Schistosomiasis Control Program - Department of Health Website

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Schistosomiasis Free Philippines


Synchronized and harmonized public and private stakeholders’ efforts in the elimination of schistosomiasis in the Philippines


Interruption of transmission of Schistosomiasis Infection by 2025.

1. All high endemic barangays will reach the target of criteria for Morbidity/Infection Control (<5% prevalence of heavy intensity
infection for 5 years).
2. All moderate endemic barangays will reach the target of criteria of Transmission Control (Elimination as a Public Health Problem with
<1% prevalence of heavy intensity infection for 5 years).
3. All low endemic barangays will reach the target criteria of Transmission Interruption (no local infection in man and animals, no
infection in snail for 5 years).

Program Components

Schistosomiasis is an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms called trematodes or blood flukes. It is endemic in the
Philippines affecting 1,599 barangays (villages), in 189 municipalities (towns) and 15 cities, in 28 endemic provinces, in 12 regions. The
total population at risk is approximately 12 million with 2.5 million individuals directly exposed to the disease. It is transmitted through
contact with fresh water infested with the cercarial schistosome of the parasite that penetrates human skin. Given the magnitude of the
problem of schistosomiasis in the country, the Department of Health (DOH) strengthened the Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination
Program by adopting a multi- pronged multi-stakeholders’ approach and fueling additional funding.
1. Preventive Chemotherapy
2. Intensified Case Management
3. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
4. Veterinary Public Health and the Promotion of Animal Health under One Health Approach.
5. Effective Intermediate Host Control and Surveillance

Partner Institutions

Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International, Save the Children, Plan International, WHO, DA, DepEd, DILG, NIA, Academe, LGUs

Policies and Laws

-Schistosomiasis Clinical Practice Guidelines

-DM 2016-0212
-AO 2009-0013
-AO 2007-0015

Strategies, Action Points and Timeline

1. Preventive Chemotherapy through Mass Drug Administration

2. Intensified Case Management
3. Promotion of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health under One Health Approach
4. Effective Intermediate Host Control and Surveillance
5. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH

Program Accomplishments/Status

1. Formulation and development of the strategic plan to cut transmission of schistosomiasis infection in the Philippines, 2018-2025
2. Demonstration project for the control of aanimal schistosomiasis and promotion of animal health in Northern Samar
3. Updating of endemic maps on snail transmission sites in the Philippines
 4. Establishment of the Laboratory Network for NTDs addresses by preventibe chemotherapy
5. Capability building of LGU partners on the Coverage Supervision Tool (CST) to monitor and improved MDA coverage
6. Policy Development on surveillance and response of the snail vector of schistosomiasis
7. Policy development on updated mass drug administration under the preventive chemotherapy strategy for schistosomiasis endemic
baranagys in the Philippines


The National Prevalence is 4.68% (Focal Survey, 2017) with 435 (27%) Barangays having prevalence of >5%, 357 (22%) Barangays with
prevalence of > 1% but < 5% and 379 (24%) with Prevalence of < 1%.

Program Manager

Dr. Winston A. Palasi, MD, MPH

PHONE NO. 651-78-00 LOCAL 2350


updated October 26, 2018

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