Head and Neck THORAX

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Head and Neck


1. Bone of the middle cranial fossa:
A. body of the sphenoid C. orbital plate of frontal bone
B. cribriform plate of ethmoid D. lesser wing of the sphenoid
2. Passes on the cranial cavity opposite the pterion:
A. mandibular nerve C. middle meningeal artery
B. internal carotid artery D. cavernous sinus
3. From the cranial cavity, the foramen ovale communicates to the:
A. orbit B. foramen lacerum C. infratemporal fossa D. mastoid antrum
4. Cranial fossa fracture may result to epistaxis when it involves this/these cranial fossa/e:
A. anterior B.middle C. posterior D. A,B
5. The supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves are direct branches of:
A.optic nerve C. ophthalmic nerve
B. zygomaticotemporal nerve D. frontal nerve
6. Schindylesis joint is found between these bones of the skull:
A. vomer and palate C. mandible and temporal
B. frontal and parietal D. sphenoid and temporal
7. The antrum of Highmore is within this bone:
A. frontal C. sella turcica
B. maxillary D. mastoid
8. The infraorbital foramen transmits the terminal branch of:
A. lacrimal nerve C. nasociliary nerve
B. maxillary nerve D.none of the preceeding
9. The facial nerve exits the skull via this foramen:
A. stylomastoid C. mental
B. magnum D. none of the preceeding
10. The trigeminal nerve supplies sensory fibers to the face except the skin over the:
A. zygomatic bone C. lower lip
B. angle of mandible D. tip of nose
11. Muscle for protruding the lower lip:
A. depressor labii inferioris C. mentalis
B. triangularis D. None of the preceeding
12. Deepest muscle of the mouth:
A. risorius C. buccinator
B. mentalis D. none of the preceeding
13. Crossed superficially by the Stensen’s duct on its way to the oral cavity:
A. zygomatic major C. masseter
B. risorius D. buccinator
14. Nonfunctional in adult:
A. nasalis C. procerus
B. dilator nares D. none of the preceeding
15. With superficial and deep heads:
A. temporalis C. masseter
B. lateral pterygoid D. medial pterygoid
16. Chief protractor of the lower jaw:
A. temporalis C. masseter
B. lateral pterygoid D. medial pterygoid
17. Crossed by the maxillary artery at the infratemporal fossa:
A. temporalis C. masseter
B. lateral pterygoid D. medial pterygoid
18. Supplied by branches of the anterior division of CN V3, except:
A. temporalis C. masseter
B. lateral pterygoid D. medial pterygoid
19. Branch of inferior alveolar nerve before it enters the mandibular canal:
A. nerve to mylohyoid C. buccal nerve
B. nerve to lateral pterygoid D. none of the preceeding
20. The nerve to the mylohyoid supplies the:
A. anterior belly of digastric C. stylohyoid
B. platysma D. none of the preceeding
21. Structure/s within the parotid gland:
A. external carotid a. C. retromandibular v.
B. facial n. D. A,B,C
22. Lateral wall of orbit:
A. body of sphenoid C. lacrimal bone
B. greater wing of sphenoid D. ethmoid
23. Originate from the annular tendon:
A. superior rectus B. inferior rectus C. medial rectus D. A, B, C
24. Tears from the lacrimal punctum immediately drains to the:
A. conjunctival sac C. lacrimal canaliculus
B. lacrimal sac D. nasolacrimal duct
25. Pass/es to the eyeball via the lamina cribrosa:
A. optic nerve B. oculomotor nerve C. trochlear nerve D. abducens nerve
26. Content/s of epitympanic recess:
A. head of malleus B. body of incus C. base of stapes D. A, B
27. Attached to the fenestra cochlea:
A. body of incus B. base of stapes C. promontory D. none
28. Shrapnell’s membrane is at the:
A. cochlea C. secondary tympanic membrane
B. tympanic membrane D. macula utriculi
29. Cupula is at the:
A. crista ampullaris B. macula utriculi C. maculi sacculi D. organ of Corti
30. The cochlea is a bony labyrinth with __ turns:
A. 2 B. 2 ½ C. 3 D. 4
31. Jacobson’s nerve comes from:
32. Produces the promontory of the medial wall of middle ear:
A. lateral semicircular canal C. body of stapes
B. first turn of cochlea D. processus cochleariformis
33. Components of nasal septum, EXCEPT:
A. vomer B. ethmoid C. cartilage D. palatine bone
34. Sinus opening to the bulla ethmoidalis:
A. middle ethmoidal B. frontal C. maxillary D. A, B
35. Muscle of tongue not innervated by hypoglossal nerve:
A. genioglossus B. palatoglossus C. hyoglossus D. styloglossus
36. Sensory innervation of the pharynx:
37. Pass/es upward beneath the inferior pharyngeal constrictor:
A. inferior thyroid artery C. internal laryngeal nerve
B. glosssopharyngeal nerve D. none of the preceeding
38. Forms the posterior pillar of the isthmus of fauces:
A. salpingopharyngeus C. palatopharyngeus
B. stylopharyngeus D. palatoglossus
39. Passes at the interval between the superior and the middle pharyngeal constrictors:
A. internal laryngeal nerve C. external laryngeal nerve
B. glossopharyngeal nerve D. none of the preceeding
40. Cartilage at the posterior boundary of laryngeal inlet:
A. arytenoid D. thyroid
B. cricoid E. A,B
C. cuneiform
41. Abductor of the true vocal cords:
A. cricothyroid C. aryepiglottic
B. posterior cricoarytenoid D. thyroarytenoid
42. At the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage:
A. the superior thyroid arteries enters the upper pole of the thyroid gland
B. the middle cervical ganglion gives rise to fibers forming the ansa subclavia
C. the common carotid artery terminates by dividing into the internal and external carotid arteries
D. the bellies of digastric muscle attach to their intermediate tendon
43. True regarding the blood vessels of the thyroid gland:
A. the superior thyroid artery is accompanied by the internal laryngeal nerve
B. the inferior thyroid artery passes upward beneath the inferior pharyngeal constrictor
C. all venous drainage empty to the internal jugular vein
D. A,B,C
44. True regarding the larynx:
A. with an inlet at C3 level
B. supplied with sensory fibers by internal laryngeal nerve from inlet to rima glottidis
C. narrowest at rima glottidis
D. A,B,C
45. The inferior pair of parathyroid gland usually lies opposite the:
A. cricoid cartilage C. bifurcation of the common carotid artery
B. 5 tracheal ring D. upper part of thyroid isthmus
46. In doing thyroidectomy, the first muscle to be encountered is:
A. enclosed by the pretracheal fascia C. attached to the hyoid
B. supplied by facial nerve D. a tensor of the true vocal cord
47. Located at C6 vertebra level, except:
A. middle cervical ganglion C. laryngotracheal junction
B. pharyngoesophageal junction D. hyoid
48. A patient can die from acute asphyxia when the injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve is:
A. partial unilateral C. complete unilateral
B. partial bilateral D. complete bilateral
49. Branches of the cervical plexus except:
A. phrenic nerve C. supraclavicular n.
B. greater occipital n. D. transverse cervical n.
50. Derived from pretracheal fascia:
A. axillary sheath C. stylomandibular ligament
B. tubercle of Zuckerkandl D. ligament of Berry

1. True regarding the vertebral level of surface landmarks of the thoracic wall, except:
A. jugular notch : T2-T3 C. xiphisternal joint: T9
B. root of scapular spine: T3 D. subcostal plane: L3
2. The visceral pleura extends inferiorly to the 8th rib at:
A. MCL B. mid-axillary line C. scapular line D. midsternal line
3. The thoracic inlet:
A. laterally covered by the cupula C. also called the thoracic outlet
B. laterally bounded by the clavicle D. none of the above is correct
4. The central tendon of the diaphragm lies opposite the level of:
A. 4th rib C. xiphisternal joint
B. T12 D. L3
5. Lowest rib at the costal margin:
A. 7th C. 10th
B. 9th D. 12th
6. Intrabdominal injury is always considered in stab wounds:
A. above 4th rib C. below 5th rib
B. above 5 rib D. A,B,C
7. Breast implants are usually placed:
A. deep to the pectoralis major C. superficial to pectoralis major
B. deep to the pectoralis minor D. between the pectoralis major and minor
8. Lymph nodes draining the breast are categorized as level 1, 2, or 3 based on their relationship
to the:
A. pectoralis major C. tail of Spence
B. pectoralis minor D. clavicle
9. Chief nodes draining the breast:
A. axillary C. internal thoracic
B. mediastinal D.epigastric
10. Breast cancer metastasis can spread to the brain via the following, except:
A. intercostal veins C. internal vertebral veins
B. external vertebral veins D. azygous vein
11. In doing thoracentesis at the midaxillary line, the needle will traverse the following
structures, except:
A. serratus anterior C. innermost intercostal
B. visceral pleura D. external intercostal
12. When doing intracardiac injection using the parasternal route, the needle will traverse the
following structures, except:
A. external intercostal m. C. internal intercostal m.
B. innermost intercostal m. D. endothoracic fascia
13. A stab wound 1 cm above the medial third of the right clavicle could injure:
A. apex of right lung C. 3rd part of subclavian artery
B. brachiocephalic artery D. A,B,C
14. The knife causing the stab wound in no. 13 would enter the pleural cavity by traversing the:
A. suprapleural membrane C. cupula
B. Sibson’s fascia D. A,B,C
15. If hemothorax develops in no. 13, blood accumulates:
A. outside the visceral pleura C. at costodiaphragmatic recess
B. outside the lung parenchyma D. A,B,C
16. A thoracostomy tube inserted at this area to relieve the dyspnea of the
patient in no. 13 will not hit the lung parenchyma:
A. 9th right ICS just beneath the 9th rib, AAL
B. 9th right ICS just above the 10th rib, MAL
C. 9th right ICS just above the 10th rib, MCL
D. 10th right ICS just below the 10th rib, scapular line
17. Pierces the crura of the diaphragm:
A. greater splanchnic nerves C. superior epigastric artery
B. right phrenic nerve D. vagus nerve
18. Provides the piston effect during inspiration:
A. diaphragm C. external intercostal
B. sternocleidomastoid D. serratus anterior
19. Thickened fascia of the quadratus lumborum:
A. lateral arcuate ligament C. iliolumbar ligament
B. medial arcuate ligament D. median arcuate ligament
20. At the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm, the right vagus nerve lies______ to the esophagus:
A. right lateral C. anterior
B. left lateral D. posterior
21. The superior epigastric artery enters the diaphragm:
A. between the costal and sternal fibersC. through the crura
B. between the lumbar and costal fibersD. posterior to the lateral arcuate ligament
22. The accessory phrenic fiber joins this nerve:
A. phrenic nerve C. external respiratory nerve of Bell
B. nerve to subclavius D. 9th intercostals nerve
23. Sensory innervation of the central part of the diaphragmatic pleura:
A. phrenic nerve C. 8th intercostal nerve
B. accessory phrenic nerve D. A,B,C
24. All cardiac valves are located to the left side of the sternum except:
A. aortic valve C. pulmonic valve
B. tricuspid valve D. mitral valve
25. A parasternal stab wound at the 2nd right ICS could hit the:
A. right brachiocephalic vein C. superior vena cava
B. brachiocephalic artery D. right atrium
26. True regarding the internal thoracic artery:
A. traverses the lateral surface of pericardium
B. terminates at the level of 6th ICS
C. gives rise to all anterior intercostal arteries
D. A,B,C
27. The posterior intercostal arteries arise:
A. directly from superior intercostal arteries
B. indirectly from the 1st part of subclavian artery
C. indirectly from the thoracic aorta
D. A,B,C
28. The azygous vein directly drains venous blood from the following except:
A. right upper 2 ICS C. hemiazygous vein
B. right lower 9 ICS D. accessory hemiazygous vein
29. Form/s the superior hemiazygous vein:
A. left 1st IC vein C. left 3rd IC vein
B. left 2 IC vein D. left 4th IC vein
30. The azygous venous system indirectly communicates inferiorly to the:
A. renal vein C. lumbar vein
B. inferior phrenic vein D. hepatic vein
31. Passes through the diaphragm at the level of T12 vertebra:
A. azygous vein C. right phrenic nerve
B. greater splanchnic nerve D. left gastric artery
32. The intercostal neurovascular bundle :
A. passes directly at the lower border of the ribs
B. extend to the abdominal wall
C. located between the internal intercostal and the innermost intercostal muscles
D. A,B,C
33. Intercostal nerve with communication to the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm:
A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd D. 4th
34. Referred pain from thoracic organs would be to the dermatomes supplied by:
A. T1 B. T2 C. T4 D.A,B,C
35. Lingular segment of the lung:
A. superior B. medial C. apical D. basal
36. The oblique and horizontal fissures of the right lung meet at:
37. Stab wound inferior to the 4th rib at the right MCL would likely hit this lobe of the
right lung:
A. upper C. lower
B. middle D. A,B
38. Pulmonary ligament is:
A. fibromuscular C. muscular
B. embryonic remnant D. pleural derivative
39. Highest structure at the hilus of the left lung:
A. pulmonary vein C. pulmonary artery
B. upper lobar bronchus D. bronchial artery
40. Passes posterior to the hilus of right lung:
A. right vagus nerve C. pulmonary vein
B. right phrenic nerve D. A,B
41. True atypical rib:
A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 7th D. 9th
42. The head of typical rib articulates to the:
A. transverse process of corresponding vertebra
B. body of the corresponding vertebra
C. body of the vertebra immediately below
D. A,B
43. Produce the characteristic erosions on the body of lower thoracic vertebrae:
A. azygous vein C. thoracic aorta
B. thoracic duct D. IVC
44. Directly drains to the superior vena cava:
A. azygous v. C. superior hemiazygous v.
B. inferior hemiazygous v. D. A,B,C
45. When the right lung is removed by cutting its root, the following can be seen at its hilus:
A. pulmonary artery below a lobar bronchus
B. 3 lobar bronchi
C. pulmonary vein above the pulmonary artery
D. A,B
46. Seen on the mediastinal surface of the right lung:
A. cardiac impression C. lingula
B. groove for azygous vein D. A, B
47. The SA node is at the upper part of:
A. Eustachian valve C. crista terminalis
B. triangle of Koch D. tendon of Todaro
48. The following internodal bundle/s traverse/s the crista terminalis:
A. Bachmann B. Thorel C. Wenckebach D. A,B,C
49. Vein accompanying the anterior descending artery:
A. coronary sinus C. middle cardiac vein
B. small cardiac vein D. great cardiac vein
50. Dominance in the coronary circulation is based on the origin of this artery:
A. anterior descending B. posterior descending C. marginal D. circumflex

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