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The Hospital Management system is completely developed by Visual

Basic .NET Version. The application is connect with most secured database
language MY SQL Server. The application is develop by using best
combination of front-end and back-end languages. The application is totally
design like flat user interface. This flat user interface is more attractive user
interface in 2017. The application is gives more important to the system

The application is to manage the patient details and their appointment,

ward details, staff and doctor details, patient billing and more. The application
has only one unit for admin. The admin can manage the entire application. The
admin can login into the application by using username and password of the
admin. The application is develop for big and small hospitals. It is more user
friendly for non-computer person. Even they can easily learn how to manage
the application within hours. The application is more secure by the admin.

The application generates the report for users. The admin can view and
download the report of the data. This application is mainly develop for
windows operating system users.

The application-developed size is very low. The application consumes

very low space in disk. Therefore, the user can allocate very minimum local
disk space for this application.




Hardware specification of the system that is used in this project is

Processor : Intel Core 2 Due 2.66 GHz

RAM : 1 GB

Hard disk : 500 GB

Mouse : Standard Serial Mouse

Keyboard : 104 Windows Keyboard

Monitor : SVGA Color


Software specification of the system that is used in this project is,

Operating System : WINDOWS XP

Front End : VISUAL BASIC.Net

Back End : MS SQL Server 2000



Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is a reengineering of the venerable
language, Visual Basic, which departs in significant ways from earlier versions of
Visual Basic. In fact, some early adopters of VB.NET started calling it VB.NOT.
VB.NET has evolved into a full-fledged object-oriented commercial software
development package. Yet VB.NET also retains some of the inherent simplicity of its
VB.NET has a number of features hat help it retain backwards compatibility
with Visual Basic 6(VB6). Other features have been added specifically to adapt
Visual Basic to object-oriented programming and to the .NET platform.
VB.NET provides support in the language to find bugs early in the
development process. This makes for code that is easier to maintain and programs
that are more reliable. VB.NET does not support many features available in other
languages that make for unsafe code.


In July 2000, Microsoft announced the .NET platform, a development
framework that provides a new way to create Windows applications. However, .NET
goes beyond traditional Windows programming to facilitate creating web application
quickly and easily. And VB.NET is one of the premier languages that Microsoft
supports for development in this new and exciting .NET space.
Reports are that Microsoft is devoting 80% of its research and development
budget to .NET and its associated technologies. The results of this commitment are
impressive. The VB.NET language can be used to develop three types of applications
that can be run on windows:
 Console applications display no graphics.
 Windows applications use the standard Windows interface.
 Web applications can be accessed with a browser.

The .NET Framework specifies how .NET programming constructs, such as
intrinsic types, classes and interfaces are implemented. The .NET Framework sits on
top of any flavor of the Windows operating system. The most important components
of the Framework are the Common Language Runtime (CLR), and the So-called
Framework Class Library (FCL), which provides an enormous number of predefined
types or classes for us to use in our programs.


The VB.NET language is disarmingly simple, but it is highly expressive when
it comes to implementing modern programming concepts. VB.NET includes all the
support for structured, component-based, object-oriented programming that one
expects of a modern language.
The goal of VB.NET is to provide a simple, safe, object-oriented, Internet-
centric, high-performance language for .NET development. VB.NET is simple
because there are relatively few keywords. This makes it easy to learn and easy to
adapt to our specific needs.


 VB.NET is a truly object-oriented language. Even the primitive data types
are implemented as objects with methods that call for type conversions and
output formatting. VB.NET supports all the three basic concepts of
OOPS, namely encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
 VB.NET is consistent. It supports an unified data type system.
Programmers can extend the data type system easily.
 All VB.NET code is managed by the CLR (Common Language Runtime).
This makes VB.NET easier and safer.
 VB.NET dispenses with bug-prone features, such as multiple inheritance
and preprocessor macros.
 Many type-safe measures have been incorporated into VB.NET. Unsafe
type casting is not permitted. VB.NET supports the garbage collection
feature, which prevents the memory leakage problem.

 In VB.NET, classes are declared and defined in the same code blocks.
 VB.NET makes the development and implementation of components easy.
With VB.NET, it is possible to build reliable and durable components that
help us to handle several real-life applications.
 VB.NET supports the versioning features.
 Web forms in VB.NET enable us develop very efficient web-based
applications that will generate dynamic web content.


The Visual Studio .NET Integrated Development Environment provides
enormous advantages to the VB.NET programmer.
The Visual Studio .NET IDE is centered on an editor. An editor is much like a
word processor, except that it produces simple text. The Visual Studio .NET IDE also
provides support for building GUIs, which are integral to Windows and web projects.
Some of the key features of the IDE are
 Layout
 IntelliSense
 Building and running


The CLR is the heart of the .NET framework. It is the engine that drives key
functionality. “Runtime” is a component that a computer processes in order to
execute programs written in a particular programming language.
Here is how the CLR works. First of all, the source code written in a .NET
language gets compiled to the Intermediate Language (IL) and at the same time
metadata information is created by using the meta data engine. These are optimally
linked with other code compiled by different compilers and the result is an EXE or
DLL containing the IL code, which is saved to disk.
Then, on execution, the IL code and any functionality from the .NET base
class libraries is brought together by using the class loader. Then, the combined code
is optimally tested for type safety by using the verifier before the Just-In-Time (JIT)
compiler comes to play. The JIT compiler processes the IL, creating managed native
code. Then, the managed native code is passes on to the .NET runtime manager.

Finally, the .NET runtime manager executes the native code. The native code is
cached and users can select the caching schemes that best fit their execution

VB.NET IL Code Managed Native Code

Source Code vbc IT

VB, the name makes me feel that it is something special. IN THE history of
computing world no other product sold more copies than VB did such is the
importance of that language which clearly states how widely it is used for its friendly
working (graphical) Environment. VB .NET is an extension of VB programming
language with many new features in it. The changes from VB to Vb.NET age huge,
ranging from the changes in syntax of the language to the types of projects we can
create now and the way design applications.VB.NET was designed to take advantage
of the .NET Framework back classes and runtime environment. It comes with power
packed features that simplicity application development.

Briefly On some changes:

 The biggest changes from VB to VB.Net is ,Vb.NET is object oriented
now.VB.NET now supports all the key oop features like Inheritance
,Polymorphism ,Abstraction and Encapsulation. We can now create classes
and objects, derive classes from other classes and so on.
 The major advantages of OOP is code reusability
 The command button now is button and the text box is Textbox instead of
Text as in VB6
 Many new controls have been added to the toolbar to make application
development more efficient
 VB.NET now adds console Applications to it apart from the windows and web

About Ms-SQL
Ms-SQL is a powerful multi-user RDBMS developed by Microsoft
Corporation. It can store and manipulate large amount of information and repetitive
tasks such as maintaining user, instructor logins, questions and answers, marks
awarded to the students. Data can be processed and meaningful reports can be
generated easily.
Ms-SQL provides most of the features available in the high RDBMS products
like Oracle, Sybase, and Ingress etc. Visual Basic keeps SQL as its native database
always called JET (Joint Engine Technology). SQL, which means Structured Query
Language, is widely used to retrieve data from one or more tables other than the
wizard available in SQL.
Data in SQL is organized in the form of tables. Within tables records are
arranged according to a common reference value known as primary key or the key
field. The value in the key field is different for every record and thus helps in
uniquely identifying records.
Since the value of the table can be replicated across other tables, there should
be a way to maintain a relation between the two tables. This relation is implemented
through the concept of foreign key. Foreign key in a table is a field, which links that
table to anther table. Database in SQL has the extension “MDB”.

Microsoft SQL handles the database in Visual Basic, which is a partial
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The data handling will be
powerful and also it can be able to handle large volumes of data.
Ms- SQL is very useful for accessing the database to create records, deleting
records, modifying records and useful for listing records. It is used as back and tool
for the Visual Basic. A database server is the key to solving the problems of
information management. In general, a server must relating manages a large amount
data in multi-user environment. So that many users, can concurrently SQL the same

All this must be accomplished while delivering high performance. A database
server must also prevent unauthorized access provide efficient solution for failure
Ms-SQL is a Relational Database Management system for windows. A
RDBMS stores and retrieve information based on relationships. That have been
specified relationship exist almost everywhere in life. With ms-SQL, we can build
relational database that stores related data in one place.
 Ms-SQL provides a very easy-to use graphical interface.
 Ms-SQL utilizes that full potential of windows giving a visual
outlook a data and information
 Ms-SQL provides a wizard for almost everything
 Ms-SQL hides the nuances of storage format location and
fetches information quickly.
A database is a collection of information that’s related to a particular subject
or purpose, such as tracking customer orders or maintaining a music collection.
If your database isn’t stored on a computer, or only parts of it are stored, you
may be tracking information from a variety of sources that you have to coordinate and
organize yourself.
For example, suppose the phone numbers of your suppliers are stored in
various locations: in a card file containing supplier phone numbers, in product
information files in a file cabinet, and in a spreadsheet containing order information.
If a supplier’s phone numbers changes, you might have to update that information in
all three places. In a database, however, you only have to update that information in
one place- the supplier’s phone number is automatically updated wherever you use it
in the database.

Features of MY SQL
 Windows based application
 Large data management capacity
 Importing, exporting and linking external files
 Wizard and builders
 Macros
 Built-in- security

Windows based applications
SQL is a based application and therefore had an interface similar to
Windows NT. We can cut copy and paste data from any window application to and
from SQL.

Large data management capacity

SQL maintains a single disk file for a database and its entire associated object.
The maximum size of file can be 1 GB. It allows maximum of 32.768 table and
objects in a database.

Wizards and builders

A wizard is a utility that helps to perform complex tasks by guiding through
the process. Wizard asks questions about the content, style and format of the object to
be created.

Built- in function
SQL includes small program known as functions that perform simple
calculation or data formatting.



The basic requirement of the system is to eliminate labor in the

maintenance of the details such as purchases, sales, returns and the service details.
The system has to update each time new data is entered. Security and protection of the
data are other necessities. Some of the information has to be consolidated and shown
as reports for quick view and for printing. The overall system must be fast and
convenient. A large database is used for storing a large amount of data.


The system, which is followed at present, is an manual system, which has
elaborated function for every process, now the system is done by manually.
In manual system nearly six members are needed and is maintain in different
register each for production, sales etc. Any person can see the details easily. More
time is needed to do work. The existing system’s security is poor.
 In manual system maintain number of not books for each
 Time takes is more and transactions are slow.
 Absence of multitasking.
 Modification of any correction and anything is very difficult and
errors occur frequently.
 Manual work takes more man power.
 In manual work followed by many functions so calculations and
transaction details are difficult to maintain.
 Security of the processing system is very low.

The proposed system makes the management of the details easier which is far better
than the existing system. In our system the need for maintaining large, written
information is reduced. The way in which the data stored is very efficient. This helps
in easy entry, editing, storing the data as well as retrieving the data.
Separate tables for purchases, sales, and returns for both are maintained. The
database is carefully designed to facilitate the easy, accurate retrieval and also to
consolidate the information.
The some of the benefits of the proposed system are,
 It reduces the volume of documents stored if maintained manually.
 Easy entry, editing, deletion, and extraction of information.
 Quick retrieval of the wanted information.
 Immediate information of the present stock, needs etc.




The input design is the process of entering data to the system. The input
design goal is to enter to the computer as accurate as possible. Here inputs are
designed effectively so that errors made by the operations are minimized. The inputs
to the system have been designed in such a way that manual forms and the inputs are
coordinated where the data elements are common to the source document and to the
input. The input is acceptable and understandable by the users who are using it.

The quality of the system input determines the quality for system output. Input
specification describes the manner in which data entered the system processing.

Input design is the process of converting user-originated inputs to a computer-

based format input data are collected and organized into group of similar data. Once
identified, appropriate input media are selected for processing.

The input design also determines the user to interact efficiently with the
system. Input design is a part of overall system design that requires special attention
because it is the common source for data processing error. The goal of designing input
data is to make entry easy and free from errors.

Five objectives of the input design are:

 Effectiveness

 Accuracy

 Ease to use

 Consistency

 Attractiveness

The main objectives that are done during the input design are:

 Data is collected from the source

 Transfer of data to an input form is done

 Data is converted to a computer acceptable form

 The converted data is verified

 Data is checked for its accuracy


The output design was done so that results of processing could be

communicated to the users. The various outputs have been designed in such a way
that they represent the same format that the office and management used to.

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the
user. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the systems relationships
with the user and help in decision making. A major form of output is the hardcopy
from the printer.

Output requirements are designed during system analysis. A good starting

point for the output design is the Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Human factors educe
issues for design involves addressing internal controls to ensure readability.


A database is a collection of stored data organized in such a way that all the
data requirements are satisfied. In order to design the database and the tables used in
the system, MS SQL provides extra optional facilities which aid and control each
user's SQL to use the database for adding, modifying and retrieving data and facilitate
data independence, integrity and security.

In a database, information from several files are coordinated, SQLed and
operated upon as though it is in a single file. Logically the information is centralized.
Physically the data may be located on different devices and in widely scattered
geographically locations, connected through data communication facilities.

This ensures the correctness and completeness of the data in the database.
When the contents of the database are modified the integrity of the Database is lost.
To maintain the consistency of data integrity of constraints is required.
Some of the integrity constraints are
 Domain constraints specify NULL or NOT NULL.
 Validity integrity - checks for data type and range.
 Entity integrity - uniqueness and primary key.
 Reference integrity - foreign key relation


After the installation phase is completed and the user is adjusted to the
changes created by the system, evaluation and maintenance begin. If the new
information is inconsistent with the design specification, then changes have to be
made. The importance of maintenance or environment factors also calls for system


The Patient Module has 4 Forms such as Admission, Information, Records
and Appointment. This module is used to store the information about Admission
details, Patient information, Patient records, and Patient appointment.

This Form is used to store the information about Inpatient. It has following
Fields Patient Code, Patient Name, and Date. We use several command buttons such
as Show Detail, Clear Detail, Close and Data Grid is also used to shown the details
about Inpatient. Clear Detail button is used to clear the details about the inpatient.
Show Detail button is used to view the details about the inpatient. Close button is used
to close the inpatient details form.

Patient Records
This Form is used to store the information about Inpatient who is
discharged. It has following Fields Patient Code, Patient Name, Age, Gender, Native,
Address, Phone, Date, Ward, Room no, Bed no, Doctor, Treatment Report. We use
several command buttons such asFirst, Previous, Next, Last, Delete, Search, Exit.
Search button is used to find the particular Patient Records. Delete button is used to
delete the Patient record. All information’s are stored in Patient Record table.

The Ward Module takes care of Inpatient Admission, Discharge and
Transfer. It maintains the details of various Wards, Beds and Movement of the
patient. It has 3 forms such as Admission, Discharge and Movement.

This Form is used to admit Patient in the Wards. The admitted patients are
called Inpatients. It has following Fields Patient Code, Patient Name, Age, Gender,
Native, Address, Phone, Date, Ward, Room no, Bed no, Doctor, Treatment Report.
We use several command buttons such as New, Admit, Show Record, Modify,
Cancel, Exit and also we use Data Grid to shown the details about Inpatient. Admit
button is used to store the admission details about the Inpatient. Modify button is used
to modify the Inpatient admission details. Cancel button is used to cancel the Inpatient
admission details.

Ward Discharge
This is used to store the information about the Discharged Patient. It has
following Fields Patient Code, Admit Date, No. of days Admit, Room Rent, Bed no,
Room no, Discharge Date, Total Fee. We use several command buttons such as
Discharge, Clear and Exit. Discharge button is used to discharge the Patient from the
Hospital. Clear button is used to clear the details.

Ward Movement
This Form is used to transfer the patient location from present ward to
required ward. It has following Fields Patient Code, Present Room no, Present Ward,
Present Bed no, No. Of days, Move to ward, Move to Room, Move to Bed. We use
several command buttons such as Fix Movement, Clear and Exit. Fix movement
button is used to store the movement details. Clear button is used to clear the
movement details.

This Module used to store information about Doctor’s and Staff’s details. It
has 2 Forms such as Doctor’s Information and Staff‘s Information.

Staff Information
This form is used to give the details about the Staff’s in the Hospital. It has
following Fields Staff Code, Staff name, Qualification, Department, Date of Join,
Age, Gender, Address, Experience, Residence Phone, Cell phone, E-Mail. We use
several command buttons such as New, Save, Search, Modify, Cancel, Delete, and
Exit. New button is used to enter the details about staffs. Save button is used to store
the information’s about the staff’s. Modify button is used to modify the staff’s
information. Cancel button is used to cancel the staff’s details. Delete button is used
to delete the staff’s information. All information’s are stored in Staff personal table.

This module is used to maintain the reports of the organization. We have 3
Reports, which are as follows

 Patient Billing
 Inpatient Payment
 Outpatient Payment

Patient Billing
This Report is used to store the information about the patient Billing. It has
following fields Bill No, Patient Code, Patient Name, Room Rent, Blood Bill, Scan
Bill, X-Ray Bill, Urine Bill, Medicine Charge, Operation charge, Other charge, Total
Bill, Fee Paid, Net Amount. We use several command buttons such as Modify, Save,
Clear, Delete, Reports and Exit. On clicking the Report Button Patient Billing details
are shown on the basis of Patient Code and generate report. Save button is used to
store the patient Billing. Delete button is used to delete the patient billing details.
Clear button is used to clear the details of inpatient billing.

This Report is used to store the information about the Inpatient Payment.
This payment will subtract from the Net Amount and stored in the Patient Billing. It
has following fields Receipt No, Patient Code, Patient Name, Bill Paid, Paid Date. We
use several command buttons such as New, Save, Clear, Cancel, First, Previous, Next,
Last, Delete, Report, Exit. On clicking the Report Button Inpatient details are shown
on the basis of Inpatient Code. Save button is used to store the Inpatient payment
Billing. Delete button is used to delete the Inpatient payment billing details. Clear
button is used to clear the details inpatient billing.

This Report is used to store the information about the Outpatient Payment.
It has following fields Receipt No, Patient Code, Patient Name, Bill Paid, Paid Date.
We use several command buttons such as New, Save, Clear, Cancel, First, Previous,
Next, Last, Delete, Report, Exit. On clicking the Report Button Outpatient details are
show on the basis of Out Patient Code. Save button is used to store the outpatient
payment billing. Delete button is used to delete the outpatient payment billing details.
Clear button is used to clear the details outpatient payment billing.



5.1 System Testing

System testing is the process of exercising software with the intent of finding
and ultimately correcting errors. This fundamental philosophy does not change for
web applications, because web-based systems and applications resides on a network
and interoperate with many different operating systems, browsers, hardware
platforms, and communication protocols, the search for errors represents a significant
challenge for web applications.

The distributed nature of client-server environments, the performance issues

associated with transaction processing, the potential presence of number of different
hardware platform, the complexities of network communications, the need to serve
multiple clients from a centralized database and the requirements imposed on the
server all combine to make testing of client-server architectures.

Testing Issues
 Client GUI considerations
 Target environment and platform diversity considerations
 Distributed database considerations
 Distributed processing considerations

Testing Methodologies
System testing is state of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the
system works accurately and efficiently as expect before live operation commences. It
certifies that the whole set of programs hang together.
System testing requires a test plan that consists of several key activities and
step for run program, string, system and user acceptance testing. The implementation
of newly designed package is important in adopting a successful new system.
Testing is the important stage in software development. The system test in
implementation stage in software development process. The system testing
implementation should be confirmation that all is correct and an opportunity to show

the users that the system works as expected. It accounts the largest percentage of
technical effort in the software development process.
Testing phase in the development cycle validates the code against the
functional specification. Testing is vital to achievement of the system goals. The
objective of the testing is to discover errors. To fulfill this objective a series of test
step unit, integration, validation and system tests were planned and executed. The test
steps are:

Unit Testing
Unit is the testing changes made in an existing or new program. This test is
carried out during the programming and each module is found to be working
satisfactory. In the registration form user details are stored in database without any

Integration Testing
A comprehensive integration testing is carried out using integrated test plans
in the design phase of the development as guide to ensure the behavior of functions
with live data. The administrator module can integrate with user module.

Validation Testing
Software validation is achieved through the series of tests that demonstrate
confirmative with requirement. Thus the proposed system and considerations has been
tested by validation and found to be working satisfactorily.

Output Testing
Asking the user about the format required by them to test the output
generated by the system under considerations. It can be considered in two ways, one
on the screen and the other is printed format. The output format on the screen is found
to be correct as the format designed in the system design.

Testing Results
All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. The focus of testing
will shift progressively from programs. Exhaustive testing is not possible. To be more
effective, testing should be one, which has probability of finding errors.
The following are the attributes of good test:
 A good test has a high probability of finding an error.
 A good test is not redundant.
 A good test should be “best of breeds”.
 A good test should neither too simple nor too complex.

5.2 Quality Assurance

Quality assurance consists of auditing and reporting functions of management.
The goal of quality assurance is to provide management with the data necessary to be
informed about product quality, thereby gaining insight and confidence that product
quality is meeting its goal.


The extent to which the program meets system specifications and user

The degree to which the system performs Intended functions overtime.

The amount of computer resources required by a program to perform a

The effort required learning and operating a system.

To use with which program errors are located and corrected.

The effort required testing a program to ensure its correct performance.

The ease of transporting a program from one hardware configuration to

The required portion in input editing, computation and output.


Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is
turned a working system. The most crucial stage is achieving a successful new system
and giving the user confidence in that the new system will work efficiently and
effectively in the implementation stage.

The stage consists of

 Testing the developed program with simple data.
 Detections and corrections.
 Creating whether the system is meets user requirements.
 Testing whether the system.
 Making necessary changes as desired by the user.
 Training user personnel.
Implementation Procedures
The implementation phase is less creative than system design a system
project may be dropped at any time prior to implementation although it becomes
more difficult when it goes to the design phase.
The final report to the implementation phase includes procedural flow
charts, record layout, report layout and a workable plan for implementing the

candidate system include an operational one. Conversion is one aspect of
Several procedures of documents are unique to the conversion phase.
They include the following
 The conversion portion of the implementation plan is finalized
and approved.
 Files are converted.
 Parallel processing between the existing and the new system of
logged on the special form.
 Assuming no problems, no parallel processing is discontinued.
 Implementation results for documented for reference.
 Conversion is completed. Plans for the post implementation
review are prepared. Following the review the new system is
officially operational.

User Training
User training is designed to prepare the user for testing and converting the
system. There are several ways to train the user they are:
 User manual
 Help screens
 Training demonstration

The summary of important function is about the system and the software
can provided as the document to the user.

This feature now available in every software packages, especially when it is
used with a menu. The user selects the “HELP” option from the menu. The system
SQL the necessary descriptions are information from user referrrences.

Another user training element is a training demonstration. Live
demonstration with personal contact is extremely effective for training users.


Documentation means of communication; it establishes design and performance
criteria for phases of the project. Documentation is descriptive information that
portrays the use and/or operation of the system.

Documentation Tools
Document production and desktop publishing tool support nearly ever
aspect of software developers. Most software development organizations spend a
substantial amount of time developing documents, and in many cases the
documentation process itself is quite efficient. It is not use unusual for a software
development effort on documentation. For this reason, documentation tools provide
an important opportunity to improve productivity.

Document Restructuring
Creating document is far too time consuming. If the system works, we
will live with what we have. In some cases, this is the correct approach. It is not
possible to recreate document for hundreds of computer programs.
Documentation must be updated, but we have limited resources. It, may
not be necessary to fully re document an application. Rather, those portions of the
system that are currently undergoing change are fully documented.
The system is business critical and must be fully re documented. Even in
this case, an intelligent approach is to pare document to an essential minimum


Maintenance is actually the implementation of the review plan. As
important as it is, many programmers and analysts are to perform are identify
themselves with the maintenance effort. There are psychologist, personality and
professional reasons, for this.

Analyst and programmers spend far more time to maintain the
program. Then they do writing them. Maintenance accounts for 50-80% of total
system development.

 Maintenance is expensive. One way to reduce maintenance cost is

through maintenance management and software modification audits.
 Maintenance is not as rewarding as exciting as developing system. It is
perceived as required neither skill not experience.
 User are not fully cognizant of the maintenance problem are its high
 Few tools and techniques are available for maintenance.
 A good test plan is lacking.
 Standard, procedures and guidelines are poorly defined and efforted.
 Programs are often maintained without care for structure and
 There are minimal standard for maintenance.
 Programmers except that they will not be in their correct commitment
by time, their program go into maintenance cycle.



The “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT” is designed efficiently using

the tool performance of the Visual basic application is measured. The tool generates
the system details where it is made to run. The application is also tested automatically
for errors.
In performance analysis the tool efficiently determines the used and unused
variables, execution time of the application, execution time of each loops and the
memory utilized by the application, from which the performance of the application is

In System configuration the tool is involved in finding out the system

resource, memory space, drive capacity which is used to compare the performance
with respect to configuration and reports are generated.

The tool carries out testing process like white-box testing and Regression
testing to point out errors automatically which affects application’s successful

All these modules are efficiently developed and executed using different
Visual basic applications and the tool is also tested with different set of users and
implanted successfully.

 In existing system, the production department details are transferred into sales
department through manual entry.
 But in case of future development, we can update the data of the sales
department automatically when the data entry is made into the production
 All modules are extendable even in the case of future expansion changes can
be made.
 Production planning is using powerful tools .The user can enter the data
available in the forms without any confusion. if the user enters the data
wrongly, this system cannot allow it to save. Database is structured with
minimum redundancy.
 This system can be implemented in other depots also, and it has been built in
that way, by taking maximum data from the tables.



 Don Box, with Chris Sells, “Essential. Net”-Third Edition (2002).

 Harold Davis, “Visual Basic.Net for Windows” - Second Edition
 Steven Holzner,” Visual Basic.Net 2005”, Pearson Education
 Matt J.Crouch, “VB.Net Web Programming”- corporate Edition
 G.Andrew Duthie, “Microsoft Visual Basic.Net”- version 2005
 David solution, “Sam Teach Yourself VB 3.0 In 21 Days”,
Crimson Publications, Second Edition, March 2005.
 Elias M.Award, “System analysis and design” ,Galgotia publishers,
Second Edition (2005).
 Roger S.Pressman, “Software Engineering, A Practioner’s
Approach ”, McGraw Hill international companies, Sixth Edition
 Shooman, “Software Engineering”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
Publishing Company Pvt ltd, 2005.
 lee & lee,” introduction system analysis and design”,ncc
publications edition – 2005.

 server




The DFD was first developed by Larry Constantine as a way of expressing system
requirements in a graphical form and this leads to a modular design. The DFD is also
known as “Bubble Chart” and has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and
identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. It is
the starting point of the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirements
specifications down to the lowest level of details. A DFD consists of a series of
bubbles joined by lines. The bubbles represent the data transformations and the lines
represent the data flows of the system.

The following symbols are used for construction of DFD.

 A Square defines a source or destination of system data.
 An Arrow identifies data flow data in motion.
 A Circle or a Bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flow
in to outgoing data flow.
 An Open Rectangle is a data store -data at rest, or a repository of data.

The data flow diagram does not depend on hardware, software and data structure or
file organization.
There are 5 Modules in our Project, they are

 Patient
 Ward
 Staff
 Medical Checkup
 Reports


Manager Reports



details patient_Data

details ward_Data

details doctor_data

Test test_data

process discharge_data

Final Report



Hospital Reports Manager
doctor_data system





Primary key: Patient code

Field Name Type Width Description

Patient Code Varchar 15 Patient Code
Patient Name Varchar 20 Patient Name
Age Integer 2 Age
Gender Varchar 10 Gender
Native Varchar 10 Native
Address Varchar 50 Address
Phone Varchar 10 Phone Number
Admit Date Date/Time - Admit Date
InitalFee Varchar 10 InitalFee
RecFrom Long 4 Record from
AdmitType Long 4 Admit type


Foreign key: Patient code

Field Name Type Width Description

Patient Code Varchar Patient Code

Patient Name
Patient Name
Varchar 20
Age Integer 2 Age
Gender Varchar 10 Gender
Native Varchar 10 Native
Address Varchar 50 Address

Phone Varchar 10 Phone Number
Admit Date Date/Time 8 Admit Date
Ward Name Varchar 10 Ward Name
Room No Long 4 Room Number
Bed No Long 4 Bed Number
Doctor Varchar 20 Doctor Name
Report Varchar 20 Report
Discharge Date Date/Time 8 Discharge Date


Foreign key: Patient code

Field Name Type Width Description

Patient Code Varchar Patient Code
Varchar 20 Patient Name
Patient Name
Address Varchar 50 Address
Dname Varchar 10 Doctor name
Adate Datetime - Appointment date
Atime Datetime - Appointment time


Primary key: Patient code

Field Name Type Width Description

Patient Code Varchar Patient Code
Varchar 20 Patient Name
Patient Name
Age Integer 2 Age
Gender Varchar 10 Gender
Native Varchar 20 Native
Address Varchar 50 Address
Phone Varchar 10 Phone Number
Admit Date Varchar - Admit Date

Ward Name Varchar 10 Ward Name
Room No Long 4 Room Number
Bed No Long 4 Bed Number
Doctor Varchar 20 Doctor Name
Report Varchar 20 Report
RegFee Double 8 Registration Fee


Primary Key: Dcode

Fieldname Type Width Description

Dcode Long 4
Doctor Code
DName Varchar 50
Doctor Name
DQualification Varchar 10 Doctor Qualification
DDesignation Varchar 10 Doctor Designation
DOJ Date/Time 8 Date of Join
Age Integer 2 Age
Gender Varchar 10 Gender
Address Varchar 50 Address
Experience Long 4 Experience
Basic Pay Long 4 Basic Pay
Resiphone Varchar 10 Residence phone
Cell Phone Varchar 10 Cell Phone
E-Mail Varchar 20 E-Mail


Foreign key: Patient code

Field Name Type Width Description
Patient Code Varchar Patient Code
Room Rent Double 8 Room Rent
Patient_name Varchar 20 Patient name
BloodBill Double 8 BloodBill
ScanBill Double 8 ScanBill
X-RayBill Double 8 X-RayBill

BloodTestBill Double 8 BloodTestBill
UrineTestBill Double 8 UrineTestBill
MedicineCharge Double 8 MedicineCharge
Operation Charge Double 8 OperationCharge
Other Charge Double 8 Other Charge
TotalBill Double 8 TotalBill
FeePaid Double 8 FeePaid
NetAmount Double 8 NetAmount
Long 4
BillNo Bill Number


Dim Con As New ADODB.Connection

Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DbName As String
Dim Pcode As String
Dim I As Integer

Private Sub Combo2_Click()

If Combo2.Text <> "" Then
Rs.Find "PatientCode='" & Combo2.Text & "'", 0, adSearchForward, 1
Combo2.Visible = False
Text1.Text = Rs.Fields(0).Value
Text2.Text = Rs.Fields(1).Value
Text3.Text = Rs.Fields(2).Value
Combo1.Text = Rs.Fields(3).Value
Text5.Text = Rs.Fields(5).Value
lblDate.Caption = Date
Text6.Text = Rs.Fields(6).Value
Text7.Text = Rs.Fields(7).Value
Text8.Text = Rs.Fields(8).Value
Text9.Text = Rs.Fields(9).Value
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim D1 As String
Dim M1 As String
Dim Y1 As String
Dim PatDate As String


Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""

'Today Date Code Generation

D1 = Day(Date)
M1 = Month(Date)
Y1 = Year(Date)

If Len(D1) = 1 Then
D1 = "0" & D1
End If

If Len(M1) = 1 Then
M1 = "0" & M1
End If

PatDate = D1 & M1 & Y1

'Check the Existing Patient Code and regenerate the new patient code
If Rs.EOF Then
Pcode = Left(Rs.Fields(0).Value, 8)

If Pcode = PatDate Then
Pcode = Mid(Rs.Fields(0).Value, 9, Len(Rs.Fields(0).Value) - 8)
I = CInt(Pcode) + 1
End If
End If

D1 = Day(Date)
M1 = Month(Date)
Y1 = Year(Date)

If Len(D1) = 1 Then
D1 = "0" & D1
End If

If Len(M1) = 1 Then
M1 = "0" & M1
End If

Pcode = D1 & M1 & Y1 & I


Text1.Text = Pcode
lblDate.Caption = Date

Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Enabled = True
Command3.Enabled = True
Combo1.Visible = True
Combo1.ListIndex = 0

Call TextLock(False)

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

On Error GoTo L1

Rs.Fields(0) = Trim(Text1.Text)
Rs.Fields(1) = Text2.Text
Rs.Fields(2) = CInt(Text3.Text)
Rs.Fields(3) = Combo1.Text
Rs.Fields(4) = CDate(lblDate.Caption)
Rs.Fields(5) = Text5.Text
Rs.Fields(6) = Text6.Text
Rs.Fields(7) = Text7.Text
Rs.Fields(8) = Text8.Text
Rs.Fields(9) = Text9.Text
Rs.Fields(10) = "OUT"
MsgBox "Patient Admission information stored", vbInformation, "Message"

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""
lblDate.Caption = ""

Command1.Enabled = True
Command2.Enabled = False
Command3.Enabled = False

Call TextLock(True)

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Check the entry", vbInformation, "Message"
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""
lblDate.Caption = ""

Call TextLock(True)
Command1.Enabled = True
Command2.Enabled = False
Command3.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Dim D1 As String
Dim M1 As String
Dim Y1 As String
Dim PatDate As String

D1 = Day(Date)
M1 = Month(Date)

Y1 = Year(Date)

If Len(D1) = 1 Then
D1 = "0" & D1
End If

If Len(M1) = 1 Then
M1 = "0" & M1
End If

PatDate = D1 & M1 & Y1

If Not Rs.EOF Then

If Left(Rs.Fields(0).Value, 8) <> Trim(PatDate) Then
MsgBox "The Patient Record Deleted Successfully", vbInformation, "Message"
MsgBox "Patient Record Deleted DayAfter only", vbInformation, "Message"
End If
End If


Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()


If Not Rs1.EOF Then

While Not Rs1.EOF
Combo2.AddItem Rs1.Fields(0).Value
Combo2.Visible = True
Command6.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

If Command6.Caption = "Modify" Then
Call TextLock(False)
Command6.Caption = "Store"
ElseIf Command6.Caption = "Store" Then
Call TextLock(True)

Rs.Fields(0) = Text1.Text
Rs.Fields(1) = Text2.Text
Rs.Fields(2) = CInt(Text3.Text)
Rs.Fields(3) = Combo1.Text
Rs.Fields(4) = CDate(lblDate.Caption)
Rs.Fields(5) = Text5.Text
Rs.Fields(6) = Text6.Text
Rs.Fields(7) = Text7.Text
Rs.Fields(8) = Text8.Text
Rs.Fields(9) = Text9.Text

Command6.Caption = "Modify"
MsgBox "Record Modified successfully", vbInformation, "Message"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Left = 1000
Me.Top = 10
Me.Width = 9350
Me.Height = 7000

If Right(App.Path, 1) <> "\" Then

DbName = App.Path & "\Hosmos.mdb"
DbName = App.Path & "Hosmos.mdb"
End If

Set Con = New ADODB.Connection

Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Data source='" & DbName & "'"
Rs.Open "Select * from Patient", Con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
Rs1.Open "Select * from Patient", Con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
End Sub


Patient Admission

Patient Information

Patient Appointment

Ward Admission

Doctor Information


Doctor Information

Outpatient details

Outpatient report


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