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4 WEEKLYMAII" Mayt8blIay24l9$)

3 000 refugees flee heavy border battle
ATOIAL of illect 369 peofle are heiqg held in detentbn witlrout trid in SOME 3 Ofi) Mozambican refugees By EDDIE KOC}I "Last Friday SADF soldiers went
South Aftica, accoNdirry to tlte btcst rrportof theHumanRights Commb poured across the border at Komati- into an area near Komatipoort called
ibn. This indudcs 313 people befury held urder the Emergency regulatbm, poort on Saturday night after the workers travelling from South Africa Block C where there are large num-
42und€r the Internal Secrrrity Act and 14 in Bophulbabrvana. frontier town of Ressano Garcia canre to Maputo on Saturday aftemoon. bers of refugees. In groups.of two,
A HRC representative sairl-yesterday that ffi? peophwere being held un under heavy attack from Renamo. The rebels blew up the rain at Mo- they knocked on doors asking for
de;the Emergency rcguhtbminthe WesternTransvaaLT0 in the Free Sfatc, And a dramatic escalation of the war veni, some l5km from the Komati- money and choosing at random to ar-
50 in tlrc Nrthern Tramvaa[ A) in Natal, eight in the Ertern Cape,seven in the Maputo province of Mozam- poon border post" and massacred l8 rest people," said refugee field wsk-
in the PWV area ud one in the Westem Cape. The Minister of taw and Or. bique this month has had a ripple ef- miners before sacking the rain. Fifty- u Sally McKibbin.
der, Adrimn Ylok, this week taHed the nanres of 63 people beirg held uder
fect on other communities living in five people were wounded. "We have the names of people who
theEmergency rcgulatbns, butrlree indude only thmewho have beenheld
the far F^qtem Trmsvaal. Survivors interviewed by the Mo- paid money and were not arrested.
for30 daysor loryer.
Of the 4a peoph known-to have been hdd under sectbn E of the Interrd Refugee workers in the'Komati- zambique news agency, AIM, say the One soldier who spoke fluent Portu-
Security Act so far thb year, 36 are still being hdd, while six are currendy poon area have lodged a formal com- rebels included women fighters. This guese told them that'As they kicked
being hdd utder sectbn 31. It b mt kmrrn whether any people are bbing plaint with the police after Mozambi- is the first reference to women being the Ponuguese out of Mozambique,
hdd indetentbn in Vendaor the Tnimhei,ard mone b believed to be inde can refugees were allegedly detained, used as guenillas by Renamo. now he is kicking the Mozambican
tention in the Ciskei. beaten or forced to pay bribes to es- The ambush and the raids on the out of South Africa"."
crye anest by South African Defence town are part of a Renamo strategy to McKibbin, secretary for the Hlan-
INFORMAL REPRESSION Force umps last Friday. isolate Maputo and step up its war ganani Refugee Relief Committee,
The homes of ftrc anti.apartheil rtivisb wert attadred at Ikryery On Friday night rebels attacked ahead of forthcoming peace talks. says villages along the border with
(Fotchefstmom) by unknown pcople on May 11, shordy after an aborted Ressano Garcia with mortars and Powerlines carrying electricity to Mozarnbique have been subjected to
march to hand a memorandum of towrehip grievancrs to the town curncfl- small arms. Renamo lannched a much the city from South Africa have been similar raids in the past tluee months.
lors'offioe, the IIRC said in its we*ly report All of the attrks involved heavier offensive against the town on sabotaged repeatedly, leaving many On Sunday the 3 000 refugees who
pebolbombirys Saturday night, accorOing to refugees parts of Maputo without power for sought refuge in Komatipoon after
who made their way into the kaNg- most of this month. the Renamo utack were repatriated.
SOUTH AFRICAN DEFENCE FORCE FIGURES wane "homeland" this week. The SADF appears to have in- A representative for the-SADF de-
The fo[owfi,g fryurts were rdeased in parliament by Minbter of Defence, The attack coincided with an am- creased its efforts to stem the flow of nied all allegations of irregular ac-
Gen€rdndagrusMCan: bush on a rain filled with migrant refugees into the F^qtem Transvaal. tions by members of the force.
OA total of Ert pencentof citizen fore and cummando nrembers called up

The Broederbond getting

for army campc lst year, failed to report Of these 0,0113 percent uked for
exemptbn fhom serving in the tovrmhipc and 37,65 percent had requested
OA total of I 511 people requested exemptinn fnom mflitary service
year, of whon 192 rrquested exemptbn on rdfiurs grounds and I419 re-
questcd exemptbn on other groundg induding f 318 who asked for exemp
tion on the grourds that they were rendering essential servioes
aA totd of 365 members of the SADF committed or attempted sricide
year. Eleven mtbml servirmen ard 13 mmben of the pernranent force
ld well into the SABC's picture
srcccedsd in their attempb while 259 servicemen, 70 PF members and 12 DESPITE talk of deregulation and brother, former Transvaler editor
members of the c{izen forcer the cunumndc attemptcd sricide. Do not adlust your sets the
privatisation, the state is covertly
tightening is control over what has
splrlt c,f 'glasnost' tfiat's
Wimpie de Klerk, is one of its lead-
ing figures as is F'W's chief political
U]TENHAGE GROUP AREAS CASES raditionally been its chief popaganda suteeplng the oountry ruon't advisor, Constitutional Affairs Mini-
Serrcnallegedcontraventbmof the Grup Arer Actwere rtported tothe arm, the South African Broadcasting reach the sABc, r the ster Gerrit Viljoen.
Sorth Afhi(il Polit h Uibnhage lad year, [.aw ard Order Minfuter Adrftun Corporation. Hans Strydom, co-author of The
Vtok sairt in parl&rmenl All theseees werr refermd to the Deparhrentof Btoedetond has anythlng to do
Far from reflecting the spirit of wlfi Super-Afrikan€ru, the book which
Locd Govenmentand Housing for investigatbn. glasnost, which State President FTV
lt, rcpofis lvoR PowELL blew the lid on fte Broederbon4 not-
de Klerk is selling to such effect in ed that the entire negotiating team
PRISONERS AWATNNG TRIAL the outside world, the task group ap- force is looking more deeply into whichmetthe ANCearlier this murth
An aver4e of orrcr lt Ofl) prisoners were awaiting trial in omtody every pointed last month by the goverrunent means of continued control by the was made up Broedertud members.
urontbJusice Minbter Kobie Coetsee sall in parliamenl IIe caid thata totC io look into hoadcasting in South Af- Nationalists ttmn it is into anything "Since FW became president the
of 523 people under lt were awaiting trhl in prbore in South Africa a on rica is heavily weighted owards older else," one media watcher said. Broederbond has been getting strmg-
December 31 last year. forms of Afrikaner control. The Appointing the group Hune Atrairs er. It's not surprising that they should
omrrn is made un of securocrats and Minister Gene Louw desc-ritrerl the be esoeciallv strons in brroadcastinp.

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