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Time based media

Abi pope
Anais Jourdan
What is time based media

Time based media describes any artwork that has

both physical and temporal dimensions it can
include video, film, slides, audio and computer-
based technology’s these are referred to as time
based media works because they have a duration as
a dimensions and unfold to the viewer over time.
Example 1

This example is named mapping the studio

It was created in 2001 by Bruce Nauman
The media is a film witch you watch
What the film is set at night using night
vison and it is a film of mise and a cat that
is chasing the mice around the studio and
the apartment

In my option this is very affective and it shows a journey of the cat

trying to fined all the field mice, however it makes me feel bad for
the mice
Example 2

Nam June Paik’s Electronic Superhighway

Korean Artist Nam June Paik.

Time based media artwork of all the states of America including Alaska and
336 televisions, 50 DVD players, 3750 feet of cable, and 575 feet of
multicoloured neon tubing, custom electronics, neon lighting, steel, wood and
Made in 1995.
15x40 ft.
In my opinion this is a very eye-catching piece of artwork due to the bright vivid
colours and media.
Example 3

The Hand was created in 2002 by Melik Ohanian who was born in 1969
in France.
It was created using 9 monitors and 9 videos moving hands.

I could not find any information about this piece, however I really like it
how the hands all belong to different aged people and they are all
moving in different ways. The piece shows diversity in age but has a
very calming feel. I think it is eye catching and interesting.
Example 4

Brucw nauman, double steel cage piece, 1974

This is the first major exhibition of his work in London in

more than 20 years. It will let visitors connect with the
artist’s universe through outstanding installations with a
great sound and moving image, as well as other sculptures
and neon pieces.

Major works like Double Steel Cage Piece 1974, will

highlight Nauman’s bold jobs and choices and how he
regularly revisits them however never repeats himself.

This sculpture consists of two cages, one cage inside another cage . The space between them creates a narrow
corridor. The relationship between space and the human body plays an important role in this work. The piece
is experienced completely different from outside the body and from within the body. Standing inside this work
it creates a claustrophobic experience in a certain sense, leads to nothing.

I think that this piece is really effective because it is really interesting and
intriguing to look at. I believe it will draw people in. and attract their
attention. The reason I like this time based media is because I think it stands
out from the rest and is different to any others I have seen.

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