5S Audit Report

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Lean Manufacturing Programme

Zone wise 5S Audit

Unit Date
Cluster Rate on a Scale of 1 - 5
Auditor(s) for each Zone, against each check point
Zone No.
Head Check Point
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Have all unnecessary items been removed?
कयय सभभ अनयवशयक आइटम हटय ददयय गयय हह?

If unauthorised items are present, is it clear-why?

1S यदद अनदधकक त आइटम ममजजद हह, कयय यह सपष हह, कयय?
Sorting Are passages & work area clearly designated?
कयय मयगर और कययर ककत सपष रप सक नयदमत हह?

Are the air hoses, pipe lines, electrical wiring etc. properly arranged?
कयय हवय पयइप, पयनभ कक पयइप लयइनय, दबजलभ कक तयरय आदद ठभक सक वयवदससत हह?

Is there an identified place for every thing?

कयय वहयह हर चभज कक दलए एक जगह कक पहचयन हह?

Is every thing in its own place.

कयय हर चभज कक अपनभ जगह मम हह.

Are Tools, Instruments, Gauges, Accessories are put back in their allotted place after use?
कयय टज लस, इइसटट ममटस गकज, सहययक उपकरण वयपस अपनक आवइदटत ससयन मम उपययग कक बयद डयल रहक हह?
SEITON Are all Jigs, Fixtures & Tools arranged on racks?
Set in Order कयय सभभ Jigs दफकसचर, और उपकरण रहक पर वयवदससत कर रहक हह?
Are components/WIP kept on racks or pallets?
कयय घटकय WIP / रहक यय pallets पर रखय हह?

Are the Raw Material stocks in order for ease of handling?

कयय आसयन हहडदलइग कक दलए कम मम कचक मयल सटटक कर रहक हह?

Are the material handling equipments, if any, kept in their place?

कयय टट टलभ, सटककर, फयकर दलफट जहसक उपकरण दनयदमत जगह पर रखक जयतक हह

Is the work area clean, free from dust, oil, coolent, chips etc.?
कयम कय सयफ ककत, धजल, तकल, पयनभ आदद सक ममक हह?
Are all machines / equipments cleaned?
कयय सभभ मशभनय / उपकरणय सयफ करतक हह?
SEISO page 1 of 2
Unit Date
Cluster Rate on a Scale of 1 - 5
Auditor(s) for each Zone, against each check point
Zone No.
Head Check Point
3S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SEISO Are all the Jigs, Fixtures & Tools cleaned?
Shine कयय सभभ Jigs दफकसचर, और औजयर सयफ करतक हह?
Are all components in process kept clean?
कयय इस पदकयय मम सभभ पमजर कय सयफ जयतय रखय हह?
Are the yellow lines / marings clean & unbroken and clear?
कयय पभलभ रकखयएह सवचछ, अटज ट और सपष हह?
Are the 5S responsibilities assigned?
कयय 5 एस दजममकदयररयय कय असयइन दकयय गयय हह?
Are the standards defined for storage?
कयय मकटभररयल सटयरकज कक मयनक दनधयरररत हह?
Is frequency of Sorting fixed?
कयय छहटयई कक फककक नसभ दनधयरररत हह?
Is Lux Level defined in all areas & Available Too?
@yaa hr xaot/ la@sa laovala inaQai-irt hO va [sako Anausaar ]plabQa hO?
Methods of work documented and consistently used.
कयय कयम करनक कक तरभकक दरर हह और उनकय लगयतयर उपययग दकयय जयतय हह
Is every one dressed properly & as per regulations?
कयय हर एक दनयमय कक अनमसयर ठभक सक तहययर हह?
Is every Person wearing Shoes on Shop Floor?
@yaa hr ek vyai@t nao Saap Flaaor pr jUto phnao hO ?
5S Are 5S audits done regularly?
SHITSUKE कयय 5 एस कक दनयदमत ऑदडट दकए जयतक हह?
Does every one follows safety rules? (Goggles, Shoes, Ear-plugs, Helmet etc used)
कयय हर एक समरकय दनयमय कय पयलन करतय हह? (चशमक, जजतक, कयन-पग, हकलमकट कय पययग दकयय जयतय हह?)

Is the area around free of litter, empty cans, drums, obsolete material/ machinery/ equipments?
कयय ककत कज डक, खयलभ दडबबक, डट म, बककयर यय अपचदलत सयमगभ / मशभनरभ / उपकरणय सक ममक हह?

Total Score for Zone (Calculate the Score for each Zone by adding the points)

Score in Percent for Zone (Calculate the Percentage of Score = Total Score x 100 / 130)

Overall Score in Percent (Calculate the average of Percent Score of all zones )

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