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Anger is among the gamut of emotions we exhibit as a reaction to a

situation, and it is a 'normal' emotion too as long as it is kept under control.

Some people have the propensity to explode when pushed to the extreme.
They keep swallowing their emotions until they can finally do it no more, and
erupt like a volcano. Others dealing with extreme anger are like a ticking
time bomb. You'll never know what you unwittingly say or do can trigger an
explosion. In either case, anger that cannot be controlled comes with a
physical reaction.

Your heart beats faster preparing you for both action and reaction. Your
breathing quickens. You may clench your fist, tighten your shoulders and go
into a defensive position. The problem arises out of the fact that it is almost
impossible to feel anger and empathy at the same time. An angry person is
seldom sensitive to the well being of his victim, and hence may lash out
verbally and sometimes physically. Such things done in the heat of the
moment mostly leaves us with regrets. So here are a few ways to deal with
extreme anger.

1. Acknowledge it: The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that you have
one. The fundamental problem here is that people believe they are on the right track
and refuse to budge from their views. It is essential to realize that this step is not
about deciding whether you are right or wrong, but acknowledging the fact that
your reaction to the situation can be channeled in a better way. When getting
someone to acknowledge their anger problem, be careful as to not use negative
words like wrong, false and shouldn't. Instead, influence with positive words like
can and should. Instead of saying 'You are wrong to react like this', you can say, 'I
understand what you are feeling. Is there a way we can resolve this situation?'

2.Recognize the signs: Once you know that your problems exist, you can try
devising ways that will work for you in dealing with the situation. You can count to
10 to calm yourself or simply decide to not speak until you can calm yourself.
Knowing that you may enter into an argument in a situation, you can list down the
points that you feel strongly about and discuss each of them one by one. Working
your way through a finite list gives a better opportunity to reach closure at the end.
Find ways to let it go: Not all arguments end in closure. A lot of unsaid
justifications cloud our mind repeatedly leaving us seething from the inside.
Research has shown that the neurological anger response lasts less than two
seconds. Beyond that it takes a strong will to stay angry. Once you realize how
much your anger is consuming your mind, decide to free your mind
with meditation and other calming exercises. Tell yourself that some people and
issues simply don't deserve your anger, emotion, reaction or time.
If you or someone you know is suffering from anger
management issues, consult a doctor today.

o you get angry easily? Do you fume when something goes against your
wish? Does your blood pressure rocket when someone tells you something
that you don't like? Anger is a normal emotion of human psychology, but it is
equally important to keep your anger under control. Just like any other
emotion, anger too varies from person to person, and the circumstances.
Uncontrolled anger can lead to mental and physical stress. It also causes
stress on relationships and damages your health. Therefore, it is important
to practice anger management exercises to control such extremes of

Here are some of the anger management tips that can help you control your

1. Think before you speak: We often say something out of anger and then regret it
later. This is a common condition that has been faced by almost everyone at some
point of time. Do not say things abruptly without thinking. Always take your time
and think over what you are about to say.
2. Express your anger once you are calm: Do not say things at the heat of the
moment. Once you calm down, express your views on things that are bothering you.
This will help you express better without hurting anyone.
3. Exercise: Regular exercise is one of the best tools to reduce stress. Light meditative
exercises performed on a regular basis such as a morning jog or deep breathing can
control your anger to a great extent.

1. Identify the specific cause: Instead of being grumpy about things that make you
angry, try to find out the root cause of the issue and eliminate it, so that you don't
have to face it again. Remind yourself that anger won't solve the problem and can
only make situations worse.
2. Hold no grudge: Holding on to the negative feelings can only have a negative
impact on your own health. Learn to forgive others. Forgiving not only keeps the
relationship healthy, but also keeps you away from stress and negative emotions.
3. Practice relaxation tactics: When your temper reaches its height, put your
relaxation tactics in action. A few tactics like deep breathing or repeating words to
yourself like "Take it easy" or "Calm down" can actually calm you down during
critical situations.
4. Take a timeout: Take short breaks during stressful times of your day. This helps to
release some of your stress and calm you down. You may also listen to music, take
a light snack or do something that you like, to spend some time away from stressful
conditions of your daily routine.

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