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Odoo 10

Functional Training

Pinakin Nayi
Odoo India
Benefits of Training

❏ To understand the functional concepts of Odoo

❏ To offer the valuable suggestions to enhance the
productivity of an organization
❏ In performing a GAP Analysis and necessary
changes through the front-end Odoo GUI

● Day 1: ● Day 2:
○ Introduction ○ Stock Management -Barcode
○ Setup (Odoo Instance) ○ Website & eCommerce
○ Odoo Studio (Delivery)
○ CRM ○ Point Of Sale (Restaurant also)
○ Sales Management ○ Invoicing and Payment
○ Inventory Management ○ HR & Reimbursement
○ Timesheet & Projects

● Day 3: ● Day 4:
○ Purchase Management ○ Subscription
○ Pricelist ○ Project Management- Advanc
○ Financial Management ○ Project Issue
○ Online Payments ○ Helpdesk
○ Stock Accounting ○ Knowledge Management
○ Asset Depreciation & ○ HR Recruitment
Revenue Recognition ○ Leaves Management
○ Payroll & Payroll Accounting
○ Employee Appraisal

● Day 5: ● Extra :
○ New MRP ○ Events
○ Kits & Invoicing ○ Survey
○ Repair ○ Lunch
○ Quality ○ Fleet
○ PLM ○ Live chat
○ Maintenance
Day 1

● Open Source
○ Open source software is software with source code that
anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance.

● Online vs On premise

● Community vs Enterprise
Our Offices
Odoo Release history

● Create Online Odoo Instance

● SetUp Your Company
● Create New User
● Install System Second Language
● Populate your Address Book
● Internal & External Communication
● Manage your agenda (Meeting)
● Collaborative Notes

● Implementation Guides (planner)

○ Know your objectives
● CRM Overview (Dashboard, Sales Team,...)
● Leads and Opportunities
● Activities
● Reporting
CRM: Example of activities

New Lead Qualified Proposition Negotiation Won


5 days Call for 10 days Make 15 days Follow

Demo Quote up

5 days
Advance Tools

● Lead Scoring
● Email Integrations
● VOIP Integrations
● Mass Mailing
● GEO Localization
● Google Calendar
Sales Management

● Products to Define
● Pricing Strategies
● Online Quote
● Odoo eSign
● Sales Analyses
● After Sales Services(issue or helpdesk)
Sales Order Billing

● Order Quantities
● Deliver Quantities
○ Service
■ Timesheet
■ Manually (milestone)
○ Products
■ Delivered Quantities

● Time & Material based

○ Expenses
Inventory Management

● Inventory Adjustment
○ Initial inventory
● Delivery Orders
○ Right flow to handle Delivery
■ One Step (Shipping)
■ Two Steps (Pick + Ship)
■ Three Steps (Pick + Pack + Ship)

● Miscellaneous Operations
○ Scrap Products
○ Configure and run Schedules
Inventory : Traceability

● Difference between lots and serial numbers

● Track products moves with serial numbers
● Put products into Packs
Inventory : Shipping

● Shipping
○ Set up Delivery Methods
○ Integrate third party shipper
● Shipping Operations
○ Invoice the shipping cost to the customer
○ Multi package for same DO
○ Print shipping labels
○ Cancel shipping requests
Inventory : Advance Route

● Concepts : Inter WH
● Product costing(only concepts, see later on)
○ Costing method (standard,avg.,fifo)
○ perpetual FIFO or LIFO inventory valuation
○ Landed cost
● Putaway and Removal Strategies
○ Putaway
○ Removal - FIFO, LIFO, FEFO
Day 2
Inventory : Barcode

● Setup
○ Setup Barcode Scanner
○ Activate barcodes in Odoo
● Daily Operations
○ Inventory Adjustment
○ Internal Transfer
○ Delivery Orders
○ Incoming Receipts
○ Handle Lots and Serial Number
Website Builder : Introduction

● New WYSIWYG Editor

○ It allows to get output PDF or HTML, It is only when the output is
HTML that it can be modified in a WYSIWYG fashion.
● Versioning & AB Testing
○ Allow to save all versions of your website and allow to perform
AB testing.
Website Builder : Tool
● Building Blocks
○ Create beautiful websites with no technical knowledge, it allows
to design modern websites that are not so possible with
traditional page editors.
● Quick Form Builder
○ Build custom web forms using the website builder
● Customization Tools
○ Create fully features modern websites with customization tools
● Link Tracker
○ Website interface to create short & trackable URLs.
Website : Themes
● Customizable
○ Customize your own website theme
● Drag and drop Building Blocks
● Dynamically change the colors on the fly
○ It includes bootstrap by default, this means that you can take
advantage of all bootstrap styles and layout functionality out of
the box.

You can download free/paid themes :
Website and more
● Event
○ Website Event : design pages
○ Sell Tickets online
● Blog
● Forum
● Presentation (slide)
● Design & Configure
○ Inline Editing
○ Building blocks system
○ Sell digital products
○ word processor text editing
○ Product variants creation
○ Price-lists, products and stores
● Integrated tools
○ Cross-selling and Upselling(suggest optional products)
○ Promotional or coupon codes
○ Options to boost sales
● Shopping Experience
○ Easy search system
○ Skip shipping address when providing only services
○ Live chat embedded
○ Easy checkout process
● Payment methods
○ Fully integrated
● Billing & Accounting
○ Calculate & Bill Shipping Costs
● Reporting
○ Sales data analytics
● Customer Portal
eCommerce : Shipping Integration
● Shipping companies Integration.
○ Now with Odoo eCommerce you can deliver product with
shipping companies like Fedex, USPS, UPS etc.
● eBay Integration
○ The eBay integrator gives you opportunity to manage you
Odoo’s products on eBay.
Point Of Sale
● User Friendly
○ Set-up in minutes, sell in seconds
● Interface designed for productivity
○ POS that keeps everything where you need it
Point Of Sale
● Online or Offline Interface
○ POS stays reliable even if your connection is not
● Keep in touch with your customers
○ Keep customers coming back with loyalty programs
○ Reward your loyal customers with points, gifts and discounts
with Odoo Loyalty programs.
● Integrated inventory management
○ POS will facilitate your inventory management
Point Of Sale : Restaurant
● Restaurant
○ Scan Product, Room/Floor Identification, Directly print in the
kitchen and/or bar
● Customer Creation
○ Create/update customer from POS interface
● Split Bills
○ Split an order into different orders
● Barcode Nomenclatures
○ Identify specific type of items (Products, Locations..)
○ Define how numerical values are encoded (e.g. the weight or the
Point Of Sale : Additional
● Fiscal Position
○ Allow different fiscal position on different POS
● Payment with credit card(mercury)
○ Fast payment by just swiping a credit card while on the payment
○ Supported Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Invoicing and Payments
● From Invoice to Payment Collection
○ Invoice creation(draft)
○ Open or Pro-forma invoices
○ Send the invoice to customer
○ Payment
○ Receive a partial payment through the bank statement
○ Reconcile
○ Payment Followup
○ Customer aging report
Invoicing and Payments
● Record a new vendor bill
● Validate The Vendor Bill
● Pay a bill
● Printing vendor Checks
● Aged payable balance
HR & Reimbursement
● Set Expense Types
● Employee
○ Record Expense
○ Submit Expenses to managers
● Manager/Accountant
○ Approve Expenses
○ Post Expenses in accounting
○ Reimburse Employees
● Reinvoice Expenses to your customers
Timesheet and Project
● Track costs of human resources with timesheet
● Example : We will take the following example: Our two
employees Harry Potter and Cedric Digory both work on a
Consultancy pack for our customer Smith&Co. Harry is
paid 18€ p.h. and Cedric's salary is 12€ p.h. We would like
to track their timesheet costs within the accounting app,
and compare them with the revenue of the consultancy
Day 3
Purchase Management
● Master Data
○ Configure products for purchases
○ Purchase in different unit of measures than sales
○ Set several suppliers on a product
○ Set default Procurement(RFQ,Call for Tender)
○ "Fixed", "Real" or "Average" price costing methods
Purchase Management
● Request for Quotations
○ Send first Request for quotation
○ Control supplier bills
○ Control product received (entirely & partially)
○ Buy in a foreign currency
○ Apply a Double Validation on Purchases
○ Analyze the performance of vendors
Purchase Tenders
● Purchase Tender
○ Sent to different suppliers
○ Not especially high volume
○ Quantities set automatically on PO
○ One PO in the end
● Blanket Order
○ One supplier involved
○ High Volume
○ Multiple deliveries
Purchase Management : Replenishment
● Automated replenishment methods
○ Drop-shipping
○ Minimum stock rule
● Trigger the purchase of products based on sales
● Trigger a warning when purchasing at a specific vendor
● Import supplier price lists
● Import Sales Pricelist
● Price Computation based on fix price, Percentage,
● Apply On :
○ Global
○ Product Category
○ Product
○ Variant
Financial Management
● Accounts Receivable
○ Clean customer invoices
○ Advanced Payment terms
○ Draft invoice propositions
○ On-the-fly payment reconciliation
● Get paid easily
○ Automated follow-ups
○ Aged receivable balance
○ Customer Portal
○ Advanced customer statement
Financial Management
● Account payable
○ Control supplier bills
○ Employee Expenses
● Pay bills
○ Print checks
○ Automate wire transfer
○ Organize payment orders
Financial Management
● Bank & Cash
○ Automate bank feeds
○ Manage cash register(cash payments, put money in/out)
○ Import Statements
● Easy Reconciliation
○ Smart Reconciliation Tool
○ Reconciliation Report
○ Bank Reconciliation
○ Easy outstanding payments (get partial or full reco.)
Financial Management
● Multis
○ Multi Currency support
○ Multi Companies
○ Multiple users
○ Multi Journals
Financial Management
● Performance Reports
○ Business Intelligence Reports
○ Customizable dashboards
○ Annotate any report
○ Predefined Executive Summary
○ Perpetual fiscal year closing
Financial Management
● Legal Statements
○ Profit & Loss
○ Balance Sheet
○ Cash flow statement
○ Tax Report
○ General Ledger
○ Country-specific statements
○ Advanced Taxes Management
○ Tax Audit Report
Online Payment
● Covered in eCommerce
● Paid with payment acquirers
○ Paypal
○ Authorize.Net
○ Wire Transfers
○ …..
● Manage Orders paid with payment acquires
● Customer can access their customer account
Stock Accounting
● Costing Methods
○ Standard Price Costing
○ Average Price Costing
○ Real Price Costing
● Periodic Inventory Valuation
● Perpetual Inventory Valuation
● Landed Cost
Stock Accounting : Costing Methods
● Standard Price Costing
Standard price is simple.
It is just computed based on one set price for a product.

The purchase order price has no effect on standard price costing.

Stock Accounting : Costing Methods
● Average Price Costing
Every Time the product is purchased and received, the cost price is
recalculated based on the purchase order price paid and quantity

But when products leave the warehouse, the costs is not affected.
Qty Purchase Price Stock Valuation Cost Price

8 Units $10 each $80 $10

+4 Units $16 each ($80 + $64)= $144 $12

-10 Units ---- ($144 - $120) = $24 $12

Stock Accounting : Costing Methods
● Real Price

Complicated and less common.

Cost price is determined by the actual purchase price as items are
NOT calculated as an average- instead, it keeps your inventory
separated in groups as needed based on the purchase price.
Price is also affected by the removal strategy (FIFO, LIFO).
Qty Purchase Price Stock Valuation Cost Price

8 Units $10 each $80 8 x $10

+4 Units $16 each ($80 + $64)= $144 8 x $10, 4 x $16

-10 Units ---- ($144 - $80 - $32) = $32 2 x $16

Stock Accounting : Periodic Inventory
With periodic inventory valuation, goods received and goods
delivered have no immediate effect on your accounting.

Instead, at the end of the period (month, quarter or year) the

accountant posts one journal entry representing the value of your

This is standard and how it is most commonly done.

Stock Accounting : Periodic Inventory
Log your inventory valuation periodically :

Debit Credit

Assets : Inventory (Closing Value) X

Expenses : Cost of Goods Sold X

Expenses : Purchased Goods X

Assets : Inventory (starting value) X

Stock Accounting : Perpetual

With perpetual inventory valuation, all purchase order receipts

and deliveries are logged into your books in real time.
Stock Accounting : Landed Cost

Landed Costs let you include additional costs associated with

receiving a product.

● Shipping
● Custom Duties
● Insurance
● Labor Charges

Require REAL costing and PERPETUAL valuation

Stock Accounting : Landed Cost
Split Methods for a transfer of 8 bricks ($5 each) and 2 logs ($10
each) and a landed cost amount of $100 :

1. Equal Split: $100 / 2 = $50 for bricks, $50 for logs

2. Quantity Split: $100 / 10 = $10 for brick and log
3. Current Cost: Bricks to Logs Cost Ratio = $40 to $20 = 2 to 1

$100 x 2/3 = $66 for bricks

$100 x 1/3 = $33 for logs
Deferred Revenue
● Deferred Revenue(unearned amount)
○ Payment recorded on the recipient's balance sheet as a liability
account until either the services have been rendered or the
products have been delivered.
○ Let's say you sell a 2 year support contract for $24,000 that
begins next month for a period of 24 months. Once you validate
the customer invoice, the $24.000 should be posted into a
deferred revenues account. This is because the $24,000 you
received has not yet been earned.
Asset Depreciation
● Track assets, depreciation boards and generate
amortization entries automatically. Manage all events on
your assets in just a few clicks.
Day 4

● Automated Contract Management

○ creation of contracts
○ customer invoicing
○ Automatic payments
● Customer Satisfaction
○ Customer editing options
○ Easy payment and customer invoicing
○ Contracts closable by customer
● Analytics and forecasts
○ Monthly Recurring Revenue
○ Understand your business' growth
○ KPI Tracking
● Sales Performance Analysis
○ Analyse per sales person
● Sales life made easier
○ Create templates
○ Manage customer access
○ Set up billing scenario
Project Management - Advance
● Customizable
○ A Simple drag & drop view to help you easily group tasks at the
right stage
● Forecasting
○ Schedule your teams
Project Management : Timesheet
● Timesheet on Tasks
○ Projects are automatically integrated with customer contracts
you to prepare an invoice based on time & materials and to
record timesheets easily.
● Create task from SO
○ Now you are able to create task with particular project directly
from sales order.
Project Management - Issue

● Issue Management
○ Issues that arise in a project in order to have a better focus on
resolving them. Integrate customer interaction on every issue.
● Maximize your productivity
○ Create different teams
○ Assigning tickets
○ Prioritize your tickets
○ Configure automated emails
○ Canned responses
● Customers can create tickets via multiple channels
○ Create tickets via email
○ Create tickets via website form
○ Create tickets via Live Chat

● Analyze your work

○ Set your own SLA rules
○ Helpdesk Dashboard
○ Customer rating
● Self Service
○ eLearning
○ Help Center Forum
HR Recruitment
● Recruitment Process
○ Online Job Position
○ Application Tracking/Trackers
○ Email Templates linked to stage
○ Communication via chatter
HR Recruitment
● Organize your job posting and applications
○ Organize your job board, promote your job announces and keep
track of application submissions easily.
● Customize your recruitment process
○ Use the kanban view and customize the steps of your
recruitment process.
● Get accurate statistics on your recruitment pipeline.
○ Streamline your recruitment process
○ Follow applications in your recruitment with the smart kanban
Leave Management
● Manage leave requests
○ Employee requests
○ Approve or refuse requests
○ Add Comment
○ Add allocation
○ Customize leaves type
● Reporting
○ Personal Dashboard
○ Gantt, Chart view
○ Calendar view
○ Reports
Payroll & Payroll Accounting

● Salary structures, salary rule categories & salary rules

● Business Case
● Accounting Integration
● Appendix: Rules definition

The payroll app allows you to manage employees salaries,

from 'Basic salary' defined on the employee contract to 'Net
to pay' booked in your salary journal.
Payroll & Payroll Accounting

● Salary Structure: Salary structures are a way to define

the sets of salary rules that apply to different types of
● Salary Categories : Salary categories are a way to group
salary rules to use them in salary computation.
● Salary rules : Salary rules are the steps used to compute
the 'Net salary to pay' to an employee. starting from the
'Basic gross salary' defined on the employee contract.
Payroll & Payroll Accounting
Let's assume the following:
Net to Pay
Basic gross
Transportation allowance(non taxable)
Payroll & Payroll Accounting

Specifying on the salary rules

Salary Rules DR/CR Account

Basic Dr Expense

Bonus Dr Expense

Allowance Dr Expense


Employee Contribution Cr Payable

Net Cr Payable

Company Contribution Dr Expense

Cr Payable
Employee Appraisal
● Manage
○ Create appraisal plans
○ Sort appraisals
○ Organize interviews
● Create Survey
○ Design surveys
○ Create Template
○ Test Surveys
○ Export answers
● Automate process
○ Create automatic actions
Day 5

❏ Configure Odoo Manufacturing basis and BoM

❏ Advance Manufacturing with work centers, operations
and routes
❏ Odoo automation using procurements and Just In Time
❏ Manage scraps, repairs and by-products with their billing
❏ Manufacturing reports and statistics for Production

● Manage ● Define Flexible Master Data

○ Manufacturing orders ○ Create multi-level Bills Of
○ Work orders Materials
○ Repair orders
○ Optional routing
● Schedule & plan
○ Version Changes
○ Plan Manufacturing
○ Phantom Of Bill of Materials
○ Organize work orders
● Customize
○ Manage Bill Of Materials
○ Workcenter Capacity ○ Manually edit operations

○ Versioning
○ Document Management
○ Engineering Changes
● Quality
○ Control Points
○ Quality Checks
○ Quality Alerts
● Maintenance
○ Preventive Maintenance
○ Corrective Maintenance
○ Calendar
○ Statistics
● Workcentre Control Panel
○ Tablets
○ Record Production
○ Worksheets
○ Misc Operations
○ Alerts

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