Time
limit is 50 minutes.
Rules, based on the scope of class 1 learning regarding geography, history,
citizenship, and
other subjects. Both classes compete in total points.
The Commander can only answer one question from the participant.
'Volleyball'. The number of participants needed is 6 people,
Rules, matches in 3 sets with 10 points each are based on standard volleyball
The Commander can replace up to 3 players, at any time.
'Written Mathematics Test', the number of participants needed is 7 people, the
time limit is 50
Rules, solving questions, based on year 1 learning material. Both classes
compete in total
The Commander can only answer one question from the participant.
'Written English Test', the number of participants needed is 8 people, the time
limit is 50 minutes
Rules, solving questions, based on 1st class learning material. Both classes
compete in point
The Commander can only answer one question from the participant.
'Long jump rope', the number of participants needed is 20 people, the time
limit is 30 minutes
Rules, in two challenges, the number of jumps will determine the class
The Commander can change the position of the participant from the opponent
at will.
'Dodgeball', the number of participants needed is 18 people.
Rules, matches in 2 sets with 10 points. In the case of 1 win and 1 loss, extra
time will be made.

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The Commander can revive participants who leave the game at any time.
"Unexpectedly, they also included sports events. I thought they would use
academically focused
events to ensure their victory. But this might just be a hoax."
This is Horikita's first impression after the event was announced. Likewise
Keisei, had the same
"Even though most people know Chess and Go, there aren't many people who
can play it. It
feels like it's difficult. And sport is also an event that requires quiet
In this class, people have never heard of chess and Go not only because they
don't have them,
but in reality, there weren't many people who have played them.
"There is only a big gap between the expectations and rules of the
Commander's intervention.
The role of the Commander is set to a minimum in most events that use
academic abilities, so
the Commander has little influence on the results."
"This is a very convincing performance from his colleagues. Class A not only
prepared 4 written
examinations with confidence, but also a large number of participants. This is
really complicated
In the written exam so far, Class A often leads other classes in overall scores.
It is because of this confidence that they deliberately increase the number of
needed in the various events being tested.
In these events, because Commanders can intervene very little, we are forced
to fall into
situations of competition in academics.
In addition, not all of the 10 events are written exam types, also a very
appropriate assessment.
If there are as many as 7 to 8 types of written exams, we can also fully
anticipate by learning to
handle them.

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The reason why they did not do this was to prevent us from making
competitive efforts through
targeted preparation.
"Volleyball requires 6 participants, plus substitutes, a total of 9 participants.
Dodgeball 18
participants. Long jump rope up to 20 participants. Of the three, there will
only be one of them,
and some people will probably play in the second round. This is a big event. .
Because we don't know which of the 10 events will be chosen on the day, we
can't relax.

In addition, there are events that require more people, so it will require a lot
of time and effort in
staff assignments and practices. If we go to the gym to practice openly, we
will definitely reveal
information to class A. In other words, we must practice clandestinely.
However, it is uncertain whether the event that we choose to practice will be
submitted as a
formal event. If we spend a lot of effort on an event, and it is not even
accepted, then our
previous efforts will be in vain. On the other hand, if we arbitrarily believe
that it is just a
deception event, and do not conduct training, but in the end on the day of the
exam, it is a
formal event, then the gap in the amount of practice will be reflected in
reality. In short, there is
no hope of winning.
It is very important to see the movements of Class A during this week, but if
they are in the
morning or late at night, they will be stuck in the wrong time to practice, it's
not easy to find out.
In addition, they can also be divided into groups to conduct training.
We cannot rule out one of the 10 events, no matter which one we choose.
That's very

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Naturally, there was no event they wanted to take part in here.
"Has anyone in the class ever played Chess or Go?"
Horikita asks everyone in the class. Only Miyamoto raised his hand.
"I've played a little Go with my family. Although I know the rules, but I'm
not very good."
In these two events, it is almost certain that at the initial point we were in
quite a desperate
I raised my hand a few moments later.
"I've played chess before. But I don't know Go and haven't played it either."
Even though I am the Commander, I will first tell them that I have played
Chess, and I can teach
others later.
"Even if there are experienced players, can we say that we've been lucky?
However, again we
realize how difficult this special exam is. After all, we have to face every
In less than a week, can someone's Chess skills become proficient? If it's bad
luck, we might
only get two events on our side, and the remaining five events are chosen
from the opposing

At that time, there must be a situation where we must depend on the potential
of students in our
But how ...
"What's wrong? Ayanokouji-kun."
Horikita hesitated looking at me.
"... Nothing."
In Chess, the amount of intervention by the Commanders is very large. This
is almost equivalent
to a direct contest between the Commanders.
From this rule, I can see the intention of Sakayanagi to compete in this event.
"Horikita. Shouldn't we do the work of looking for information seriously

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from now on?"
Is it urgent? Keisei asked that.
"... Do you want to find out what events will be proposed by Class A?"
"Yes. To be honest, it's very difficult to make up for our shortcomings in
these 10 events from
now on. Without any information, our hopes of winning are slim."
"But, Class A will also be careful and won't allow information to leak so
A boy says something that everyone understood.
"Even so we have to do it."
"I can understand your feelings. However, I can't quickly make a decision
now. Let me first see,
who in the class has done what from this list of events."
For the time being, Horikita, put aside the problem of information gathering
and began to create
a full picture of the class’ combat strength.

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Part 7
"Horikita, can we talk for a minute?"
During the break, Keisei spoke to Horikita.
"No problem. Is there something wrong?"
"Just a little ... it's about the special exam."
Keisei didn't want this conversation to be heard, and quietly urged her to go
to the corridor.
Because I may have wanted to see what it was about. As a result, Horikita
turned her head.
"Can you let Ayanokouji-kun join?"
"... Yes."
Keisei obviously was reluctant, but he still accepted it.
I could not refuse, so I had to follow them.
"Have you considered what I said?"
"What is information seeking?"
"About this issue ... I think it will be very difficult to obtain information from
Class A."
"But, if we don't do anything, isn't that a waste of time? You should use this
time more
It seems like Keisei wants to start gathering information as soon as possible.
He understood this, in order to make an effort to win, he wanted to do as
much as he could.
"Can we solve this problem just by involving any student from Class A?"
"You're right. I don't think ordinary students will know about the five events
that will be
These five events may only be known to Sakayangi, besides, of course, she
will only talk about
it to her trusted people.

Not surprisingly, she will be doing the information management as a whole.

"Even though the program to be submitted later is only known by

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Sakayanagi, the people in the
class will always have a little information. Is that right, Kiyotaka?"
"Of course. They always know something in the class."
Because they have lived together for a year, they will know their classmates
to a certain extent,
about who is good at doing what and not.
In this way, we can still estimate to a certain extent, such as who is good at
doing something, so
that it might be submitted as an event on that day.
"That's right. I've been thinking of ways to get information from Class A
"What method?"
Keisei first confirmed that there was no one else around, and then whispered
"Bring Katsuragi to our side."
Katsuragi, formerly the leader of Class A who crossed swords with
"Previously, Yahiko who still worked under Katsuragi was expelled from
school. He must have
hated her for doing so. Recently I met him several times. He was clearly
different from before."
Katsuragi must really hate Sakayanagi.
I remember the day Yahiko dropped out of school, when Katsuragi met with
"Do you think he will betray the class just to get back at Sakayanagi?"
"Of course, you need to give him an appropriate profit."
In this case, Keisei seemed to have thought about it.
"If he can bring victory to Class C, even though the end result is 4 wins and 3
losses, we will get
130 class points. From the perspective of the whole class, that is equivalent to
6 million personal
points in a year. Furthermore if we save a number of personal points each
month, it's not
impossible to collect up to 20 million personal points in the end. "
When I heard this, I already knew what Keisei wanted to say after this.
"When we get to class A, we will give Katsuragi the right to move classes.

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What are the
conditions? And in this case, Katsuragi will be our friend."
"First of all, this is something that is not even guaranteed for him. After all,
aren't we C class?"
"But in Katsuragi's current situation, he cannot do anything else."
"Katsuragi-kun's situation may be very bad now. But if his betrayal is
revealed the next time,
Katsuragi-kun himself will have to drop out of school. He doesn't have time
to wait for us to
collect 20 million points. Even if we assume that our class points have risen
significantly and
everyone in the class works together, it will take at least half a year. "
While calculating the problem realistically, I think it's better to estimate about
one year.
And even if it's to get class points, 20 million personal points isn't cheap.
"Horikita, what do you think?"
"... That's right. As Yukimura-kun said, information is very important."
"It means ..."
"But, I completely disagree with Yukimura-kun's proposal."
"I also think that Katsuragi-kun right now, is having a hard time. But even so,
I don't think he will
agree to our requirements to betray his class. What can we give? Our
conditions are not very
tempting for him."
If we can immediately get 20 million personal points, we can discuss it, but if
the agreement
requires one year, it will be very difficult to convince him.
"But if you don't do anything, you won't get information."
"Even if I take action, I'm not sure I can get useful information."
"How do you know if you haven't tried?"
Keisei didn't give up, but Horikita also didn't want to give up.
"I'm not completely denying the important role of information. It's just that
this battle is not
possible. If you have thought of a new plan, come back to me later."

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After that, Horikita returned to the classroom.
"Damn it!"
Keisei slammed his fist against the wall.
"... Hey, Kiyotaka, can you help me?"
"Do you want me to persuade Horikita?"
"No ... First of all we must contact Katsuragi."
He really has a strong will.
"I don’t think Horikita hope for victory. But I think, she consciously thinks
that we can't defeat
Class A? Even though we can't win, we must confront him, before anything.
Let's go. Even if we
contact Katsuragi openly, it won't cause problems with the class. "
Even though I didn't want to be here, I couldn’t stop it from continuing.
In this case, I still go with him as an act of saying that I can still understand
the situation.
"How can we contact Katsuragi?"
"That ... let me think about it. However, there is still time left before the
exam. "
"Okay I understand. Then, call me if you think about it. "
To prevent him from acting alone. I said that. In short, let's work with
Keisei's plan.

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Part 8
"Do you have time? There's something I want to talk about now."
After 6:00 p.m., while I was cooking soup, I received a call from Horikita.
The soup was boiling
at this point, and kept rolling on the pan, noisily.
"Are you cooking?"
"No, don't mind."
Even though the soup began to boil, there's nothing special about what I'm
"So what do you want to talk about?"
If she wants to ask for help with the exam, I will refuse.
"Calm down. I won't ask for your help with the exam. I can promise you."
Horikita understood what I was thinking.
"But ... That's if you're fine, can we meet in person? I'll finish the
conversation in an hour."
Is it something that can't be told over the telephone? Or does she want to
confirm something
directly through the conversation?
One hour? I don’t think it would be good to refuse.
"I understand. Will you come here?"
"That's impossible, because there have been many things going around you
recently. Or can
you come here?"
It seems that she is worried about having unwanted guests coming to my
room and interrupting.
I have also visited Horikita's room before. So there is no problem for that.
After turning off the fire, I took my cellphone, and went outside. Then I took
the elevator and
headed to Horikita's room. Even though the sun had set, it was still evening,
and there were
some boys who were currently walking on the floor where the girls were,
there wouldn't be a big

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Part 9
After I pressed the doorbell, the door immediately opened.
At first, I thought when she met me, she would have an ordinary serious face,
but the results
were surprising.
Strangely, Horikita welcomed me with a good mood.
Seeing this unusual appearance, I felt a little anxious.
A fragrant aroma was spread in the room.
"I'm just preparing dinner. Come on in."
Why does she have to call me now? I have a bad feeling...
When I was hesitant to enter, I felt a sharp gaze from Horikita and I was
forced to eliminate the
idea of refusal.
Maybe Horikita didn't want anyone else to know that she called someone to
his room at night.
I decided not to think about it anymore. When I first entered his room, I saw
something strange.
Somehow, 2 sets of food utensils were placed on a small table.
After having a conversation with me, who will she eat with?
"You say ..."
I intended to confirm, but Horikita stopped me.
"Please. Sit there."
No, she wants me to sit there ... However I see a pair of chopsticks placed in
that spot.

My instinct tells me. This is a trap.

"So what do you want to talk about?"
I did not sit down, but tried to cut off the subject immediately.
"You want to talk while standing? I need to prepare what I'm doing here, so
could you sit down
and wait a minute?"
"Oh ... I'd rather stand up."
"What's the matter? I'd feel uncomfortable with you standing like this. Sit

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Since Horikita's tone became stronger, I decided to sit down.
In the past, that was normal, haughty and irrational, and long-sighted.
Because we took the initiative to isolate ourselves for each other's sake, I
have forgotten about
this attitude.
In short, I just have to sit and wait.
However, as far as food is concerned, it is only half done. It takes a long time
to complete.
"I want to ask. Will this conversation really end in an hour?"
"Yes, our conversation will last no longer than an hour."
I felt as if I had been cheated by the conversation I had with Horikita before.
It's true, by phone, she said the conversation would not be over in an hour.
In other words, there were other things that were not included.
"Are the ‘others’ counted in it?"
"Yes, this takes ... one and a half hours to two hours or more?"
Sure enough, is this what that means?
"I think this is also the point. I will prepare dinner. "
Nobody ever expected this kind of thing. Feeling really shaken by the hoax of
her absurd words.

Even so, I had seen that she had placed her plate on the table. I regretted
saying that I had not
eaten dinner yet, and I thought about something like that again. She really
called me out at a
good time.
Even though Horikita turned her back on me, I could see that her cooking
skills were not so bad.
It could even be said that at the standard of a year 1 high school student, she
was very skilled.
"My parents are busy with work, so I often cook for myself."
I felt that Horikita could read my thoughts.
"You don't feel inconvenient, does it require a lot of work?"
Although I was happy after the dish was made, there were other problems.
"After learning that Nii-san entered this school, I took the initiative to

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improve my cooking skills."
"Did you wish to enter this school to live alone?"
After cutting the ingredients with a kitchen knife. Horikita started cooking
soup using a
But since it is not a topic of special exams, what will be discussed?
I still don't know about this.

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Part 10

After 15 minutes.
Horikita finished cooking and preparing everything. That's better than I
expected. This is similar
to what I usually see on TV. After that, Horikita sat in front of me.
If this was seen by Sudou, he might be very angry at me.
Even if I say it's just a misunderstanding, it won't work.
Instead, I hope that Sudou has already experienced something like this.
No, even so, I guess that will still make Sudou jealous.
"Come eat."
Urged by her, I immediately took the chopsticks. We faced each other at the
I feel a strong deja vu of this scene.
I remember when I just registered at school, when she invited me to the
"Are you suspicious of me?"
"I have a bad feeling."
"If someone becomes suspicious of another person's good intentions, then it's
a matter of
proving himself as a human."
"Is this what you have to say?"
"This is special."
If a dish was made carefully by someone else, it is rude not to eat it.
However, I continued to have suspicions, also human instincts. No, it's just
that from my
experience so far, I have to doubt it. But now this situation was hard to fight
When I entered Horikita's room, the results were already determined.
So I decided to start eating the soup for now.

The taste of soup stimulates the nose. The ingredients used are all healthy for

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the body, with
turnips as the main ingredient.
"Using wheat to improve taste."
After taking a sip of the soup, the sweetness is very strong in the mouth,
which is a
characteristic of this increased flavor.
"You really tasted it. Do you like the taste of miso from this kyushu. I don't
know if it suits you?"
"Your cooking skills are really good."
I honestly praised Horikita, but she wasn't very happy.
"In this day and age, cooking skills are useless, so you don't need to
compliment me. If you
want to cook the food you want to eat, just go to the supermarket or
department store to buy
ingredients, then find the recipe online, it's simple."
Just making food might be simple, but through the arrangement of dishes,
cutting vegetables,
etc., however, will be reflected in the taste of the cooking. This is not
something that can be
learned in a short time.
"Have you ever cooked for Sudou?"
After I asked that, Horikita looked at me a little annoyed.
"Why should I cook for him?"
"No ... You often teach him to study."
"Yes. Maybe, it doesn't matter if I cheer him up with dinner. "
I think I'm just asking questions casually. However, Horikita did not hold
"If I am in a position to ask for advice from him, I can understand why you
are asking this. After
all, it is in return for his hard work. But now I am teaching him, however
much trouble to do
something for him."
It's something I can't deny, but ...
"I don't know if you're smart or stupid?"

This is what I wanted to say. Sudou has a good impression on Horikita. From

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this point, I
thought that Horikita would have already served food for Sudou. However, it
seems that Horikita
doesn't really understand the feelings Sudou has for him. This is actually
because Horikita
hasn't thought about the problem of love in her heart. She is not yet an adult
to realize these
"Okay. Then, can I say something?"
After finishing, she took out a notebook and handed it to me.
I don't need to ask anymore, I know that this is what Horikita had done
"I am thinking about the best combat plan for Class C. I want to ask for your
Then she added the sentence.
"You already ate, my cooking didn’t you?"
This method was dirty. She lied to me before I received the gift, and then told
me that request, of
course, I could not refuse. I immediately took the notebook and opened it. Its
contents, filled
about the upcoming special exam. There is also content related to the 10
events from Class A,
but since it has just been announced today, the content has only just begun to
be written.
By the way, the events chosen by Class C were 'English Written
Examination', 'Basketball',
Archery ', ' Swimming ', ' Tennis ', ' Table Tennis ', ' Typing Ability ', ' Soccer
', ' Piano ', and '
It seems that the last event was included as a strange strategy when breaking
Each event has a good reputation with a high chance of victory. Horikita also
wrote conclusions
from this analysis.
Everything needed for this special exam was summarized in this notebook.

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I read calmly, without letting go of any details. Seeing me like this, she was
very surprised.
"Putting aside the talk about the food, but you didn’t think I'd take it
seriously, did you?"
"Oh, um. I've already prepared alternatives if you refused ..."
"In this special exam, the data that you have analyzed continuously will be
very beneficial.
Without seeing this data, I cannot fully utilize the power of the Commander."

After comparing this data with the information I got from Kei. I found no
difference at all.
"This is a database that records all information in our class."
"I've been troubled all this week. I would have been very inconvenient, if this
wasn't accurate."
With this, to the extreme, anyone can qualify as a Commander's position.
"I will continue to improve on this basis. The final version will cover
everything, including 10
events from Class A. And you can challenge Class A based on this
information. I think so."
"Sudou, Akito, they should be able to become a big power even if they don't
attend one vs. one
events. And in the case of Onodera, the winner will be determined if she ends
up competing
with boys. So, think of the 3rd and 4th candidates for at this time, it will be
better. "
Horikita nodded lightly. It is unfortunate that students who will shine in
various events can be
easily played at an event. Perfecting this data to the point where they should
be, and as much
as possible not making mistakes, that's very good.
"I have no comments about the content. But can I make a request?"
"What is that?"
"Isn’t Chess one of the events proposed by Class A?"
Because there are no students in the class who can play Chess. This section
was still empty.

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"Yes. For the time being, I haven't thought of this event, because I haven't
tried it myself. Only
you understand the rules in class. I only listened to your opinion when
explaining the program."
"I wanted to tell you. I hope you participate in Chess."
"... Me? Of course, there must be someone practicing for this event but ...
Why should I?"
Horikita thought that she would not be strong enough in Chess or could win
against Class A.
"I think if I want to teach someone to play Chess, then you are the most
suitable person."
"What you mean is, if you teach me Chess, you don't need to build new
relationships with
people. Is that more accurate?"
"I don't deny there is also a reason for that too."

"I don't think I can accept this request ... But there should be some students in
the class who will
listen to you? And even though this sounds a bit arrogant, I can do a better
job at other events
Horikita is basically an all-around student.
She can get good results in both academics and sports exams. She has no
doubt about this
"Chess requires pure ability. There is a time limit in the Commander's
intervention rules set by
the opposing side. No matter how good Sakayanagi is at Chess, that is not
necessarily enough.
So I don't think she will interfere from the start. In this way, the key to
winning is in the initial
stages of the match. "
If it is already in a difficult at an early stage, it will be problematic for me to
turn things around.
"You are specifically targeting this event not just because you understand the

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rules, right? Do
you predict that Class A will be choosing this event from one of the five?"
"It’s almost guaranteed. It's exactly that. In this event, the Commander holds
a great amount of
authority. Isn't that interesting?"
"Really, I'm interested as well ... Well, I'll listen to you."
I'm grateful that Horikita agreed with my request. Then I continued to eat.
"So how should I practice?"
"I was thinking we could practice online in the middle of the night, but it may
be difficult for you."
"Indeed, in this way, other people won’t know about it. And no details we be
leaked out."
Not overlapping with other training times is also an advantage.

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Part 11
I look forward to the resolution of this problem, but it was not as simple as
"Ayanokouji-kun, I have something to ask again. You’ve already eaten my
food, right?"
"You’ve said that over and over again. Isn’t that too cruel?"
In the middle of the meal, the devil strikes again.
"Cruel? You think what I am doing cruel."
"What do you mean ?"
"During the vote in the previous exam, you tricked me into making a move
behind the scenes?
Answer me."
"I don’t know what you are talking about ..."
"At that time I got advice from Nii-san. But, you are really the person behind
It doesn't look like she was just guessing.
However, Horikita's brother could not have possibly revealed this to her.
"At first I didn't realize it, but after thinking it through, I came to a
That is, it was a conclusion she made herself.
"My actions have been seen through by you."
"Even if I deny it, I don't think you will believe me."
"That’s correct, I don't have any proof. Even when I asked Nii-san, he didn’t
reveal anything to
me either. But, I'm sure of it."
Throughout the year, Horikita has began to grow little by little.
This is a fact, even her brother admitted it.
But as the relationship with her brother gradually subsided, Horikita's talents
have begun to

The more time she spends with her brother, the more he could understand her
talent. Because

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of this, Horikita's brother must have been very disappointed with her, who
only continued to
pursue his shadow.
"You look very nervous."
"I feel very pressured by your questions now."
"Well, forget it. From your attitude, I know you won't say anything."
With this, Horikita ended the conversation. It seems that she will become
more difficult to
manipulate in the future.
"I still have one more thing to ask, but it's okay for you not to answer this
Horikita looked at me closely, as if she was implying that she would not let
me escape.
"Can you win in this battle against Sakayanagi-san?"
"She shouldn't be an opponent that can't be beaten. After reading your notes, I
suppose so."
"... Yes, if it's like that. I'll try to adjust the class to the best conditions."
"For now, you have done very well."
When Hirata did not do anything, almost the entire class followed Horikita
Paving a road to victory.
This is something I can't do in my position. So I really wanted to thank her,
because Horikita can
take action in completing these tasks for me.
"I will leave everything to you beforehand. Everything is at your discretion."
"I already know. But, in terms of Commander's rules, isn't it better for you to
come up with them
"That was left to you too."
"... Are you planning to only use the pieces that I have prepared to fight?"
"Besides, I don't know all the details of our class."

"That's right ... if you say so, it's too naive to expect a win against Class A."
"That's the way it is."
Horikita led me to the door, opened it and told me to leave.
"Thank you for your hospitality ... But I hope you won’t use this trick again

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next time."
I can already imagine that I would become paranoid everytime I receive an
"Okay, I'll think of another method."
No, I didn't mean it like that.

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Part 12

A few days before the match against Class A, Keisei managed to contact
Keisei immediately contacted me to meet at a quiet location.
Katsuragi was basically isolated from Class A. He was often alone, so it was
easy to approach
"... So, what is it you called me out for Yukimura?"
Apparently, the man who had a strong anger towards Sakayanagi, looked at
Keisei with a sharp
"Katsuragi, I want to ask for your help with something."
"From the moment you came to see me, it could only be for one thing."
Katsuragi already knew what Keisei wanted to say.
"I’ll make it quick. I hope you can tell me about the five official events your
class has chosen.
One more thing, I want you to interfere during the exam."
Keisei also requested something that had not been mentioned to Horikita and
"What benefits do I get out of do this?"

"We will welcome you to our class, Katsuragi."

"That is very interesting. You want me to betray Class A and then drop to
Class C? "
Katsuragi sneered and refused Keisei's request.
"One day, our class will be promoted to Class A. We have the power to do
At that time, the agreement will take effect, and Keisei once again
emphasized this.
However, to Katsuragi this was nothing more than a mere dream.
"We will be promoted to Class A someday? If you ask any other class, they
will say things like

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"That ..."
"If you really are capable of being promoted to Class A, then you wouldn’t
need to do this kind of
thing. How can you win against Class A? Precisely, because you can't do
that, you don't
hesitate to use me to increase your chances of victory. Am I right?"
Hearing the insulting tone of Katsuragi, Keisei couldn't refute it, and was
"Okay. Even if you will be promoted to Class A, are you saying that you will
be giving me 20
million personal points just for a bit of information? No, this is not possible.
If you had so many
points, then you could have prevented Yamauchi from being expelled."
Katsuragi is sure that we didn’t have that many points.
"That ..."
"Are you intending to tell me to wait 2 years for you to pay 20 million
"... It means."
"This is an over-exaggeration. Even if you go up to Class A in the future,
there is no guarantee
that you will have prepared 20 million by then. In fact, even if we made an
agreement now, if you
don't have that many points when the time comes, isn't it meaningless? No,
even before that, I
doubt this decision has been thoroughly discussed with everyone in Class C. "
Katsuragi is not just any ordinary student. He is very knowledgeable about
our class’ situation.

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If this was the resolution of the entire Class C, it would of been someone
such as Horikita who
would come to see him.
When he saw that it was Keisei and I, he must have guessed that it was just a
done in secret.
"I can understand that it is urgent, but you are not ready for negotiations. You
intend to do so
after I make the promise. Do you think I can accept that?"
Betraying his class, this is not something that can be easily done.
Not to mention the person of negotiation is a man who values camaraderie.
"... After Sakayanagi is defeated, do you still intend to remain silent in
"Totsuka has dropped out of school. Even so, do you plan to continue holding
onto Class A?"
He knew that a direct attack could not get Katsuragi to agree, so his
resentment increased.
"You're not even sure that you can even graduate in such a sad state. This is
too much!"
"Is this your final option, Yukimura? This is a sad negotiation method."
Katsuragi also asked me.
"Do you have something to say Ayanokouji?"
"No, you're right. We don't have anything else to say."
After seeing that I had given up, Katsuragi didn't look at me again.
"Yukimura, I don't mean to blame you at all. However, if you want to draw
others to your side,
you can't do it without your own awareness."
Katsuragi leaned against the wall and stared off into the distance.

It was as if he was looking at something, even though there was saw nothing.
"However, what you are saying is true."
"... Right?"
It was due to his regret from losing the war with Sakayanagi, therefore
Katsuragi wanted to say

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"I'm very angry at Sakayanagi. Therefore, even though there are no benefits, I
have enough
reason to act."
Katsuragi crossed his arms and looked into Keisei's eyes.
"I think you already know that Sakayanagi has not told anyone about the five
events that would
be officially chosen."
As expected, it was only known by Sakayanagi.
"I don't understand this either. She continues to do this in a test that requires
class coordination.
She doesn't share information with her classmates and adopts a strategy so
that the chances of
winning are higher."
Of course it's better not to disclose information to the five events, but there
will be less intensive
training according to the events. Even so, practicing all 10 events, naturally
will reduce
"If I were to take a guess, I can tell you."
"Seriously ?!"
Just as we began to surrender to Katsuragi, good luck suddenly arrives.
Katsuragi's hatred for Sakayanagi was deep.
"I'll say it. But, only if you can guarantee that nobody knows of this..."
"Yes, of course. I will also mention the 20 million points to Horikita."
Keisei nodded, agreeing to Katsuragi's conditions.
"That is unnecessary. Even if the information I give you proves to be useful,
you don't need to
collect 20 million points."

"So what do you want?"

"Nothing. If there's something I want, I hope that you can defeat
After this, Katsuragi began to state his estimations.
"'Chess', 'Written Test of English', 'Written Test of Mathematics'. These three

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should be the most
likely. Second are 'Modern Text Test' and 'Mental Arithmetic'. On the other
hand, 'Long Rope
Jump' and 'Dodgeball' which requires a large number of people, I am almost
sure they were
false events. As far as I know, it seems like they haven't practiced them
much. "
If what Katsuragi said is true, we can only wait until the exam day to find
However, Katsuragi revealed to us 3 events that would be selected with the
highest chance.
From this point of view, I don't think there will be a problem.
"Are you fine with this that okay? There's no reward for you to give us this
"I told you before? Even though I didn't make a deal, I have a reason to act."
This was a very difficult task, trying to get information out of Katsuragi. But
unexpectedly, we
have now received it.
In Keisei's heart, joy slowly appeared.
"Oh, this is great Kiyotaka! Now we have a chance to win."
Keisei passionately made a winning posture.
"Then there's one more thing. You asked me to interfere with the exam."
"Oh, um, but ... you can promise us even that?"
"It took so much effort to negotiate with me. Are satisfied with just that
"No, that's not what I meant ..."
"It's better not to think that you can defeat Class A with just that kind of help.
Just because I
deliberately provided convenience, doesn't mean your strength can reach
Class As. It's better to
to have mental preparation. But I can help out the Mental Arithmetic event or
the Long Rope
Jump events are selected. "

Hearing that, I decided to ask Katsuragi a question.

"When you were warned by Sakayangi, would she even let you participate in

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the events? If
Long Rope Jump was chosen as 5 official events, it might be possible for
everyone in the class
to play once. However, is there a guarantee that she will choose you,
especially when there are
only 2 participants in Mental Arithmetic? "
"In our class, only Tamiya and I are good at Mental Arithmetic. Tamiya's
ability is not very high.
In this case, removing me from the entry list will only decrease the chance of
Sakayanagi also believes that through Yahiko's expulsion, my cards have all
been broken by
her. To turn me into a tame horse, she must first use me. "
Using Katsuragi, who always opposed Sakayanagi, as her own pawn.
This is also a kind of propaganda for Sakayanagi. After that, Katsuragi stated
his plan, and he
would deliberately answer incorrectly in the Mental Arithmetic questions,
and at the Long Rope
Jumping event by touching the rope as much as possible.
"However, I want to avoid Sakayanagi's suspicion as much as possible.
During Long Rope
Jump, I can only pretend to make an unintentional mistake, but in the Mental
Arithmetic, it is
impossible for me to deliberately give the wrong answer to simple questions."
To fight the battle, and give away the victory with a smooth gap.
"But even if I don’t participate in the Arithmetic Mental event that day. You
guys should still be
Even with the information has been provided, there is no reason to feel
After Katsuragi left, Keisei said with pleasure.
"Let's convey this to Horikita."
"Don't ... this time we contacted Katsuragi without telling Horikita in
"Even though we have gotten the information and results, if she knows that

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we were acting
arbitrarily, she will be angry."
"Even so, we must use this information."
"Let me report it to her. I won't mess it up."

Keisei was a little troubled for a while, but finally agreed.

This was an arbitrary choice from contacting Katsuragi who encouraged him
to do this.

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The Tears of a Man

Although we obtained information from Katsuragi, it does not mean that

Class C is in a favorable
Horikita is certainly aware of this and tries to eliminate the worrying
elements one by one.
"Please wait a moment, Hirata-kun."
Horikita called Hirata, he was the first to leave the class after school.
This is the first time Horikita talked to Hirata after the class vote.
Hirata stopped without looking back.
"I understand you don't want to talk to me, but please allow me to confirm
one thing. You might
not have the chance to play in the Class C event you want. We don't expect to
rely on you on exam day. But the situation has changed. Sakayanagi-san who
knows your current situation, is
likely to choose several events that require lots of people. "
Even though students in Class C are still worried about Hirata, there is a
possibility that all 38
people in the class will participate.
"When that situation occurs, what will you do? Will you only watch without
care, or will you
participate at the minimum? You just have to answer me."
But Hirata said nothing. Only silence filled the classroom.
What broke the silence was only Hirata's footsteps that walked away.
"You don't want to answer me."
Horikita, who was uncomfortable with Hirata's response, averted her eyes as

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if she had given
"... Hey, we ... we can't possibly win ... If Hirata-kun is like this."
The girls are worried.
However, the boy who once led the class is gone.
This fact is once again a heavy pressure for class C.
"You said that we would get results with the efforts of those around him. But,
he hasn't changed
at all."
"Is that so?"
Horikita who was feeling unsure turned her gaze elsewhere.
"Hirata-kun, please wait!"
Mii-chan is the one who shouted that. I don't know how many times this has
happened. She
hurriedly grabbed her bag to catch up.
"Mii-chan doesn't seem to have given up yet."
"I really don’t understand her motives."

"You also have something to do about it Horikita. You need to unite Class C
to increase your
chances of winning."
Now, this is the only thing Horikita can do in class.
I will chase after Mii-chan.
I saw two people who were face to face on the way to the dorm. It was not
like a scene from a
This is a challenge for Mii-chan as his classmate, to help Hirata recover.
"Please, Hirata-kun, we need your strength ... So-"
"Mii-chan, please stop. Can you not do this again?"
Hirata complained. He seemed to say, 'You should have understood after a
few tries.'
These words were like a sharp knife that struck her heart.
But the desire that radiated in her eyes did not disappear.
Mii-chan will keep trying no matter how many times she is pressured by

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"H-how can I ... I can't ignore you when you are like this."
"So what should I do to make you stop. Tell me!"
"If Hirata-kun returns to how he used to be ..."
"Back to the way it used to be? Impossible."
Those cold words repeatedly pierced Mii-chan's heart.
"No. I-I believe that Hirata-kun will return to how he used to be."
"I said that’s impossible. It's a problem if you trust me this much."
"Even so, I still believe in Hirata-kun!"
Hirata made a fist. He might of felt like hitting someone.

"Then can you bring Yamauchi-kun back to this school?"

"That ...?"
"To go back to the way it used to be, isn't that what it should be?"
It was impossible to return the expelled Yamauchi to Class C.
This means that Hirata is unlikely to return to his original state.
Hirata conveyed this fact to Mii-chan.
"That ..."
"I hope you can understand this fact before saying anything."
Hirata turned away from Mii-chan and wanted to take a step to leave. But
Mii-chan who didn't
want to let him go, extended her right arm.
She grabbed Hirata's arm, trying to stop him.
If Hirata returned to the dormitory, he would never again speak to her.
"Can you let go?"
"No, please don't go!"
Even though Hirata refused, Mii-chan persisted until the end.
She was sure that if she held him back, she could convey her thoughts to
I kept a small distance between the two and watched the situation closely.
I considered that if I got too close, it would stop Mii-chan.
However, Hirata sighed heavily.
Then he pulled his right arm away firmly to try to release it from Mii-chan.
This rude act is not like Hirata's style.

Mii-chan was surprised, and fell to the floor.

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"... don't mind me anymore. Otherwise, I will ..."
Mii-chan, who fell to the floor, looked at Hirata.
Seeing Hirata's anger, it hurt her.
"I don't care about anything anymore. If you keep trapping me like this ..."
Until the last moment.
Hirata gave a warning to Mii-chan that she couldn't fight it like this. These
words were like a
punch to Mii-chan.
Suddenly, a man walked beside me.
The man's hair waved in the wind, and the scent of perfume on his body
spread around him.
"Oh, you still haven't improved today. Let me see your ugly side."
Koenji said such spicy words to shake Hirata. He is also a person who goes
straight back to the
dorm after school.
"Ah, please don't mind me, continue what you were just doing. Let me see it."
Hirata is not stupid to continue.
Or rather he began to antagonize Koenji.
"You too ... What do you want from me ..."
"Want? I want nothing from you. After all, I already have everything."
After Koenji answered this, he walked past Hirata, but ...
"However, however I must say something to you ..."
For Koenji, this is just the path back to the dorm.
No other.
He did not care about Hirata's mood at all.

"You're very unsightly, so can you keep out of my sight? If this isn't the ideal
school for you, then
you just get away quickly. "
This is really Koenji’s style. Rather than making Hirata feeling regretful, he
advised that it's
better for him to leave school immediately.
"... Annoying... You don't understand my situation."
"I don't care and I'm not interested in your situation. But I can find out. You
think that if you drop

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out of school, you will cause problems for your classmates, so you don’t do
it. It's ridiculous to
make such a decision."
"P-please stop it, Kouenji-kun! Hirata-kun isn't wrong!"
To prevent Koenji's verbal attack on Hirata, Mii-chan took action.
"Oh. Looks like you don't like what I'm saying. That is really rude."
Even though Koenji said this while smiling, he still expressed his respect for
"But you should forget about Hirata-boy immediately. He is no longer a good
In critical condition, Hirata pursed his eyes and approached Koenji.
"D-Don't, Hirata-kun!"
Mii-chan who noticed the unusual atmosphere of Hirata, tried to block the
two, but was knocked
down by Hirata with greater strength than before. Without looking at Mii-
chan in the slightest
reached out to Koenji.
He intended to grab Koenji's collar with his right hand, but instead was
quickly stopped by
Koenji's left hand.
"I will not show mercy to anyone who shows hostility to me? After all, I don't
want to leave any
scars on my beautiful face. "
Hirata showed an expression of pain and annoyance, perhaps because of
Koenji's grip. He was
holding his wrist with force.
"You're really annoying, Koenji ...!

"What I choose to do is my choice, but I don't want to be told by someone

who makes a girl cry."
Koenji turned his eyes to Mii-chan who was lying on the floor.
After releasing Hirata's wrist he told him:
"You made her fall, can you lend out your hand?"
"... That has nothing to do with me."
"Nothing to do? Now that is cruel."

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Mii-chan who couldn’t face Hirata directly, looked away.
"No problem. This is also Hirata-boy's freedom."
"Hmm, uh !?"
Koenji gently picked up Mii-chan who had fell on the floor.
"Because you are unwilling to, let me help."
Koenji who was originally a person who is difficult to understand. His
behavior suddenly made
Mii-chan and Hirata stunned.

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"He not only hurt you mentally, but also physically. Let me help you."
"I-I! I'm not hurt at all!"
"Don't worry. Don't look at me like that, I'm a good man."
This is just a guess. The wound mentioned by Koenji is one on her heart
rather than physical
Maybe he's referring to the sadness of Mii-chan.
Koenji walked away from Hirata.
"Please, please leave me be!"

"Ha, ha, ha! This won't stop me enough. You have accepted my courtesy."
Hirata glared at Koenji’s back.
Koenji might have noticed Hirata's line of sight and stopped.
"Are you not satisfied with me?"
To be honest, I really hope that Koenji ignored Hirata here.
"You're always annoying. No matter where or when."
"Is that true? Even though I hurt the people around me. At least I won't ignore
a good girl."
Koenji walked again. When he walked, he did so without care of the
complaining Mii-chan.
Hirata realized that Koenji was also moving towards the dormitory, so he did
not want to go with
him in the same direction.
I was suddenly confused about who I was supposed to be chasing, but I
decided to go after
Mii-chan's school bag is still lying on the floor. I took her bag and chased
after him.
At the entrance of the dorm, Koenji gently placed down Mii-chan.
"Ayanokouji-kun and Kouenji-kun. Why are you guys ..."
"Fuffuffu, what do you think?"
Koenji laughed without answering Mii-chan's question.
"In short, you shouldn't approach Hirata-boy anymore."

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I handed over the bag that I was holding to Mii-chan.
"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun ... you were there as well."
Actually I was hiding. But I will not say it.

"I'll see you off here before you take the elevator."
"... I understand."
Even though he was going to Hirata, he did not know where Hirata was now.
Mii-chan could only give up temporarily, and entered the elevator, away from
I also watched Mii-chan's figure leave, and then saw Koenji sitting on the
lobby couch.
"Then Ayanokouji-boy ... What are you looking for?"
"Koenji, why are you talking to Hirata? Was it an action that would increase
his anger or are you
acting for class? "
"Looks like you still don't understand me,"
Koenji clicks his index finger several times.
"I have never acted for class. I only did what I wanted to do. Whether or not
the results will leave
a positive or negative impact on the class, it is only a side effect of my
So, it was only a side effect. Is Koenji only going to do what he wants to do.
Perhaps the only
exception is that he will act when he is at the risk of expulsion.
"His existence is like an annoying fly, it really makes me feel
So that's why he talked with Hirata.
"What you want to do is your freedom, but you have to think about it, if there
are other special
tests like voting in class, there is nobody else in a more dangerous than you."
"Fuffuffu. With my strength, that is a small matter."
After Koenji confirmed that the elevator with Mii-chan had went up, he stood
"Right. I remember you are the Commander for this special exam."
"I have no motivation for this exam, you don't need to choose me to

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"Sorry, the person who makes the decision is Horikita. I have no right to

"You say the opposite. As a Commander you have the right to decide, not
That's true if according to the rules ... but no matter how I say it to Koenji, it's
"In short, I ask for an answer based on that case."
After leaving this, Koenji entered the elevator and returned to his room.

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Part 1

I walked out of the dorm looking for Hirata.

He shouldn't have gone back to school, right now he might of gone to Keyaki
Mall or the
surrounding area.
If he doesn't want to meet with other people, he is most likely at an isolated
I will have to search various places.
I searched for about an hour and finally found Hirata, who was sitting on a
bench, his back
looking heavy.
I called his name.
"... Ayanokouji-kun."
Hirata responded slowly and raised his head.
I haven't seen his face in a long time.
It looks like he hasn't gotten much sleep. There are dark circles under his eyes
that were never
existed before.
"Can you make time?"
After hearing my request, Hirata opened his eyes slightly.

"That's enough. Why does everyone have to worry about me one by one. I
was sure that
Ayanokouji-kun knows me well, and will leave me alone. You really
disappointed me."
"Sorry. Is it annoying to have to tell me to go and run away like Mii-chan?"
Even though I deliberately said provocative words like that, Hirata did not
move from the bench.
"Am I going to make time? No problem. However, as long as I'm still in this
school, I have no
place to run away from. Now it's tiring, and even I don't have the strength to
run away. But ... I

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don't think I can fulfill your wish. "
In this short period of time, many students have spoken to Hirata.
Whether it was words of concern or voices of support, it hurt him.
Although I do not know 'who' had been talking to him, I can imagine the
'contents' of such
They might have tried to heal Hirata's broken heart and wanted to use
tenderness to restore it.
We both sat quietly on the bench.
"Then ... what do you want to talk about?"
I know exactly what Hirata is thinking.
He wants to listen to me a little, then just let it pass.
"Tell me all about you."
Hirata's voice was a little soft. He thought that I would say something
sympathetic to him.
"What kind of person were you before? What did you think of before? I want
to hear it from you."
"I don't know. I always feel like knowing these things, so I can't answer the
reason even if you
ask me."
Hirata sighed deeply and shook his head slowly.

"I don't want to think about the past. There's nothing to talk about."
"Are you not in the mood?"
"Why, do you ask that because ..."
Hirata showed a gaze saying 'You already know the reason why right? '
I ignored his gaze and repeated my question again.
"... That's because Yamauchi-kun was expelled."
I forced him to say something he didn't want to say.
He also noticed my intentions and looked unhappy.
"You really are making me say cruel facts."
"I'm just doubtful. I'm sorry if you feel upset. "
"It’s okay."

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Hirata doesn't have the strength to argue with me. He sighed.
He bent his back and shook his head feeling helpless.
He was like gesturing: Leave me, leave me alone.
"Does Yamauchi leaving school have something to do with you, who doesn’t
want to talk about
your past?"
Facing another question that that does not match the situation, Hirata once
again showed a
surprised expression.
"My past has nothing to do with now."
"No, there should be."
Hirata wanted to forcefully end the topic, but it was overshadowed by my

"It's really sad for someone in our class was expelled. Anyone would think
so. But we don't have
time to regret it. The special exam is soon. This time it's not just Horikita and
Kushida. Even Ike
and Sudou have cleared their minds in preparation for the exam. But what
about you Hirata?
You're always distracted by Yamauchi who has already left school, and
hasn’t help - "
Saying this, I paused for a moment.
Doing this, I wanted to show that I was reluctant to say these kinds of things,
and change the
"What I want to know is of your past that has led you to form these values of
"What will you do when you find out? Do you think I will even say it?"
"You have to say it. Because I want to tell everyone about the you now."
He wanted to reveal the truth, but on the other hand he couldn’t. He is in a
This time I have to use my eyes to communicate with him.
I looked at him with a strong, sharp gaze , as if threatening him to say it.
Hirata looked into my eyes with fear.

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"The reason why Karuizawa-san said everything to Ayanokouji-kun. I finally
understood the true
meaning of her words. She saw these eyes ... No, rather, you forced her to see
them. These
commanding eyes. The darkness that is within them. "
The darkness that Hirata holds has eroded me a little.
This man is not waiting to die. Every day, he is hoping to be saved.
So he will reach out and grab the black spider's webs. All to climb from the
depths of hell.
"I have told you once before ... Ever since I was a child, I had a friend who
was very close to
me, but he was bullied during middle school."
"Yes, Sugimura."
"I didn’t expect you to remember his name ..."
It was because I knew of the story, I can predict Hirata's mental state.

Hirata wanted to help his childhood friend, but he was afraid that he would
become the next
target for bullying.
As a result, he spent the time just observing.
Then -
"My friend - committed suicide and jumped off the building."
He began to remember what happened at that moment.
He began to recount his past little by little.
"Even though he survived, up until today, he still has not recovered. He is in
a coma ..."
Hirata clenched his hands into fists.
"I ended up forcing him to end his life. This responsibility of mine cannot be
"It isn't just your fault. The root of the cause lies with someone else."
"Yes. But I think the observers are also just as wrong."
Hirata once said this during our time on the boat. Since then, he has always
thought of trying to
help the people around him.
In fact, every time a problem occurs in class, Hirata immediately leads in
taking action.

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He always works hard to solve problems, and will not hesitate to do so.
For example, during Sudou’s dispute and how he helped Kei by pretending to
be a couple.
However, there are still things that cannot be explained with just this.
"I understand that you are still in doubt. "
Hirata didn't look at me and continued.
"My friend tried to kill himself by jumping from the building. But, it is not
the full story ..."
The rest of the story he hasn’t told me back when we were on the ship.

"I thought that after my friend tried to commit suicide, the chaos would end.
After paying such a
great sacrifice, there would be no more bullying at the school. But I was too
naive. After this
incident, I was able to see the true darkness of human nature."
Hirata trembled, his eyes containing a feeling of revenge that he hid.
"THey turned to the next target in the class to bully."
He suppressed his feelings and began to murmur as if talking to himself.
"This is hard to believe. But, bad events like that happen, and incidents of
bullying are just
beginning. People who used to be bystanders have received the same
treatment. And even
those who did not previously participate in bullying have joined in."
The oppression is endless.
"If the person with the lowest rank in the class no longer exists, the second
lowest student will
automatically be the last. In other words, it is natural law."
"I don't think I can let that happen again. I think it is necessary to stop this
kind of thing."
"Then ... did you take action?"
Hirata nodded two to three times.
"In order not to let mistakes like this happen again, I took several methods."
Hirata slowly raised his head and looked at me.
"The method, simple and direct, I used terror to control the class."
"Are you trying to use this method now, Hirata?"
"Yes. I'm not as strong as Sudou-kun or Ryuuen-kun. But, when I seriously

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raise my fist, no one
chooses will fight me. I became the only person in power in the class, and the
other students
were all put at the lowest level. I just wanted to eliminate incidents of
bullying in class. If there
are any disputes, I immediately intervene. I gave both parties the same
sanctions and pain. This
behavior may not be any different from bullying ... But this method does
provide a temporary
calm for the class. "
Hirata also understood very well, that it was not a just action.
But even so, he did not want to see a world where someone was intimidated.

"As a result ... I finally ended up breaking all the students in the class. They
all lost their smiles
and spent their days like emotionless robots. This was known throughout the
entire area where I
lived. It spread ... Almost like a disease."
"How did the school handle it?"
"I think that should have handled the case as such earlier. They forced all
classes to be
disbanded once. Then arranged for everyone, including me, until we
graduated to be always
under strict supervision."
If this was a famous event, of course it would have been widely spread by the
It would have been impossible for this school not to realize this.
No, it was because the school knew about this case, that they let Hirata enter
this school.
In short, I finally understood the reason why someone as perfect as Hirata
was assigned to
Class D.
"You cannot forgive their actions for targeting Yamauchi."
"Well ... I thought that as long as it did not spread, I could pretend that I
didn’t know. I wanted to

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remain silent until the vote in class."
As a result, because of the decision made by Horikita, people in the class who
were not needed
were exposed.
"I really am useless. Of course, I am a person who cannot unite the class.
Even though I tried
my best, I was unable to save Yamauchi-kun ... You understand, Ayanokouji-
kun. I can't do it
even if I want to protect him. On the other hand, I want to try using terror
again to control others.
I know it's wrong, but I ... "
Hirata's voice trembled.
The feelings in his heart will collapse.
Hirata believes that whether it is happiness or sadness, it should be shared
with everyone in the
If someone suffers or falls, he can't stand it.
For all this time, he must have repeatedly asked and answered himself many

I don't know whether he has told this to Mii-chan or other students, or to what
extent he told it to
However, I was very sure that they would say the same thing after hearing his
'This is not possible.' "It's not your fault Hirata-kun." "What's wrong is
Yamauchi-kun who
betrayed the class."
Regardless of who they are, they will think that Hirata is right, while the
others are evil.
Only this understanding will never change.
In this case, the problem will never be solved.
Hirata takes action to protect someone in the class. There is no point in
persuading Hirata by
using words that blame others.

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Instead, it will only make him trapped in his own shell.
"I want to clarify a few things beforehand. If it wasn't Horikita's fault or my
responsibility that
made Yamauchi drop out. Then do you know whose it is?"
"... Well. This has nothing to do with it, we couldn’t have done anything."
Hirata whispered a sentence, 'I will not blame you.'
My words seemed to blame Hirata, and emphasizing this was not my fault.
When he hears it, this can also be interpreted 'Don't you hate me?’ But.
"Who do you think should be responsible for making Yamauchi drop out?"
"I think ... it is his own responsibility."
Although that’s what Hirata said, he didn't want to admit it, thus he reached
this conclusion.
He is sure. Because Yamauchi's ability was low and lazy, this resulted in him
becoming a
dropout candidate.
"You are wrong. "
I refuted Hirata's statement and directly denied his thoughts.

"Yamauchi dropping out is your responsibility, Hirata."

"Wha ...!"
Hirata looked at me.
He showed an expression saying 'I don't understand what you're saying'.
"If you really wanted to help Yamauchi, you would have tried everything to
save him."
"B-but I ... I've already tried my best! It was impossible!"
"Ichinose in Class B didn't let any of her classmates become victims."
"T-that's because she was in a special situation. They had much more
personal points
compared to us so they managed to protect their classmates."
"That's because you didn't lead the class to collect enough points in the first
place. That is the
problem. If you collected points for a year like Ichinose did, you could have
saved someone from
dropping out."
In this case, no one will drop out of class C, and the class would still have 40.
"Impossible. We lost our class points shortly after we entered school. Even if

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we hadn’t lost it,
according to our current class situation, students in Class C won't listen to my
request to save
"It doesn't matter if the class points to 0, or if the class does not agree to save
points. This is
your responsibility."
No matter how much he wanted to run away, it was his responsibility. This
fact will not change.
"That doesn't make any sense. It really doesn't make any sense."
"Of course, it doesn't make sense. But it’s the truth. This is the path you
chose. To save
everyone, this kind of thing can only be done in illusions. In this case, no
matter who drops out
of school, you are unable to blame yourself. But you always pour these
feelings around you, so
you have to take responsibility when you fail. You must have this kind of
awareness. "
"... I-I ——!"

"They all misunderstood you. They always think that you are a top student
and someone who is
respected by most classmates. But it really isn’t the case. You are just a weak
and incompetent
student who can only complain about things that you cannot do. That’s who
you are, Yosuke
Hirata. "
This was an extreme conclusion that must be pursued. He is not an
incompetent person at all.
Hirata is a good student, so people feel that he is an extraordinary talented
person who
surpasses many students in year 1.
So, he will never need to take any responsibility even if he it was something
he cannot achieve.
Even so, I have to blame Hirata.
Continue to blame him for everything.

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Give him heavy pressure and stubbornly push him until he collapses.
Am I doing this for Hirata's sake? No.
Is this to make Hirata grow so he can protect the class after doing this? No.
He doesn't need to protect everyone.
At some point in the future, there will eventually be more dropouts.
To prepare for such events and for the class to continue smoothly, Hirata
must continue playing
his role.
"How long do you want to keep dreaming?"
In this way, he does not need to leave behind his compulsory education.
High school is a place where he chose to go of his own free will and to decide
on his future
"This, is this your true nature ... your words are terrible, cruel, cold ..."
Tears flowed from his right eye.
Immediately the left eye followed suit.

"Having the wish for freedom. But if you really want to fulfill this
expectation, at least fight and
fight until the very end. There is no other way. If there is expulsion, then you
can only reluctantly
accept reality. After all, there is only going forward. "
"That's terrible ... To say that."
"If you stop now, the students around you will fall one after another. That is
why you must
continue to move forward until the end. If you do so, when it is all over, there
will be many
students still standing behind you."
It takes a lot of courage to take one step more than others.
I don't know when there will be obstacles, and I don't know when he will be
troubled again in the
"But ... What should I say to those who are discouraged ... should I endure it
all and keep
moving forward?"
"There is no such thing. You can count on other students when you face

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difficulties. Horikita,
Kushida, Sudou, Ike, Mii-chan, Shinohara, it doesn't matter who. You just
have to tell them.
That's fine. This is fine. It has nothing to do with the person's position. "
There is no rule that the person standing in front has to be someone who does
not show any
weakness to others.
Those who stand behind the leader are there to provide support when the
leader falls.
The people in the class will definitely listen to Hirata's discouraged words.
"I ... I ... People like me ... do I really deserve to walk in front of everyone ..."
"No problem. As long as you can keep moving forward from now."
I gave him a small pat on the shoulder.
With this small pat, Hirata's eyes filled with tears.
Let it all out.
I emptied all the great burdens Hirata carried.
Hirata, who was still unable to move psychologically, could finally lower his
weight and stretch
his body to stand up.

"Thank you ... Thank you ... Ayanokouji-kun."

Many tears ran down Hirata's face.
Men are complicated and problematic creatures, because they cannot easily
shed tears in front
of other people.
That's why men want to have good friends who can they can show their tears.
There was nothing else I needed to say.
As long as a friend can stay by his side and listen to his bitterness, it will be
If I do this - he will be able to move forward again.

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Part 2

It's dawn, and the next day has arrived.

The final special exam for the year 1s will begin soon.
When I entered the classroom, Hirata had not yet arrived. Mii-chan's
expression was still
The whole class had pushed him to the corner of their minds, but they were
still worried about
The man who was indispensable for Class C arrived in class.
Everyone refused to turn their eyes to Hirata.
"A-good morning ... Hirata-kun."

After all, Mii-chan was the only one who always spoke to Hirata first.
She held back her sadness and tried her best to keep smiling.
After Hirata saw it, he approached her.
Mii-chan remembered what happened yesterday, and her body stiffened for a
After seeing his posture, Hirata tried his best to bow his head.
"Good morning. I am very sorry about yesterday. I did something
unnecessary to you."
"... Eh?"
Hirata's words were apologetic and filled with guilt.
" I want to say this. You always have tried hard to talk to me before, even
though I always
ignored you. I'm really sorry."
"Oh, that, I'm not at all ..."
Hirata had a different appearance. It wasn’t only Mii-chan who felt surprised.
It was everyone in
the class.
"Everyone - good morning!"
Hirata showed a bright and refreshing smile. His gloomy expression

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yesterday was almost like a
"I'm fine now, it's not a problem."
Hirata said that and showed a gentle smile to Mii-chan and bowed his head to
the students in
the class.
"Maybe it's too late to apologize now ... If you guys don't mind, I want to
continue to contribute to
the class like I did before."
Hirata said that, while continuing to bow his head.

All the boys and girls look at each other, taking a few seconds to understand
the situation.
But ---
First, several girls rushed to Hirata, and then most of the boys and girls
surrounded him.
Everyone had been waiting for Hirata's return, and there was nobody who
wasn’t happy about it.
"What happened?"
Horikita, who watched from a distance confused with the situation, asked me.
"I told you, right? There will be changes depending on what the people
around him do. "
"That's true, but ... It's not because you did anything, right?"
"Does it look like I did?"
"There’s no way I can tell."
"Everyone's opportunity to re-energize is different. Many people make peace
with others as if
nothing happened after they had had a big fight with one other."
Human relations are like so.
After receiving a welcome greeting again, Hirata approached the final person.
"Good morning Horikita-san."
Hirata stared straight and clearly at Horikita.
"Oh, yeah ... Good morning."
Horikita might have felt that Hirata is currently blinded and shaken.

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"I suppose you didn't make any mistakes in deciding for the class vote."
"... Is that so? "
"But - you did not make the wrong choice. No, it must be said that what you
did was correct."

He doesn't have to accept it.

But now, he had already accepted it in his heart.
"I didn't notice this at the time."
"Did you hit your head? Your mindset has changed a lot today compared to
yesterday. I don't
think you're bluffing ... "
Even if Hirata was suspected by Horikita, he only showed a smile to her.
"I will try my best to regain my lost confidence. After that, please tell me all
the details of this
special exam."
"I understand. Including reasons for understanding the situation, I want to test
whether or not
you can really play a role. Is that fine?"
"Yes. Of course."
Hirata reached out his hand. Horikita accepted this handshake for
After that, Hirata was once again surrounded by his classmates. A few
minutes ago, the
atmosphere in the class was still very gloomy. They did not expect the class
to be suddenly filled
with a bright and cheerful atmosphere. It was hard to imagine.
"In short, you can finally help out with the special exam."
Hirata's return was most impactful for Class C.
Koenji as usual, showed no signs of change.

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Ayanokouji vs Sakayanagi

After lengthy preparations, the final special exam for the year 1s has arrived.
The Commander of the losing class will have to drop out of school. However,
the purpose of this
special test, is to eliminate the protection points.
That meant, the two losing class Commanders would lose the protection
points they had just
Although nothing will be issued, this exam is very important because it can
result in a large
change in class points.
Depending on the results of the exam, there is a possibility that the class
ranks will change.
"Today, I forgot to bring the notes you gave me yesterday and now I have
forgotten the
While I was waiting for lessons in the morning, I said that to Horikita who
was beside.
"Just choose the 5 events you want to propose, and then choose members to
"If I mess it up, can they handle it?”
"I didn't tell anyone about what events were officially proposed and what
would appear. I just
explained to the others that they would be chosen based on the 10 events and
the order of the
day, so it's okay."

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So that I can do it smoothly, she tried to make it easy for me.
"Don't blame me for making a mistake."
"This particular test is a battle between classes. Although the Commander can
interfere, this test
prioritizes the overall ability of Class C. Our opponent is Class A led by
Sakayanagi-san, she is
the biggest enemy to all classes. Even if you lose, no one will blame you."
I looked at Horikita who was beside me and read the last message she had
just sent.
This is a record of Class C students who will challenge the special exams in
the last two weeks.
The contents included what they discussed, what programs they mastered,
and what training
they had done.
"Thanks to your efforts, I will be able to do my best."
When I got up from my seat and prepared to leave, I left a message for
"There is a 7 out of 10 chance that Chess will be elected, so the possibility is
not low."
In the past few days, I had played a lot of chess with Horikita.
"When facing you, I never win."
Indeed, as far as the results I saw, the percentage for defeating me was very
small, but there
was no need to worry about the number of defeats. In that short amount of
time, Horikita's
Chess ability drastically increased.
"No matter who the opponent is, they won't be able to defeat me. Remember
"You're quite confident."
I ended my conversation with Horikita and began to leave as the Commander.
In this special exam, students must stay in the classroom and wait for the
instructions from the multipurpose room.
After the event is announced, students will be allowed to move and change
their clothes.
Because they cannot see the details of the monitor, they will get information

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after they return.

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Part 1
I went to the special building, then to the multipurpose room. Sakayanagi and
Ichinose chatting
were chatting outside the room. It seems that the multipurpose room is still
"Good morning Ayanokouji-kun"
"Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun"
The two welcomed me at the same time and I responded to them by raising
my hand.
"Looks like you are unable to enter."
"Sensei said that the four must gather first and enter together."
In other words, this special test is conducted on all considerations and

If one of us enters the multipurpose room first, we get to calm down and
adapt to the
environment in the multipurpose room.
As long as this is a special exam, no matter how big the benchmarks are to
maintain the exam's
eligibility, it is not too much.
"Looks like only Kaneda is left."
"Yes ~"
Looking back. I still can't see Kaneda's figure, he shouldn't be late.
"In that case, Ichinose-san is very lucky."
"Eh? Lucky?"
"The current Class D is nothing more than a baby. After all, they won't be
able to win against
Class B, so you only need to consider how many times you can win from
them. If you can win 7
games in a row, your class points might even exceed Class A’s, so the ranks
may change. "
"No, that is still uncertain. I think they will also desperately try to face us, I
don't want to

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underestimate them."
However, Ichinose decided to unleash all her strength. For Sakayanagi who
heard this, thought
it was funny, so she laughed.
"Hey? Did I say something strange?"
"No. It's just that your tone of voice sounds as if you are sitting in a chair
waiting for the
challenger to approach you. I know very well that you don't consider Class D
as an equal
opponent. It's been a full year, how is Class B’s conditions? "
This is probably just a joke from Sakayanagi. However, this will not shake
Ichinose's heart.
"To win the exam, we come here after formulating a strategy. Especially in
an exam that uses
unity, we will not easily lose."
"I understand, I'm overdoing it. That's exactly what Ichinose-san said."
I looked out the window while listening to the conversation between the two
of them.
April is arriving soon, and today's weather is very sunny. Not cloudy.

Only 5 minutes left. It is almost too late.

Finally, the sound of footsteps came from the end of the corridor.
"Looks like he's not late or afraid to fight."
Feeling this was funny, Sakayanagi prepared to give Kaneda an exaggerated
impression, who
had come last.
Ichinose has also prepared for the best, because the test will start soon
We will meet with Kaneda who will arrive soon, and then everyone will enter
the multipurpose
This was what we imagined in our minds.
However ------
The person who came was unexpected.
As soon as that person appeared, Ichinose was the most surprised.
Even though Sakayanagi was both surprised, he looked happy and narrowed
his eyes.

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"...... Ryuuen-kun? Why are you ... ... here?"
Ichinose was clearly shaken after seeing this.
Neither Sakayanagi nor I had imagined this situation.
"What's wrong with you. Why are you so surprised?"

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The former leader of Class D, Ryuuen, said that after seeing the Ichinose’s
"I understand. I didn't expect this. However, I had thought in this special
exam, the class will
choose the Commander as the one who holds the protection points."
Sakayanagi who understood the situation stepped forward. After all, there
wasn't the figure of
Kaneda near him.

"This special test cannot be started without the Commander, that means, if
the Commander is
not present, of course, there must be someone else to replace him. Right?"
Of course on the day of the exam, unexpected situations can occur, because it
has all been
considered by the school.
If based on the rules, there should be an agreement that one or two people
will be the deputy

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Of course, responsibility for the defeat will also be shouldered by the
Commander in chief.
"Even so, I never expected this. I didn't expect Ryuuen-kun to appear."
"This is certain. However, even if the Commander suffers from a fever or
injury on the day of the
exam, as long as it prevents other students from dropping out of school, even
if he has to drag
himself, he will definitely come here."
To prepare for the effects of losing the exam, there is no other way to choose
a Commander
who has a protection point. In this special exam, the person holding the
protective points should
be the Commander - this is what Sakayanagi said, 'He thinks that all classes
will definitely do
Ichinose swallowed once.
Of course, when special exams are announced, there is also a certain level of
vigilance in
Ichinose. However, when deciding on the class, Kaneda came in as the
Commander who chose
the draw, so Ichinose had removed this possibility.
Perhaps Ichinose had just erased that possibility, after confirming that this
special test will be
conducted by students with protective points.
"Because you came to the exam as a substitute Commander, what punishment
did you get?"
"Yes. They didn’t allow Kaneda to take part in this special exam. Although I
believe this
condition is quite reasonable."
Ryuuen said that it had been explained before.
"Is this what you want to surprise us with? However, without Kaneda-kun,
isn't that bad for Class
I didn’t know how important Kaneda is, but at least I knew he was a big
power in Class D.

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Even if Kaneda was absent, this strange strategy was very important. They
thought about what
it could mean in their minds.
When did Ryuuen decide to appear as Commander? If it was from the
beginning, then this is a
planned event. Ichinose is probably feeling worried now.
"You don't need to be on guard. I can just fill in the blanks. After the class is
defeated, the
Commander will be expelled. So, in the end they will be able to expel me
completely from Class
D. That will make it easy."
"So, you mean you will give me convenience to do so?"
"Kuku. Of course I can provide you the convenience, so you can relax."
Ryuuen spread his arms and welcomed it kindly. However, Ichinose did not
let her guard down.
"No matter what method you use, you will do anything to win. Hasn’t this
been your way of
fighting all this time?"
"That's if I really want to win."
"I hope you don't continue this Ryuuen-kun. Even though you don't have any
protection points,
you are facing a battle of life and death. This kind of thing feels like you
handed the white flag to
class B."
Someone like Ichinose is the type of person to lay a foundation and construct
a building that is
sturdy, trustworthy and safe. Her ability to deal with unexpected events is not
strong. If she
faced a normal opponent, it wouldn't matter, but if her opponent was
someone like Ryuuen, it
would be difficult.
Maybe this surprise will not only attack Ichinose, but will affect all students
in Class B soon.
Everyone in Class B would surely realize that Ryuuen had become the

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Even if they hadn’t, people like Ishizaki would make sure to tell them.
If it happened like that, they would all look like Ichinose, unable to hide their
If Ryuuen, who was supposed to be a participant, was now the Commander ...
they would be
facing unknown instructions - making them concerned.
"It looks like the match between Class B and Class D will be very

Even though this is not good for Ichinose, I couldn’t help but laugh.
She should have acted immediately when Class D repeatedly attacked her
If she realized that Ryuuen was hiding in the shadows, she would not have
been surprised.
"Since everyone is gathered, let's go."
Sakayanagi walked in the first and entered the multi-purpose room. There is a
wall that divides 2
rooms which previously did not exist. I went to my seat and saw that the wall
was very sturdy
and soundproof. The 4th homeroom teacher was waiting for us.
"Class B and Class D students move to the other side."
Following instructions from Mashima-sensei, Ryuuen and Ichinose entered
the room next door.
Chabashira-sensei was also there.
Class A and C supervisors are Sakagami-sensei of Class D and Hoshinomiya-
sensei of Class
It seems that each homeroom teacher could not supervise their own class.
"Since the special exams will begin in 5 minutes, make sure you are
After Hoshinomiya-sensei gave such advice, she began to make final
discussions about the
special exam with Sakagami-sensei.
Before the special exams began, there was still a little time left for
Sakayanagi and I.

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"Finally ... the day has arrived. I had a hard time sleeping yesterday so I
nearly slept in this
"I don't remember making you wait. From the start, I only met you just by
"You mean if you hadn’t attended this school, we would have never met?"
After seeing me respond with a nod, Sakayanagi smiled and denied this
"Of course, the fact that we met at this school is only a coincidence.
However, I'm sure I would
have met with you again someday. That will definitely happen, it is fate."
"Destiny? That's a pretty abstract thing to say."

"That's because I'm a girl, too."

Sakayanagi smiled as she said that and slowly approached with her cane.
"If you hadn’t enrolled in this school, I just needed to postpone it for 3 more
years. I have the
confidence that I can hide my anticipation deep inside. But, I can't hold it
back anymore. I can't
help it, today I feel like "My days last longer knowing that you're by my side.
I want to fight,
suppressing those feelings is hard enough. That's my dream."
Sakayanagi suddenly spoke more. In the end her dream can be realized ...
"Aren't you afraid of waking up from that dream?"
After this battle becomes reality, she cannot return from it.
"Because dreams are things you should wake up from."
It seems like she doesn't care about anything. All that mattered was that I
have made her wish
come true today.
"Normally, I'd ask you to ... just take it easy but ..."
Those eyes were not what a girl should have, and her gaze was as sharp as a
hunter for its
"Please face me with everything you have."
If I decide to fight half-heartedly, she wouldn’t be satisfied.
Even though I never intend to make her happy, it would be troublesome if I

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continued to be
ensnared by her.
However, it is difficult to say whether this particular test will be able to
satisfy Sakayanagi.
She seemed to understand what I was thinking, so she added.
"It's a lie to say that I don't have conflicting feelings about this. An
inadequate test like this won't
be enough for us to prove our ability. We leaders are limited in how we can
influence the
outcome, am I right?"
Schools will not give special tests that are too heavy, which can only be
determined by the
Commander's results.

Even so, as long as she can decide the outcome, this is a trivial matter. This is
what she meant.
"However, if the influence of the leaders is too great, another problem will
arrive. I think I should
consider your situation too Ayanokouji-kun. You don't want your classmates
to know your true
This consideration was very meaningful. If the Commander can greatly
influence the success of
all events, she is afraid that I would not utilize my full capacity.
"Ok! The exam will start soon! Return to your seats!"

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(Illustration of Sakayanagi and Ayanokouji)
Hoshinomiya-sensei gave instructions and we sat facing each other across the
Of course we couldn’t see each other's expressions. Photos of the students of
Class C was
displayed on the computer screen.
Excluding me, there was a total of 38 people. Next, I had to divide everyone
into each chosen
event and instruct them to go for the exam.
The monitor then displays the 10 events that we submitted.
"I Sakagami, am in charge of this special exam. Let's start the last special
exam for year 1. For
each class, select 5 events by pressing the Enter key."
I have no doubts about choosing the five events that Horikita wanted.
For Class A it also didn’t take long to complete. Then the programs we
selected were displayed
on the big screen.
The 5 selected programs for Class C are: 'Archery', 'Basketball', 'Table
Tennis', 'Typing Ability'
and 'Tennis'. Although it may be a bit of a problem, I wanted to include an
interesting event like
‘Rock-paper-scissors', but it seems like I have to give that up.
When an English event was proposed by Class A, we did not consider it.
Even though Hirata
and Onodera were good at soccer, piano and swimming, they can also
perform well in other
events, so I didn't choose these three events.
In this case, Class C uses a sport-based strategy to fight.
The 5 programs chosen by Class A are: 'Chess', 'English Language Test',
'Modern Text Test',
'Mathematics Test' and 'Mental Arithmetic'. From a total of 10 events,
Sakayanagi had chosen 3 main events that Katsuragi had predicted. Mental
Arithmetic and Modern Text Exams are also
included. This was a perfect information.
However, there would be no change in the situation. Because I didn't tell this
fact to Horikita.

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"The 7 events will now be chosen randomly."
"Even so, Ayanokouji-kun, your opponent is Sakayanagi-san, this is too
pathetic. As a teacher,
I'm very sympathetic to you."
"Hoshinomiya-sensei, obey the rules."
"Ok, Ok. I'm sorry for speaking without permission ~"
Hoshinomiya-sensei was warned by Sakagami-sensei for several reasons, and
pondered about
it himself.
"The lottery results will be displayed on the big screen in the middle. Please
take a look."
Sakagami-sensei said this, urging us to look at the big screen. Then, the
screen changed.
The screen switches to a 3D image and displays the 'event drawing' sentence.
Then the first event chosen is -
'Basketball' The number of participants needed is 5 people. Time is 20
minutes (2 sets of
matches with a time limit of 10 minutes each)
Rules, based on a standard basketball game.
The Commander can change 1 player at any time.
Match 5 vs 5. This was the event chosen by Class C.
In other words, this is an event that we believe will not lose.
"Sorry, Sensei, are we free to talk with one another?"
"There are no rules about this. You can talk freely."
"Does that mean we are free to fight with our words?"
Although Sakayanagi directly stated her goal to the teacher, he did not
consider it a problem.

"Wow, Sakayanagi-san, you're not very compassionate."

This was because he thought Sakayanagi had been allowed by Sakagami-
sensei to start
attacking me mercilessly.
"Ok, sorry! I won't say anything else!"
Although students are free to talk, teachers are not allowed. Hoshinomiya-
Sensei continued to

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get warnings.
"As I expected, Class C chose several sports for the official events. After all,
it's not surprising
because there are many skilled students in this class in your class. In this
basketball game,
Sudou-kun is a key figure. Even in this school, he is the best basketball
player. If you choose an
event that isn't convincing, you won’t be able to beat us. "
Although I could hear the analysis from Sakayanagi who expected me to be
involved in this war
of words, I deliberately kept myself silent.
I want to try my best not to over-impress Hoshinomiya-Sensei and Sakagami-
"You don’t say anything - did Horikita-san who is the real Commander
actually give such an
order to you?"
As I kept silent, Sakayanagi continued to speak.
"If it's like that, even if you say something, it won't affect the election. Isn't
that right?"
Sakayanagi also understood that I intended to speak as little as possible in
front of the teachers.
"Horikita warned me, so that I would not say anything to you. She said if I
spoke carelessly, I
would fall into Sakayanagi's trap and damage myself."
"Fufu. Ayanokouji-kun, you can't say this. You just gave me favorable
information in that
sentence. Who manipulated you in the shadows? This sort of thing you
should hide until the
end. If you claim to be warned by Horikita-san, didn't I tell you? I can guess
information based
on your personality and behavior patterns? "
"No, this ... not necessarily I received instructions from Horikita."

"Did you just explain it yourself? To be honest, you actually received

instructions from

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Hoshinomiya-Sensei who sneaked and peeked to eavesdrop on our
conversation, put a hand
on her forehead, and made an 'ah ~~' sound.
Sakagami-sensei saw that I easily revealed information to Sakayanagi and
shook his head.
"Oh, I'm just saying that I was warned by Horikita ... Maybe, someone else
had given
"Maybe? Even if you are lying at this time, you should firmly say if someone
else is giving
She not only looked through me, but left sent salt on the enemy, this was to
maintain the current
status quo.
In this conversation, we intended to let the teachers believe there is an
extraordinary power gap
between Sakayanagi and I.
After we deceived the teachers, the special test began.
"Do you think these words are interesting? We have discussed and thought
carefully about how
you will act, so I dare to challenge the exam. Even if you realize that the
battle plan was
designed by Horikita, this has also been calculated."
"Oh, now you admit it face to face. But why do you think that the battle plan
is entirely in my
possession? Like Ayanokouji-kun, I also have a lot of smart people behind
me. Have you ever
thought of the many scenarios you have prepared before coming to the
"That ---"
Even though the teacher allowed us to fight for words but tens of seconds
have passed.
Sakagami-sensei, who couldn't allow it, began to continue the examination
"A countdown is in progress. I will allow you to chat as you wish, but don't
let it pass."

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Of course, this did not affect my mental state at all.
It was just that the teachers were worried because I continued to chat with

After we selected the participants, the list of students participating in the

basketball match was
released at the same time.
The 5 participants from my class are: 'Susumu Makita' as the captain,
'Minami Setsuya', 'Ike
Kanji', 'Hondou Ryotaro' and 'Onodera Kayano'. Sudou was not included.
And I added a girl into
the mix. The trump card is Makita. According to Sudou, as long as he
practices basketball, his
skills are very good. For Onodera, even though she is very good at
swimming, it seems her
basketball techniques aren’t bad. Compared to choosing a boy who isn't too
good, it's better to
choose him to make the team shine. That is the result of Horikita's
assessment. And our
opponent, Class A, has also chosen 5 people, 'Machida Kouji', 'Toba Shigeru',
Masumi', 'Shimizu Naoki' and 'Kitou Hayato'. They also mix in a girl.
According to Hirata, Kei, and Kushida's analysis, the team that we formed is
a team that will no
doubt win.
Even though I can't see the expression of Sakagami-Sensei who is standing
next to
Sakayanagi, I can clearly know the expression of Hoshinomiya-Sensei who is
standing next to
me. Soon, she realized that she began to doubt the participants I have chosen.
After all, in this basketball game, everyone can see that Sudou was not on the
Of course, this was not a battle plan that I decided on, but a matter that had
been discussed and
decided upon by Horikita in class.

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However, Sakayanagi naturally saw the purpose of this battle.
"I don't think it's a coincidence. You planned to fight without Sudou-kun.
After all, he's very
athletic, even if he can play Table Tennis or Tennis, it's no surprise. I can see
through all your
If I chose Sudou in the beginning, Class C would be able to secure this
victory firmly and
convincingly. However, for class A, Basketball events should not be
welcomed. Once they see
the Basketball program, they will think of Sudou. If they compete with a
Basketball team from
Class C led by Sudou, the chances of their victory would be very low.
In this case, they will sacrifice the match and begin to think about 'using
students who are not
Conversely, if we used strong talents like Sudou now, they might be the ones
who will benefit.
Given this situation, we as Class C deliberately chose not to use Sudou. We
can save Sudou's
valuable strength because he can win in other sporting events that may be
chosen later. We
want to win as many battles as possible.

After that, when Tennis or Table Tennis is chosen, whether to play Sudou or
not will leave a
large impact in this battle.
However, from the perspective of the composition of Class A members, our
superficial thinking
seems to be clear.
"That reminds me, you can change players at any time. Who arranged the
intervention of the
Commander at this event? Was this proposed by Horikita-san? The goal was
fully revealed."
"Sorry, I can't answer."

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"I see. Since you can't answer, it can't be helped."
On the other side of the big screen, the game is being prepared in advance.
Then, it doesn't
take long to start the match.
Meanwhile, we can only watch.
The only thing we can do is change players according to the situation.
However, this step is likely to have a large impact on the outcome.
With the sound of the whistle, the basketball game has begun. The match will
only run for 10
Although Class C had not used Sudou, the game's development in the early
stages is almost
After we score 2 points, the opponent also gets a score of 2 points. It is a an
equal match.
The teachers also got carried away by the game because it was difficult to
determine which side
will win.
Makita had very beautiful ball dribbling. Although still far below the level of
Sudou, Makita, a
player who is more active than others, can thus play a key role. On the other
side, Class A’s
Kitou stood in the position as the key player to face Makita.
When the game reached halftime, the score is 12-11. The difference is only
one point.
Class C barely leads because it's only 1 point apart, and the situation had
become difficult.
"This is a really entertaining match."

Sakayanagi sighed. But it's hard to tell who will play better in the second
After 4 minutes of resting, the game will continue. However, there was no
action from
Sakayanagi. Even though we lead by 1 point, she believes that the two sides
are quite balanced

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and she plans to overlook the situation again. However, I did not hesitate to
reach the keyboard.
Because I decided to play Sudou here. Allow him to replace Ike.
This Basketball match looks tight, this is because the opposing team has a
similar level of
ability. It seems difficult to know the results.
But for 10 minutes, I wanted to analyze the situation first, I had doubts about
whether I should
play Sudou or not?
Sakayanagi's laugh entered my ears. It seems like she didn't want to allow me
to save Sudou
for another event.
On the other side of the screen, a heated Sudou walked towards the camera.
Even though he wasn't played here, he felt that there was an unusual oddity.
His expression is
very serious.
It seemed like he naturally felt the same way I felt.
"The strength of the two sides is still quite balanced. No, Class C is still
leading. Isn't it still too
early to play Sudou-kun?"
"I think we have to confidently win this match."
"After all, this is a very important first battle. I understand your mood very
well. Besides, there is
no guarantee that Tennis or Table Tennis will be chosen next. If both events
are not selected,
Sudou-kun will not be able to play in other events. Then there's no point in
saving him for later,
it's useless. "
"You're not going to change any players?"
"There is no need. We have selected the strongest ranks to win this match."
Kitou, who was dealing directly with Makita before, seemed to turn to Sudou.
Sudou should have watched this game from the beginning in another room as
a backup.

He should have understood the difference in strength.

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The 4 minute break ended and the second half began.
Kitou overshadowed Sudou. In this second round the tenseness has increased.
"'After all ... Your fear is clearly visible!"
Sudou's loud voice crossed the screen and passed into the room.
Class A deliberately held back their strength to make Sudou play - we
understood this from the
However, I don't know how much Class A had held back until Sudou began
to play.
Even though Kitou is very good, Sudou's skills are at a different level.
He broke through the defense and attempted to score.
In order not to let us score, the players from Class A desperately blocked the
onslaught of the
Class C players led by Sudou.
Even though Sudou is a skilled player, the level of players from other class A
is definitely better
than those in Class C.
The score became 17-13, slowly widening the gap. However, the opponent's
game does not
waver, and they gradually became more alert.
"Hey Kitou! You're experienced in Basketball, right !?"
"No - But it seems like you are having a hard time with a group of
"Stop lying!"
"I'm not lying at all. My friends and I only practiced for less than a week.
You seem to have
confidence in Basketball, but look, you’re not even that good."
"You are only saying that!"
Because there was no cheering, Sudou and Kitou's conversations could be
heard through the

By saying 'you are facing a group of amateurs but are still struggling hard',
the action starts to
shake Sudou, so his movements start to get a little chaotic.
"Fufu, that's a lie, Kitou-kun is an experienced Basketball player."

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Letting Kitou shake Sudou was a result of a strategy planned by Sakayanagi.
"When he attacks him mentally like this, Sudou-kun will take a hit. Even if
his skills are far
superior, as long as his heart isn't strong, it will create an opportunity."
Kitou looks very good at playing basketball. He deliberately held back his
strength in the first
round, as if playing in balance with Class C. They aimed to make Sudou
enter the game more
slowly, then intended to turn things around at the last moment.
Even though it was difficult to do this, they still tried to provoke Sudou and
disrupt his
concentration for victory.
This two-step strategy from the beautiful Sakayanagi has opened a gap in
Class C.
"We’ll catch up soon."
Kitou gets the ball in the basket, making the score 17 - 15. Class A is
beginning to show a
momentum to catch up.
Indeed, if Sudou's spirit was chaotic, it would be according to his plan.
However -
"You said Sudou's heart wasn't strong. Where was that information come
"What do you mean?"
Sudou has grown very well in the past year. Now his soul will not be
disturbed by such a
provocation. Horikita will not praise him just because he played well. She
will only praise Sudou
if he leads the team to a victory.
"Uhh !?"
Although the tone is very rough, the dribble rhythm has returned. Sudou
passed Kitou's defense
and stared intently at the basket. Nobody could stop him again. He dunked,
and class C
gradually increased the score.

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"Oh ... even though your words make me a little angry ... you can't beat me."
Even though Kitou was good at Basketball, Sudou regained his composure.
"Apparently. He has matured."
After that, Sudou was not interrupted until the end of the match, and led the
team smoothly.
Finally, the game's whistle ended.
"Yeah! I did it, Suzune!"
As if playing in a large Basketball tournament, Sudou was very joyful for
It can be said that this victory is indeed appropriate for him to celebrate.
"I thought I could win with luck, but that was his specialty, after all."
It seems that even if Sudou is played early on in this Basketball game,
Sakayanagi still planned
to seriously aim for victory in this game.
The final score is 24-16. We won the first game by a landslide.
"I didn't expect Class C to win first. It's hard to predict who will win or lose."
As if talking to herself, Hoshinomiya-Sensei muttered with excitement.
Even though we won this match, we already used one of our key players.
Since we've already played Sudou, we must achieve 'victory' in this
Basketball event.

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Part 2

The draw for the second battle began. What was chosen was -
'Typing Skills' The number of participants required is 1 person and the time
limit is 30 minutes
Rules, compete in typing skills 'short' and 'long' based on speed and accuracy.

The Commander can tell the participants if there are any mistakes that they
have detected in the
The program chosen was the event proposed by Class C. The number of
participants was 1 vs
It seems the goddess of fortune has been on our side.
This event was proposed by the professor who is very good at computers and
networking in our
I heard that the professor's typing speed is actually not that extraordinary in
Class C. Even from
the national average, his speed is quite low. But that is not a problem.
Because we can't fully
investigate how many people in Class A are able to type quickly and how
skilled they are. I can
only believe in the professors' abilities in this event, because there are still
reasons to choose
this event.
"Class C really chose an interesting event. Although this event looks like
playing video games,
typing skills are the most basic and important thing in the IT industry. It will
be natural for
schools to adopt them."
In terms of learning, it was also useful to Class A.
Horikita wants to choose several programs that do not depend on the total
value to decide the

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"It doesn't matter who is good at one or two things. However, if that person
plays with what he is
good at, it is difficult to guarantee whether he can be better than the others. It
seems that there
are people in your class who you trust completely and are very confident
about themselves. "
Just like Onodera, who is good at Swimming, but was chosen in the
Basketball event, most
students who said they could participate in certain events tended to shine at
other events as
well. Conversely, someone who is only good at one thing, like the professor,
was organized in a
1 vs 1 event, it will be easier to advance the process of the next event.
I naturally chose Sotomura Hideo.
On the other hand, Sakayanagi, chose Yoshida Kenta. I have no information
about this person
at all.
In this match, we greatly minimized the intervention of the Commander.
This was to completely prevent Sakayanagi from meddling with the outcome.

The assessment method is done through an application using a computer that

has been
prepared by the school.
The result is -
"Class C: Sotomura Hideo, 90 points, Class A: Yoshida Kenta, 83 points."
The winner is Class C.
After the event is finished, we were told the score.
Only a difference of 7 points.
After seeing the results, it was quite dangerous. But even though it was a
narrow difference, it
was still a victory.
"It seems a little worse. It really isn't as simple as it looks."
Even though unforeseeable losses continue to befall onto Class A, but in a
sense, it's a difficult
thing to avoid.

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However, the two programs chosen were from Class C, so it was supposed to
be difficult for
them to deal with it.

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Part 3

With, Class C who won twice in a row.

So far, the strategies, ideas, and luck Horikita has achieved was very good.
There are still 8 events left. If the lottery continues to choose the event
proposed by class C ...
'English Language Test' The number of participants required is 8 people. Test
time is 50
Rules, based on year 1 learning material. Both classes compete in total points.

The Commander can answer one question for one participant.

The third program is a written test that will be chosen sooner or later.
The key to this special exam is how to choose members to win the event.
If we can win this event, then we can make the situation more favorable.
I want to arrange some students who are proficient in English into a team led
by Mii-chan to take
the exam. Even so, people like Horikita and Keisei cannot be used yet, this
makes it difficult.
Because my opponent has 3 written exams such as' English, Mathematics,
and Modern Texts, it
is difficult for me to decide who to assign and use for the best results.
If we encounter two written exam programs, there are two strategies that have
been recorded in
Horikita notebooks.
To achieve victory we need to evenly divide students into events, or
deliberately sacrifice one
event, and focus on using them on other events to decide on the outcome.
Sakayanagi quickly chose 8 people, but I took some time to think about it.
"You are very doubtful for the first time. It seems like there is more than one
instruction given by
There is no guarantee that the math exam will be chosen next, on the other
hand, there is also

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no guarantee that Class A will win this event.
But the troublesome thing is that most students in Class C tend to be bad in
In other words I have to choose between 'balance the battle' or 'sacrifice the
battle' here.
"Do you want to sacrifice the English Language Test? Or ... use all your
fighting strength to
decide the outcome of this event?"
Sakayanagi who could not contain her excitement, posed such a question.
Even though I was not worried about losing here ...
"I know what Ayanokouji-kun is thinking. You anticipate whether I will save
the power of Class A
or not, right? Because if Class A doesn't use all the power to fight with Class
C on this event,
there is little hope of winning for you, so you have difficulty deciding
whether or not to sacrifice
this event. "

After thinking about it a bit, I decided to give up on the English exam here.
"According to global trends, girls are better in various subjects than boys, and
they seem to tend
to get higher grades. English is one of them. Of course, this is only a trend.
Please if you want to
refer to this as a reference. "
Sakayanagi said that when I was going to decide on the members.
She planted additional information on me and continued pressuring me.
However, Class A does not want to lose the English Test. She will definitely
choose people who
are very strong.
After we finished choosing, the names appear on the big screen.
In Class C, the 8 participants I chose were: 'Okiya Kiyousuke', 'Minami
Hakuo', 'Karuizawa Kei',
'Satou Maya', 'Shinohara Satsuki', 'Inogashira Kokoro', 'Sonoda Chiyo',
'Ichihashi Ruri'. I will
eliminate students who don't seem to have an opportunity to participate in the
upcoming events.

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Class A, 8 participants selected were: 'Satonaka Satoru' 'Sugio Hiroshi'
'Tsukaji Shihori'
'Tanihara Mao' 'Motodoi Chikako' 'Fukuyama Shinobu' 'Rokkaku Momoe'
'Nakajima Riko'.
Although they were not the best participants, but the team is quite solid. 6 of
them were girls,
this is the tendency that she just mentioned before.
"Looks like you're careful about the next program and chose to give up the
English Language
Test. That is the correct choice to make."
Sure enough, I had thought that the opponent already knew the academic
level of Class C.
Even though I can interfere right now, I chose to wait for a while and see
through the match.
It seems that the screen display can be changed to any student’s answer sheet.
I use interventions to answer questions from participants that most of them
can't answer.
But this had no significant impact. There is no doubt that it can only increase
a few points.
I started to change the volume immediately, and the test results did not take
The results of 8 participants will be added up in this match
"Class C got a total score of 443 points and Class A got a total score of 651
points. Therefore,
Class A won."

Sure enough, the score difference was very large.

"Our average score is almost 81 points. If you gather all the power of Class
C, you might be
able to win this match."
Even though Sakayanagi said that we have a chance to win, it's not as simple
as it seems.
It's better not to hold on to the idea that I might miss this match.
Sakayanagi is not afraid of the risk of losing three consecutive matches, and
has saved the
strength of several students in his class.

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Even though Class A won the first win, it's too early to relax. The selection of
the fourth event
starts immediately.
'Mathematics Exams' Required 7 participants. Time limit is 50 minutes.
Rules, based on first class learning material. Both classes compete in total
The Commander can answer one question from one participant.
After facing the English Test, we face another Written Exam.
"It seems that saving your strength proved to be beneficial. You have to use
all your fighting
strength to fight us. Or ... Do you want to save your strength to fight in the
Modern Text Exams?"
In this situation, I don't need to worry about the Modern Text Exams, I have
to include all
students with the best academic skills in Class C.
"I just said that girls have a tendency to score higher on exams. But math is
the opposite. Boys
usually get higher scores here than girls. Isn't this interesting?"
No matter what she tries to implant in me, I will only choose these students.
The seven participants I chose were: 'Hirata Yousuke', 'Yukimura Teruhiko',
'Ishikura Kayoko',
'Wang Mei Yu', 'Azuma Sana', 'Kushida Kikyo' and 'Nishimura Ryuuko'. This
is the strongest
lineup that can be played by Class C. On the other hand, Class A all consist
of men like:
'Matoba Shinji', 'Shimasaki Ikkei', 'Morishige Takurou', 'Tsukasaki Taiga',
'Ishida Yuusuke',
'Yamamura Miki' and 'Nishikawa Ryouko'. They are students who are equal
or better than
students in previous exams. Even though we included a large fighting power,
I didn't include
Horikita and Koenji.

It doesn't take long for the Math Test to begin. This test is different from the
English Test which

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was desperate loss. With Yukimura Teruhiko, or, Keisei who basically never
made mistakes in
his answers.
Although I let Nishimura, who had the lowest score among the participants to
wear earphones,
the Commander could only answer one question, and of course, I did not
expect this to change
the results of the exam. Because Sakayanagi will answer the question
correctly, it can be said
that the correct answer to that question is a basic condition.
After the Mathematics Exams were finished, the teachers immediately started
checking them.
If we can win in the Mathematics Examination submitted by Class A, we will
have a great
We can take the momentum at the same time to fight in the fifth event.
"Furthermore, the results of the Mathematics Examination will be published.
Class C - 631
Each student has an average score of 90, which is quite impressive.
However, if the exam questions are not difficult, it can also be worrying.
"Class A's score ... 655 points. With this, Class A wins."
I heard the total score that Sakagami-Sensei said, and we lost the game by a
slim 24 points.
"This is really dangerous. It seems like everyone in Class C is also studying
hard. If you
previously chose students like Horikita-san or Kouenji-kun, maybe you could
have won?"
"... It may be so."
It is unfortunate that we failed to win this Mathematics Exam event. If we
choose Horikita and
Koenji, there is a chance of winning. However, that is not a guarantee.
But, the reality is if the Modern Text Exams are selected next time, we will
be defeated
At that time, we didn't have students who were strong enough to exceed the

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Class A’s total
This has resulted in 2 wins and 2 losses. We are no longer leading and now at
a balance.

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Part 4

The draw for the fifth event began.

'Mental Arithmetic' The number of participants needed is 2 people. Time
limit is 30 minutes
Rules, answer calculations through Mental Arithmetic. Accuracy and speed
will be assessed,
and the first person to answer it correctly will win.
The Commander has the opportunity to change 1 answer.
Events from Class A were chosen three times in a row.
This is a bad situation for us, but only for this special event. I think that at
this moment,
Katsuragi was happy in the shadows. This is an event that Katsuragi had
agreed to interfere in.
However, it was still too early to be relieved. If Katsuragi does not appear,
this hope will end.
"This is also a Class A event. We will definitely win this match."
I followed the strategy planned by Horikita and chose 'Koenji Rokusuke' and
'Matsushita Chiaki'.
I appointed Matsushita to wear earphones. Even if Koenji took the item, he
would not
necessarily use it.
This was the right decision for Horikita to assign Koenji to Mental
Arithmetic. This kind of event
does not depend on the total score to win, but people from which class gets
first place then
wins. Koenji can respond to our hopes and win first place, but if he doesn't
play seriously,
Matsushita will be able to cover it. Matsushita can calculate quickly, and at
first it was meant to
be placed on the Mathematics or Mental Arithmetic Exams. Therefore even if
we enter
Matsushita in the Mathematics Test, we still could not have won - so we were

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Students selected by Sakayanagi are: 'Katsuragi Kouhei' and 'Tamiya Emi'.
According to information from Katsuragi himself, Tamiya's ability was not
very high.
As I see now, Katsuragi is wearing earphones.

"There are 10 questions. The more difficult the problem, the higher the score.
In the case of
incorrect answers, additional questions will be given until one person answers
On the audition room screen displayed, the numbers will be projected in the
next step.
Because the Commander can only answer one question, that means we can
only answer the
question at the end of the game.
It appears that Koenji will begin to participate in Mental Arithmetic, but he
keeps his arms
"... this is against expectations."
Even after starting this special exam, his attitude did not change.
Heading 1 digit, 3 columns, 5 seconds is displayed. This is difficulty level 10.
6, 9, 1. The answer is 16.
The first question anyone seemed to be able to solve was over, and students
wrote their
Matsushita answered correctly without any difficulty, but Koenji left the
paper blank. Besides, he
didn't even look at the question, and of course he couldn't possibly answer.
It seems I can only hope that Katsuragi will make a mistake with the
intention of helping us as
promised beforehand.
"Fufu, he really is a freak."
Even if he couldn’t see the answer, Sakayanagi can see Koenji's reluctance to
answer the
"But your focus should be on Matsushita-san, so it doesn't matter even if he
does this."

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Through her comments, the game continues.
When it comes to the third and fourth questions, it has become 2 digits, and
the number
reached 6 columns.
Matsushita had no trouble, and answered correctly again.

After more than half the questions came out in the Arithmetic Mental
competition, difficulties
arose from the fifth question.
The fifth question is 3 digits, 6 columns, 5 seconds are displayed, and the
sixth question is
more, namely 3 digits, 8 columns and 5 seconds are displayed.
Matsushita held his head and had difficulty calculating.
Then the answers he gave to the sixth question was correct, even though he
had difficulty
However, this was as far as he can go. The seventh question in the next
question is 3 digits, 12
columns and 4.5 seconds are displayed. The eighth question is 3 digits, 15
columns and 3.5
seconds are displayed.
The ninth question even becomes 3 digits, 15 columns, 2.5 seconds are
"Hey, hey ~ It's way too hard to answer these ~!"
After seeing the questions for the participants, Hoshinomiya-sensei sighed.
"It seems the difficulty is a bit too high ..."
Sakagami-sensei also agreed with his comments and it seems like he doesn't
know the answer.
Even though Matsushita can answer the question so far, he only answered
correctly until the
sixth question. Unfortunately, for question 7, he answered it incorrectly.
Koenji did not answer
the nine questions that had been given. Even if he answered the last question,
he could not
have been able to reverse the situation.

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Of course, I remembered all the answers to the nine questions. Likewise for
The Commander can change the answer to one question. If we can't answer
the 10th question,
we can change the answer to question 9. If we can't answer the 9th question,
we can change
the 8th question. Then direct the participants to answer the questions
It was possible that Katsuragi, who deliberately answered incorrectly, would
have influenced the
majority of the results.
The 10th question, which is the last question, everyone starts counting.
A 3 digit heading, 15 columns, 1.6 seconds are displayed.

The digital number is displayed on the screen, then disappears. 15 times more
numbers are
displayed on the screen.
Silence occurs briefly.
Whether it's Katsuragi, Matsushita, or Tamiya. They can't even pick up their
pens, so all they do
is read the questions.
Sakayanagi as the Commander sent a signal for intervention. Of course, I also
followed suit.
"Oh ... then the Commander is allowed to intervene in answering questions.
The higher the
question answered, the higher the value."
The question I answered naturally was the 10th question that became the last
Matsushita obediently followed the instructions from the earphone and wrote
the numbers on
the answer sheet.
After all, he himself did not know the answer. Of course, he would not doubt
"Fufufu, Mental Arithmetic is really a fun game. I played this game for the
first time."
Koenji, who Sakayanagi didn't care about, didn't know when to open his

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Koenji is seen smiling funny, looking at the camera, so the camera captures
an image of him
competing on our screen.
"Which question did you teach him, Ayanokouji-kun? I chose the 10th
question and answered
I told Matsushita that the answer was -
"Same. I also answered that."
It seems that Sakayanagi also calculated the answer to the last question.
"We are balanced in the Commander's intervention. This means, it will be a
one-on-one battle
between Katsuragi-kun and Matsushita-san."
When the teacher collected everyone's answer sheets, a man who previously
answered the ten
questions with a blank sheet, opens his mouth.
"The answer to the last question is 7619, correct?"

"This is really ... very shocking. Kouenji-kun, answered correctly."

After hearing the answer from Koenji, Sakayanagi praised him.
The teachers quickly began to check the answers of the four participants.
If Katsuragi answered questions 7 through 9, we will lose.
On the other hand, if the correct answer from Katsuragi does not exceed 6
questions, it is a
victory for us.
"According to the statistical results, the first place to answer 8 questions out
of a total of 10
questions. The first place to get the highest score is Katsuragi Kohei-kun.
This is a win for class
I intended to win the fifth match, so we would be in an advantageous
position. But it seemed like
Katsuragi was being too careful.
As soon as Sakagami-sensei announced the results, it was the end of the fifth
"Too bad Ayanokouji-kun."

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"Looks like you haven't succeeded in letting Katsuragi bow."
"He really hates me. It's not wrong to mention this. But do you think I would
ignore this kind of
Even though I couldn’t see Sakayanagi, I know she is smiling.
"I already told him. If he betrays me, I will force some of the students who
worked hard for him
to drop out. He tries his best, because he doesn't want to increase the number
of victims. He
wouldn’t want that. "
The time Sakayanagi competed with him was longer than me.
He naturally knew the advantages and disadvantages of Katsuragi.
"I thought you could win, but you lost. It seems to hurt your spirit a little. Did
you feel anxious
when you played the last match?"
"I have no idea."

"Even though Katsuragi-kun didn't side with Class C from the start. But if
Kouenji-kun wanted to
play seriously, maybe this could of been a perfect victory for you. That
means it's the equivalent
of a game that might be won?"
"That is just a possibility. People who cannot be controlled cannot become a
fighting force."
This is the same reason if students who are not good in academic, physical,
and special abilities
can be considered the same. Students who don't take things seriously are not
strengths. Even though the two may look different, they are similar. At least
in special exams like
Of course, we cannot make Koenji will take action. This is also our own
Thus, we produced 2 wins and 3 losses. Class C is on the edge of a cliff.
"There are two events left in this special exam. Too bad."
'I really wanted to enjoy this moment more' - I could imagine Sakayanagi's

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voice saying that.
"So far, I feel like winning and losing in some matches is a trivial matter."
"If so, I hope you can give me a victory."
"Unfortunately, I can't do that. After all, this is a serious and decisive battle."
Sakagami-sensei continued the examination process and began drawing the
sixth event.
If the chosen draw is one of Class A’s events, we will definitely lose.

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Class B vs Class D

When Class A and Class C had just completed the Mathematics Exam in their
third match.
Class B and Class D have decided the results of the fourth match.
"The results of this match are 601 points for Class B and 409 points for Class
D. The fourth
match is a win for Class B."
After receiving the results of the announcement from Mashima, Ichinose was
Because it was an academically focused exam program submitted by class B,
they could not
possibly lose this match.
"You're lucky, Ichinose. This is thanks to the program proposed by Class B."
Although Ichinose won, she was not satisfied. While the defeated Ryuuen
didn't feel the
slightest anxiety.
That is reasonable because of the 4 events that have been played, the 3
selected programs are
from Class B, but after the results of the 4th battle so far, the results were
unexpected. 2 wins
for Class D and 2 wins for Class B. The impact of the defeat of the
'Chemistry Test' which was
the event chosen from class B in the third battle was huge. The reason for the
defeat was very

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"Sensei ... Are the students who have stomach aches coming back from the
Ichinose wanted to confirm their situation, then Mashima contacted them to
confirm the
condition of Class B.
"No, there are still 2 students who have not returned from the toilet. In
addition, there are more
students who are complaining that they are not feeling very well right now."
The reason they lost the Chemistry Test was because there were alarming
health problems
arising from the students in Class B.
That wasn’t all. Disputes between students on the day before the special
exam with some
students in Class D also had an impact.
Although complaints have been submitted to the school, they only get a
warning and no class
was punished.
This crime was undoubtedly the result of Ryuuen's instructions.

To calm herself down, Ichinose took a deep breath.

"Phew ... it's okay, it's okay"
They are still not leading. Due to a lack of calm during the Chemistry Test
event, Ichinose began
to slowly recover and returned to normal. Even though there were still
problems, even if it was
Ryuuen, there is nothing he can do outside of the Commander's intervention.
As long as she continues to fight, she will not lose.
Ichinose, desperately tried to believe that.
"Hey, Sensei. Let's continue to the 5th battle. The people in Class B can't
even maintain a
healthy body on the day of an exam. Do you want to make give an advantage
to such people?"
"Speak politely, Ryuuen!"
Chabashira warned Ryuuen's arrogant tone, but he did not change the way he

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Ryuuen continued to speak more arrogantly.
"Even though I don't know whether they are in the washroom or elsewhere,
they can use this
time to discuss operational plans. It's too strange for some people if their
physical condition
worsens at the same time. What are you doing Ichinose?"
"II did nothing ..."
Ryuuen questioned the situation of several people from Class B who were
unwell at the same
In this case, even though Ichinose knew that there were no mistakes, there
was no way to
"Anyway, we must hurry, sensei"
Ryuuen smiled and confirmed with Chabashira.
"Yes, as Ryuuen said, please continue with the fifth program, Mashima-
Mashima started the draw.
'Karate' The number of participants needed is 3 people. The time limit is 10

Rules, 1 match 3 minutes. Adopt knockout rules.

The Commander can repeat any match once.
"Oh, this time it's Class D. We're not worried who is coming."
Ryuuen chooses 3 people: 'Suzuki Hidetoshi', 'Oda Takumi' and 'Ishizaki
Daichi'. The
Commander's intervention is also brilliantly designed to repeat the match if
there are unforeseen
On the other hand, the participants chosen by Ichinose were: 'Sumida
Makoto', 'Watanabe
Norihito' and 'Yonetsu Haruto'. After the karate event was announced, they
had been practicing
for a week and they had done their best to remember the rules.
However, the result is 2 straight losses easily. Even the Commander's

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intervention couldn't not
change the results.
The fifth battle ended quickly, this had never happened before.
With this, it means that there is no time to withdraw for Class B. If their 6th
match is lost, they
will automatically lose the test.
"This is really interesting, Ichinose."
While waiting for a mechanical assessment, Ryuuen welcomed her with
small talk.
"After the special exam was announced, when Class D decided to choose
your class as an
opponent, you should have felt a huge advantage. But after seeing these
results, all you can do
now is pray. Nails."
This is not a naive battle.
If this were an honest test, 1 more match should of been able to defeat Class
B, so that it can
produce 3 wins and 2 losses.
However, a sudden incident has occurred, because of that problem, the team
has now become
If the event chosen after this is not the event proposed by class B, they have
no chance of
Then - the sixth event is chosen.

'Judo' Number of participants is 1 person. 4 minutes of competition time (3

sets of matches for a
total of 12 minutes).
Rules, based on ordinary Judo rules.
The Commander can cancel the results of a match, and can repeat the match
only once.
This 1 vs 1 event is the event that Class B wanted to avoid the most.
At this moment, Ichinose felt her vision darken for the first time.
"Me, Kuku, Judo, Judo huh? Who would have thought this would be the next
event? You're very

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lucky Ichinose."
"How can ..."
"If the rest of the program is Class B, you still have hope of winning."
Without hesitation, Ryuuen chose 'Yamada Albert'.
Just like the previous Commander Intervention rules, this one is also an
insurance that
guarantees victory.
"Even if the opponent is Albert, don't worry. Besides, there's still a chance,
you don't know
before you try."
The results were clear. It is very difficult to win against opponents with such
huge differences in
physical and technical abilities.
This is the only event that Class B cannot win.
Because the number of participants is only 1 person, the time to choose
students is only 30
seconds. Ichinose, don't know who to choose. The time that was counting
down quickly, until
finally it becomes zero. Although according to the rules if time runs out, a
student will be chosen
at random, but the decision has been issued directly by considering the
danger of the opponent
and the event.
"With this, Class B loses this event without fighting. At this stage, because
Class D won 4 wins,
Class D automatically wins this special exam."
With this statement, the results have been decided between Class B and Class

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Part 1
This is the story at the time the new special exam was announced.
Ishizaki is alone, chasing Ryuuen to go to lunch. Class D has decided that
Kaneda will be the
Commander, but deciding on events is difficult.
In other words, no one in Class D can come up with good ideas.
They can only propose common events, general rules and ordinary fighting
The opinions they raise are simple things that anyone can think of.
In this way, no matter which class they fight, they do not see a chance of
Of course it's a problem. That is, it is 'reality'.
In the current opinion of Class D, it concludes that Class A must be avoided
the most because it
is too high, and Class B, which is more vigilant should also be avoided in this
So naturally what remains is Class C. However, Ishizaki proposed to wait for
"That - can you give me time, Ryuuen-san."
Ishizaki, who did not want to be in a dangerous situation, confirmed
beforehand that there were
no year 1 students around him.
With just a glance at Ryuuen, Ishizaki became a frog being stared at by a
But even so, he tried to speak in despair.
"Come on - please give me some time !!"
"You have become very brave."

"No, it's not like that ...!"

"Kuku. Ok, if that is very important. After all, you are currently the leader of
Class D."
For Ryuuen, this is just a simple extension of the war - This is his free time at

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school, because
he will eventually drop out of school. He can spend this time with those who
are boring. Ishizaki
walked behind him.
Even if someone saw this situation, they would think that Ryuuen had been
summoned by
After they walked out of the school building and went to a place where there
were no people
around, Ishizaki immediately sat on the floor.
"Ryuuen-san, in this special exam ... Please lend us your strength!"
When Ryuuen was called by Ishizaki, he realized the problem. Even though
Ishizaki hadn't
mentioned it, Ryuuen looked down on him who was sitting on the floor.
"Don't dream too much, Ishizaki. Didn't I say that I have stopped? Do you
think I will help you?"
"That, I know. But with our current strength, we cannot defeat any class!"
"I guess that's true."
Ryuuen did not deny this.
Because he has analyzed in the competition for victory, Class D is by far the
"Because Kaneda is the Commander, even if he loses, he won't drop out of
school. However, if
we lose here, the class points will be drastically reduced!"
"If we accept 7 defeats in a row, it can't be helped."
Class D points currently number 318 points. If they suffer 7 consecutive
defeats, only 108 class
points would be left. Even though this would only happen in the worst case,
but if we are
helpless, it is very possible to develop into this state.
"Then you just have to push me to the position of Commander. Someone in
the class should
agree with this."
"That --"

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For those who want to get Ryuuen out of school, they need to make him
Commander. Then he
must be defeated.
But for the sake of letting one person drop out of school, it will ruin his class,
no one will be
happy with this.
If class points become 0, it will be almost impossible to move up to class A.
Even so, even living a stable life in this school will be very difficult.
If the main goal of Class D is like that, they only need a few wins. After that,
they aimed for
defeat in order to force Ryuuen out.
They must avoid losing protection points due to major losses.
Ishizaki didn't want to let Ryuuen drop out of school, but on the other hand,
he also wanted
Class D to win.
If there are students in Class D who can do this kind of thing, it was only
"... What should I do? Should I choose to fight Class C?"
Initially, Ishizaki wanted to choose Class C, but Ayanokouji was in that class.
This was a concern, because he was one of the few students who knew the
true nature of
"Don't ask for my opinion. Who said I wanted to help?"
Ishizaki, who was so desperate, felt devastated here. But even so, he was still
reluctant to stand
up. Even if he saw Ryuuen leave, it didn't matter.
"It's true that Class C’s unity is very low. However, there are monsters like
Ayanokouji, but after
all, he is only a human. If this is a group battle, then there is a chance of
winning ── it is usually
normal to think so, but that is wrong."
"Uh ...?"
Ishizaki heard unexpected advice from Ryuuen.
"But, if I were the Commander, I would avoid a confrontation with Class C.
Even though I don't
know how to decide on opponents, they are not the class that should be

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"But, however, Ayanokouji -"

"Not because of this problem, stupid."
"Oh ..."
"Even though Class D is mostly stupid and incompetent, there are still other
classes we can
defeat. Class C is not suitable for us to play using this method. No, there is
only one class
suitable to fight."
"Wh-class? Which -!?"
Ryuuen did not look at Ishizaki to answer.
"Class B."
The class Ryuuen said was unexpected.
"We can only defeat Class B in this exam,"
Ryuuen mentioned the Class B that they previously wanted to avoid before.
"Even if you're stupid, you can do it the right way."
Ryuuen turned and walked forward.
"T-please wait a moment! H-how can we defeat Class B!"
Ishizaki raised his head and called out to Ryuuen.
"Ryuuen-san! Ryuuen-san!"
Ishizaki's screams did not stop him.

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Part 2

On the surface, Ishizaki, who is known to have defeated Ryuuen, is not a low
ranked person in
Class D.

Even so, this status is not entirely without problems.

Ryuuen, who was supposed to drop out of school, still survives in this school.
While Manabe,
who intended to focus criticism on him, instead ended up being the student
who dropped out of
school. Of course, it is not surprising that students in the class would feel
suspicious about this.
However, the first question that arises is who gave Ryuuen that many voices
of praise.
Did the boys in the class choose it? If it comes from another class, who
would do such a thing?
In Class D, they have repeatedly argued and pushed aside many reasons.
Because in special exams voting exams are anonymous, there is no way to
find a definitive
Class B Ichinose and Ryuuen had made a deal, by giving Ryuuen voices of
praise in exchange
for personal points. This is the correct answer, but this fact has not been
revealed by Class B.
As long as Ichinose asks them to keep it a secret, her friends will follow her
orders well. It didn't
matter if it was a meaningless request, if it was a strategy to cancel an
expulsion from the class,
they would not hesitate to work together. At present, all the students in Class
D were stuck in a
confusing situation.
However, there are many students who know the truth. To prevent Ryuuen
from dropping out of

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school, Ishizaki and Ibuki, as well as Hiyori helped him. In order to maintain
stability, it was not
surprising that Hiyori took on a very important role. Ishizaki fulfilled the only
opinion of Ryuuen.
He obediently followed the strategy to choose Class B, which according to
Ryuuen was the best
Because Ishizaki and Kaneda conducted secret consultations, they naturally
reached this
However, that does not mean the problem has been solved.
Hiyori also understood this well, if Class D had no leader, it would be
difficult to fight Class B.
Their chances of winning were slim. As long as there is little doubt, it will
lead to failure.
On the day to decide on an opponent, Hiyori immediately took action.
"Damn. What should I do?"
In the Karaoke room, Ishizaki holds his head.

"I do not know. Then why did you call me again? What kind of combination
is this? "
Ibuki looked at Ishizaki and glanced at him, then she looked at Hiyori who
was sitting next to
"Aren't we going to have fun with Ishizaki-kun, I already said that, right?"
Hiyori, who said such a thing, made Ibuki's shoulder sluggish.
"Ah ...... This makes me dizzy."
"If 3 people who understood the current situation came together, some
thoughts could emerge.
If we think about it, the three of us will be better together."
"With 3 people gathered here? Isn't that possible?"
"You said that on purpose."
"It hurts! Damn it, Ibuki, don't pull the skin on my back!"
"The atmosphere is really alive. It was the right decision to arrange a meeting
in the karaoke

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Seeing the appearance of the interaction between the two people, Hiyori was
happy to put her
hands together.
"With this kind of combination, it is impossible to communicate at all. I will
be back."
"Oh, then I will be troubled. Because I already called Ryuuen-kun here."
Ishizaki and Ibuki's voices overlapped at the exact same time.
"To win this special exam, Ryuuen-kun's whereabouts are needed, the only
one who can see
victory against Class B is him."
Hiyori said something unexpected.
It seems like they didn’t understand the meaning of this comment.
"What did you just say?"

"Eh? I mean, the only chance to win against Class B-- "
"That's not it, who did you want to call here?"
Ibuki looked at Ishizaki. Ishizaki also looked at Ibuki.
"R-ryuen-san, will he really come here?
"Yes, I invited him."
"This karaoke seems to bring bad feelings to people. We should go back, if
we are here ......"
"Of course, I told him too."
"If he knows that we're all here, will he still come?"
Ishizaki was rejected when he asked Ryuuen for help.
It's natural to think like this.
"I want to ask first, what time will he come?"
"... hah?"
Ibuki looked at the clock in the karaoke room.
The time is 5:00 p.m.
"It seems a little late."
"It's been over 30 minutes. It's not too late, but he's ignoring us!"
"Relax, we can drink melon soda first. Let's be patient and wait for him."
Ibuki ignored the melon soda offered by Hiyori.

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"I don't have time to accompany you ..."

Ishizaki stopped Ibuki who wanted to stand up and leave.

"We have to wait. Ryuuen-san will definitely come ... maybe."
"Are you stupid? He didn't even keep the promise that we agreed to."
He was too late. Ibuki said that he did not want to deal with this problem and
planned to leave.
However, a soft hand caught Ibuki's arm.
"Let's wait. It's possible, Ryuuen-kun is unexpectedly a good person, right?"
"...... Do you understand what that person has done?"
"I don't know. I've only talked to him a few times."
"So why are you saying this?"
"Because I think he is that type of person."
"That makes no sense, it is too naive."
Maybe this was a problem because Hiyori said this with a smile. Seeing her
innocent smile,
Ibuki was slightly disturbed.
"Apart from that, it's great to be able to play with everyone. Can you be
"... This is stupid."
Ibuki sat back down.
"If he doesn't come anytime soon, I'm leaving."

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Part 3

"This has gone too far!"

Ibuki tried to be patient, even though the time was already 8 p.m.
Even the word late is not appropriate to describe this, she was annoyed with
what they have put
up to until now.
"After all, haven't we already sung 10 songs?"
"Ibuki-san must be patient."
"I can't hold back my patience!"
"So let's try to exceed our patience."
"Horrible joke!"
"How can you be angry all the time ... Don’t you get tired?"
"Just looking at your face makes me a million times more tired!"
Ibuki shook Ishizaki's arm who tried to stop her from leaving.
When Ibuki's hand had just reached the door knob, the door opened.
"Did you really think that I will come here just to keep you waiting?"
The man smiled as he walked - it was Ryuuen. Unknowingly Ishizaki and
Ibuki's froze.
Because they all thought he wouldn’t come.
"You're late, Ryuuen-kun"
"Looks like you guys are having fun."
"Yes. This is my first time coming to karaoke, it is very fun."
"Then I'll be back. Have fun guys."
Ryuuen smiled and spoke,
"Does that bother you?"
While he closed the door, he was stopped by Ibuki.
"If you let me fall into karaoke hell, I will kill you."
"Nails. Awful."
Ryuuen who was urged by Ibuki, then ordered soft drinks through Ishizaki.
After sitting and bowing, he played with his cellphone without saying a word.
"... then?"
Ibuki urged him to speak.

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"Then? What do you mean?"
"We waited for you until now, aren’t you going to say anything?"
"I just came to see if you guys were still waiting for me but it seems like you
still haven't left."
He immediately drank the soda Ishizaki gave him.
"There is nothing else besides that."
"I have been waiting for you for a few hours with Hiyori. It’s very annoying.
"That's none of my business."
"Oh really! "
Ibuki hit the table hard and looked at Ryuuen.
"Hey, calm down Ibuki. There's nothing good out of getting mad at Ryuuen-
"You too, when were you so attached to him?"
"When did you say? ... I had already decided to follow Ryuuen-san."
"Just be honest. Initially very reluctant. "
"Th-that, don't say anything else!"
Apart from the two being noisy, Hiyori chose her first song.
"This fool has listened to your opinion, and chosen Class B to fight."
"It seems."
Hearing that Ishizaki shrugged her shoulders. If he accepts the class’
opinions, he should have
chose Class C.
That was the only opposing class they could defeat.
Even though Ishizaki forcibly changed the opposing class, they didn't know
how to win.
"Ishizaki really believes in you. That means you have to be responsible for
"Kuku, I can't possibly say anything stupid to him."
Ryuuen said that while smiling.
"Do you remember when I first entered this school, didn't I arrange things to
attack Class B?"
"... Is it when you tried to make them guilty?"
Under Ryuuen's direction, there was a dispute with Class B, and tried to
provoke the opponent's

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To confirm the potential of each class, Ryuuen had caused a stir.
This was one of the events in the period where Ishizaki fought with Sudou
and Ryuuen secretly
contacted Katsuragi.
"Then how did it go?"
"That has no effect. Class B was very integrated at first."
"Yes. They are much more united and cohesive than any class."
"So, in an exam that relies on a whole of this kind, shouldn't we avoid Class
B as an opponent?"
"I think so too. Ichinose is a leader who is admired by many people and is
very difficult to deal
Ibuki and Ishizaki's comments are also the rest of Class D’s opinions.
"Hiyori, how do you analyze class B?"
"Yes ... As they both said, Class B is very strong. Their abilities are above
average. Especially
their close relationship that makes everyone envious, but ... It can only be
said that they are
such a class. They are no special threat, only a class with good relationships.
"Her attitude is very gentle and her analysis is also very good."
After listening to their opinions, Ryuuen stated his own evaluation of Class
"The biggest weakness of Class B is Ichinose ... No, that is their absence of a
proper leader."
"W-wait a minute.What do you mean? Isn’t Ichinose their leader?"
"Ichinose and Kanzaki are not suitable to be leaders. They are the type of
people who should be
supporting the leader. If we treat him as a strategist in the class, Suzune and
Katsuragi are
better at making strategies. For this reason, although Class D is lacking, there
is still the chance
of winning. "
"But right now, we are worse than Class B. Isn't this situation unchanged?
The average student
in Class D right now is very low, meaning that Class B is the least desirable

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opponent for us."
"No matter how we fight, our chances of victory will always be very small."
"Is the gap between us really that wide?"
There was no change in the evaluations of Ishizaki, Ryuuen, and Hiyori.
Ryuuen took the empty glass and placed it in front of him.
"As long as you make the effort, a chance of victory less than 10% can
approach 50%, and can
increase even more depending on the situation."
Ryuuen handed Hiyori a piece of paper.
It contained the names of the 10 events written on it and the marked ones
were the official 5
Ibuki and Ishizaki peeked from both sides.
"Use this on the special exam day."
"Wait a minute, all of this—"
"Yes. All of these events are based on martial arts events."
The 10 types of programs proposed are based on high physical abilities such
as Karate, Judo,
Taekwondo, Kendo, and Wrestling which were very physically demanding.
"Please wait. Indeed, there are some people in our class who are good in
physical abilities. Me,
Albert, Komiya, Kondou, and Ibuki ... But the others not so good?"
Ishizaki said, even if one or two of the events are chosen from the lottery,
they did not know
what would happen with the other events.
"Yes. Besides that, in Class B there are also many students with good motor
nerves. If
everything is a 1 vs 1 fight, then that is a problem, but shouldn't the number
of participants
needed not be different?"
Even if we only depend on the lottery to fight, we cannot guarantee that we
will get all the
desired events.
"Then what should we do?"

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"Don't be too specific about the number of participants. That sort of thing
doesn't matter."
Even though Ishizaki didn't understand his intentions, Hiyori quickly
understood the point.
"So, you mean ... No matter how many people fight, everything is determined
by the rules. If you
use the rules of a knockout system, we can do it."
"That's right. Even in Judo despite using up to 10 participants, Albert alone is
"But ... Will the school allow a knockout like this?"
"If it were a Written Examination or Football, it’s not possible to use a
knockout system.
However, using a knockout system for events such as Karate and Judo is
common. It also
cannot be categorized as a complicated rule. They cannot refuse this event.
The reason is
because it isn’t too dangerous, so there is no problem with the rules of karate
etc. Even if 1 or 2
events are rejected because they are too dangerous, that is enough to leave
only 5 events. "
"That's right! With this we can win, Ryuuen-san!"
Ishizaki, who paid attention to this fact, saw a glimmer of hope.
"In this case, it is true that all the programs proposed by Class D can bring
victory ... But what if
luck is not on our side? What if there are more of Class B’s events selected?"
"Our chances are already 50% to win, are you not satisfied?"
"... If you are helping, you will surely bring us victory."
"Nail. Of course I have a plan. "
Now, it is impossible for Class D to win in the events proposed by Class B.
The point of Ryuuen is that it is necessary to narrow the gap outside of this.
"—What do you mean, is there something we can do?"
Ibuki finally began to understand the situation.
"We will make use of dirty tricks to win."
Ryuuen responded while laughing.
"From now until the day before the exam, you must constantly stalk people in
Class B every

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single day. You only need to spy on them from the start. Soon after that, they
themselves will
realize that they are being watched."
"What is this strategy? Is it necessary to put pressure on the opponent?"
"The people in Class B will laugh at this childish behavior. If no damage is
done, they will let it
pass. People like Ichinose will not realize my true motives."
" ... True motives? "
"The first week will simply end like this. Then, we have to take action after
10 events have been
published. All trivial things will be done. Seize seats, threaten others, and
saying harsh things.
No matter what happens, don't overdo it."
They will think that the person who is planning these attacks is Ishizaki.
"Then ... it may be possible that the situation could turn against us?"
"Until the end, it is only to strengthen our contact. At this stage, never overdo
it when
threatening them. Fighting to defend yourself is a last resort."
The point is that everything must be done intentionally and abstractly,
Ryuuen explained.
If it leaves a negative effect on the opposing party, it is difficult to guarantee
that the school will
not intervene.
"One of the main objectives is information. In the countless searches, we
must steal information
from Class B students. We must find out the 5 selected programs on the exam
day as early as
possible. In the classroom, where the 5 events will be selected.
"There is a possibility that they will be discussing the 5 official events
through text messages. In
fact we are doing the same thing, right?"
"Well, umm. We will find time to discuss the 10 events to be proposed and
choose which of
them are the best."
"I see. Even though their mouths are closed, the information is on a
cellphone. Obviously, they

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don’t want that information to be shown to anyone. Maybe I can find out who
will participate in 5
"It's simple ... But will it go smoothly?"
"Don't count on luck, we need to consider it from the very beginning. Starting
tomorrow, I will go
looking for opportunities. Besides looking for information, we must take
other steps. For
example, using this ..."
"Isn't that ... a laxative?"
"This is a slow-acting laxative. It goes into effect after 48 hours. If you let
several people drink
this, one or two people might have problems that day."
"Hey! That’s breaking the rules. What happens if we get caught"!
"So what ?
"Do you think I'm someone who cares about this kind of thing?"
"Huh - truly, you are a man who will do anything to win."
"If there is a problem, I will take full responsibility. It's easy."
No matter what punishment Ryuuen gets from the school, he doesn’t care.
However, if the class is broken, it will be a defeat.
"This strategy can only be used if you are not afraid of dropping out of school
"You just said fighting in self-defense is the worst choice, isn't what you are
doing worse?"
"Yeah. Turning trivial into strife is a common practice for those little devils.
Allowing people
scheduled at 5 main events to fight against incompetents. This development
is also good. So
the day of the exam can also be taken advantage of right? "
Since the decision was already made, Ryuuen would never let it go.
"Next I will come to replace the Commander on the exam day. This is very
important to break
Ichinose's calm."
"You really are a devil ..."
"We can brag about this. We have to show them the unique strategies of

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Class D. How about
"Ah ... yes!"
"Do you have a problem?"
Ibuki thought that this was natural, and she sighed.
However, Ibuki did not understand why she did not hate him, and she could
only hate herself.
"But ... Ryuuen-kun, why did you accept this? It's not because of sympathy,
"Why, huh?"
Ryuuen leaned back on the sofa while closing his eyes. He has no close
connections with this
school. At first this was true, but after arriving, his mood began to change.
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. His dissatisfaction with leaving this school was
because Ryuuen lost
against that man. By becoming the Commander, it was also to confirm
whether or not he still
has the desire to fight again. If he doesn't feel anything, he can also choose to
deliberately lose
the exam.
But ... if he really wanted to fight him again, he would find a way to survive.
Ryuuen wants to
find out how he really feels.

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The Line Between the Winner and the Loser

The event chosen for the sixth battle was 'Archery', 2 vs 2. Through Akito's
struggle, Class C
won. Since we played an event proposed by Class C, we were able to take the
victory, making it
3 wins and 3 losses.
Sakayanagi did not make specific instructions, but only silently watched the
It seems that she really was hoping that it would end up as 3 wins and 3
Now, arriving at the seventh and final match.
And the event that is chosen, will probably determine our fate -
'Chess' Number of participants needed is 1 person. The time limit for chess is
1 hour (negative
time limit)
Rules · Based on standard chess rules. However, the deadline will not be
extended after 41
The Commander can give instructions at any time, within a 30 minute time
This time, there are no rules that add time to each subsequent step like the
rules in the Fischer
random Chess.
(T / N: Fischer's Chess random rule, starting time is 5 minutes, plus 5 seconds
for each step)
It's possible to adopt a slow Chess strategy. Since Chess games usually last
more than two

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hours, it is normal.
"With 3 wins and 3 defeats, this leads to the 7th being the determining match.
Is there anything
more exciting than this? Especially with Chess as the final event. However
this is a blessing
compared to the rest of the events."
Sakayanagi intends to intervene immediately and give instructions to her
This time, we might intervene at the same time.
Judging from the rules of the Commander's intervention, if I used half of my
ability, I might not
be able to win.
"Isn't this a miscalculation for you, such that Class A was forced into this
"That's right. I have to admit those sporting events placed a lot of pressure on
Sakayanagi had made reasonable comments for the previous 6 matches.
"However, this seventh battle is not the same. For the most part, the strength
of the Commander
will determine victory or defeat."
"Unfortunately, I'm also quite good at playing chess."
After that, Sakagami-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei will witness our battle.
It's better to first place a line of defense.
"Oh ... this is coincidence. That means, I could have failed in this Chess
But the most important thing in this game is the opening. We both will let our
chosen students
duel first.
I chose Horikita Suzune from the list of students who had not yet
On the other hand, the student chosen by Sakayangi was Hashimoto
"Of course Horikita-san will appear. As a top student, she hasn't played so far
because you
deliberately saved her for the final event."
"Besides, I don't need to save her anymore."

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Horikita and Hashimoto who were notified of each class, started walking
towards the venue.
"Don't you two feel thirsty?"
Hoshinomiya-sensei, worried about the two of us who haven't stood up from
our seats since the
beginning of the exam.

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Part 1

(Horikita Suzune POV)

I watch as a chessboard is placed in front of me. A week ago, I didn't even
know the rules.
Today will be the first time I will be touching chess pieces.
In the special training with Ayanokouji-kun via computer, I began to
understand the depth
required in chess.
If the opponent is Ayanokouji-kun or Sakayanagi-san, I'm afraid that between
1 in 10,000, I
wouldn’t be able to win.
But the person I'm dealing with right now isn’t either of them.
Of course, I don't know how well Hashimoto-kun plays either.
However, one thing is certain, he is not stronger than Ayanokouji-kun or
"Please, don't overwhelm me Horikita."
My opponent casually said so to me.
I heard even from people in Class A that Hashimoto-kun was not a good
"Your expression is quite serious. Why don't you relax and enjoy this
"How can you understand, as a Class A student who has always been at the
top and leading the
entire year. This match is very important for Class C."
"If we lose, it would be very painful because we have to pay class points. So
it's the same for
If we win this chess game, we will win 130 class points.
This match is the last chance to get class points in year 1.
"Do you know my name?"
"You are Hashimoto-kun, correct? I know, even though I have never talked to
you even once."
"I am honored. To be able to speak to Horikita from Class C. You are a small

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celebrity. The first
time I heard about your name was when I fed Ryuuen during the special
exam on the
uninhabited island."
I did nothing at that time. Those were Ayanokouji-kun's strategies in secret.
No ... maybe for him it was not even a strategy.
"I've only been studying Chess for a month now. Please go easy on me."
"Certainly not a coincidence. I have been playing for a week."
"Eh ..."
The match has begun.
Even if we discuss our Chess experience, it may be mixed in with lies.
This is a battle between the two parties and to drill each other's spirits.
This event is very vulnerable to interventions.
Exceptions are only for the Written Exams in which they can directly report
the answers. As
Commanders, Ayanokouji-kun and Sakayanagi-san, are also worried about
battles like this.
With 3 wins and 3 losses, we were dragged to the seventh event as the final
Thanks to Hirata-kun's return, Sudou-kun has maintained his rationality, and
everyone has
Although Kouenji-kun is still a concern, but I will reflect on it later.
I do not want to let this battle be in vain.
I thought about what Ayanokouji-kun told me before the special exam this
morning, which made
me speechless. "No matter who my opponent is, they can’t defeat me."
Even now I'm really excited, but I’m not sure why? I feel very reliable now.
Because Hashimoto-kun is incomparable to him, I have a chance to win.
Why don't I think I'll lose?
From the start, I could only imagine a situation where I would dominate.
"So now, we will start the seventh event, Chess. Please sit down."
I sat listening to the teacher’s instructions.
Even though Hashimoto-kun continued to show a smile, his eyes didn't
convey the same

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Winning or losing at this event, will be directly related to the success or
failure of the class.
It seems like this situation has also made Hashimoto-kun feel pressured.
"So, let's get started."
Meanwhile, Hashimoto-kun took 1 black piece and 1 white piece into his
"Do you know how to decide the starter?"
After confirming, he hid the two pieces in his hands and extended them to
"I choose the left hand."
I answered, and from Hashimoto-kun's open hand, showed a white piece.
In other words, I who get the white piece will get to go first.

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"I look forward to your first moves."
"I don't know if I can respond to your wishes."
I took a white piece. The chess piece in I held for the first time felt cold.
With this, the 7th event’s battle between me and Hashimoto-kun began.
My first step - Pawn to E4.
Directly at the start of the match, Hashimoto-kun's smile disappeared.
Immediately, he moved his black piece. The pawn stepped to E5.
I immediately rushed to prepare the Horse to eat the black Pawn.
This is my style of play that I am most confident with after having done many
battles with
With the help of a black pawn to protect the other pawns from the white
horse, Hashimoto-kun
understood the situation.
"Sakayanagi also taught me a lot of things. Weren't you going to make an
opening to put Black
at a disadvantage here?"
Since the first step, we haven't considered playing Chess for too long.
The time required is 1 hour. Because Ayanokouji-kun will play for 30
minutes, so actually I only
need to play 30 minutes.
There is no need to waste time on the opening.
I understood that after playing with him. That is, he does not play
I don't know which piece Hashimoto was after, but I had to change my
Besides that, he constantly launched attacks against me.
"This battle is very distorted, right?"
"Yes. Is this a tactic learnt from your teacher?"
"Yes. Same as me. Maybe it's because I felt the most when she was teaching
me? You, unlike
me, has a very solid game ... did you teach yourself?"
He began to test me. Is there something he wants to get out of this comment?
"I started playing chess this week. I have not done anything except this."
"Oh ... That means you were sure that Chess will be chosen?"
"It doesn't hurt to think so."

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With each piece moving one by one, the position of the chess pieces changed
He is often confused and sometimes he doesn't eat my pieces, he might even
feel pressured by
However, every step of my game, I attacked Hashimoto-kun.
"Have you really been playing this for just a week?"
"Looks like you really like to talk."
"I'm only talking about your ability."
As long as it doesn't violate morality, no matter what he says, he isn’t
breaking the rules.
I cannot terminate his rights.
"Yes, just one week. But you can't deny that this might be a lie."
"If you really have only been playing for a week, then it doesn't look like you
have done so by
yourself. Is there anyone who is as confident in chess, as the Princess of my
class who has
constantly been training?"
"I don't know. I can't completely deny that there is no such thing."
I don't want to give him unnecessary information.
"Oh, it's fine. By the way, can you tell me something about Ayanokouji?"
Is that his purpose? It seems like discussing the chess experience and who
taught me wasn't
important to him from the start.
He should have just talked about it. The real purpose was to ask about
Even Hashimoto had started to notice.
"What do you want to know?"
"I want to know if the person who has been active behind the scenes since the
special exam on
the uninhabited island is Ayanokouji."
He began to try to shake my mind.
And the reason why he was chosen for this event, may have been for this
"Why do you think so?"
"Just my instincts. Tell me about him, Horikita."

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"What should I answer you with, I don't even understand what you are
"Really? In my opinion, you seem to be shaken."
"When I learned that you were my opponent, I anticipated that you would try
to mentally attack
"... Is that true ?"
"No matter how you attack, my defense will not collapse."
Meanwhile, I used a bishop in a white box to checkmate Hashimoto-kun's
Hashimoto-kun's laugh suddenly disappeared.
"Do you still have time to talk about it?"
After that, he fell silent and I began to attack.
"This is interesting ..."
Looking at the previous situation, this match situation has begun to side with
He is not a weak opponent, but every move he makes matches my
From the beginning of the match to less than 10 minutes, his moves finally
He thought hard for the first time. The smile on his face that he occasionally
showed, had now
"Oh, this is not bad Horikita, you are very strong. Your playstyle is beautiful,
this is very
"You too, you aren’t so bad yourself. You play very well."
"Excessive flattery will not save you."
This match , if it continues, it will definitely be my victory.
Hashimoto-kun should definitely feel the gravity of the situation.
However, our battle will not necessarily decide the outcome.

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Part 2

The screen projects the battle between the two.

Hashimoto continued to launch attacks early in the match, but Horikita
calmly overcame them.
When she found a situation where she is being baited into eating the
opponent's chess pieces,
she calmly analyzed the situation and avoided a crisis.

Then she plays very solid moves and maintains her advantage.
When it was almost mid-hour, Horikita could almost see victory.
However, the current battle was an advantage for Horikita. She played far
beyond her strength
during her training.
"This is a very interesting match. I would like to see this match to the end."
Sakayanagi really enjoyed watching their match, but she showed no anxiety.
"I agree. We must see it to the end."
"Oh, yeah ... even though I say it like that, I’m not sure if I can. I'm not so
sure about
Hashimoto-kun, on the other hand it seems that Horikita-san is very calm.
His words seem to be
Our moves were approaching. The computer indicated that Sakayanagi would
like to intervene
as the Commander.
She concluded that if Hashimoto continued to be pressured like this, her
defeat would be very
For Sakayanagi, this should have been unexpected because she intended to
wait until half the
match time.
However, her assessment was precise.
Looking at the current situation, she was worried that the outcome would
already be decided if

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she set it aside for too long.
Right now Horikita is very strong.
I wanted to wait and watch its progress.
I began to be curious of how Horikita would respond in a match against
"You're not joining in, Ayanokouji-kun?"
"I really want to participate, but if I leave it up to Horikita right now, maybe
the chance of winning
would be higher."

"I see. Then I won't hesitate to turn the situation around?"

She began typing. Then, Hashimoto, who was thinking, stopped moving.
The Commander's time to intervene is only 30 minutes, the timer is stopped
after she pressed
the Enter key. It also seemed like the timer paused when the command is
being sent. Then it
continued to run again when the opponent hears the command.
Horikita vs Sakayanagi. I hope that this will be in line with what Horikita had
If so, then Horikita might be able to maintain her excellence to the end.
However, things
definitely won’t go so smoothly. Sakayanagi who had absolute confidence,
began to participate
in the battle. Clearly, every move from the genius Sakayanagi was difficult to
predict, which
made Horikita worry.
So I have to think. Think about how to deal with a situation when the
opponent is replaced by
someone better than themselves.
Then, make use of the available time and make a decision.
"There doesn't seem to be enough time."
Facing every step of Horikita's chess piece, Sakayanagi never took more than
5 seconds.
Her advantage was immediately dropped.
Horikita’s chance to win suddenly disappeared in an instant.
She only had a bit of an advantage. Horikita's steps slowed.

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However, even though she was only a beginner, she could feel the despair of
an opponent who
was beyond her abilities.
Sakayanagi trapped her, and forced Horikita on the road to death.
2 minutes, 3 minutes. Horikita couldn’t move anymore pieces.
This is the limit. This is the dividing line between the winners and the losers.
I sent an intervention signal to take the baton from the distressed Horikita.
And the instructions will be sent to Horikita via earphones.

Horikita looked up and looked at the camera. She nodded and gave a
thoughtful look.
The next battle is not Horikita vs Sakayanagi.
It was a fight between Sakayanagi and I.
"Okay, it's time - the battle between you and I."
"It seems so."
Even though the intervention time is only 30 minutes, that is enough to reach
a conclusion.
While Sakayanagi and I talked, I couldn't let go of my hand to type on the
The time needed for both parties to make a move was 10 seconds to 20
After analyzing the flow until the middle of the game, I have formulated a
The chess pieces kept moving on the chessboard.
"Hey, they are on an entirely different level?"
Hashimoto's voice came through the monitor.
"The battle between us is truly stunted ..."
"... Yes."
It can't be helped that they are shaken. There is a huge difference between
amateurs and
experienced players. At first glance they might not be able to tell which side
is winning.
No, compared to these things ... they will come to understand this when they
start playing
I sighed.

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Sakayanagi's Chess skills are high enough that I want to pay my respects to
If she entered the world of Chess became famous, I wouldn’t be surprised.
When I was young, I used to play chess in the White Room.

I have played with many people, experienced lecturers, but I was always
stronger than every
single one.
"Is there something Ayanokouji-kun. Have my moves been conveyed to your
"Yeah. It hurts."
In the middle of the match, after half the battle, I not only had difficulty
opening the gap, but it
also took a lot of effort to think about how to lead.
As long as she judges that I won't make a mistake, she will be careful not to
break through by
"I am not afraid of you at all. Because Ayanokouji-kun will never make a
small mistake."
"Then can you reduce your resistance?"
"I can't do that. If you don't make a mistake, then I will use all my strength to
defeat you and
make a breakthrough."
Unconsciously, Horikita and Hashimoto both have not said a word, when
their hands moved the
chess pieces.
When we entered half the battle ... His moves suddenly stopped.
If Hashimoto followed the normal directions, he would have read the next
steps instructed by
However, Sakayanagi thought carefully now.
We've played fast so far, so Hashimoto must be shaken.
Even though he didn't say it, he might of felt like he was in a crisis.
After a few minutes of silence, he moved. The Chess move that he thought
about thoroughly
was sturdy.

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I haven't made the slightest mistake and I also don't intend to give him a
But this -
This time it was my turn that stopped.

"Ah, how nice our time is together. I don't care what they see. I just hope this
battle will be the
best ever in my life."
I don't know whether Hoshinomiya-sensei and Sakagami-sensei have a deep
understanding of
But they will understand that this is an unusual battle.
1 minute, 2 minutes. Time continues endlessly.
I had used up almost all of my time.
"What are you doing ... Ayanokouji-kun?"
On the other side of the monitor, there was the voice of Horikita, who was
quietly watching.
"Only 5 minutes left ...!"
I also know that.
This is a complicated game where all four people are thinking.
There is no doubt that we were dominant before, and now things have really
took a turn
because of our opponents.
My next step will determine life and death.
It doesn't matter how much time we spend interpreting it.
"You're not someone who would give up on something like that, Ayanokouji-
kun. Let me see it
Compared to the results, Sakayanagi is only interested in being able to bring
out the full
potential of my abilities.
For her, as long as she is having fun, the results of this special exam weren’t
important at all.
Less than 3 minutes left. The route I had been creating end had been
completely restored.
Then I began to build a path to victory. 2 minutes remaining -

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I pressed the keyboard and sent the instructions to Horikita.

Horikita seems to have been waiting for this moment, and once again took
The Chess section attached to the chessboard looks towering. Once again
Hashimoto became
Right now, every step from Sakayanagi was smooth, but the next step will
take longer.
The first move was 30 seconds, the second again 30 seconds. The next move
took 1 minute.
On the contrary, I responded to her steps within 1 to 2 seconds.
In the current situation, I'm holding the advantage over Sakayanagi and
taking it down the path
to victory.
Soon the last battle will end. Soon, the results will be decided.
A situation I had initiated.
Even though she still had a little room to escape, there was only a little time
Shortly after, she won't be able to get away.
"Truly extraordinary ..."
Sakayanagi gave complimented me.
1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes. Sakayanagi thought long for the second time.
The time spent decreases, and one precious minute was constantly being cut
She has been talking to me ever since, but now I don't hear her voice
"Hey, come on!"
Hashimoto called out. The remaining time is less than 2 minutes, and in the
end she fell under
If she had used up 30 minutes, then she could only leave the rest to
Hashimoto. However, this
will inevitably determine her defeat.
"Sakayanagi! This is our defeat!"
It seems that Hashimoto did not know how to escape.

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The time is reduced by 1 minute of Sakayanagi’s thinking.
"This is truly extraordinary, Ayanokouji-kun. You have fully responded to
my wishes."
As the time diminished, Sakayanagi once again praised me.
"I felt cold sweat for the first time. You are indeed a strong opponent."
When the time was running out, Sakayanagi said.
"--This is the end."
This whisper of defeat from Sakayanagi that Hashimoto could not hear.
The Commander had no authority to end the game.
After the time is up, the game rights will be returned to the players from both
parties, and then
the ability for intervention will be lost.
Or she can let Hashimoto continue until the final checkmate.
However, the battle will end when Sakayanagi showed her willingness to
declare defeat.
"This is a very good fight. It's a shame to let it end ..."
Only 40 seconds left. Sakayanagi's voice was soft. At the same time a voice
came when she
typed the keyboard.
He did not want to admit defeat, and Sakayanagi was confident of his victory.
"... I've been waiting ... Princess!"
Hashimoto, no ... This was an attack from Sakayanagi behind him.
When he made a move, I felt a current running down my back.
The dying Black side suddenly regained consciousness and once again rose
After two or three steps, I felt that the Chess path had deviated from what I
had designed.
Then - when I prayed, I found myself forced into a dead end.

After returning to pray, I was stuck on the road to Sakayanagi's victory.

From these ups and downs, silence once again came to me.
In less than a minute and a half now, I fell into the biggest dilemma.
I'm sure Horikita also felt this situation.
Before, she could imagine the defeat of the opponent. It seemed that it would

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be a victory for
Class C after just a little more.
However, all of these feelings gradually disappeared, and now Horikita must
have felt it. The
remaining time is less than 1 minute.
"Ayanokouji-kun ..."
Horikita said to me with her head down.
"I don't want to lose."
She only said what was on her mind.
"I ..."
Horikita talked about what she wanted to say now.
"I ... I don't want to admit defeat ... I want to win ..."
She cried in her heart.
"Even now, I'm thinking hard about how to obtain victory. I keep thinking
about it."
Letting her emotions out, this really isn't like Horikita.
"But, I can’t find any moves to fight Sakayanagi-san ... You're the only one
who can do that!"
I close my eyes.
There are still tens of seconds left.
It is over.
Considering the next step, when there is only 30 seconds left, defeat is
basically determined.

There is no safe route left. I can only bet on the last chance to win this battle.
I typed the keyboard, quickly and accurately, even though this would result in
Then I pressed Enter and sent the instructions. The calculation of the
displayed time stops here.
Horikita can only pray, waiting for the message I sent.
After about 30 seconds I gave instructions, Horikita opened her eyes.
It seemed that the instructions she had been waiting for had reached her
through the
I looked at Sakagami-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei.
Their eyes were fixed on the monitor and watched the game situation.

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"You have to do it ... Ayanokouji."
Hashimoto looked like he was smiling, and looked at the camera.
Horikita has made the move.
It's time for Sakayanagi to step again.
"This is very interesting, Ayanokouji-kun."
Sakayanagi took a step, she expressed her respect for me for the third time.
"I've never fought an enemy as complex and as powerful as you. You can
handle every move I
make, and sometimes you can even make a brighter response."
Through her moves, Sakayanagi had seen the final result she had expected.
"This step taken by Ayanokouji-kun is a complex move. There is no doubt
that this is an area
that cannot be reached by ordinary people."
Sakayanagi stated her feelings were mixed and trembling slightly.
Sakayanagi's voice echoed in this quiet room.

"In this way, my victory will not be shaken."

She uses the keyboard to give instructions.
Hashimoto, who had been waiting for an answer, immediately moved the
pieces according to
the instructions.
I also continue to play to fight. The match is nearing its end.
There was no conversation, only the sound of chess pieces stepping.
The remaining time is 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... Then finally ...
This is the main strategy to sacrifice the Queen's most powerful piece.
The victory achieved by using this strategy is very significant, but because
the risk is too high, if
it fails, it will definitely lose. And she completed this strategy when she was
forced into a
desperate situation.
Horikita stopped moving her hand.
She had hoped for words that would come from the earphones, but that only
lasted for a

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She should also understand it. There was no way to escape this checkmate.
Victory or defeat has been decided.
"Ayanokouji-kun ..."
Even so, there are things that make Horikita want to deny defeat.
"Answer, Ayanokouji-kun ... Is there really no more steps ...?"
I moved away from the keyboard.
"Ayanokouji-kun ...!"
More than anyone, Horikita really hoped to win from Class A.

She felt that if she asked me, she might be able to win and then entrust
everything to me.
Game 7 has ended. I wanted to praise her for being able to take the advantage
over Hashimoto
who was a difficult opponent.
There was no mistake about Horikita.
It's just that the other party has played a better game than the instructions I
gave Horikita.
The Commander's time is stopped when the time is 0, and communication is
"... I lose."
Horikita was very disheartened to bow her head to Hashimoto.
"Thank you for everything."
Hashimoto also bowed his head.
"- So far."
Sakagami-sensei, who had been silent after seeing the match. Declares the
match of the
seventh event is over.
"This event was won by Class A. Therefore, the results of this final exam
were won by Class A
with 4 wins and 3 losses. Class C also gave great resistance."
The Chess event is over. I will have to come up with an excuse later. I
intervened as a
Commander, but in this Chess match, I still lost. Of course there will be many
people who will be
dissatisfied and complaining about why I hadn’t left the game to Horikita.
"This was a good match ... Is it okay to say that? However, Class C has also

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fought until the
end, this is great."
Hoshinomiya-sensei tried to comfort me in the same way as Sakagami-sensei.
"If you feel very sad, do you want to cry on your teacher's chest?"
Sakagami-sensei reprimanded the joking Hoshinomiya-sensei.
"I am kidding! "

She shook his head and immediately looked down at Sakagami-sensei.

"But Ayanokouji-kun. It seems that you are a much better child than I
originally thought. When
you interfered in the Arithmetic Mental program, you could answer the 10th
question which was
very difficult. You also played well in Chess against Sakayanagi-san. In the
Written Examination,
you could answer the part that had the highest difficulty. Oh, this is the right
time to give a bonus
... "
After that, Hoshinomiya-sensei thought for a while.
"This is strange. Have you been hiding your abilities all this time?"
"Only this time I happened to be useful."
"By chance, huh? There are also things like this ... ~ But ... Well, I might
understand what
Sae-chan saw in Ayanokouji-kun. So that's how she played dirty."
No matter how I tried to hide it, some parts will be exposed to the teachers.
"Don't worry ~ I won't tell the other students about what I saw and heard
When she said that, she touched my shoulder gently. Then she put her face to
my ear and said.
"Sensei doesn't hate children like Ayanokouji-kun, but that can turn into
hatred if she sees them
as an enemy."
Hoshinomiya-sensei left this sentence and left, there was no smile on her
It seems I have accidentally made her look at me as an enemy of Class B.
"Special exams have been completed. Students are asked to immediately

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leave the
multipurpose room."
"Oh, sensei, do we have to go back to class first?"
"No, that’s enough here today. It's okay to return to the dormitory."
It seems that everyone did not need to gather together first. This is also a
good thing.
"All students have done well, you can return now."
"Hoshinomiya-sensei, you have to start cleaning up after this event."

"I know."
Sakagami-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei began to prepare to clean the
multipurpose room.
The current situation felt so relaxed that it did not seem like there had just
been a big battle. At
this moment, Sakayanagi appeared from the other side of the computer.
She was waiting for the teachers to move away from us.
"It's hard for a little girl."
"Yes. You too."
This is the first time we have greeted each other since the final battle of the
Even though it was only 30 minutes, our brains were thinking hard, it was
definitely tiring.
"This Chess game required endurance. A careful response from Horikita-san,
and then a fierce
battle with Ayanokouji-kun, this was better than I expected. This is truly
Sakayanagi said that with a satisfied face. It seemed that she had exerted all
her strength.
"To be honest, you are much stronger than I thought. You immediately
destroyed the profits
made by Horikita, and I can't complain because of defeat."
"There is no such thing. This was a very good match. Until the end of the
match, there may be a
tendency to win on both sides. However, the steps I made have already
determined victory and
defeat, isn't that so?"

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"Great checkmate after you sacrificed the Queen."
That is the reality that happened on the monitor’s side.
My instructions and Sakayanagi's instructions. As a result of the match,
Sakayanagi was better.
At that time, there was no miracle to turn things around.
Victory and defeat have been decided at the discretion of the school.
Even though Class C also fought hard, they still lost to Class A, so we lost 30
class points.
Even though the result was only a little damage, but to match the results of
other classes to see
the whole ...

"Is there anything you want?"

"Is there anything I want? Nothing."
Sakayanagi smiled softly and nodded in satisfaction.
"I only wished to fight with you. And now this has been achieved. That is
If so, is it just a matter of responding?
If we talk too long, we will be seen by the teachers, this would be very
troublesome. So I also
stood up.
Just as I reached out to the door to leave, interim Director Tsukishiro
appeared in the
multipurpose room.
"Oh, you guys really showed me something good."
"Eh, aren't you the temporary director Tsukishiro. Were you watching the
special exam?"
"Yeah. The school has to manage things to prevent injustice. I am in another
room, but I have
watched both of you as Commanders and seen the way of special exams."
After that, he applauded and praised us both.
"Both sides were fighting very well, it was a very tight match. For schools,
this is a very good
collection of data. I am sure that this victory will have a big impact for the
coming year. It must
be maintained."

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I saw it in the eyes of the temporary director Tsukishiro, and he also looked
back at me.
Only in this way, I don't need to ask him for an explanation anymore, I
already understand
"It's a good thing if you can satisfy the interim Director."
Sakayanagi bowed her head. She seemed to feel the highest sense of
satisfaction for the battle
that had taken place.
"What are the results between Class B and Class D?"
"Yes. The results have been determined one hour before you are finished."

That's fast.
"Which class won?"
Sakayanagi also became interested in this, so she asked that.
"5 wins and 2 losses, victory for Class D. This can be described as a big
Did Ryuuen defeat Ichinose? They will get 190 class points.
Class D, seems to be returning to class C.
Then we will return to Class D again and start all over again.
"Ichinose-san suffered a terrible defeat. It can't be helped."

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If Ryuuen wasn't there, this would be Class B victory.
Did he act for the class?
In short, his feelings have started to change.
At the same time, this was a threat because of his return.
"Please return. Special exams have been completed. Teachers are also
welcome to leave."
The interim director Tsukishiro urged Sakagami-sensei and Hoshinomiya-
sensei to leave
"But we still have things to do —"
"This matter will be taken care of by us."
The caretaker director Tsukishiro gave a gesture, and several workers entered
the multipurpose
"Who are they? Aren't they staff working at this school?"
Sakagami-sensei asked surprised.

"The government wants to know the exam data as soon as possible. These
people were sent by
the government for this purpose. Don't worry."
Director Tsukishiro, acting on all of this, said that. After all, a teacher can't
Sakagami-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei immediately stopped their work
and left the
multipurpose room.
They have to go back to the office immediately, so they kept going without
much for us.
On the other hand, Sakayanagi looked at the workers with confusion.
However, the door of the multipurpose room had been closed and only the
sound of the door
being carefully locked could be heard.
"Are you worried about something?"
Provisional director Tsukishiro who did not stay in the department room
asked Sakayanagi.

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"No, nothing."
Alright- I'll be back too. I looked at my cell phone and found a text message
from Horikita.
[You've worked hard.]
This is a very short message. I will definitely listen to her complaints later.
"See you later, Sakayanagi."
I tried to go back, but ...
"-Can you wait a moment, Ayanokouji-kun?"
"What is wrong?"
Sakayanagi called to stop me in the corridor.
Sakayanagi's expression, which was initially lulled in victory, began to show
"... Do you really think that your final chess move was the best choice?"

The last moment. It seems she has doubts about the conclusion I made after
"You really defeated me. What else could I have done?"
"No ... sorry. Looks like I have imagined something excessive."
"Are you not happy for defeating me?"
"It's not like that. Just, somewhere in my heart, I expected to lose to you."
This is really a strange way of thinking.
"From the start, I didn't play half-heartedly."
"Yeah, I know."
Even so, there was still some weirdness in Sakayanagi's heart.
Maybe in her eyes, my image would be higher than that.
"You're a cruel person Ayanokouji-kun."
The temporary director Tsukishiro who was standing in front of the
multipurpose room said
something like that to me.
Sakayanagi turned around. After a while, I also reluctantly turned around.
The cement director Tsukishiro smiled softly and walked over to us.
"You're really cruel."
"What do you mean, Director Tsukishiro?"

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It wasn't me who asked, but Sakayanagi.
"Should I tell you what happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's better to tell you clearly and directly."

It seems like he had done something in the multipurpose room.

"In this match, the real winner was Ayanokouji-kun."
When the statement from the interim Director Tsukishiro came out, it was
impossible for
Sakayanagi to ignore it.
Why does he have to say this considering having his own risk?
"What do you mean ... I lost?"
"Yes. That's right. That is the truth."
From this way of speaking, we could see interim Director Tsukishiro's
"But the process was truly different, am I right?"
I just kept quiet and listened to them, and I began to understand the situation.
Then, suddenly
Sakayanagi also woke up to the reality of the situation.
"This is really stupid ... The school had forced an interference with the
Sakayanagi was not sorry or discouraged, but she was annoyed. There is no
doubt that she is
very angry.
"Sakayanagi-san. You not only failed to fulfill my request, but also sent
protection points to
Ayanokouji-kun. To eliminate them, I had to use some difficult methods at
this school."
It turns out that's what happened. To make it clear, is it necessary to even
disclose previously
unnecessary things like this?
"That's right. If everything can go according to my wishes, this time I should
have been able to
get Ayanokouji-kun out of school. Unfortunately, there are many enthusiastic
teachers in this

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school, so it takes a lot of work for me."
At the end of his consideration, he entered the instructions on my computer.
However, it takes about 30 seconds to enter the keyboard and forward it to
The previous input only takes about 10 seconds, and the reason for this
indication is delayed.
The reason for this is that the instructions sent will be played as an automatic
sound in the

With the use of a computer, the process and the results of the match were
changed into
something else.
"At that time, he had planned to move the pieces to another position. Out of
control was
considered the best step. Although we prepared many people and machines,
we had to do such
difficult things."
If he changes the placements of the chess pieces too much, it will be too
conspicuous, so that
everyone will feel the strangeness.
In other words, caretaker Director Tsukishiro had to consider the difficult
steps of my chess
piece to prevent everyone from feeling weird about what was happening.
"At this level, Sakayanagi-san who can feel the strangeness of his chess
pieces can be quite
This is not a compliment at all.
"Why didn't you say anything Ayanokouji-kun?"
"Even if he tells the teacher, it's useless. No, apart from that he can't say
anything at all."
'These simple things' - explained by caretaker director Tsukishiro.
"He is a genius from the White Room and he was forced the situation by
sneaking into this
school. After all he chooses not to be the center of attention?"
If I told them that I was involved with the interim Director Tsukishiro, that

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would develop into a
very difficult problem.
Although it is unfortunate, the current situation cannot be changed.
"Even if it's very sad, a victory is a victory. Or are you not happy?"
"... Director Tsukishiro, you're really good at provocation. But - you will pay
for this."
Seeing her smile with emotion, Director Tsukishiro once again applauded.
"A Koudo Ikusei high school student really said something interesting. Just
because you are a
king here, even your arrogance has become large."

From the start, students who were standing in the same position did not want
to make an enemy
out of Sakayanagi.
However, in the eyes of this man, she was just a child who liked to brag.
"Because I said you have to pay dearly, then I'll tell you what you have to do
now. Hurry, go."
How will it happen? After a short silence.
"Okay, then I have to go. The adults have a lot to do."
Provisional director Tsukishiro began to take steps and deliberately passed by
"If possible, I hope you choose to drop out of school. This will eliminate the
need to involve other
After leaving this sentence, he walked out to the corridor. Sakayanagi also
walked slowly behind
"These results are extremely disappointing. I'm very unhappy."
"I am sorry."
"You don't need to apologize for this Ayanokouji-kun. I'm just frustrated by
the fact that adults
must interfere with children's battles. My best memories are now marred by
She did not care about her victory.
She simply could not accept that her victory had been crushed.
"Only - even if I accept it, isn't it difficult to know who really is stronger?"

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Sakayanagi stopped in her tracks and looked at me.
"Exactly. That is really the problem."
Even though I wanted to remain silent over Interim Director Tsukishiro's
intervention, it would be
better if Sakayanagi found out. For me, this incident also left a little sin.

«Please play with me again beginning from the move before the temporary
I could easily reject her proposal right here and now.
But, if I did, I felt something inside Sakayanagi would break. And, something
within me as well.
«I have no reasons to turn you down I guess. But, where shall we do it?»
«Did you know that there is a chess board in the library?»
«No… that’s the first time I’ve heard of it.»
«I have used it to play chess there sometimes so let’s move over there.»
Finding no reasons to reject her proposal, we moved to the library.
There was nobody there today, maybe because the special exam was over and
all events
Inside the library, which was too quiet, I found the chess board.
I then placed the board on a little table, just large enough for two people.
Sakayanagi arranged the pieces to the state it was before with dexterity.
«Here, the same situation as that time. Show me your real move then please.»
I picked up a piece and moved it forward where it was supposed to go to.

None of us were speaking during the match, the time was ticking away.
During the evening, the only sound heard were the repeating click-clacks of
the white and black
But that didn’t last very long.
There was no need to spend more time since the match started with that
situation at the board.
Before long, the end of the game arrived. Sakayanagi was looking at the
board while silently
letting out a sight.

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A way to avoid checkmate was nowhere to be found.
«As expected of you, Ayanokouji-kun. It’s my loss.»
It was a life and death match, move for move.
It didn’t seem like she has discontent or anything, she just acknowledged her
loss with
«You sure are honest about it.»
«Do I look like this prideful lady who can’t acknowledge her own defeat?»
Saying she didn’t look like one would be a lie to be honest.
«What I wanted to know was who among us was above the other and which
one was below. I
will never show any discontent or say it was unfair and grumble because of
the result.»
«But, I may have won, but that was just a recreation. There are no guarantees
that the match
would progress like this at that time and at that precise moment.»
I can’t remove the possibility it was a move I managed to think of due to the
extra time given to

No, above all—

«This game was the result of Horikita and Hashimoto’s match which gave me
an advantage. As
far as I see it, I was substituted in while we had the upper hand. I don’t think
it was a very fair
The development on the board was made possible by Horikita passing her
advantage to me.
Being able to overturn that while being at disadvantage shows how strong
Sakayangi is.
If we played played each other from the beginning, there was no proof that I
would win.
It’s to the point that even If someone proposed a match to me, if I was
allowed to run away, I
would want to do it.
«Is that your way of comforting me?»

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Sakayanagi laughed, thinking it was weird of me.
«That’s not it. I was only stating the objective facts.»
«I’m satisfied with this result. Isn’t that enough?»
If she was satisfied with that, then that’s certainly alright. As for me though,
I’m still troubled be
«Since this special exam was announced, you could have managed to restrict
the event to a
1-on-1 and face me directly in a duel. If you had proposed that, I would have
accepted. But even
so you didn’t, why was that?»
Of course, it was a random battle fought using only seven of the ten events.
There was no
guarantee that it would have been chosen. But if we both wished for it, there
was a rather high
chance it would have happened.
«The reason is simple. As you have reasoned, there was no guarantee that it
would be chosen.
Also, if you carelessly fought me in this 1-on-1 match, your surroundings
will surely be
suspicious. I wanted to avoid them both. But it was being taken advantage of
by that temporary
chairman in the end.»

She made sure to plan the special exam while showing consideration to me as
much as
That’s perhaps why Tsukishiro’s intervention irritated her so do that degree.
The 7 events
chosen today and their order was most likely not chosen at random, I now
It wasn’t a fair match.
«Furthermore, the one who had the most talent for chess in class A,
Hashimoto-kun, was
beaten by the one raised by you, Horikita-san. It just means I lost in that
aspect as well.»

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Sakayanagi slowly bowed her head.
«Ayanokouji-kun. You are without doubt a genius, you are in no way a
«You don’t plan on taking revenge with chess again?»
«You want me to?»
«…No, I don’t.»
«Fufu, you are honest.»
The fact we managed to have this game in silence was the result of this
extremely rare timing.
The special exam was over and tomorrow marked the beginning of a long
break. Thus a space
empty of people was created.
«The reason I’m not planning on getting revenge, is it…? To be honest, I
judged that we both
are at about the same level in chess. If we played 10 times, it wouldn’t be
weird if the result was
5 wins, 5 losses. Am I wrong?»
«No, you hit the mark.»
Interestingly, our abilities were rivalling each other.

If we continued to repeat this game, it should have progresses just as

Sakayanagi said.
«But, I feel the winner of this first bout was you by a little. I think I would
have lost at that point in
time. Well, Ayanokouji-kun has a bit longer history with chess than me. That
gap is maybe due
to that.»
A slight competitiveness showed on her face, conveying the importance of
«If I were to take revenge using chess, it would take the fun out of it. Chess is
a leisure activity, I
want to leave it at that.» She said as she picked up the Knight.
«Regarding that chess history you spoke off, so you did indeed see me then.»
«Yes, I saw you relentlessly pressuring your opponent in the White Room.
I’ve been fond of
chess ever since then, believing the day would come when I would face you

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in a game.»
The hunch I felt when seeing Class-A’s event list seemed to have been on the
It meant that it wasn’t a coincidence chess was being chosen as an event.
«Well then——— let’s hurry back, shall we?»
«I’ll put it away. Just sit there and wait for a bit.»
«Thank you very much. I’ll take you up on that.»
I returned the pieces and the board back to its original place.
«It’s with regret that I say this but I will keep a distance from you from now
on. If I were to
continue fixating myself on you, your classmates would probably be get

«I wanted to get to know you, get to know you so badly. I was always,
always chasing after you.
To me, you are the childhood friend I never got to meet. If I could compete
with you that easily,
its value would probably diminish to me.»
A faint smile appeared on her face as she looked at me with affection.
«There is no time for us in the same grade to be fighting among each other
when thinking of that
temporary chairman, Tsukishiro, right.»
Putting the cart before the horse. Originally, the students are supposed to
fight each other in this
school. Even if we competed in similar ways later, there is no guarantee that
he would interfere
yet again. Rather, it’s likely he would do anything to interfere with me. As
for that, I would be
thankful if I could simply get by without having to suspect the other part.
If I were surrounded by enemies on all sides, the exhaustion would be
considerable after all.
We both left the library behind.
«Speaking of which, this is the first time we have left the school, just the two
us, isn’t it?»

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«Now that you say that, it sure is.»
There were always someone beside her.
And normally, the thought that we would walk side-by-side like this wouldn’t
strike me at all.
«Excuse me for walking this slowly.»
«You don’t have to apologise for that.»
Her walking speed was certainly slow. It was because of her handicap. But
strangely enough,
today I felt thankful for it.
If I walked per usual, I would reach the dorm in no time at all.
«What are you thinking of doing from now on?»

«I just have to watch out for Tsukishiro’s next move. He may just be a
temporary one, but he’s
still the chairman. He probably wouldn’t do anything foolish.»
«You are right. Considering how it looks, my father’s reinstatement seems
difficult after all.»
«What are you planning on doing then?» I asked.
Sakayanagi pondered for a bit.
«I thinking of doing what I’ve done so far, enjoying my days. If Katsuragi-
kun starts opposing me
again, I’ll be his opponent. If Ichinose-san chases after me, I’ll crush her
while I play with her, it
seems interesting after all. If she got herself expelled, I would get to see her
own class B fall
apart as well.»
She smiled like a girl who innocently played with her dolls.
«I didn’t foresee Ryuuen-kun’s move however… If he returned to the
battlefield, I’d like to fight
with him too. Thinking of it, it seems like it won’t be a boring school life
after all.»
«That’s good then.»
«What do you plan on doing, Ayanokouji-kun?»
«I would rather not take any actions in the open if I can avoid it. I’ll make
Horikita do her best.»

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«It seems I can watch her growth with my own eyes as well. I’ll look forward
to it.»
Maybe she one day could become an opponent who Sakayanagi herself
would say she had to
be on guard against, just like Ichinose and Ryuuen. If so, Sakayanagi would
enjoy herself even
«…There’s one thing I have to apologise for.»
«I told you about why I wanted to avoid a 1 vs 1 duel earlier, but that was a

It was to avoid getting me into the spotlight, her consideration so to say. But
now she withdrew
that statement.
«To tell you the truth, I wanted to be in the same space as you, even just for
one more
She said as she stretched her right hand towards me. I took it thinking it was a
handshake, but
she put her left hand over, enveloping mine.
«People learn about warmth when they touch each other. That’s a very
precious feeling. The
warmth of another human is by no means a bad thing. Please remember that.»
«What do you mean?»
«It’s a late, message from me.»
While I didn’t understand what she was saying, she slowly released my hand
and started
«Well, let’s go back» It seems like she wouldn’t explain any further.
We watched the sunset as we took the way back.
«Oh by the way, have you heard? Yoshida-kun from class A—»
A relationship where we could speak of the old days, we had not. Without
any objectives or

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purpose, we just earnestly exchanged tales about our daily lives. Until the
very moment we
reached the dorms.

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