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Project Report



With reference to



Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of




(Regd no: 117152607005)

Under the guidance of


Department of Management Studies


Affiliated to Andhra university
2017 - 2020
Company / Organization Certificate

It is to certify that the project report entitled “OVER VIEW OF HR PRACTICES“submitted by

B.SIREESHA (Reg.117152607005) in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration of ANDHRA UNIVERSITY, Visakhapatnam comprises only my original work and
due acknowledgment has been made in the text to all other material used.

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other universities.

Date: (Reg. No: 117152607005)

This is to certify that the project report entitled “OVER VIEW OF HR PRACTICES ”with
reference to ““ is a bonafide work carried out by B.Sireesha (Reg No: 1117152607005) Under my
guidance and supervision for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of
ANDHRA UNIVERSITY , Visakhapatnam during year 2017-2020.

Date: Project Guide
Department of Management Studies
SaiSaranya Degree College

This is to certify that the project entitled “OVER VIEW OF HR PRACTICES submitted by
B.Sireesha(Reg No: 1117152607005) has been examined by the undersigned as a part of
examination for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, ANDHRA
UNIVERSITY , Visakhapatnam.

______________________ ___________________
Mis.G.GAYATHRI Signature
Internal Examiner External examiner


I sincerely acknowledge my grateful thanks to Sri.P.RAMANA, Chairman, Sai Saranya

Degree College for providing me opportunity and lending his support to do the project work.
My grateful thanks to Mr.PRAKASH RAO , Principal, Sai Saranya Degree College for giving me
an opportunity to do this project work.
My sincere thanks goes to Mr.DAKSHINA MURTHY for giving permission to carry out this work
and monitored my progress and arranged all facilities to make life easier.
I choose this moment to acknowledge, gratefully Mr.NAVEEN KUMAR Head, Department of
Management Studies for his contribution and support in completion of this project.
I am greatly indebted to Ms.G.GAYATHRI who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his
duties, took time out to hear, to guide and keep me on correct path.
Last but not the least, there are so many who shared valuable information that helped in the
successful completion of this project. I owe a great to all of them.

Reg. No: 117152607005


CHAPTER-I Introduction
Need for the Study

CHAPTER-II Industry Profile

Organization/Company Profile

CHAPTER-III Theoretical Frame Work of the Study

CHAPTER-IV Data Analysis and Interpretation

CHAPTER-V Summary and Suggestion.


Human Resource Management (HRM) has gained acceptance in both academic and commercial
circle. HRM is a multidisciplinary organizational function that draws theories and ideas from various
fields such as management, psychology, sociology and economics. There is no best way to manage
people and no manager has formulated how people can be managed effectively, because people are
complex beings with complex needs. Effective HRM depends very much on the causes and conditions
that an organizational setting would provide. Any Organization has three basic components, People,
Purpose, and Structure. In 1994, a noted leader in the human resources (HR) field made the following
observation: Yesterday, the company with the access most to the capital or the latest technology had
the best competitive advantage; 2 Today, companies that offer products with the highest quality are
the ones with a leg up on the competition.
That predicted future is today’s reality. Most managers in public- and private sector firms of all sizes
would agree that people truly are the organization’s most important asset. Having competent staff on
the payroll does not guarantee that a firm’s human resources will be a source of competitive
However in order to remain competitive, to grow, and diversify an organization must ensure that its
employees are qualified, placed in appropriate positions, properly trained, managed effectively, and
committed to the firm’s success. The goal of HRM is to maximize employees’ contributions in order
to achieve optimal productivity and effectiveness, while simultaneously attaining individual
objectives (such as having a challenging job and obtaining recognition), and societal objectives (such
as legal compliance and demonstrating social responsibility).
Performance appraisal is also known as employee evaluation, merit rating, employee assessment, etc.
It is a systematic process of appraising an employee’s current and past performance relative to his/her
performance parameters. The employee’s performance should be based on organizational
expectations and employee’s actual performance. The idea that performal evaluation improves
employee’s performance is not a new one but it is seen in the roots of development of mankind. Each
person is motivated when he is told about his actual perormance and accepts what were his/her
previous mistakes. Performance appraisal process may be held annually or monthly as per needed.

The need for studying overview of hr practices is to enlighten the knowledge of overview of
hr practices and that is following in the organization. The present study emphasizes the need of how
the organization fulfills its needs in overview of hr practices its human resources.

The key points of my research study are:

 To analyze the overview of hr practices of the organization.

 To make the more transparent in the organization.

 To suggest any measures/recommendations for the improvement of recruitment procedures.

 The study is to know that on what basis the organization is selecting a candidate.

 This study is to know the importance of recruitment and selection in the organization.

 To know if the organization is maintaining transparency in the process of hiring a candidate.


 To understand the functions done HR Department, jindal stainless steel.

 To determine how stainless steel maintain recruitment and selection process.
 To examine the training and development program practiced in Jindal stainless steel.
 To highlight the compensation and benefits provided by Jindal stainless steel.
 To know how Jindal stainless steel maintains employee relationship with their employees.
 To provide some recommendations to improve the HR practice of the Jindal stainless steel.
Generally research means analyzing and collecting the data regarding the selected topic and
editing the collected data and finally making a report in a formatted way regarding the
selected topic.

Methodology adopted is collection of information in a systematic manner in order to

analyze and verify a phenomenon.

The information is collected through primary and secondary sources during the course of the
study. That information was utilized for computing ratios after the analysis of which
interpretations were made.

Data collection methods:

Primary Data:
The primary data was obtained using the survey method. These include the distribution of
questionnaires and collection of data from key respondents and professionals pertaining to the
construction industry.
Secondary Data:
The data which is already documented by someone else for particular purposes are said tobe
secondary data. It is the data collected by someone other than the user. A clear benefit of using
secondary data is that much of the background work needed has already been carried out or
analyzed .Because the data already exists, you can evaluate them prior before using it.

Sampling design:
Sample is the small group taken under consideration from the total group. Therefore, I tried to
collected information from every kind of employee and manager from Aurobindo. Calculation of
sample size is based on simple random sampling technique for theproject.

 Sample space –Jindal stainless steel ltd

 Samples -Employees and Managers

 Sampling technique -Simple random sampling

 Sampling size – 100 employees


 The study is confined to a limited period.

 Due to the limited sample size the no. of opinions given by these respondents cannot be
attributed to the total employees in the organization.

 The study is based only on the questionnaire analysis. Hence the success ofthe
study depends highly on the answers given by therespondents.

 The approach was limited only to the questionnaires and records.

 Results here derived only by analyzing the questionnaires.

 Total study is based on reports available at JINDAL STAINLESS STEEL only.

 The scope of study is limited to JINDAL STAINLESS STEEL.


Chapter-1: Chapter one contain introduction, need for the study, scope of the study, objectives,
methodology and limitations.
Chapter-2: Chapter two describes industry profile and company profile.
Chapter-3: Chapter three consists of Theoretical frame work of the study.
Chapter-3: Chapter four shows the Data Analysis and Interpretation.
Chapter-4: Chapter five consists of summary, findings and suggestions.

Jindal stainless Steel industry one of the most important inputs to all sectors of the economy.
Steel industry is both a basic and a core industry. The economy of any nation depends on a
strong base of iron and steel industry in that nation. History has shown that the countries having
a strong potential for iron and steel industry have played a prominent role in the advancement in
the civilization in the world. Steel is such a items as nails, pins, needles etc., to surgical
instruments, agricultural implements, boilers, ships, railway materials, automobile parts. The
great investment that has gone into the fundamental research in iron and steel technology has
helped both directly and indirectly many modern fields of today’s science and technology. Steel
is versatile and indispensable item. The versatility of steel can be traced mainly of three reasons.
It is only metallic items, which can be converted and economically produced in tonnage quality.
It has got very good strength coupled with malleability.
Its properties can be changed over a wide range. Its prosperities can be manipulated to any extent
by proper hear treatment techniques.
Over view of the steel industry:
The Indian iron steel industry is nearly a century old with Tata iron & steel co (Tata steel) being
integrated steel plant being setup in 1907. Post independence the industry made a steady
progress. At present Indian is the 10th largest producer of steel in the world. In India, a major part
of steel is engineering applications. Followed by automobiles and constructions. The growth of
steel, as well known, is dependent upon the growth of the economy, industrial production and
infrastructure sectors. Over the last few years the performance of the Indian steel industry has
been adversely affected due to over capacity, cheap imports economic slowdown, declining
global exports. Most major steel companies, with the exception of Tata steel, have thus been
reporting losses.
Mining of the ore is key to the integration process. JSL stainless has chrome ore open cast mines
at sukinda, Orissa to support 40,000 tons per annum capacity Ferro chrome plant at Vizag. In
addition to this, JSL stainless has set up captive power plants, coke oven bat tries and submerged
Arc furnaces to produce Ferro Alloys. As part of this project, 2*60 MVA furnaces, largest in
India, with capacity of 150,000 tons per annum are already in operation and producing high
carbon faro chrome (HCFC). The state-of-the –art furnaces, and the briquetting press have been
supplied by SMS DEMAG AG, and kopernmarco of Germany respectively. The Ferro alloys
complex also comprises of 1*27.6 MVA Ferro manganese and2* 27.6 MVA Silicon manganese
furnaces supplied by sibeltherm, Russia to produce100,000 tons per annum. This complex is also
equipped with modern de-dusting, pollution control and waste management systems.

Ferro alloys refer to various alloys of iron with a high proportion of one or more other
element, manganese or silicon for example. It is used in the production of one or more other
element, manganese or silicon for example. It is used in the production of steels and alloys as
raw material. Ferroalloys are used to add characteristics of anti-corrosion and deoxidization.
They are a raw material to produce chemicals, welding electrodes and electrical.
Ferroalloys refer to various alloys of iron with a high proportion of one or more other element,
manganese or silicon for example. It is used in the production of steels and alloys as raw
material. It is used in the production of steels and alloys as a raw material. Ferroalloys are used
to add characteristics of anti-corrosion and Deoxidation. They are a raw material to produce
chemicals, welding electrodes and electrical equipment.
An alloy is metal that is composed of two or more different elements. For example, brass is
copper that has been alloyed with zinc (meaning it has some zinc added to it). Stainless steel is
iron that has been alloyed with chromium, and often nicked. Alloys all have different elements
they are composed of, and how much of each element is present.
 An alloy likes stainless steel is designed for corrosion resistance, whereas an alloy like
inconel (made from nickel, chromium) and small amounts of several other elements) is
designed to be able to operate at high temperatures.
 One property that almost all alloys have is that their melting point is lower than the pure
form oftheir base metal.
Ferro alloys producers have urged the center to raise the important duty from five percent to7.5
percent to product the domestic industry.
“The current level of duty is not sufficient to protect the domestic industry. The
government has over the years reduced the duty on Ferro alloys, resulting in domestic
players reducing capacity,” said TS Secretary general, the Indian Ferro alloy producers’
association (IFAPA).
The Indian Ferro alloys industry has a capacity of 4.04 million tones. According to
industry insiders, the output is enough to meet the steel industry’s requirement to produce
more than 120 million tons steel. The government has been reduced the duty since 2005-
06. It was brought down to nil in 2008-09. The duty was raised to five percent in 2009-10
following concerns raised by the industry. The imports shot up to187, 956 tons in 2009-
10 from 97,334 tons in 2005-06. The value raise to Rs1514.7 core in 2009-10 from Rs
591.34 core in 2005-06.

As a result the Indian industry was hit badly. At present, it is operating at 65 percent capacity.
 The industry fears that imports will rise further.
 Sundaresan said higher import duty would help the government raise more
 The industry is also demanding that power tariffs be brought on a par with
international prices, which it says are three to five time less in other Ferro alloy
producing countries.
 At the same time, the industry had told the government not to raise the import
duty on low as low phase metallurgical coke and Ferro nickel that are not
available in the domestic market.
 The industry has also asked the government to withdraw the inverse duty structure
in the noble ferroalloys sector to protect domestic Ferro vanadium producers, who
may have to stop operations for want of raw material.
 The producers are used as additives to produce high-grade steel used in
infrastructure, automobiles and tools. The industry is catering to the critical raw
material requirements of large steel producers like steel authority of India ltd.
Jindal stainless ltd and essar steel.
 All producers come under micro, small & medium enterprises and employee
about 10,000 people directly and indirectly.

The economic boom in china and India has led to massive increases in the demand for
steel over the past decade, contributing significantly to the 6% p.a. growth in world steel
demand from 2000-2005. In addition, several Indian and Chinese steel firms have risen
to prominence like metal steel (which acquired the world’s largest steel company , areole
steel to become the undisputed market leader), Tata steel (TISCO) (which bought the
world’s fifth largest steel company , Corus Group in 2007). ShanghaisbaosteelGroup
Corporation and shagging group.

cap to meet the accelerated demand, the industry, which is at present working near its
operative a city, is looking for new innovative in product maximization and cost cutting
technologies such as thin-slab casting, steel industry faced a sharp downturn. this was due to the
dual whammy of poor demand and shrinking liquidity in the global market place. Developed
countries, especially, saw construction and automotive industries all but come to a halt. Demand
from developing countries such as china, too, tapered off somewhat.
India has been a major global player in the iron and steel industry thanks in part to the
governmental support. Liberalization in the early nineties, which allowed massive foreign
investment and pricing autonomy, along with policies of unrestricted external trade, low import
duties, and an essay tax structures, have further stimulated growth of the industry.
Today India is the world’s 7th largest crude steel producing country. The premier steel plants
operating in India are bokaro steel plant at Jharkhand, Rourkela steel plant at Orissa, Durgapur
steel plant at west Bengal and Bhili steel plant at Chhattisgarh.
The steel industry employees people with many different skills and diverse knowledge, who have
the ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams. These include metallurgy, materials science,
physics, chemistry, engineering as well as mathematicies, it, languages, business, accountancy
and many other subjects. Most steel companies can offer challenging and rewardiningcareers,
often in an international context with opportunities for employees to quickly gain experience,
responsibility and leadership. Training and recruitment opportunities are available across various
functions, including manufacturing & production, engering& process development, technology,
R&D, product development and logistics, among others.

Candidates interested in this industry can be reassured of strong demand and lucrative
opportunities over the coming years, as local players expand their operations in both the
domestic and foreign markets. Players such as jindal stainless steel and Tata steel have
progressively grown in size and stature and continue to recruit an increasing number of top
caliber candidates across all areas of their business.
Although India's steel industry is growing at a rate higher than a lot of the other developing
countries, the effect of the worldwide economic slowdown can be felt in the dampened rate of
growth. With higher inflation and interest rates, the automotive and construction industry are
likely lower domestic demand in the short term. Slowdown in china might redirect some of its
production in the form of cheap imports to India.
Indian steel companies are ramping up their capacity through both Greenfield and Brownfield
projects. Small companies are developing niche sectors like this production of sponge iron. India
is the fifth largest producer of crude steel with 72 mpta capacity and the government has signed
222 memorandums of understand for an additional 276 mpta capacity. Although it is unrealistic
to believe that all MO US will be completed in this economic climate, the projection of the
ministry of steel that by 2015_2016 India will be the second largest producer of steel seems very
China, India and rest of Asia were spared from the Sharp economic slowdown and have retained
relatively high level of economic. However, the steel and other industrial sectors have been
plagued by the intermittent shortages of raw supplies like iron ore and domestic coking coal.
Sled is crucial to the development of any modern economy and is considered to be the back bone
of the human civilization. The level of per capita consumption of steel is treating as one of the
important indicators of socioeconomic development and living standard of the people in any
country. It is a product of large and technologically complex industry having strong forward and
backward linkages in terms of material flow and income generation. All major industrial
economics are characterized by the existence of a strong steel industry and the growth of many
of these economics has been largely shaped by the strength of their steel industries in their initial
stages of development.


Only after liberalization of steel sector, the exports of iron and steel have once again started
increasing. Thought the country's production of iron and steel is sufficient to meet the domestic
demand, some quantity of steel however is always needed to be imported. The finished steel
production in India has grown from a mere 1.1 million tons in 1951 to 26.71 million tones
in1999_2000. During the first two decades of planned economic development.i.e. 1950_60 and
1960_70 the average annual growth rate of steel production exceeded 8 percent. However, this
growth rate could not be maintained in the decades to follow. During 1970_80, the growth rate in
steel production came down to 5.7 percent per annum and picked up marginally to 6.4 percent
per annum and picked up marginally to 6.4 percent per annum during 1980_90. Though India
started steel production in 1991, steel exports from India began only in 1964. Exports in the first
five years were mainly due to recession in the domestic iron and steel market. Once domestic
demand revived. Exports from India began only in 1964. Exports in the first five years were
mainly due to recession in the domestic iron and steel market. Once domestic demand revived,
exports declined. India once again started exporting steel only in 1975 touching a figure of one
million tons of pig iron export and 1.4 million tons of steel export in 1976_77. Thereafter,
exports again fell rapidly to meet rising domestic demand, especially those grades and qualities
which are required in small quantities and therefore do not justify setting up of production
Today, India is the tenth largest steel producing country in the world. This sector represents
around 90000 cores of capital and directly provides employment to over 5 lakhs of people. The
Indian steel sector was the first core sector to be completely freed from the licensing regime and
the pricing and distribution controls. This was done primarily because of the inherent strengths
and capabilities demonstrated by the Indian iron and steel industry. During 19996_97, finished
steel production shot up to a record 22.72 million tons with a growth rate of 6.2 percent while the
finished Steel production increased in 1997_98 & 1998_99 was only 2.8 percent and 1.9 percent
respectively as compared to the 20 percent in 1995_96 and 6.2 percent in 1996_97. The growth
rate in 1999_2000 has, however, improved and stands at 12.1 percent. The production of finished
Steel during April September has been 14.65 million tons.
This fall in the growth rate of steel production has been brought about by several factors which
interalia include general slowdown in the industrial production and construction activities in the
country coupled with lack of growth in major steel consuming sectors.
The economic reforms and the consequent liberalization of the iron and steel sector which started
in the early 1990’s, brought about a sea of change in the industry, particularly in the field of
setting up of new/ Greenland steel plants in the private sector.
All India financial intuitions cleared 19 projects involving an annual capacity of about 13 million
tons of saleable steel at an investment of Rs 13,000 crores. Out of these, 8 projects have already
been commissioned with an annual capacity of 4.2 million tons. Four more projects have been
commissioned and are in trial production. Other projects are at various stages of implementation.
Thus it will be seen that n the years to come, the percentage production of the private sector will
be seen that in the years to come, the percentage production of the private sector will be much
larger than production of public sector in the steel industry.
Also adjusted in arriving at the consumption figures. Contribute about 11.449
million The long term projections of steel demand, which formed the basis of capacity
planning, during second and third five year plans were based on an optimastimic rise in per
capita consumption of steel and high absorption of steel in the economy. This optimism was
based on the growth rates of different sectors, structural changes in the economy and import
substitution. The finished steel consumption, which was only 18.66 million tons in 1994-95, has
increased to 25.01 million tons in 1999-2000.
India’s per capita crude steel consumption as per the figures available for 1997 was only 22kg,
which is far below the level of other developed and developing countries-395kg, 289kg and 84kg
in USA, the EU(15) and china respectively. The world average was around 126kgs in 1997. With
the ongoing economic liberalization resulting in faster economic growth, the steel consumption
is expected to increase rapidly apparent consumption of steel from the total of domestic
production and import arrived at by subtracting export of steel from the total of domestic
production and import of steel in the country. Change in stock isotones and 2.41 million tons
respectively. With Tesco’s contribution of 3.1 million tones of finished steel, the integrated steel
plants are expected to produce 16.959 million tons. The balance 21.053 million tons would be
from the secondary steel sector during 2001-02. In other words, the secondary sector is expected
to contribute about 55.4 percent of the availability of the finished steel in the country.
It will be seen that out of the total estimation of investment of Rs 52,174 corers in iron and steel
sector during IXth period made by the working group,, public sector’s contribution was expected
to account for about 38 percent and the balance 62 percent of the investment supposed to be
coming from private sector, but subsequently, the planning commission undertook a detailed
and in-depth exercise to determine the exact investment’, which the public sector undertakings in
the steel sector would be expected to make during the plan period. The planning commission has
finally approved a plan Outlay of Rs 19,197.88 crores for PSU’s for IXth five year plan. Total
approved outlay of Rs 19,197.88 crores includes a budgetary support of only Rs 90 crore, which
constitutes only 0.47 percent. The remaining investment proposed to be made by PSU’s will be
In so far as private sector is concerned, as mentioned earlier, the AH India financial Intuitions
have cleared 19 medium/large projects involving an annual capacity of approximately 13 million
tons of saleable steel and investment of over Rs 30,000 crores. Ministry of Steel has formulated a
well-knit scheme and investment for raisingtechnological and managerial skills, quick decision
making for product planning, man-power deployment etc.
The general policy and procedures for export and import of iron and steel, ferro alloys and ferro
scrap are at present decided by the ministry of steel has formulated a well-knit scheme in
consultation with ministry of steel. With the liberalization of India’s trade policy and
commencement of export-import policy for 5 years (from 1-4-1997 to 31-3-2002), the policy for
import of iron and steel materials has undergone sweeping changes, import of all steel is freely
Exports of all items of iron and steel are also freely allowed. Exports of high grade iron ore,
chrome ore and manganese ore are made through designated canalizing agencies subject to the
ceilings imposed by the government, in order to conserve high grade ores for domestic
consumption and production of value added materials. Consistent efforts are being made by the
ministry of steel/development commissioner for iron & steel to ensure adequate supplies of
domestic raw materials to meet requirements of engineering exporters.
India had been annually importing about 10to 15 lakh tons of steel. However, due to picking up
of domestic demand, the import of saleable steel in 1994-95 increased to 1.93 million tons. The
increase in import was mainly in hot rolled coils, cold rolled coils and semis. Import of saleable
steel during 1998-99 was about 1.8 million tons which was about 9% more than import in 1997-


India has already registered its presence in the global market in the recent years. While India
started steel production in the year 1911, steel exports from India started only in 1964. However,
steel exports have been sporadic in the initial years. From 1964 to 1968 India exported a large
quantity of steel mainly due to recession in the domestic iron and steel market. Subsequently,
exports declined with revival of domestic demand. India once again started exporting steel from
1975, touching a record export of steel in 1976-77, India exported 1 million tons of pig iron and
1.4 million tons of steel. Thereafter, exports again valued at Rs.283 crore. As a result of various
policy measures taken up by the government like liberalization of import-export policy,
introduction of flexibility in the advance licensing scheme and convertibility of rupee on the
capital account, the export of iron & steel showed a quantum jump to 2.92 million tons valued at
Rs. 1978 core in 1993-94. In 1995-96, the export was of the order of 2.79 million tons valued at
Rs. 2,275 crore. The export of iron & steel was 2.4 million tons valued at Rs.2937 crore. During
1998-99, the export of iron and steel was 2.4 million tons valued at rs.2,509 crores; the decline is
attributable to the global slowdown in the steel sector.
With the onset of liberalization, the steel industry has now to gear-up, not only to domestic
competition in terms of product range, qualityand price. The growth of steel sector is
intricately linked with the growth of the steel consuming sectors. India has become self
sufficient in iron and steel materials in the last 3-4 years. Exports are raising andimports
are falling. Production and production capacities are increasing. This position needs to be
further consolidated and issues affecting production and consumption need to be further
consolidated and issues affecting production and consumption need to be resolved on a
continuous basis. At the same time, productivity of our steel plants must be maintained
at levels in helping the steel industry to overcome bottlenecks in the growth of this
sector. With these efforts, the IXth plan projection for finished steel of 32 million tons
for domestic consumption and 6 million tons of export can be achieved, as also the
projections for availability of 3.75 million tons of pig iron and 6.18 million tons of
sponge iron. India is already recognized as a global player in the steel industry and this
sector is poised to play a key role in the international steel scenario by the turn of the

About JINDAL stainless limited:

Strengthening our roots in integration & innovation a part of the o p jindal group, jindal stainless
limited (formerly JSL stainless ltd.) is india’s largest and the only fully integrated stainless steel
manufacturer. Jindal stainless slimited has grown from an indigenous single-unit stainless plant
in hisar, Haryana, to present multi location and multi-product conglomerate.
Jindal stainless limited is a globally recognized producer of stainless steel flat products in
austentic, ferritic, martensitic and duplex grades. The product range includes ferroalloys,
stainless steel slabs & blooms, hot rolled coils, plates, cold rolled coils and specialty products
such as razor blade steel, precision strips and coin blanks.
Jindal stainless limlted has initiated strategic growth plans in both domestic and international
markets and has made investments towards capacity expansions through forward and backward
Driven by its focus on sustained growth & value addition in its products and services, jindal
stainless limited has led the way with continous innovation. In addition to its stainless
manufacturing facility, jindal stainless limited has established an extensive distribution network
through its service centers and warehouses.with its well-established distribution network in both
domestic and an overseas market, jindal stainless limited is well equipped to serve its customers
from its stainless steel manufacturing facilities at hisar and odisha.
Jindal stainless’s stainless steel capacity after full expansion at odisha will about 2.5millon tons
per annum.
Shri om prakesh jindal more popularly known as o.p. jindal was born on august 7,1930 to a
farmer late netram jindal. Since his child hood the young jindal interested in technical work. He
started his industrial career with a small bucket- manufacturing unit in hisar. In 1964, he
commissioned a pipe unit jindalindia limited, followed by a large factory in 1970 under the name
jindal strips limited.
Sh. Jindal always had the conviction that india should be self-reliant in every sector of industry.
He visited several foreign countries to elicit latest industrial technical development and know-
how, which he aptly applied to enhance production of his industrial establishment. With the
growth of industrial establishments he created thousands of jobs in backward areas, built schools
and hospitals and was the minister of power in Haryana at the time of his trgic death in a
helicopter crash in 2005.
In November 2004, jindal was conferred the prestigious “life time achievement award” for his
outstanding contribustion to the Indian steel industry by the Bengal chamber of commerce &
industry. His life’s mission was to help others particularly the common man in every possible
way. The list of his philanthropic activities is rather long. He was the chairman of n.c.jindal
charitable trust under whose auspices jindal institute of medical sciences, vidyadevijindal school
and op jindal modern school run. As a social reformer, he was dedicating his maximum time for
alleviating poverty of the economically backward people. Shjindal always advocated for granting
a rightful place for weaker sections in politics. He firmly held the view that all differences in life
that exist today can be amicably resolved with meaningful meetings and dialogues. For these
qualities he commanded great respect amongst the masses.
Like industry even in politics he had a successful story to tell. He received tremendous support
and cooperation of people in the political arena and resultantly became a member of the Haryana
legislative assembly in 1991. Soon after sin 1996, he was elected as a member of parliament in
the 11thloksabha from the kurukshetra parliamentary constituency of Haryana with a landslide
victory. Infact, he was the first industrialist of india to be elected as a member of parliament in
lokshaba. Sh. Jindal was a sitting congress MLA from the hisar legislative assembly and was
appointed minister of power. Govt of Haryana at the time of his tragic death. Sh. Jindal won the
hisar legislative assembly seat of Haryana consecuitively thrice.
Sh. Jindal’s mantra was “where others saw walls he saw doors”. Then whether it was opening
doors or breaking down walls he always led the way. The life journey of sh. Op Jindal from a
framer’s son to a successful industrialist, a philanthropist, a politician and a leader would serve
as a great source of inspiration for generations to come.

The jindal group, over the last three decades has emerged as one of india’s most dynamic
business groups. Founded by mr. op Jindal , the group today is a multi billion, multi location,
multinational and multi-product steel conglomerate. From mining of iron ore, the group produces
hot-rolled and cold rolled steel and stainless steel products, high grade pipes, value added
galvanized and other items and has also diversified into power generation. The jindal group has
manufacturing units across india, us and Indonesia and marketing offices across the globe.
The jindal group today is a global player, with its products accessing even the remotest global
markets. It is committed to maintain world-class quality standards, efficient delivery schedules,
competitive price and excellent after sales service.
The group 14 constituent companies with the sub-groups being headed by
four sons of Mr. OP Jindal.
Our group companies Jindal stainless steel way ltd.Jindal stainless steel way ltd., the domestic
jindal stainless service centre network, offers convenient, customized, just-in-time services to the
doorsteps of its customers. The company has partnered with steel way s.r.l., a leading Italian
company in the business of distribution and processing of steel, to service its valued customers
wiyh exact slit, cut to size, polished stainless steel sheets, coils and blanks conforming to highest
standards of processing tolerances.
Our service centre facilities in gurgaon, Mumbai and Chennai are installed with state-of-the-art,
high-end precision sliting, cut to length, blanking and polishing lines supplied by leading
equipment manufacturers such as FIMI & IMEAS of Italy and IDH &daehwa of south korea.
Each service centre has a capacity of 135000 tons per annum and in addition, gurgaon service
centre has polishing capacity of 6000 tons per annum
Some of the many services offered are:
 Customized stainless steel products
 Inventory management
 Technical value engineering
 Ware housing
 Material testing

A similar service center will soon be operational at vadodara in gugrat.

In addition, a larger service centre will be set up in jaipur, odisha with the 1.6 million tons per
annum integrated stainless steel plant.
JSL life style ltd. (brand: arttd’inbox)
Styling life styles
Arttd’inox is the exciting new form of ultimate style. The name translates to ‘the art of stainless
steel’. And that’s precisely what it is- works of art in stainless steel. Arttd’inox has been set up
with the objective of creating exclusive stainless steel lifestyle products, which are synonymous
with quality, beauty and functionality. The professionally qualified-house design team is
dedicated to exploring the frontiers of design and the product is a celebration of both form and
function. The range encompasses tableware, serving ware, gifts, home and office aceessories.
JSL Architecture Ltd. (Brand: are)
Constructing confidence, building trust
Stainless steel is a material par excellence, which now seeks to permeate through Indian
architecture. The architecture division launched by jindal stainless has taken the initiative to
promote stainless steel products and technology solutions to cater to the emerging markets of
stainless steel for architecture, building and construction in india.
The architecture division of jindal stainless is capable of providing a full range of technical
support services including design, engineering work, fabrication of quality material, finishes and
job site supervision by trained personnel.
The division has completed many projects specially those of steel furniture, café tetja furniture,
modular kitchens, lighting and Signac apart from other architectural requirements.
 To be amongst the top 10 stainless steel producers in the world
 To gain international recognition for cost leadership, product innovation and customer
 To be admired as a socially responsible corporate and a sustained value creator for all its

Stainless steel:
Stainless steel – an anti- corrosive aesthetics product is produced with unique two stage
liquid steel processing technology. It is the most recycled commodity with varied product life
cycle depending upon usage. Stainless steel products offer immense market potential for
industrial, infrastructure, transportation, home, architectural and construction applications.
Types of stainless steel:
Stainless steel grades are essentially alloys of iron with more than 10.5% choromium. these
grades may contain additional elements of nickel, manganese, carbon, nitrogen and silicon.
They can further be modified for special purposes by addition of molybdenum, titanium,
niobium, silicon, sulphur etc. a wide range of these grades have been developed based on
specific requirements. These are classified into following categories based on their micro
Austenitic stainless steel:
Austenitic stainless steel grades are characterized by superior corrosion and oxidation
resistance, weld ability, ductility and toughness compared to ferritic and martenstic stainless
steel grades for similar levels of chromium. Austenitic stainless steel grades exhibit excellent
resistance to atmospheric corrosion. They effectively withstand attack of organic acids (e.g.
acetic, lacto, citric etc.), exhibit good resistance to oxidizing acids (e.g. nitric acid) and fair
resistence to mineral acids (e.g. sulfuric acid). These grades are well suited for severe
forming. Some grades work harden to a high degree while others have been developed to
minimize this tendency. work hardening is advantageous in certain cases where high strength
is required. Austentic stainless steel grades are nonmagnetic in annealed condition but
depending on composition, they may become mildly magnetic when cold worked. These
stainless steel grades possess good high temperature properties such as creep strength and
resistance to oxidation or scaling. They also exhibit excellent low temperature ductility and
impact strength. Austenitic stainless steel grades can be readily fabricated by bending,
drawing, spinning, punching, drilling, machining and welding and can be readily polished to
a high finish. Theses attributes make them very versatile and popular for diverse applications
in a variety of industries. There are two broad categories of austentic stainless steel chrome
nickel (300 series) and chrome manganese (200 series). Currently, chrome-nickel is the
largest produced stainless steel category globally. Typical applications for this category
include food processing, chemical plants, pharmaceutical equipment, hospitals, textile,
architectural, building construction, kitchenware, consumer durables etc. chrome-manganese
stainless steel is the fastest growing of stainless steel categories on account of its high
performance to cost ratio. Its applications include kitchenware, cutlery, sinks, automotive
trim, architectural, buildings, furniture, buses, trains and ornamental tubes.
Martensitic stainless steel:
Martensitic stainless steel grades are plain chromium grades containing 11.5% to 18% of
chromium with relatively high carbon content (0.1%-1.2%). Initially developed for cutley,
these are well suited for applications requiring high hardness and resistance to abrasion and
erosion. These grades are magnetic and display fair cold forming characteristics. Although
these can be hardened by air cooling, oil quenching is sometimes used to assure uniform
hardening. These grades can be welded but require stress relieving after welding. They
exhibit their best corrosion resistance in the hardened condition and perform well in mildly
corrosive environments. martens tic stainless steel grades are commonly used for knife
blades, surgical instruments, fasteners, shafts, spindles, valves and pins.
Ferritic stainless steel:
Ferritic stainless steel grades are non-hard enable plain chromium grades with chromium
content varying from 10.5% to 28% and with low carbon content. These are magnetic and
exhibit a better resistance to corrosion than martens tic grades. These grades are employed in
applications where the desired formability, weld ability and corrosion resistance is between
those of martens tic and austenitic types. The ferrites can be polished or buffered to achieve
high luster.
Duplex stainless steel:
Duplex stainless steel grades contain relatively high chromium (between 19% and 28%) and
moderate amounts of nickel (1% to 8%). This combination of ferrite and austenitic structures
is called duplex. Many of these grades contain molybdenum (1% to 5%) and nitrogen (0.05%
to 0.3%). Some duplex stainless steel grades also contain manganese (up to 5%), corrosion
cracking and chloride ion attack and have higher yield strength than that of austenitic or
ferritic steel grades. These properties combined with suitable design lead to material saving,
high quality fabrication and welding are possible if the operator is trained well. These grades
are used in marine applications, offshore platforms, paper and pulp industry, chemical,
petrochemical and desalination plants.
Krome 16+
The ideal “food contact” stainless steel for kitchenware.
Its unmatched advantages make it the best replacement for 200 and 300 sreies in the cook
ware & utensil applications.
What is krome 16+
Krome 16+ from jindal stainless is a branded stainless steel in coil form conforming to AISI
430 grade it is a ferritic solution offering many advantages in the manufacture of cookware
and utensils.
Chromium (not Nickel, as is sometimes imagined) is the key ingredient for the corrosion
resistance of stainless steels. Krome 16+ contains minimum16+ chromium for high corrosion

Advantages of krome16+:
 Superior thermal conductivity over 200 and 300 series stainless steels. This help in
conducting heat more evenly than austenitic grades resulting in heating the food must
faster and saving fuel in cooking.
 Excellent high temperature oxidation resistance upto 800c making it less prone to
scaling than austenitic grades.
 Expands and distorts less than austenitic grades when heated due to lowexternal
 No risk of delayed cracking unlike austenitic grades.
 Costs les since it has no nickel. Copper and has very low manganese.
 Stable price.
 Brilliant & lustrous aesthetic appeal.
 Its lower density leads to 2-3% more utensils of same size per ton of sheet compared
to austenitic grades.
Ease of fabrication:
 Exhibits excellent deep draw ability.
 Very well suited to all methods of forming stainless including bending drawing, stretch
forming and spinning.
 Easier to cut and work than austenitic grades.
 Requires less powerful machines for fabrication.
 Generates less tool wear.
 Comparatively lesser spring back than austenitic grades after cold forming.
 Higher yield in utensil manufacture.

Krome 16+ fully conforms to international standards for food

equipment/contact materials:
 American national standard NSF/ANSI 51 (2007).
 French standard NFA 36-711 (APRIL2002).
 French decree no. 92-631 (8.7.1992).
 European regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004(27.10.2004)
 Chrome manganese.
 JINDAL STAINLESS is the largest producer of chrome manganese stainless steel in the
world. Share of cr-mn grade has witnessed the fastest growth in global stainless steel
consumption in recent past helps in sustainable growth of stainless steel through
minimizing substitution by other competing material.
 Typical applications.
 Due to their good formability, weldabilty and corrosion resistence.
 JINDAL STAINLESS 200sreies grades can be used for applications as detailed below:

cookers deep down utensils, Pressure utensils, kitchen sinks, milk cans,& 204 cu food
processing, water filters, storage vessels.
ISO 9001: 2008 certification of the plant is a testimony to our commitment. In
addition. Hisar operations are also certified for AD2000-Merkblatt WO and PED 97/23/EC to
enable us to be a prepared and certified supplier of stainless steel flat HR & CR products for
pressure vessel, processing &Ainedindustries.ISO 140001: 2004 AND OHSAS 180001:2007
Systems certification of plant assure our commitment towards the environment and for providing
a safe work place for our employees. For ensuring quality at every step, the production processes
are constantly monitored and controlled ensuring that the finished products are as per customer’s
requirements. The plant has well equipped laboratories with a battery of modern equipment.
Stainless steel plumbing:
Why stainless steel
 Corrosion resistant
 Hygienic, food grade material
 Quick safe and reliable installation
 Maintenance free

Drinking water:
Clean & hygienic water is the key to good health. If the pipes carrying water to
ourtaps corrodes, then scaling, corrosion products and precipitates from water deposit on the
surface of the pipes. Such deposits are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Stainless steel has good corrosion resistance and is therefore one of the most preferred materials
for use in pipes & fittings in plumbing systems.
Stainless steel plumbing system
Pipe fittings
Grade AISI-304,AISI-316L AISI-304,AISI-316L
Standard JIS 3448 JWWA G116

Product specification
JIS Size Outer Diameter(mm) Wall Thickness (mm)
15 15.88 0.8
20 22.22 1.0
25 28.58 1.0
32 34.00 1.2
40 42.70 1.2
50 48.60 1.2
 Pipe cutter
 Gauge
 Pressing tool

 Drinking water
 Solar water heating
 Compressed air
 Sprinklers
 Fire extinguishing systems
 Fresh water

Stainless steel press fittings:

 Coupler
 Reducer
 Slip coupling
 Elbow
 Tee
 Reducing tee

Been to promote a corporate spirit based on shared values and integrated synergies, nuture a high
performance work place and foster an engaging environment. our people processes are designed
to ensure that our people grow in equal acceleration to the company’s expanding canvas.
Hiring, providing carreer development for and retaining key talent are integral to our people
processes. Jindal stainless competency based recruitment practice identifies the best applicants
through a process that measures technical expertise, leadership capabilities and culture fit and
enable increased quality of hires. We are a preferred employer in our sector and continue to
attract top talent in the industry.
Jindal stainless firmly believes in the linkage between developing leaders and achieving high
performance. The company makes considerable investments in leadership development. We
identify talent early and groom people through a series of varied assignments to prepare them for
future roles. This is reinforced through EXCEED- in integrated leadership development program
which aims to achieve excellence through enhancing the leadership potential at jindal stainless.
In addition to on-the-job experience. We provide technical, functional and leadership skills
training. Senior leaders also act as mentors and coaches for younger managers, helping them
develop the skills necessary to lead large businesses.
jindal stainless competency based career progression program reemphasizes jindal stainless
leadership competencies while building on feedback for learning areas for participants. Based on
a univocal and integrated system that is fair and objective it bring to the centre continous
development and potential assessment of managerial talent pool. The company recently
announced strategic top team role changes as a leadership development strategy.
Jindal stainless has developed a target based performance management system-“GROW-growth
and reward for our work” which instutionlizes the process of annual target setting and reward at
the company level, functional level and individual level.
A variety of in-house communication platform promote information sharing through VC& MD
open houses, departmental meetings, open forums and newsletters. J-connect, an active intranet
and knowledge centre support information dissemination and enhance integration of jindal
stainless beliefs & values. Jindal stainless regularly gauges employee satisfaction and well being
through dipsticks, feedbacks, exit interviews, NJIP etc. an employee index of 3.1 on scale of 4
for employee satisfaction survey has reaffirmed jindalstainless’s belief in the way we build teams
and nurture human talent.
Jindal stainless’s human capital continues to appreciate in the profile and caliber of its people.
Our director’s put on record their sincere appreciation towards its strong 5000 human
Human resource initiatives:
The hallmark of jindal stainless HR practices is to develop a
winning employee value proposition. Supporting this practice are our structured systems and
processes to ensure that our people grow in equal acceleration to the company’s expanding
canvas. Jindal stainless philosophy is to attract the right talent by creating an employee value
proposition. Jindal stainless offers employee value proposition in terms of supportive work
climate, opportunity for learning, rewards, and ethical practices.
Jindal stainless is an equal opportunity employer and does not differentiate on the basis of
gender, caste, creed. Nationality. Jindal stainless follows a policy of no discrimination in its
hiring, and retention program, the only differentiation we follow is meritocracy.
HR Awards & honors:
CII- National excellence award 2009
Jindal stainless limited the flagship company of OP jindal group was
conferred the confederation of Indian industry (CII) national HR excellence award 2009
commendation for ‘strong commitment to human resource excellence at the HR conclave 2010
held on 23 rdjuly 2010 at hotel lalit.
The hr excellence awards are constituted by CII to recognize the strength of HR processes of an
organization. The CII-HR excellence model is based on the CII-Exim bank evcellence award
encompassing all aspects of human resource management and acts as a practical tool for:
1) A self-assessment model for measuring the current status and thus identify the gaps to
stimulate solutions
2) A framework to position various HR initiatives and identify gaps.
3) A basis to develop common understanding of various terms used in the HR management.

The eligibility of the award based on a three step process beginning with the submission of an
initial application document on jindal stainless people processes which comprised jindal stainless
overview, leadership processes which comprised jindal stainless overview, leadership processes,
HR strategy & processes, people knowledge and competencies, employee well being and
engagement. As part of the second step, an eminent panel of assessors from CII conducted a site
visit jindal stainless during 16-18th march 2010 for meeting with the leadership team and
assessing various aspects of HR excellence. As the next step the scores and feedback report by
the assessor panel was evaluated by an eminent panel of jury. As part of the process more than
40 companies participated in the process
We firmly believe that corporate growth is strengthened by our efforts in the area of environment
protection and making a greater tomorrow. The company believes in going beyond mere
compliance with applicable legislation to create a healthy environment both with in and outside
our establishments. Our operations have a fully equiped environment management infrastructure
in place, with suitable processes and technology to manage our business without adversely
impacting the environment.
Environment conservation measures are being carried out through various initiatives, from tree
plantation to town beautification and aesthetic promotion. Issues relating to industrial pollution
are also being addressed in a very structured manner especially in the state of odisha.
Jindal stainless has its work practices aligned with international occupational health and safety
standards (OHSAS) and our plant at hisar is ISO 14001 EMS certified.
Women empowerment at the corporate level:
Jindal stainless limited is also committed to the UN Women empowerment principles and has
signed a statement confirming the same to the UN headquarters. Brig, rajiv Williams, corporate
head CSR, was invited as a speaker at the UN conference held at new York and gave a
presentation live over video link on the progress made by jindal stainless limited on the
statement of commitment signed by mr.Ratan Jindal, VC & MD and submitted to the UN
secretary general.
The UN has invited jindal stainless limited to be a member of an international leadership group
being formed at the UN.
Global compact network:
The global compact is a strategic policy initiative for business that are committed to aligning
their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human
rights, labour, environment and anti-curruption. By doing so, business, as a primary driver of
globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways
that benefit economies and societies everywhere.
Jindal stainless Ltd is an active member of the global compact network and abides by its
principles. We are also a part of the human rights core grou have taken forward the human rights
agenda we have been organizing various awareness generation programmers at various locations.
Vice chairman
Deputy managing director
Executive director
Whole time director
Vice president
General manager
Deputy general manager
Assistant general manager
Deputy manager
Assistant manager
Sr. Executive
Work men
 Human resources & administration
 Accounts
 Production
 Mechanical and maintenance
 Electrical
 Purchase
 Stores
Human resources & administration department
Accounts department
Production department
Mechanical and maintenance department
Electrical department
Purchase department
Stores department
Marketing products safety.
reducing rework and rejection.
latest technology products and process.
skill enhancement of employees.
To achieve high quality with low cost. Improve the communication skills of workmen
reduce the cost of company.
To achieve the product 40000 tones per annum. To maintain industry with fetal accident.
Improve safety measures and make a safety zone industry.
Raw materials for Ferro Chrome Production:
Chrome ore, coke and coal are basic raw materials used for the production of
“ferrochrome”. Coke and coal are used as reluctant to reduce chrome ore to produce
ferrochrome. Quartz, magnetite and bauxite etc are used as fluxes depending up on the chrome
ore analysis to maintain the fluidity of molten metal and slag in the furnaces for easy tapping the
liquidate into cost iron receptacles.
2007-2008 Structure of Jindal Management:
Chairperson: smt.Savitrijindal
Vice chairman and managing director: sh. Rattan jindal
Managing director & chief operating officer: sh. R.g.garg
Director – strategy & business development: sh. Arvindparakh
Director – corporate affairs: sh. N.c.mathur
Directors: sh. Naveen jindal, sumanjyotikhaitan, l.k.singhal&t.r.sridharan
Executive director: sh. Rajinderprakesh&n.p.jayaswal
Sr.vice president & company secretary: sh. A.p.garg
Jindal industries limited
Jindal steel & power limited
Jsw steel limited
Jindal saw limited
Nalwa steel & power limited (formerly nalwa sponge iron limited)
Achievements and Awards: Year AWARDS

1 2005

2 2011

3 2012

4 2012

5 2014

6 2014

7 2015

8 2015

9 2017

10 2017

11 2017

12 2017

13 2018

14 2018



The success of any business depends as much on appropriate, effective, well-communicated,
HR and business practices as it depends on meeting the requirements of mandated laws and
regulations. In fact, good planning and the development of effective practices make regulatory
compliance much easier.HR practices helps in increasing the productivity and quality, and to
gain the competitive advantage of a workforce strategically aligned with the organization’s goals
and objectives.
The impact of Industrial liberalization in the domestic economy since 1991 has been very strong.
The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is being nurtured for an exponential growth, since this
period. The Indian Pharmaceutical industry, till the 1990’s was far from external competition.
After the process patent regime in India, companies found it easier to reverse engineer products
and sell them at a low cost. However, the 1990s witnessed multiple crises hitting the industry.
The new industrial policy leads the industry to face increased competition from multinational
corporations (MNCs). Further the Indian Pharmaceutical industries’ were compelled to grow by
product innovation and not reverse engineering, after signing of the TRIPS (Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). Every company wants to be world class and serve as a
benchmark for this transition efforts where required in various directions
Human Resources Management practices refer to organizational activities directed at managing
the pool of human resource and ensuring that the resources are employed towards the fulfillment
of organizational goals (Schuler & Jackson 1987). In the globally competitive and challenging
business scenario, the success of the Indian industry besides other factors will be to a great extent
influenced by how it manages its human resources – the employees who make things happen.
The traditional man management practices have undergone a sea change.

The scope of overview of hr practices is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations.
Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence, hiring right
resources is the most important aspect of practices.. Every company has its own pattern of
overview policies and procedures.

The scope of overview of hr practices includes the following operations −

 Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

 Preparing the practices for different categories of employees

 Analyzing the overview policies, processes, and procedures of the organization

 Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement

 Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations

 Choosing the best suitable process of practices for effective hiring of resources

Any organization wants it future to be in good and safe hands. Hence, hiring the right resource
is a very important task for any organization.


 Providing security to employees

 Selective hiring: Hiring the right people

 Self-managed and effective teams

 Fair and performance-based compensation
 Training in relevant skills
 Creating a flat and egalitarian organization
 Making information easily accessible to those who need it

 To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualisation.

 To develop and maintain the quality of work life (QWL) which makes employment in
the organisation a desirable personal and social situation.

 To help maintain ethical policies and behaviour inside and outside the organisation.

 To establish and maintain cordial relations between employees and management.


Performance appraisal is defined by Carrol&Schneider (1982) as “the process of identifying,
observing, measuring, and developing human performance in organization”. Identification
criteria initiate the appraisal process to determine what has to be examined. The observation
criteria indicate that the supervisors need to frequently observe the identified characteristics. The
measurement component means that the superior (manager) has to translate the observations into
a judgmental rating. The performance appraisal by development component shows that the
performance appraisal should not only be the evaluation of the past. The supervisor or manager,
who makes the appraisal, should also focus on the future and on the improvement of the results.
It is also suggested by the definition that effective appraisal can improve the human performance
in the organization, which also indicates increased employee motivation. Performance appraisal
can and should be linked to process of performance improvement and used to identify training
needs and potential future objectives, support a career development and solve existing problems.
 Performance appraisal helps supervisors to assess the work performance of their

 Performance appraisal helps to assess the training and development needs of


 Performance appraisal helps to assess the training and development needs of


 Performance appraisal provides grounds for employees to correct their mistakes, and it
also provides proper guidance and criticism for employee’s development.

 Performance appraisal provides reward for better performance.

 Performance appraisal helps to review the potentially of employees that their future
capability is anticipated.


The performance appraisal systems comprise of job description, performance standards and
observation of employee performance as explained hereunder.
Job Description:

Job description involves listing of essential functions and the tasks to be done under each job. It
is a process of collecting, analyzing, and documenting the important facts systematically about a
job. It also provides a basis for job related selection procedures and performance standards. It
specifies the specific job functions and tasks; the functions and tasks which are essential; the
percentage of time typically spent performing each function; the skills, knowledge and abilities
required to perform the job successfully; and the physical and mental requirements of the
Job specification:

Also known as employee specifications, a job specification is a written statement of educational

qualifications, specific qualities, level of experience, physical, emotional, technical and
communication skills required to perform a job, responsibilities involved in a job and other
unusual sensory demands. It also includes general health, mental health, intelligence, aptitude,
memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional ability, adaptability, flexibility, values and
ethics, manners and creativity, etc.

Performance Standards:
Performance standards describe how well a job should be performed. The performance standards
offer a benchmark to evaluate the actual work performance. When performance standards are
developed in collaboration with the employees for whose positions they are being developed, it
is highly likely that the standards will be appropriate to the requirements of the job; reflect the
realities of the work context and conditions; be understood by the employee and performance
manager; be accepted by the employee and the performance manager.
Observing Employee Performance:
As part of performance appraisal, managers must constantly observe the work performance of an
employee and provide appropriate feedback to him / her. Feedback should be based on the
observation of work related behavior. Such observation of employee behavior enables the
management to identify the shortcomings in his / her performance. This facilitates an employee
to be successful at the job by 63 continuously developing his or her skills, knowledge and
competency. Wherever a manager cannot directly observe an employee’s performance it is
desirable to put in place a process that enables the management to know how they are
functioning from time to time.
The most critical part of performance appraisal is assessing, summarizing and developing the
work performance of an employee. At least once in a year, every employee enjoys the benefit of
looking at his performance appraisal done objectively against the set standards by the manager.
Meeting and discussing of manager with the employee about the appraisal process before writing
is desirable as it fosters mutual understanding of the extent of process in order to enhance the
employee’s acceptance of the outcome.
Traditional Methods
Essay Appraisal Method:
In this method, appraiser rates the employee in an open-ended manner and put down his
impressions about the employee on a continuous basis. These impressions relate to strong and
weak points of the employee’sbehavior. In essay appraisal methods, appraiser takes note of
various factors such as (1) Job knowledge and skills exhibited by the appraise while performing
his job; (2) Appraisers’ relationship with the employees and manager; (3) Appraisers personality
traits and attitude towards his job, peers, manager and the organization; (4) Appraisers’
understanding and commitment to organization’s goals and objectives; and (5) Appraisers’
potential for organizational future roles. This method is the simplest evaluating method in which
evaluator writes an explanation about employee’s strength and weakness points, previous
performance, positional and suggestions for his/her performance improvement at the end of
evaluation term.
With this technique, the rater (appraiser) considers certain features and marks these features
according to a scale. The selected features are likely to be analytical ability, cooperativeness,
dependability, self-expression, job knowledge, leadership and organizing ability; and graded as
A-Outstanding, B-Very good, C- Average, D-Fair, E-Poor and F-Very poor. The actual
performance of an employee is then compared with these grades and he / she is allotted the grade
which best describes his performance.
Ranking Method:
Under ranking method, superior ranks his subordinates in order of their merit, starting from the
best to the worst. The relative position of each employee is expressed in terms of his numerical
rank from highest to lowest. It is assumed that the difference between the first and second 72
employee is equal to difference between 11th and 12th employee. In this method, the manager
compares each person with others than work standards.
Checklist Method:
Using this method, the evaluator (appraiser) has a checklist, which is a presentation of
employee’s characteristics and performance and compared across employees. The final outcome
from the comparison can be quantitative and give weight to characteristics.
Rating Scales:
The rating scale method is the simplest and the most popular method for appraising employee
performance. The typical rating-scale system consists of several numerical scales. Each scale
represents a job-related performance criterion such as dependability, initiative, output,
attendance, attitude, co-operation, and the like and scale values ranges from excellent to poor.
The rater checks the appropriate performance level on each criterion, and then computes the
employee’s total numerical score.
Critical Incident Method:
Under this method, an appraiser focuses on key factors which make difference in performing a
job efficiently. This method is more credible because it is more related to job and based on
individual’s performance than characteristic. The necessity of this system is to try to measure
individuals‟ performance in term of incidents and special episodes which take place in job
Paired Comparison Method:
Under this method, the appraiser (rater) compares each employee with all others in a group one
at a time. In the end, on the basis of the overall comparisons, the employees are given the final
Modern Methods
Assessment Centre:
An assessment centre typically involves the use of methods like social / informal events, tests
and exercises apart from giving assignments to a group of employees to assess their
competencies to take 74 higher responsibilities in the future.. Generally, employees are given an
assignment similar to the job they are likely to perform if promoted. This review of potential is
concerned with forecasting the direction in which an individual’s career should go and the rate at
which he is expected to develop.
Management by Objectives:
Management by objectives, or shortly called as MBO, is a technique credited to management
Guru Peter Drucker, to describe a method of performance management that is based on the
setting of clear and measurable objectives, and the use of those objectives to evaluate and review
performance. MBO is probably the best and fairest way to plan for and create effectively
performing employees when done correctly.
Human Resource Accounting Method:
Human resource accounting method tries to find the relative worth of human resource assets in
the terms of money. In this method the performance appraisal of the employees is judged in
terms of cost and contribution of the employees.
The 360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-source feedback, is first developed at General
Electric, US in 1992 and this system has also become popular in our country. General
Electronics (GE) (India), Reliance Industries, Crompton Greaves, Wipro, Infosys, Thermax are
using this method with great benefits.



Training and development involves improving the effectiveness of organizations and the
individuals and teams within them.[1] Training may be viewed as related to immediate changes
in organizational effectiveness via organized instruction, while development is related to the
progress of longer-term organizational and employee goals. While training and development
technically have differing definitions, the two are oftentimes used interchangeably and/or
together. Training and development has historically been a topic within applied psychology but
has within the last two decades become closely associated with human resources
management, talent management, human resources development, instructional design, human
factors, and knowledge management.

Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization which emphasize on the

improvement of the performance of individuals and groups. Training is an educational process
which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more
knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees. Good & efficient training of
employees helps in their skills & knowledge development, which eventually helps a company


 Increased productivity and adherence to quality standards

 Increasing organizational stability and flexibility
 Reduced supervision and direction
 Economical use of resources & Heightened morale
 Increase in productivity & Better industrial relations
 Role & career flexibility & Reduced learning time
 Future manpower needs
 Reduced accidents at workplace
 Globalization & speed of change
 New appraisal techniques
 Reduction of errors & accidents
 Reduction of turnover and absenteeism

 To prepare the employee both new and old to meet the present as well as
 The changing requirements of the job and the organization.
 To prevent obsolescence.
 To impart the new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need for an intelligent
performance of definite job.
 To prepare employees for higher level tasks.
 To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing
them to the latest concepts, information and techniques and developing the skills they
will need in their particular fields.
 To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to occupy more
responsible positions.
 To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job.
 To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department.
 To ensure economical output of required quality.


 To prevent obsolescence in the organization

 To improve employees knowledge for doing specific job

 To impart skills to the employees systematically so that they learn the same quickly

 To impart multi skills in the employees so that they become capable of handling different

 To bring about the change in attitude of the employees towards organization and the
fellow employees

 To improve the overall performance of the organization by inculcating technological

discipline in the employees

 To train the employees in efficient handling of materials, plant and equipment

There are several T&D methods available. The use of a particular method depends which
method accomplishes the training needs and objectives. Training method can be classified into
two categories.

I. On-the-Job Methods

This refers to the methods of training in which a person learns a job by actually
doing/performing it. A person works on a job and learns and develops expertise at the same

1. Understudy

In this employees trained by his or her supervisor the trainee is attached with his or her senior
and called understudy or assistant. For example, a future manager might spend few months as
assistant to the present manager.

2. Job rotation

This refers to shifting/movement of an employee from one job to another on regular intervals.

3. Special projects

The trainers may ask to work on special projects related with departmental objectives. By this,
the trainers will acquire the knowledge of the assigned work and also learn how to work with

4. Experience

It refers to learning by doing. This is one of the oldest methods of on-the-job training.
Although this is very effective method but it also very time-consuming and wasteful.
Thus it should be followed by other training methods.
II. Off-the-Job Methods

These methods require trainees to leave their workplace and concentrate their entire time towards
the training objectives. These days off-the-job training methods have become popular due to
limitations of the on-the-job training methods such as facilities and environment, lack of group
discussion and full participation among the trainees from different disciplines, etc. In the off-the-
job methods, the development of trainees is the primary task rest everything is secondary.
Following are the main off-the-job training methods:

1. Special courses and lectures

These are the most traditional and even famous today, method of developing personnel. Special
courses and lectures are either designed by the company itself or by the
management/professional schools. Companies then sponsor their trainees to attend these courses
or lectures. These are the quick and most simple ways to provide knowledge to a large group of

2. Conferences and seminars

In this, the participants are required to pool their thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, suggestions and
recommendations. By attending conferences and seminars, trainees try to look at a problem from
different angles as the participants are normally from different fields and sectors.

3. Selected reading

This is the self-improvement training technique. The persons acquire knowledge and awareness
by reading various trade journals and magazines. Most of the companies have their own libraries.
The employees become the members of the professional associations to keep abreast of latest
developments in their respective fields.
4. Case study method

This technique was developed by Harvard Business School, U.S.A. It is used as a supplement to
lecture method. A case is a written record of a real business situation/problem faced by a
company. The case is provided to the trainees for discussion and analysis. Identification and
diagnose of the problem is the aim in case study method. Alternate courses of action are
suggested from participants.



Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize employee

strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. It is a process of sourcing,
screening, short listing and selecting the right candidates for the required vacant positions.

Meaning of Recruitment & selection

Recruitment is a process of identifying, screening, shortlisting and hiring potential resource for
filling up the vacant positions in an organization. It is a core function of Human Resource
Recruitment is the process of choosing the right person for the right position and at the right
time. Recruitment also refers to the process of attracting, selecting, and appointing potential
candidates to meet the organization’s resource requirements.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations.
Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence, hiring right
resources is the most important aspect of Recruitment. Every company has its own pattern of
recruitment as per their recruitment policies and procedures.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following operations −

 Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

 Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees

 Analyzing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the organization

 Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement

 Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations

 Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring of resources

Any organization wants it future to be in good and safe hands. Hence, hiring the right resource
is a very important task for any organization.

 Create a talent encourage more and more candidates to enable the selection of
best candidates for the organization.

 Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction

with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.

 Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.

 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

 Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of

visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

 Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will
leave the organization only after a short period of time.

 Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of
its workforce.

 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be

appropriate candidates.

 Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting

techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

The main objective of recruitment and selection is fairly obvious: to hire the most-qualified
candidate to fill an available position. Additional objectives include:

 Creating a large talent pool of candidates to ensure the organization can hire the best
 Finding people who will fit in with the company culture and contribute to the organization's
 Reducing the likelihood that a candidate will leave after a brief time by finding the right
employee for the position the first time around.
 Meeting the organization's diversity and social commitments by selecting candidates based
solely on their merits and the way they fit in with the company values, goals and culture.
 Improving the company's reputation through fair, unbiased and effective hiring practices.
Expediting the future recruitment and selection process and reducing costs by gathering a large
pool of talented candidates who may be interested in future vacancies.
 Improving and streamlining the recruitment and selection process, including expediting future
job analyses for similar positions.
 Evaluating the effectiveness of different recruiting and sourcing techniques and sources for job
To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is recommended that the HR team of an organization
follows the five best practices. These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any
interruptions. In addition, these practices also ensure consistency and compliance in the
recruitment process.

The five steps involved in recruitment process are as follows:

1. Recruitment Planning:
The first step involved in the recruitment process is planning. Here, planning involves to draft a
comprehensive job specification for the vacant position, outlining its major and minor
responsibilities; the skills, experience and qualifications needed; grade and level of pay; starting
date; whether temporary or permanent; and mention of special conditions, if any, attached to the
job to be filled ”

2. Strategy Development:
Once it is known how many with what qualifications of candidates are required, the next step
involved in this regard is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in the

The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues like whether to prepare the
required candidates themselves or hire it from outside, what type of recruitment method to be
used, what geographical area be considered for searching the candidates, which source of
recruitment to be practiced, and what sequence of activities to be followed in recruiting
candidates in the organisation.
3. Searching:
This step involves attracting job seekers to the organisation. There are broadly two sources used
to attract candidates.

These are:

1. Internal Sources, and

2. External Sources

4. Screening:

Screening starts after completion of the process of sourcing the candidates. Screening is the
process of filtering the applications of the candidates for further selection process.

Screening is an integral part of recruitment process that helps in removing unqualified or

irrelevant candidates, which were received through sourcing. The screening process of
recruitment consists of three steps –

 Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters

 Conducting Telephonic or Video Interview

 Identifying the top candidates

5. Evaluation and Control:

Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this process, the
effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a costly
process; hence it is important that the performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly

The costs incurred in the recruitment process are to be evaluated and controlled effectively.
These include the following –
 Salaries to the Recruiters

 Advertisements cost and other costs incurred in recruitment methods, i.e., agency fees.

 Administrative expenses and Recruitment overheads

 Overtime and Outstanding costs, while the vacancies remain unfilled

 Cost incurred in recruiting suitable candidates for the final selection process

 Time spent by the Management and the Professionals in preparing job description, job
specifications, and conducting interviews.


Recruitment involves searching for the right candidates and motivating them to apply for the
openings in the organization. Here sources of recruitment are two types i.e., internal sources and
external sources.
Internal sources of recruitment and selection

Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the organization internally. In
other words, applicants seeking for the different positions are those who are currently employed
with the same organization.
At the time recruitment of employees, the initial consideration should be given to those
employees who are currently working within the organization. This is an important source of
recruitment, which provides the opportunities for the development and utilization of the existing
resources within the organization.
Internal sources of recruitment are the best and the easiest way of selecting resources as
performance of their work is already known to the organization. Let us now discuss more on the
various internal sources of recruitment.
Promotion refers to upgrading the cadre of the employees by evaluating their performance in the
organization. It is the process of shifting an employee from a lower position to a higher position
with more responsibilities, remuneration, facilities, and status. Many organizations fill the higher
vacant positions with the process of promotions, internally.
Transfer refers to the process of interchanging from one job to another without any change in
the rank and responsibilities. It can also be the shifting of employees from one department to
another department or one location to another location, depending upon the requirement of the
Recruiting Former Employees
Recruiting former employees is a process of internal sources of recruitment; wherein the ex-
employees are called back depending upon the requirement of the position. This process is cost
effective and saves plenty of time. The other major benefit of recruiting former employees is that
they are very well versed with the roles and responsibilities of the job and the organization needs
to spend less on their training and development.
External Sources of Recruitment
External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the organization externally. In
other words, the applicants seeking job opportunities in this case are those who are external to
the organization.
External employees bring innovativeness and fresh thoughts to the organization. Although
hiring through external sources is a bit expensive and tough, it has tremendous potential of
driving the organization forward in achieving its goals. Let us now discuss in detail the various
external sources of recruitment.
Direct Recruitment
Direct recruitment refers to the external source of recruitment where the recruitment of qualified
candidates is done by placing a notice of vacancy on the notice board in the organization. This
method of sourcing is also called as factory gate recruitment, as the blue-collar and technical
workers are hired through this process.
Employment Exchanges
As per the law, for certain job vacancies, it is mandatory that the organization provides details to
the employment exchange. Employment exchange is a government entity, where the details of
the job seekers are stored and given to the employers for filling the vacant positions. This
external recruitment is helpful in hiring for unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers.
Employment Agencies
Employment agencies are a good external source of recruitment. Employment agencies are run
by various sectors like private, public, or government. It provides unskilled, semi-skilled and
skilled resources as per the requirements of the organization. These agencies hold a database of
qualified candidates and organizations can use their services at a cost.

Both recruitment and selection work hand in hand and both play a vital role in the overall growth
of an organization.


An interview refers to a conversation with one or more persons acting as the role of an
interviewer who ask questions and the person who answers the questions acts as the role of an
interviewee. Interviewing candidates is the final stage in the recruitment process.

Depending up the requirements, situations, locations and time, the interviews are broadly
classified into ten different categories. Recruiters should be knowledgeable enough to understand
which type of interview should be used when.
The ten different types of interviews are as follows:

1. Structured Interview:
In this type, the interview is designed and detailed in advance. A structured interview is pre-
planned, accurate, and consistent in hiring the candidates.
2. Unstructured Interview:
This type of interview is an unplanned one, where the interview questionnaire is not prepared.
Here, the effectiveness of the interview is very less and there is a tremendous waste of time and
effort of both the interviewer and the interviewee.

3. Group Interview:
In this type of interview, all the candidates or a group of candidates are interviewed together.
Group interviews are conducted to save time when there is a large number of applications for a
few job vacancies. A topic will be given to discuss among the candidates and the interviewer
judges the innovativeness and behavior of each candidate in the group.

4. Depth Interview:
Depth interview is a semi-structured interview, where the candidates have to give detailed
information about their education background, work experience, special interests, etc. And the
interviewer takes a depth interview and tries in finding the expertise of the candidate.

5. Stress Interview:
Stress interviews are conducted to discover how a candidate behaves in stressful conditions. In
this type of interview, the interviewer will come to know whether the candidate can handle the
demands of a complex job. The candidate who maintains his composure during a stress interview
is normally the right person to handle a stressful job.

6. Individual Interview:
In an individual interview, the interview takes place one-on-one i.e., there will be a verbal and a
visual interaction between two people, an interviewer and a candidate. This is a two-way
communication interview, which helps in finding the right candidate for a vacant job position.

7. Informal Interview:
Such interviews are conducted in an informal way, i.e., the interview will be fixed without any
written communication and can be arranged at any place. There is no procedure of asking
questions in this type of interview, hence it will be a friendly kind of interview.
8. Formal Interview:
A formal interview held in a formal way, i.e., the candidate will be intimated about the interview
well in advance and the interviewer plans and prepares questions for the interview. This is also
called as a planned interview.

9. Panel Interview:
Panel interview, as the name indicates, is being conducted by a group of people. In this type of
interview, three to five members of the selection committee will be asking questions to the
candidates on different aspects. The final decision will be taken by all the members of the panel

10. Exit Interview:

Exit interviews are conducted for those employees who want to leave the organization. The
importance of the exit interview is to discover why an employee wants to leave his job.
1. We are assigned challenging jobs to charge our enthusiasm and develop our skills.
SI.NO Response No of respondents Percentage%
1. Strongly Agree 10 10
2. Agree 50 50
3. Disagree 10 10
4. Strongly Disagree 30 30
5. Total 100 100%




30 No of respondents


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 10% strongly agree, 50% agree,10% disagree, and30% strongly
disagree for assigned challenged jobs to charge our enthusiasm and develop our skills.
2. We are encouraged to participate in various seminars and workshops etc.

SI.NO Response No of respondents Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 35 35
2. Agree 22 22
3. Disagree 31 31
4. Strongly Disagree 12 12

Total 100 100%





20 No of respondents
15 Percentage%

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 35% strongly agree, 22% agree, 31% disagree and 12% strongly
disagree encourage to participative in various seminars and workshops.
3. The company strongly considers our goals and values.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 30 30
2. Agree 50 50
3. Disagree 10 10
4. Strongly Disagree 10 10
5. Total 100 100%




30 No Of Respondents


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 30% strongly agree, 50% agree, 10% disagree, 10% strongly disagree
which company strongly considers our goals and values.
4. We trust the management for keeping the promises made to us.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 10 10
2. Agree 70 70
3. Disagree 10 10
4. Strongly Disagree 10 10
5. Total 100 100%





40 No Of Respondents
30 Percentage%


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 10% strongly agree, 70% agree, 10% disagree and 10% strongly
disagree trust the management for making the promises made to us.
5. I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organization.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 10 10
2. Agree 60 60
3. Disagree 10 10
4. Strongly Disagree 20 20
5. Total 100 100%




No Of Respondents


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 10% strongly agree, 60% agree, 10%disagree, and 20% strongly
disagree employee would be very happy to spend the rest of his career with this organization.
6. Too much in my life would be disrupted if I decided to leave my organization now.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 10 10
2. Agree 30 30
3. Disagree 40 40
4. Strongly Disagree 20 20
5. Total 100 100%

No Of Respondents
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 10% strongly agree, 30% agree, 40% disagree, and 20% strongly
7. We believe that our supervisors never act opportunistically or exploit us.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 30 30
2. Agree 20 20
3. Disagree 15 15
4. Strongly Disagree 35 35
5. Total 100 100%





20 No Of Respondents
15 Percentage%

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 30% strongly agree, 20% agree, 15% disagree, and 35% strongly
disagree the believe that there supervisors never act opportunistically or exploit to them.
8. Rate the influence of outsourcing of HR functions in terms of reduction in employee
expenditure for example salaries to the organization.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Excellent 25 25
2. Good 12 12
3. Fair 28 28
4. Poor 35 35
5. Total 100 100%





20 No Of Respondents


Excellent Good Fair Poor

From the above analysis, 25% excellent, 12% good, 28% fair and 35% poor salaries to the
9. Evaluate the important influence of outsourcing in prevention of the hiring of new
employees for the organization.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Excellent 30 30
2. Good 40 40
3. Fair 10 10
4. Poor 20 20
5. Total 100 100%





No Of Respondents


Excellent Good Fair Poor

From the above analysis, 30% excellent, 40% good, 10% fair, 20% poor hiring the new
employees for the organization.
10. Assess the impact of outsourcing in organizational performance.

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Excellent 10 10
2. Good 50 50
3. Fair 20 20
4. Poor 20 20
5. Total 100 100%




30 No Of Respondents


Excellent Good Fair Poor

From the above analysis, 10% excellent, 50% good, 20% fair and 20% poor assess the impact of
outsourcing in organizational performance,
11. Are you clear about your work / job responsibilities?

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Well clear 50 50
2. Good 10 10
3. Fairly Clear 30 30
4. Don’t Know 10 10
5. Total 100 100%




30 No Of Respondents


Well clear Good Fairly Clear Don’t Know

From the above analysis, 50% well clear, 10% good, 30% fairly clear and 10% don’t know about
their work/ job responsibilities.
12. Are you satisfied with your work?

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Well Satisfied 30 30
2. Good 45 45
3. Fair 20 20
4. Not Satisfied 5 5
5. Total 100 100%

25 No Of Respondents
Well Good Fair Not
Satisfied Satisfied

From the above analysis, 30% well satisfied, 45% good, 20% fair and 5% not satisfied with their
13. Does training helps to improve employee-employer relationship?

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 20 20
2. Agree 60 60
3. Disagree 10 10
4. Strongly Disagree 10 10
5. Total 100 100%




No Of Respondents


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 20% strongly agree, 60% agree, 10% disagree and 10% strongly
disagree that training helps to improve employee-employer relationship.
14. Does the management conduct formative evaluation to improve the training process?

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 30 30
2. Agree 50 50
3. Disagree 10 10
4. Strongly Disagree 10 10
5. Total 100 100%




30 No Of Respondents


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 30% strongly agree, 50% agree, 10% disagree and 10% strongly
disagree that the management conduct formative evaluation to improve the training process.
15. Does the management use new technologies for training the employee?

SI.NO Response No Of Percentage%

1. Strongly Agree 22 22
2. Agree 38 38
3. Disagree 20 20
4. Strongly Disagree 10 10
5. Total 100 100%





20 No Of Respondents
15 Percentage%

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

From the above analysis, 22% strongly agree, 38% agree, 20% disagree and 10% strongly
disagree that the management use new technologies for training the employees.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for
the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource
manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and
defining/designing work. Essentially, the purpose of HRM is to maximize the productivity of an
organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees. This mandate is unlikely to
change in any fundamental way, despite the ever-increasing pace of change in the business
world. As Edward L. Gubman observed in the jouranal of business, "the basic mission of human
resources will always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workforce with the
business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Those three challenges will never

Until fairly recently, an organization's human resources department was often consigned to lower
rungs of the corporate hierarchy, despite the fact that its mandate is to replenish and nourish what
is often cited-;legitimately-;as an organization's greatest resource, it's work force. But in recent
years recognition of the importance of human resources management to a company's overall
health has grown dramatically. This recognition of the importance of HRM extends to small
businesses, for while they do not generally have the same volume of human resources
requirements as do larger organizations, they too face personnel management issues that can
have a decisive impact on business health. As Irving Burstiner commented in the small
business"Hiring the right people-;and training them well-;can often mean the difference between
scratching out the barest of livelihoods and steady business growth'¦. Personnel problems do not
discriminate between small and big business. You find them in all businesses, regardless of size."
Business consultants note that modern human resource management is guided by several overriding
principles. Perhaps the paramount principle is a simple recognition that human resources are the most
important assets of an organization.

 Greatly, the employees in stainless steel are reaching their targets to meet company goals
very efficiently.

 High commitment, involvement of employees in there fulfilling their duties and


 Employees are satisfied by the nature of the supervision.

 Management encourages participation of employees in decision making and giving ideas.

 Mostly this company relies on internal training than an external training.


 High profit realization by selling the products at higher margins will eventually result in
higher cash accrual and hence higher credit rating.

 Since the firm performance is largely dependent on availability of raw materials. In order
to avoid the uncertainties in acquiring the raw materials, new and innovative steps has to
be taken to effectively utilize the surplus.

 The main area where RINIL has tremendous scope for improvement in manufacturing
value added products; this will result in better sales realization and higher profits.

 Standardization of general stores material and spares will reduce the number of them.

 The company should take proper steps to reduce the expenses and thoroughly seek for
maximum gains.

1.We are assigned challenging jobs to charge our enthusiasm and develop our skills. [ ]

(a)Strongly agree(b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

2. We are encouraged to participate in various seminars and workshops etc.

[ ]

(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

3. The company strongly considers our goals and values. [ ]

(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

4. We trust the management for keeping the promises made to us.[ ]

(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

5. I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organization.[ ]
(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

6. Too much in my life would be disrupted if I decided to leave my organization now.[ ]

(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

7. We believe that our supervisors never act opportunistically or exploit us.[ ]

(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree
8. Rate the influence of outsourcing of HR functions in terms of reduction in employee
expenditure for example salaries to the organization.[ ]
(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

9. Evaluate the important influence of outsourcing in organizational performance.[ ]

(a)Excellent (b)Good (c)Average (d)Poor

10. Assess the impact of outsourcing in organizational performance.[ ]

(a)Excellent (b)Good (c)Average (d)Poor

11. Are you clear about your work/ job responsibilities?[ ]

(a) Well clear (b)Good (c)Fairly clear (d)Don’t Know

12. Are you satisfied with your work?[ ]

(a)Well satisfied (b)Good (c)Fair (d)Not satisfied

13. Determining helps to improve employee-employer relationship?[ ]

(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

14. Does the management conduct formative evaluation to improve the training process? [ ]
(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree

15. Does the management use new technologies for training the employees? [ ]
(a)Strongly agree (b)Agree (c)Disagree (d)Strongly disagree
Source of data

Title of the book Author

1. Human Resource Management. P. Subba Rao

2. Organizational Behavior. Aswathappa Himalaya

3.Human Resource Management T.n. chhabra Sun India


WWW.Jindal HR .com

www.Training and

Business economics

News papers
Business line
Economic times

Harvard business review
HR Magazine

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