Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) - No "Novosti" Is Good News.

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NO “NOVOSTI™* IS GOOD NEWS by Tomas Schuman Los Angeles, 1985 WHAT KIND OF APRESS AGENCY? Is Novostr. Fstvinaton sgesy ofthe Sons pubivongacatuns— sypthe offical Charen == ts promte yes ad eink ing betwcen vate uf the we! ve hese Neves Poss [Aseiey (APN) yas esis ia Feuaiy 961 ly 96a foved wit esuinaun cries l mnt Nl fale ‘ations ae wing APM aa fn wha st of foun Ti 1968 tie Govern othe Cone Repu (Kant), taley — Zaie.eaptied fon expige and ars 8 Sone weNSpundea Deus BeknussYusashc, am eupayee of be Seve orgtanm,Yotexulpubbe™ Novena’ the KGB! Fre yes ner etait dd Mons oly ro Wood face Uvlicily, storey 0 rumors Orehsd among te Tnoculate ine ar ina Congo prison bye Alfa Benes" asa “oot of er gatas fr Bene fo to see MORE ah you Aiba si nto Sovie clon Troi. 19 saber Afscam suey, Ren oxptlodamott sevpioyee yf AFSC, who nme a peasy noe Se ‘tne i be Kenge pret Iu Mart B96 Ke oa oiptomstnenpelingystanotst APS-KOB ua Yun! Karon, His came wes mendonee” Te bed, Wenkingion reese 4 Soviet Sipiomat depy ole alton anon yeni Si ie, Sudan OLY OY {Ue USS Evy nies USA Brame ns rt Karpov a he was ormer depen ecru Nove res gene. Comtade ped ay pers om gash it mo dlneperage Mesto 3 Sl, Eyer snc, ht puso as baer eu by & KCB a, Pre fel. ne Ong Dems ny former NP BOR Tr i363 nomoroim apd toca Bons Reregor ako known among ws, Nevost salts. bythe mick-oume an, aries Srl known sn dance to the RM (Canaan counters (roe) and for at raver co the pres. But Canaan pes Ra {me wos oe bos lambasting he Ameri CIA ro Fees the KGB. ‘Rorobovsnjosedungoeoaeha spall obring peak Oe Sov invasion nto Czecosivakia. im AUgUS 968, Lae pres hn indy eed resco pl Korlyoy wo age fomiog bangust in hover f otter Sove agent aring Ia a f a a ae 2 i i 4 bot | know tht Ganda was expated in 19° whl Kor}yor Ferain tl esnne rekmown a the pest as song “el of {athe saree, ofthe ened Hassan Sass Alexander Solna In 1977 in New Dei. li, her was ananasome a spots Novos corspene aimed’ Vidar Simon. t would be & ne of tne te lok fr im at our Reagan in Barak Road number 35, Thee mere esto mah) foes by Sono” in the Soviet press abot lad, No wonder Wadi Simonoy nasa oft’ whose duty was oto mach Fepactg om Tia. as acti the rei Siglomets ana pai a Sotelo. Foe ‘ar ses Snover had to ese separator the Soviet {Splomaie dol va specious bungalow wt india evans 200 ro eas. Aevarding foam American fend ol ine, Us foreign orespondent Dale Morsch, who met Simon regueay im New Fede, Maybe they were Bu Inia even now mans te ovet Sphere of lence, government ofthe ne premier tna Cena al bt condoned Soviet ivasonie Aghansan nd nates the Sovetaponiored "Conference of the mae” ounthes ag {Ber with Vaser Acland Fidel Catto Ane Ta pes reas fatlerant-Ameandeyntewislom,sublely and poles ofthe ‘Arian apes ad. possibly a 2 resul of “POGeRES" ot te Soviet ones, "Comeaes Sinono's sty non we eloudes as way IpSrhge {dels tothe West ate Simone -eerped Dy in Conads sse"presvocer"ofthe USSRembassymULawa, Mh Tyas leads employe bythe Canaian Broadcasting Corporat (C8Ch would vot be arp» i if former senor coma. pov a arin the Riders to nian Canaan “Tadeo Fr me amd get ioe out of fe CHC Teraationa Urowdesa ‘Shit orm chghtwigestremiey” = Proeniy.m 882.0 it ths book, comrade Simonov i accreted ms New York ey a5 Novos soveapondcnt and stinger forte SovetLieraturays ta" Obani proton! Ti 1967 Als: Revonses nas expelled from Gana tor ep ase. He ws another Novest- RGB hybrid whom Tew personaly {Talet ccctlonaly in Monson 168, etncen ness to, "rom 1967 on during the annua exibition "Expo" in Mont 4 number a my Novo comrades wer UEEWONIDg SATO dl clectfoniecitonage operators ab ard of Altre Pusan {he fans RGM ne boat” One ofimy KGU coats wave ie tour ofthese sens thelonerdecksand Ros o Me oean ‘elebeting ssenment ts fom: 1976 "King field” of Idina ator Soviet "eater Sine when ie was docked in Leningrad betwe efecto. ol tht information and some phat The American pres andthe FB to prevert admis ‘or similar p-ships wo Long Beach arbor during the IRE Ogi= ‘ames. Wahinghumbleconutin. suspect, Amereancomre- {re and pao gronps uscd to ore te Sowitet rrr The history thant pi Steatetc™ Aken eniitnyel witha TE ot Angus IED Sie nak rusted though tet of Pe ee 980 and 1985 ot eat dozen Novesti LOB agente bad seins APN-KGB suberion. Why so long? Te san alse detector fom the USS erbesy in Ii, 13 sis alter Lets dered by Oh Ameican CA and revel the ature of APRCKGB gti a the "Thid Word more tan 2 ‘Counties of Ass Aleta Latin America had been inated, Smorled,cestablned, subverted apd some — INVADED by tity force and pt osu Ant et Novos Press Aga) Ss oft aecptd inal the ep of he worl! Once ind hoe moon, Western buceaeases “waderake dase measures, The denying an evi yao USA C04 Nove ageat, ying tome to soms-uveratysonferees” Wehappeeed rece — 10.8 Rassi our”. Makar" “The abo iat of isan, amiaatiag te rare of Nove ros gone fa homeompite What hind ofa "newsagengy"s Newent 1. Prod, Juneay 4,191, fey Mach 23, 964 2 The KO by John Haron. Readers Die. 1974, pst $1. 3B. Moscow's Hana n Inde, by Peer Sage Bein, 196. yay 22 4. Hor jin Seanad atobs Maso 1, 166 5 The Rls y Jon Bacon. sage 324 & Toronto Si aewepapet, danusry 17,194 She Lew Crue colecion of ikl oe Soaexisy. APN, ton Te atonal sear, May 14,1976, 3. UP Aust 2, 1988, puval sce Rendqs af he APN located at Pushin Sate, {Riv uti the elenmtore Rossa movie Hae in Mowow he the branches”? Novo geerdine 1 the ffeil Care. relocated in the eapitate od majo tes of 10 counties of Soe Yat Nova foipn mura re im most cases pot sae Raat for they ove stacod te orcas the ete Si tafomation Pepnenontest tie USSR embases a ver he wen Times ici ky the APN exists smo 0 sesuat nn Gore il wih Naat he proto Sick Common wn-Commmnia of poseesahtonary ef idleape thts nqstios ar wtk-hums, fst ee wih ow aries meting om eno fay’ Wen and av-Fupanenbos hay af erdarncn Th fat at hes Seer ty arc eonctoty and no mart underod {he wen eoespora shou th cen sve Tsao fam ald cy Cont the pops a ne oer of Maria Sli there any pein Nove Pro Agency, tenth ineuingefic nord cepted inte Wen and aed a jouonte Iolo Bi sdvenor an ase APN pce Ps (Fa ie oval JzephVisonoreh tin ted he nok Tilt be APW he word wos ndesoed ily avast tat ips any ate vues wah of anny edtoiat ofits ithe USBI “he cay won ont rev i ats of Ue APN ip says To wala eshte aeceatoet we $Gelowar 200 eos ards ys, 800 pas eee ‘sche tenses warding wore {Mhnvea ine ls tessa nen acing tobe {hr Goo fs Ge te eng Seuupemiageagsy gem ay fee nies Sosa etch cose area Se eA Leach mening upton The ond, mens aiouotinn he APN wie pc a Aginnend Pope Sin ut Gonos Covi Cm Pay Se Sons Union ~torop. tes esac ea nd Arde deparme x ony rai, braless ec S Ancetny with purpose pie upg of ase rom ay apt mowenuae sin provone Now ev oo ying wend — “pov Le Ms.Angela Davis — a pawn inthe APN-KGR DESTABILIZA- ZHON gems Sr was Noelle "pest of Romar” wl the USSH The oufar shove wes printed ithe USA By 2 Neowin fomt “Agiation, Sebi and pied. 4 poate scary dimer to ison comrouseess and mod of the ‘asics vith te porpove 9 alacting or voting tm Inacine puripation nsoing ek peri soe¥ ple ‘Sealand economical tasks, Ihe means o asta sions, meting. newspaper, eI, cme ‘ea, poss eatoans es. AgIaton ba sharp and petenk ‘weapon of pleat sragle between chises nd partis, See ao ropaganda Allright Leto te what Mrs, Dobroncavova ad Soviet ofa tom considers propugyna In the me ditions. on page 20 “Propaganda ithe proces of explanation ier tion en esibiching of pic! idea.theors rd teuehieps.Propagangs his avaysa elas charace. lus pasts, Commit Party propaga ve. tal or printed explanation and tention of ess of MaraiorLeninsm aaé of the cure pobey of the Commit Paty. san separable pt of thecaeent polity ofthe Communist Party isan separable part Ofte police! eration ofthe masse Revolution) propepanca was a tluble weapon of the Corimrist, Panay fethe ered of preparton adnpemeralionat the armed pin 197 5 well oe ter conse. {ent sage ol he Socialist censrveton Propogsnda of MarsismrLeninn asus spel martin i the Gireranansse of sharpening ise ‘Seestragee ia he inueratanal ar Panty of the Soviet Union consantlypeiecing the snes of propariods fe'we se everthing is ater logic, consistent and — not important perf ones: Wansated fom the Sonic newspesk imo passable Eos, the two dfintons above ean telling 12 within the USSR or any tenors under Soviet contol, APS. ener” mses of populace to aceept ct condone essed bythe Party unuestionaly and mork without sks oe pokes "Geologicaly Novos yorks towards STABILITY.) Inte nr raioal wren” ein oei counties which are not et cided theephereo Soviet macram, Moves Pr Agency functions a {factor of DESTABILISATION snd desiraction ofacent ra ‘elie tough encouraging CLASS AND. IDEOLOGICAL STRUGGLE Te cold not be any simple! Hoth of thee functions of Novosti Prose Agency are evident one Pats ihe ella APR Char. ‘ehltine the parasanas of te Charts for the "wewspeak ins roca Runa Tnguaze: Here san example of sacha aslo Official text of the Charter Ine Novos Pees. Agemsy (Ab) sam information spe (ratte Sowetsuble organ Sons, operating une Act fee 14nd Um of the Cons futon of tho USS. Ne Soviet Ste organ beat Feapority fr the skeet thon oranyotheractionra the ‘ponsy Nor doe thea") Ber pong fm Seany other Gove organi ‘he Apeney putas the aim of fecitting ty ery powsble Sending. eonideres and widely iclating abroad Soviet Unioh at segusatag the Soviet pune withthelieot tr peeps. Atal ening ‘The Novost Pros) Agen APN} ivan estomon of Age bap Deparment ofthe Con fan, subversion od onsen pation Posing a Sindepemion”, the APN in ort eo and Poviy State. bureuverscy Ch amon rom steal 9 Sponsor knowing “The Agen feline, inthe vay of propaganda, them ration of the USSR ship's incernal and foreign policy, sing not tation and coercion of oe Ion, and os bared and jecastrage and ersorism on she othe Jn the USSR: sandering and downgrading everything fovsigm rot ander Sovit domination. Abra: presenting sled find censored harsh lo Ing the Soviet way of ie ai- taformacon exchanges information Showering foregs counsics crater on the Sash Of Wa” Marxist propels epost While Bapaing every for newspaper, peed or hao ‘win Me USSR. Iessimisnotocakeproit_ Unive budgeting of the sponsoring public ornisi Agency bythe Stace Par die floxs prtkiate on financing (tosh, absolutely uae the ens countable any pubic organ Satin pve ind Swhaticeer, Thearrual budget around 2.4 bilan dois ‘inn ngerate with Bath fowign mia fee af oka finecouned und cegpentiselye mare lten PAVING tthe tod primey owned (Cosga) mia tow pueatnns af he Novy mnicna or ae AD So ny ta bul PRopmiate FEE eet eseaption, rane tonne ‘There ix an poi in going into technical details ofthe Novos ‘Charter Win iovtant Bere and wha will be demonstrate in forte caplet ook. despite he masaerade sa “pub inl momgmeninet the APN sun aa beans ee but Mesa of MONOPOLY PROPAGANDA. an extension of subi Sm appa of he Paty. Thefustons and is of he APN can ot hr ything ebe hut thse f forming pubic opinion by the rrethrte mich even the Masia” gti dctaorsipsare nde Th sonoty whee "The Party i our coniiouseess and where The Thedangre of money pngapida cou hardly be overestins: Tecan vrneat hela etn enagaybropagaeds Propaganda treatm oo frou af people of the tice of 0 hater cts pllesophy of Heo bios a) (frowgh s sonesuny ome depo af date ar ‘Soc isnot neceany bond to nyt ale 2 tial rage, tc far act marks tomas spreading ‘pinone by somaction and ot Dy frei wed it ‘tmocrae ronnie well why ditto resets ne opinion out of uganda tied roid ar the rea om of opinion. It promote dims and fe conse [pony character of demoerey ‘ht hee propaguns manos the nang Tuto and all eousterpapegsn i er eds ha ine aft he expression af one opinion prove the only aoaree of formatinn — thw i i Ironing eat foes ted las an tient organ of onapoty propaganda. Together Sine ROD, APN moseully snes" (Sestaye) not nya Chomerprepagenda est onlnfrmation, but the very ures of Ua nforoatieninsevral eee, teding feign source, ooh at Rocio stations becadcaing in Russian language, etn ego pers public erpsanion nd individual cyt a tinal yal vals le amy part of the wor [Ew will coimon nse hed rent and scapabe arate But tie main ours of scone totaltaranagranon. and ite ievtaial flout-— Novowti yew pessoa the eral ten Cua pu wynions The APN und ts Kron owners cei ty peu sa ety “P ROVOKING DESTABILISATION™ ofthe vary Ser uct, Wilk the dawning of Mctents” plisy, Novo ha "wy £"Vertorans and payctolosia ansver shes upon tinge to explain HOW itis dons and how doesitfeel 10 tray of suber etm. nb ineardly Soagecingtboth with [Novosti headquarters, Moscow, Pushin square NOVOSTI FROM ROOF TO BASEMENT, THINGS AND PEOPLE IN BETWEEN My tstencounsr vith he Novos bull wis ini 19 Lovas in my second ye ate Intute of Ont Langs Mu soi him fora records seni oe sts o& wat wes en tie Sovinonm oreau. tas fo pay the ghar, for propagunla Dros that ould be broads to Inlonei Herman had been ent athe see iste, whom. mex {bur Compuory inch pices, He was arated sings witha fro for lenguabes: tl tnd ot dark complenon. he fa age Frown eye, With these qalictions he was Bound fo be poplar. Fisonly poles wot drink, mwachpeSometimes immersed Mims for several 3 ‘Koon Wesson ony dete een # cover hat ni Avnking was he ymptom ofadlemn proton. Me msiovea and Jent'So Indonesian aid he appear, tht he na Peet the rat) ite”onfndoneaan Slegaton wich was attending ar ienatona avi etal n Moss, 5s nerprete. 1 feet Tuti-an indonesian move 3, by hs oeount eaemegS teat simple. honest aod a et wospoued. Hei ove Fad een ‘op nial at heer Pa ole ol Yooea Ihe RUN Steno hin, tsa. eategerealy thi Yop Su oi approve ot Invermarriage ewean Sov abd Indonesia it Seo he Fae tht w Si Soviet spit a ecm ocd, na ncones (sales ihe onfycbrtily sunt "Sovstcommenatescoue ‘Sena he Oren almarae 2 aonese ‘is tection wescon fine. hd hough ele hut thebsaustt talk about fendship and cooperation between the pokes ol unites might fat te sorhing bt tT ssa mee othe ‘Young Communst cape son fasta eoloal eased nova. tad sen Soviet mie which ngosent Savi ens wre ‘ert by beac mene sas who turned ot tbs CIA Wo f0ok lity sets and then hose ghee vis Tess, siden fhe Wester rca. iit as am Re Uren vem op 1 EN uneasy Srooplng i dane y the NovesthKGB personne v gem ston Seuieteonsdate in San Francisco _ 6 usdemcih 1 found soe and wdereansing. We were ell Sbcang up alte a me ening when we ade eur bodes for Sovinforme and Iw hoping tht thouand of rear. at east ‘ni coeaion, Tut would Be ening to Radio Mone ‘he Novosti building. Pushkin Square, wa vectanglenctsinga cougar The only ae to that yan aoe aside suse, en Stpwrstes Novo andthe eo oes the"New ime" The ft oll ered obi sheet ett dette wing, Ta i lng cordon. ther are those who speculate about he brildng’ history. ror tothe Bolshevik Revolution yas acor- Ingo ne schools pot for ney spool gust: aeoreine #9 froth ao ee schol for Okina’ spies Afterwards 128 faporopraned bythe Chek, the Robe Secret Plc, an ate. 2 ‘Sool or forge evolutions, ander the Comintern. Dui the {Gro Patrese War the Soviet deseon of Weeld Wa). Sos ove ved ia. Novosti Press Ageney was Turded in #5. whim ‘ot Krutch the vier of his sone, Soviaforty disap ‘ead, oF Be more poise, maa in ‘owt oFgol RE story confor to an impression tat the bultig was aby the men stable place fr the shay fl of ‘ur mites ich arnt forthe moses yen. The Dudingisatar~ ble memento State Serey. Let's divi some of The rol fi forest of antennae eeving al possible lex and wire sevice they or RO pid fo Tae 3 ot de una a6 may Znnear, for new fom Rewer. AP. UPLand AFP (anes iis bd ews forthe West) never appears in he Soviet press, only on tbe ‘eas of namenklatrs of the mea. Nor should Novos be ought the only pererator ofthis hie tet most Sovet embassies sre Drow ith sr equine. (9 radio technician could eat ure out what they are une to By stdsing the congurations of he antennae ‘On the tor lor onthe worth side of the Novosti etangearethe tsleinere They oipy th ove lise Genuctinent, Separated {rom he raskins and typists et door by hie lexis wall sch siding doors anda yemosey corti lek (manulacued, Ioedentaly, 9 he United Sises. A mlkbox opening exits throvh which muses and messages ae assed for asi Noneabroad, Most Novos emoloves a denied acs means of commbrication wih te outside wort do ot blongto the people! {nag ocr ance, for vom goo terme thom yan Derdian alton tothe gro shane of Lubyank 0 feces apn) tad shir new Delis Aled trot enon tre be mas ereng hi apie Compal totem po Unser fei rte Seve rn sional cal shy wee Jpnras of gram dots ad dos moved compreheable nl 1 Sn These were ne muitenans room djing the min ao Tepinces Thee t aw avout 200 ofthe catankorour machine hiecavesienge Teopeator woul ed thom osrolledsn i heypuncie pays. Tada. thane fo genre computer sak fom eu Ss fa gaypnt ma be ering ens "antl wo oud to ecko, Hone were test he {poo tree sce ese Manon oer srtke ane gop Bejone its ehe OUAVLIT sor the sean, psp the are fro em and te in tay Ia i188, Ty pnd over Spy wines panes usr cinerea fp prod action of he KG. Instese woot beatae ys JRestnesoe af nfrmion whichis "vot vated wile see Sel nae" Fe ee tg rie a osteo tmatyinge eb Soc we Vana hat sone km ede pry, Here pes contersneesnerened foe Westerner pondents st cosmonaut Yur Gagan here cnc: vow ngiossy Enythrg ch ws mol writon ee cats Before en. ge eter, Mika Shook showed up Hee afer Ris return (om Unio wih Nobel pre for olen sok He. 9, Was URI: to titer spe or ead, torte wes ighly drunk Nondcr wat Sorcign lesion cosespondots mae ou ofa “interview ~The Sovit ambassador to Ind, coma Beneditow. KEG {0 ThE ram of Nevost here. tng to sxpiin the absener age it Stalin daugiher’sdtgcuon iow naa, wich tae to present. poor fellow: Pacty meetings aze sommes le fer, 09. TH} Moule of mo nares tothe Westen der una APPEAR George Orval or beter, botox Stugatns Fabio he Inter Common (Tronea — eeaped 90 Soviet censors roth by oxng at Since ito). ‘Western nots aden the West} erase shown. casos { and o «sect euience ot Novos erpleyes hit tain and Pe cs employed Oy ofan Stale Buses, ouch 2 {TASS ftuio Meng rajdate Here sane Shines Oe ce Beach, and conse ke) cous, Unb 0 wes) ‘heaton frm of anteSove selec. A Soviet move abou He mona We ullofam Wester aecsstions teual taw Howie war scenes to, aa hs dk a. [AMC 8 Day Aer hs funy tha omsion rete |, Hunan erOKONS were po itarld ultcka Soviet vanign sould stor” More confusion was Ufelca by he Nevembe'g Tyas ly an ot would al 0 ee ihe teemblance between the Navi ceendens who Were a ast ‘Bosna fa eal and thre who oy responding posstons ft power inthe Soviet Union, (pve often pared over the moe for Showing thse moses atm fan expeinse hat ot ste ans has an RECO totes Wos tnelseual torte? Was a esting grou, 1 Us ‘hn those who vt ae West ca ere wh Rew yen vast sth Svan lng eordonsand on doors wr Fi he mamet rimeeunS elt pographiaregine The weld se fea ogee te mate NN pane, Sele the Meola au Stine by be Pat mind Have, Tash tass-Cambodia, Victor Malay Me gene tin nguse Ata te Asn sa cater dexctopng cas BH gos tncelior af South Awol band icc ue condor Vary Pov. amass ‘hagent ere enn non age ma rite idly heir pcaon oft bey nad ban mug marr "Nong ths ese orfdar ofthe upper Noor Ges ase wera ene ams fr seve other Bos of talaue pari eh rast SE cen win facil petty até of ‘Sov Lanlngnie printed id Spapeison of aety coor or be deloyelurteinging Guede Ire A apoporionat umount ofthe work Ey Mb thecnsiaion real gangs sd pitng we de Maven 19. Iaun chose fr my tar The wing nnn w stoves fo iy liens a een wane oe he Soe ‘onan uid group wich constr elie a Koy wat Sosee wns on my fa edgnment 9 Ind an Noe Airatr of Soviet Lani tagarne amongst tds workers tne sorteuton projet ‘he we walk to Re NO seo the eANE, Me EE on om ie. tamiton depenment one ster The ip al vito te cates unauea verca ane sepa Ty ar tied my anare Madame Thetarsitors eof argon ages, sexs end nationals. Many ae te cliapning 0 tong eommumate wo came tothe Soviet Unum nsctico! he Hees tre soe Mia ou 0860 stn reaped omen oF nese. terete and tsi dd emtgen they ive os! the eight olor ene they came, ey saw the warporied sie Soi ie dangy fed becone Powble under rusts po fo whom (He leuning of 2 forsgn ingugo was cose ihe ststep towards high toon, They make romire itor. Broken HAUS, the Cent Commtce erst soso aes in Manda 0d tenes ty eormengut nd lloras ‘We ntti to te cpr. raor 0 Ne Wen sh, tnd find a stale to descend tothe td eae Lerstiptocte te ight ole Nove paste ecemiosse tere a iss of ney pang something 2 he “uses tepone. Hors Bur he eto work i 38 apo sham scutes fom many counties cell wil the eof {neue te made to ors, whch | as sometne compel 10 translate (Conde Baek bmed the rns i guest ci not lau oa a to corp fr hee of hear with dev. Hons fromthe oil) Sn southern oss casera widows dha erage which Ide meting tb sa ese Ah numerovs telephone some math has, freehand the wall and by the windows aod hs for is opened Books ‘The neephonc eterna. hgh fey. wrath {asumbler vo contact the ete ofsomeskstore athe Krein A litle doors ios eda fet to another room wi shower. bath and couch: be be woul rete aftr an excest of e435 (0 internal rendsig and cooperation. Lunch, avd, would te brought him herby a gc wats tomtbs spel Novosti {cent bse achartorepetCarate Birkin or fe reminded me of Gos pay“ the Boom nasi ed [A delegation of progressive forlgners biting Nurest Under numbers: Comrade Zaihikoy, Vale Pastor, Tomas Schuvan, 4 Comrae Yakunin (Cental Comte of Communist Party, USSR) Congregation of "wef! fs” boozing with Novos vp ‘rat. Sitting at head ofthe table: Boris Burkov, APN. (Chairman. 1m stnoding nest to the Indian poet. Noateé up othe se, nd there wat something ule about Hn His pestures weal indy cton when drunk. Coo Tae Burton loved to play denotary nde. in trust hm but mem fveign dekegates di. underdoed that he ark ga "Comnie Zaciko the deputy director, nas among arses in ihe Novost brs itis tm ts right acrove or BaFEe's tten stem wi exude of foreign “poster scavengers ‘She would shane ask Comrade Zehcon for everthing on im Aero ikl a Pars nthe Keine ‘Weert eta Comrade Zick woul patie Ue to Them Es foe snd hands ould cover eth P‘opiation. He SELLE Wee the afore shaking hanes wh thers, bu the Trnnd ol a foreign lanstaze wuld eke bi sweat ll he mor Pot. Comme Zachikovwasashy perio. Vodka wasanotber Thine ahs condition aspect that Zaihikoy fad soe sngen afm ke. Asthesonota profesional sod, reset. afoul inte mat, tke bse han ey a many svi iy pecsanelre ves The awk " nonarhls ho fds i aieoediionsé buries and rake Img wrrches world peat evarenos Tal skinny. and asi, wTopr Tora inongrs pa of Frech ceases, Coma "on ingen dove tached Swarms of hehe rane wished I ha a shove. ‘tong necro ofthe eas side, is Wo reveal th oes of the Panty rae ion, and Ounk Communist bone 6 one we kemeahied Pasta menber of hed cee Fern Wet who ad found Ht sons the Party fe fs trsonme, whoa Back ee ted reds and era) Tat snes prove ie timforasigeaure WEN er Capper! and Thad somethin abroad ending ly sng he bees of ensorstin samp. Thea be Sud tne bck it heads by an inborted ar onder, room, Avo sc sae sh of sein the mle two These trot mach ishe Svat evox produe ink row sop of fine neue srs anemone tare books by date [evn cuter wah rber spss to Beirut tee pom Erndnovbins vowed rsa lsd andi. Phe ongnals prone fr cearte ing. Nothing x thing nce Ghana wo pong slow gil ake eae "Recomendaton letter” — a ust in everyone fie with the Pesonnel Department. ees Cornp ne MN Meme Boa Slee ae n Several mote olor tous gos ke wale of he i Te wo ks Yas doors hich ea “OusidensKewp Oo “Heine those dag ate te deparmenis thers Ueparinen” an te cl They conse he har esery Sav metas ove peste ne iar antec arc kp. A spoil courerwillarrveat ne malnentana: ina Peach ie coe He poorly skinny an pimped young ma, Shite rao nr tera 9 the spel CU uate Tewenantvsibe caine ta brktse Heil not me Te ks. he wil Pave 4 atin tn defen he aeeey of eorexponnet enon te Sate nd ee “independent publ mens agen. He Inthe department” oe tect. she ere ore pondenes i violate, and by the same se, The errespondene, fhowgh tha a she Novos stall Amie ly pt wae worng ‘hore the es time Tpke through he dec. Her job was ope ‘he mal whether perm er profsioal and take copier of incresting ltrs ‘Next door down the sorndor. 9 «Ae persons department guarded bp aned KOU. trepool sale se coms pe ol fen, In thes he diplomst ol sal umber uestoed oa ther nihsvey ler ecermendetion, memrndim,rpaand bv ths lato ous profesional xen Ine prc docyment a Sepactquestonnae (he aera. on ich You ave answered ely songeinbe guetinn shot jour en su ds are sows in the pesoond doputment your ile oeloges xy st the mostinpottane document incachpenow ee ws abjetia & ‘nor ot shrdopage compilation ofthe mos subjeuve opinions — those of KGB informers. Every departrent wll have at ast ox: ot thea creatures ‘Vein ofthe personel depute scaled vo rom el: ‘acy desk) and gone by a obuha, with ae iadtion teks for lf members ofthe Mal wh are aso reservie I or Instant wos an aer afte serve, ad when tas aged ‘rd, babuska tage a ekephone eal as tl to report lo ratinimg oa camo near Mossow I ook me's mak of got nan commuting between my Nove Bo eno andthe Dubusthasto prevent my "rexwacation Even hes had ket (9 New Delhi the smnipotent Defense Misty thr Sabi. ed a send me Ethiopia ass easlatoror the Soviet tary “avons What saved me oa that vasa pasha, coi Sn tat rng asin nianlngogs wich rtaplon se Plant horwt eres tow etek Guim ad Scan serves ar provded one sot tt id tw Toe ao nsec Commune “tmtanf ror fr epne peteos nos obo oma Mevctequeney conmcion somtimes abroad, sully 10 Pay into he commun wou bas ing mesg hr thetorgndeleton There mast be pet ova, a 08 rennin om pier cleetsefarms Mae ooo ie. And ova won fo ite park sa someon Co py Hp 3 Trond ln ines ohne seslandnanirineree Hones akegy eer hash ‘Thing nn ov eentng deere ht lyre ‘SErna tow avo Tek for ne and ais re so ing it aan hte coir we sep Situ Mourad ‘mum ptgrpts wth seaines fe fd Bese, for ee inden wkohave wenfemdhow that socal tuna Sint, a peopl bgt ce haa ey Bt clea op Gstnr Begs Doving ov Harare one thi ou can Sy for set nk cs ine tae wa Ths enone ‘pout bea mater af xseh fr ppl ai ead mpm star eel Oy he toa weRine aes netr pated othe word, bate ete svobeng resp yom lve eal ud see Neat othe round oe with acm the sel of pihts aod sessaa coo foracneensand in cect death bulgtohy. et s¥aeoo dew LE ds doon go te vitor he in entrance or wn inormed te oko gui ie ofc n es ia te balding tate ave aproatale hee tan any The sents ak er your pass, hey Wil end sal Rome Who ae ‘thou! one. Avo matt expla hs buns atl To te Sentry neat ne peso ne whe ose, on he wastes Sure wiitoepessbncrovaptortoerer.Haosennes etd [ROw, promt demoted for esing a quatao arest php (On thir cess wten a omg eapesion — “Ign yes ag01 Soult ase hot you ‘Notes By means the st dfs balding in Moscow to sneak no sang the Cente Const ia Nagi Sune ot nerd 1 sugges the eearaph agency TASS, orth Moscow aie pug. hte the per enero plea ns shek past loregn coun. You pss your vishal about for more canbe spent (usualy landing) wating for he geal tend a beck wal (with one brick missing proces ke ot an cxia sp of pape an call our name Baek to Neves. Toate ie of he lob. the cations dipay Sovie:pssoaltss a ahieerens Smiling mikaunds how. Iulmacer physician dum conceited Party oficial sharespoce fom the wale wth charts fe incest of sein robb the ‘tuner! poope who have hepato an provoked by Novo " propasar, Taking the felt condor, me come othe efter, whee, f we fave sce money iil lore te mx! pbk, We Mm Have some beer. Drinking to exces in he caleri ix rt aise for oven st gies the informers too enya lob, On te other and drinking tees common it None taf ots con ‘Sale in fing caints, pockets and bottom derwer. A fowepn olleague of mine once fenacked how mich water est 40 BC Arunk’by Novo ah in the mornings ‘Ruste Vera (not only the efter pateon sin, bet is csanager Hee jovial and btn. presence ascot for no Sonal pat of the era inthe tom of furnasm. Is len fugested hat she steals foe whieh. Rusia sot srt of backanded compliment. for exervone who works icles Seale food, Sting fan esr) pom spin soe Tetuting our empty bots and stag. ek or sich the 12 Aopeck depos. we my bum he eornor tote wt side othe ‘pound loo and tothe Ree eavhbox. Wes frm ths Cay room With a Urge feseption ree. that loan "proctesnes ae Pld the thinty ser iets or contbtine wo he destastion of thei muie "decadent capitals mets. aad oe pinging the ssh about the Motteland of Siam the Sov Union. Most take It mckIs sme have the ve to compl That the marber oF piss is unequal Wo ier tuaer of poo 8 én ed hile of cl see tent cm Furre pri ie windows SEAT nave seen ening person Noe for naan Ra Stony Koval tpi ‘Ak Sarde arc, My clings or Es Bic Kun Fy Ne le Seah Draisigrmaton Deparea oF ROP fh and writers from the WO nd up inthe ve, Heed oe ene nom iste hoot 800 pening eg ote Four its of tre wove bling bat tht #8 There faethe cresting asemw. Ful eas Mine ikea stesto wh stall dove only by “pe at, a suiaist quotation fro The Bible). Heras Me 4 eo ol ene ‘Biches ave te abe ate nto ery Bato igh ot Wot Sigel Commute meres Demir #957 ere hy Jos Palsy Came, 159: Maken (np inthe eo rankfte Pese mg over mage aim us nal 9 er. osion coule compinely sit ot he foranc ube Ag! rtnmber. eae as rk Tsxpresend my pon my Sind that oo Senscraie fn uss propaly proving us With sbekes in case Prescot KKeaacdy onsred 2 ke against MoScOH in exchange for system sonnot pos eter al et milion Mesoovite Ine (ate motto protect people (ror ration, a tote renkiatra from » pani stcken oe of peor ret resin. of tna perod was hyerion) with ugh tions, so ros the ene. stains. [ot abet above Ky Ir explaned to me tat A ‘tery Soviet softy ee. hao ts eae Jopartments there fr porhg asenart pol aise Suneon is that oan ear} marae In ene of 2 naar vas, he (OF se) Wil Rene on inosenttelerhone call and someone will nection a code Coot pases mivbe something Hike “the svallos are coming irk Go Yaits” or "Agate hoor sends her tet teords Paya That silt wigzr the eveiation operation. The clerk CEH open is ate, prodace sel envelope tear open. ad Jat everyone whos ise on he switeNboar Testa ew il wine toa evar, 8 i they hd bosn el to another “Cueshe so peactll 20 de to che sie, ving the trove afice hl gnenare o the appreaching mise, 12 Foust i he velar fe. Exeevting would be orderly and purely ‘ene, Nov lnceinine cas tose at he ati doo, 30 "Thue moe fa the hing Leth gt the el ou af the slay tuaoment and well in the salt pesorsard of Novosti It vsti spond tne hy sie Ved fr ee bale. Cader ‘fo Toca colo! imho there are eat pte ales and Another nooring session with “progressive” yuens uf Nuven NOVOSTI “KITCHEN”, OR SHOULD WE SAY “QUTHOUSE?, Vitor Sacitism, as lied by the Sonic textbook of "Pal Viealeconom)" hl amalene temendows, onpredencd produc: the forts nthe scety, an daring a hitonealy-sort pecod of time had deena to members! the Poltbores the abso. advantages ofthe cntaled pinned esonomy over the sre Sige mark”, plaghed wth soto, sisgrasion, oppesion, ‘xplitaion, and genera orl ris twos explained fo mein ‘ldhood. hatin the Wes the apiaieares body rgane aed ‘ogre. hat they prefer ob Wheat a pour mk io ive fathr thin pie if the poor mes isle “erproduton [Atte aon T wes expected fo ol eas ated: "Blo hours Scum! Mie in rer Why not being some to Metis In my Motherand there ne danse onervedution. that ea wes ts 30 years f sot fe Shortages. ut oavas-ppo- ‘ars competion raid soe growth. We may sameares be ‘ort of potatos, brad. mates, hoses, shoes, oa erosene, ‘Sheet on soa. suawoet jambaliers. ne souce cor wh Inca of the Fe eatqory meat of the send ple mest eo ‘harm urdsrwesr Draohha ads in Poole’ Chica, wae sats made in Creshoslovakia. dr Tish rom anywhere secondary ‘tical produets, without whith our natin has survived and een Ino glans sesicieren space and ACH. Tut not fora singe second inthe tory af soca have we been short of propaganda. This seed we produce in abundance Ist bmeve ad frat eign bodes Winn Where vst conte rom? How des tealectn the sever. Festal ferent and what Lind of ete des tak? Wit tore fF enon de epinked hy rumour? Yet fli Tovah wpe of pasa collected in Nonowt Ip prs” eam Aging the Pays {de APN. ad om frsgn min, hed protec and ertons “giprp develop lange ne frnighiy pegayand pao fot the Svkn ad Sosign i,m wll a ey-prata Mara Lesinst ons enero prose {Sor APN our gencral os” Fen te to! ndopedon mt Sei pougedh maton oe he Bain fm -Asitpop’s pas are brid to the chit edi orsaf Novosti during reannt mecins atthe etal coatoe Ealhened. tbe cel {ome to Novost and bil these stall ézprtment etre ‘Thee conseavnth elaborate he pans accordance wah ute nts athe epetine oxen a aes to match te "eeds" of ‘onic nations Incase nen caret events ubbors pen in Mtvtitnn ote estes the Kreme deparioar sche ‘tvoreonudate he and cogesaney of ropa wih the ‘inet Coote by hoe, ty: My rst act woud beto callin Represnttionaf Urbek SSR at ‘the Coun of inners ofthe USSH. andrei th ise! in charge, eanrade sy, Casanbeckt, 0 efor NNO SOME Shout the lerousaehisvementsoftizbek people wnerthewdsnce ofthe Canin Cetral Comte Comvae Gasanbockot allows hil 10 be ted nt sch an important venture afer tall a otra the lephone, He pases the tek his ade, who spends athe mooursonthe phone aking indication onthe" mninpoints”Intsurthree wee testicles put on conrade Gesanbesto’ disk. Conmade Gasinberkow ny fren ea sore of iL betore signing. and dropping in thea” The ate aveh with 4 space munstoral dapten fo Novost sermatines ina blich Catta limousine I hecones obvious that ic ‘whole pie filtrate, too long. and onadifaren subject: methods of eotioneross-hreading But Novstsaccounts department ey {sues a'moget honoracem — about fowe hundred las 12 omeade Casacion, iba sie fora tinier, bot it plsan iy Skies is author po and further scenery brothel es bstwece Urbok and Rusin bareaberack ‘Sores ous suck an arte ul bors: oer the intr ig*out forthe meting at CC" or hs ahangnocr or hide msg es the note with “main pone too shy focal me sein. fp her werd, te ops does nt app und I noticstel bow tance phe mornin Inthe cae I ene roma ashen oad fswspanks Aon Usbettons e08 fme detail fom the Kevakistan pepor Lem Zt salt ad sis, mention fia Gandhi Tis sod eomade Gasanbeckov'irnte Punish Lis yea, retype io ese copes ad send othe Representation af atk SSR The etic comcy buck sth the pres tol of meade Gasanbeckow and the rest goes a5 above inching the Ths apns must. of coune. pass trough eens. be enon ith Abterop’srecentpropagaa la, te. heen eft ‘ieharubeer stamp" Exclusive from Nevin By that ire ier ing through the méacaon sexton. thet unable avr iy he ceed it {bait ors ese eraing nthe prince the tp) ‘whisky ‘The sat x pited wi pho nif ming ek eo. Proving he unnistatheaehaetapece Sevier green FoemerlyHackward Assn epins 1 Coram e018 — ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF A NOVOSIT EMPLOYEE hers of yee “Teint eho Podtphi ing note dst th pala. Hosur my part Aare were ou so te pests oi realy woes to le ih your callagtes™ 1 por to Sut My paver slaspaston the sorndor Orssin [Belhorvsmudpron! " ‘Alter scanning through & Poe aerial I cramps the frost i impiting fonriocomae rh Th owe communi shen fp he bt onthestve tbl water {orton Meanvihle [prota gue communal baltrocm end end Shy ow fsa he bur fat fy exstence, Shon ihn ‘ncighbors laundry, drying ona cloth ine hanging aerozs the bah ish ys’ burch nthe teen, wash it dows with not tessa ales bck tomy room, Drelngto the sd nen earn Totabuut hc achievercnt of Savi indy and gation of he Pontntr for balaitwend oncom dedentc 0 the RxI Pasty Contes let # i sb fon Mind @ row of at tation [ony fail Sy face uineies tothe ook hom ‘cwasusuigatketelT ve Miltary Azer he jtoaso Sider sins he oacous volumes Rave eed im pete end lions) have ge with be vodka, etm the mio U tig eon 2 SE aera Thane ay tow bi,” Vena, the reel ae forthe Ulf ofthe Miltary Comemunicstions Renae nett. whee Tatler nonhed prt to hs promos othe General Saf and ater {signet om the sre Te ted it, 4am through se anton dor ofthe saburban kia ain “ZagoatcMoscome= pening my to the ase Stuns posangeouvenn mina the ergs Thepnecmeiedor breath tn uv wavelets on inte hove besem 1am Prove exh nt anc n somo sauce ond re Bread heh sig ol thejle tenis pullman te meri fst hour Se ily cnn. genie been Se back coming to ian nin aly arses el fo and Taos ou er a ieee The sin sp ‘sor ston, and oh prs p site lu oes “ego one Desh S13 Moscow fermna. We fal ote Jory of Seas apres ings single ms il ie elves lene by tw te es ovens of TeebuD4a the orig igh steal nerve Inyfelow uel ana daeover tat ergs are owe an is esha coat ip tango ei ek ‘ha oro esting SUD alanes arm by another ste vows Komomolstaya eto ston Ung down tne eestor. nde a shapely gure cid ina scyport Wotan cane borspontykpseunmtr. Tebow ms tioagh ene crove trying a see erage I mae ute gue to "este suburay ear withthe" Bon,” Pres togetes we say ‘teh oer’ anatomy tnrigh a quater inh 6 cotaing. At Alou Iaage to ge forme pont task nh Tora eepone ame, She ‘Syste ces no taveuny. Stes. Isivenermine andenat Foe ee) Marka wih & Gari sie. the tas evi “Bolan” 0 emerge Pushkin srs mstatiigupon “Boles aopngse lone The wether pods valk Tv B1kS 3040 oF Paseain ” quae drop inte the “Tosi Caetra™ and have glee. A ‘Sond brbls of sn with aaron Resa eh hundredth of my monty og: tote 20 Kops Tahoe lor to the ry Leniit Cental Comarin {ave bye guarded ae doe of Novo epg ID ard Motherland hay already Been eonplted me A ony deste mediating wn) Gee) picking my NO. | tesimphanty sires cry gen ie tds Sepang apo Uber pontine, tat ey ae wean anal aboot ois “Th posse sue fr pneson of the TASS reports pile stats ina aves is ur oe om pen Te pes PronpayUvded “nite “pen TASS ~The report su cvs of om wwe a Brother eet enuf mane toby ince "DS"— Dopointete Sooo ‘hj ee team he ype ences reach pape ese te an ical bout mppenings ite sree cepts une nthe Peoples Chant These pags vad moe tet. Mt ‘iki cw ewe wo x to te mom sae pro hp: the Pee ies te Ae eer iia. mst Sins arses coments fe Westen popersapou Us aout Gas or Soviet disidems srs in pacer Ike Novocherkask oF Minsk, gosip om the Krenn. Perceived and tered $y ‘elable mes cos (othe Cental commie ty samatorallt esters reports. ONer Inst pags asthe Tost Ing seat om cat ote and ein sometime ove someon Shovker impaem'y and eazy. Sortins the TASS pb ses our room and goers a comeagePushkov soe Th Fappens mien our avons an peaeovng arm Toe ea Semcoue fem mperiaist ares oD Soviet nenspaperatrie. Unwinly tenn ourees rom he sensations fabreatios of Wester eed we ben orm the mas rau" Not tor lomo, ot eoue, bat earch of materiasapproprate lor external use, Uta could be xn artile the Topic on wen eomtesponcs tthe is of andes” hom loi branch or Novos or simplva ess dopmiti pee ofpropagada {or cmerption iano oe progesve Bates coun ach of uh ehxis our ea toe there ay saath —a ‘eques for nchamactick ed pees mark by out bss the one, we look hugh te Soviet maker (waste pape rather eat. Onan des. most ofthe ene ind some tte om 3 Sos eam atk Makoto fing sable pate on wowing coon fe Usbektn aed annriew witha Soviet solos en here alo hing mere took fori tay’ papers nh karcoek the day APN bulktin: or ait sigh rom a outside aur. To Forsch | am supplied wit an ample stork of file ankeay, the sigan nds card. wires wards printed aes. Lago" or sting” Phe ann for pases Lk from he morning fonsrs Acie alo Geman rom me ere te auher ior fine to whi coe ot seouaphical area the pie to Be 26+ ‘ied. nto sich agoaues fo be arsed and how to Ded Sa Sean Branch af Novos, by elon. by dilate bax. BY ‘tony alo thro #forian crespondent it Moseom), ‘Auvnerape pew of mropuginds dost ot take mh abe 10 eons Tut fromthe teuspaper pate, pecan blak see of Ste popes singe the til ram “The Gloreus Aetevemeats of Kevatwen's Doser Captain” to a moles "Kavakhaan Te Froo Vekle Chon Fee Teepe two oe paraeeDRS NE ‘suteut anethiro he ean ily igo th cova che boom, ustng the code ters of ue dpartinent (GRSAZ ~ Glave Seer Sian Ani) and ay he masterpiece om come Mako ovee Malan sigs a wala inacsable aas 0 hie shim sing of eapessive shaving lations of dscade nk Sgro rane He seronfesaisengy’ and 3008 mame. 8 (Wear ently ate teagh he parage pled hy us his dese ary conling icenaompt The eatings at Novos bull to cops he igh ant witha eave al with Fags (atta anh riya i ani dea ren Motor sliced by APNAthuipu huenssereven hy iad bles An wordet* syste rm foe Deli aks ie cepa. tnd tieupiocummde Ua hotntn cient the afb e ‘esamoones dak Voda tts on mie samt ae Provide he notoral andemkewsggmsinn tate ee Thewye a drderit from a Nowost author sary athersepariment oc finaly. tn fom aur tpariment: how orarinm fue alge overepent Mab = When the opus isready cn ped, Latch an anktato ind put it om Mabhotn's desk Thats whch the ec of proupands dig om or incgstion bem ro um ucts. The bos sams my opus, bly seaming erough i snd ot passing co anther jagor ito fo gzcom. I pekit yp. and tm trip through Nowe mses. in Rate "Toa ure wih Bago ht” ‘My int stop ia he region coom. apart of te karock, sb imam carer chapter Here Uxake up 4 plum gi d= reaming 2nd. esta my carn. hypross Nuno: abe psi Tinea her epee fo2 Book and enter the mbes oF my aric'on the appropiate paz. and print witha Ber stamp the Same number on my eet Having comet ths inte of lubor the vt its buck ico Wer cays. Thaw ‘exvighe, lt the eas rom, do not reenter aside ose ho go oF Te eves ers pase mei oe set, fen sas (otal enocel aod did ol conan any sate Sees Uicecnsn mumbies“Purit hes. eome back ina mini. asd sentinel sory nto ater arc, saiiag is rae 19 fin wert infomation the decadent enn ins West ead turn “ig. inut." en artless ther, I would be sil hee ina young Communi: hands and bring 6 the censors very pure tose. while making vague pestrss ard whspering something ike “Ivan Parovich wanted chs urgently forthe le Gispateh at 625." veil Dok at 625. hor thatf itmatcra, even spel thatthe ‘nor kno Lam Ting. But my Bul works becuse kaos the Ion, powrs wick Rasta patsoninie. whip cnet ily (bib myrrioay number and words ike “agent and nied Cpr tsa of Soviet ueauett The emer preter ares ey tilings shout he rraning of sve pares horowad ra eet te prchic rater staan tar pner igh cntae ech pg ‘Sine oer dace. A copy rst depot he karat Th ime the ie must exer every del of he anv. pesTely Secretary pe Tartar cy ftom Narwny in ery 60" tbe of & KGD otter expe “The tof photocopying ! ‘When th youre oveigner finally et Moscow al weather reepeive fovegh counts te comings the work of Commanst Pronamnia. by tolling fale about Sovit achievement, afer Mocow nas cane’ and swept of forsgn cigarete buts and eon wha ook srengthningo peas and fiendshp" 00 lst Tho Many of them lot some prt of thie admication fo things Fowsinn. ‘Astome. 1 manaved to preserve eso the Motesand andi not eich VD. So ya ll fondo eins. Maccows fom admiration of welbared clothes nd lan ers made 9 Further sep Yo te realtone oeines were supe t ot in was they wee mutual they were nt aad To sciaize. they Ufse ee to ee ther soverments ad curs, Slo the ‘Gen gro kemy mins: understood that comocrers et whats inthe USS it Bat foreigner: huveintheireountres. Amd Fad Fah deroras At hal me Leould no Kaw tha ary of ountyrcm aho fuh in Wester democracy an tha saith hd Go hud housand of them tees Oni ete Tate ddI Irn hat Woser demperacies di To prisons of ar ttho reblog ain che Soviet ascan doing Word War ud Joined Gta he vin hone of cising Stalin tranny They Fal no otr shoves the Wost was not sia to Bm ma tren the geen inte Kea ba ne comer he were alge” wth Stalin. Unum, unpetceted, nel tsi the comanen wna” of Werner, thous 9 PA, WOR uD hdr tenga homes Op othe Wechana Americ, ‘od tne aet We Sul a elective eves: This the West berate oly ene in Stir Russe eingcneis ave sat well pu Propaguade and oy he Westra eda. Asti ey atode to Fovlgners could bea pe dtc byt words again, nope and ‘gen tect 56 that atest ehangedo"purienent ‘fer my Ss cman mi rey ing my at loweenane a3 gaa zzk & AWARDED 70 ER COMPANY | nt.” and ltr gration fom he Orca Stuies Init and al es of Novos work with orignefuthinthe USSR aad aroud he baromate Jed twtr down, ireadorm ib United Sates wish Sov cuens sets prajed otis Peace peal” another propaga ti tte ane Wea wa, andy nacre hough he wtole sana waned ae ng mo Oy “Poe Sia! den” aati puted By Pao Pitas 2000 0 fe Ig rs Poet ain as nt AME 8 Ca esas rei so Wf work tor propagane Imagine Moscow in 1960.4 sy Year of aisanroucrop tis Despite deren of Reina abot the USSHC“oye Une USA™ipall lcs of production uals mk and men he theadis one of mal prevous fetes, amemmnotn Word Peace Congreve: ose imonst Io. Meseow. Paw Oy the Riel, ‘mousieds of eu Toei reat nacome o Mos ft aout ‘enecesiy ofdbarring he Wt "Humane — arts pest SROES, LNs. oll aia pic ees, espetve ses felor ov end active inthe USSR with one hing noma ‘Skate bingnest 1 the patie se of Swit he Uimigins the syondance of the Areaio pase, mere al ese pts” ule snemvehes ith sect Fd while way magn ep of aid Wee yes Messer, Hom bad ie ih Atco an fue cr cba Inowand more ge0gs0n cred si hm Avesca arian ep hat they nor tung eects, Ua the Lah Toul ot ep propery ar suc a aes. fa a of tr agente spouting allover he Kee une the “hee {emg o as TSE Hake, the eaptad aly Of eolony of Moscow, ned Avera. amin be Chakalmowsn: aad Seve epi! ‘the Cade). am secorpangingadiingushed eve or ii. {Thee poltsin, uns. rend fe SOUL FeO [ore in the vt otenploation of Ie Caspian "OU siOneS.” Out Iimousie sop ata ed pt stint big eaty Marngsun my Indian gust es «color tnd tong queue of people stand by tbe ead stave "dima, ‘Wear ae these poopie dome” ans te woe, politician ane human. “Wain forthe morning newspaper trav ansyer without hestariom. krowmg tat aur denen KUM man. overbets every word “Traly, 1 tell you, the Sova site of tot Hersey oe vnondesays th geri down is Window to eter sere the hignyeducred Sover masses. AL this ery moran tiny trckernindo of estos apa aah lr oa of resdemergex ips caught bythe fist im om te bn A need tte se ‘Somme okturbaacececretro mvstached Aetouaramendagawoy eeeuming Russi babusa nt orebeat te words" to Mowcom and cat your ne Reso Bead, tour Aeron ct Ths old woman, ecg. gt tote nd of the ne ‘he trafic pt ehanges tron, nou buck oun speeds awa rom te “newspaper Loh." On te docks of these esp faton platform we are met by Pury and adminstation bose. Before the imupction. we are mied"Tor ask "whch happens to bea Luxurious feast win Tots of booze apd cave. “To pease ad frendsip among the peop!" sasthe Panty bos, ‘using is las of vodka To Inds soialstie path. following the great example ofthe USSR" Snot he Ina gest ‘What an hones person shoul hve dou, would be to stand op at he Party bos that he eas toad, or for tht mater Impeetth“lorousachwiement, ina symbolic pte of olit. tp th the Hungry people Nothing waueal The poltians ara Humanist doit back her in nda‘ show sian) agin he big capt, Why are they so sy 9 the USSIC? # And ies plod. wellinoun posto nia. stn Get nam cons othe SSR ora saat ery the St goverment aca ouar lor D-eslsoary aces init pt Ine eaten he fad eed ound tne ean the fone rh en wo ‘ving ye of couse they ame. he he young oh “Soe pt homine efeolutony meson hs ove ‘io Wie ae he dea Supine fae. amnion ins, rp aw propaga int aia Kab ows py and cra hie ent a Taht [ugg om Soviet Rens Re fortran nr work ‘iets way be waned Bua she Scrat ee Sanco ene former Beh coy tn pore Sui sr Aine of "peace and foendship and co-esitense nd coopera” tresvng Lacon, ade svoiscary poy sede fhe Ae range tSea td Gant vm oso Mae tino yaree cre yh nin ottony peutiarthecame oteedomepatgand pope t2cunth ght eine tnecoun fescue prope A chee Senedd bey senator wae dered Kremim pen to Party Readers but eloed to the masse. "Coy: np Rasan doctor spas eased test he cut nen hehe see ea Sno nortobrathe iio Ur and ie nesbreterdeboug inte i hve Jou pepe you Rano mck sed ho ecto puipting hi cen He ee proudly. "ne were too busy, basing up police stations shooting the Buh cites new had he comers ring cba ting ina aiatn, pang pl ers youre, evan Sy upd hc omen wif ve wet Len" awn the chien selon scatman, Pople youths be ken ere Tomy imagined ifr stoton Wathen Migood ids" mbutabervienna! You US. defers commitmant to Wertern Erope meer aac tno mio pores vain US fay Tor peace’. Why not Soviet Tag? heart Rusia lads dove oir ofthe Soi colonial Army i Hungary. had bce sha irc behind 2 torr by a Hungatah revatonay poet” Would she sigh bout that Hungarians ela (esl Or woud she ahr approve bat was doe Dy fe son to ne hundeeds of Hungacan revolutionary pots cornered in Ble ridden ty udingr-sacrounds wth Ruan tanks al Bestest it Hak, mixing backs dun water pipes window sss nd 0 Shred wi Hungarian bloc ito one porridse’ Many yeats ltr. when | a lead delete othe Wes, sad he ook The Rusiane” by Leonid Vacimiroy. He wrote tht among the Soviet ilies thee no hated wards ‘an lberas, thts and other mised pone, who sowed Soviet propa to ake advan ote iain the le fondestrding compasion.” wes Viadniray "becuse may Soviet ntaletualsundersan that most athe ellow tse are ‘hones, uae, ealy mie” rente This tre the the ale othe wane sod ise sarge than the Heriase From prides ang prin winners ving faa Europe certo slavery by asebbie ofr pen. otra a niet oni tht shiver fora hands pase owe Nos from great tumatists 10 ses: bandis — all soe al enor. ll creed, Tan not an itelect, "ad unlike my countoman Vian ho was eo of «semi magazine, sales oth freien Inv We wien I tended to lorene the lorsgnes for ter et Toivete, Moreover mained at 3 stain tne ho ces Pat Those zaerusfdbvogator wo chyme with noua forarar Tras an lin abrood deserved repos. But afer yeas 9th Novos and farede of encounters mith thse Insapare huni ited t vena and lst Bath tie KGBand AgipropKaow pert wells this ad Tl be they shave our fslingsand enerurige them ne purr itis ener to manipulate the frien wih the hep ote ting Novst ea. alosatr Telingroeontrmp tsa fcooge fi suck exis. Thux xerophohin iv sil and inevitable slemen of IDEOLOGICAL SUBVERSION ot A LOVAL AND DEDICATED STEPSON ~The USER grants the igh fay te orig ie suid for dfondine te treat the monk ng yn Sind ths enue of puss o forthe patltinn i {Sovet Conitution, Ace 38) tn cay 196, the Ceral Comets ofthe ComnistPaty of West Gengaletsiad Bishow Makes to ba eset be High Pan Seo! of east Mosc asan hoor ad sews fr its Sear athulsoe twas te ipcofscholet hich kes of Petrie Lumumba and Water Ubi ha tare te picnic of Molo suherion.Ansoks Austin Net Went her nc Ge Atghansians Tara, Zimbabue’ Nome. cic "ro Bn Mukeie. ho bese ie nam Eas Bena ig. Moscow was sleil The hospi of his Soviet omraes the ‘owing care ofthe Sovets foward thir soungtrgrnesinn (hier ave ou fue, the mow priest daw no esse Soci" the wards Bot sumay sem tutte mes pd monuments and sigan a guy. Ghurah and wae mic Commun) A ene room armen wes tel pet hy the Sovet Cental Commits. etait sna the Exhibition of Ackieveents of the Peoples Fenny» ge nent dol of erin indore! ant serena wor bony Bait by vicorious Soviet sacs within 40 yr Comrade Mulers confess his Soviet tanstorthat wong inr dhe think that Bad hen sone fo the oop Bahru Mulee maracas Alhong headend he ira importaes of kik peranaiy to ere Yo the ascesary omspiratriateegutias of the party) he was Content that is ‘sce ie woul sd othe at vor sect tht he ad the muses woul! joy nH homeland orth revelation Alioth be mice the py enc nf Reng food. he me Sov canned tare tora cn snd cpio “ara th saureh tvoutinnry fer wotines shed down bya go blast of vost. Intkerenngs, at cps hha he plceret Publshig Horne There ne worndercmsonallpnhccovr oboe ‘ranatr of porapnnts twine en Russa o Dngae ot least sidan Epo enon or hiss inn coos a 10 had 00 ch eect ane ae wip way abaya im vce, she waren Brith nn ant Soo Ra ee nonal aice With pation. Inia was me spatter 1a Commit tho wees Pain, wad Makee ial engin ensehaein ovcame ena ae Ipie iu tos indy wh en al i latin eon on Senco pory sh inne egy Att enone Uri aking the tsi the pr vn 94 t De frat ore rtm en sian sng yo et ewspoper for wa ne Che pur prutcnaing aly 8 any adnate Thee was prc ve fon moa fare nometefcontusonbasimpieedypusis cote tng am oa ut Fry ipa Comrade Muceree 4s Ofereu a men ie oF loki ts She conde secs lovasuleasbopin alee Choi fev al, whete eases igh Bee bras Scan) beter ciplsed. Shy ong hime on. te seed ‘Sime cat om a3 eran. aaa uranes aDDe ses om Volga coservately tore Fens ut ane Ura race the LSSIe aa toy rome ler Roe LisemDowny Asem) Sod by tne door. which wis lacked Ret Me. ie oop hs nine ng Sover host comadelukene exposed Nb ese fo eebate Ne Dehn cuy notes for Sole ana ere ne papers A contact nie Cento omits Deperment of South EE Asa tena sion on soared ht he appropiate pce ors0 obi on cere would te ke NOVos Fees ABER et car to duemuute em i ineaton ao Tie USSR al wouter an what more. ps 1D 1S tubes peruse fo mtr ohn orto ae ator ‘Ooty ely specie wether coneade Nuke craic imsicen fut ache Novo oie, tists of RUAN Tubs Indus pees ane hea with wt tea eNO Ratwithconcing.apon ms azhai he becae my prove. ws junor efor mth Novos SouthEast Asa Veperiment Taso of thes Gaynor monstro propedal MER alot eds and eoorsore myers eon WereTUNNE fit the vino Ition and mowers ay wae mst Oe Torben weve "ut fra eeag the et of promanads prin. for want ot soo: ms ay nhen area. hating git th reine oF one wo By sh Fr ferexpetedifegiate by, cision tad unm Eade o as tat fo ole Gomstonsor she ture ove ize. m2 By ner fasngsean mse morale he wee me onc forian proses ma prosany one ofthese ot Wen Sever ies Westra nevagper pprosied Sur eh) ft 56 on how the Soviet people raced tothe lates ident Nino {yas urea oto the South Eas Asi hos to meet Mukence dopnsais: "Dont hing that back a here “The “black ate" small thin man witha eacant open fcr hornamed specaces. ae a mode ie "Man" ache hatone Deiat teqsons” of Communion visiting Kremlin with the autor tnd, Mukeee got 2s nw Ey epeck He pron proioand pesto! ur, hugh not ees ‘el patie He welsh foto Satoy aioe Fars figure uth how lend ofealy pubes ‘ac the younger and hs oy etiology ate suse, With tw month vas ling weight, had betome Ma. The oppotonty to avsng: ysl case zuddely. Our department vested a inege group of progresie™ rites and jour ne fom the guast talked themachves out in prats of the Soviet Communist Panty The dvctor of Novot in vpl,enodesty sited that, Inde the Sovet atom was the greta, jose ad Ser of courte, and, at nar aloe moet paella ‘ling to hepa atonal eration sartglewereer might ener ‘The goo clapped, andor young ge prevented them wth Lenin ‘badge The party aired othe “love dning room where ons ‘of vodia wre pamped int thim. taxied acon inept on sre Jaughter: When we were ling inte tho dining all ried the lone Iyfigue of th tedan adc of Soviet endam Howrescltching ‘rash Bomguet of typmvrten pages A dark demonic snl pone ‘he capable hand ofthe uni ta, Weknew our business prety ‘wll and sing revolutionary song aug the wad, ‘ir counn ota ey Igy unt hot a vk in aug foe Wberatin, ese doe im hore ie hes he as Comrade Muleree's apart was although Indians the ocr le rod of ompty bate under ihe date in a fot gunctve lemuees ap enernee toe potas of Mar and Decshor, and asa orl ster ened photog of on ln Reed holy Whi ft wa a al tha ommade DMutecjon tet end int mre Ho wih the pau ow de Pg wh hm ft pr a ial ve coney baw 'oy hemes so al nt gs Bye ot that bd stages yours hag yous an bulls soo roe. its oun Tene Mette Renal by sed tomer season cence (iuag Rmsiesreuattesomaon coat echaFin Wckplone he wastes ters iagtony sits naes. rd alton oe hg Te nae atone sont him no at Soe ema ‘Slr drentrconpsined ody “esi the Sovis Tote ecine sche Cerna Paya Seyiunsr dase ae tre serene ih Mason eben tsrhcanwut ths flonan fl opon ans ae ‘Mukeriss impliod" And, could Iget him ‘tall shou! rubjest secret See musing wuld wing tm oath ta mei SeuCiatioltapnuesnd tale none ure toctying i ofc war and pra, You hi the Rng Com aed fond for he hocms drach. “Whe a we no hannelize it Vou cannot even magn the bli of ur grote 1 could ery wel imagine tha, smears the ing id ‘arsert and wclas ome wally od tony om of Bosh pos Dapsing clan trggle and cevolutionry wlens, ped in tie USSR” own day tothe susomtnen ad “aa ut Ketsniow rsh guns Our propoganda cells operas in every univ ri cee," Mice pepased arose oppesiceckaane Teter tap ofthe Soviet Union an Todi will rove wil tena Teeognon end idcolocel suppor: rca ie ne Nat, Aral thee everthing wl Be topo I skal mel eno whe jou are thing lesa Nene ao ha ms Weundeotandthatpetesl indepen eet puto sewgps Rensomor of sce sa rile yen ‘nto considera. Take fo your melee yo eral “yen oma! Labor tome AOahey i” Sed haar the ated es honey esabie sige Noha a acum nero ‘ial how estate of figs pulinavgcer fc mliw-gu “Welln det ota ie eels coe ine onto my comrades had, sa wuts ican ncepeae opt Bengadcoh isis vee intel wlan ei thems Dest Makeee began to cy. Ie eld vy hay i ead terror, “ake care” of he i. She Was fourd dees, and ape. mt ‘ke dorastory. Comrade Maker lo fs poteny tou he choat Shad esr a Remover "ook his han of my 2pper, poured the es ote vdks rom te Wome cirety inte est. and ete erator Of Heng luconseous on the carpet “he nat morning et ai hed epent hight na gurbagecan, {ato ner he sheer mac lnapr than val sing fo nach ‘ny the memovrs Iii nota hole shows be plese hoot mss. fo the KGR might asl gt cui abot my io. Ta be sr ealled Vadim Sime ny one ad ny ane ahi he ight ut af pone "he Ceri Comte ing in Nogins square Theda. by conta tomy med wosnenny “Oldman” aid L"your adie and nape your hlp nant Student the High Party Schock “Sa “Love made his dru at» Novo bangut, od than oes Malchotin. Vou really should Know better, And what do yow mant (st zapping. it x bagel. So, wht did he 199 ‘Only journaiatie curity, The damn Bongali told me tuto socialtrvaltion ic hang booed wp in Bae Postan wth trained in KGB soho, lite of "enemiae ofthe people” to be ence fod afte seis coup imanon of Iman avd frees eh out fray. born “People Bapabiic of Bangadarh tho. United fed by Agiprop 1 also entioned the homosexuliy of the old ‘evoltonay. Hoy cov,” sid the reerent nolo, this Make of you, sorry, of ours. asa grat imagination. How met you poured into hi" e asked inion ut | noted spark of meet 9 hives “Di abou 509 grams. ot mor." Weil so wore iad sek ess, Vou forgets Asian cannot Nodigios- Look, sages yo longtthe whale thin Ty Nims drink next vi he mes to Novosti me rena but heed fay Crom jour amateur intluence teks and rank pow ‘hat yf you Nat wo keep your Noses job" (He steed "Novon ‘w]"And dont think much about Mute skh feton™ ‘What ifthe KGB strtsthnkagabout They must be working on the tapes by now. So wha? (ey approach You, give then some pevcholgicd baloaey.asyoueando.Orsmpstethem he trth Theres supe you. you know “ona “And ell ne if you get int 2 ea mess. Ried, Insel oe day a plasat weiss onthe phone ako ene 1 mst Lnton of the Soviet Suto puts rom Chisen of he USSR ‘Bescnos, Yar clesendrovich, bore 989, erber of CPSU, ear numer, presents an editor of Now! Prat Agen, depart "ai, you da mot have co be shat formal" sid Major Sidoro tenderly, ooking over shoblee a wha ad WAR st Use Souroma word And hematin pont shoul ba your ou eonseous {scan to spoporte wih ihe Comte The, paps couple uard Irene Sdorov was er polite Hegcced me mara, bot without laity NoL a hitb Backs no mentioning 3 the Maken alae He yu the Cente rows an alc 3p ‘epee teatng Toweign gusts of Navas Undtstandins, (gondhearedne, humanism, fepetailiy thse wore the Festi ij Sidroy wasting eaves cn hisatiketace One fanot, sng ai hs imaginton, site hs mes an ith enc 69 a ilivas fy eomsteyann eee populetions of {os Emap sas abt oven, Bete, forte to ath by Sint byl he wi of se ay note Bask beynd the nied we Cues ry Motesand the elles com fae Sidon evn ot a3, poicn, rope, subvert saboug™ thats lsh eoreopeand do many other pole things {upovie fo te surtyof eadero— wal group of wpe men ia od Pili from overeating and leobol often sie, but dete iol wal eve. nr paraieoney ation amdeal hwskey ise ‘euyig nye aa an aecoumplic. “slapd agreeably “I Net tin my or words” And lone ose of payer 03 art leant Desc solute to ep the KD i surance offortonvnnsof AP Wendel medarepresete: “Yew iy bee, but at vather artificial, The words should cone fy en nal the Mae Thea eign eeprom for econ eins fed so ots peoaly comrade Stdores ta rex writen oper: Sie re ys ae snared ame 4 Beet your eae) ssid Sibson wit am autogee o ‘Olay why mi eT take th ans of Mair.” ‘Souls ew Tatar” ane alu expense mi renting forsigcn hen you provide Oli eel si, homing mild disappoint a ign the “ital eid mins adr irom “alas {yer now working pantie forthe KGD. hoped will be sma enough fete te ROD for Tomas Shuman with copy af ok” maar he aged rode ‘st Never manpaltor, Delo Cake ie ed by Novos tanputtor: Alief Sov Has aio 90 fatter menage. aes on A RIDE FOR LOOK MAGAZINE, (On June 2 1967, | yas summoned by the directorial boatd f ovis ho entaned me witha very sponse fob" las soup of Fook tal were in he eu Ov spl misono ie pe rate fora special uedediated 1 the Sothannverar of Soviet power. They were acusly paying Novosti, scoring (0 ontac Tor he "cries? we woud prove My innate boss dating he sip wasappoiced rors the section for Fogish speaking couniie He'nas Valeri Neve, al seep ooking lellow af sme ony years, Hespokelits of gyn inl ding English, but had becn quickly promoted beau he we ony Working primes etherespostity wast the KGB, Twas 0 report dealto hi, waa mriteneporet the endothe ip. 8 tape ‘Or the sme day, Iwas ited 0 group of goodooking cxtroelyweible American. They tat he Naas vestaran iscusing thet trip mote sea hot of ther wale eickere lecKiew | thought thal "narmalaation” bad Gone wonders forthe pater My etre observe was Philip Haingion, nie aged, mide sived and tha foe tat oaed 9 it iget ora photographie fat ess by Novotstandrds, He proved ie as we very deme fg. exprinws. ery, uneven obievan. Fronts at day be asked to mich of the Sov bursucracy eapeeting eve {or money aif e mer in rope, or Asi or Anan, He as 8 ‘consent as teenage gif one: preeating me wth at faces au persons 1 photograph that novi ake the RGB mess Epprove te eu dy Forgcting Ms is. in upon sponta. rored thet hea hen tld avoysto suk on sane tengo leaving «agin for diplomatic etvat. Ths woul be the wrong spproach in Soviet Rusa you take what you cam Neat Volgograd (ormeci Staged). despite ery pote recom spendation fat Be ry for ana esd upon taking fo ‘bn panacmipties rom the Mary Hill owed fhm tats KGB shasow wae approching? ‘ede te Volgogrand Reine ne ost upon sop the ei tophotogapha tong and rated barbed wie fence, De eve fat ue dm aes KH nlormer™ In Siphropol, every nary revived the Cold War by photo raping tore nis transmission kes, le mould aot ren we lor tredrver (ogo for pe. Ihe KOU would conclu tat he was "esse wa fonds aa uth es tsp snd wvberson came ‘rar Simperopol. were infra! eronst ee tne, in Yale pootograpnaas mghway cone at ans basta. ‘athe tng to por out orig aces tat might be rm te sy dyin Yaa ses Rinse gis Govan evar fer all eh ase pie hren i suing anikiendsenyive ely Sveti Doig wenn: ss he shin the telat a tbe fe Arcelie usta & "apecl” ehirc’s sal mb pk ors pact heli wes "itso not ea We pened ine ro he erent th Look* {eis phorapes Pail Haagten- wh took the picts for the propane bse of Look mage. oe ry world Soviet veterans of ar ay.” up up. Laid eaetly. ate "Philip ame andleksd one of his cameras a coupe of times. But belore he had rewound it famera the ules of Rusa saben in gray gaberdine nd white Shir lees, senals and socks ul sand, hod crept up hein tapping me onthe shouléer with a rolled remspaper. "Younganan, yo ae the ast wih ce Toeane? Are you sot?” ac, “hy then do youll him tomakefunsnd defame 047 pop ‘Caen ald ssn "Clive You wl at Obst ne wore You will addres al You atesions fo mv superior Ts hat lr?™ “he informer was taken aback. he hss. but dd no pres any further He escorted too hotel. twen ft ote ee agp in int ise eneance with thea oa buwand Gecsie man ‘Ales Tune Philip Went tos roar to hanged ake ser Tas approached bys babushka-dfurmaya (ld ene teva ky iy ofthe oor. Pusing bets say, babes ed ‘melas dota voom numbot 0, and talk samrade, Com "ace ured oat tobe a8 onerervnrrabomu a KGB supe see sf ‘hele lntaust bare. al oly nd 00 yu ook ease hevas nat playa partima Soviet sv movi. After Ratan hour of preg nas, he asked "ys tbe American soiree nuns ements Sov bee Why docset be ake te pooe-apks aed by Itounst™ Tied tobe er pole to thi sane, pect a ey nation's hein a Navoticdir am wllawans what sgon and whats ring istusted hy the Centos Canines Fsornent at pee Honan Propaganda, Altheim wibby our peopled llth wey ture wl be ear yt one Pardee Tul eas. has a recret of vey single ba mistake at twas in cave af my wo x ‘mite tamsiniow "Sort." sal with moe eompasion het easnat do a nd sua rept rly el ly hn We pated open creme He promi! ta pnt me to Mascon recommending tat neve be permite to rk ith Tensigrt ‘nn I promed ott Moscow aon the otro the Yate IKGH. | Know rot hcther he wer me goto hey tur now that ai om mits five pags thr ope the aun returned to Moscow Inte med that asl with, spol ny rennin Me acrigton. Tas ae done oer diner. ea atond rpcorous ‘er vithascager tha moring. Hed et nat ary mew ®he KGB, and sda hou xo beter wha ort foul soncenitemyeforsunaraneingatetein cin eae ing ober holo. "We bane rater ferent iets ot what inosine “Lean intresting fom he pot few of Arson reader andthe ers of Look magsine” “Wide frme toate mattis "I entnad. og thane know ihr "Yeu'ee" Mr Haeington sin an nett rane.“he manage iment of Look magarinesspeatine a nein foc ths tip nding the expase ofan inert nbether wr nota svn “so'hat™ So, ou and Novo charg forcement. which we tee ay To. he are tor, we dom sce = ‘On ithat™ “Vex. And what makes me mac ht we ace ding te jo, pying ‘ehovemani of he inet fy sear int oot a “Mr Hatington “Iced te ai stn aot he rate charges for Inuit Nos ide what vtec of series tobe render = tnd museums Hw mony sonore ad Linden se hocogek™ "Agzinymssme rane Mr Hainan The poyranmand ross thoaldhuguin with my hws alte you poy novey. a her ica are supped to be enn havent Bot ene me for the Spincleswese nf pur how. My yi romper oe ea "Wel ye yr rah "eid Philips ton foe but car Point art raed har ry ator eyes wor upto the “Tig fe ser my pom Mr Havsngon. The anogerent oF APN expect me In sham yu ue ‘ahi’ honor boing they Seema jou. What rn Ula oe mothe ny youn ba em ben me boss aren Mowe more active pleut me rim thine domin propaganda vi rom earring stations. Show mr mon as iseemsemrommremsrs ~ Rotiane st oor aad “Thank you. But T would prefer to photograph jour county le sway American can undemtand i You probably know tha or ‘vant to foliow this policy 100, eithough our pres is ess deywaslen {pon goverment ply Wey lo unstated your pubic « ‘owing vation, br, elve me, meithe I nr the edo of took Imapurine wane Bhs with APN gr KGD over onedeggd lie Yes” adaltrathowgfl passes Mr, Hascngon But ouruais ueratands hog, that ap Bonet oss! Inte erything turbines tate war stein pas ‘ion high voltage tty line and county rad lil a ype Tonight tae four nares a tke F 2080 anno va, svhich cme mod ater then te fod Heaps nan forthe vodka out of my ave pocket, at fe Link ari stout. Mie Hlrcngion sce wo be les “Yam aoeytovead 0 deni lm yy oper sy bt ano wee he with jn eaeage My Rese, Reseed spor Bela han os.” Ta long wh al pi ya my higher Ido nt fave ae may omnes Stove aetied that" Ply sb sn el ely hat your atte omands sour duly ile. Youre lon dese Sse ie al ln a ps ou ‘sho don give a shit forthe “nosimalratiun” so dew! to our Bree ents hee All tcy nau sp ney ann eyo you es ache for our ropa tug you walang ins Thor log pis which Mi Having id estan Iye*Dont you ink sat ys ciate of [He sel I thous with sun wy have amd my SRE cay. my nor ino cbarct you wonk, by pumping pHa {8nda into your cameras, and ako (paused hele) by eer Ing wick ofall you sort photogapte forthe ROB al the spi rides, powerlines, bay ations, mtr installations ee Sovthat you film cna be exposed my mite’ Before you cross the Ussie tower. Doot you stow what? Des your C1A nt el you ‘ese things Before you come Ree? We ar al ontdled by the KG! Thee are no pate tow eles inept "Yes. 1 now all that Don ake me for atl 00,” Philip peacelly, “but plese do’ iyo scare am not so sure that Your KGB is a mach worried about my sete petureaking 3 ome oe eas sanstas ke Vo vould not be 80 ir “The main thing dos Novo Pres Agency want Loot mao. "ine to pubis the Soh ice meri “ony ih whien Aiprop wns and inthe may they wan ‘Ona suppose You are ah But wanting hat they wil aver bother exposing ty lene Thes mod tobe safe re thn ned Besides, they sel m im. thes won he able to develop I sect Kath proces mide only by US compares ™ “On Harington you gromiy underestimate ar KC “Oh, Me, Beameaot. Sou gost Undexstimate oar Kn There was no sense in arbing any frre We et and waved a cach other in disgust. vba ghee tain! shove diy dices “Sorry Lam insuchs fighting mood tonto nme ft cbnosione strange inthe par. Tae KOR "Yes. see" Sad Philip. 2 though he oe "But if ner you. would stil pass sore he mats ther Arian, ha lanes the USSR separtey You aver Enon” ‘We walked to our rxpctiv alee ae frecne t i Yala Intuit Hotel pat or out of he Fak rmpsrne scours Altra th stomping af itary parades and people's demmane sone een psoe tor the evans hong wth pha Exenpl from APN Party Bare’ een esoltion. Dre er wader cation fon anda a i excelent workin the proses ofthe ube capsign, partly with foreign organsor mass media namely Preparation of press matrals uth eet the lonous achievenens of our Motheclnd ina havc. tly shor pid of ine and for sucess publition of "bese mates in the ergans a foreign mass edi, te Party Beas rcoramends tht he maraetent of APM compliment (wth the prope teataton in eon Tks} the ong evployes of AP: REZMENOV. Yuri Alexandvith, — tor preparation of phetorerkic mann and wenpaningre coe bundent of Look maparine (ISA) Inch lower rigbsnand corer tho paper thee war ed pei ‘emar inthe handing fon io Pany bone Com Boren Drop ito Union affze Theres a tour thet halts Novem wer With pounding ear tom west foreign yevidieas ve ket (euth a Fow, Lifer Poon, Popul Mechanics The nu Yoot Times, Werke’ Day, orang Ste Novos and tip std and fee had bee sd cramer ber afthe Commins! Panga the SSP, had lly Been poe Demi" allewine mv lind eves to uch meri Hersey (id ie a request te sn ace xa hod copy hook ‘Aborea bicker of ed Svar, the St: acl Cathode ead the tances sugarene fhe Rona acl. tare mere the folowing sean ‘il VFARS AFTER THT REVOLUTION THAT CHARGED. THE WORID The nem Foeloms — Fearn Che = Nips ine Sikes Ge Stalin Hin we oak to them = hike bat Lape the rghit he Hed ate, Theft fo fee sl that Pas meurdertending someting hat perhaps etch te ore expres alter the revolution th changad tne world forces, the SSH foto! whecsen with fe Wess tobanr the i iceman bet / f \ \ \. today—involvng legitimate alteraatives cucenttime | \, and opportunity for their expasure and the assurance \ | that those eleeted would serve—the Communist party would win. This is mot speculation. Iisa conclusion bed on ‘on-the-spot observation and interviews by ten Loox editors, photographers whose journeys through she -\Sovit Union for thi feewe totaled more than a yea. {Leonard Gros inthe "Leok” Did ot he know that th {is only ONE party inthe USSR? Dia he realy weve, ‘hat my PEOPLE would vote to power the Party. that mur ered some 66 milons of my cvnttymon ” os (colisboraon, 2nd, sf so, how many Allis? {iets Wee Nar ethos? Lal This what. ross writs today, Lave «beter que tm forthe meray erie: “How many US citaens ARE ‘Communist hefliows?” sae sounds of dtcord aod sire onevery setback; butiime to ponder some disconcerting alts. Grumps there ar and srogles ~ biter tugs fought by angry (usa ‘ed men, Ye. implausible sit sees tous. mo Soviet cstzen tink they havea good thing Boing for them ‘hosel ae) Fey don wcry about hunger oe lies o calamity. Raed ina controled environment, they are without objective ease but by ther own meng eeckoing of what costes fesdoms roa of tect aon fer fae. POLITICAL. TERROR HAS SHRIVELLED. The indi by which men verywer avs: progres are sing. To he average Soviet eter, no coreheable pace spectacular and othe jabiee ‘our could surpass te mpertane of whats happening ag te Americans gone cuckoo? “ian honest dancrate clei wer eld int Soviet Union today — involving Legitimate altratis, uf Siete aod apportanty fr thee expose and the ssoaraos tat thse cesta would sere the Comm ris pers would win This not speculations acom Chsion hated on othe apt cbseralionsand nevis by ten Look ess aud photographers whose journeys {trough the Soviet Union forth te tolled more than your This was am ns to he neigense af my coumymen, Of facie ran hough he fe, thot actediation Captions taxed of the Noval hitchen, A fabresed Novos pot opinion pall wt piace beside rel Amerisn amet show ba Rusts Fnow more boat the United Sttes than Arericins hrow bout Rain A Soviet mean monaiceing tea inaty clinked. Moan Lenin, sybolcing “normalization.” Amevicar fur fashions were [fritted am Soviet model, as tney were aval in the Save Union. They posed Before religous menumens in Maran ds- ‘spect, Veda ew, Lian stugeon nev depicted altst os (Noi ee Dissidents wersasdtodastecabout meson. eve! fice Aad forbalanss, wasadmted thatthe RG iometies ‘nang in Nrmiess che abroad (nly 9 oe pase arise men topes ths. without thea of tue. Tha thou thst of epeation was posi aly in di ae some Avian count. black mood came ves me Tes te eo La % NO BIRDS WITH TWO STONES Te fithof May is one of hosshaidaysin the Soviet Union hen tesone work, but the calendar is markad “Day of the Smet resto honor "the mot rata in the wos "Ataboot? pm {is ay in (968, [had Mr. Mohan Kumaramngalan oss aE expense Adit of A Ta and anol st lo ae Traveler! he meted an tniourit restau wth bight contr Fasan mole olan rahe ithe League of Nan ad bom ‘imei into arallay dation On ou table, cus cols grave ny oer ova unborn beta, deeoraued with Tay Of the Requhc of hate Avourd tem, bolts of mineral water og am! Soviet eae Pare ihe est of the world) Obed a in slones Sones ete inthe dents of noisy teen univ a ehicen pre. Pared co ree oa Kiev "A twony-poee rns conapnes te ‘ohibt our digstion. wea worgeut lady singor and her tne shins, reported that Moscow theft ty inthe work ‘its of cognac was pomed. forse rr to vee ust the USSK. to asate hnsst urine sonia Asaoea ls. toceebaieticulutalachisnemetsoltheSovit Asinvepats tis. in expeciaton ofthe Book whichthe ene ha promede write shout he cutter achivomente nthe Soviet Asin epebicn edt toast the competion ends of he polo lind te USSR By way of mroducne my! Ilr Ecatenaseaans that my own childhood was spent in Kavatharn during the Grek Pattie War (World War Ito Wren wraert) whe ny ath, ler un ofr ofthe Geral Sa sled besa ch hae was alata would neznpny gia tan oor hid Mc Kumarsmanyalam aspartate nas kort a at asm sis bother wera ger nel Chet Seatfe te lien Am, Trek that my life charactor ad elegy wee tong i enced bythe sete military spin 4 war 2 go ln}. Moreover alter Laraduated from serondary whol nthe tet ols Ube Army Academy apd heme an cra sree ho nt cre had Bee the dea nf evry Soviet youth moter Ie) Mr. Kuaramangalas rep th in far he miitary svi aso sey popular ay eine WA Pe tc RAE Sica Alter two or tines more uch exghanas tasked who was mare Imporat his fray the Chica Saf re retro A Tada? Cui Mokan Kumaramangati influent broths rie vera? “Eas. iy il toy, ada as ou aha tn te system deren, The itary traditional stays ot of pis, sd. ae ater offic so shoul the sh sor "Oh yes that she Bish tation aT am ah, ba ia vera fonaes Bicones the ltary have lay ratheractive scl poles. Can they not rule if hey wish “in fi its an foros Sol chansed the subject. and ne disused te route of fai len. Me Kumaratoanlam was most interes in Samarkand kaa, twas nat unyiingsoingpetirgaton dite oe ‘nian ond Tuvkmonia The dinaer pate sn sort» oom ed ‘Soria amasnhes of mut ndesnalethat wasn oy Ser cele whether that urdentard on the pan Poet extended (othe WANS whieh we lament him My Novost boss was peasa that Maks Kiwaramrgalam, ‘rouldinced writes book onthe "achnrent ashe SS Aaa Fepublis unger ociahea," My KOR cane Fann Sdoros coe Tinued 10 biel me The next morning] repoedto Novos cerning te psn ofa ery soli ady. stmed with seach pater sd bunkers ‘Within alls of tagger books ear tty pce af ‘aver bearing the flowing remarks (whieh! had typed ax TO THE DIRECTORATE OF NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY FROM THE DEPARTMENT DF SOUTH EAST ASIA, 2 member ofthe dretvialhoaidf Air Inn. Me Kumaramangalom. has jst comple bis ty in Moe ‘con tvthe imitation oftie Chamber Commence ae USSR. A prouresive polis ay sol fray Indi Me Kumaramangalam eves Hi wilinanec twits a eres of ales an Sit Ion trebial cooperation. ae afer comnetion af ictal with be [Ato the pargon of wiling her a tere pers, were young radials dite pokes. or eaten igor colted ‘omographie maga not, Solin Conus Parson toe sdewa Tht abou al cout emembe of Ips isan probatiy et he real name) ob my wa 10 mt hi at" rehip Vowre™ na vel Prospest: Ido mot emer onaty wh woth sein the meeting that dav: probably the springs some new Seve Indian iene shipand enoperation protest the elation oan soaiversary of an od Om Tet [or ater the lil part ofthe exering inthe hvu ‘aleteriacum-bat and e trode me te» ray of Alp ‘Asan students from the Laverty of Lume We lted sont fothing fra wile. the Africas Bert ath nd showing Ea Indians were more polit, In abut Fal a9 haut ie rn op tome F : qssnsoancee NTR om saetmen, al that was inv ted That maine pe Ge Comp, ree fo br fo bac in Leopold cramming Tse Lamu, Com sci | had spread the KOR rome tha lk Soe premier {vist Mrseew the following month. The adie" ree your, Iori, in combiration with uy APN takes a oo sal svi thie the Fegan Mi. woe Perey you woot you myo a tp faker ail wrk of sgh ie Iowot characte for Sate Seewity "We lane bean Walehng ou oe with he forges. nd netsh gece itso Tam nak are eet ae fe". Yousee igor te Cone rinee may probably bs awa that T Your mischievoes cara sol iowa, BU th WoGK! not matte, Now, alr seve sea monk wth felons, Both ot Nomen abroad, vow pray lane mn tat ny ibe ae ‘tier Wak people ncking what cl an depot hckboce Somowig of he sortenme oy nd true Lemme ere are sow digned peep alnunl, tbe even sr taented sad “Talend emis are Hecho werent open ofthe KD, we stl ack to weak fe the Frese leendh he Altre." Fic bad notion tat gor was ening is role letue se fata "Vou probehly hue disvee vagy that ous Set mt with silt shortcomings isa enol biger Cdr ah they Even oo Soviet hootgun anda niet po es hisses co occa ety eee le fHesiom of a eo Kind, soe by tone copmton of as We. the Sov people aveabletw sae our pesoral esc for the interests of our ey, ou presen for or ig ute Toy (age mace agus geste uaa dang oraane) eons “Genesiestion fis ot DayORG ty compete ne "Read the newspapas! The Amin i ilies cuatey Healy ponesid tn sewed ap by them, cana Hight te witht hora women” A dpe They ate puss pert “il Bo win wondered wa Oe bl the KGB “So thr ae a ue al urges of pope. Yau persona Is for examals withallyout wetkmens. | went prteadont oat see ian ef uy. a mom SOURTES DEON ‘Say, if we uted some Jean-Past Sante to 2 conferees of rogrsive wie, he would arrive with hi nose Suanng ose sip. an wre and detae pubs anyehing we moulon about our atievemenis Buty the some tick wth you would yo hear ineracw fo the Voie of Aerie “or course ao". (Cheap provocateur) You see” echnmed Igor. a5 he had proven a very important print “A op fer." | aid oom es. Aste further, Yuri Alexandrovich fyoudsee oak ‘would mein tat youll have aot ony to oer the fveiga gach ‘ana eport to us. tals ply asemewtat moveautine oleic Fronefaion proses sing the weaned personal pec ues, Us dite work. you want to tht ofa psvealogst or fsusher with mentally retarded chen "see" Lai pensive ot nesting why we pede ese tat retarded end. You see. we donot allow renegades and anti-Soviet elements undermine our seca oper by voting the eo ele ghst crn ai, pederauy ard traitors. Bot ia the Wea ther pret won ‘very debi. shake hands wth both hippies aml prosresive weer eos and Communi. Therefore, we ako cao! afr laporeany foreigner. as ongashelsableandwilingtoteucarieof Our ads” “Mi impression "si “tha a numberof athe epg: ‘eusking foriners oul peer thei names nt tobe ase th sy Novos Pres Agency in partic "Oh, that vill hange, said aoc ith or, thai acai chan gang. inthe ine of tour commie wed ot sbioned etc used 09 the presumption that "athing Murine strane ot teends and adverts: everybody ke lite bic exta en good mezl. a vorpany ofa young gi mayoe.a epitation ac ‘wellnown humans. Avda dno work we used tence st suave, and stl have, worderfl fs on eas of them ant wr ‘oul not hesitate 1 pss ont ther sersationl mass esa "isitany sferent mow "Wellin. way. ys, You may getitat your Nove befng saan ate ne poly ie “Relaxauonaf intcrations enions?Rapovochement? “Notony tha. The lat key-word i apne Big, big men will dans 10 oue mie, Youl se, men ike Willy Brandt, Nixon, Ed Keonaly. Pompidou, that Canadan por Trudeau fo say ooting about smal shi it bert wuseay Doesors. media people, aco, Wier, sins an af ae vrancsmcer "got ai | pte mor dunk than nas doo 300 sua sinks The ete de of the work, Yur) Alevanovieh, my gine vou Sone Uoube and ofen brine up the question to be one fost ‘ath our Commits, Remember hough that any respectable wore Por. and nee ua hare ine Teal sjtom Dee services use method che tes than Gune sce about my work, please Yes Wewant yu forthe sat tseree the Youngcdentazkor {Siu lt ung yout Nona cove a aio, sel those ho ae i Io arte ane it Severs fo kale 9 she natin) Hbeation fre, Way me? Dost you hve enough of your en within Lamune We want your opinion on thet from a specie aatle As & uals nd prasad pect wan onto m8 aby "Well os of tem were seuntedMsologisul 25 understand before entering Luraaba, Would yo like me ose! [set the most deat marist?” “No. Js the oppose. We need people who cn inascey say wit bse apd ake ators bsene ic Werda ne reed true ble Vers they en nate wort emi and when dais We want ieoiopeal worker motivated by simple, permanent and reliable: the desi for power and te ait tosuvve Plus anstilily 4 oe delogel propaganda eenmiaue. the ma Yo do farare work ie the developing won, cording tothe st aot the Cental Commit, "Yes le" sa. otcng hat mys mascot.“ wilh it lover and et you maw 300, "ery well Yurt Alexandre, Plt sul Sigorov when uate ready, OR Te ay geting eolé onthe halon, so sid goose 0 bor ad vale nt the gues oom, where the ature besos of he Tit USA. The room sald ofswest smoke sleohol. and sokten idan. 1 poured rl a vodka and teed down my thro chasing ia Bia ikl, Nobo pide ten meas I shped out of the apartment and walked ito Moseow Slap well dear Moscow. Me und Igor are» (uarding your seeunty gaint peat Seer @ The nest morning {aed om the sos wave thou the Sovet 'avaton int Centhesloveli, The tall ne we Prague a0 {tlimplored the seiferent world: "This s Rae Peau BOCety Fito satone in Vogoravn, Romania, Hangs! Phase Ei te or abou ove aged ieee lp et easy beth soci ounine: «Thi outlet cadson The Sovak ‘Spun treat the windows cl sor sedsocation Longing Babee tag ili ag i Chava Sut daye ter Nova eoleagu hale te 10 is ie tend Gals, jet seared Irom Prague vn 4 Sivek Posen) Soa sie cet ieie lon. rd he saps ef ae faces of Ruse I Ps Unie hen hor sident walker css onhe raring Aesth nes, Hedples rage overtook me, What uur atl mane yee Joo ston thi mods Duras spot ine Red Sqbare? BOW up the Kemi Hope Ths wars my tah end od ‘3 gone peogretiely mad By the cn ot the dy a dechisn st yi | sa ake ee Gi jah. shell secular every Mache sokearach por ‘only A ek thse pene psig ang le defection ote Wart shal he word who ave acute "Mie aay so berate peepee? Av nce mons Wet drhgt y ‘ountys poe rom stewie te KOR levee To be continued... To be continued... Alwar pinay Oh eto fan en. Fit anatase mon pine me afeag ee et frthiher thn eto our men nw htop St YVERTING anyig of nent lem aren ‘sn Ten, ince ptoonker cone ‘We aay use gms to lpeoplend take tic, The cleanest vay Is bina, pervert, bbe, Ke and tide the POLIT {CIANS athe MBIA, they Wi ete ad dite ‘own county tus heh ll We have lett dof ar the pro oman spy erenna eth and we have ep and another “iberted coun. As neta that, Aormer aged oF APN-KOB What warragebtwcon 46 and. now? Ae wthidmane Psyehologcl warfare, a form of ove ation which hss down the oppose sie’ home detense without ah bringin oaged Dy Soviet Commenivm Thraehout the sormucaton cdi ot ‘er count. ohm Rees Accuracy in Media, Washinton ‘Whether jours pola 2 Rasnenan {oil of te RUS oF a, whether he helps fo apread Comma ‘uml, fnorance ve fora prof, whether he bs caught ad [pushed o at urge and tappy — fe absotly innate for the tus ISU ERSION. What muttesisthelioal sector soe ie sum of ou infvidealactons,deions, statement ou cor promise with bur conscious. Ths is where eery an of ws ‘ecounlable ty th te ad God ‘Alex Kowachov MY PUBLICATIONS Lave Tete to Ameria” — my estoy, work foe fe KUM, metNOHS of asetormato and Bow W deat svat 44 paps snelaing photographs amd cats — Sse puna "2. ewonia Thought Poe — description of the ‘Western ournaiss, spreaay Cows vex Plt Inca 04 pape, $8.09 ron In my next book “Moscow — Dethi — Void” Twill describe the workings of the Soviet embassy's Information Department in India, Orchestration of the invasion into Fast Pakictan in 1970 (described by the Wesiern media as “grass root Isiumie Revolution’) and, finally, my defection from the USSR eabussy 1" Americans, disguised as a "hippie". Price of the book — $7.95 posipaid. send vour checkes to NATA, ‘301 So.Feirfax Av, Roam 218, Lox Angeles, ‘California 90036. {SBN 0025000.177 ‘Copyright by Tomas Schuman, ‘etna ett te Moxcon 1 estan Elo fo te fin Ode Stance tn 1969 he ‘eat be 2 tnd aed conse props efor for Novant n New Bliosing ot Fe Soviet Embusy m9 eprtoet San Ae el Got a Baopianselecina ie Fabry of 1970 be daa bilf aa pp compet wath a nl et "tur ep to “TOMAS SCHUMAN foe tet patos Une “Ste Renny andar 3 ay tnd ih the nai ide pro Ing dercag by US. "ing Ded eft fhe’ Seve epi. granted sale and wet fo Can TRE wake Winton Smt fom da Seated tn tore soumonhe t te Ualy af one for tee Suk of Oa sy fate Uh Roan anguae aa ‘Rivet Pace Apacs” Navstel ig 1973 ws ied By he Sint ne Ment" da Run, nada “trogdtaiag "Corstens IGS peda lant” and fat Tatrntonl Ste he bree? ‘Snes fo ot ae fren cea, Aneouser vezsucg we he Sent eK CoM be Cn The hee tred hm ot of We Situs wan tore wader the jumolch std meked ok at oF same of Yor epeapy i Moscow it pret (245 he a e's ofece the "Tea bea pli oma for ed Army “Cemaquety eben ANORANTA WEEK Lt Ares ‘Bou ts "Ade ge of 17 he Be uray an vw ct Sorc at Moca” State Uiunesty. eed Boake il ‘ou can ores h oy my Jour neck mde He ATA “Aeecton)” 70 page 8740 ponpaia. Seiten pose

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