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Chapter Table of Contents

Chapter 1.2

Grooming Etiquettes for Success

Aim ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Instructional Objectives..................................................................................................................... 27
Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................................ 27
1.2.1 Grooming Etiquettes for Success ............................................................................................ 28
(i) Concept.................................................................................................................................. 28
Self-assessment Questions ........................................................................................................ 29
1.2.2 Essential Factors for Effective Grooming............................................................................... 30
Self-assessment Questions ........................................................................................................ 35
1.2.3 General Guidelines for a successful Grooming Etiquette .................................................... 37
Self-assessment Questions ........................................................................................................ 39
Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Terminal Questions............................................................................................................................ 40
Answer Keys........................................................................................................................................ 41
Activity................................................................................................................................................. 42
Case Study ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 44
e-References ........................................................................................................................................ 44
External Resources ............................................................................................................................. 45
Video Links ......................................................................................................................................... 45
To familiarise the students with the concept of grooming and also to acquaint them
with the critical factors responsible for developing a person's grooming etiquette

Instructional Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

• Explain the concept of grooming

• Elucidate the significance of body language in developing one's


Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you are expected to:

• Describe the factors constituting for a successful grooming etiquette

• Analyse the critical components responsible for a successful body language at

a workplace

1.2.1 Grooming Etiquettes for Success
(i) Concept
Grooming plays a pivotal role in developing the self-esteem and confidence of an individual.
Grooming is very crucial as it gives a first impression about our personality to others and also
plays an integral role in building one's reputation. Selecting the right clothes for an event but
neglecting personal hygiene can ruin the image we wish to present. It is a well-established fact
that a book is initially judged by its cover and not by its content. Similarly, no matter how
impressive a person is in an interview or how excellent his leadership skills are, but lacking
grooming etiquettes would make all the efforts go in vain. The aspect of grooming is
important as external appearance is easier to examine and improve and has a more direct and
immediate effect on one's interactions with others. A person who is well groomed tends to get
noticed in interviews, social events, parties, business meetings and will be praised for their
proper conduct.

Moreover, in an interview, within the first five minutes, an interviewer makes a decision
based on one’s personality, dressing and mannerisms which is a strong reflection of the
grooming etiquette and the remaining time is spent on validating the first impression. It is
possible that the outcome is totally different after validation. Thus, it is very important for us
to thoroughly practice grooming etiquette and imbibe it into our personalities.

Grooming is also an essential part of our personal branding; it is the way we market ourselves
to the world. Regardless of the high-end brands we wear, if we are poorly groomed, we will
ruin our own image. Dandruff flakes on the collar, bad breath, scruffy shoes and untidy nails
act as instant repellents, driving away the people around us. While we have no power over
factors such as height and skin colour, we can surely exercise a bit of control over our
grooming etiquette.

Self-assessment Questions
1) Which of the following helps in developing our personal brand?
a) Grooming b) Body language
c) Facial expressions d) None of the above

2) Which of the following includes our facial expression, posture, position and
movement of our hands, arms, legs and feet?
a) Hygiene factors b) Body language
c) Grooming d) None of the above

3) We may have no power over factors such as height and skin colour, but we can surely
exercise a bit of control over our grooming etiquette. State whether this statement is
True or False.
a) True b) False

4) The aspect of grooming is important because of the following reasons:

i) Proper grooming etiquette helps in enhancing our personality
ii) Grooming etiquettes help us to project a better image in front of others
iii) Practicing proper grooming etiquettes are compulsory in every organisation
iv) None of the above
a) i, ii, iii b) i & iii
c) i, iii & iv d) i, ii, iii & iv

1.2.2 Essential Factors for Effective Grooming
A well-groomed person always has an added advantage over the others, and it is achieved
with the help of religious practice to inculcate the habit of grooming. Following are the
factors which needs to be considered while improving our grooming etiquettes.

1. Hygiene Factors: Our hygiene factors describe a lot about our personality. A person who
is neat and clean will surely have a competitive edge over others. Following are the factors
that constitute our hygiene:

a. Hair: Hair forms an essential part of our personality. It should be neatly combed. Any
funky hair style is not advisable as it may give a negative impression to others. We
should always try to keep our hair well-trimmed and clean and also avoid carrying any
messy hairstyle which may give us a shabby look. Loud hair colours are a strict no in
the office.

b. Odours: Odour is another part of the grooming aspect. Being odour neutral has
become essential, as we work in closed air-conditioned offices and any foul odour,
however mild, spreads quickly across the workplace and may create an uneasiness.
There are different categories of odour which are discussed below:

• Mouth odour: Bad breath is unacceptable in any gatherings and leaves a bad impact
on the others. Smoking and excessive drinking leads to bad breath. Also, our eating
habits and improper brushing may add on to it.

• Body odour: Sweating is natural as we live in a hot and humid tropical country. But
when excessive sweat gets trapped into our skin for several hours at a stretch, it leads
to bad odour. However, this odour can be easily eliminated with a daily shower and
the use of an anti-perspirant deodorant.

• Feet odour: This is a common problem in Indian offices especially among men, as
they wear shoes all day long. Wearing pure cotton socks and changing them daily can
make a huge difference. It is advisable to clean our shoes and socks and keep them in a
neat place with proper ventilation. Several anti-odour insoles/powders are available to
take care of the problem.

c. Hands and Feet: Although often neglected, well-groomed hands and feet show
attention to hygiene in detail and creates a positive impact. As a rule, men should clip
their nails short while women can wear nails up to medium length. Nail colour for
women should not be too loud and they can choose neutral colours for the office look.
Especially for women, nails should be neatly trimmed and clean.

d. Perfumes: We should wear perfumes which are subtle and restrict their fragrance to
our personal space. Heavier fragrances exude a certain image that can detract from
our professionalism or may even trigger uneasiness among the employees. It is
advisable to use lighter fragrances during the day and keep the heavier ones for
evening parties.

e. Body Piercing/Tattoos: We should keep away from body piercing and tattoos as it is
not only unhealthy and unhygienic but also not acceptable in an office. Body piercing
and displaying tattoos, displays a very untidy look and may ruin one's image.

2. Body Language: Body language forms an essential part of our personality and has the
power to make or break a deal. It is very essential to carry ourselves in a proper way as it
leaves a long-lasting impression over the others. Body language is non-verbal but
communicates volumes about our personality. Our body language includes our facial
expression, posture, position and movement of our hands, arms, legs and feet and it
conveys a lot of untold messages. Body language plays a pivotal role in expressing our
views and thoughts. We can appear engaged, interested, concerned, sympathetic,
disgusted, bored, nervous or anxious without even uttering a word with the help of our
body language. Body language can sometimes be difficult to control and we should ensure
that our body language reflects our words and intentions. When speaking with someone,
it is expected that we do not slouch, fidget or crowd the other person. It is unacceptable to
look around the room or play with our hair or jewellery or not have a proper eye contact
when in conversation with someone. Our body language should display a positive image
of our own self and we may achieve that by keeping in mind the below mentioned factors:

a. Standing: Our standing posture gives a hint of our personality. We should always
make sure that we keep our back and head up straight when we stand. This posture
gives a confident and a positive image of ourselves. Habits such as slouching, putting
our hands into pockets or folding our arms defensively may trigger a negative impact
on others and we might be misinterpreted for this unlikely behaviour.

b. Sitting: Our sitting posture also conveys a lot about our grooming etiquette. We
should sit with our back straight and our legs put together. It is unacceptable for
women to cross their legs while sitting as it gives a wrong impression. We should also
avoid shivering while sitting as it is a sign of nervousness.

c. Hand movements: Hand movements communicate important information. We

should try to express ourselves by proper hand gestures. Biting nails or itching our
head or picking nose during a conversation leaves a bad impression.

d. Facial expressions: Facial expressions are the easiest and the most convenient way to
express ourselves. They are a crucial part of our body language and no other part of
our body apart from our face can convey the immense richness of non-verbal
communication. Smiles are important signals of generosity and non-aggression. But
forced smiles leave a negative and an artificial impression. Likewise frowns signal
disagreement, disapproval and sometimes anger. Hence, we should be very careful
and see that our facial expression should not be misinterpreted.

Figure 1.2.1 – Grooming and body language etiquettes for men and women

3. Accessories: Proper accessories add a lot to our personality. For women, jewelleries such
as pearls, white gold, silver and precious stones look elegant in office rather than heavy
gold jewellery or funky neck pieces and earrings. Heavy accessories should not be worn
on a daily basis to office; however, it may be worn on an ethnic day or any other special
occasions in office such as any religious festivals or any other events. But it is always
advisable to wear a fine bracelet to give a sophisticated look. Women should also not carry
too heavy handbags or purses which may not go well with their office look. It is always
preferable for women to keep their make-up and accessories at minimum to look
professional. For men, it is advisable to have good quality accessories such as leather belt,
proper cufflinks, a folder, briefcase, handbag, watch, mobile cover, key chain, a clean
handkerchief etc. All tattoos must be covered while at work. Leather briefcases either in
brown or black are the best. Tie pins and cuff links add to our professional look. A proper
pad folio is required for holding important documents such as resumes, official
documents, reports etc. Pad folio should be in black, navy or dark brown and it is
preferable to have a leather or a synthetic material for a pad folio.

Figure 1.2.2– Accessories which must be avoided in office for both men and women

4. Clothing: Appropriate clothing and a proper dressing sense reflects our personality and
grooming etiquette. It is always advisable to wear tidy clothes, neatly washed and pressed.
Both men and women should wear well-fitted clothes and should avoid wearing loud
colours. It is also not advisable to wear something which is out of the box to office. Also,
we should make sure to remove tags, suit tacking stitches, loose threads, lint etc.

Figure 1.2.3– Do's and Don'ts of dressing for both men and women

Self-assessment Questions
5) Which of the following is not a healthy option to project at a workplace and may have
an adverse effect on our health?
a) Body piercing b) Strong perfumes
c) Mouth odour d) None of the above

6) It is essential to maintain hygiene and main a proper odour as we work in a close

environment and any kind of foul smell can ruin our image. State whether this
statement is True or False.
a) True b) False

7) Which of the following should be followed while developing a correct standing

i) Always make sure that our back and head are up straight.
ii) We should always cross our arms defensively while standing.
iii) Make sure that we do not slouch or put our hands into our pockets while standing.
iv) None of the above.
a) i, ii, iii b) i & iii
c) i, iii & iv d) iv


Analyse the above picture and list out the faults in their attire or in the grooming etiquette
altogether. Also describe the ways to improve on their grooming etiquette. Prepare a report
on the same.

1.2.3 General Guidelines for a successful Grooming
Our appearance is important not only in making the first impression but also in building
long-term relations that rely upon mutual respect and understanding. In the previous section,
we have learnt about the various factors that goes into improving our grooming etiquette.
Now, let us discuss the norms that goes into developing a proper grooming etiquette.

• Good hygiene is essential. It is advisable to take proper shower, use a mild deodorant
and perfume.

• Our nails should be properly trimmed and clean.

• Body hair should be trimmed so it doesn’t appear above our collar or below our
sleeves. If we are wearing an open collar shirt, chest hair should be groomed so it
doesn’t stick out.

• To carry a clean handkerchief to blot away perspiration.

• Hair should be clean and properly trimmed. It should not cover our face and should
be neatly combed.

• Our clothing, shoes and accessories should display a positive image of ourselves.
Clothes which are exposing and loud in colours should be avoided.

• To bring a leather or a synthetic material padfolio for holding documents.

• Not to smoke inside office premises or during an interview or a meeting.

• Chewing gums, eating candy during a business gathering or a meeting or in an

interview is unacceptable.

• It is advisable to turn our cell phones and any other electronic devices off during a
crucial meeting.

• Avoid noisy and squeaky shoes as they will disturb and distract everyone.

• The side pockets of our trousers should not be stuffed with too many items such as
mobile phones, wallets, etc., as it gives an untidy look.

• All noticeable body-piercings and tattoos should be concealed.

• Our body language and facial expression should be in sync with our thoughts and

• To avoid dramatic or severe hair styles for both men and women that can be
distracting or can project an unprofessional image.

TIP: Jewelry, Makeup, and Perfume

Should Be Subtle
Your accessories shouldn’t take the
attention away from you, and you never
know if the interviewer will be allergic to

TIP: Shoes Are Important

Men should wear polished
shoes, and women’s heels
should be of moderate height.

Figure 1.2.4–Essential tips on grooming for both men and women

Self-assessment Questions
8) Our appearance plays a crucial role in building a long lasting impression in front of
others and also helps in developing long-term relations. State whether this statement
is True or False.
a) True b) False

9) Which of the following aspects should be taken into account while maintaining good
i) Our nails should be properly trimmed and cleaned.
ii) We should always reach the interview on time.
iii) Make sure that we turn our cell phones and any other electronic devices off
during a crucial meeting.
iv) None of the above.
a) i, ii, iii b) i & iii
c) i d) i, ii, iii & iv

10) Our selection of proper clothing, shoes and accessories play a pivotal role in
projecting a proper image in front of others. State whether this statement is True or
a) True b) False


Do people notice you when you walk into a room? Do people say "Hi" to you directly
with a smile? If the answer is yes, then it is a great reflection on how you project
yourself. If people think that you display a positive image and you are approachable,
then they would definitely greet you and say," Hey, I am so happy to see you in the
room." or they can say, "It was a great pleasure working with you." That shows the level
of confidence you have built through proper grooming etiquette.

o Grooming is an essential aspect as it enhances our personality and projects a
positive image of ourselves.

o Grooming is an important part of our personal branding. With proper grooming

etiquettes, we can tactfully market ourselves to the world. Regardless of the high-
end brands we wear, if we are poorly groomed, we will ruin our own image.

o Our hygiene factors play a crucial role in building an everlasting impression. A

person who is neat and clean will surely have a competitive edge over others.

o Bad breath is unacceptable in any gatherings and leaves a bad impact on others.
Smoking and excessive drinking habits lead to bad breath.

o Body language forms an essential part of our personality and has the power to
make or break a deal. It is very essential to carry ourselves in a proper way as it
leaves a long-lasting impression over others.

o Proper accessories are an integral part of one's grooming etiquette. For women,
accessories such as pearls, white gold and minimal jewellery sports, a professional
look and for men, a decent tie, cufflinks, collar buttons, watches, belts, etc., are

o Facial expressions are the easiest and a comfortable way to express ourselves and
is an essential part of our body language. Our face can portray several emotions
very quickly and it is the most transparent mode of non-verbal communication.

Terminal Questions
1. Explain the concept of grooming.

2. What are the essential factors that should be taken care of for developing a
successful grooming etiquette? Elaborate on the same.

3. What are the essential factors comprising of a successful body language? Explain.

Answer Keys

Self-assessment Questions
Question No. Answer

1 a
2 b
3 a
4 a
5 a
6 a
7 b
8 a
9 c
10 a


Activity Type: Offline/Individual Duration: 30 Minutes

Description: As an interviewer, you have to assess around 30 candidates for the post of
Senior Sales Manager in an FMCG Company. What are the essential grooming etiquettes you
will look for in that candidate and why?

Case Study
Suman had his campus interview scheduled for the position of Assistant Finance Manager in
a reputed firm. He had a strong background in finance with excellent grades and had
prepared himself well for the role by taking up several short-term projects in the finance
domain. The interviewers impressed with his profile confidently shortlisted him for the

However, during the interview, the panellists were taken aback with the personality of Suman.
He was dressed in a crumpled shirt which he must have worn to three or four interviews and
hence had a dirty collar, sweat marks and even was stinking. Besides, Suman sported a
ponytail and a stud earring. His facial hair was unkempt, and his face looked as if he had not
slept for many days. When the interviewers asked him why he looked so tired, he replied that
due to the exam pressure in the college, he was not able to sleep. The interviewers noticed that
Suman was continuously rocking his chair, shaking and tapping his legs and whenever asked
a question, would either look at the ceiling fan or pick his nose. The interviewers were also
getting irritated with his frequent scratching of his left shoulders.

When they asked him to show his mark sheets, he replied that in a hurry to reach the venue,
he had left the folder in his hostel room. The interviewers lost interest to continue the
interview and concluded it in a few minutes. While leaving the interview room, Suman asked
the panellists for their business cards and when they shared their cards, Suman extended his
left hand to hold the cards. Without even looking at the cards, he put them in the back pocket
of his trousers. Though the interviewers were convinced of his academic pursuits, they had
strong reservations for his behaviour. Moreover, they also had apprehensions about his stress
and time management skills which are crucial in the corporate world and thus rejected him.


1. Analyse the case and find out ways through which Suman could have presented
himself in a proper way during the interview. What are the steps that Suman could
have possibly taken to avoid this mishap?

2. Does grooming and body language etiquette speaks volumes about our personalities?
Provide different views on the same.


• Corporate Dressing and Personal grooming. Retrieved on 6th November 2017,


• Corporate grooming, protocol and business etiquette. Retrieved on 6th November

2017, from

• Grooming and Appearance. Retrieved on 6th November 2017,from

Image Credits

• Figure 1.2.1

• Figure 1.2.2

• Figure 1.2.3

• Figure 1.2.4

External Resources

• Shital Kakkar Mehra (2012). Business Etiquette: A guide for the Indian Professional.
Collins Business: Mumbai

• DP Sabhrawal (2009).Personality Development Handbook. Prakash Books: New


• Vivek Bindra (2015). Everything about corporate Etiquette. Bloomsbury Publishing

PLC: New Delhi

• Rajiv K Mishra(2014). Personality Development: Transform yourself. Rupa

Publications: New Delhi

Video Links

Topic Link
Business Etiquette & Professional
Grooming yGE0
Grooming and Manners Matter
Confident Body Language Tips for Men
and Women Fkng



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