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Project Report

Page 1
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements fort
the award of Bachelor’s in Computer Applications

By :
Ashutosh strivastav Mayank

Madhvendra rai

Himanshu sharma

Page 2

This is to certify that the project work entitled “Air Lines Reservation

System”, which is being submitted by Mayank Kumar Gupta. Enrollment no

11818407072 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the

degree of BCA 5B (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology) in

Rajarshi School of Management & Technology is an authentic work carried

out by the student in …Ashutosh shrivastava….. under my supervisor and

guidance.I wish the student the best for his academic ventures.

Signature of Student:

Signature of Supervisor:

Name of Supervisor: …………………….


Page 3

In this modern world of competition there is a race of existence in which those

are efficient to come forward to succeed. Project is like a bridge between
theoretical and practical .so, I have joined this particular project.

Today after completing my project I feel great relief and satisfaction,

now when I look back, I still remember the day when I was assigned this
project “AIRLINES RESERVATION ". I was somewhat puzzled and a bit
nervous and curious where to begin from. This was a new exposure for me. At
this juncture of time when my project is completed, I would like to that who
provided me power to complete this work and to my parents who always
inspired and encouraged me throughout my life. Once again, I would like to
convey my sincere and special thanks to Dr.Chandra Prakash singh faculty of
Computer Science, for his kind cooperation and knowledge assistance in giving
shape to this project and great regards for all the Collage staff members who
gave me the practical knowledge of all. I believe that without their guidance the
successful completion of this project was not possible.

Signature of Student


Page 4
Table of content………………………………………………..6
Risk analysis……………………………………………..........13
Object oriented development…………………………………14
Work flow the project…………………………………………15
Feasibility study……………………………………………….16
Types of feasibilities……………………………………...........17
System design………………………………………………….20
Project design…………………………………………………..27
Table structure…………………………………………………31
1. customer.dat(stores all information for customer).............31
2. station.dat(stores all information for station)……………32
program structure………………………………………………33
flow chart……………………………………………………....35
Data flow diagram……………………………………………...53
Future scope……………………………………………………54

Page 5
Project name is “Air Lines Reservation System”.

The project is very flexible and it can be modified if the need

arises. I hope the user will find this project work quite pleasing in its
output as general sample designing has been done to enhance the view
and simple programming statement and commands have been made
use of, so that the user had no problem in understanding the listing of
the project. Files have been used to create a systematic medium of data
storage and retrieval.

I am sure that reader will like this effort and so, I wished him/her
by hearts to ahead and turn this page.

Page 6

Airways has a number of reservation offices in each city where the flights operate.
Each reservation office has a number of reservation counters to handle reservations
and cancellations. Each counter has a counter assistant who is responsible for making
reservations or cancellations. The main objective of this project to performed
reservation, cancellation and report.
In concerned to reservations, the following activities are done.
 Accepts the date, sector, and class of travel from the person and checks for the
availability of a seat in the Reservation file.
 Confirms the details with the prospective passenger and accepts the remaining
 Update the seat availability status in the reservation file and adds the passenger
details to the file. The passenger is assigned a unique Passenger Name Request
(PNR) number,
 Collects the fare amount.
 Update the Daily Collection file with the fare amount.
In concerned to cancellation, the following activities is done
Retrieves the details from the file using the PNR number.
Verifies the details of the ticket and computes the refund amount.
Updates the seat availability status in the reservations file and marks the
corresponding details of the file.
Makes the refund and prints the refund receipt.
Files the receipt along with the signature of the passenger .
Updates the Daily Collection file.

And Reports are generated as:-

 Print the confirmed and wait-listed passenger list of flights departing .
 Print the daily collection summary report.

Page 7
 It also generate view rates for different sector & view flight schedules for a
specific period
 Show status of ticket with given PNR number.
 Report on availability of flight & seats on desired date.

Page 8

The main objective of the preliminary analysis is to identify the problem, evaluate
the system concept of feasibility, and perform the economic and technical analyses
perform the cost benefit analysis. After the clarification analysis the solution
proposed it is checked that it is practical to implement that solution. This is done
through the feasibility study. It is checked for various aspects whether the
proposed solution is technically or economically feasible or not. On the basis if
which it has been categorized into four classes viz
1.) Technical

2.) Economic

3.) Operational

The outcome of the preliminary analysis should be clear so that an alternate way
to do the job can be found out?

1.Technical Feasibility:

During the technical feasibility studies following issues are taken into
1. Whether the required technology is available or not?

2. Required resources are available or not? (Manpower, programmer, software

and hardware etc)

Once the technical feasibility is established, it is important to consider the

monetary factors also. Since it might happen that developing a particular system
may be technically possible but it may be require huge investments and benefits
may be less. For evaluating this, economic feasibility of the proposed system is
carried out.

As in our proposed system our team has technically trained manpower

with knowledge of developing the system. We are going to use web technology in
our system, which is readily available. Software to be used is also available easily.
So technically the project is feasible.

Page 9
2. Economic Feasibility:
For any system if the expected benefits equal or exceed the expected costs,
the system can be judged to be economically feasible. In economic feasibility, cost
benefit analysis is done in which expected costs and benefits are evaluated.

Economic analysis is used for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed

system. In economic feasibility, the most important is cost benefit analysis. As the
name suggests, it is an analysis of the cost to be incurred in the system and
benefits derivable out of the system.

As in our institute the hardware and software required for this type of
system is already available so economically our project is feasible.

3. Operational Feasibility

The staff of the company (client) is used to the computer. They will only be
given training about the proposed system to make efficient use of it.
This feasibility study is carried out by a small group of people who are familiar
with information system techniques, who understand the part of the system that
are relevant to the project and are skilled in system analysis and design process.
Considering the above three feasibility we can say that the system is feasible and
ahead for analysis of the system.

Page 10

In the software principle we are using the incremental model (evolutionary software

process model). The incremental model combines elements of the linear sequential

model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.

The linear sequential model suggests a systemic, sequential approach to software

development that begins at the system level and progress through analysis, design,
coding and module testing, delivery and maintenance.
In this phase we will gathered all the information about the organization queries
and analysis requirement for both the system and software documented and
reviewed with the users.
After analysis we documented all the Interface representations, and algorithm
After designing, coding plays major role in software development process. We are
using JAVA(JSP) in front end, ORACLE in the back end for coding
Individual modules developed in this phase is also tested before being delivered to
the program testing phase.
Once the module has been developed. Program testing begins We will provide
some other users for testing for few days, and all problems and errors, which
overcome during testing, will be pointed out. The user requirement will be also kept
in mind and then delivery process begins.
Once the system passes all the tests, it is delivered to the customer and enters the
maintenance phase.

Page 11
Software will undoubtedly undergo changes because errors have been encountered.
So keeping requirement and testing in mind, we will make some necessary changes.

Page 12

Hardware Requirement

1. Pentium Processor or above

2. Color Monitor

3. Keyboard

4. 8 GB Hard Disk or above

5. 32 MB RAM or above

6. 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive

7. Speakers

Software Requirement

1. Windows 9x or MS-DOS 6.22

2. Turbo C++ Compiler

3. Turbo C++ Editor or any other text editor

Page 13

Project Risk: It identify potential budgetary, schedule, personnel, resource,

customer, and requirements problems and their impact on software. All

the above factors are analyzed, customer requirements are analyzed


Technical Risk: It identifies potential design, implementation, interface,

verification, and maintenance problems. All the above factors have

been analyzed.

Business Risk: (1) Software is developed keeping in mind that there is

demand in custom, so that to avoid the market risk. (2) Software is

designed to fit into the overall business strategy for the custom

department, to avoid the strategic risk. (3) The software is easily

understandable by the sales person’s team, so that they could know

much about the product working and sell in the market. (4) It has the

strong management support, and not likely to change in the

management people to avoid the management risk. (5) Software fits the

budget and there is no budget risk.

Page 14

An object-oriented system draws upon class definitions that are derived from
the analysis model. Some of these definitions will have to be built from
scratch, but many others may be reused it appropriate design patterns are
recognized. Object Oriented Design establishes a design blueprint that
enables a software engineer to define the Object Oriented architecture in
a manner that maximized reuse, thereby improving development speed
and end-product quality.
The four layers of the Object Oriented design are:
The subsystem layer: It represents each of the subsystems that enable the
software to achieve its customer-defined requirements and to implement
the technical infrastructure that supports customer requirements, in the
custom department.
The class and object layer: It contains the class hierarchies that enable the
system to be created using generalizations and increasingly more targeted
The message layer: It contains the design details that enable each object to
communicate with its collaborators. This layer establishes the external
and inters interfaces for the software.
The responsibilities layer: It contains the data structure and algorithmic design
for all attributes and operations for each object.

Page 15

 User can view list of stations along with their code, charges for document
and non-document by selecting option 1 from the main menu.

 User can book the courier by selecting option 2 from the main menu. Users
have to input details of courier, consignor and consignee, and data is saved
in the file – customer. at.

 User can search for station information by giving station code, by selecting
option 3 from the main menu.

 User can search and view customer details by selecting option 4 from the
main menu.

 User can view daily booking status by selecting option 1 from the report

 User can view monthly booking status by selecting option 2 from the report

 User can add, modify or delete station records by selecting option 1, 2 or 3

from the edit station menu.

Page 16

Steps in feasibility analysis

Eight steps are involved in the feasibility analysis. They are :

1. Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

2. Prepare system flowcharts.
3. Enumerate potential proposed systems.
4. Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.
5. Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each
proposed system.
6. Weight system performance and cost data.
7. Select the best proposed system.
8. Prepare and report final project directive to management


Page 17
1. Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the
effectiveness of a proposed system. More commonly known as cost / benefit
analysis; in this procedure we determine the benefits and savings that are
expected from a proposed system and compare them with costs. We found
the benefits outweigh the costs; we take a decision to design and implement
the new proposed system.

2. Technical Feasibility
This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will
successfully satisfy the user requirement. The technical needs of the system
may vary considerably, but might include:

· The facility to produce outputs in a given time.

· Response time under certain conditions.

· Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular speed.

· Facility to communicate data to distant location.

After examining technical feasibility, we give more importance to the

configuration of the system than the actual make of hardware. The
configuration gives the complete picture about the system's requirements:
Ten to twelve workstations are required, these units should be
interconnected through LAN so that they could operate and communicate
smoothly. They should have enough speeds of input and output to achieve a
particular quality of printing.

3. Operational Feasibility
It is mainly related to human organizational and political aspects. The
points to be considered are:

Page 18
· what changes will be brought with the system?

· what organizational structures are disturbed?

· what new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have
these skills?

· If not, can they be trained in due course of time?

Generally project will not be rejected simply because of operational

infeasibility but such considerations are likely to critically affect the nature
and scope of the eventual recommendations.

For operational feasibility study we appointed a small group of people who

are familiar with information system techniques, who understand the parts
of the business that are relevant to the project and are skilled in system
analysis and design process.

4. Social feasibility

Social feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project will be

acceptable to the people or not. This determination typically examines the
probability of the project being accepted by the group directly affected by
the proposed system change.

5. Management feasibility

Page 19
It is a determination of whether a proposed project will be acceptable to
management. If management does not accept a project or gives a negligible
support to it, the analyst will tend to view the project as a non-feasible one.

6. Legal feasibility
Legal feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project infringes
on known Acts, Statutes, as well as any pending legislation. Although in
some instances the project might appear sound, on closer investigation it
may be found to infringe on several legal areas.

7. Time feasibility

Time feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project can be

implemented fully within a stipulated time frame. If a project takes too
much time it is likely to be rejected.


Page 20

System design provides the understandings and procedural details necessary

for implementing the system recommended in the system study. Emphasis is on the
translating the performance requirements into design specifications. The design has is
a transition from a user-oriented document (System proposal) to a document oriented
to the programmers or database personnel.

System design goes through two phases of development:

1) Logical Design

2) Physical Design

A data flow diagram shows the logical flow of the system. For a system it
describes the input (source), output (destination), FILE (data stores) and procedures
(data flows) all in a format that meets the user’s requirement. When analysis prepare
the logical system design, they specify the user needs at a level of detail that virtually
determines the information flow into an out of the system and the required data
resources. The logical design also specifies input forms and screen layouts.

The activities following logical design are the procedure followed in the
physical design e.g., producing programs, software, file and a working system.
Design specifications instruct the user about what the system should do.

Logical and Output Design:

The logical design of an information system is analogous to an engineering

blue print of an automobile. It shows the major features and how they are related to
one another. The detailed specification for the new system was drawn on the bases of
user’s requirement data. The outputs inputs and databases are designed in this phase.

Output design is one of the most important features of the information system.
When the output is not of good quality the users will be averse to use the newly

Page 21
designed system and may not use the system. There are many types of output, all of
which can be either highly useful or can be critical to the users, depending on the
manner and degree to which they are used.

Outputs from computer system are required primarily to communicate the

results of processing to users; they are also used to provide a permanent hard copy of
these results for later consultation. Various types of outputs required can be listed as

 External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organization

 Internal outputs, whose destination is with the organization

 Operational outputs, whose use is purely with in the computer department

e.g., program-listing etc.

 Interactive outputs, which involve the user is communicating directly with

the computer, It is particularly important to consider human factor when
designing computer outputs. End user must find outputs easy to use and
useful to their jobs, without quality output, user may find the entire
system unnecessary and avoid using it. The term “Output” in any
information system may apply to either printer or displayed information.
During the designing the output for this system, it was taken into
consideration, whether the information to be presented in the form of
query of report or to create documents etc.

Other important factors that were taken into consideration are:

 The End user, who will use the output.

 The actual usage of the planned information

 The information that is necessary for presentation

Page 22
 When and how often output and their format is needed. While designing
output for project based Attendance Compilation System, the following
aspects of outputs designing were taken into consideration.

 The outputs (i.e., well formatted table outputs in the screen itself)
designed are simple to read and interpret.

 Format of each output was another important point taken into

consideration. Output media, for each output appropriate media is decided
whether it will be displayed on screen or will be taken to printer or both.

 Other output design related specifications, i.e., how frequently the outputs
will be generated, how many pages or sheets approximately it will keep
up, what is its planned use and output distribution to users are also taken
into account.

These were a few major designing issues, which were taken into consideration,
while deciding the output specifications for the system. As direct beneficiary of
reports is the user community, they were consulted constantly at every level. Formats
and screen design for various reports were identified, taking into account the user
requirements. Before finalising these were given to users for any improvement and
suggestions. End users issues taken into consideration were Readability, Relevance
and Acceptability.

Once all the output reports to be generated by HARS system were identified,
they were given to users for their acceptance. For prototyping various outputs, final
outputs models were created with dummy data, before they were finalized.

Output Sources:

Output contents originate from these sources:

 Retrieval from a data source.

Page 23
 Transmission from a process or system activity.

 Directly from an input source.

The information produced in an output can be presented as

 Tabular contents

 Graphic format

 Using Icons

Output Definition:

The output should be defined in terms of:

Types of outputs

 Content-headings, numeric, alphanumeric, etc.,

 Format-hardcopy, screen, microfilm, etc.,

 Location-local, remote, transmitted, etc.,

 Frequency-daily, weekly, hourly, etc.,

 Response-immediate with in a period, etc.,

Data items

The name given to each data item should be recorded and its characteristics
described clearly in a standard form:

 Whether alphanumeric or numeric

 Legitimate and specific range of characteristics

 Number of characters

Page 24
 Positions of decimal point, arithmetic design, etc.,

Input Design:

The input design is the link that ties the information system into the user’s world.
Input specifications describe the manner in which data enters the system for
processing. Input design features can ensure the reliability of the system and produce
results from accurate data, or they can result in the production of erroneous

Input Design consists of

 developing specifications and procedures for data preparation

 Steps necessary to put data into a usable form for processing.

 Data entry, the activity of putting data into the computer processing.

Objectives of Input design

Five objectives of design input focus on

 Controlling the amount of input required

 Avoid delay

 Avoiding errors in data

 Avoiding extra steps.

 Keeping the process simple.

Input stages several activities have to be carried out as part of the overall input
process. They include some or all of the following.

Page 25
Data recording (i.e., collection of data)

Data encapsulation (i.e., transfer of data)

Data conversion (i., e.controlling the flow of data)

Data transmission (i.e., transporting the data)

Data validation (i.e., checking the input data)

Data correction (i.e., correcting the errors)

Input Performa were designed, after a careful discussion with users. It was
attempted to cover all user requirements. Designed Performa were given to user for
any suggestion and final approval.

Various data items were identified and wherever necessary were recorded. As
the data concerning of HARS is voluminous in nature and number of case will grow
dynamically in future, proper care was taken for accuracy and consistency of data.

Input designs are aimed at reducing the chances of mistakes of errors. As the
human beings are prone to errors there is always a possibility of occurrence of chance
of errors. Adequate validation checks are incorporated to ensure error free data
storage. Some of the data validation checks applied are as following:

 Redundancy of data is checked. It means the records of primary key do

not occur twice.

 Primary key field of any table must not be left blank.

 Wherever items are coded, input code is checked for it’s validly with
respect to several checks.

 Utmost care has been taken to incorporate the validation at each stage of
the system. E.g. when entering records into employee information table

Page 26
for employee, it is checked that whether the corresponding employee
exists in the employee information table etc.,

Enough messages and dialogue boxes are provided while design screen, which does guide
user at the time of any errors, or at time of entry. This feature provides a user-friendly
interface to native users. It can be emphasized that input deigns of HARS system is so
designed that it ensures easy and error free data entry mechanism. Once one is sure of input
data the output formatting becomes a routine work.

Page 27

Modules & Process logic

Airways has a number of reservation offices in each city where the flights operate.
Each reservation office has a number of reservation counters to handle reservations
and cancellations. Each counter has a counter assistant who is responsible for making
reservations or cancellations. The procedure followed for performing reservations
and cancellations is given bellow.

Reservations for a flight commence 30 days before the date of the flight. The
procedure for making reservations is given below. The procedure described below
deals with the provisional reservations the can be made through telephone
On receiving request for reservation from a person, the counter assistant performs the
following activities:
 Accepts the date, sector, and class of travel from the person and checks for the
availability of a seat on the requested date. The details about the availability
seats and the seat plan are kept in the Reservation file.
 Confirms the details with the prospective passenger and accepts the remaining
details. These details include the preferences such as a window or an aisle
seat, a smoking or a non-smoking zone, meal preferences such as vegetarian or
non-vegetarian, and special service requests (SSR), such as dietary and
medical considerations.
 Update the seat availability status in the reservation file and adds the passenger
details to the file. The passenger is assigned a unique Passenger Name Request
(PNR) number, which is used to access ticket details for queries and

Page 28
 Collects the fare amount.
 Prints the ticket and gives it to the passenger.
 Update the Daily Collection file with the fare amount.

Horizon Airways also provides for overbooked and wait-listed tickets for the
economy class. Overbooking is allowed for 10 seats per flight. For example, if the
capacity of an aircraft is 340 seats, booking are made for 350 seats, that is, 340 seats
+ 10 overbooked tickets. If the number of bookings exceeds the capacity and
overbooking, a wait-listed ticket is issued to the passenger with his or her consent.
An overbooked or wait-listed passenger is accommodated on the flight depending on
the availability of a seat when the passenger checks in. A passenger who cannot be
accommodated on a flight is given full refund.

On receiving a cancellation request from a passenger the counter assistant performs
the following tasks:
Retrieves the details from the file using the PNR number.
Verifies the details of the ticket and computes the refund amount.
Updates the seat availability status in the reservations file and marks the
corresponding details of the file.
Makes the refund and prints the refund receipt.
Files the receipt along with the signature of the passenger.
Updates the Daily Collection file.
The amount of refund is calculated based on the ticket status and the date
cancellation. If the ticket is wait-listed or overbooked, full amount is refunded.

3 classes have been used in this project:


Page 29
Modules in class STATION:

 addition() : Function to add new station record in the

 modification() : Function to modify existing record of
 deletion() : Function to delete existing record of the
 list() : Function to display list of all stations.
 search() : Function to search information for
 amount() : Function to calculate and return total
amount for the given information of
 found code() : Function to return station code found in
the file or not.

Modules in class DATE:

 valid() : Function to check validity of the given


Modules in class CUSTOMER:

 booking() : Function to book courier along with

consignor and consignee information and
store in the file – customer. at.
 search() : Function to search for the customer
 daily list() : Function to display daily booking status.
 monthly list() : Function to display monthly booking
 lastcustcode() : Function to return last customer code in
the customer file.

Page 30
Page 31

Two files have been used in this project:

1. CUSTOMER.DAT (Stores all

information for customers)

 custcode : Code no. of the customer. This is unique

 Name : Name of the customer.
 Address : Address of the customer.
 Phone : Phone no. of the customer.
 Strode : Station code to which courier has to be
 Came : Consignee name.
 Cadress : Consignee address.
 Cphone : Consignee phone no.
 Type : Type of the courier (document or non-
 Weight : Weight of the courier.
 Amount : Total charges for sending the courier.
 DoB : Date of booking courier.

2. STATION.DAT (Stores all

information for Stations)

 strode : Code no. of the station.

 Name : Name of the station.

Page 32
 Doc : Charges for document.
 Docadd : Additional charges for document above
500 gms.
 Ndoc : Charges for non-document.
 ndocadd : Additional charges for non-document
above 500 gms.


3 classes have been used in this project:

Modules in class STATION:

Page 33
 addition() : Function to add new station record in the
 modification() : Function to modify existing record of
 deletion() : Function to delete existing record of the
 list() : Function to display list of all stations.
 search() : Function to search information for
 amount() : Function to calculate and return total
amount for the given information of
 foundcode() : Function to return station code found in
the file or not.

Modules in class DATE:

 valid() : Function to check validity of the give


Modules in class CUSTOMER:

 booking() : Function to book courier along with

consinor and consinee information and
store in the file – customer.dat.
 search() : Function to search for the customer

Page 34
 dailylist() : Function to display daily booking status.
 Monthlylist() : Function to display monthly booking
 lastcustcode() : Function to return last customer code in
the customer file.


Page 35

1. Station Information
2. Booking
3. Search Station
4. Customer Record MENU
5. Reports
6. Edit Station
0. Quit
Enter your Choice :

Input Ch

If Y
If IfN Page 36
Ch=0 Ch=3
6 Y N N N Y
Y 2345

Open file station.dat in read

only mode.

Page 37
Read data from file and
Display station information.

if Y
eof MENU

switch to next record

Openconsinor, consinee in
file customer.dat and
append information.

write data in file.

Page 38

Input code no. of the station

Open file station.dat in read

only mode.

Read data from file.

Page 39


if N
stcode = file.stcode

Display station information.

switch to next record

Input code no. of the customer

Open file customer.dat in

read only mode.

Read data from file.

Page 40

if Y
eof MENU

code = file.code N

Display customer information.

switch to next record

1. Daily Booking Status

2. Monthly Booking Status
0. Exit
Enter your Choice :

Input Ch

If Y

Page 41

If Y

If Y


Input Date to view status

Open file customer.dat in read

only mode.

Read data from file.

Page 42
if Y
eof 5

if N
date = booking date

Display booking information.

switch to next record


Input month & year to view status

Open file customer.dat in read

only mode.

Read data from file.

Page 43
if Y
eof 5

if N
month = booking month

Display booking information.

switch to next record

1. Add new station record

2. Record
3. Modify Record
0. Exit
Enter your Choice :

Input Ch

If Y

Page 44


If Y

If Y
Ch=3 E3

If Y


Input station information.

Open file station.dat in append


Page 45
write data in file.


Input code no. of the station

Open master file station.dat in read mode.

Open transaction file in write mode

Page 46
Open master file station.dat in write mode.
Open transaction file in read mode
Read all the records from master file and
write in transaction file accept the record
to be deleted.

Read all the records from transaction file

and write in master file.


Input code no. of the station

Open master file station.dat in read mode.

Open transaction file in write mode

Page 47
Open master file station.dat in write mode.
Open transaction file in read mode
Read all the records from master file and
write in transaction file with updation.

Page 48

Page 49

The overall logical structure of a database can be express graphically by an E-R-

Diagram. Then relative simplicity and pictorial clarity of this diagramming technique

may well System in large part for the wide spread use of the E-R model.

7.1.1 components of E-R Diagram:

 Rectangle: which represent entity sets

 Ellipses: which represent attributes

 Diamonds: which represent relationships sets

 Lines: which link attribute to entity set and entity set to relationship


 Double ellipses: which represent multi values attributes

 Dashed ellipses: which denote derived attributes

Page 50
Entity-Relationship Diagram
The following diagram depicts various entities involved in the airline
reservation system the attributes of entities and the relationships between entities:
Seat R First Class Seats
Aircraft available
Meal Zone Statu Type
Flag Flight Dep. Time
Seat No.


Class Boar
Travel Business

Class Seats
Age PNR No.
Economy Class Seats available
First Name
Last Name

Sector SECTOR Week Day 2


Week Day 1

First Class Fare Economy Class Fare

Business Class

The Entity-Relationship Diagram for the Airlines Reservation System

Page 51

Full descriptions of the system actually consist of a set of data flow diagram.


Here we have used YOURDON’s data flow symbols.

 Dataflow: Data move in a specific direction from and origin

to a destination the form of a document.

 Process: People, procedures or device that use or produced

data. The physical component is not identified.

 Source or destination: External source or destinations of data

interact with the system. The terms source and sink are

interchangeable with origin and destination.

 Data store: Here data are store or referenced by a process in the


Page 52
Data Flow Diagram

Check waiting Status Query waiting list & Daily

Reservation/Cancellation Update available seat/amount

Ask availability of seat,
Fare & schedule
Airways Feed complete detail
Customer Counter Assistant
Reservatio Generate PNR No.
Response availability
n System
of seat, Fare & schedule
Cancellation response Ticket Print

Waiting status Response waiting list & Daily



Page 53
This project “HORIZON AIRWAYS RESERVATION SYSTEM” is very flexible and
simple. The system will be developed as a module of the airways system and will be
well documented.
Following modifications are possible in future:

 New modules and functionality can be added without many troubles.

 Automatic reservation by customer through Credit Card No. & PIN No.
 This module should be developed as an affiliate program that can be easily
integrated with various Web sites.


Page 54
During making this project I learn c++ and for


I took help from these various books.

1. Object Oriented programming ( Robert lafore )

2. Object oriented programming ( E.Balagurusamy )

3. Introduction to c++(Sumita arora)

4. Let Us C(Yashwant kanitkar)

5. Software Engineering: ROGER S PRESSMAN

6. System Analysis and Design Methods: GALGOTIA PUBLICATIONS

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