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Four Phase Intersection Traffic Light Analysis, and

Coordination Inside Area of Several Intersections

Inside Streets Network in Cities

978-1-5386-6940-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

R. Didin Kusdian
Chandra Afriade Siregar Muhammad Ryanto
Department of Civil Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Sangga Buana
Universitas Sangga Buana Universitas Sangga Buana
Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia
Dody Kusmana
Muhammad Syukri
Department of Civil Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Sangga Buana
Universitas Sangga Buana
Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract— in this article the authors formulate a graphical
decline in the time diagram of a traffic light signal
arrangement into a general formula (philosophical basis) that
can be used in computer program code for regulating traffic
signals at a crossroads, especially in urban road networks.
Formula is equipped with an example of numerical calculation.
This article can be used and developed more broadly, because
it means very basic logic.

Keywords— green time, inter-green, cycle time

The movement of vehicles over the city road network, is
a daily necessity as a derivative need of citizen activities in
Fig. 1. Example Intergreen Period at Two-Phase Traffic Signal
carrying out routine social-economic-cultural activities,
every day. Movement is caused by the distribution of zoning
in land use. Crossroads are vertices of the city road network.
at the location of the crossroads there is the potential for
conflict between vehicle movements, each of which has a
different destination direction. each vehicle can come from a
different place, and go to a different place, then meet at the Fig. 2. Three Cycles Time Diagram of Two-Phases Traffic Signals
same time at the node of the road network, which is a
crossroads. Potential conflicts must be regulated so there are
no accidents, collisions between vehicles. each of the roads
that meet at the intersection has a wide dimension, and the
specific direction of each lane, one segment of the road more
than one lane, and one lane can be arranged to accommodate Fig. 3. Cycles Time of Three-Phases Traffic Signals
2 directions of vehicle motion, in the opposite direction.
Arrangements are made with the principle of 'rotation' using
the middle plane, namely the incision plane between two
road segments that intersect to form a crossroad. The rotation
arrangement for the use of the middle field can be done Fig. 4. Cycles Time of Four-Phases Traffic Signals
based on the phase division. Each phase allows a certain
direction of motion, and prohibits the motion of other B. Logical Analysis
directions that have the potential to conflict with the From Figure 2 to Figure 4, it can be concluded that the
direction of the phase that is being allowed to move. At least mathematical formula or expression for cycle time is the
one intersection is arranged into 2 phases. amount of green time for all phases plus the number of
phases multiplied by intergreen time.
A. Signal Control Startegies
Where : cn = cycle time of n phases; n = number of phases;
Tamin (2009) writes, problems at intersections arise due
Gn = green time of each phase ; IG = intergreen period (same
to movement of traffic coming from each crossing arm (turn
for all phases).
left, straight, and turn right) all will use the same central
plane simultaneously, giving rise to the potential for danger 1) Case
of conflict, or collision. there will be four types of conflict For example the numerical case is given as follows:
patterns, i.e. crossing, diverging, merging, this conflicts will There are four arms intersection, each arm is a two-lane,
hamper the capacity of the gaps in passing a number of two-way road segment. The volume of vehicles for north-
vehicles per unit time. Traffic lights at the intersection can be south movement is the same as the volume of east-west
1, 2, 3, and 4 phases, or it can be more than 4. The more movement. A 2 phase traffic light regulation concept will be
phases the more the potential for conflict is reduced. If a used. When the north-south direction moves, the east-west
traffic light control with 5 phases is used; then for each phase direction stops, phase 1, then phase 2 is when the east-west
1, 2, 3, 4, the number of conflicting points separating is turn moves, the north-south direction stops, phase 2, and so
reduced to 2 points, and there are no points of conflict on alternately.
joining and crossing.
With the application of the concept of green time directly
proportional to the traffic volume, in this case, green time
phase1 is equal to green time phase 2, so that the following
mathematical expressions will apply:
G1 = G2 = G
c = G1 + G2 + 2 IG
c = 2 IG + 2G
Then numerically follow the variation in the value of the
cycle time, then the green time can be calculated, by
determining the design of intergreen time.
2) Relationship Green-Time and Traffic Volume
In calculating the design a model can be derived with the c = 4 (50) + 4(9) = 236 s
concept that the natural time of green in a phase is directly
Thus the mathematical expression (1), can be used in
proportional to the large amount of traffic volume in the
direction of movement. Then the lights are set according to general by following mathematic law. And can be used in
compiling computer programming for intersection traffic
the calculation results.
light signals. The calculations above can be developed
3) Numerical Case algebraically, using multiples of green time, in the same way
Example set a cycle time of 2 minutes or 120 seconds, as multiples of vehicle volume.
standard amber time 3 s, standard red / amber time 2 s,
intergreen 9 s. the calculation for green time is: III. CONCLUSION
120 = 2 (9) + 2 (G) The calculations above can be developed algebraically,
2 G = 120 – 18 = 102 using multiples of green time, in the same way as multiples
G = 51 s of vehicle volume. intersections on city road networks with
high traffic volume and high speed need to be regulated
If in the case there are four groups of movement
traffic lights, to reduce the potential for conflict, which
directions with the same volume, then a 4-phase traffic light
means reducing the potential for accidents. Traffic junction
arrangement can be designed with the same green time in
can be designed for phase settings up to 4 phases, can be
each phase. The mathematical exploration of this case can be
more if needed. the more phases the longer the cycle time, or
obtained as follows:
the delay experienced by each direction of motion will be
C = G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + 4IG= 4G + 4IG longer. In reality, in the city road network, every intersection
in each event (in real time, dynamic) has its own
numerical calculation becomes: characteristics, not only due to geometric unique
120 = 4 G + 4 (9) characteristics). The length of time the green in a direction of
G = 21 s movement can be adjusted according to the results of the
the green time is 21 seconds, too short, so you need to detector data recording the number of vehicles that move in
redesign a longer cycle time, for example 3 minutes or 180 the previous cycle in the direction of the relevant movement.
seconds. This is done through coordinated programming between the
180 = 4 G + 4 (9) detector and programming of the computer center
G = 36 s coordinating the intersection of the city road network.
Furthermore, the calculation can be done with variations
of what needs to be determined. For example, set a 50 REFERENCES
second green time. then the cycle follows the green time [1] R. J. Salter, “Highway Traffic Analysis and Design”, English
Language Book Society/Macmillan ELBS, 1989.
setting, with the same intergreen standard time the cycle time
will be obtained: Furthermore, the calculation can be done [2] O. Z. Tamin, “Transportation Planning, Modeling & Engineering:
Theory, Sample Questions and Applications, ITB Publisher, Bandung,
with variations of what needs to be determined. For example, 2009.
set a 50 second green time. then the cycle follows the green
time setting, with the same intergreen standard time the cycle
time will be obtained:

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