Gerubd Vs Infinitve

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Gerunds are used:

Infinitives are used:

after prepositions: I apologized for
after certain verbs (agree, appear,
being so rude.
seem, choose, decide, expect, hope,
as the subject of a sentence: Smoking
learn, plan, promise, refuse, want,
is an unhealthy habit.
wish...): I want to become a citizen.
after certain expressions (can’t help,
after some adjectives and adverbs:
can’t stand, would mind, don’t mind, be
We are happy to help you.
used to, get used to, feel like, it’s no use,
after the I.O. of verbs like advise,
look forward to...): I don’t feel like going
invite, tell, warn, teach or persuade:
He persuaded me to join the club.
after certain verbs (continue, enjoy,
some perception verbs (hear, feel,
finish, like, dislike, love, hate, miss,
see...), make and let go with
prefer, recommend, suggest...): I
infinitive without to: I saw Eric leave
suggested having a multicultural festival .
the office.

Some verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive, and the meaning remains the
same: begin, propose, forbid, intend, start...
They started to answer the letters.
They started answering the letters.

Some verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive, but the meaning changes.
Stop + gerund means “stop doing something”: Bob stopped going out with Gina.
Stop + infinitive means “interrupt an action in order to do something else”: Can we
stop to have some coffee?
Remember + gerund refers to a past event: I remember giving them their tickets.
Remember + infinitive refers to the future: Remember to call Jane before you go.
Forget + gerund indicates that we’ve forgotten something that happened in the past: We
forgot meeting the writer of the book.
Forget + infinitive means “forget to do something”: He always forgets to bring the
1.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
There may be more than one possible answer.
I like ......................... (listen) to jazz music.
......................... (learn) about other cultures is fun.
She stopped ......................... (act) last year.
I hope ......................... (see) you again soon.
I’m tired of ......................... (eat) the same food every day.
We agreed ......................... (work) together.

2.- Choose the correct answers.

Driving / To drive too fast causes accidents.
We dislike to eat / eating in noisy restaurants.
He promised to come / coming as early as possible.
They save money by to shop / shopping in the market.
I can’t stand to wait / waiting in long queues.

3.- Arrange the words in the correct order to form sentences.

seeing / he / his / friends / misses  .....................................................................
traditional / food / suggested / they / eating / Indian  .........................................
she / enjoys / Celtic / listening / music / to  ........................................................
easy / a / isn’t / learning / language / new  .........................................................
becoming / a / citizen / look / I / forward / to / British  ........................................

4.- Complete the text with the correct for of the verbs in brackets.
My parents and I immigrated to England two years ago. I like life here, but
(1) ......................... (adjust) to a new environment isn’t easy. I still miss
(2) ......................... (be) with my grandparents and other relatives, especially for
festivals. We always used to (3) ......................... (enjoy) celebrating holidays together.
Today we got an e-mail from my grandparents. They hope (4) ......................... (visit)
London in the summer. I’m looking forward to (5) ......................... (see) them very
much indeed.
5.- Complete the passage below with a gerund or an infinitive using the verbs
in brackets.
Do you need some advice about your relationship? Are you in danger of
(1) ......................... (break up)? You might think about (2) ......................... (discuss)
your problems with the Juliet Club of Verona, Italy. Verona was the home of the world’s
most famous lovers – Romeo and Juliet. For this reason, lovers from all over the world
can’t resist (3) ......................... (write) to the city, which gets thousands of letters
every year. Most writers hope (4) ......................... (find) solutions to their troubles,
while others just feel like (5) ......................... (express) their emotions. The Juliet Club
was formed in order to answer these letters. (6) ......................... (write) to the club is
easy – all you need (7) ......................... (do) is address you letter to Juliet, Verona,
Italy. The people at the club promise (8) ......................... (answer) each and every
letter no matter what language it is in.

6.- Complete the second sentence so that it has got a similar meaning to the
first. Use a gerund or infinitive.
I don’t want to listen to this CD any more. I am tired of .........................................
She doesn’t feel like playing tennis. She doesn’t want ............................................
Could you switch the TV off? Would you mind ......................................................?
I said that I was sorry I had arrived late. I apologized for ......................................
That man won’t give us the money. That man refuses ...........................................

7.- Match the beginning of each sentence on the left to its logical conclusion
on the right.

1.- He stopped smoking a.- by the side of the road.

2.- He stopped to smoke b.- because it was bad for his health.

3.- I don’t remember living him a

jacket, c.- so he was cold during the ride.

4.- I didn’t remember to give him a d.- but he says that I gave him the black one.


5.- How could I forget watching

that show? e.- I just didn’t notice the time!

6.- How could I forget to watch f.- It was the best show I’ve never seen!

that show?

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