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First of all I just want to say that it was my first time having a job interview
so I really felt nervous that time. I didn’t know what to do so I kept practicing how
to face and answer the interviewee. When Mr. Templa already announced the
interviewees I felt so bad that time because my name wasn’t called and I thought
that I wasn’t had an interview that time. That’s why we approached Mr. Templa
and asked why our names haven’t called after that he told us to go to computer
laboratory and have our interview. When we already arrived in com lab I didn’t
know the kind of feeling I felt that time because it turns out the negative thoughts
had stayed in my head and there are so many what if’s messed up in my head.
I’ve never been encounter job interview in the past so I didn’t know the feeling of
being interviewed about personal information.

Due to the lack of time there are so many applicants in Com lab, so we
had decided to approach Mr. Templa and asked him if it’s okay to move to the
other interviewee which is to Ms. Aman yet he agreed and we start forming our
line and I was waiting for my turn. When it’s already my turn I remind myself not
to do any mistakes and control the nervousness of myself.

Ms. Aman started asking me with my personal information and after that
she asked me if what was the purpose of having myself there and I answered her
with a great tone of my voice and a smile of my face. I answered her that my
purpose is to apply for a work immersion and to make the scenery short I
answered all the questions but I wasn’t sure if she completely understand me
because I wasn’t able to control my nervousness yet I was happy because I
answered it with a confidence with myself and applying all of the qualifications for
the job interview.

Having a job interview for the person whose first timer is wasn’t easy but
with the help of our living God, he guide me throughout the interview so I’m
thankful because I was able to answer all the questions and it taught me a lot of
lessons. I realized that when having a job interview it’s normal to feel nervous but
you really need to control your emotions and escape from your comfort zone.
When having a job interview it really needs time to practice and be ready always
to face the interviewee and answer it honestly and confidentially no matter how
difficult the question is but you really need a motivation and full determination. It
also taught me of the appropriate way on communicating people and I was
thankful because I was given a chance to experience a job interview. It was really
a big opportunity for me because it’s the way to for my success.

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