Paper 2 Answers

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9749/02 GCE A Level Higher 2 - Marking Guide For Examination

SPEC lMEN from 2017

Question Answer Marks

1(a)(i) a = 2 x 0.80 =3 91 ms- 2 A1
0.64 2 .

1(a)(ii) Ja = Js + 2Jt = 0.01 + 2 x 0.02 = 0 075 C1

a s t 0.80 0.64 . .
actual uncertainty = (0.075 x 3.91 =) 0.29 C1
3.9 ± 0.3(ms-2 ) A1
1(a)(iii) (v 2 = 2as,) v = / 2 x 3.91 x 0.80 = 2.5 ms­ 1 OR M1
(v = at,) v = 3.9 x 0.64 = 2.5 m S-1
1(b )(i) inelastic, there is less KE after the impact A1
OR inelastic, the velocity of separation t velocity of approach
1(b)(ii) Llp = 0.35(2 .5 - (- 1.8)) = 1.505 C1

F = (i\P = .505
M 0.06

F= 25 N A1
1(b)(iii) not conserved, block is not a closed system A1
OR is conserved , there is a corresponding change in momentum of the barrier
(and ramp)

Question Answer Marks

2(a) sum of kinetic and potential energies of molecules in a system M1
reference to random motion of molecules A1
2(b )(i) 1.01 x 105 x 600 = 6.06 x 10 7 J B1
2(b)(ii) KE increases as temperature increases B1
no change in PE B1
so the internal energy increases AO
2(b )(iii) Q = 116 + 61 = 177 MJ C1
177 x 106 /50 x 106 = 3.5kg A1
2(b)(iv) 2200 = 2800 81
T 378
(T = 297 K) temperature = 24 °C 81

Question Answer Marks

3(a) Any three from: 83
• two waves travel in opposite directions and overlap
• same/similar amplitude
• same frequency and speed
• same plane of polarisation
3(b)(i) change in depth of water 81
3(b)(ii) correct diagram M1
N on water, AN at top A1

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9749/02 GCE A Level Higher 2 - Marking Guide For Examination
SPECIMEN from 2017

Question Answer Marks

3(b)(iii) vibrate along axis of tube 81
with maximum amplitude 81
3(b )(iv) 480 x 0.18 x 4 C1
346ms- 1 A1
3(b)(v) Al3 so f x 3 C1
(480 x 3 =) 1440Hz A1
- - -- -_ .. -.
Question An swer Marks
I 4(a) force per unit positive charge 81
4(b )(i) sphere drawn displaced to the left 81
4(b )(ii) E=V C1

= 5700 = 28500 A1

NC-1 (or Vm- 1)

4(b )(iii) F= Eq =28500 x 4.0 x 10-9 C1
= 1.14 x lO-4N A1
4(b)(iv) e - t -1 1.14 X 10-
- an (0.025 x 10 3 x 9.81)

=25° A1
4(b )(v) the field is non-uniform with sphere added / M1
the field is stronger between the sphere and the negative plate
j larger angle of deflection A1

Question Answer Marks

5(a) for a length of wire I: M1
number of charge carriers in volume =nAI
total charge in this volume =nAlq
I =drift velocity x time, so total charge
=nAvtq M1
current =total charge / time =nAvtq / t =nAvq A1
Total charge in volume =nAlq M1
t = II v M1
I =total charge / time =nAlq/(l / v) =nA vq A1
5(b )(i) v= 0.24 C1
8.5 x 10 (0.19 x 10- 3
f x n x 1.6 x 10- 19

= 1.56 x 10-4 ms-1 A1

5(b )(ii) the cha rge carriers experience electrical forces/accelerations in all directions 81
as a result of collisions with lattice ions.

I This produces a range of velocities: the drift velocity is an average 81

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9749/02 GCE A Level Higher 2 - Marking Guide For Examination
SPECIMEN from 2017

Question Answer Marks

5(b)(iii) (constant R, p.d. doubled) so current doubled . Since n unchanged M1
drift velocity doubled A1
5(c) electric field established almost instantaneously / all electrons in the wire and 81
filament start to move together
6(a) a = 4 x n x 10- 7
x 0.32 OR a = 4 x n x 10- 7
x 0.08 C1
2x n x 0.06 2x n x 0.06
4x n x 10-7 x 0.32 4x n x 10-7 x 0.08 C1
2 x n x 0.06 2 x n x 0.06
resultant a = 8.0 x 1O-7 T A1
6(b) force on wire is (vertically) upwards and so (by Newton's third law) there is an 81
equal and opposite force on the magnet
force on wire = all C1
= 0.065 x 2.2 x 0.040 = 5.72 x 10-3 N C1
reading on balance = 1.1772 + 0.00572 = 1.1829 N A1

Question Answer Marks

7(a) greater lattice vibrations M1
lower drift velocity A1
7(b)(i) connect cells in series 81
7(b )(ii) connect cells in parallel 81
7(c)(i) passive: movement of coolant is driven by heat loss from panel 81
7(c)(ii) active cooling could fail/active cooling needs energy input, increasing costs 81
or decreasing system output/difficult to eliminate passive cool ing
7(d) site panel so that there is an air gap around it 81
e.g. mount panels a small distance above the roof/ li n open space/ clear from
obstructions/spaced out in a field
7(e)(i) 6.4 V, 7.6V 81
7(e )(ii) little / no change to current at low voltages 81
at lower temperature, greater current at higher voltage 81
7(e)(iii) best-fit straight line drawn 81
7(e)(iv) Use of gradient to determine f1 C1
f1 = 0.12voC-1 A1 ,

~R- 25°C A1
7(e)(v) (7.6 = 0.12(25 - T) + 6.4), T = 15°C 81
7(e)(vi) rectangle drawn below line M1
correct area indicated (6.0 V and 0.048A) A1
7(e)(vii) Use of area of rectangle or P = IV C1
P=0.5W A1

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SPECIMEN from 20 17

! Question I Answer Marks


7(f)(i) better ch ance of capturing photons/photons of a greater range of freque ncies B1

(contained within sunlight) can be captured
7(f)(ii) input power increases as angle of incidence on panel decreases B1

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