Body of Research Paper 2

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The amount of plastic produced by the Philippines is very troubling. In a study done by Jambeck

and others the Philippines ranks third in plastic input into the ocean (Jambeck et al., 2015) .The

Philippine government is doing something about the country’s plastic problem like the “Pagkain sa

Basura program where the government would give incentives or freebies to residents who will clean up

and surrender their plastic waste to the local government” (Galvez, 2019).

A United Nations report says that 800 are affected by marine debris and 80 percent of that debris

is plastic waste (Reddy, 2018). Plastic when burned pollutes the air. If inhaled for long period of time

can lead to respiratory problems (Earth Eclipse).

Recycling plastic reduces the need for fresh raw materials and reduces water and air pollution.

Recycling plastic can also save valuable land space usually taken by landfills (Soffar, 2016). Reusing

can save petroleum. A lot of oil is used in making new plastic products. Plastic is made from the

derivatives of natural gas or crude oil (6 Benefits of Recycling Plastic, 2019). Reusing plastic keeps

waste out of the environment, a lot plastic ends up in the oceans (Friends of The Earth, 2018)

Reusing plastic bottles as a component in making stepping stones will help lessen plastic waste.

The bottles that will be used are plastic water bottles and soda bottles. The used bottles will come from

Casa del Niño Science High School that was already segregated. Plastic wraps can be put inside the

bottles to further help reduce plastic waste.



The independent variable of this research is the plastic bottles. The focus of this research is to

out if the PET bottles will make a difference in the concrete slab’s strength. “PET is a light and strong

plastic used in beverages and it has the resin identification code of 1. PET is made from petroleum

hydrocarbons, formed between ethylene glycol, a colorless viscous hygroscopic liquid, and terephthalic

acid, an organic compound.” (Gillespie, 2020).


According to the online concrete calculator “” 3.49kg of pre or ready mixed

concrete is needed to make a slab that is 10 inches wide, 10 inches long and an inch deep. 1 liter of

water will be added to the concrete mix. 3-4 PET bottles will be put inside the slab. The PET bottles

will be filled with cut plastic wraps until they are firm.


First a square hole in the ground will be dug; the hole must 10 inches wide, 10 inches long and

an inch deep. After the hole has been dug the bottles filled with plastic wraps are to be placed in the

bottom of the hole lying on its side. After that the concrete already mixed with water will be poured into

the hole and left to cure.


This section shows the data in textual or paragraph form. The use of tables and charts or other

forms of graphical representations of data are not allowed. Textually narrate the collected data and

statistical results you determined during the testing period of your study. Tampering data is a grievous

offense in this part of your subject as it is considered as cheating and will consequently rejects your

study for a reason of transparency and objectivity as a researcher. Honesty will greatly boost your

confidence as you speak the truth of your study in front of your panelists.

On this part, you will discuss the relation of your significant data that are relevant in answering

your question or questions that will later on become the foundation of your conclusion. Be careful in

doing this part of your study because you still cannot explain but rather narrate and relate only your

findings with the phenomena that happened during the course of your study. Do not hastily conclude, as

long as you do not have enough evidences based from your study that will support your own claim then

you cannot yet conclude that your result is valid and reliable.

Consilidated Resources . (2019). 6 Benefits of Recycling Plastic. Retrieved from Consilidated Resources :

Friends of The Earth. (2018). 9 benefits of recycling. Retrieved from Friends of the Earth:

Galvez, D. (2019). ‘Isko’ bares Manila garbage disposal, trash to cash plans. Retrieved from INQUIRER:

Jambeck J.R., G. R. (2015). Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean. Retrieved from

Mandaan, S. (n.d.). What is Plastic Pollution? Retrieved from

Reddy, S. (2018). Plastic Pollution Affects Sea Life Throughout the Ocean. Retrieved from

Soffar, H. (2019). Plastic recycling advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved from

Gillespie, C. (2020). What Are the Raw Materials of Plastic Bottles?. Retrieved from

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